17,340 messages
Between 01-Apr-18 12:00 AM and 07-Jan-19 12:00 AM
Punk 19-Apr-18 05:53 PM
RaptorJesus 19-Apr-18 06:10 PM
@Subreddit Mods Welcome nerds
Ocypode 19-Apr-18 06:10 PM
sup nerds
RaptorJesus 19-Apr-18 06:11 PM
So first of all congrats
Doctor Bread 19-Apr-18 06:12 PM
RaptorJesus 19-Apr-18 06:12 PM
Thank you guys for volunteering to moderate the subreddit. It's a thankless job and you will be shit on by randoms on the internet for being literal nazi mods
As for communication, this will be the main communication channel
Feel free to @ here whenever something urgent comes up or @ any of the senior mods if you have any problems
We run a pretty loose ship in terms of moderation styles, we ask you moderate according to the subreddit rules and not over reach when it comes to removing content or banning users unless it's egregious
I'll be home from work around 5:30 PST and can hop into voice chat if you have any questions about content, removals, whatever
Feel free to start working through the moderation queue at your own paces
I'm not sure if Natt sent out the invites yet
Doctor Bread 19-Apr-18 06:14 PM
Nope, not yet
RaptorJesus 19-Apr-18 06:15 PM
One sec
Ocypode 19-Apr-18 06:15 PM
I'm used to being shit on by randoms on the internet for being nazi, all good
Doctor Bread 19-Apr-18 06:15 PM
RaptorJesus 19-Apr-18 06:16 PM
Just added you all
Let me know if you have any access problems.
Ocypode 19-Apr-18 06:16 PM
Got it
RaptorJesus 19-Apr-18 06:16 PM
A set of tools to be used by moderators on reddit in order to make their jobs easier.
Ocypode 19-Apr-18 06:16 PM
Punk 19-Apr-18 06:17 PM
Also we got hot memes in this discord
So everyone drop a good one
I'll start
RaptorJesus 19-Apr-18 06:17 PM
Yeah we like to keep it light here
Punk 19-Apr-18 06:17 PM
Ocypode 19-Apr-18 06:17 PM
Hmm let me find one
from pc
Punk 19-Apr-18 06:17 PM
>having to search
You're not gunna make it
Ocypode 19-Apr-18 06:18 PM
RaptorJesus 19-Apr-18 06:18 PM
Ocypode 19-Apr-18 06:18 PM
Doctor Bread 19-Apr-18 06:19 PM
Oh nice, never used mod toolbox, looks handy
A bit too colorful
Jisifus 19-Apr-18 06:20 PM
hey guys
Doctor Bread 19-Apr-18 06:20 PM
Automod action: A phrase was caught in the nigger filter: "nigger". lol
Punk 19-Apr-18 06:20 PM
Yeah it leaves little up for interpretation.
Ocypode 19-Apr-18 06:21 PM
Gotta learn to use this shit now
RaptorJesus 19-Apr-18 06:21 PM
So in terms of moderation, most of our mod actions is literally removing duplicates, flairing posts, and banning people who are stepping across the line
We typically only ban those who break reddit TOS, but using language that incites violence can be bannable on sight
Jisifus 19-Apr-18 06:22 PM
can I take a look at your AM config?
RaptorJesus 19-Apr-18 06:22 PM
IE: Stupid whore deserves to be shot, dumb trihards kill them all, etc
Doctor Bread 19-Apr-18 06:23 PM
I've tried to figure out your guys "stepping across the line" point, but there are some comments that I would remove that I'm not sure if they're okay with you, or if you just didn't see it
But I'll try to figure that out and ask you for clarification
RaptorJesus 19-Apr-18 06:23 PM
Most of the time we just dont see them
But yeah feel free to link to them and ask for clarification
Doctor Bread 19-Apr-18 06:23 PM
I figured, pretty small mod team for a sub this big and active
RaptorJesus 19-Apr-18 06:23 PM
after awhile you'll get a feel for it
Jisifus 19-Apr-18 06:24 PM
sorry if thats a weird question to start with but i'm very familiar with modqueue already and i think i might have some stuff from my default subs that you guys missed (edited)
Doctor Bread 19-Apr-18 06:25 PM
I'll stick with removing obviously not LSF posts and obviously false reports, and I'll ask you guys for a few days about comments I think that step over the line
ImNATT 19-Apr-18 06:27 PM
What would that be @Jisifus ?
Jisifus 19-Apr-18 06:27 PM
sorry, you mentioned using toolbox but it doesn't look like you have removal reasons set up?
ImNATT 19-Apr-18 06:27 PM
We have
Jisifus 19-Apr-18 06:28 PM
weird, probably an issue on my side then
just larger lists for words, characters etc
nothing rule specific, just straight up insults and stuff
i thought i had a good one for /r/oneplus until i got access to default subs, its really really comprehensive
ImNATT 19-Apr-18 06:30 PM
Send a pastebin
Jisifus 19-Apr-18 06:30 PM
pretty sure the toolbox config is stored in the wiki, which we dont have access to
thats why we dont see any removal reasons
just a sec
ImNATT 19-Apr-18 06:31 PM
Jisifus 19-Apr-18 06:32 PM
so there's 20 lines of star wars spoilers regex, just to give you an idea lmao
Doctor Bread 19-Apr-18 06:32 PM
What kind of timelines do you guys do for infractions?
What's usually a day ban, a week, perm, etc
RaptorJesus 19-Apr-18 06:33 PM
Every mod is different right now in that aspect, but I typically do 7 days, 1 month, 3 months, perma
Doctor Bread 19-Apr-18 06:34 PM
You sound like me, I'm pretty harsh too lol
RaptorJesus 19-Apr-18 06:34 PM
I mostly just jump to perma for those who are obviously racist and posting racist shit
or the violence posts
If there are any threats made, auto perma
Doctor Bread 19-Apr-18 06:35 PM
I'm just usually harsh cause you'll look at someone being overtly racist or something's history, and you'll see it's like every other comment they make is the same
I dunno, how about something like this that's in the mod queue right now "I think the world would be much better off had your mother aborted you. Destiny actually contributes to society by providing entertainment for thousands of people, while you sit here on a forum making dumb comments because you have nothing better to do with your time."
RaptorJesus 19-Apr-18 06:37 PM
Typically I approve those types of comments because its not inciting violence, its just rude
Jisifus 19-Apr-18 06:37 PM
there's still some /r/nottheonion stuff left but most of the rules are very good at catching spam/dox/slurs/racism and t͈͓̕h̲͇̙e̘̖̕s̙̻e̯̭̪ ̰f̞̺͞u̘̹̕c̖̭̩k̞̙͔i̥̥͠n͔̞̺g͉͇̕ ͕̀ͅt̮h̹̝̤í͚̙n̷͇̻ģ̲ͅs͇͕͟
RaptorJesus 19-Apr-18 06:37 PM
Its mean, but its not inciting violence, its not racist
Doctor Bread 19-Apr-18 06:37 PM
Okay, so rudeness is fine and let the downvote/upvotes settle it
RaptorJesus 19-Apr-18 06:37 PM
Doctor Bread 19-Apr-18 06:38 PM
How about if someone's like "fuck you you dumb nigger" even though it's not saying like "all niggers are terrible people"
RaptorJesus 19-Apr-18 06:38 PM
Also if someone tells someone to kill themselves we remove those
Doctor Bread 19-Apr-18 06:38 PM
Still steps over the line, right?
RaptorJesus 19-Apr-18 06:38 PM
and yeah thats over the line
Jisifus 19-Apr-18 06:39 PM
@ImNATT removal reasons are working, thanks
wait, are direct image posts allowed?
RaptorJesus 19-Apr-18 06:39 PM
Depends on context
If someone links to an image that was taken during a stream or involves a streamer (that isnt involuntary pornography by the way)
Thats another big thing
If someone has a nip slip or something happen, if they request it to removed via mod mail, remove it without question
Jisifus 19-Apr-18 06:40 PM
oh thats a big one, got it
RaptorJesus 19-Apr-18 06:40 PM
Any sort of involuntary pornography should be removed when requested by a streamer
Jisifus 19-Apr-18 06:42 PM
@ImNATT the filters I sent would send comments like these to modqueue too, just to give an example

https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/8dfw2i/nrg_ceo_leaks_dm_between_ice_poseidon_for_no/dxna576/ (edited)
r/LivestreamFail: Welcome to /r/LivestreamFail: the place for almost anything livestream related. We accept Livecap/Oddshots/twitch clips, GIFs, VoDs and YouTube vids.

No moderators of this subreddit work for Twitch.
Doctor Bread 19-Apr-18 06:42 PM
Looking at the two comments in the mod queue right now, what would you do with the two of those?
That nig nog one being one of them
Punk 19-Apr-18 06:43 PM
I'd hit him with a 2 week for shitposting
Doctor Bread 19-Apr-18 06:43 PM
https://www.reddit.com/user/notaltright10 Even considering his posting history?
Ocypode 19-Apr-18 06:43 PM
Btw can I still comment or reply on posts in /r/livestreamfail without it having to be super official "beep boop I'm a mod"
I rarely do
Doctor Bread 19-Apr-18 06:43 PM
Yeah, you can choose to flair yourself or not
ImNATT 19-Apr-18 06:44 PM
Ocypode 19-Apr-18 06:44 PM
But if it happens
Punk 19-Apr-18 06:44 PM
Scratch that
Troll account
Doctor Bread 19-Apr-18 06:44 PM
Yeah, I assumed so, lol
Jisifus 19-Apr-18 06:44 PM
6 day old account posting on t_d is the biggest fucking red flag there is lmao
Punk 19-Apr-18 06:44 PM
Phone discord's having a conniption
Doctor Bread 19-Apr-18 06:45 PM
Did you ban him already jisifus? I gotta get my first perm ban in otherwise
Jisifus 19-Apr-18 06:45 PM
go for it
Doctor Bread 19-Apr-18 06:45 PM
ImNATT 19-Apr-18 06:45 PM
Some of the filters could be copied
I'll read further into them tomorrow.
Doctor Bread 19-Apr-18 06:47 PM
Are crosslinks to other subs allowed? I forget. There's the one with more detail about NRG scamming Ice that got removed by automod
As long as it's streamer relevant
Punk 19-Apr-18 06:48 PM
Only NPs
Doctor Bread 19-Apr-18 06:49 PM
Yeah, it's not NP in this case
ImNATT 19-Apr-18 06:49 PM
One more thing: Mediocracy gets determined by the upvotes a post has. If it sits at 0 after atleast two hours remove it, but not earlier than two hours so it has a chance to be seen.
Doctor Bread 19-Apr-18 06:50 PM
As like a general rule for all submissions on the sub? (edited)
ImNATT 19-Apr-18 06:51 PM
Yes. That's the reason you'll select the most.
Doctor Bread 19-Apr-18 06:51 PM
Ah, rule 3, I see
Alright, feel free to swear at me or let me know if I mess anything up, I'll try to err on the side of permissiveness until I get the hang of the mod culture
ImNATT 19-Apr-18 06:54 PM
If you're unsure about anything, feel free to ping one of the other mods. I'm off for the day. 💤
Ocypode 19-Apr-18 06:55 PM
Think I just did my first thing
Doctor Bread 19-Apr-18 06:55 PM
What's that?
Jisifus 19-Apr-18 06:55 PM
should we be concerned? 😄
ImNATT 19-Apr-18 06:55 PM
You caught a self promoter, GJ
Ocypode 19-Apr-18 06:55 PM
I removed a post
Jisifus 19-Apr-18 06:56 PM
oh that
Jisifus 19-Apr-18 06:56 PM
boy do i have bad news for you
Punk 19-Apr-18 06:58 PM
oh yeah we hit self promoters with 30 days escalating to permas
or I do anyway
I think raptor just permas them as is lol
Jisifus 19-Apr-18 06:58 PM
yes this is what we call "at their own descretion" 😎
Ocypode 19-Apr-18 06:59 PM
Jisifus 19-Apr-18 07:17 PM
@Punk favourite warframe? (not judgmental)
Punk 19-Apr-18 07:17 PM
sorry shitposting in wfg about the update devstream rn
then atlas
Jisifus 19-Apr-18 07:17 PM
just glad u didnt say ember
we gucci
Punk 19-Apr-18 07:17 PM
Jisifus 19-Apr-18 07:18 PM
wait the devstream is right now?
Punk 19-Apr-18 07:18 PM
Prime Time #204: April 19th @ 7 p.m ET!
hop in
they're playing the new gamemode
and it looks excellent
free radiant relics
scaling focus
best update in a very long time
Doctor Bread 19-Apr-18 07:19 PM
I haven't played in like a year, but I always liked Trinity and Banshee and Nidus
Are they still any good?
Punk 19-Apr-18 07:19 PM
nidus is absurrd
trinity is still awesome but nerfed
(still broken by design)
and banshee is good at two specific things
but very good
Jisifus 19-Apr-18 07:21 PM
banshee = bereniyah machine
there's a second specific thing? 😂
Punk 19-Apr-18 07:25 PM
buy the plat
have this rare and exclusive coupon!
Doctor Bread 19-Apr-18 07:44 PM
I bought most of my plat off playerauctions, so much cheaper
They really jew you with official prices
Jisifus 19-Apr-18 07:44 PM
Buying plat with real money while having acolyte mods stockpiled LOL
Good with money btw
Yeah I only trade on warframe.market
RaptorJesus 19-Apr-18 08:00 PM
We hired a bunch of warframe players to moderate, fuck
Doctor Bread 19-Apr-18 08:03 PM
Lol I only played for like 2 months a year or so ago
Unlocked everything / got all mods / leveled pretty much everything and realized I screwed myself using plat to unlock stuff, since there was literally nothing else to do
Dunno if it's still a collector simulator or not these days or if it has real endgame content
@RaptorJesus This would be inciting violence, correct? https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/8dho6h/old_man_roast_egirl_lul/dxnneeo/?context=3 (edited)
3691 points and 666 comments so far on reddit
RaptorJesus 19-Apr-18 08:51 PM
Doctor Bread 19-Apr-18 08:51 PM
And you said perm for that?
RaptorJesus 19-Apr-18 08:51 PM
Doctor Bread 19-Apr-18 08:52 PM
Do you guys usually do ban reasoning messages? (edited)
RaptorJesus 19-Apr-18 08:52 PM
Typically yes
unless they're just so dumb and far beyond saving that it wouldnt be worth the headache
Doctor Bread 19-Apr-18 11:15 PM
Do you guys ever unban perma-banned people? I checked out that one dude who was asking to be unbanned and it seems his behavior has not improved whatsoever
RaptorJesus 19-Apr-18 11:26 PM
HalfOfAKebab 20-Apr-18 02:16 AM
depends really
if someone asks me to unban them, and i'm the one who unbanned them, i'll see what they actually did
natt and raptor are way more harsh than me though so lol
Jisifus 20-Apr-18 06:20 AM
uuuh i got something special for ya
toolbox ban macro
looks like this
@ImNATT what do you think?
ImNATT 20-Apr-18 06:46 AM
Looks useful.
But how do you use it?
Do you just paste the permalink to the offending comment/post in the ban note?
Jisifus 20-Apr-18 06:50 AM
no the things get replaced automatically
its there when you ban someone using the toolbox "M"
let me add it real quick so you can see
the "ban note" is just the link to the comment/post so you can take a look at it afterwards in the list
talking about this shortcut btw
ImNATT 20-Apr-18 06:53 AM
I use that button all the time. I had no idea you could set up even more macros with it
Jisifus 20-Apr-18 06:53 AM
well, now you know. enjoy! 😄
if you dont like it just tell me, its fully customizable
ImNATT 20-Apr-18 06:53 AM
Sure, we'll use it over the weekend and see how we like it.
wtf does this do:

#anti-M E M E S
body(regex, includes, case-sensitive): ['((#|#{3}|#{5})?[\\_]{0,2}[A-Z''][\\]{0,3})((\s{1,3}|\n\n|\s\s\n{1,2})((#|#{3}|#{5})?[\*\]{0,2}[A-Z''][\*\_]{0,3})){3,}']
action: filter
action_reason: "anti-M E M E: [{{match}}]"
Jisifus 20-Apr-18 06:55 AM
ImNATT 20-Apr-18 06:55 AM
oh i like those
Jisifus 20-Apr-18 06:55 AM
alright throw it out then
ImNATT 20-Apr-18 06:55 AM
when they're done creatively
I feel like if we implement those AutoMod rules, half of our userbase would be gone and the comments would turn into a wasteland.
Jisifus 20-Apr-18 06:57 AM
which ones are you referring to?
Jisifus 20-Apr-18 06:58 AM
yes, some are very strict because there is a lot of heated/political discussion on /r/nottheonion
just keep in mind that almost all of these rules have "filter" set as an AM action, so you can always approve things
Ocypode 20-Apr-18 11:40 AM
what do we do with duplicate posts, like when theres one already on front page etc and people still post the same shit 1h later and so on
Punk 20-Apr-18 12:00 PM
ImNATT 20-Apr-18 12:06 PM
@Used Slinky Are you here?
Doctor Bread 20-Apr-18 12:35 PM
I haven't seen him talk since you invited him yesterday, he's creepin me out
Ocypode 20-Apr-18 12:50 PM
Punk 20-Apr-18 12:59 PM
I just ban white people
So it's good you guys are providing better reasons
Doctor Bread 20-Apr-18 01:11 PM
Used Slinky 20-Apr-18 05:09 PM
yo bruh im here to clean the sub not interact with you chads, ya'll too intimidating
Ocypode 20-Apr-18 05:53 PM
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 01:05 AM
@RaptorJesus How come you removed <https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/8dr8z5/ape_confronting_mitch_about_the_hotel_incident/>;

Guy is asking in modmail and I have no answer for him, not disagreeing with your decision though, just wanted to give him an answer (edited)
RaptorJesus 21-Apr-18 01:06 AM
Inside joke, nobody knows what the fuck the video is referencing unless you watch the streamer
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 01:06 AM
Ah okay
RaptorJesus 21-Apr-18 02:39 AM
232 points and 64 comments so far on reddit
Why was this made into an announcement ?
Punk 21-Apr-18 02:54 AM
@Doctor Bread hey you sure on all your self promotion bans?
a couple of those guys just seemed like regular viewers of low-count streamers
if you're not 100% just delete the clip and see what they post in the future
Used Slinky 21-Apr-18 03:19 AM
yeah i gotta agree i went threw a few and they were reported self promotion with no evidence in previous post imo
cause im drunk AF and clicked the wrong thing lmao i fixed it now though
Used Slinky 21-Apr-18 10:38 AM
oh are we allowing nigger mb , i didnt know
If that word is GTG i will reapprove
Punk 21-Apr-18 11:20 AM
Uh it depends
Generally no because 90% of the time it's a verbal attack on someone else
But there's the occassional case when people are discussing the usage of the word
And we let upvotes/downvotes handle those scenarios
Used Slinky 21-Apr-18 11:29 AM
yeah it wasnt a personal attack will re- approve, Whats our stance on unbanning people. Looking at u/IsThatOffensive and you can see in his post history when he was spamming was right around when he got banned. Current history looks okay enough for me to to unban IMO.
Jisifus 21-Apr-18 11:49 AM
Can't check the specific case right now, but if the ban was like a year ago and their current history looks good I'd unban
Used Slinky 21-Apr-18 12:44 PM
7 months ago
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 01:10 PM
@Punk I checked them all and they were mods of the respective channels
I believe that counts, no?
And most of those accounts are brand new, so I reckon it went something like "hey mods, make a reddit account and post that clip on LSF" if I had to guess
Punk 21-Apr-18 01:15 PM
Aight that works
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 01:15 PM
I'm not removing every new streamer clip of course, just if they're dumb enough to make their reddit username their twitch name, then I go in to the channel and /mods it and it usually lines up (edited)
Frankly I'm surprised people don't try to hide it more
Did you unban that guy @Used Slinky? He looks fine, and what he was banned for was making like 3 non-offensive posts on one of Gengar's submissions
Punk 21-Apr-18 01:21 PM
Go ahead and unban him if he hasn't
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 01:22 PM
@Punk here's a self promo example like the ones last nighthttps://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/8dvzjz/was_that_the_n_word/
0 points and 0 comments so far on reddit
Zepthus submitted, clipped by zepthusTV, moderator for that channel
Self promo, right?
Punk 21-Apr-18 01:23 PM
You can axe him
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 01:23 PM
These people just can't grow themselves organically since they have no real personality or entertainment value ¯\(ツ)
Punk 21-Apr-18 01:24 PM
Also I don't know if it was mentioned by @RaptorJesus but it's mod tradition to subscribe to me on twitch
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 01:24 PM
Oh, I've been doing 30 days for self promo since that looked like the standard, should I change it?
Punk 21-Apr-18 01:24 PM
Nope that's fine
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 01:24 PM
I'm sure these people on 1 karma accounts don't care but eh
Punk 21-Apr-18 01:25 PM
Just because you get the occassional mod say "oops didn't know" on their active accounts
So 30days are fine
Make a note of it on them though
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 01:25 PM
Make a user note that they're a mod of a certain channel?
Punk 21-Apr-18 01:26 PM
No, just a strike for self promo
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 01:27 PM
Oh I see
Yeah, the desperation is real
Punk 21-Apr-18 01:29 PM
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 01:29 PM
Most of the ones I banned last night were mods of female channels, but I'm not surprised
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 05:38 PM
Oh man, Verne Troyer just died
Ocypode 21-Apr-18 05:55 PM
may he rip
Used Slinky 21-Apr-18 06:41 PM
if there are dupe threads like this do we take one down? No reports or anything.
46 points and 16 comments so far on reddit
62 points and 42 comments so far on reddit
ImNATT 21-Apr-18 06:44 PM
Yes. In this case you take down the post with less upvotes/comments. (edited)
Used Slinky 21-Apr-18 06:44 PM
Jisifus 21-Apr-18 07:53 PM
r/LivestreamFail: Welcome to /r/LivestreamFail: the place for almost anything livestream related. We accept Livecap/Oddshots/twitch clips, GIFs, VoDs and YouTube vids.

No moderators of this subreddit work for Twitch.
Jisifus 21-Apr-18 09:03 PM
@Ocypode I wouldve removed the "guy snorting coke" one for clickbait
Ocypode 21-Apr-18 09:04 PM
Ye it was just so stupid that I didn't know what to pick
Was thinking of clickbait
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 09:04 PM
@Jisifus think I hit the wrong button on that one
Cause I banned that guy for spamming in some other threads
Jisifus 21-Apr-18 09:04 PM
There was a clip with context in the comments, thats why the title was straight up wrong
yeah i saw that you banned him, thats why i was confused 😄 all good i rmd it
Ocypode 21-Apr-18 09:04 PM
yeah there was context but I didn't notice a clip
But anyway, it's gone all gucchi
Jisifus 21-Apr-18 09:05 PM
if anybody finds the option to sticky removal reason comments tell me
cus having to scroll down if you want to see the removal reasons is annoying
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 09:05 PM
are you not seeing that?
Jisifus 21-Apr-18 09:06 PM
where's that?
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 09:06 PM
I mean that's just my pop up window for if I hit remove on a submission
Jisifus 21-Apr-18 09:06 PM
oooh right
Ocypode 21-Apr-18 09:06 PM
Oh I've been wondering that too, gonna use it from now on
Jisifus 21-Apr-18 09:06 PM
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 09:06 PM
I usually send them a PM so I don't clog up my comment history, lol
Jisifus 21-Apr-18 09:07 PM
yeah you'll have to change that too... welcome to the mod life buddy 😄
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 09:07 PM
Well I just have to click send PM each time which is a little annoying but w/e
Jisifus 21-Apr-18 09:08 PM
remember that everything you do has to be comprehensible and transparent
i mean both isn't an issue i think
but if a thread is missing the comment its irritating
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 09:08 PM
I would just do a sticky comment if it's like an upvoted post that needs to be removed for a rule break, but I've mostly just been removing the 0 upvotes ones as of now
Jisifus 21-Apr-18 09:08 PM
just talking out of personal experience
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 09:09 PM
But yeah, if it's one people other than the OP would bitch about or cry nazi mods, having the rule broken stickied in a comment makes sense
I just don't want 500x "your garbage ass post has been removed" in my history, lol
Ocypode 21-Apr-18 09:09 PM
Did someone mention transparent
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 09:09 PM
Jisifus 21-Apr-18 09:09 PM
stupid fucking mistakes man
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 09:10 PM
Ocypode 21-Apr-18 09:10 PM
Jisifus 21-Apr-18 09:10 PM
wait why arent all twitch emotes in here
im not a nitro nerd (edited)
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 09:10 PM
I think this discord is new?
I've got most of them on mine but 50 limit
Ocypode 21-Apr-18 09:11 PM
Jisifus 21-Apr-18 09:11 PM
cant wait for mine to get partnered already
1k members is really fucking hard
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 09:12 PM
lol who banned Mitsurugi
you got a message waiting for you in modmail
Ocypode 21-Apr-18 09:12 PM
hahah dunno
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 09:12 PM
Jisi did XD
He sent you an apology message
Ocypode 21-Apr-18 09:12 PM
your mods are faggots, kys all yall
Jisifus 21-Apr-18 09:12 PM
wait who dat
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 09:13 PM
someone you banned for spamming nigger
Jisifus 21-Apr-18 09:13 PM
Ocypode 21-Apr-18 09:13 PM
haha get rekt
what an idiot
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 09:13 PM
or for asking why Trihex's gf is white
not sure which you banned for
Ocypode 21-Apr-18 09:13 PM
Must be a 16 year old I swear
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 09:13 PM
I mean yeah, most are underage
I'm 26 and don't even watch streams but I like checking the top clips for the day, lol
Jisifus 21-Apr-18 09:14 PM
i just banned him for like a week i think
Ocypode 21-Apr-18 09:14 PM
yeah it says 7 days
Jisifus 21-Apr-18 09:14 PM
if he talks shit hes getting the free upgrade
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 09:14 PM
Yeah, on the ban list it shows him as perm for me though
He told you to kys, smash that perm button
Jisifus 21-Apr-18 09:14 PM
wait how did i miss that modmail???
Ocypode 21-Apr-18 09:15 PM
Don't smash it!
Jisifus 21-Apr-18 09:15 PM
wait i dont see any modmail from this sub
what the hell
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 09:15 PM
Jisifus 21-Apr-18 09:15 PM
Ocypode 21-Apr-18 09:15 PM
Theres a button for mod mail on the bottom right
thats where I found it
Jisifus 21-Apr-18 09:15 PM
oh thats new modmail
Ocypode 21-Apr-18 09:15 PM
I don't see any notifications atleast
Jisifus 21-Apr-18 09:15 PM
rip then
Ocypode 21-Apr-18 09:15 PM
I just found it there
Jisifus 21-Apr-18 09:15 PM
i refuse to use that
Ocypode 21-Apr-18 09:16 PM
First time moderating reddit btw
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 09:16 PM
I have but I haven't used this toolbox app, it's handy though
Jisifus 21-Apr-18 09:16 PM
i think i muted him
what the fuck is that modmail???
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 09:17 PM
I don't like to mute people, I'll usually talk to them
See what kind of crazy nonsense they come up with
Jisifus 21-Apr-18 09:17 PM
the guy spammed nigger on livestreamfails, what do you want to talk to him about lmao
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 09:18 PM
Well I banned one dude for constant racism the other day, he told me that it was just a social experiment to create stuff for the community to talk about, and that he was being ironically racist
Jisifus 21-Apr-18 09:18 PM
ah yes
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 09:18 PM
Jisifus 21-Apr-18 09:18 PM
it was merely an act
Ocypode 21-Apr-18 09:19 PM
ok thats the funniest explanation I've heard
I've mostly just heard the same usual "It was my brother on my account im sorry give me a chance"
Jisifus 21-Apr-18 09:20 PM
Ocypode 21-Apr-18 09:20 PM
It's crazy how they believe it works
Jisifus 21-Apr-18 09:20 PM
just got this one out of the blue hahahahaha
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 09:20 PM
here it is
"I don't have racial hatred, I was being ironic"
Jisifus 21-Apr-18 09:23 PM
i mean he does have a point
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 09:23 PM
just keep responding no u
Ocypode 21-Apr-18 09:24 PM
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 09:30 PM
I forget, why is ninja banned from the sub? There's someone complaining about ninja being banned in modmail since "something big in fortnite is going down" (edited)
vaguely remember him telling people to do something on the sub
RaptorJesus 21-Apr-18 09:37 PM
He got banned for doxxing
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 09:42 PM
Ah yeah, now I remember
Ocypode 21-Apr-18 10:19 PM
A lot of ninja clips coming through right now
im gonna have to go to bed
just thought I'd mention
Jisifus 21-Apr-18 10:29 PM
i gotchu
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 10:34 PM
holy shit so many ninja clips, goodness
RaptorJesus 21-Apr-18 10:50 PM
thats fine
👍 1
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 10:51 PM
Wasn't sure what the rule was for banned streamers showing up in the background, or it not being their stream
People seem confused in the comments as well
RaptorJesus 21-Apr-18 11:39 PM
Im allowed it this time because its wholesome
plus its more focus on the kid than him
Doctor Bread 21-Apr-18 11:45 PM
Alright, so if it's not the banned streamer's stream, and it doesn't have overwhelming focus on them, and if it's a fairly non-shit clip, then it's fine
Also this made me laugh
Punk 21-Apr-18 11:58 PM
I am LOVING these goldfish
Doctor Bread 22-Apr-18 12:52 PM
I made a quick list for why streamers are banned from the sub if any of you other new guys weren't sure, seems people are getting a bit upset at ninja being banned last night, so in case people start asking "why is XXX banned"
I can't find anything for avxry/avery though
Oh, can add "bot manipulation / brigading" for Athene, and you'll have to search Cyberdemon for a bit more of an explanation (edited)
ImNATT 22-Apr-18 12:58 PM
Looks good. Avxry was banned for doxxing aswell
Doctor Bread 22-Apr-18 12:59 PM
Ah, I was gonna guess brigading.
ImNATT 22-Apr-18 12:59 PM
I had to go and search myself, because I forgot.
Streamer @Avxry’s content is now banned from the subreddit for doxxing on stream.
Doctor Bread 22-Apr-18 12:59 PM
Oh, cause I searched his name on the sub and there were 0 posts
Doctor Bread 22-Apr-18 01:00 PM
Do you guys ever intend to revise the ban list or remove people?
I saw you removed that meta thread a bit earlier
ImNATT 22-Apr-18 01:00 PM
Not really
I wouldn't know why.
Doctor Bread 22-Apr-18 01:03 PM
I think Ninja would be the only reasonable person to remove from that list, being that it was kind of a one-off mistake many years ago, and it seems like he'sa pretty decent acting streamer now. Maybe if it wasn't doxxing. All the rest seem like awful people in general.
Well, I'm not 100% sure on how Pants usually acts, I've seen some shitty stuff about him on the league sub
Used Slinky 22-Apr-18 01:25 PM
I feel if you let one of the list you have to reevaluate every single one. Its not worth the drama and effort of taking one off
Doctor Bread 22-Apr-18 01:28 PM
Nah, you just evaluate the rest and say no 😄
Used Slinky 22-Apr-18 01:29 PM
and get spammed with requests till the end of time
Doctor Bread 22-Apr-18 02:52 PM
@Jisifus how come you banned this guy? https://mod.reddit.com/mail/all/3m8pp
He called someone a fucking moron but I wouldn't ban anyone over that
Jisifus 22-Apr-18 02:52 PM
It's 3 days for insulting someone
Doctor Bread 22-Apr-18 02:53 PM
Mmm, I guess I'm a little more lenient as long as its not racial slurs or anything thrown at other people
Thought you did it for mentioning swatting, was like shit, I approved a bunch of comments talking about it yesterday, lol
ImNATT 22-Apr-18 03:56 PM
Don't approve comments about swatting, but don't ban the posters either. Just remove them.
Jisifus 22-Apr-18 03:58 PM
i didnt read a lot into it... he just straight up called someone a moron
Doctor Bread 22-Apr-18 04:18 PM
Alright @ImNATT , just a bunch of people were discussing it in one of the Ice clips from yesterday (edited)
No one was suggesting anyone swat anybody, just talking about it
Doctor Bread 22-Apr-18 05:40 PM
Tbh I agree with the dayacantha guy, but I think he calls people "subhuman trash" a bit too much
RaptorJesus 22-Apr-18 05:48 PM
Just leave it deleted
nothing else needed
Doctor Bread 22-Apr-18 11:25 PM
RIP Greek, the mediocre posts should slow down for 72 hours at least 😄
ImNATT 23-Apr-18 03:48 AM
615 points and 79 comments so far on reddit
Ocypode 23-Apr-18 08:20 AM
201 points and 63 comments so far on reddit
ImNATT 23-Apr-18 08:20 AM
If you submit a video of a Text to Speech donation, read donor name, or song with racial slurs in it, it will be removed.
That's a he said it post
Ocypode 23-Apr-18 08:21 AM
(If you submit a video of a Text to Speech donation, read donor name, or song with racial slurs in it, it will be removed.)
You mean this?
I gotcha
ImNATT 23-Apr-18 08:21 AM
If streamers fuck up, that's a legitimate fail
Ocypode 23-Apr-18 08:22 AM
Jisifus 23-Apr-18 11:52 AM
so what do we do about the kid in class thing
someone created a reddit profile with his name, probably fake, should i ban it
@ImNATT https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/8e8s09/are_you_pregnant/dxtprjc/

please copy at least the personal information filter from the pastebin i sent you, this is why (edited)
373 points and 106 comments so far on reddit
Doctor Bread 23-Apr-18 12:26 PM
I didn't watch that PUBG one, think I just mindlessly approved it since it had 600 upvotes, whoops
Least some people enjoyed it
ImNATT 23-Apr-18 12:34 PM
@Jisifus I'll do it now.
💚 1
Ban the "kid's" profile if you haven't already.
Doctor Bread 23-Apr-18 12:39 PM
Yep, it's banned already
ImNATT 23-Apr-18 12:42 PM
Seems like it's his account afterall.
Doctor Bread 23-Apr-18 12:43 PM
Seems like a cool kid
ImNATT 23-Apr-18 12:43 PM
What's the minimum age to use Reddit?
13 I assume?
Doctor Bread 23-Apr-18 12:43 PM
"reddit is not directed at people under the age of 13, and reddit does not knowingly collect any personal information from such people. If you know that a user under the age of 13 is accessing reddit, please contact us"
Doesn't look like he said how old he was.
ImNATT 23-Apr-18 12:47 PM
I'll give him the benefit of doubt. Someone said that he should be 14 according to the class he's in.
Doctor Bread 23-Apr-18 12:47 PM
Should give him a flair, Absolute Chad
or Ultimate Chad (edited)
ImNATT 23-Apr-18 12:48 PM
Feel free to Meme away
Doctor Bread 23-Apr-18 12:50 PM
"I talked to the real one on twitch, and its because he got in trouble for streaming in class, he feared he ruined his life so he deleted his account" lol
Kid has some balls to stream in the middle of class
Hope he finds some friends like he wants
ImNATT 23-Apr-18 12:52 PM
r/LivestreamFail: Welcome to /r/LivestreamFail: the place for almost anything livestream related. We accept Livecap/Oddshots/twitch clips, GIFs, VoDs and YouTube vids.

No moderators of this subreddit work for Twitch.
Used Slinky 23-Apr-18 07:00 PM
yo @ImNATT why did you remove this post? you coun t it as a 'they said it' thing? Mod msg asking bout it https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/8dc497/she_said_dickcord_instead_of_discord_lmao/
0 points and 6 comments so far on reddit
nvm just read the comment
im a retard
Doctor Bread 23-Apr-18 09:20 PM
Going back through the recent temp bans and add user tags to them, I'll try and keep things fairly organized and noted (edited)
Alright, all of the temp bans finished cause I'm a loser with nothing better to do 👍
Ocypode 24-Apr-18 01:51 PM
Can someone explain to me whats the actual meaning of Meta flair, I think I know but I'm not 100% sure
RaptorJesus 24-Apr-18 01:52 PM
Talking about streaming or the subreddit
or youtube/twitch
Doctor Bread 24-Apr-18 05:15 PM
I left it up since it was so 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥
Doctor Bread 25-Apr-18 01:34 AM
@RaptorJesus Could you give some thought to changing the message that goes with the "Mediocre" removal reason? It would maybe be a lot more informative to people if you put low amount of upvotes/comments, since I've been getting harassed by people thinking I am personally calling their posts mediocre (edited)
Not sure if you've ever had an issue with that
ImNATT 25-Apr-18 07:28 AM
What message would you prefer?
Jisifus 25-Apr-18 12:18 PM
reddit: the front page of the internet
hes got a point
ok yup im banning him
Ocypode 25-Apr-18 12:23 PM
good riddance
Jisifus 25-Apr-18 12:28 PM
@everyone Is anybody explicitly against reverting back to the old modmail? I heard admins do that occasionally.
New modmail is currently showing me 1 new mod discussion with the last message sent 6 months ago by fucking gengar
There are 5 "Notifications" as well, apparently
ImNATT 25-Apr-18 12:29 PM
It's working fine for me
Jisifus 25-Apr-18 12:29 PM
I also hate having to switch to the new modmail just for this sub
ImNATT 25-Apr-18 12:30 PM
It would be the exact opposite for me
Jisifus 25-Apr-18 12:30 PM
HalfOfAKebab 25-Apr-18 12:41 PM
yeah fuck old modmail
new one is so much better
Jisifus 25-Apr-18 12:55 PM
yes i especially love the lack of desktop notifications, the acres of white space and unread counters for messages that don't exist 😄
i mean the overview on the right for each case is nice
but i dont understand how you can go with font size 11 or something and have this much nothingness taking up the page
RaptorJesus 25-Apr-18 12:56 PM
Works on my rig
Jisifus 25-Apr-18 12:57 PM
no way for me to tell if there actually is new mod mail because i have notifications that dont exist
usually i hate the knee-jerk reaction to everything new because i, personally got used to so much shit i initially hated
but the new modmail has been around for about a year and nobody really seems to like/prefer it
not exactly sure but I don't think any of the former default subs ever considered switching, its really weird 😃
but ill get used to it /rant
ImNATT 25-Apr-18 01:12 PM
Did you let the admins know you have unread notifications you can't get rid of? Maybe they can fix it.
Jisifus 25-Apr-18 01:13 PM
I just posted about it in /r/beta 😃
sorry, can i remove a post about a completely unknown streamer getting banned as "mediocre"? it has 0 votes after 50 minutes
Doctor Bread 25-Apr-18 01:45 PM
if it has 0 votes it gets removed either way
Jisifus 25-Apr-18 01:45 PM
oh okay
Doctor Bread 25-Apr-18 01:48 PM
@ImNATT Mediocre posts, defined by a lack of either upvotes or comments after 2 hours, are removed to help keep the subreddit history high quality, as voted on by the community.
Something like that
Could add something below like "Try to be selective in what you clip. Hundreds of clips are posted here a day, and competition for comments and votes can be fierce."
But just the top or something like it would be fine, since that's why posts get mediocre removed. The current message just reads oddly and doesn't really tell the submitter anything.
Jisifus 25-Apr-18 01:55 PM
on a completely different note, just wanted to let the possible discord newcommers know that @ everyone doesn't, in fact, ping everyone thats currently on the server, just those who can view the channel. so if you use it here only the mods get notified (good for urgent matters)
Doctor Bread 25-Apr-18 01:57 PM
Also off topic, I wonder if we should enforce a way to upload Youtube clips, or ban clips put on alternate Youtube channels. I didn't notice that ghostserpent guy, and he's been doing that for awhile.
I think there are a couple other users who post to their personal channels
Jisifus 25-Apr-18 01:57 PM
maybe filter them so we have to manually approve them in modmail?
theres not a lot of youtube clips anyways
Doctor Bread 25-Apr-18 01:58 PM
Just for ice pretty much. And yeah, think youtube is whitelisted right now
Jisifus 25-Apr-18 01:58 PM
well white or black is pretty two-sided, putting it into a filter would be the gray area i think (edited)
Doctor Bread 25-Apr-18 01:59 PM
I just mean what the automod catches
Jisifus 25-Apr-18 01:59 PM
uhh gimme a second
oh nvm i cant look at the am config
RaptorJesus 25-Apr-18 02:31 PM
Remove anything hosted on CX Clips (edited)
Its literally a compilation channel
Doctor Bread 25-Apr-18 02:35 PM
Another one posting to their personal youtube channel
Just think we should ban personal youtube uploads outright, encourages people too much to steal and try and make a profit
lol @Jisifus guess we removed that at the same time. I already banned him btw
💯 1
Doctor Bread 25-Apr-18 04:18 PM
@Senior Subreddit Mods this is what I'm talking about. Hence my request for the mediocre removal reason change
It makes me giggle, don't get me wrong
ImNATT 25-Apr-18 04:19 PM
That's half the fun though. Get creative and respond.
Doctor Bread 25-Apr-18 04:19 PM
I think it would be better for the community at least if you changed 😄
Not that I don't enjoy perma banning tools like that, but eh, shouldn't be my focus
ImNATT 25-Apr-18 04:21 PM
If I changed?
Doctor Bread 25-Apr-18 04:21 PM
If you changed the removal message*
You don't have to change for me Natt, I love you the way you are ❤ (edited)
ImNATT 25-Apr-18 04:25 PM
I changed it just for you
Doctor Bread 25-Apr-18 04:31 PM
will it reflect here? Or just when the removal comment is posted (edited)
Or are those two seperate things (edited)
ImNATT 25-Apr-18 04:37 PM
It shows up there for me
Maybe try to clear your cache or something
Doctor Bread 25-Apr-18 04:42 PM
there it goes, just had to close and open chrome
Feel free to change it to your own message if you want, that's just what I came up with. Wrote and rewrote it like 10 times to get it right (edited)
But I write a lot of copy for work, so I'm used to doing it like 25-50 times and still not being satisfied, lol
ImNATT 25-Apr-18 04:49 PM
I shouldn't do PR. Last time I did it, my comment got over 3k downvotes and I had countless death threats in my pms. Your message is fine until someone else comes up with something better.
Doctor Bread 25-Apr-18 05:21 PM
Lol the swatting thing? I remember that
Yeah, you got raped pretty hard by /r/all
(not 43 btw)
Doctor Bread 25-Apr-18 09:39 PM
I permabanned that incel @Ocypode
Ocypode 25-Apr-18 09:39 PM
Which one?
Doctor Bread 25-Apr-18 09:39 PM
the comment you removed of that dude stalking other people's history
his post history is absolute garbage
Ocypode 25-Apr-18 09:39 PM
Yeah he sure seemed toxic
Doctor Bread 25-Apr-18 09:40 PM
It's always the dudes on like redpill, mgtow, hate subs who stalk other people's history, lol
Ocypode 25-Apr-18 09:40 PM
Insecure in real life
Doctor Bread 26-Apr-18 01:20 AM
I talked to that ghostserpent guy, and unbanned him for now, but perhaps a new rule regarding youtube uploads is in order? Lot of people posting Ice clips to their personal channels, and some of them are monetized. Maybe ban uploads to personal youtube channels all together? Only neatclips or streamable or some other option.
Even the people not monetizing are asking for subs and trying to build a community around themselves off the streamers.
ImNATT 26-Apr-18 06:08 AM
What would the rule read like?
HalfOfAKebab 26-Apr-18 09:34 AM
Yeah tbh I really don't see how YouTube links are necessary
Ocypode 26-Apr-18 09:42 AM
Me neither
Jisifus 26-Apr-18 11:40 AM
Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. Get a constantly updating feed of breaking news, fun stories, pics, memes, and videos just for you. Passionate about something niche? Reddit has thousands of vibrant communities with people ...
another one
posting clips on his youtube
are we banning people who self-promote?
Jisifus 26-Apr-18 12:36 PM
Doctor Bread 26-Apr-18 12:46 PM
Morning all
RaptorJesus 26-Apr-18 12:46 PM
We're not banning ice for his fans being dumbasses
Doctor Bread 26-Apr-18 12:46 PM
I was about to write something for personal youtube uploads
Jisifus 26-Apr-18 12:47 PM
honestly, why wont we just ban youtube as a whole
Doctor Bread 26-Apr-18 12:47 PM
You could just do that, because I don't see how anyone would be uploading youtube clips of ice anywhere except on their personal channel
RaptorJesus 26-Apr-18 12:47 PM
Because some people use it correctly, all these other mirror sites end up going own eventually anyways
Personally I'd prefer if everything was on a personal youtube not a compilation/clip youtube page
Jisifus 26-Apr-18 12:48 PM
its pretty much the only monitized video platform out there
Doctor Bread 26-Apr-18 12:48 PM
If it's a youtube channel someone owns, monetization becomes and issue
RaptorJesus 26-Apr-18 12:48 PM
the compilation pages are more of a no-no then joe shmoe uploading on his personal account
Thats not our problem though
Thats up to the content creators to protect their copyright
Jisifus 26-Apr-18 12:48 PM
and from experience in other subs (namely /r/oneplus) 95% of all youtube links are videos from people promoting their new tech channels
or in our case, clip channels
Doctor Bread 26-Apr-18 12:49 PM
If personal youtube clips are allowed, it's just going to encourage people to monetize, steal clips, and create a community around themselves looking for subs so they can get paid. Do we really want that? Clip Champ is bad enough (edited)
RaptorJesus 26-Apr-18 12:50 PM
compilation pages are more predatory because they spam our subreddit to get youtube views, personal pages typically will upload a few clips and be done with it. In a perfect world we could ban youtube completely but with all of these mirror sites dying after a year or two its the most stable and everything will end up there anyways
Doctor Bread 26-Apr-18 12:50 PM
But then how do you define what is a "personal page?"
I've seen users who have like their name uploading tons of clips and asking for subs
RaptorJesus 26-Apr-18 12:50 PM
If they ask for subs ban them honestly
perma without warning
Jisifus 26-Apr-18 12:51 PM
can we at least filter youtube then so we have to approve yt links manually
Doctor Bread 26-Apr-18 12:51 PM
I jus think that's too big of a loophole to leave open
Jisifus 26-Apr-18 12:51 PM
then we can also keep track of the ratio between personal and spam channels and decide to whether or not ban youtube completely in the future
RaptorJesus 26-Apr-18 12:52 PM
I can think about this more this weekend, I agree that the YT manually might make sense but at the end of the day do you really want more of a workload so some 13 year old chimp won't get $1 for 10,000 views
Its not a liability for us at all
Doctor Bread 26-Apr-18 12:53 PM
It just encourages bad behavior and turns it in to a money game rather than people just wanting to share stuff
It's the same reason we ban for self promotion, I think
Jisifus 26-Apr-18 12:53 PM
i agree raptor, these 2 cases have been rather isolated, based on what you're saying
Doctor Bread 26-Apr-18 12:53 PM
I want to get ahead of it because youtube streaming is growing, and it's not only going to be Ice soon
If youtube adds some clipping tool in the future, or if a streamer puts clips on their own youtube channel and someone else wants to post them, that's fine
Doctor Bread 26-Apr-18 01:24 PM
0 votes and 0 so far on reddit
Can I permaban this dude? All he does is shitpost about streamers he hates here, I already recognized the name as soon as I saw the alert (edited)
Check his history
Jisifus 26-Apr-18 01:26 PM
id leave him be and just remove it
better to get rid of his shit than for him to go somewhere else and spread shit like "ltf mods bribed by ice" or something (edited)
nobody gives a shit now, if we ban him they might
Doctor Bread 26-Apr-18 01:27 PM
Well, this is the 4th time he's done this, and all his past ones have been removed
Jisifus 26-Apr-18 01:27 PM
good ^^
Doctor Bread 26-Apr-18 01:28 PM
I'll tell him if he does it again he's getting banned, this dude seems like a nutcase based on his posts
Jisifus 26-Apr-18 01:29 PM
man, just leave it be, srsly
Doctor Bread 26-Apr-18 01:29 PM
Jisifus 26-Apr-18 01:30 PM
im sorry but confirming the crazy theories that guy might have isnt gonna do any good to anybody
ImNATT 26-Apr-18 01:39 PM
Shouldn*t have banned him. Now he isn't gonna share his insider infos with us.
Doctor Bread 26-Apr-18 01:46 PM
this is bad for bitcoin
@Senior Subreddit Mods

Title: Links to personal Youtube account clips are now banned

Youtube is slowly growing as a streaming platform, and with that growth, the mod team has decided to make an adjustment to our uploading rules to help keep the spirit of the subreddit intact. /r/LiveStreamFail should be based around users uploading clips because they want to share them with the rest of the community, not for personal gain.

Personal Youtube channel uploads present a problem due to the ability to monetize clips, and for users to create cults of personality around themselves as clip uploaders. This has already, and will lead to more issues with stealing clips, clipping tons of unnecessary videos, and users begging for more subscribers to their channels.

This has too much potential to turn LiveStreamFail in to a money game rather than users uploading clips for other's enjoyment, which is the focus of this sub. Clip Champ and people attempting to self-promote are already large enough issues, and we expect money being thrown in to the mix to only exacerbate the issue.

As Youtube grows and decides how it wants to handle its streamers and potentially adds new user options and clipping tools, we will revisit and modify or remove this rule. For now, we want to keep clip uploading as fair and unbiased as possible, and only motivated by our user's good will.

Links to a streamer's personal channel are fine, if they so choose to put up clips themselves, and you are not the streamer in question. Links to mirror sites such as streamable or neatclips are also still allowed.

Feel free to leave your comments, concerns or suggestions below. (edited)
^ That's what I came up with, or why I was thinking about disallowing them in the first place. Could also write it to put it to a community vote if you'd prefer to go that way
I tried to make an itemized list but it just came out dumb.
ImNATT 26-Apr-18 01:49 PM
Did you warn him?
Doctor Bread 26-Apr-18 01:50 PM
No, didn't get a chance, but clearly he's going to just keep making threads
And Jisifus already warned him with the first removal message
ImNATT 26-Apr-18 01:50 PM
Warn him once. The next thread he makes, I'll ban him myself.
Doctor Bread 26-Apr-18 01:50 PM
Alright, I'll send him a PM
And if you guys don't agree with the above that's fine too. Just my personal opinion
ImNATT 26-Apr-18 01:57 PM
I'm indifferent. Your text seems reasonable though. Give everyone time to read it and we'll come to a conclusion over the weekend as to whether we ban YT clips from Clip Channels or not.
Doctor Bread 26-Apr-18 01:59 PM
I think it would be a mostly temporary thing till youtube releases some new tools or changes how it works with streaming
Used Slinky 26-Apr-18 02:58 PM
sorry boys been out at work the past 2 days anything new i should know about?
Doctor Bread 26-Apr-18 03:34 PM
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzAwVNVMiIY>; this fucking submission format, lol (edited)
some next level clip chimp
Doctor Bread 26-Apr-18 07:18 PM
Jesus Christ how horrifying
Ocypode 26-Apr-18 08:01 PM
@ImNATT Found my first and only post to livestreamfails while I was going through my history https://i.imgur.com/dro5n8I.png
Used Slinky 26-Apr-18 10:26 PM
@Doctor Bread why archive a message with no response?
Doctor Bread 26-Apr-18 10:26 PM
Because I already sent him a message saying he was banned for self promotion
Used Slinky 26-Apr-18 10:27 PM
Are you personally pming people lmao mod mail makes it easier for everyone my dude.
Doctor Bread 26-Apr-18 10:27 PM
No, through mod
I guess he wanted a second opinion or choose not to read it ¯\(ツ)
I respond to modmail the most I think, I don't respond to people who already know what they did or if they're trolling though
Used Slinky 26-Apr-18 10:30 PM
guess i didnt see where you msged him. well i sent him a response so if he keeps at it just mute
Doctor Bread 26-Apr-18 10:30 PM
Also I don't always feel like handholding somebody through rules they should have read themselves to begin with
Especially the easy rule of no self promo
Used Slinky 26-Apr-18 10:32 PM
no reason not to respond at least once imo take 10 seconds . thats why we have mutes. if you already told him just must him if he moves it to mod mail
Doctor Bread 26-Apr-18 10:33 PM
No reason to mute if they're not actively spamming it, it just makes them more upset
Used Slinky 26-Apr-18 10:34 PM
well you said you already told him once in the msgs, then you archived the second time he msged right?
Doctor Bread 26-Apr-18 10:39 PM
I'm not sure if you're aware of the ban list, but you can send a person a message with the ban when you ban them, which I do, since the reason isn't automatically added
Used Slinky 26-Apr-18 10:40 PM
yeah ik and i think them asking for further clarification is fine in mod mail at least once if they want it.
Doctor Bread 26-Apr-18 10:40 PM
There is no further clarification to be had. He named himself the exact same name as his stream
Used Slinky 26-Apr-18 10:41 PM
from out point of view. He might be confused. We dont know how dumb these people are
Doctor Bread 26-Apr-18 10:44 PM
I'll be real with you, you haven't done one mod action in the past 3 days, I'm not sure why you're going to bat so hard for a guy with a troll name, self promoting his troll stream, that you didn't even handle
Like really
Put a small amount of effort in if you wanna ask me why I didn't do something that didn't need to be done
Used Slinky 26-Apr-18 10:47 PM
lmao you getting turnt over me caring for a guy. Yeah im in the military was out in the field the past few days firing m 32s and smaws mb bruh lmoa getting your dick hard over modding.
Doctor Bread 26-Apr-18 10:48 PM
I was in the Army as well. I wouldn't have signed up to be a mod while I was in since I wouldn't have had the time.
Used Slinky 26-Apr-18 10:49 PM
calm down pog
Doctor Bread 26-Apr-18 10:50 PM
I am calm. You're the one trying to brag to someone who's been deployed and has already done what you've done for 6 years of his life. So your excuse doesn't fly, either be a mod or leave. And especially don't harass people over a situation you're not handling, while simultaneously doing nothing.
Used Slinky 26-Apr-18 10:50 PM
shhh pog is ok
Doctor Bread 26-Apr-18 10:52 PM
That's all you can say since you have nothing worthwhile to say, I suppose.
Used Slinky 26-Apr-18 10:53 PM
na man its the internet settle it down
ImNATT 27-Apr-18 08:14 AM
Ocypode 27-Apr-18 09:39 AM
Ok I'm sorry I might've just cluttered up the modmail
So what the fuck should I do
When I remove a post I also don't want my posthistory to be only removing threads
HalfOfAKebab 27-Apr-18 10:07 AM
@Ocypode you can set up toolbox to pm them with the removal
it has an option for pming as /r/livestreamfail or your /u/
doing it as your /u/ hides it from your profile and modmail
Ocypode 27-Apr-18 10:07 AM
Im afraid im retarded and dunno what you mean
HalfOfAKebab 27-Apr-18 10:07 AM
you have toolbox right?
the browser extension?
Ocypode 27-Apr-18 10:08 AM
HalfOfAKebab 27-Apr-18 10:08 AM
when you go to remove a post, the menu that comes up has an option for how to notify the user
you can send it as a comment, a pm from the sub, or a pm from you
Ocypode 27-Apr-18 10:09 AM
Ye I usually pick the comment or a pm from me
HalfOfAKebab 27-Apr-18 10:10 AM
yeah, pm is the best option in your case
modmail spams modmail
comment spams your profile
pm spams nothing
well it spams your outbox
but who cares
Ocypode 27-Apr-18 10:10 AM
Ah I think I get it ye
I think I just felt that PMing feels a bit too personal and they would always reply to me back
HalfOfAKebab 27-Apr-18 10:11 AM
yeah i never use it
i always use comment
Ocypode 27-Apr-18 10:11 AM
Btw what do we do with the korean livestream things
I mean it's a huge happening in the history
But does it go under politics?
And just remove the posts
HalfOfAKebab 27-Apr-18 10:12 AM
korean livestream things?
HalfOfAKebab 27-Apr-18 10:13 AM
politics, remove
Ocypode 27-Apr-18 10:13 AM
RaptorJesus 27-Apr-18 12:54 PM
FYI We removed Used Slinky/row from the moderation team
His response yesterday was out of line and he clearly doesn't have time to moderate since he's out shooting guns in the sand
Ocypode 27-Apr-18 12:57 PM
After all that I actually checked and hes done a whopping 0 moderation things since we got added
Doctor Bread 27-Apr-18 12:58 PM
Yeah, that's why I got a bit ticked off. Sorry if I was too aggressive though
He just seemed like every shithead e-2 / e-3 I used to have to deal with
and uncle sam doesn't pay me to deal with that anymore
Ocypode 27-Apr-18 12:59 PM
calm down pog btw
Doctor Bread 27-Apr-18 01:04 PM
Yeah, no infantry / artillery guys actually call other people that unironically, he's probably 18-19 and just joined up
Ocypode 27-Apr-18 01:05 PM
Well in all seriousness you handled it well no need to apologize
Doctor Bread 27-Apr-18 01:06 PM
I tried, I was a little bit heated though, but I try not to just start swearing or act the fool anymore.
Punk 27-Apr-18 01:08 PM
Yeah he was a retard
Anyway Ocy you're next on the chopping block
Doctor Bread 27-Apr-18 01:08 PM
I think he's unkickable, he's got an anime gif profile too
Punk 27-Apr-18 01:10 PM
BnHA is normiecore though
Doctor Bread 27-Apr-18 01:10 PM
It's a solid show for a shonen, it's no Naruto or One Piece
even my wife likes it
Ocypode 27-Apr-18 01:10 PM
What have I done
Punk 27-Apr-18 01:11 PM
@Senior Subreddit Mods we need to talk about Doctor Bread
I feel he's not the right fit for this team
Doctor Bread 27-Apr-18 01:11 PM
Don't worry I'm still a virgin, it was just for the extra military money, she only fucks REAL infantry men like slinky
Punk 27-Apr-18 01:12 PM
Alright you're good
RaptorJesus 27-Apr-18 01:13 PM
Yeah all mods need to have a chastity device on and having tyrone fucking their significant other or you're not a real cuck reddit moderator
Punk 27-Apr-18 01:13 PM
First rule of moderation is to hate women
Otherwise you're not a gamer
RaptorJesus 27-Apr-18 01:13 PM
Also have this playing everytime you go through mod queue
The Rock 12th WWE Theme Song - Know Your Role Artist : Jim Johnston Copyright : WWE, All Rights Reserved.
Punk 27-Apr-18 01:13 PM
Next is minorities including Raptor
Doctor Bread 27-Apr-18 01:13 PM
Ocypode 27-Apr-18 01:13 PM
Gamers hate women
Doctor Bread 27-Apr-18 01:15 PM
I unironically agree with one of the top posts on that sub though
👏🏼 1
Based incels
Punk 27-Apr-18 01:17 PM
MGTOW isn't a terrible message at it's very core
Promoting self empowerment and self improvement first
But rejecting women outright is where the meme gets real good
Doctor Bread 27-Apr-18 01:18 PM
Just fuck dudes 4Head
RaptorJesus 27-Apr-18 01:19 PM
Yeah I feel like if the whole "ignore women they're all whores" aspect got removed it would be a pretty good philosophy of self improvement and not worrying about societal standards and shit like that
Punk 27-Apr-18 01:19 PM
Butthurt incels really killed it
Doctor Bread 27-Apr-18 01:19 PM
NoFap is kind of the same way, they just go about it incorrectly / don't need the anti-masturbation aspect of it
The self improvement is good though like you said, which comes along with it
And maybe masturbating just a bit less. You don't get superpowers from not doing it at all like they seem to believe, you get prostate cancer
Punk 27-Apr-18 01:22 PM
Yeah that's why I jerk it hourly
I'm on the other side of the superhero spectrum
Doctor Bread 27-Apr-18 01:24 PM
ImNATT 27-Apr-18 03:25 PM
@Jisifus Do you guys have an IW spoiler filter in your default?
ImNATT 27-Apr-18 03:44 PM
Doctor Bread 27-Apr-18 04:56 PM
Are there any rules for intentionally leaving context out of a clip to create drama / clickbait people? <https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/8fe6pt/greek_responds_to_forsen/>;
I checked out where it came from, and right before that like user a bit lower said, he said he'll react to it in the way LiveStreamFail would (edited)
OP, named Scuffed-Poseidon btw, seems to have intentionally left that out
Doctor Bread 27-Apr-18 05:00 PM
Remove it? Put an out of context flair on it? Sticky a comment w/ the context? Or just do nothing (edited)
RaptorJesus 27-Apr-18 06:38 PM
Remove for click bait
Doctor Bread 27-Apr-18 07:03 PM
I just didn't wanna kill the comments already there, but alright. I didn't notice until like 50 people had commented on it
Eh, some people explaining the context rose to the top of the comment section, I guess it's fine
RaptorJesus 28-Apr-18 03:20 AM
FYI we're not removing shit
I dont care if a streamer is getting sued by Obama (edited)
Doctor Bread 28-Apr-18 03:20 AM
Yeah, I saw that and was like what the fuck
I kinda wanna see what he comes back with, lol
RaptorJesus 28-Apr-18 03:20 AM
Yeah im interested too
Doctor Bread 28-Apr-18 03:21 AM
Sorry, the mod queue is fucked right now, got some drama going on in final fantasy mmo
and I gotta sleep soon
RaptorJesus 28-Apr-18 03:22 AM
no prob going to go through it soon
HalfOfAKebab 28-Apr-18 07:01 AM
ImNATT 28-Apr-18 07:03 AM
You handled that well. We don't remove threads that don't break reddit rules.
HalfOfAKebab 28-Apr-18 07:09 AM
[12:04] smeep: I understand that, but the man in this clip is trying to extort a streamer who provides content to your subreddit.
[12:04] smeep: I understand that moderators can't show much bias, but I feel like the situation might be a little different if his numbers were higher.
[12:05] HalfOfAKebab: what do you mean by that?
[12:05] smeep: Like, if I was messaging you on behalf of Ice or Soda, I feel like the chances for the thread to be removed would be higher.
[12:05] HalfOfAKebab: i guarantee you it would not
[12:05] HalfOfAKebab: we get messages like this occasionally, and they're always turned down
[12:05] smeep: Nothing against you, I just know you guys might catch a lot of shit if they mentioned it on their stream.
[12:06] smeep: Oh wow, I didn't know that
[12:06] HalfOfAKebab: don't get me wrong, it sucks that you're in this situation, and speaking personally i hope it turns out in your favour
[12:06] HalfOfAKebab: but as moderators, we can't pick sides
[12:06] HalfOfAKebab: sorry
[12:06] smeep: yeah, absolutely no hard feelings either way dude
[12:07] smeep: other streamers have sent messages like this in the past?
[12:07] HalfOfAKebab: admittedly not any large streamers, but yeah we get messages like this sometimes
[12:07] smeep: can't you see how this would look a little strange though? almost biting the hand that feeds you
[12:08] smeep: again, not to be rude, but the streamers are the entire subject matter of the subreddit. if they weren't providing content, the subreddit would not be where it is today
[12:08] HalfOfAKebab: we would rather have a smaller subreddit with no moderator bias than a large subreddit with moderator bias
[12:10] smeep: so just curious, do the moderators only remove threads for the given rules of the subreddit?
[12:10] HalfOfAKebab: yep, we act only within the rules of our own subreddit, and the rules of reddit iself
[12:11] smeep: wow, okay I can respect that
[12:11] HalfOfAKebab: we try to be as hands-off as possible, only removing what's necessary
[12:11] HalfOfAKebab: racism, spam, etc
[12:11] smeep: yeah, that makes sense
[12:11] smeep: probably best to be as hands off as possible anyways with the way the community is lol
[12:12] HalfOfAKebab: yep lol, we know that better than anyone
[12:12] HalfOfAKebab: one step out of line and people get asspained
[12:12] smeep: people are so fast to call anyone a nazi mod
[12:12] HalfOfAKebab: yeah lol
[12:12] smeep: alright, well thanks a bunch for the help and taking the time to message me
[12:12] smeep: I really appreciate it
[12:13] HalfOfAKebab: no worries
[12:13] HalfOfAKebab: good luck
[12:13] smeep: thanks
[12:13] smeep: oh, and if you wouldn't mind not talking about this to anyone, we can't make any of this information public just yet
[12:13] HalfOfAKebab: don't worry about it
[12:13] HalfOfAKebab: only sharing this with the other mods
[12:14] smeep: thanks
[12:14] smeep: have a good night
[12:14] HalfOfAKebab: you too
seems like a decent guy tbh
unlike that mod we spoke to before when we banned ice
ImNATT 28-Apr-18 07:33 AM
He does
Doctor Bread 28-Apr-18 12:47 PM
Yeah, assuming it was legit. Maybe streamers should stop leaving TTS messages on and cultivating racist communities though 🤔
The driver wouldn't have any kind of leg to stand on for a lawsuit though, not sure what he thinks he can get damages for "I heard a mean joke messaged played over a phone, pay me"
Also don't you love when they make it this easy?
Doctor Bread 28-Apr-18 04:02 PM
There's another user who I'm 99% sure is an ioki mod, watch out for them if you see the tag
I wasn't quite able to prove it though
Doctor Bread 28-Apr-18 06:47 PM
@here sorry Raptor, forgot you don't check your PM's, but I guess everyone should judge

Can we ban this guy as a streamer from the sub?



He's asked his community to post on LiveStreamFail, and he's doing some really dangerous clip baiting shit just to get posted here, bomb threats, terrorism threats, harassing random strangers. I've also banned two of his personal accounts for trying to self-promote here, so clearly he cares about getting on the sub. It's getting dangerous at this point, there's a few other of his clips up right now.

I don't want this shithead to do something really drastic since he's clearly desperate for getting attention here. Let me know what ya'll think though. (edited)
Ocypode 28-Apr-18 06:48 PM
Holy fuck what a loser
RaptorJesus 28-Apr-18 06:51 PM
Remove all his clips
Doctor Bread 28-Apr-18 06:51 PM
RaptorJesus 28-Apr-18 06:52 PM
I'll add him to the ban list under "LackingSub"
So nobody googles his name
and he gets more exposure
Doctor Bread 28-Apr-18 06:53 PM
I think I got them all but feel free to check. Be back in 10, getting some pizza
Doctor Bread 28-Apr-18 07:52 PM
@RaptorJesus Do you want me to write a ban announcement? I think you guys usually do that when you ban a streamer, no? Or is that too much of a spotlight, and clips should just be removed under banned streamer as they come? (But users not banned for posting him)
RaptorJesus 28-Apr-18 07:52 PM
No announcement
Doctor Bread 28-Apr-18 08:00 PM
Alright, obviously he's not as big as Ninja or something, but I've seen only a few same people posting his clips, shouldn't take long to spread the message
RaptorJesus 28-Apr-18 10:35 PM
Doctor Bread 28-Apr-18 10:52 PM
That's a big omegalul right there (edited)
Doctor Bread 28-Apr-18 11:00 PM
Downloaded it in case they try to take it down 👍 Guess they'd also have to get the mirrors too, good luck with that
Doctor Bread 29-Apr-18 03:10 AM
Here's another cancer personal youtube uploader we have, look at the info section below the video <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UI_cRv2AbeQ&feature=youtu.be>; (edited)
And that Ghostserpent guy is getting super clip chimpy to be first uploader and leaving tons of stuff out, still begging for subscribers
Hell, the first dude has "For business inquiries please email me at: ► TheCompCop@gmail.com"
He's looking to make money off of clips
RaptorJesus 29-Apr-18 05:09 AM
Just ban him
Ocypode 29-Apr-18 07:14 AM
That's a yikes from me bro
Doctor Bread 29-Apr-18 05:10 PM
For fun I went through and checked the history of all the bad behavior bans we've had since the new mods came in. I think you guys can appreciate it.
Ice posters were the most blatantly connected, with hundreds of posts to his sub. Many of the others had 5-10 posts in their respective subreddits, or only went there to troll users. Hampton Brandon and Sam Pepper were predominantly Ice posters, with 2 or 3 of the greekgod posters having a crossover with Ice.
No affliation posters generally posted on Trump, Incel, or conspiracy/redpill subreddits
T1 posters generally had a crossover with greek or Ice
Mitch posters were pretty dedicated to only posting on his sub
Forsen viewers don't get banned since they just drop stupid memes rather than full on harassment
Doctor Bread 29-Apr-18 07:53 PM
@Ocypode did you watch the latest episode yet?
Ocypode 29-Apr-18 07:53 PM
Which episode?
Doctor Bread 29-Apr-18 07:53 PM
of hero
Ocypode 29-Apr-18 07:54 PM
No I haven't yet
Doctor Bread 29-Apr-18 07:54 PM
go do it ASAP
Ocypode 29-Apr-18 07:54 PM
I know what's in there I'm caught up with the manga 😛
Doctor Bread 29-Apr-18 07:54 PM
ah lol
Ocypode 29-Apr-18 07:54 PM
But good point thanks for reminding, gonna watch it soon
Doctor Bread 30-Apr-18 02:18 AM
Doctor Bread 30-Apr-18 03:10 AM
I pinned a message to mitch on the modmail, seems like he's not a big fan of using reddit but hopefully that will be easy enough for him.
Ocypode 30-Apr-18 11:05 AM
What are we gonna do with the mitch jones mental breakdown posts
Most of them youtube links
To me it's already going to the side of harrassing
HalfOfAKebab 30-Apr-18 11:10 AM
holy shit that is cringy as fuck
that shit is so fake
nobody does that
Ocypode 30-Apr-18 11:12 AM
The cringiest part is when these kids are actually recording and laughing at mentally sick person and making fun
I mean Mitch isn't alright in the head it seems
Should we remove all posts related to this trainwrecks/mitchjones discord call or leave it be
ImNATT 30-Apr-18 11:15 AM
Remove them.
HalfOfAKebab 30-Apr-18 11:16 AM
why remove them?
Ocypode 30-Apr-18 11:17 AM
To me it just seems like harrassing him
HalfOfAKebab 30-Apr-18 11:17 AM
what, just posting about him?
i disagree
remove any comments and posts that actually harrass him
but just posting about it isn't harassment by any means
Ocypode 30-Apr-18 11:18 AM
Recording a "private" conversation
HalfOfAKebab 30-Apr-18 11:18 AM
in a public chat?
ImNATT 30-Apr-18 11:18 AM
It's pointless reheated drama. And Rule 4 says: "creating drama for drama sake are not fails. (As voted on by the users) And will be deleted."
HalfOfAKebab 30-Apr-18 11:18 AM
if we're acknowledging that his drama is fake, why don't we just ban him?
especially if he's asked to be banned
Ocypode 30-Apr-18 11:20 AM
I doubt it's fake, he seemed pretty furious and talking about suicide and other shit. But I would not have anything against banning him
And tbh it's not him creating drama with trainwrecks here as much as I've understood, it's the viewers who were able to join that convo and record it and make it public when it was not supposed to be
HalfOfAKebab 30-Apr-18 11:21 AM
but let's be honest
he knew that people were gonna record that
he's not dumb
Ocypode 30-Apr-18 11:22 AM
I do agree that he isn't clueless about that
but you can't expect to think straight in the heat of the moment either
I mean we could just have a vote about banning him from the subreddit
I'm not gonna approve or remove any posts about him either until we've come to an agreement
HalfOfAKebab 30-Apr-18 11:24 AM
let's see what @everyone thinks first
Punk 30-Apr-18 11:25 AM
Remove those posts
Especially if they're discord clips
HalfOfAKebab 30-Apr-18 11:25 AM
Punk 30-Apr-18 11:26 AM
Mitch told us he's unfamiliar with discord and thought he was talking to Tyler in confidence
And was unaware he was brought into an open discord so more people flooded in
It's inappropriate for us to rehost recorded content like that
HalfOfAKebab 30-Apr-18 11:26 AM
lol fuck off was he that dumb
Punk 30-Apr-18 11:26 AM
Neither mitch nor Tyler was recording
HalfOfAKebab 30-Apr-18 11:26 AM
there's no way in hell you can be that dumb
Punk 30-Apr-18 11:26 AM
It was a third party
HalfOfAKebab 30-Apr-18 11:27 AM
he absolutely knew he wasn't in a private chat
Punk 30-Apr-18 11:27 AM
Mitch ain't the sharpest tool
HalfOfAKebab 30-Apr-18 11:27 AM
i mean look at the video
there's dozens of people in the voice chat (edited)
people talking about it in the text chat
Punk 30-Apr-18 11:27 AM
Either way it's also not a livestream
HalfOfAKebab 30-Apr-18 11:27 AM
true i guess but it seems pretty relevant
Punk 30-Apr-18 11:27 AM
It's a third party's recording of mitch and Tyler's conversation
Ocypode 30-Apr-18 11:28 AM
So whats the conclusion
we remove the posts but do we ban mitch from the subreddit
HalfOfAKebab 30-Apr-18 11:29 AM
i vote to ban him on grounds of fake drama and asking to be banned
Ocypode 30-Apr-18 11:30 AM
I second to that
Jisifus 30-Apr-18 11:58 AM
Punk 30-Apr-18 12:05 PM
@here per the announcement, Mitch content is now banned
That is all
👏🏼 1
Jisifus 30-Apr-18 12:06 PM
good reception too, nice
Ocypode 30-Apr-18 12:06 PM
Punk 30-Apr-18 01:03 PM
Ocypode 30-Apr-18 01:06 PM
Sure hes controlling
Punk 30-Apr-18 01:20 PM
Oh he was one of the best streamers earlier on
Doctor Bread 30-Apr-18 01:21 PM
The fameeeeeeee
Punk 30-Apr-18 01:21 PM
From 2012-2016 mitch rekful and sodapoppin were the premiere wow streamers
Loved em
Doctor Bread 30-Apr-18 01:22 PM
He just seems like he might be legitimately bipolar, he's got a lot of issues with paranoia
Ocypode 30-Apr-18 01:22 PM
Yeah there were times when I loved mitchjones, now he just has mental issues
Doctor Bread 30-Apr-18 01:22 PM
I don't know if his problems can be fixed with talk therapy, I think he might need medication
Ocypode 30-Apr-18 01:23 PM
afaik hes had some medications already
Doctor Bread 30-Apr-18 01:24 PM
Well, it takes awhile to find what works. I tried to talk him down last night or suggest maybe mending fences with Tyler in ACTUAL PRIVATE but he didn't seem that interested
I figured that might be his best bet at geting out of the drama cycle
He seems like a half apology dude which isn't gonna get anywhere though. Last night he was like "I'm sorry and I hope I'm wrong about you being the piece of shit I think you are"
Like that's not gonna go anywhere
Damn this video taking forever to process
Punk 30-Apr-18 01:37 PM
Make sure that video's unlisted btw
RaptorJesus 30-Apr-18 01:43 PM
Doctor Bread 30-Apr-18 01:43 PM
I'll set it back to full private later, JUST IN CASE
We know @Ocypode is a fucking sodapoppin spy now
RaptorJesus 30-Apr-18 01:44 PM
Ocypode 30-Apr-18 01:45 PM
Oh please
Doctor Bread 30-Apr-18 01:46 PM
Oh, I didn't have my mic recording, so if there's a deadzone that might be me talking.
so enjoy raptor and mitch
Doctor Bread 30-Apr-18 02:54 PM
I don't know why the community thinks we want to drive streamers to suicide, kind of sad
Doctor Bread 30-Apr-18 03:01 PM
I guess it's a "I'm a shithead 16 year old who thinks people killing themselves is funny, the mods must be the same!" kind of deal.
Punk 30-Apr-18 04:02 PM
@Doctor Bread don't engage in the mitch thread
Not worth it
Doctor Bread 30-Apr-18 04:06 PM
Alright, I just made one comment on some buried side thread, just figured hey, maybe someone will read it (edited)
Just trying to be.... completely transparent
Ocypode 30-Apr-18 04:08 PM
Doctor Bread 30-Apr-18 04:10 PM
lol I never noticed the eyes had CD's in them
Jisifus 30-Apr-18 04:27 PM
banned /u/smokess-ttv, 1-day-old account posting links to clips uploaded on his youtube channel
RaptorJesus 30-Apr-18 04:32 PM
Got em
Doctor Bread 30-Apr-18 05:12 PM
Ghostserpent and TheCompCop haven't been banned yet, but keep an eye on them. CompCop wants to make money off his clips, dunno if someone wanted to give him a warning first though.
Ghostserpent is going full clip chimp to be first to upload though which is pissing people off , he just asks for subscribers though
ImNATT 30-Apr-18 05:40 PM
What is Mitch's Twitch channel? I want to put him into AutoMod
Ocypode 30-Apr-18 06:25 PM
I listened to the whole thing @Doctor Bread but how come it's quiet and cut out at some parts
Doctor Bread 30-Apr-18 06:26 PM
cause I didn't have recording turned on for my own mic
Ocypode 30-Apr-18 06:26 PM
But this is your voice talking though right?
Doctor Bread 30-Apr-18 06:26 PM
no that's raptor
Ocypode 30-Apr-18 06:26 PM
Oh alright
Doctor Bread 30-Apr-18 06:27 PM
I just told mitch that yeah, he gets targeted, try and mend fences with other streamers in an actual private environment, and that we'd help him out. (edited)
Ocypode 30-Apr-18 06:28 PM
I wish I could've been there too
There was a lot of things I felt like needed to be told him
I fucked that sentence up
but you get it
Doctor Bread 30-Apr-18 06:28 PM
He didn't really listen tbh, he was just ranting, I don't think he's gonna listen to anyone tbh
Maybe if he chills out a few days from now
Ocypode 30-Apr-18 06:30 PM
Well I feel like I'm a good talker and able to get ranting stop and listen to some sense
But hopefully it'll go better for him now
Doctor Bread 30-Apr-18 06:31 PM
Nah, he's too self-absorbed and doesn't think he's done anything wrong whatsoever. He has to accept that before anyone can speak to him
Or see a legit professional
Ocypode 30-Apr-18 06:31 PM
mental issues are hell of a problems
Doctor Bread 30-Apr-18 06:32 PM
Yeah, he kind of acts like my wife's sister + fame issues, she's impossible to deal with without being famous, lol
Ocypode 30-Apr-18 06:38 PM
jammy 30-Apr-18 06:57 PM
digital form of cancer
RaptorJesus 30-Apr-18 06:57 PM
Ocypode 30-Apr-18 06:58 PM
Oh no
ImNATT 30-Apr-18 07:01 PM
It's opt-in
Ocypode 30-Apr-18 07:02 PM
1 points and 0 comments so far on reddit
So what do we do with these kinds of posts
Destiny listening to the mitchjones discord call thing and then mitch joins his chat and types some shit to him
And if it is deletion is it just under "Banned streamer"
ImNATT 30-Apr-18 07:02 PM
Delete it as banned streamer
Ocypode 30-Apr-18 07:03 PM
Does it depend on the context then?
ImNATT 30-Apr-18 07:03 PM
Ocypode 30-Apr-18 07:03 PM
Like for example Mira is banned but she was on reynad's stream with mitch when they were in netherlands
But those weren't banned
ImNATT 30-Apr-18 07:04 PM
She was? They slipped through then.
I don't think I saw her though.
Ocypode 30-Apr-18 07:04 PM
DOn't think I was a mod back then
ImNATT 30-Apr-18 07:05 PM
Doesn't matter now anyways
Ocypode 30-Apr-18 07:06 PM
Ye I understand this now all good
Doctor Bread 30-Apr-18 07:16 PM
Well, if we opt in to the chat rooms, we'll certainly have no shortage of mod work
Doctor Bread 30-Apr-18 08:53 PM
fucking clip chimps
Ocypode 30-Apr-18 08:53 PM
Doctor Bread 30-Apr-18 08:53 PM
fuck it, im removing all the ones without upvotes
Ocypode 30-Apr-18 08:54 PM
haha greek so funny btw
Doctor Bread 30-Apr-18 08:54 PM
not watching all this shit
Alright @Ocypode, you gotta watch one streamer for the next 5 years, Mitch or Greek?
Ocypode 30-Apr-18 08:57 PM
Neither please
Doctor Bread 30-Apr-18 08:57 PM
Nah you gotta pick
Ocypode 30-Apr-18 08:57 PM
I hate that you made me say greek
I'd choose old wow mitch 100%
Doctor Bread 30-Apr-18 08:58 PM
Okay you get one other choice, The D OMEGALUL C (edited)
Ocypode 30-Apr-18 08:59 PM
So watch 5 years of mental breakdowns, a manchild with 80 iq being retarded or a guy whos chat is just emote spam and sheeps
Ocypode 30-Apr-18 09:00 PM
I wouldn't wanna choose anyone but I'd go for doc raid
Doctor Bread 30-Apr-18 09:01 PM
Why does this server have no emotes? Senior mods are discord shills trying to make me buy nitro
Ocypode 30-Apr-18 09:01 PM
What'd you choose and why
Doctor Bread 30-Apr-18 09:02 PM
I think I'd go Mitch too, preferably WoW era
Greek just isn't entertaining and PUBG/Fortnite gets old
Ocypode 30-Apr-18 09:03 PM
Hard choices
ChanmanVXXIII 30-Apr-18 11:24 PM
Doctor Bread 01-May-18 03:22 AM
MitchJones - IRL - Twitch
So much for avoiding streaming
He says he's taking a week off but we'll see
Lol at the end, he already goes "actually, not a week, 6 days and I'm coming back"
Doctor Bread 01-May-18 04:43 PM
If you guys see new accounts posting a fortnite streamer named bung0o, permaban them. It's the owner and he keeps making new accounts trying to self promote.
Ocypode 01-May-18 04:47 PM
Doctor Bread 01-May-18 07:28 PM
how come you removed that tornado one @Ocypode? Doesn't look like he's self promoting
Ocypode 01-May-18 07:28 PM
because of the title
Doctor Bread 01-May-18 07:28 PM
Oh, does he not actually do that? lol
Ocypode 01-May-18 07:28 PM
it implies that we actually see a tornado
we don't see shit other than hear some sirens
Doctor Bread 01-May-18 07:28 PM
gotcha, didn't watch whole thing
I was just gonna meme on him for "If you don't like it please use reddiquette and tell me why"
Ocypode 01-May-18 07:29 PM
I mean I was actually pretty hyped up for it, it seemed like a cool thing and I wanted to keep it but imo it falls under clickbait
Doctor Bread 01-May-18 07:29 PM
Ocy you need to use reddiquette when you're telling him why you removed his post
Ocypode 01-May-18 07:29 PM
I don't know what that is lol
Doctor Bread 01-May-18 07:30 PM
Ocypode 01-May-18 07:31 PM
Ok did I fuck up because I have no idea what this is
😂 1
stop trolling me
I'm a newbie
Doctor Bread 01-May-18 07:49 PM
Clearly you don't know your storms buddeh
Ocypode 01-May-18 08:03 PM
Persistent guy, even PM'ed me
Doctor Bread 01-May-18 08:05 PM
That other dude who's opinion post I removed sent me a novel about why he's so smart and why his opinion is worth more than shit
Ocypode 01-May-18 08:06 PM
People care too much
Doctor Bread 01-May-18 08:06 PM
this guy still messaging the modmail
bout to ban him for self promo
cause who could care this much
Ocypode 01-May-18 08:06 PM
Like if your post gets deleted just deal with it and post another time (edited)
I can't even
Trying to understand people through the internet is impossible
Doctor Bread 01-May-18 08:08 PM
My mommy said everything I do is perfect, how DARE you remove my post
Ocypode 01-May-18 08:08 PM
Like ok, you do you
Doctor Bread 01-May-18 08:09 PM
Oh wow he actually said that, lol
Ocypode 01-May-18 08:09 PM
Oh yes lol
Doctor Bread 01-May-18 08:09 PM
"I spent time doing that" It takes like 20 seconds to make a clip, unless he's admitting to being the streamer and traveling to that storm
Ocypode 01-May-18 08:10 PM
Which falls under selfpromo then
Doctor Bread 01-May-18 08:11 PM
I wanna respond but I'm getting too rude, I try to be at least a bit professional so I don't make the rest of you look bad
Ocypode 01-May-18 08:12 PM
I mean we all post there under our own names
Go for it
I feel like trying to make him understand too but what I take from him hes a guy who won't listen
Doctor Bread 01-May-18 08:13 PM
Yeah. We gotta all work to be more like Raptor though, he's the nice guy. (edited)
Ocypode 01-May-18 08:15 PM
I've learned that theres no point trying to argue with these kind of guys, they're keyboard warriors and you'll never be right in their eyes. Better to just ignore, even though theres times when I can't be quiet and have to ask these cunts "Are you sick? Do your parents not love you?"
Doctor Bread 01-May-18 08:16 PM
I think lots of people who complain just have parents who never told them no, unfortunately. Easiest way to ruin your kid
Ocypode 01-May-18 08:17 PM
Seems I can be thankful for not having parents since 14
Doctor Bread 01-May-18 08:18 PM
Tell your kids no, and don't tell them they're smart. Ez parenting
Ocypode 01-May-18 10:00 PM
Banned the Ghostserpent dude
He keeps on posting shit about his youtube channel
Doctor Bread 01-May-18 10:04 PM
@Ocypode I told him he could since we couldn't come to an agreement on whether personal youtubes should be banned
Ocypode 01-May-18 10:04 PM
Doctor Bread 01-May-18 10:05 PM
And he's not begging for money like the other two
Ocypode 01-May-18 10:05 PM
I'll unban only if he contacts me
Doctor Bread 01-May-18 10:05 PM
he sent a modmail
Ocypode 01-May-18 10:06 PM
I think we need to talk about this personal youtube posters, it's self-promoting but 1 person can't get the getaway card because he doesn't "beg"
Doctor Bread 01-May-18 10:07 PM
That's what I said a week ago, wanted clearer rules
Had compcop offering business opportunities, that one other content thief, and ghostserpent
I'm gonna unban ghost for now because I did tell him specifically he could post, but there needs to be some clear rules about youtube uploads for Ice, I'm still in favor of not allowing them at all (edited)
Ocypode 01-May-18 10:09 PM
Like if people are able to use streamable and other shit then why post it on your youtube
They literally get views likes and maybe even subs
Doctor Bread 01-May-18 10:09 PM
Yep, those were my concerns
Ocypode 01-May-18 10:09 PM
Rather than people who post with streamable they get literally nothing else than reddit karma
Doctor Bread 01-May-18 10:10 PM
@Senior Subreddit Mods did you guys decide anything? You said you'd think about it over the weekend
If you don't want to ban it at all that's fine, just want to be all on the same page
And like @Ocypode said, I'd rather not have to start making exceptions for certain uploaders, or having to set rules for if you're allowed to ask for subs and whatnot
ImNATT 02-May-18 05:38 AM
I asked the other senior mods. The ones who bothered responding were in favor of banning YouTube outright (edited)
ImNATT 02-May-18 08:00 AM
I don't think we even need to introduce a new rule for that. We could just augment the self promotion rule to include YouTube Channels focused on clipping streamers.
Ocypode 02-May-18 08:32 AM
So when they say "But I didn't know where does it say it?"
We will just say that's just how it is and remove them anyway
Or how are we gonna do it
ImNATT 02-May-18 08:38 AM
You mean an announcement? We could do that or a tweet or whatever. Someone just has to write something up.
Ocypode 02-May-18 08:40 AM
Or something like a pinned post like the mitch thing, that we can remove already I think
ImNATT 02-May-18 08:42 AM
That is an announcement
I'll remove the mitch post
Ocypode 02-May-18 08:46 AM
Well announcement then, you do it or should I?
ImNATT 02-May-18 08:47 AM
You can do it if you want.
Ocypode 02-May-18 08:49 AM
Alright I'll try
ImNATT 02-May-18 08:50 AM
You could also wait for @Doctor Bread to come online. I think he writes for a living.
Ocypode 02-May-18 08:51 AM
I mean it's not gonna include a lot of text anyway
Just gonna let everyone know that youtube links fall under the self promotion category
ImNATT 02-May-18 08:52 AM
sure, that'll work
Ocypode 02-May-18 08:52 AM
I'm not sure how to pin a post though but I think I'll find it
ImNATT 02-May-18 08:53 AM
Above the comment box is a make announcement button (edited)
Ocypode 02-May-18 08:54 AM
That becomes just the top post in a thread?
I mean on the first page
ImNATT 02-May-18 08:54 AM
It stickies the thread on the front page of the subreddit
Ocypode 02-May-18 08:57 AM
Ok hope it's alright
ImNATT 02-May-18 09:02 AM
Looks good
Ocypode 02-May-18 09:03 AM
Aight thanks
ImNATT 02-May-18 09:07 AM
@RaptorJesus Can you add more Twitch Emotes to the server?
Oh, I can do it myself. Nice
Ocypode 02-May-18 09:20 AM
Jisifus 02-May-18 10:58 AM
thats a bad quality lul, let me ftfy
nvm i fucking cant
ImNATT 02-May-18 10:58 AM
👍 1
Jisifus 02-May-18 10:58 AM
thats the good one
ImNATT 02-May-18 11:00 AM
I've taken YouTube off the whitelist. It's getting filtered now, because News reports etc are more likely to be on YouTube as somewhere else and we can still see them this way.
What's the subdomain for reddit videos?
Jisifus 02-May-18 11:04 AM
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 01:20 PM
I already wrote something @Ocypode, but it was couple days ago
You wanna paste it in to your thread?
Ocypode 02-May-18 01:21 PM
I mean sure
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 01:21 PM
Title: Links to personal Youtube account clips are now banned

Youtube is slowly growing as a streaming platform, and with that growth, the mod team has decided to make an adjustment to our uploading rules to help keep the spirit of the subreddit intact. /r/LiveStreamFail should be based around users uploading clips because they want to share them with the rest of the community, not for personal gain.

Personal Youtube channel uploads present a problem due to the ability to monetize clips, and for users to create cults of personality around themselves as clip uploaders. This has already, and will lead to more issues with stealing clips, clipping tons of unnecessary videos, and users begging for more subscribers to their channels.

This has too much potential to turn LiveStreamFail in to a money game rather than users uploading clips for other's enjoyment, which is the focus of this sub. Clip Champ and people attempting to self-promote are already large enough issues, and we expect money being thrown in to the mix to only exacerbate the issue.

As Youtube grows and decides how it wants to handle its streamers and potentially adds new user options and clipping tools, we will revisit and modify or remove this rule. For now, we want to keep clip uploading as fair and unbiased as possible, and only motivated by our user's good will.

Links to a streamer's personal channel are fine, if they so choose to put up clips themselves, and you are not the streamer in question. Links to mirror sites such as streamable or neatclips are also still allowed.

Feel free to leave your comments, concerns or suggestions below.
Ocypode 02-May-18 01:22 PM
well fuck, you should've wrote it from the start
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 01:22 PM
You can delete yours if you want, but I didn't wanna get rid of the comments already there
just paste it in your thing so people have a little more context
People think we own Neatclips or something lol
Ocypode 02-May-18 01:24 PM
I removed mine pasted the whole thing
Am I able to edit tile
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 01:24 PM
Ummm could flair it
Ocypode 02-May-18 01:25 PM
Just wanted to add "Edited"
I'll just do it with a flair then
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 01:25 PM
changed it
Ocypode 02-May-18 01:26 PM
Nice lol
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 01:28 PM
I'll respond to a few people, don't think it will be as volatile as the mitch thread
or maybe it will, since I'm just a paid shill for neatclips
Ocypode 02-May-18 01:28 PM
Yeah I've read the comments, they sure think we're getting something out of this lol
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 01:29 PM
I wish, I could use the money
@Ocypode "Ocypode is now a mod here too? Lmao, sad."
Someone doesn't like you 😄
Ocypode 02-May-18 01:38 PM
Obviously because I also mod on twitch
and reading that guys history he said hes banned on every channel
So maybe I banned him dunno, seems to deserve it
Oh boy
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 01:48 PM
Ty for adding Natt
Oh nice you got all the big ones
Alright, well I'm glad all of the complaints in the announcement thread are completely ridiculous / absolutely retarded, makes me think I was in the right suggesting it
Sponsored by Neatclips btw
Ocypode 02-May-18 01:59 PM
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 02:12 PM
I gave you a new user flair @Ocypode
Ocypode 02-May-18 02:21 PM
Oh please no take it off people will take it seriously
@Doctor Bread
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 02:24 PM
Ocypode 02-May-18 03:51 PM
@Doctor Bread thanks for saving my scuffed ass post
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 03:51 PM
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 05:02 PM
Well sorry, I thought the Youtube thing was a reasonable concern / rule to make, seems the reception is mostly negative. Though it seems to be mostly people just hating on any sort of subreddit rules, thinking we get paid for mirror clips, or just having the IQ of a shovel. So I'm not sure if those can be considered valid rebuttals.
Jisifus 02-May-18 06:09 PM
Tbh i still think banning yt is a no-brainer
Just like 80% of the people in the comments
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 06:25 PM
I just wanted to stop the floodgates before they opened wider with more uploaders. We had a sub begger, someone trying to get paid, and someone stealing clips from other people for his own channel, in literally the first 3 youtube uploaders on the subreddit that I've seen.
"B-b-b-but I have to upload to the ONLY platform that offers a way to personally control the community watching your clips and has monetization options!" Fuck off with that shit. It's more difficult to upload to Youtube than any other platform. (edited)
Also Doc got all CD emotes removed, lol
ImNATT 02-May-18 06:43 PM
That guy is a so sensitive
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 06:43 PM
Doesn't affect me btw
Natt can you add some doc emotes, we gotta keep it alive at least on the discord
Ocypode 02-May-18 06:43 PM
ImNATT 02-May-18 06:51 PM
@Ocypode What's that one called? sodaD?
Ocypode 02-May-18 06:51 PM
Mouseover it
soda CD (edited)
ImNATT 02-May-18 06:51 PM
Ocypode 02-May-18 06:54 PM
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 06:58 PM
Jesus I'm just blocking this ghostserpent guy, keeps PMing me, and keeps saying the equivalant of "but you guys should let ME upload on youtube"
He also said he wants to be a streamer and wants to grow a fanbase before then through clipping Ice, like that's okay????
ImNATT 02-May-18 06:59 PM
Click the ignore button. Once he uploads a YT video you're good to go.
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 07:00 PM
I don't think he'll upload to the sub anymore, he's just whining and giving me shit reasons. Or saying how many people disagree in the announcement comments, when they're all just some variation of "fuck da mods" or "I'm 16 and hate when my parents give me rules, so I hate rules here too! CX is my dad btw"
ImNATT 02-May-18 07:10 PM
Bajs are fast
ImNATT 02-May-18 07:11 PM
It's funny, but no
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 07:11 PM
I'm sure people will start posting it in comments
Hell, maybe I'll make it my flair
ImNATT 02-May-18 07:11 PM
I need to add omegalul
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 07:13 PM
<https://www.twitch.tv/forsen>; look at the chat lol
He's not even streaming right now
Lol there's even twitch admins in the chat right now, for an offline streamer
ImNATT 02-May-18 07:19 PM
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 07:20 PM
will never die :forsenT: (edited)
@ImNATT Have you ever made public flairs that people can select?
Like this
ImNATT 02-May-18 07:26 PM
But it shouldn't be different from link flairs I imagine
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 07:28 PM
I dunno, thought it'd be fun. Wasn't sure how difficult it was to setup. That's from /r/MMA (edited)
ImNATT 02-May-18 07:48 PM
What flairs would you want?
Maybe I can take a look at them when I find the time.
RaptorJesus 02-May-18 07:50 PM
All Hassan flairs
Ocypode 02-May-18 07:50 PM
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 07:51 PM
I was just inspired by the Doc drama, let people get some forsenCD flairs and whatnot (edited)
RaptorJesus 02-May-18 07:51 PM
That would be pretty funny
Ocypode 02-May-18 07:51 PM
Oh yeah
I want that
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 07:52 PM
@ImNATT https://www.reddit.com/r/csshelp/comments/3t3ml0/how_to_create_text_flair/ I think this is how, unless you already knew
I've seen users with flair that is simple text beside their name. I want to do that to advertise my subreddit. How would I do so? Thanks for...
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 07:52 PM
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 07:52 PM
chanman out of nowhere just to meme on doc
ImNATT 02-May-18 07:53 PM
You want the emotes, not just text. That needs some CSS work.
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 07:53 PM
Receiving messages to add forsenCD on our subreddit
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 07:53 PM
Twitch culture wherever you go! This extension replaces all Twitch.tv emote phrases with their actual emoticons.
ImNATT 02-May-18 07:54 PM
I don't. What's that
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 07:54 PM
download it, converts like LUL if it's seen on reddit to the emote
Works for most emotes
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 07:54 PM
I can add image flair if you guys want, idk about the size, I assume 28x28 is enough?
ImNATT 02-May-18 07:55 PM
Don't make it too big or it'll disrupt reading flow even further
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 07:55 PM
Yeah, that's the usual. They can really fill up the page with spacing though if you go with the full image.
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 07:55 PM
I'll make it 225x255 then
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 07:55 PM
When I see them on other subreddits because of Global Twitch Emotes, they can be pretty jarring
But you can trial some full image emotes, do you know how? Think I just opened a how-to
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 07:56 PM
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 07:56 PM
Give the mods 225x255
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 07:56 PM
It'll be that big
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 07:56 PM
I think that's what you're looking for
"Typically, flairs will be ~25x25. It depends on the images. Sometimes 15x15 would suffice, while more detailed images might need 30x30."
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 07:58 PM
give me a few minutes to edit the images, so you want a bigger forsenCD for mods only and the users get the 28x28?
we can get away with going over 25x25
see gengar's flair
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 07:58 PM
What was his flair?
ImNATT 02-May-18 07:58 PM
It's big
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 07:58 PM
Does it only work if you have subreddit style enable? I got mine turned off globally
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 07:58 PM
ImNATT 02-May-18 07:59 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 07:59 PM
only works if you have it enabled
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 07:59 PM
Ah, I'll have to turn it on
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 08:00 PM
You should definitely add forsenCD first, can make an announcement like "Completely unrelated to current drama, selectable user flairs have now been added for trial" I think it would earn some community goodwill, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 08:01 PM
sure, we have some setup already but then we can joke about trying out new transparent flairs
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 08:03 PM
Oh man, I was totally unaware of the current subreddit style, I've always browsed with it off
Yeah, that would be great lol
My bad, I just thought there were no selectable flairs at all, since I only see text option flairs with subreddit style disabled, don't think I've ever browsed LSF with style on
@ChanmanVXXIII are you gonna go with the one with CD's in his eyes or the standard?
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 08:12 PM
I'm resizing the one I sent up there
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 08:12 PM
Ah yeah, that's the standard one
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 08:14 PM
I cut it too soon and now it look like Kapp
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 08:14 PM
why'd it cut off half his face?
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 08:15 PM
forgot to change the stylesheet px
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 08:16 PM
How about in the removal post, "Unrelated to current events, new completely transparent user flairs have been added for trial. With subreddit style enabled, directions on how to access here etc etc" (edited)
If someone can fit some more memes in to that sentence go for it
I think I can fit stupid fucking mistakes in there somewhere
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 08:24 PM
wow I got so confused with the flairsheet order, but I think its working
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 08:25 PM
IT works
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 08:26 PM
I dont think theres a need for an announcement, but you could stick a comment about trying out the new flairs or something in one of the threads about it
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 08:26 PM
Yeah that's what I was gonna do
in the forsenCD removal post
Ocypode 02-May-18 08:29 PM
thats great
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 08:33 PM
Lol it's spreading through that thread at a decent pace, I say it's a good addition (edited)
Ocypode 02-May-18 08:34 PM
I like flairs
make people feel more like individuals than just trolls on reddit
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 08:54 PM
Should brainstorm some more flairs to add, I think people like em
Could do some more text flairs for people not using the sub style too, cause you just get empty boxes
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 08:59 PM
sure, for text flairs idk what could be used, maybe catchphrases from streamers?
Ocypode 02-May-18 09:02 PM
like Cx, Pyah etc
Tea time with Byron
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 09:03 PM
just add an "Autism" flair and watch people fight over that flair being about their favourite streamer or not
Ocypode 02-May-18 09:03 PM
Speed. Violence. Momentum.
Punk 02-May-18 09:10 PM
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 09:14 PM
look at him go. I think you mean Speed, Violence, Infidelity (edited)
Ocypode 02-May-18 09:15 PM
Speed Violence Momentum Divorce
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 09:42 PM
check your subreddit flair
is it too off?
Punk 02-May-18 09:42 PM
you might want to add a couple more frames
its loop is a bit off
but it works well enough tbh
oh can I get a "Meme Police" next to it
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 09:43 PM
I may have done something wrong, all I see is 13 frames but its not smooth enough like discord's
Punk 02-May-18 09:44 PM
might be a reddit limitation
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 09:46 PM
the gif I made looks like this, but on reddit it just shits itself
also I could add meme police but that requires me finding the will to add in the text in 13 frames and align them
Punk 02-May-18 09:46 PM
you can add text flairs alongside image flairs
I thought
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 09:46 PM
wait is my gif backwards?
Punk 02-May-18 09:47 PM
is it
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 09:47 PM
no idea
Punk 02-May-18 09:47 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 09:49 PM
I broke it
Punk 02-May-18 09:49 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 09:49 PM
Punk 02-May-18 09:49 PM
move the indent down way more
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 09:51 PM
is the gif fine now?
Ocypode 02-May-18 09:51 PM
its working
Do I need to be a senior mod to have a special flair
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 09:52 PM
Punk 02-May-18 09:52 PM
he's going kinda nuts but the gif seems fine
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 09:53 PM
look at him now right now
Punk 02-May-18 09:53 PM
keep it at that
that's perfect
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 09:53 PM
@Ocypode show me the gif
Ocypode 02-May-18 09:55 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 09:55 PM
Ocypode 02-May-18 09:56 PM
I couldn't think of anything you said gif <a:monka:398449312629260298>
Punk 02-May-18 09:56 PM
I got a gif for him
hold on
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 09:56 PM
special flair takes longer than gifs, since you have to edit it yourself
Punk 02-May-18 09:57 PM
I know it's bold but I think people will respect him for it
Ocypode 02-May-18 09:57 PM
Oh no lol
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 09:57 PM
I want that one
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 09:57 PM
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 09:57 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 09:58 PM
gotta check if it will survive the resize
Punk 02-May-18 09:58 PM
don't give someone that
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 09:58 PM
too late
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 09:58 PM
Punk 02-May-18 09:58 PM
should I edit TriHard onto the face
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 09:58 PM
I'll crop the brown bear and give it to bread, so punk is the policeburr above him, chasing
Punk 02-May-18 09:59 PM
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 09:59 PM
where can I select these new flairs?
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 09:59 PM
I'm ahead of you on that
Punk 02-May-18 09:59 PM
very nice
Ocypode 02-May-18 09:59 PM
Punk what was your gif
Oh nvm that was yours
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 09:59 PM
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 10:00 PM
I don't have any of the gifs under "select flair" or does it show up elsewhere
or are they not added yet
Ocypode 02-May-18 10:00 PM
I think he adds it himself
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 10:00 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 10:00 PM
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 10:00 PM
Oh yeah I am right under punk
Jesus christ his bear is fast lol
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 10:01 PM
Who wants to be hated in the subreddit?
I can flair someone with it
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 10:01 PM
I gave Ocypode "Sponsored by NeatClips" earlier
when he made the youtube being banned post
Ocypode 02-May-18 10:01 PM
Thankfully I didn't get shit for it
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 10:02 PM
But yeah, it'd be cool to have mod only flairs. I THINK there's a way to do it, but it's somewhat complicated (edited)
Punk 02-May-18 10:02 PM
it's just tied to roles iirc
flairs are annoying though
I always break stylesheets
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 10:02 PM
Gotta edit the image to fit reddit's rules, upload it, make a line in the stylesheet naming it then just add it to the user through User Flairs
Punk 02-May-18 10:03 PM
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 10:03 PM
yeah, shame we can't select it later though if we want to switch
Ocypode 02-May-18 10:03 PM
sounds like a hassle
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 10:03 PM
Don't know why they made flairs all or nothing for the public ones
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 10:03 PM
look at him go
Punk 02-May-18 10:03 PM
yeah flair integration is obtuse
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 10:04 PM
can't even see him
Doctor Bread 02-May-18 10:04 PM
It's proably dark out
I'll be the brown bear though
My name fits well, so it will be right in place under punks where it usually would be
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 10:05 PM
Don't me, everyone knows I love 'em
Ocypode 02-May-18 10:09 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII Gimme this kermit please https://media3.giphy.com/media/K2R831kr4IXte/200w.gif
Punk 02-May-18 10:10 PM
won't look amazing
unless you can find a transparent version
Ocypode 02-May-18 10:10 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 10:10 PM
Ocypode 02-May-18 10:11 PM
hes my spirit animal
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 10:15 PM
I can't edit the brown bear one right now, needs some work editing out the police bear
gonna check the kermit one
Ocypode 02-May-18 10:18 PM
Thank you ❤
gonna go to bed pce out
ChanmanVXXIII 02-May-18 10:19 PM
When I resize the gif it turns into 💩
right side gets cropped out
Doctor Bread 03-May-18 02:06 AM
@RaptorJesus what did you ban this guy for? https://mod.reddit.com/mail/all/38rqg
I really can't see anything
Unless he deleted the comment, but maybe you remember what it is
oh wait this was 2 months ago
Hmm, looks like natt permad for saying he wanked to some streamer chicks voice, I guess that's not the worst thing ever, or you did it for "should've called it UnevolvedTriHard" I guess
I dunno, I guess I'd unban, seems like the usual low-effort Greek/Ice poster but nothing too bad, but your call since you banned
Punk 03-May-18 03:11 AM
go ahead and unban him
scratch that I've taken care of it
HalfOfAKebab 03-May-18 02:06 PM
lol one of my irl friends uses the sub everyday
he just found out i'm a mod
Doctor Bread 04-May-18 01:46 AM
@Senior Subreddit Mods I just banned like 6 people for posting burger, reverse it if you want, they all seem pretty upset
RaptorJesus 04-May-18 01:46 AM
we aint reversing it
Doctor Bread 04-May-18 01:46 AM
Aight, I was surprised there was so many though
Like just read the rules
I'm not too upset about losing people who watch Hampton Brandon or one of his buddies though tbh (edited)
Doctor Bread 04-May-18 02:24 AM
Lol they didn't even fight, Burger just like pushed him in the face / chest, not even worth the ban
RaptorJesus 04-May-18 01:14 PM
Should we advertise the Discord more?
I want more shitposters here
Punk 04-May-18 01:17 PM
If you want
We just got a ton of new people in
RaptorJesus 04-May-18 01:27 PM
Ocypode 04-May-18 01:27 PM
Maybe make a color for guests
being white is boring
RaptorJesus 04-May-18 01:29 PM
Im adding a role that after someone posts x messages they get a color
Ocypode 04-May-18 01:29 PM
Ye that could work
Punk 04-May-18 01:30 PM
>being white is boring
Ocypode 04-May-18 01:30 PM
Oh lol
yeah that didn't sound right
holy shit people downvote the hell out of discord post
ImNATT 04-May-18 01:45 PM
Downvoting mod posts is a reflex
Ocypode 04-May-18 01:45 PM
of course
btw what's the TL;DR about gengar being so hated / loved?
All I know about him is that he was a mod
ImNATT 04-May-18 01:46 PM
He's a memer.
Some people like it, others don't
Ocypode 04-May-18 01:47 PM
Hmm, ok
RaptorJesus 04-May-18 02:14 PM
Gengar was a good mod at times but he ended up shitposting more than modding
and that was a problem plus he got busy with work
so we mutually parted ways in the end
people still love him though
Finally an active Discord
Just took 250k subscribers to get
Leave the sticky pinned through the weekend then we can take it down
ImNATT 04-May-18 02:20 PM
Will do
ImNATT 04-May-18 03:04 PM
Can I give the Shitposter flair to some people or is it reserved under special criteria?
Punk 04-May-18 03:19 PM
Eh you can toss it out
For regulars or something
RaptorJesus 04-May-18 04:54 PM
Give it to regulars/funny people
RaptorJesus 04-May-18 05:03 PM
Fun Facts: Last 90 average uniques: 210,000 users PER DAY, 751 unique subscribers per day
Ocypode 04-May-18 05:07 PM
ImNATT 04-May-18 05:09 PM
I fixed the permissions. GJ on setting them up
Punk 04-May-18 05:09 PM
RaptorJesus 04-May-18 05:09 PM
Totally forgot about @ everyone
Ocypode 04-May-18 05:10 PM
amateur discord
Punk 04-May-18 05:12 PM
@ImNATT can you make sure all the general channels are visible?
Some people can't see gaming apparently
Ocypode 04-May-18 05:14 PM
So whats the rules of this discord
is nigger spam ok
ImNATT 04-May-18 05:16 PM
In the shitposting channel I guess, not in the others
Punk 04-May-18 05:16 PM
No spam
Shitposting is the quarantine zone
HalfOfAKebab 04-May-18 05:17 PM
@RaptorJesus are certified shitposters meant to be able to use @ here and @ everyone
cause they can
and they shouldnt
Punk 04-May-18 05:17 PM
Axe that
ImNATT 04-May-18 05:18 PM
@RaptorJesus Why should Raven tweet us? Cause he did
RaptorJesus 04-May-18 05:18 PM
I thought he was a streamer
turns out he's a noname
Ocypode 04-May-18 05:19 PM
Just realized we have a twitter account lol
I don't get it who are these certified shitposters
what makes them special butterflies
All I see them spam is faggot and nigga lol
ImNATT 04-May-18 05:32 PM
They were first
Ocypode 04-May-18 05:33 PM
First people to post on /r/livestreamfail?
ImNATT 04-May-18 05:33 PM
First in discord
Ocypode 04-May-18 05:34 PM
HalfOfAKebab 04-May-18 05:37 PM
i also gave it to a friend because i'm corrupt
Ocypode 04-May-18 05:38 PM
ImNATT 04-May-18 05:39 PM
that's fine
RaptorJesus 04-May-18 07:25 PM
HalfOfAKebab 04-May-18 07:25 PM
yah yeet
RaptorJesus 04-May-18 07:26 PM
Punk 04-May-18 07:26 PM
HalfOfAKebab 04-May-18 07:27 PM
Punk 04-May-18 07:28 PM
Doctor Bread 04-May-18 08:41 PM
Jesus what happpened
It's like a real discord now
Doctor Bread 05-May-18 05:45 PM
That SteveMemories - guy is a streamer with a pretty big following if someone wants to purple him
ImNATT 05-May-18 06:16 PM
If he tweets us or something so I can check
nvm, he has his accounts linked. i'll verify him
Doctor Bread 05-May-18 06:34 PM
Yep, I checked
Punk 05-May-18 08:03 PM
tossed in a simple bot
plays music and lets you edit, and it has a random meme poster
pretty simple
figured the more complicated bots would just get spammed here
Doctor Bread 05-May-18 09:14 PM
Jesus christ
Ocypode 05-May-18 09:29 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 06-May-18 01:46 AM
@Doctor Bread
Someone popped your "report to head mod" cherry
Doctor Bread 06-May-18 01:51 AM
@ChanmanVXXIII (edited)
Need a full size pogchamp for that one
I was actually gonna leave it at a week until he came in to discord and starting spewing sjw cuck mods kys everywhere. Dude is dedicated to the trolling with the appeal though, respek
Doctor Bread 06-May-18 02:05 AM
@ChanmanVXXIII / other senior mods While you're on, I was planning to go through the rules and sidebar and re-tool them a bit, just to include the few new things added and make things ironclad for when people send in a modmail. Approve or dissaprove? (edited)
Well, I was gonna do it anyways on a google doc, ya'll can decide if it's worth it I guess, I like writing either way
ChanmanVXXIII 06-May-18 06:09 AM
I'm fine with all the changes but the general rule #2, baiting downvotes is okay by me as long it doesn't go into the harassment side of things, which then would be covered by the rule #1
The self promotion thing could be No biased submissions, such as clips of channels you either own or are a moderator of
/u/GoodGuyDev part should be moved way down the sidebar, since imo its not as important as the no mod works at twitch
You should pin that in case most people agree on the change
Doctor Bread 06-May-18 12:26 PM
I put the downvote baiting part because on this sub at least, downvote baiters are usually just"Haha, I said niggers should go back to Africa, or this streamer should kill themselves, or everyone here is a bunch of faggots"
Haven't seen anything clever yet
Punk 06-May-18 02:36 PM
Yeah I wouldn't bother with the downvote baiting bit
Doctor Bread 06-May-18 02:49 PM
Yeah, the comment rules section will just be short, we got a lot of submission rules though (edited)
Doctor Bread 06-May-18 09:00 PM
@RaptorJesus I told that dude if he reposted that twitch scam video we'd approve it
It's too old now, wouldn't get any views
RaptorJesus 06-May-18 09:01 PM
Doctor Bread 06-May-18 10:40 PM

Gonna leave this up cause I'm seen like 25 comments today bitching about how much Ice content there is, people need a wakeup call, and to learn to use filters. Someone else can remove if they want but I think it's good
If you like something other than what i like you can just make ur own subredit thanx xoxo
Should take down the discord announcement and sticky that one 😄
Doctor Bread 07-May-18 02:00 PM
Man people cannot behave themselves today, is it the weather?
Also, /r/pathofexile does have a section that works with subreddit style disabled (fixed picture)
RaptorJesus 07-May-18 04:23 PM
June is going to be a nuts month
Get ready for summer /r/livestreamfail.
Doctor Bread 07-May-18 04:31 PM
Why's that? Just because kids are out of school?
RaptorJesus 07-May-18 05:12 PM
Doctor Bread 07-May-18 05:59 PM
@Jisifus I was just debating whether to remove that novel or not, lol
Doctor Bread 07-May-18 06:01 PM
Oh damn you went with the full slash&burn (edited)
Jisifus 07-May-18 06:27 PM
sorry, what?
we're in modqueue at the same time so watch out
already unbanned someone by accident
Doctor Bread 07-May-18 06:31 PM
@Jisifus That dude who posted that 2 comment long thing with sources for transgender stuff
I don't think I've unbanned anyone? Unless banning someone twice unbans them 🤔
Jisifus 07-May-18 06:31 PM
oh yeah fuck that
i nuked the whole chain
no i tried banning someone at the same time so i unbanned them
Doctor Bread 07-May-18 06:31 PM
Oh, lol
That thread and the Destiny/Nick Fuentes ones are some shitshows (edited)
Jisifus 07-May-18 06:32 PM
tbh modmail backlashes are disappointingly rare
expected a lot worse considering how toxic this community is
Doctor Bread 07-May-18 06:33 PM
I got one from this dude <https://www.reddit.com/user/Hates_Stupidity>; (edited)
The comments are fucking nuts lol
Jisifus 07-May-18 06:34 PM
Doctor Bread 07-May-18 06:34 PM
King of /r/iamverysmart
It's weird though, he built up like 5k karma being a pretty normal poster, if a bit snobby for the first couple days of the account
And now is just burning through it for the past 2 days or so
I think some of his comments he's trying to bait downvotes with accidently get upvoted too
Jisifus 07-May-18 06:36 PM
just... why
Doctor Bread 07-May-18 06:40 PM
No idea. But yeah, I've only gotten 2 or 3 kys mod fag PM's and that who dude who complained about me to chanman, otherwise it's just modmails like "why was I banned" (edited)
RaptorJesus 07-May-18 06:50 PM
Doctor Bread 07-May-18 07:23 PM
@here https://mod.reddit.com/mail/new/3qz36 Senior mods prob wanna weigh in on this
HalfOfAKebab 07-May-18 07:27 PM
i think putting banner ads or something is fine
as long as they aren't intrusive
Doctor Bread 07-May-18 07:27 PM
I was gonna respond with : "I think it's fine, and it's good of you to host all of this to begin with, but don't expect the community to understand, it's mostly children and they usually think servers just run on dreams and fairy dust. There were already people getting upset when we banned personal Youtube channels, thinking we were intentionally trying to funnel people to neatclips and the mirror bot. " (edited)
Ads will obviously reinforce that false notion, but I'm not too concerned about what the morons think, personally. They'll be unhappy no matter what. They can always post to streamable as well.
Crazy that he would even offer to finance it out of pocket, what a nice guy
Punk 07-May-18 07:49 PM
would ads even help much
I assume 90% of the viewerbase is using adblock
Doctor Bread 07-May-18 07:53 PM
I used to chat with a mirror hosting dude when I posted MMA clips, he said 1 banner ad more than covered server costs, even with adblock being so rampant. I was pretty surprised too
Doctor Bread 07-May-18 08:45 PM
There's some dude making spam harassment accounts, keep an eye out for them, usually have nonsense names. He sent in a modmail and asked "Why do you keep banning me?"
<https://www.reddit.com/user/jKoiuxq/>; (edited)
Punk 07-May-18 09:38 PM
@Doctor Bread why'd you ban this ageofconsent guy
Doctor Bread 07-May-18 09:45 PM
He was getting in to it with that other dude and harassing him. Can tell him he's wrong without calling him a fucking retard
Also he's got a history of constantly arguing with people and starting shit @Punk
Think he should be unbanned?
Punk 07-May-18 09:47 PM
eh aight
nah I just saw it was a 7day
thought it was a perma for some reason
Doctor Bread 07-May-18 09:48 PM
Naw, but me and I think Jisifus got a few people from that thread since any thread with Destiny is usually a shitshow
Could make it shorter, but it just seems like even mild, bannable infractions, 7 days is usually the lowest all of you senior guys give (edited)
If I stop being lazy and finish that rules re-tool, I was gonna try and make ban times normalized for different things
I made it a day @Punk, I guess that will be my go-to for if someone is getting too heated at someone who is justifiably being retarded.
Punk 07-May-18 09:58 PM
Doctor Bread 07-May-18 11:07 PM
Oh I see, this dude spamming accounts is mad at anyone who says Blizzard/Activision games are bad in this thread, that's who he keeps responding to and flaming <https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/8hqexm/asmongolds_thoughts_on_call_of_duty_on_the/dymcdx4/?context=3>;
RaptorJesus 08-May-18 12:43 AM
513 points and 102 comments so far on reddit
go through this thread when you have time
I cant
Doctor Bread 08-May-18 12:54 AM
@RaptorJesus just to remove any mentions of those girl's identity / stream / twitter?
Alright, think they're all gone
RaptorJesus 08-May-18 12:57 AM
Remove whatever you feel needs to be removed
You're in charge of this thread
Doctor Bread 08-May-18 12:57 AM
RaptorJesus 08-May-18 12:57 AM
I can't touch it because I know the person personally
Doctor Bread 08-May-18 12:57 AM
RaptorJesus 08-May-18 12:57 AM
So up to you to enforce the rules now
on this specific thread
Doctor Bread 08-May-18 12:58 AM
How do you know those girls?
RaptorJesus 08-May-18 12:58 AM
Blue hair is friends with me in real life
Doctor Bread 08-May-18 12:58 AM
Damn, small world lol
RaptorJesus 08-May-18 12:59 AM
right? lmao
Doctor Bread 08-May-18 01:01 AM
wonder if I should make a sticky comment saying not to link to her stuff
they can keep that shit on the ice subreddit
Punk 08-May-18 01:05 AM
I wouldn't
pulling down her stream links is already doing enough of a favor to her tbh
Doctor Bread 08-May-18 01:06 AM
Damn, I already did, comment deleted though, hopefully I didn't embarass myself too much
Punk 08-May-18 01:06 AM
I can't really call linking a popular streamer's twitch page "doxxing"
Doctor Bread 08-May-18 01:06 AM
I dunno, is it considered doxxing?
Punk 08-May-18 01:06 AM
we're doing it for now
but I don't think it holds up, personally
just doing it as a favor to raptor
RaptorJesus 08-May-18 01:07 AM
Linking to peoples social media is what we've always removed
Punk 08-May-18 01:07 AM
I mean social media I can understand
Doctor Bread 08-May-18 01:07 AM
You don't ban for it though, do you?
Punk 08-May-18 01:07 AM
but a twitch page is like
RaptorJesus 08-May-18 01:07 AM
>We do not tolerate the harassment of people on our site, nor do we tolerate communities dedicated to fostering harassing behavior.
Doctor Bread 08-May-18 01:07 AM
I thought I saw you guys hit people in the past with bans for posting to social media in certain circumstances
RaptorJesus 08-May-18 01:08 AM
Linking to someones page for the purpose of harassing them is quite literally against reddit tos
Doctor Bread 08-May-18 01:08 AM
Yeah, that's what I figured, and people posting her shit in this thread definitely are doing it with the intent to harass her
Someone posted this in the thread, apparently she was asking for someone's personal info on her twitter yesterday, lol.
ChanmanVXXIII 08-May-18 01:50 AM
Just nuke all women threads and make this a gachi-themed subreddit already, please
RaptorJesus 08-May-18 01:52 AM
Honestly waiting for Reddit to purge our subreddit one of these days with how many incels are infesting it
Doctor Bread 08-May-18 01:55 AM
I asked Punk if I could ban all commenters who post on MGTOW or Braincels but he said no 😦
ChanmanVXXIII 08-May-18 01:56 AM
Seems like we have the worse of both sides depending on the thread, always conforming with the posted streamer's view/community
Ice gets the horny-everyone-is-a-thot guys
Destiny posts is all about starting shit / trying to debate others
Doctor Bread 08-May-18 01:56 AM
Like just be gay
no reason to hate women
ChanmanVXXIII 08-May-18 01:56 AM
why can't we IP ban american posters
Doctor Bread 08-May-18 01:57 AM
Don't tell me you're from Canada or something Chaman
RaptorJesus 08-May-18 01:57 AM
Hes ausie
Doctor Bread 08-May-18 01:57 AM
Okay, that's acceptable
RaptorJesus 08-May-18 01:57 AM
he tries to hide it
but we can tell
ChanmanVXXIII 08-May-18 01:57 AM
RaptorJesus 08-May-18 01:57 AM
your shitposting is too strong to be anything but Australian
Doctor Bread 08-May-18 01:57 AM
RaptorJesus 08-May-18 01:58 AM
Really though the comments on our subreddit are just so fucking bad
Anytime it has to do with women or black people
Doctor Bread 08-May-18 01:58 AM
All these kids jump on any excuse to say nigger, no matter how small
ChanmanVXXIII 08-May-18 01:58 AM
RaptorJesus 08-May-18 01:59 AM
Honestly this is why I wish we could just ban shit heads on sight
Doctor Bread 08-May-18 01:59 AM
Any threads with women in them / I hate women
RaptorJesus 08-May-18 01:59 AM
But whatever just my opinion
You give monkeys a platform to throw shit its going to attract other monkeys who also like to throw shit
RaptorJesus 08-May-18 02:00 AM
Ban debate posters, ban incels, ban "DAE Blacks", ban "fuck drumph" posters
Doctor Bread 08-May-18 02:01 AM
I mean, most of those posters slip up eventually
Then I check their history, see the absolute shitfest, and bam, they're done
ChanmanVXXIII 08-May-18 02:01 AM
If/when the admins come around and tell us we're shit, then we can roleplay tt2184339
RaptorJesus 08-May-18 02:01 AM
Ice's sub is prob gonna get banned
before ours
Doctor Bread 08-May-18 02:02 AM
fuck where all all my australian memes
ChanmanVXXIII 08-May-18 02:02 AM
mitch got a lot of the subs about him banned, no idea where they went, I assume voat?
a community platform where you can have your say. No censorship.
Doctor Bread 08-May-18 02:03 AM
RaptorJesus 08-May-18 02:03 AM
3 whole subscribers damn
ChanmanVXXIII 08-May-18 02:04 AM
Doctor Bread 08-May-18 02:04 AM
oh damn, forgot that was coming soon
ChanmanVXXIII 08-May-18 02:05 AM
I'll snatch the name Canada and constantly talk about dogs
Doctor Bread 08-May-18 02:05 AM
ChanmanVXXIII 08-May-18 02:06 AM
Doctor Bread 08-May-18 02:06 AM
I'm lacking aussie stuff, I got /pol/ shitting on Canada stuff for days though
Mitch isn't that bad of a guy, he didn't really do anything wrong other than have mental issues, dunno why they hound him so much
But honestly @RaptorJesus if Ice was banned from the sub, I think you'd see a drastic decrease in garbage posting
Whenever I check someone posting garbage, it's almost always ice fans (edited)
RaptorJesus 08-May-18 02:10 AM
If Reddit bans Ice we should probably follow suit or else we'll turn into /r/ice v2
but only if that happens imo
ChanmanVXXIII 08-May-18 02:10 AM
It would get worse over here or in greek's subreddit, if we tell them to fuck off then greek will end up getting ice's users
Doctor Bread 08-May-18 02:11 AM
Greek and Ice don't have as big a crossover as people assume, I think. When I looked through all the people that were banned for harassment, there was very little overlap, and very few greek viewers
I think the only crossover is both communities like spam
And speak of the devil, Trihex released the new emote https://clips.twitch.tv/ScaryTawdryStapleOneHand
If you create it, they will post it - Clipped by TriHardgot7
ChanmanVXXIII 08-May-18 02:13 AM
Doctor Bread 08-May-18 02:13 AM
Think he said he paid like 500 bucks for it to be made, money well spent
ChanmanVXXIII 08-May-18 02:14 AM
Clipped by TriHard_got_7
Doctor Bread 08-May-18 02:17 AM
Ya know what, I'll take all the shithead ice fans, all the fucking self promoters though jesus christ
ImNATT 08-May-18 07:01 AM
I think we need to unmod GGD, if he puts ads on the website.
Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. Get a constantly updating feed of breaking news, fun stories, pics, memes, and videos just for you. Passionate about something niche? Reddit has thousands of vibrant communities with people ...
Punk 08-May-18 11:08 AM
But he wouldn't be compensated from a third party, no?
Doctor Bread 08-May-18 12:44 PM
@ImNATT I don't think he'd be breaking any of those 3 rules. He is not being paid by a third party. That refers to the issue where like, they found out the Skincare subreddit mods were getting paid by Avon and other companies to recommend their products and make sticky announcements. Or on one of the game subs one of the mods got removed because the game company was paying him to remove negative posts. (edited)
Jisifus 08-May-18 01:49 PM
@Doctor Bread GOD DAMNIT
Doctor Bread 08-May-18 01:51 PM
Are you banning with the little M button? Does doing it on someone who's already been banned unban them?
Jisifus 08-May-18 01:52 PM
Doctor Bread 08-May-18 01:52 PM
Weird implementation, oh well
Another I hate Ice modmail, when will these kids grow up
Doctor Bread 08-May-18 02:39 PM
https://www.reddit.com/user/Jowixas This dude still making accounts lol, #8 right there
Activision has to be paying him
ImNATT 08-May-18 04:03 PM
@Doctor Bread I'd rather be safe than sorry. Maybe send a modmail to r/reddit.com and ask?
I don't want Neatclip to end up like memegenerator.net
Doctor Bread 08-May-18 04:16 PM
Sure, I can do that later. What happened to memegenerator?
ImNATT 08-May-18 04:19 PM
The URL itself is shadowbanned from reddit. The owner was a mod of a big meme subreddit and didn't tell anyone/ encouraged people to use his website. Kinda like what we are doing but shadier.
Doctor Bread 08-May-18 04:20 PM
Yeah, that's obviously intentionally shady, GGD is putting everything out there though, so hopefully it would be okay. Wonder how deep the admins would look in to it if we message them
ImNATT 08-May-18 04:29 PM
I don't think they have the ability to look very deep into it. That's why I want to ask them beforehand, rather than them banning the site out of caution.
Doctor Bread 08-May-18 04:59 PM
@ImNATT I really try to keep my patience but damn, these dumbass kids
Don't even read the announcement before WOW MODS TRYING TO GET PAID SMH
ImNATT 08-May-18 05:00 PM
It's ridiculous
RaptorJesus 08-May-18 05:01 PM
Time to make livestreamfail hoodies
ImNATT 08-May-18 05:02 PM
Good idea
ImNATT 08-May-18 05:17 PM
oh no. I temp banned that guy a week ago. Wish I made it permanent.
Doctor Bread 09-May-18 12:29 AM
@here Mitch dropped a fucking baby on stream, so watch out for posts of it
Holding the tide back for now
RaptorJesus 09-May-18 12:32 AM
ok i gotta see this
Doctor Bread 09-May-18 12:33 AM
And literally 3 "DAE IS THIS THE ICE SUBREDDIT" meta posts within 30 minutes of each other
Fuck these idiots I swear
RaptorJesus 09-May-18 12:33 AM
I'm removing the low vote ice clips right now
Doctor Bread 09-May-18 12:34 AM
shit, I might have unbanned two mitch poster, I don't even know
RaptorJesus 09-May-18 12:34 AM
Anything under 100 karma after 3 hours just remove
for Ice
Doctor Bread 09-May-18 12:35 AM
Alright, but remove under what? It's not really mediocre
RaptorJesus 09-May-18 12:35 AM
Yeah it is
If an ice clip cant get over 100 upvotes on a sub thats 35% ice subs
then its mediocre
if they bitch
"Frequently submitted streamers may be held to a higher standard of quality & may be removed if the content does not reach a higher vote threshold."
Doctor Bread 09-May-18 12:37 AM
well, one dude apologized, and Mitch still isnt on the banned streamer sidebar
So I guess he's new, I'll give him and anyone else who says they're new the benefit of the doubt
RaptorJesus 09-May-18 12:37 AM
The following streamers are BANNED from this subreddit for breaking our rules:

Kaceytron, Ninja, zyke, Mira, PantsAreDragon, Cyberdemon531a, BurgerAndy, Athene, Avxry, MitchJones.
Doctor Bread 09-May-18 12:37 AM
oh hurrr
Whatever, that guy seemed genuinly new, gotta be nice sometimes
I just got on and there was like 4 clips of it, 5 different people calling each other fags and telling them to kill themselves, 3 or 4 hating on ICE meta posts
@RaptorJesus What do you think the issue is, Ice has has too big of a fanbase? Personally, I think almost all the clips of him these past few days are fairly entertaining, and everyone else is just submitting shit for the most part, not even sure if its a vote brigade (not literally brigading) issue
RaptorJesus 09-May-18 01:01 AM
We've had this issue brought up before, theres a lot of overlap in fan bases
his hardcore fans will upvote a blank clip if it was flimed on ice's stream
if they dont get above a certain threshold just delete the thread
we do it everytime there's a huge influx
Doctor Bread 09-May-18 01:05 AM
So 100 upvotes? Alright
Doctor Bread 10-May-18 02:25 AM
someone tell me what the fuck is up with these two retards in this comment chain, they started 12 days ago and are still going, on a month-old post <https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/8akfqa/greek_policeman_stream_sniper/dyadv98/?context=10000>; (edited)
Punk 10-May-18 02:26 AM
idc let them argue
Doctor Bread 10-May-18 02:27 AM
I just don't understand why that guy started with a "that's nice dear" top-level comment on the post, like 18+ days late after it was submitted
and why that other guy is upset
Look at that deadly guy's comment history too, jesus fucking christ what a trainwreck
Doctor Bread 10-May-18 03:46 AM
https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/8icw4j/twitch_admin_explains_why_he_quit_his_job/ I listened to this post and approved it, it seems pretty relevant to twitch culture / streaming, someone else can check it out though
Unless it more belongs on /r/Twitch, but I guess I consider this sub an extention of general twitch stuff too, I dunno, seems like a pretty big "fail" on Twitch's part
Punk 10-May-18 03:58 AM
nah axe it
that's more of an r/twitch post
it's the same reason we deleted "state of twitch" youtube videos by Kritikal and such
Doctor Bread 10-May-18 04:01 AM
ah okay
Doctor Bread 10-May-18 07:49 PM
Don't unban that jojo guy, I already told him what he got banned for with the removal message, I told him again when he asked, and he kept sending in modmails calling the mods trash and then came on discord and started flaming as well
I assume he was bullshitting when he said "talked to head mods and already getting unbanned" but just in case
HalfOfAKebab 10-May-18 07:57 PM
he dm'ed me and i said i'd look into it
never said he'd get unbanned though lol
Doctor Bread 10-May-18 08:01 PM
I assumed so, he seems like a grade A moron (edited)
Ocypode 10-May-18 08:06 PM
Idiot btw
Doctor Bread 11-May-18 12:25 AM
@Senior Subreddit Mods I think I've got a streamer trying to brigade here
So <https://www.twitch.tv/wesbtw>; makes an account called wesbtw and tries to self promote. I remove it and ban for self promotion. A few minutes later, another account named WatchesPornAlot posts the same thing with the same title, and it instantly gets up to 6-10 upvotes within a minute of being posted, on what is a pretty shitty fucking clip. It drops back down to 0 a few minutes later as other LSF members vote.

Like 2 minutes after banning the second dude, modmail comes in from wesbtw asking why his viewer was banned. https://mod.reddit.com/mail/all/3s15k (edited)
Dude is watching LSF like a hawk and seems to be directing his viewers to come here and upload/upvote his content
I dunno, is that brigading?
I tried to creep on the discord to see if they were coordinating anything, but message history is blocked, and I guess I'd have to wait for a VOD to see if he said anything on stream, but it's tripping my bullshit alarm pretty hard
HalfOfAKebab 11-May-18 03:03 AM
That's the definition of brigading
You can add the links to the website and twitch page to automod to murder
If you dunno how, ask me later and I'll do it
Doctor Bread 11-May-18 03:26 AM
Er, I guess I wasn't sure since I had no concrete proof of him on stream saying "hey guys go here and upvote this", just an incredibly strong inkling. Looks like there's no VOD for his play session while this was going down either.

And do the new mods have Automod permissions? I know we don't have CSS, but I thought those two were likely related. I haven't looked that deep in to it though.
HalfOfAKebab 11-May-18 04:03 AM
I'm not sure, you can try
ImNATT 11-May-18 07:43 AM
You don't have AutoMod permissions. If more clips of that streamer are being submitted and you think they are suspicious, message me and I'll add him to the filter.
Doctor Bread 11-May-18 12:34 PM
Ocypode 11-May-18 12:51 PM
Doctor Bread 11-May-18 02:55 PM
What's up with where you answer some dude's question about why they got banned, then they throw an even bigger hissyfit after you tell them, and claim you never told them why they got banned? I guess they just filter it out unless you're like "Oh my mistake, you're unbanned"
Ocypode 11-May-18 03:51 PM
If I would just get a coin everytime someone asks me to unban them
And then theres these kind of guys https://i.imgur.com/GjJldUg.png
Doctor Bread 11-May-18 08:35 PM
RaptorJesus 11-May-18 08:37 PM
Doctor Bread 11-May-18 08:38 PM
192 points and 46 comments so far on reddit
CompCop, zorroisreal, purplebruh, and fearmythirdarm are spamming threads now
It's always those retards shitting up the sub
Ice viewers are pretty cancer across the board, but it's always the same 5-10 names that I notice being an issue
Ocypode 11-May-18 08:45 PM
They seem to do their hardest to push all of ices content to lvf sub reddit for some reason
Doctor Bread 11-May-18 08:46 PM
i'll clean up the non-ice stuff, but ya'll senior mods can decide what you wanna do
RaptorJesus 11-May-18 08:47 PM
I'm not going to even bother adding removal reasons for any ice posts anymore
not worth the headache
Doctor Bread 11-May-18 08:47 PM
the bias is real
did you remove some stuff in the past? why do they think you hate ice
Ocypode 11-May-18 08:48 PM
Doesn't matter whos posts someone deletes, they find a reason to think its biased, especially big streamers because theres a lot of posts to delete from them
RaptorJesus 11-May-18 08:49 PM
Ice's fans are the biggest victims on the planet i swear
Doctor Bread 11-May-18 08:49 PM
well, it's always some big fucking conspiracy when its ice removals
I don't mind Ice or his content, but I'd definitely ban those 5-10 idiots that spam his clips and shit up every comment section and cry about the mods and call it a day though
RaptorJesus 11-May-18 08:56 PM
Just start banning whomever
Doctor Bread 11-May-18 08:57 PM
I don't know if that's a good idea, lol
But like I said, it's the same names every time being a nuisance
Doctor Bread 11-May-18 09:03 PM
Alright, only reports left are some ice posts, same names as before, lol
RaptorJesus 11-May-18 09:13 PM
Remove them as mediocre and watch them chimp out
HalfOfAKebab 11-May-18 09:27 PM
@RaptorJesus some feedback from a guy about the css
"The biggest thing is to get Night mode(RES) properly working with the subreddit style or have a night mode option as a subreddit style. That's my biggest gripe honestly, it's way too bright."
RaptorJesus 11-May-18 09:28 PM
I think we can get a night mode working
would be nice
HalfOfAKebab 11-May-18 09:28 PM
yeah i think a lot of users would enjoy it
it's especially important because for some people, no night mode is a dealbreaker
which makes them unable to use the flair filters
RaptorJesus 11-May-18 09:30 PM
True, i'll see what i can conjure up on Sunday
Doctor Bread 11-May-18 09:42 PM
Holy shit I never realized how awful the Ice subreddit is, was seeing if they were complaining about LSF, they have like 150 new submissions every minute (edited)
Retards just spamming awful meme threads endlessly, how would you even moderate this?
HalfOfAKebab 11-May-18 09:52 PM
You don't
RaptorJesus 11-May-18 10:11 PM
holy fuck
Doctor Bread 12-May-18 12:24 AM
I removed a few Ice posts, but there are like 3 or 4 others about him feeling poorly treated, be ready for a backlash 😄
And they'll probably blame you Raptor, you dirty Ice hater
ImNATT 12-May-18 08:41 AM
The Mirror Bot is currently down. Here's an Update:
Unfortunately it is a bit more complicated to fix it this time. Twitch completely removed the mp4 file I used before and switched to a new technology stack (HLS/DASH). I'm confident I can make the necessary adaptations though, just takes a bit of time.
Doctor Bread 13-May-18 01:52 AM
Man, report queue keeps getting up to like 50+
Doctor Bread 13-May-18 04:52 PM
"I logged on to my alt account to post my own fail, didn't think that would count as self promotion"
I don't have enough ? for this
Ocypode 14-May-18 04:18 AM
Doctor Bread 14-May-18 01:19 PM
I don't think it's that big of an issue, considering it seems like states are just going to ignore the ruling and keep laws in place for NN. Didn't realize they were voting on it again though.
ImNATT 14-May-18 03:50 PM
Rule 9 says don't do it.
Update on the Bot:
Twitch Clips should work again!

Streamable has blocked the bot's IP (I have no idea why) so I will need to find a different way to solve that.

Let's hope that they don't change anything for a while otherwise I will have to adjust the bot again.
Doctor Bread 14-May-18 03:58 PM
Well, supporting NN is important, but all the subreddits that do it seem pretty cringey, pretty sure it makes zero diifference. Either the politicians got paid enough or they didn't.
Unless you're saying rule 9 also applies to what the mods / sub support as well
Not too worried about it anymore though, all the non shit states are either gonna sue the FCC or pass laws protecting themselves like Washington.
ImNATT 14-May-18 04:01 PM
I really don't give a shit one way or another. My Internet works fine and I'm sure it'll do so next week also.
But it's politics and we shouldn't break our own rules.
Doctor Bread 15-May-18 12:42 AM
So I think it's appropriate
It's true btw, she or someone in her network is putting copywrite claims* on people. I guess normally it'd be more of an /r/Twitch thing, but like I said, it is a follow up to a highly upvoted post that was allowed. (edited)
RaptorJesus 15-May-18 12:52 AM
yeah thats fine
Doctor Bread 15-May-18 01:36 AM
Tried to do some research but no luck. CollabDRM, the claimants, don't have a client list available. I'd say the burden of proof is on Alinity to prove the claims aren't coming from her, considering the video yesterday
Doctor Bread 15-May-18 01:07 PM
"Alinity (Twitch Thot) admits that she is behind the recent copyright claims by working with "CollabDRM" who recently copyright claimed several YouTubers videos which means that she and the company receives the money from them."
Hey, I was right on the money
Doctor Bread 15-May-18 04:15 PM
lol @ImNATT, I thought I'd give him a fair chance to explain himself.
I am unimpressed with the "I'm not QUITE the worst poster on LSF, so my behavior is fine." I was hoping for something more.
ImNATT 15-May-18 04:24 PM
His comment history should've given away that you won't get much out of him lol
Ocypode 15-May-18 04:29 PM
Should be at /r/twitch not lsf
Doctor Bread 15-May-18 04:29 PM
It's definitely interesting, belongs more on /r/twitch
For twitch fucking up in big ways like that, sometimes I think it should be posted on LSF though, considering we're one of the only two subs that can hold Twitch accountable, at least somewhat
Jisifus 15-May-18 04:31 PM
got it
Doctor Bread 15-May-18 04:31 PM
Looks like it got taken off of /r/Twitch
That's why he came here
Jisifus 15-May-18 04:32 PM
so just give him the "refer to /r/twitch", right
Doctor Bread 15-May-18 04:32 PM
Looks like they got stupid fucking mods who don't know the definition of "witch hunt" though. I'd say let him post it here
But not up to me, obviously
Jisifus 15-May-18 04:32 PM
i removed it for personal agenda, something just seems super off
Doctor Bread 15-May-18 04:32 PM
I mean, that proof he provided is pretty damning
Jisifus 15-May-18 04:33 PM
especially considering its a fresh account
Doctor Bread 15-May-18 04:33 PM
People who claim "witch hunt" when someone presents proof with their claim really chaps my ass though
I guess those people think witches are real since they can't grasp the definition (edited)
Jisifus 15-May-18 04:33 PM
yeah not really what i was thinking about either
Doctor Bread 15-May-18 04:34 PM
Ah yeah, just saying as an aside. That post should definitely be allowed on /r/Twitch though
I guess I don't mind giving him a platform for something like that if /r/Twitch is being stupid though
Jisifus 15-May-18 04:36 PM
so just approve it and see how people react? or just tell him to press the issue to /r/twitch mods
ImNATT 15-May-18 04:37 PM
He should try to get in on r/Twitch first. If they absolutely refuse, he can post it here.
Doctor Bread 15-May-18 04:37 PM
He did
ImNATT 15-May-18 04:37 PM
Did he press the issue?
Jisifus 15-May-18 04:37 PM
Alright let me do the modmail
ImNATT 15-May-18 04:38 PM
Doctor Bread 15-May-18 04:38 PM
"We do not allow posts that encourage witch-hunts against other users. Please edit your post and send us a modmail message using the link below, and we will consider re-approving your post."
I mean, if he posted the exact same thing he posted here, I don't see anything wrong with it
He kind of needs to point to that user to point out the issue
ImNATT 15-May-18 04:38 PM
The streamer isn't even at fault here
Can't blame him for applying for partnership
Doctor Bread 15-May-18 04:39 PM
Hmm, would there be a way he could make the post without putting links to that streamer?
ImNATT 15-May-18 04:41 PM
Yes. He can do the complete post without mentioning the streamer by name. It wouldn't take anything away, since the focus should be on Twitch.
Doctor Bread 15-May-18 04:41 PM
See, it is kind of the streamer's fault. It does look like he purchased twitch/twitter followers
Getting partnered wouldn't give him 10k+ twitter and twitch followers who don't speak much or react to any of his content
"Survive_’s twitter account is equally impressive, having reached the lofty heights of 10.6k followers, obtained fairly recently. Unfortunately, this streamer’s fans are not an interactive bunch, the tweets obtaining less than 5 likes and zero responses, on average. It’s understandable; social media is notoriously difficult for our robot friends. [2]"
Jisifus 15-May-18 04:43 PM
Yeah just add/correct anything you like in modmail, I'm playing league right now so it's a bit inconvenient
Doctor Bread 15-May-18 04:43 PM
lol been there, trying to do mod shit while I'm running back down lane
ImNATT 15-May-18 04:44 PM
Go to Total Subscribers and look at that jump on the 13th of May last year. Is that proof the Twitch sub is botted?
There can be many explanations for increased activity.
Doctor Bread 15-May-18 04:46 PM
When did this guy get partnered? In the post it says "just partnered" so I assume within the last few days
ImNATT 15-May-18 04:46 PM
Doctor Bread 15-May-18 04:46 PM
And the graph explosion came at the start of febuary through march, so not related to being partnered
hold on, doin a little investigating
Alright, his wife (Bnans) is the exact same. 12k followers on twitter, all posts get like maybe 10 likes. 19k twitch followers, All of her twitch vods, no more than 50 views, usually less
Something fucky is going on
Unless she sent all of her completely uninteractive fans to him
ImNATT 15-May-18 04:50 PM
Watch a VOD, see how many donations/ interaction in general they get. Preferably before and after their spike.
Doctor Bread 15-May-18 04:51 PM
She's hosting survive right now, he's got 14 viewers
just sitting there
Between her 19.5k and his 10k, 14 people watching
ImNATT 15-May-18 04:52 PM
Send me their Twitter profile links
Doctor Bread 15-May-18 04:52 PM
No one talking in chat
Twitch Partner. Sponsored by @GFuelEnergy. Business inquiries: business@bnans.tv
it’s time for the thing | @StayPureGG
Windows Update : The barbarian
I mean this right now is post 10k follower explosion, and his stream is dead right now aside from two subs/donators
His 10k explosion was in Febuary-March
Vods in March, when he just began streaming and when the explosion happened, literally 0 views on one of them (edited)
He gets married to her, starts streaming, borrows some of her bots?
She got the same explosion from Feb-March as well
ImNATT 15-May-18 04:58 PM
I can't check him, they want me to login for that.
Doctor Bread 15-May-18 04:59 PM
Bots can pass for real these days. You'd think all of those real users would watch their stream or interact with with their twitter/instagram though
ImNATT 15-May-18 04:59 PM
Did they do a giveaway or something, where you had to follow them?
Doctor Bread 15-May-18 04:59 PM
Mmmmm all of his vods are just playing pubg for that month, i'll check hers
Doctor Bread 15-May-18 05:00 PM
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/241710753 Some sort of giveaway, but still, only 50 views
Bnans - Sea of Thieves - Twitch
Giving away soda? lol
Doubt that will bring in 10k people overnight
Man I don't even think the focus is on twitch partnering them, I feel like those two in particular are doing something shady (edited)
ImNATT 15-May-18 05:02 PM
Everything's fucked. They seem fishy, but I don't want to open the door to viewbot allegations. That can get out of control fast.
Doctor Bread 15-May-18 05:03 PM
Let him make the post about the partnership and if people wanna look deeper in to it?
Cause the free partner for the husband is still some BS
Looks like she got 4-5k legit followers before march though, so I guess that's why she got it
ImNATT 15-May-18 05:04 PM
That's what I wanted the post to focus on in the first place.
Doctor Bread 15-May-18 05:04 PM
And it does, but I feel like we uncovered something else, lol
ImNATT 15-May-18 05:06 PM
Let's hope the Twitch mods approve his post and take this hot potato off our hands.
Doctor Bread 15-May-18 05:07 PM
If they don't let him post it I say let him do it here. Who knows, it might just get downvote bombed.
@ImNATT I talked to the /r/Twitch mods and they said they won't let him post it no matter what.
ImNATT 15-May-18 05:23 PM
What's their reasoning?
Doctor Bread 15-May-18 05:24 PM
relevant part of the conversation
And their rules :
1. No racism/sexism/homophobia or other hate based speech. Directly calling out or providing enough information to cause a witch-hunt of another user is not allowed.
5. Posts about official Twitch matters will be removed. This includes, but is not limited to, posts about: Twitch suspensions, Reporting users, Twitch Support tickets, Twitch chat bans and Twitch Partnership
I think it's mostly just their rule 5 though, and one of the moderators not understanding what witch-hunt means for rule 1 (edited)
ImNATT 15-May-18 05:28 PM
Let him post it. Let's see what happens.
Doctor Bread 15-May-18 05:29 PM
Alright, I'll let him know to repost it since it's already been up, it won't come to new since it was already up for a bit.
Doctor Bread 15-May-18 11:53 PM
It's been one of the usual suspect Ice Fanboys almost every time too, I swear they wouldn't see the irony if you smacked them in the face with it
Doctor Bread 16-May-18 01:59 AM
@Senior Subreddit Mods
Ban these people? Or just remove all
Punk 16-May-18 01:59 AM
just remove all
Doctor Bread 16-May-18 01:59 AM
hope xQc is okay
Doctor Bread 16-May-18 02:00 AM
Ah yeah, he's okay, he talks to the cops
god bless the automod swat filter, they're really pouring in, lol
RaptorJesus 16-May-18 02:35 AM
that blows
HalfOfAKebab 16-May-18 01:03 PM
why would we ban them?
Jisifus 16-May-18 02:18 PM
@here do you mind if i lock the xQc thread to give modqueue some time to calm down
RaptorJesus 16-May-18 04:17 PM
Go for it
sorry for late response been working
Doctor Bread 16-May-18 04:39 PM
@HalfOfAKebab I figured for the same reason people posting banned streamers are banned
And how come that one xQc thread was allowed, since they didn't put swatting in the title? Or because it turned out it was a noise complaint and not a swat attempt
Also why would they have guns drawn for a noise complaint?
Love my country sometimes
ImNATT 16-May-18 05:20 PM
It wasn't swatting, which is why it didn't get removed.
Just checked on Felix, he is safe just shook up. Ended up being a noise complaint from neighbours not a swat attempt after I checked in with management thank god.
Doctor Bread 16-May-18 05:21 PM
Yeah, the way the cops acted I assumed it was swatting, seems most everyone else did
Doctor Bread 16-May-18 09:08 PM
@here I finished everything up to the rules wiki (I think), if you want to weigh in, or say I completely wasted my time.
SIDEBAR WELCOME Welcome to /r/LivestreamFail: the place for livestream fails, wins and fuck-ups (with the occasional meta post). This is the subreddit for your NeatClip/Streamable/twitch clips, GIFs and VoDs of livestream fails/wins. No modera...
ImNATT 17-May-18 08:27 AM
Looks good so far. The Wiki is important though
Jisifus 17-May-18 04:33 PM
0 votes and 1 so far on reddit
@ImNATT 100% self promotion, just wanted to let you know
ImNATT 17-May-18 04:35 PM
ImNATT 17-May-18 05:06 PM
@Doctor Bread You can remove the joke part from Rule 8
Doctor Bread 17-May-18 05:06 PM
Ah okay
so just racial donor names?
ImNATT 17-May-18 05:06 PM
Doctor Bread 17-May-18 05:07 PM
Also hey, look who's back, it's the blizzard/activision defender / account spammer <https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/8k663u/asmongold_had_right_all_the_time_lul/dz5h0jm/?context=3>;
That guy shows up in any thread that has Blizzard/Activision games in it
ImNATT 17-May-18 05:07 PM
He's a regular
Doctor Bread 17-May-18 05:08 PM
Oh is he? I never noticed, guess cause you guys would ban him
ImNATT 17-May-18 05:08 PM
By that I mean I've been banning his accounts since I've been a mod here
Doctor Bread 17-May-18 05:09 PM
I admire the dedication. There's a guy running some pretty sophisticated bot and botnet on 4chan that detects any My Little Pony images that are posted and starts spamming the thread telling the person to kill themselves, he's been going strong for a couple years
We call him Barneyfag
ImNATT 17-May-18 05:09 PM
There's even an AutoMod filter for him, hence his weird typing
Doctor Bread 17-May-18 05:09 PM
He usually does the two << in between the words, could you add that in?
ImNATT 17-May-18 05:11 PM
I've added "d<<ie of can<<cer, sh<<it eating ret<<ard".
Idk how to do advanced regex that detects them on it's own. (edited)
Doctor Bread 17-May-18 05:11 PM
Yeah, I checked the last batch of his accounts, he was still doing the D<<ie of can<<cer, sh<<it eating ret<<ard
Maybe he'll get smart and start doing 3 <<<, but good enough for now
ImNATT 17-May-18 05:12 PM
Doctor Bread 17-May-18 05:13 PM
Maybe some advanced regex that detects words with < > in between them at any point? At least until he decides to change it up
ImNATT 17-May-18 05:15 PM
As I said, idk how. Kebab is the one who does advanced AutoMod.
Doctor Bread 17-May-18 06:50 PM
@RaptorJesus You're in luck, Fearmythirdarm is ban evading on https://www.reddit.com/user/fearmybursst
That was his name when he came in to the discord to talk to me
RaptorJesus 17-May-18 06:52 PM
Doctor Bread 17-May-18 06:52 PM
I'll let you do the honors
RaptorJesus 17-May-18 06:53 PM
Just did it
Doctor Bread 17-May-18 06:55 PM
Well, that makes me feel better for all of that wasted time last night
I banned him off the discord too, I'm sure he'd start furiously messaging one of us
Doctor Bread 17-May-18 07:11 PM
RaptorJesus 17-May-18 07:11 PM
Doctor Bread 17-May-18 07:13 PM
RaptorJesus 17-May-18 07:13 PM
whats their real name again?
can you post it here
well their fake real name probably
Doctor Bread 17-May-18 07:14 PM
FeaRmyThirdArm? (edited)
RaptorJesus 17-May-18 07:15 PM
I sent them the dab as the mod response
Doctor Bread 17-May-18 07:22 PM
I've got tears in my eyes
Damn that kill yourself spam is intense
Also damn this dude has a lot of accounts
RaptorJesus 17-May-18 07:33 PM
Not surprised
Doctor Bread 17-May-18 07:49 PM
You wanna message the reddit admins? I can later
RaptorJesus 17-May-18 07:49 PM
I alreaDy did
Doctor Bread 17-May-18 07:49 PM
He's raging on the ice sub and was editing some of his old LSF comments, i'm going through and removing them now
RaptorJesus 17-May-18 07:49 PM
I’m gonna have web man grab their IP
From their uploads
Doctor Bread 17-May-18 08:05 PM
He's commenting on every post I have made on his alts lol
What a fucking nutcase
RaptorJesus 17-May-18 08:22 PM
Amanda Lynn
u/FeaRmyThirdArm (Reddit)
Fearmybursst#9042 (Discord)
Cxinthechat#2318 (Alt-Discord)
Lives in -4 UTC (East Coast)
-Pittsburg Area
why do people even bother fucking with me
Doctor Bread 17-May-18 08:22 PM
So is it a chick? I sent you that picture the other day that was their profile pic / their spotify
Or is that their girlfriend
RaptorJesus 17-May-18 08:22 PM
Thats them
Doctor Bread 17-May-18 08:23 PM
Mannnnnnnnn I'm really skeptical that it's a woman, lol
You should send them that though, lol
RaptorJesus 17-May-18 08:24 PM
it is 100%
Just gonna get more info
then if they try shit i'll drop it
Doctor Bread 17-May-18 08:26 PM
I guess a woman would go to that level of crazy over being banned
@ImNATT D--ie of can---cer, sh---it eating ret---ard
He got smart
I don't have enough luls for this night of mental illness
ImNATT 17-May-18 08:36 PM
I've added it to AM
Punk 18-May-18 12:05 AM
I've been pretty busy but Idk why that PhillyD vid was allowed to stay up
we delete all "state of twitch" videos and shit
same reason we deleted kritical's vids back in the day
remove non-livestreams guys
also let's phase out these alinity posts
Doctor Bread 18-May-18 01:49 PM
Lol Fear still making accounts and messaging me, what a loser. Hope the admins ban her soon
And more modmail spam
ImNATT 18-May-18 01:52 PM
She has been on my ass the whole morning
RaptorJesus 18-May-18 01:52 PM
Mental illness lmao
ImNATT 18-May-18 01:53 PM
I think she's lonely
Doctor Bread 18-May-18 01:53 PM
I wanna see how high it gets, lol
RaptorJesus 18-May-18 01:53 PM
This person has like 50 reddit accounts with comments on each
Mental illness forsure lmao
Doctor Bread 18-May-18 01:54 PM
Well, now we know what to expect when we ban the other Ice users, lol
Doctor Bread 18-May-18 02:14 PM
Those other two accounts are theirs, and they go through and upvote their own comments with all of their alt accounts
ImNATT 18-May-18 04:03 PM
Oh no, she blocked me
Doctor Bread 18-May-18 04:17 PM
Aww yeah, Logan Paul is streaming, bout to clip some of it and upload just to upset people
Still didn't get my revenge for all the people bitching during Ice's RV trip
ImNATT 18-May-18 04:29 PM
Doctor Bread 18-May-18 04:40 PM
Make an announcement post with a link to his stream
Also this stream is cancer, jesus christ
ImNATT 18-May-18 04:41 PM
link it
Doctor Bread 18-May-18 04:42 PM
ImNATT 18-May-18 04:42 PM
what is that bright as fuck overlay
Doctor Bread 18-May-18 04:43 PM
Let me put an announcement post up, it'll be great
Need some memes to get people away from all the thot posts
ImNATT 18-May-18 04:43 PM
nooooooooo, don't meme with mod status
Doctor Bread 18-May-18 04:43 PM
But what's the point of being a mod then
ImNATT 18-May-18 04:43 PM
You get to befriend Amanda
Doctor Bread 18-May-18 04:44 PM
She's got those crazy eyes, she'd let you smash any way you want
ImNATT 18-May-18 04:45 PM
I'm currently unironically chatting with her about the Keemstar tournament.
Doctor Bread 18-May-18 04:45 PM
You talkin about fearmythirdarm?
ImNATT 18-May-18 04:45 PM
Doctor Bread 18-May-18 04:45 PM
lol why
ImNATT 18-May-18 04:45 PM
I'm curious what makes a person this way.
Doctor Bread 18-May-18 04:45 PM
mental illness + loneliness
Is she trying to get you to unban her 50 accounts?
ImNATT 18-May-18 04:46 PM
No lol
Doctor Bread 18-May-18 04:47 PM
I think Raptor and I just hit her with the dab if she sends any messages now
ImNATT 18-May-18 04:47 PM
I'm having a bit of fun with her.
Doctor Bread 18-May-18 04:47 PM
So cruel
ImNATT 18-May-18 04:47 PM
We are like Shrek and Fiona
Doctor Bread 18-May-18 04:47 PM
Watch out, you're gonna be head over heels before you know it
Buying a plane ticket to pittsburgh
ImNATT 18-May-18 04:48 PM
She told me she has a spare room lol
Doctor Bread 18-May-18 04:48 PM
She single?
ImNATT 18-May-18 04:49 PM
Lemme ask her
There is a chance for you
Doctor Bread 18-May-18 04:52 PM
ImNATT 18-May-18 04:52 PM
She loves the "Jew Doctor"
Doctor Bread 18-May-18 04:52 PM
I'm not really Jewish, my wife is though, I just like to meme
I'd leave her for Amanda though tbh
ImNATT 18-May-18 04:53 PM
who wouldnt. such a classy lady
Doctor Bread 18-May-18 04:53 PM
Police arrested 31-year old Jacqueline Ades after finding her in the man's bathtub.
Reminds me of this chick
ImNATT 18-May-18 04:54 PM
Doctor Bread 18-May-18 04:54 PM
That's true love right there, she would definitely give me that much attention
ImNATT 18-May-18 04:54 PM
I would be afraid to wake up one day with a missing dick.
Doctor Bread 18-May-18 04:56 PM
Evenings spent making reddit alt accounts together and trolling subreddits. Worth it
ImNATT 18-May-18 04:56 PM
Doctor Bread 18-May-18 04:57 PM
Tell her to hop in discord on one of her alt discord accounts, im waiting in voice chat. Tryna make this love story happen
Doctor Bread 18-May-18 05:01 PM
Mcconnel's in here too, I gotta compete with him
@ImNATT Mcconell says come in the voice chat, he wants to be a moderator
ImNATT 18-May-18 05:02 PM
I'm not modding him
Let me eat, I can break my fast now.
Doctor Bread 18-May-18 05:03 PM
come in here when you're done
ImNATT 18-May-18 05:06 PM
She's coming
Doctor Bread 18-May-18 05:06 PM
oh shit
Lol Mcconnel was like "no way am I staying in for this"
Apparently he knows her from way back
ImNATT 18-May-18 05:08 PM
So she's an oldf
Doctor Bread 18-May-18 05:08 PM
I guess, Mcconnel said she used to ddos and doxx people back in the "darkspear days"
whenever that was
old world of warcraft days
So many jelly nerds hate on me. People rage at me in trade chat especially Ruin Gaming. Everyone gets angry and rage psts me everytime I log on. Haters are my motivators. Nerds can't handle my swag. Stay jelly jellies.
Oh shit lol
ImNATT 18-May-18 05:12 PM
Yeah, I don't think she'll come afterall. I think I scared her
Doctor Bread 18-May-18 05:13 PM
lol what did you say
ImNATT 18-May-18 05:14 PM
Mcconnell remembers you
Doctor Bread 18-May-18 05:14 PM
She used to claim she was a lawyer, apparently
ImNATT 18-May-18 05:16 PM
I think she has claimed a lot of things in her life
Like being a normal person
RaptorJesus 18-May-18 05:30 PM
wait what did i miss
ImNATT 18-May-18 05:31 PM
I had a bit of fun with Amanda
Doctor Bread 18-May-18 05:32 PM
I'm talking to her now
ImNATT 18-May-18 05:32 PM
Doctor Bread 18-May-18 05:32 PM
prob get a bunch of pizzas sent to my house
ImNATT 18-May-18 05:32 PM
@RaptorJesus It's your turn, when Bread is done with her
I hope she's too dumb to dox you Bread
Doctor Bread 18-May-18 05:35 PM
can't doxx what isn't there, it's fine lol
RaptorJesus 18-May-18 05:37 PM
Wtf what channel I can’t see
ImNATT 18-May-18 05:37 PM
You have to go to her. Bread banned all her accounts here (edited)
RaptorJesus 18-May-18 05:38 PM
Oh fuck that
Too lazy and I’m at work
What she say
ImNATT 18-May-18 05:39 PM
Idk, I'm not in the call with Bread
Doctor Bread 18-May-18 05:58 PM
I unbanned and invited, we'll see if she takes it
Said I was waiting (edited)
Doctor Bread 18-May-18 06:02 PM
I see her in the user list
@RaptorJesus @ImNATT she'll talk whenever this fortnite tourney is done if you wanna pop in, prob like an hour or two
Give me some backup, lol
Can ban from discord again after, I don't see any reason to unban her here or on reddit after that crazy fucking response though. But who knows, maybe she's just misunderstood. Be good for a laugh if anything (edited)
RaptorJesus 18-May-18 06:21 PM
Works for me
ImNATT 18-May-18 06:24 PM
I'll be asleep by then. I'm EU
Doctor Bread 18-May-18 06:24 PM
I'll record it probably, you can listen later
ImNATT 18-May-18 06:24 PM
thanks bby
RaptorJesus 18-May-18 10:45 PM
Home now
Doctor Bread 19-May-18 12:03 AM
trying to make this chat happen but she's not responding now, i'll give it a bit longer then just ban again
Alright, they said 30 minutes, we'll see
Doctor Bread 19-May-18 01:14 AM
@RaptorJesus you there? hop in to mod chat
or anyone else who feels like it
It's weird how chill and reasonable people can be over voice, but they just lose their minds if it's over text
RaptorJesus 19-May-18 01:58 AM
shits nuts
Ocypode 19-May-18 02:03 AM
Cant hide behind keyboard
Doctor Bread 19-May-18 02:14 AM
🇼 1
🇴 1
🇲 1
🇪 1
🇳 1
ImNATT 19-May-18 06:01 PM
Do I need to add a YouTube filter for Text posts?
Doctor Bread 19-May-18 07:33 PM
@ImNATT You could, like 20 people submitted that video so I was like whatever
This is the drama of the week the kids want to see
Missed that one and it filled up with comments / votes pretty fast though
already up to 3k
ImNATT 19-May-18 07:35 PM
people love their drama
Doctor Bread 19-May-18 07:35 PM
Or if we can just have a silent rule that Youtube videos stemming from twitch drama are allowed, if they're from the opposing parties / big names like Philly D
I dunno where to draw the line though
Cause people just record it and upload it to streamable, like with the Philly D video
deleted like 20-30 submissions from his youtube as well the other day
Ocypode 20-May-18 11:29 AM
Btw guys thought I'd mention that my pc broke about a week ago and I'm trying my best to afford a new one asap. If you wonder why I've been kinda MIA
ImNATT 20-May-18 11:35 AM
I was going to give you until the end of the month, before removing you. Thanks for the update.
Ocypode 20-May-18 11:44 AM
My bad
ImNATT 20-May-18 12:11 PM
All good
Doctor Bread 20-May-18 01:04 PM
What broke on it?
Ocypode 20-May-18 01:11 PM
The mb
Doctor Bread 20-May-18 01:18 PM
So like 150-200 bucks?
Ocypode 20-May-18 01:29 PM
Well my pc was old shit so I need new MB+processor+ram
Couldn't just replace the mb
But yeah it was weird, I bought a 2nd monitor and after that my pc never went back on
Tried all kinds of things like changing RAM and I even bought a new PSU because mine was old af but still the same problem persisted, so me and my friend were like fuck it can't do shit about it gotta buy almost all new
Doctor Bread 20-May-18 02:14 PM
Sounds like you fried your video card if anything
Ocypode 20-May-18 02:15 PM
Nah I doubt thats it
Doctor Bread 20-May-18 02:16 PM
You mean it just wouldn't turn on period? Or just nothing would come on screen
Ocypode 20-May-18 02:16 PM
Or well I dunno much about pc tech stuff so dunno
It wouldn't turn on, no fans went on or anything
Power button didn't work
Just 1 light on MB and 1 light on graphics card
Then we thought if its just the power button that doesn't work and the cables there, then I tried making short-circuit to the pins that should power up the pc but that didnt work either which points toward faulty mb
Doctor Bread 20-May-18 02:18 PM
yeah maybe
ImNATT 20-May-18 02:20 PM
Have you cleaned your case? My PC wouldn't turn on when a hair was shorting two pins on my MB.
Doctor Bread 20-May-18 02:20 PM
that's a new one, lol
ImNATT 20-May-18 02:21 PM
It went into an infinite boot loop. I imagine shorting the right pins could prevent it from turning on completely.
Doctor Bread 20-May-18 02:22 PM
<https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/8kslop/australian_female_twitch_streamer_says_the_n_word/>; I'm being lazy with this thread if someone wants to go through it, the filter is getting pinged like every minute though. Don't think any went through that are directed at someone else though
ImNATT 20-May-18 02:23 PM
No worries
Punk 20-May-18 03:09 PM
@ImNATT why'd you approve that post
It's literally a "he said it" post
With a side of "women get away with everything"
Can we stop approving complete garbage like "woman who averages 30 viewers says the N word and twitch is corrupt and hypocritical"
Doctor Bread 20-May-18 03:20 PM
Isnt it only a "they said it" post when its someone other than the streamer doing it?
Punk 20-May-18 03:31 PM
Not necessarily
Most of them are donations and shit
But we used to have to prune a lot of "little streamer says it omg wtf"
ImNATT 20-May-18 03:41 PM
That's not a He said it Post Punk
Read the Rule
I understand you don't like streamers getting called out Punk, but it doesn't break any rules.
@Punk :

10. No "He said it" posts
(If you submit a video of a Text to Speech donation, read donor name, or song with racial slurs in it, it will be removed.)
None of these are the case. Please familiarize yourself with our rules.
Punk 20-May-18 03:51 PM
And at the very least it's promoting a personal agenda
Since the only purpose of that thread is starting a witchhunt against a noname streamer.
It's a real bad look.
ImNATT 20-May-18 03:52 PM
Define Witch hunt
Doctor Bread 20-May-18 03:52 PM
So you would just want a different thread title? Because that post would be allowed at any other time if it wasn't related to the Tfue situation
ImNATT 20-May-18 03:52 PM
My god I didn't think we would have to deal with this internally with mods.
Doctor Bread 20-May-18 03:53 PM
I mean, the title does have an egenda. What if it was posted as just "Australian female twitch streamer says the “N” word" or something like that though?
I don't really mind the agenda in this case since it's against Twitch policy being unfair, I dunno
ImNATT 20-May-18 03:54 PM
Don't worry, Punk is overreacting
Punk 20-May-18 03:55 PM
Doctor Bread 20-May-18 03:55 PM
Please no fighting
Punk 20-May-18 03:55 PM
The subreddit being flooded with random drama garbage for the last week is getting annoying
Doctor Bread 20-May-18 03:55 PM
I can agree with that
Punk 20-May-18 03:55 PM
And now here comes more irrelevant shit
ImNATT 20-May-18 03:55 PM
Filter Drama posts like everyone else. Don't try to change rules to fit your taste
Punk 20-May-18 03:56 PM
I maintain that post is garbage that wouldn't even be upvoted if it wasn't explicitly tied to current drama.
Doctor Bread 20-May-18 03:56 PM
The sub is going to forever cycle from one dramatic situation to the next though, as soon as Alinity got boring, Tfue happened, and they all hopped (edited)
Unless there are some extremely drastic rules put in place
Doctor Bread 20-May-18 04:10 PM
Though I guess Alinity isn't quite done yet
ImNATT 20-May-18 04:32 PM
Remove them
I'm putting the streamable URL in AutoMod
Doctor Bread 20-May-18 04:33 PM
does sound like immagration fraud though
ImNATT 20-May-18 04:35 PM
It is. But LivestreamFail is not the avenue to investigate this.
Doctor Bread 20-May-18 04:35 PM
Yep. Hope she's got good internet in Columbia to stream though
Wonder if the canadian govt will actually look in to it
ImNATT 20-May-18 04:41 PM
Doctor Bread 20-May-18 04:51 PM
How do I report a scam or a fraud?
Immigration fraud
Call the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Border Watch Toll-free Line to report:

suspicious border activity,
a marriage of convenience
I'm sure 100 sweaty incels filed reports on her already, she did make it sound like a convenience marriage
ImNATT 20-May-18 04:54 PM
Did they go through her VODs to find that clip? That is some dedication.
Or was it recent?
Doctor Bread 20-May-18 05:03 PM
Ummm someone just made that compilation with the pewdiepie part / admission yesterday, dunno how far back they went for that clip though
Did you ban the person who made that big post you removed @ImNATT? CleverestPony70
Look at their comment history
ImNATT 20-May-18 05:05 PM
Doctor Bread 20-May-18 05:05 PM
fuckin yikes
Just removed 3 posts about her being deported, watch out if you want to keep it off LSF cause they're coming in pretty frequently
ImNATT 20-May-18 05:22 PM
Will do (hopefully)
Doctor Bread 20-May-18 08:40 PM
@Senior Subreddit Mods can the aussie chick saying nigger be locked? It's pinging the modmail non-stop
I think all of the kids have said their naughty word on the internet enough
kind of just treading the same ground at this point
Punk 20-May-18 08:40 PM
HalfOfAKebab 20-May-18 08:40 PM
it should be removed anyway
"he said it"
Punk 20-May-18 08:41 PM
Apparently not :^^^^^^^)
Doctor Bread 20-May-18 08:41 PM
We talked about that a bit above Kebab
Punk 20-May-18 08:41 PM
But yeah lock it up
Doctor Bread 20-May-18 08:41 PM
I'll lock it in a sec
or someone else can
RaptorJesus 20-May-18 08:49 PM
Wait so
0 votes and 161 so far on reddit
Yeah only remove threads that are text to speech and song requests, feel free to lock the other ones though if they get out of hand
Doctor Bread 20-May-18 09:02 PM
So remove like every Arab Andy post? All he's doing is crazy text to speech in public places
Doctor Bread 21-May-18 01:41 AM
SIDEBAR WELCOME Welcome to /r/LivestreamFail: the place for livestream fails, wins and fuck-ups (with the occasional meta post). This is the subreddit for your NeatClip/Streamable/twitch clips, GIFs and VoDs of livestream fails/wins. No modera...
This link has editing allowed. I recommend picking a font color and adding comments in to the text if you want, or use the add comment button on the top and it will show up along the side, just highlight the text you want to comment on and hit the button (edited)
ImNATT 21-May-18 09:48 AM
Jisifus 21-May-18 11:06 AM
yeah he keeps messaging me, not sure what to tell him
whatever, someone else made a post about it without the personal opinion/theory attached to it
Doctor Bread 21-May-18 07:26 PM
Jesus christ
I don't blame the person for wanting to find his address though. 9 year olds who get raped should kill themselves, sheesh. Take that dude's internet access away forever.
Jisifus 21-May-18 07:44 PM
wanna just lock it?
Doctor Bread 21-May-18 07:47 PM
I think most of us are on for the next few hours to keep an eye on it. I dunno, don't really wanna not let people be able to speak about this guy, but all his online stuff is already posted. Prob just a matter of time till someone has his address. (edited)
Or they already do, if that one commenter can be believed.
Jisifus 21-May-18 07:48 PM
got a reply from an admin after 3 minutes
Doctor Bread 21-May-18 07:48 PM
oh nice
Jisifus 21-May-18 07:48 PM
"we'll review it and take action accordingly."
Doctor Bread 21-May-18 07:48 PM
Well, usually takes them a couple days to reply, so I guess it's high priority at least.
@ImNATT Looks like you're removing any links to his social media, wanna just do that for any of his info and keep it unlocked?
ImNATT 21-May-18 07:52 PM
I'm not online for much longer. Do what you think is best.
Doctor Bread 22-May-18 12:32 AM
damn @RaptorJesus I was thinking of 7 daying him, not perma (edited)
He woulda been better off if I did it, lol
fuckin brutal dude
RaptorJesus 22-May-18 12:46 AM
Nah fuck it
Doctor Bread 22-May-18 12:46 AM
Raptor hates Ice Poseidon
RaptorJesus 22-May-18 12:46 AM
Honestly the best indication if someone deserves insta perma
is if they post on milliondollarextreme
Doctor Bread 22-May-18 12:56 AM
Which sub is that?
Doctor Bread 22-May-18 01:03 AM
Oh yeah this milliondollarextreme sub looks like cancer, you're right. It's like Jewish hate, incels, donald supporters, american hate, nazi supporters, hating anything not conservative, what the fuck? This is awful lol
Doctor Bread 22-May-18 12:25 PM
@ImNATT I bumped that IsThatOffensive guy up to permanent, I talked to Gengar and he showed me some messages, he's been stalking him and harassing him in comments and PM's for weeks like a fucking psycho. (edited)
His comment history is also completely dogshit, he just argues with and harasses people in every sub
Also I'm pretty sure I just banned him a couple weeks ago for 1 week for harassing someone, think I forgot to put a mod note. I recognize the username though
ImNATT 22-May-18 04:04 PM
Fine by me.
That's why you don't explain shit. Just ban them
Doctor Bread 22-May-18 04:53 PM
@ImNATT That's not me lol
I never had a talk with anyone like that
I think that's the post @Punk removed, if I'm not mistaken? Correct me if I'm wrong.
Punk 22-May-18 04:58 PM
stop talking to these people tbh
Doctor Bread 22-May-18 04:58 PM
I'm surprised you tried to reason with him for that long, lol
Punk 22-May-18 04:59 PM
oh I wasn't talking with him
I don't know who that chatlog is with
Doctor Bread 22-May-18 04:59 PM
It's definitely not me
Jisifus maybe?
ImNATT 22-May-18 04:59 PM
lol, Is he just making shit up or was he talking to you @Jisifus?
Doctor Bread 22-May-18 05:00 PM
Immediately blaming me and shit just cause I'm black in my heart
ImNATT 22-May-18 05:00 PM
Punk 22-May-18 05:02 PM
"alinity says the n-word" is one of the top posts on our sub
Doctor Bread 22-May-18 05:02 PM
We should ban every post related to people saying or sounding like they're saying nigger, perhaps
It's just so childish
By the way, I don't think Jisifus did anything wrong, someone posted that thread already yesterday https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/8l1han/australian_female_twitch_streamer_who_said_the/
So he could have just removed it for duplicate honestly
Punk 22-May-18 05:07 PM
our sub is SO shit lately
it's like this last week has been some insane influx of total garbage posters
ImNATT 22-May-18 05:13 PM
Somehow you locked the thread and left a comment without removing it (edited)
Doctor Bread 22-May-18 05:14 PM
@ImNATT can you put in a Twitch Thot flair?
ImNATT 22-May-18 05:15 PM
Doctor Bread 22-May-18 05:15 PM
Alinity might need her own flair if people don't stop posting her. Went from Ice spam to Alinity spam
ImNATT 22-May-18 05:15 PM
Wait till next week
If it persists, we can talk again
Doctor Bread 22-May-18 05:17 PM
But I agree Punk, the sub has been pretty shit for a couple weeks now, like more than usual.
I dunno if it's new posters starting shit and making drama, or tons of drama stuff just happening back to back
Doctor Bread 22-May-18 05:27 PM
I saw that, wanna leave it up?
ImNATT 22-May-18 05:27 PM
Not really
Doctor Bread 22-May-18 05:27 PM
That's some good comedy though, not gonna lie
ImNATT 22-May-18 05:27 PM
I know
I'm torn
Doctor Bread 22-May-18 05:28 PM
Have you guys ever really utilized megathreads / discussion threads, to kind of filter out all the shit like this? I don't think I've ever seen any besides some poll threads.
I guess it would be kind of hard to have like an "Alinity / PDP drama thread" since this has been going for a couple days
ImNATT 22-May-18 05:28 PM
We did once with Ice, but nobody posts clips in them
You can make one if you want
Doctor Bread 22-May-18 05:30 PM
Well like I said, it's been a couple days long, and you wouldn't want it stickied the whole time, obviously
So I don't know how that would work
If it was non-stickied, as soon as it fell off the front page people would just keep posting the clips seperately and clogging up the frontpage
ImNATT 22-May-18 05:32 PM
That's kinda the point of a megathread. They're always stickied.
Doctor Bread 22-May-18 05:32 PM
Even if it was stickied for like a couple days or a week?
ImNATT 22-May-18 05:32 PM
Until the situation is resolved
Doctor Bread 22-May-18 05:33 PM
Seems annoying to users, but I guess they can always hide it if they're not interested. That's usually what I do on subs that do stuff like that
Could have a Megathread flair that people could add to RES filter as well
it's an interesting thot
ImNATT 22-May-18 05:34 PM
Is the "hide" functionality a reddit gold feature?
I'm surprised people don't use it on threads they don't want to see.
Doctor Bread 22-May-18 05:34 PM
Pretty sure it's standard?
Unless it's part of RES, cause I've been using that for years
ImNATT 22-May-18 05:35 PM
Doctor Bread 22-May-18 05:35 PM
I'm not too worried about monkeys* who don't use it either way (edited)
ImNATT 22-May-18 05:36 PM
They're annoying though when they start complaining
Doctor Bread 22-May-18 05:36 PM
But say we had a megathread for Alinity PDP. This thread was only posted since the drama is going down right now https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/8lc48f/alinity_says_the_nword/ (edited)
1186 votes and 380 so far on reddit
Would that go in the megathread?
Or the one a bit lower where she says she's 10% black
ImNATT 22-May-18 05:37 PM
A megathread is just a normal thread that gets stickied. You can put anything in it. (edited)
Doctor Bread 22-May-18 05:38 PM
I guess the whole point would be to make it so there aren't 5+ alinity clips on the front page, cause people are obviously clipping anything she does wrong to get her in trouble.
Otherwise what would be the point?
ImNATT 22-May-18 05:39 PM
Exactly. And they don't really work in this subreddit, because as I said, people don't post the clips in them. It would need to be curated by the mods if you want it done properly.
Doctor Bread 22-May-18 05:41 PM
It'd have to be like any posts regarding the streamer(s) in the drama situation right then would be funneled in to it, until it was resolved/died off. Whether it's related to the situation, or them saying dumb shit. Otherwise, like maybe half or so of the alinity threads this past week would go in it, cause the other half were just her saying stupid things and people pointing them out for the sake of fueling the drama.
Her saying nigga is only posted to fuel the fire, but it's obviously related to the drama
ImNATT 22-May-18 05:45 PM
Punk 22-May-18 05:49 PM
@ImNATT huh that's odd
haven't see that before lol
RaptorJesus 23-May-18 03:21 AM
please pay attention to this
if ice is in the video, its ICE
not anything else
regardless of content
Jisifus 23-May-18 03:31 AM
if toolbox can determine which accounts are linked to in submissions there has to be a bot that can figure that out and flair it for us
also, can we get a list of banned domains going and create a removal reason for them
because if people want a reliable way to filter ice, we need a reliable way to detect ice posts. v.reddit makes that impossible
Jisifus 23-May-18 05:52 AM
@Doctor Bread why did you change the guy's ban from 7 days to permanent
Jisifus 23-May-18 09:50 AM

type: submission
title (contains): ["ice","poseidon"]
set_flair: ["Ice","ice"]
overwrite_flair: true

HalfOfAKebab 23-May-18 10:34 AM
@everyone if some salty boi tries to get info about me or pretends to be me, just ignore him
i have a guy trying to dox me for like over a month because he got banned from a minecraft server that i don't have anything to do with
Jisifus 23-May-18 10:38 AM
yesterday i got an email saying my epic games account which i only used to claim fortnite twitch prime packs to sell later got locked because of too many login attempts
now i know why
i suggest getting 2FA everywhere and a password manager that can generate 20 digit passwords with random numbers, letters and characters
ImNATT 23-May-18 10:51 AM
YAML parsing error in section 12: mapping values are not allowed here
in "<unicode string>", line 2, column 21:
title (contains): ['ice','poseidon']
Jisifus 23-May-18 10:58 AM
use " not '
Jisifus 23-May-18 11:00 AM
and add "iceposeidon"
ImNATT 23-May-18 11:04 AM
@Jisifus :
YAML parsing error in section 12: mapping values are not allowed here
in "<unicode string>", line 2, column 21:
title (contains): ["ice","poseidon", "iceposeidon"]
Jisifus 23-May-18 11:04 AM
good fucking lord
wait it's "includes" not "contains"
ImNATT 23-May-18 11:05 AM
YAML parsing error in section 12: mapping values are not allowed here
in "<unicode string>", line 2, column 21:
title (includes): ["ice","poseidon", "iceposeidon"]
He doesn't like the :
Jisifus 23-May-18 11:06 AM
try "includes, regex"
inside the ()
ImNATT 23-May-18 11:06 AM
YAML parsing error in section 12: mapping values are not allowed here
in "<unicode string>", line 2, column 28:
title (includes, regex): ["ice","poseidon", "iceposeidon"]
Jisifus 23-May-18 11:06 AM
come the fuck on
gimme a second
get a screenshot of where it is in the config
i put it in one of my subs and didnt get an error
ImNATT 23-May-18 11:11 AM
@Jisifus Don't ask me why, but he accepted it now. I changed nothing.
Jisifus 23-May-18 11:37 AM
Ok cool 😄
Add "action: report" and "action_reason: "ice filter" " to see in modqueue if it works (edited)
(oh and gimme config access )
RaptorJesus 23-May-18 12:54 PM
God our subreddit is shit
Jisifus 23-May-18 01:04 PM
well, i offered pages of filters to deal with the toxicity so maybe start at that?
ImNATT 23-May-18 01:41 PM
@Jisifus Your Ice filter doesn't work.
Jisifus 23-May-18 01:42 PM
LOL let me fix that
put the words in () brackets
nvm, just delete the regex
so title (includes): ["..."] (edited)
ImNATT 23-May-18 01:47 PM
title (includes): ["ice","poseidon", "iceposeidon"]
Jisifus 23-May-18 01:48 PM
should work
ImNATT 23-May-18 01:48 PM
I hope so
Jisifus 23-May-18 01:48 PM
regex matches even the "po" in police because of the "poseidon"
still don't know how it works i justs throw it in sometimes when nothing else works
so maybe dont give me config perms yet
ImNATT 23-May-18 01:50 PM
Jisifus 23-May-18 01:52 PM
did you add the report action to see false positives? (edited)
ImNATT 23-May-18 01:53 PM
Jisifus 23-May-18 01:53 PM
okay cool
lets just throw in a test submission, dont wanna wait
ImNATT 23-May-18 01:54 PM
You can resubmit the police chase clip (edited)
Jisifus 23-May-18 01:55 PM
sorry, please add moderators_exempt: false as well
ImNATT 23-May-18 01:55 PM
type: submission
title (includes): ["ice","poseidon", "iceposeidon"]
set_flair: ["Ice","ice"]
overwrite_flair: true
action: report
action_reason: ice filter
moderators_exempt: false

That's the rule now
Jisifus 23-May-18 01:57 PM
wait, did the action reason go through without "" lol
ImNATT 23-May-18 01:57 PM
Jisifus 23-May-18 01:57 PM
worked for "ice poseidon"
and for "Ice Poseidon" so its not case sensitive
should work til tomorrow or someone unveals another fatal mistake (edited)
sorry for the trouble lol, ill scroll through unmod now and then to get more keywords
ImNATT 23-May-18 01:59 PM
All good
Jisifus 23-May-18 03:00 PM
Doctor Bread 23-May-18 04:12 PM
@Jisifus which dude were you talking about earlier? I'm on mobile btw
Jisifus 23-May-18 04:12 PM
The guy who said Gengar got him banned
Doctor Bread 23-May-18 04:15 PM
Oh, he'd already been banned for harassing people just the other week, and he's been stalking Gengar for weeks and he showed me some PM's as well
Dude is a nutcase
ImNATT 23-May-18 04:16 PM
Doctor Bread 23-May-18 04:17 PM
Yeah, same dude
Nobody worthwhile on the sub, lol
ImNATT 23-May-18 05:02 PM
I saw that @Doctor Bread
Doctor Bread 23-May-18 05:03 PM
Eh he got offline, wasn't that important
Jisifus 24-May-18 10:04 AM
ImNATT 24-May-18 10:05 AM
No. If we let one do it, we will get flooded with requests. I get them all the time in my other subreddits.
RaptorJesus 24-May-18 12:50 PM
Ocypode 24-May-18 01:47 PM
Update I ordered pc parts they should come in 1-2 weeks
HalfOfAKebab 24-May-18 06:08 PM
do what my brother did and force the cpu into the socket and fuck up the pins
RaptorJesus 24-May-18 06:30 PM
HalfOfAKebab 24-May-18 07:40 PM
same amount as it would be if any other dude died
to our rules, he's just a guy
Doctor Bread 24-May-18 07:40 PM
I think this is my first death on LSF
well, moderating
Doctor Bread 24-May-18 08:50 PM
The sub quality would be drastically improve if all the people making shithead comments in the TB thread were banned though, lol
HalfOfAKebab 24-May-18 09:25 PM
yeah it would
but we can't act outside of our own rules
Jisifus 24-May-18 09:34 PM
sorry but i nuked a couple of comment chains about his 7 year old tweet
its just unnecessary and inappropriate right now
Doctor Bread 24-May-18 09:37 PM
Can remove but not ban I guess, unless they're super vile
Jisifus 24-May-18 09:38 PM
Do we need "basic human decency" in our rules so we can ban degenerates saying shit like "good riddance"
Doctor Bread 24-May-18 09:38 PM
I left a 3rd spot open on that rules re-tool for comments, it could be something like that
It's just the comments like that inspire other people to be shitty. Every person I've banned for bad behavior always comes back with "Well, I'm not the worst person on the sub, so why should I be banned?"
HalfOfAKebab 24-May-18 10:03 PM
General toxicity should be against the rules
I feel there's a lot of improvement we can make with the way people act on the sub
That clip of two guys playing lsf or t_d really opened my eyes lmao
Jisifus 24-May-18 10:06 PM
general toxicity is against the rules, its called the reddiquette
i think i bring this up a lot, but we are not really enforcing anything right now
just look at a regular comment section and youll see garbage with -100 votes thats not reported or filtered
and, i bring this up a lot too, thats literally the first thing i tried to solve when i got in here lol
Doctor Bread 24-May-18 10:09 PM
That's why I did the huge rules re-tool as well
Jisifus 24-May-18 10:09 PM
yes your rules include a lot
but we are not enforcing it
Doctor Bread 24-May-18 10:09 PM
Well, ya'll gotta approve it first and talk about it
Jisifus 24-May-18 10:09 PM
because there are no automoderator filters to enforce it
Doctor Bread 24-May-18 10:10 PM
I don't know if you senior guys do this at all, but a round-table meeting with at least most of us might be a good idea if we want to look at the re-tool I wrote and go through some of Jisifus' automod suggestions
Jisifus 24-May-18 10:11 PM
i gave natt hundreds of lines of slurs, troll shit and general garbage to just copy and paste into the config. its literally the same all of the top subreddits use and you dont see people complain about toxicity in fucking /r/gaming do you
Doctor Bread 24-May-18 10:13 PM
Yeah, makes sense. Like I said, what other people see encourages and enforces their behavior as well. Garbage begets garbage, I guess
Jisifus 24-May-18 10:14 PM
exactly. and there are hardly any false positives as well, i can remember everyone losing their shit when a thread on /r/nottheonion hit all that had scunthorpe in the headline (edited)
@here is it ok if i sticky a comment on the thread asking people to be respectful
Punk 24-May-18 10:23 PM
Jisifus 24-May-18 10:30 PM
23216 votes and 736 so far on reddit
its a bit cheesy but its better than "behave you fucking retards"
maybe a bit more personal than that, lol
Doctor Bread 24-May-18 10:33 PM
Alright, both threads cleaned up, for now at least.
👏 1
Doctor Bread 25-May-18 11:18 AM
239/960 comments removed on the TB thread Only 24%, not bad
Doctor Bread 25-May-18 01:41 PM
You ever clean up a thread and ban people in it, only to realize that someone reported a thread from like, a couple months ago
Unfortunately for them, Justice has no time limit
Doctor Bread 25-May-18 02:38 PM
@RaptorJesus Could you add the automoderator checks on submissions to comments as well? It'd be great for stopping alt accounts or this spammer constantly making new accounts https://www.reddit.com/user/loiwqxq
Also Chanman checked out the rules re-tool and said he liked it, added a few things in green font that he thought should be changed
ImNATT 25-May-18 03:09 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII Ill see if I have the files as soon as I'm off work.
ImNATT 25-May-18 04:15 PM
200IQ Tip: Make a backup before deleting essential files
HalfOfAKebab 25-May-18 05:38 PM
Jisifus 26-May-18 08:34 AM
@ImNATT also, plase add "Shekel Goblin" to the ice filter
Doctor Bread 26-May-18 12:02 PM
Lets raise the mediocre karma threshold for Ice clips to 100, or maybe even 150 for the next 2 weeks
Cause this is gonna be every day
Cause god knows people are just gonna bitch and not use filters for the entire time. Or I guess we could make an announcement post telling people to stop complaining and use them.
Doctor Bread 26-May-18 08:08 PM
Alright, I did it @RaptorJesus, perhaps it will curtail some of the bitching (probably not)
Should I unlock the post? I wasn't sure if it should be a discussion thread or just an informative sticky
People messaging me DEMANDING they be allowed to comment on it
Doctor Bread 27-May-18 12:29 PM
Doctor Bread 27-May-18 05:33 PM
@here I've gotta head out, tons of people are posting Mitch freaking out at people on Destiny's stream if someone can watch for more
ImNATT 27-May-18 05:34 PM
I have an hour or two to spare
Doctor Bread 27-May-18 05:36 PM
I think I got em all for now, not sure if anyone else is gonna try to post clips of it but we'll see
ImNATT 27-May-18 05:37 PM
I'll be defense, don't worry.
RaptorJesus 27-May-18 06:07 PM
I'm 7 day banning people who arent flaring
Punk 27-May-18 06:32 PM
I'm cutting mitch clips where I see em
But I can't ban on mobile so bleh
Doctor Bread 27-May-18 11:35 PM
Holy fuck that was a lot of reports
Doctor Bread 28-May-18 05:14 PM
@ImNATT That dude's most commented on subreddit is Ice_Poseidon, I think he's just trolling
ImNATT 28-May-18 05:16 PM
Honestly, what goes on in their heads?
Doctor Bread 28-May-18 05:16 PM
I've gotten so many DM's asking how much Ice pays me, so I'm just running with it.
Doctor Bread 28-May-18 10:28 PM
Man, I've seen a lot of bitching about Ice, but I've yet to see one good suggestion among the bitching, only "ban all ice content"
Doctor Bread 29-May-18 01:14 AM
RaptorJesus 29-May-18 01:14 AM
Doctor Bread 29-May-18 01:14 AM
Fucking shit LOL
Couldn't happen before or after the RV trip
Anything you guys do differently during trending day?
I hope new visitors like Ice content, lol. I'll take down the sticky post I guess. Don't wanna give people a bad impression as soon as they check out the sub. (edited)
Punk 29-May-18 01:37 AM
Doctor Bread 29-May-18 12:56 PM
Is that actually Kkona?
Oh it actually is, he's got some clips he submitted that came from Alecludford, unless he's just super committed to the roleplay
I'm not sure what clip he's talking about though, he's not in that Coon one
RaptorJesus 29-May-18 12:59 PM
The drunk one with the knife I think
Doctor Bread 29-May-18 12:59 PM
monkaS - Clipped by Fearmybursst
oh that one
Doctor Bread 29-May-18 01:00 PM
I dunno, what do you wanna do? Apparently he's gotten some pretty BS bans from Twitch before
I don't want him to get banned for a silly joke
RaptorJesus 29-May-18 01:01 PM
Not removing content because someone asks
Mitch was a one time deal because he was gonna kill himself probably and once we remove his ban we’re not going to let it happen again
Doctor Bread 29-May-18 01:03 PM
Alright, can you handle the modmail then to explain the reasoning? Hopefully he won't get banned either way, but I understand him trying to protect himself
ChanmanVXXIII 29-May-18 02:25 PM
I'm watching the Bless meltdown and loving it, I don't even own the game but still managed to upset people that bought it
also I might add more words to the ice automod so it can flair all the andys and crew
*--- # Flairs some Ice submissions based on their title.
type: submission
title (includes, regex): ['ice[_ -]?pos(ei|ie)don']
set_flair: ['Ice', 'Ice']

type: submission
title (includes): ["ice","poseidon", "iceposeidon", "Ice Poseidon", "Asian Andy", "SSJ", "Brandon", "Bjorn", "Scuffed Steve Jobs", "Sam Pepper", "EBZ", "Arm thing", "Enza", "Denino", "The RV", "Man in LA", "Man in L.A.", "Shekel Goblin", "Paul Denino", "Mexican Andy", "Incel Andy", "Tracksuit Andy" , "School shooter Andy" , "Deagle Andy" , "Burger Andy" , "Salmon Andy" , "Crackhead Andy" , "College Andy" , "Leech Andy"]
set_flair: ["Ice","Ice"]
overwrite_flair: true
action: report
action_reason: ice filter
moderators_exempt: false*
but no idea about their names 🤷
Doctor Bread 29-May-18 02:29 PM
I think you got most of them. What's happening with Bless @ChanmanVXXIII? Doesn't it launch tomorrow?
ChanmanVXXIII 29-May-18 02:30 PM
Soda/shroud went from hyped in the morning to hating it in the evening, soda even quit the stream because of it
ChanmanVXXIII 29-May-18 02:30 PM
also people are shilling about how the game is good/bad and others shitposting in the middle
sec I have to show you this
@Doctor Bread
ingame clouds
literally 2D sprites
Doctor Bread 29-May-18 02:32 PM
lol wtf
I'm not seeing any threads on v about it
I deleted one earlier this morning but that was it
ChanmanVXXIII 29-May-18 02:33 PM
vg has it
Doctor Bread 29-May-18 02:34 PM
Anyone dumb enough to get hyped for a Korean MMO deserves whatever they get
ChanmanVXXIII 29-May-18 02:34 PM
more so when it failed three times
way too late, I should sleep
Punk 29-May-18 04:18 PM
fun game
Doctor Bread 29-May-18 04:20 PM
Waiting for Pantheon or Camelot Unchained, or Crowfall

Edit: Or Chronicles of Elyria (edited)
Punk 29-May-18 04:25 PM
waiting for death then?
Doctor Bread 29-May-18 04:26 PM
Doctor Bread 30-May-18 12:31 AM
100 reports in the queue
RaptorJesus 30-May-18 01:30 AM
gonna go through it before bed
Doctor Bread 30-May-18 02:22 AM
I think it's way over 100 but the mod toolbox number has a cap, lol
@RaptorJesus Alright, I'm kind of changing my tune about Ice content I think. So many of these have like 200 upvotes and 1-5 comments. USUALLY anything over 50 karma is gonna have at least 25-50
Doctor Bread 30-May-18 03:00 AM
Alright I went through it, that was like 200 reports, lol
Removed a lot of Ice posts with tons of karma / no comments
Ocypode 30-May-18 08:06 AM
Good news boys I have my PC now, I do have my sisters wedding on the 6th so I gotta travel there (different country) and after that I'm back to do stuff 100% like before
ImNATT 30-May-18 12:11 PM
I'm perma banning Andy M
RaptorJesus 30-May-18 12:11 PM
RaptorJesus 30-May-18 12:11 PM
People bitch about the subreddit all the time
ImNATT 30-May-18 12:12 PM
And get banned for it
Doctor Bread 30-May-18 12:12 PM
I've temp banned some, but not perm
RaptorJesus 30-May-18 12:12 PM
Just 7 day him for spam
or 14
ImNATT 30-May-18 12:12 PM
Then I'll temp ban this turtle
RaptorJesus 30-May-18 12:12 PM
I love how users are finally revolting though
Doctor Bread 30-May-18 12:13 PM
Is there anything we can do about the Ice posting?
RaptorJesus 30-May-18 12:13 PM
Doctor Bread 30-May-18 12:13 PM
The sub is kind of imploding, lol
RaptorJesus 30-May-18 12:13 PM
Let users become so fucking sick of it
all his posts are downvoted
ImNATT 30-May-18 12:13 PM
It's always when Ice has a longer streaming event
ChanmanVXXIII 30-May-18 12:13 PM
increase points to 300 after 2 hours once everyone want to kill themselves over the spam
RaptorJesus 30-May-18 12:13 PM
The Lord has Spoken
Doctor Bread 30-May-18 12:13 PM
I removed a bunch of 200 point ones last night that like I said, had 0 comments
RaptorJesus 30-May-18 12:13 PM
So it shall be
Doctor Bread 30-May-18 12:13 PM
The Ice people just upvote anything that has Ice
RaptorJesus 30-May-18 12:14 PM
Honestly I kinda agree with Punk
Making a megathread
and having it stickied
Prevents ice karma farmers
Doctor Bread 30-May-18 12:14 PM
I thought that was my idea, lol
ImNATT 30-May-18 12:14 PM
It was
RaptorJesus 30-May-18 12:14 PM
Might have been your idea
but Punk also messaged me asking for it
Doctor Bread 30-May-18 12:14 PM
Yeah, there's like 5 or so users who keep posting the clips
You want to try an experimental megathread?
RaptorJesus 30-May-18 12:14 PM
Right its 5 ice karma farmers
Lets do it, might as well
ImNATT 30-May-18 12:14 PM
I banned one of them for not flairing his post
RaptorJesus 30-May-18 12:15 PM
Flair it Ice, "ICE RV Mega Thread 5/30"
Doctor Bread 30-May-18 12:15 PM
So just like a daily megathread for RV clips that we change out at 12 AM EST?
RaptorJesus 30-May-18 12:15 PM
Make it clear that all posts containing clips from the RV stream series should be posted there with a brief description
That would be a good idea
Ocypode 30-May-18 12:15 PM
Can't wait to hear the whine from ice viewers
ImNATT 30-May-18 12:16 PM
Just like we discussed @Doctor Bread
Doctor Bread 30-May-18 12:16 PM
Hmmm, so would the rule be that all top level comments have to be a clip, and then discussion for that clip is in that comment chain? Or would one of the mods have to aggregate clips in to the main post
RaptorJesus 30-May-18 12:16 PM
Let the comment chains do it
Too much mod work to track that shit
ImNATT 30-May-18 12:16 PM
Doctor Bread 30-May-18 12:18 PM
I can never spell IcePoseidon right
ChanmanVXXIII 30-May-18 12:19 PM
Let it reach boiling point, please
I want to see people sperging out on both sides, even andy joined in already
Doctor Bread 30-May-18 12:19 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 30-May-18 12:19 PM
then we come in and save the day
by creating a megathread
Doctor Bread 30-May-18 12:19 PM
It's already bad, I've been getting constant PM's, constant modmails
RaptorJesus 30-May-18 12:19 PM
We're past that point honestly
mod mail is flooded
Doctor Bread 30-May-18 12:19 PM
all threads have ice bitching
RaptorJesus 30-May-18 12:20 PM
I'm going to go ahead and add the rule about active megathreads
ImNATT 30-May-18 12:20 PM
The front page consists of Ice clips and threads complaining about Ice clips
Doctor Bread 30-May-18 12:20 PM
Is there anything else it needs?
Can't think of much
Or do I even need that start description
RaptorJesus 30-May-18 12:20 PM
12. When a mega thread is active, all content pertaining to that event must be posted within the mega thread.
Adding that rule now
ChanmanVXXIII 30-May-18 12:21 PM
imo remove all ice posts from the last 6h and link it in the megathread, so the front page can be clean again
Doctor Bread 30-May-18 12:21 PM
Or add it in to that
RaptorJesus 30-May-18 12:21 PM
Will do @ChanmanVXXIII
Doctor Bread 30-May-18 12:21 PM
I'll do it since I'm the loser who's online the most probably
But should anything else go in the megathread description? Or just the rule for using it?
ChanmanVXXIII 30-May-18 12:22 PM
Doctor Bread 30-May-18 12:23 PM
Or is just this fine honestly
I can't think of much to say
ChanmanVXXIII 30-May-18 12:23 PM
I think that should be enough, anything else can be answered in the comments
Doctor Bread 30-May-18 12:24 PM
I don't think we should remove any clips already up, just since there's some discussion and comments in them
But they'll fall off the front page in time
ChanmanVXXIII 30-May-18 12:25 PM
kinda why I threw in the idea of removing it from the front page and moving it to the megathread description
Doctor Bread 30-May-18 12:25 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 30-May-18 12:25 PM
I can do it right now and post it here so you can add it in
Ocypode 30-May-18 12:26 PM
Doctor Bread 30-May-18 12:26 PM
What are you talking about Chanman? I lost you I think
I added a comment chain for people to give feedback/get their bitching out about the megathread
ChanmanVXXIII 30-May-18 12:29 PM
Hide/remove all recent (say, 6h) ice threads from the subreddit
Doctor Bread 30-May-18 12:30 PM
And just let people repost them in the megathread?
The most recent Ice clip is actually 9 hours ago, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 30-May-18 12:32 PM
nevermind it then
Doctor Bread 30-May-18 12:34 PM
They should cycle off in a few hours, hopefully
ChanmanVXXIII 30-May-18 12:34 PM
he wants most ice clips removed then?
RaptorJesus 30-May-18 12:38 PM
Discrimination against Ice
Victim Ice Fans
Worse than Mitch
What a fucking joke. I don’t stand by this decision. Complaining crybaby leftist victims at work ladies and gents.
ChanmanVXXIII 30-May-18 12:44 PM
Gonna infiltrate the stickied comment, maybe I can get some free karma
Doctor Bread 30-May-18 12:53 PM
Aussie shitposter to the core
Recent reddit metrics show that 50% or more of browsers are on mobile, and filtering doesn't work there. I was on board with the "just filter it" before I looked it up. Hopefully a megathread is a good idea.
ChanmanVXXIII 30-May-18 12:57 PM
Doctor Bread 30-May-18 05:26 PM
I'm willing to scrap the megathread idea if it doesn't work well, what's our plan b?
RaptorJesus 30-May-18 05:30 PM
There's another problem we're waiting for an answer from ice's team
Doctor Bread 30-May-18 08:37 PM
Alright, I think the megathread was a failure. Should we just jack up the comment/karma amount pretty damn high for removals?
Punk 30-May-18 09:57 PM
what's wrong wit hti
I think we should keep using it.
Doctor Bread 30-May-18 10:04 PM
It's not being used. I say we just do aggressive mediocre removal with like an hour time limit
Nevermind, other shit goin down
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 02:11 AM
Ice got swatted, watch out for more posts
Punk 01-Jun-18 02:17 AM
oh real?
irl going crazy lately
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 02:19 AM
Dude fuck Ice, fuck all these Andys, just goddamn, drama, swatting and arrests every fuckin day
Him and the whole CX network definitely need their own clip subreddit at this point.
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 01:13 PM
@ImNATT Would it be a good idea to make people aware of the issues with Ice's discord and the potential vote brigading? Since I assume that's why we're sticking with the megathread
ImNATT 01-Jun-18 01:14 PM
You can talk to them in the comments and answer questions, but don't make a thread for it.
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 01:14 PM
No, wasn't gonna do that. I just wondered how "confidential" that information was
Just like "We had reason and evidence showing that Ice clips posted here were being brigaded, this is the option we took rather than banning Ice all together"
ImNATT 01-Jun-18 01:16 PM
That's fine
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 01:17 PM
I guess I won't say it came from Ice's discord, as much as I'd like to turn the Ice people against the admins there and maybe get them removed, lol
Punk 01-Jun-18 01:29 PM
I wouldn't even bother explaining tbh
ImNATT 01-Jun-18 01:29 PM
I've put the suggested sort method of the megathread on new. Hopefully that'll be a little helpful to those who want to use it.
Punk 01-Jun-18 01:29 PM
The megathreads are working perfectly
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 03:52 PM
Yep, soft-ban on Ice content, perfect
Path of exile league starting in 8 minutes, see you guys in a few days (or whenever I die, probably)
ImNATT 01-Jun-18 04:21 PM
Punk 01-Jun-18 04:55 PM
ImNATT 01-Jun-18 05:08 PM
@here Posting Arab Andy's name is no longer doxxing since he's been named in news articles, am I correct?
RaptorJesus 01-Jun-18 06:27 PM
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 07:02 PM
Mitch just lost his shit like, 5 days ago on Destiny's stream, lol
2 people wrote in modmails that said "please never unban Mitch"
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 09:54 PM
Whatcha think guys? lol
There are a shit ton of ice clips up right now
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 09:56 PM
damn he called us out lmao
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 09:56 PM
The title of that is literally "RV Stream day 7/14" lol
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 09:56 PM
yeah true
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 09:56 PM
Maybe fuckface shouldn't hire shitty mods who can't hold to an agreement to stop brigading on LSF
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 09:57 PM
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 09:57 PM
@RaptorJesus Drop the full story homie, so people can understand
Or ban Ice
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 09:58 PM
i feel like i'm painfully out of the loop here
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 09:58 PM
ehh hold on
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 09:59 PM
yeah hmu with some screenshots and tl;dr man
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 09:59 PM
Was at the girlfriends house
but yeah so
Ice's mod Magnaboy and us had a deal
They'd have a bot remove links to our subreddit in their discord to prevent brigading
and we wouldnt ban ice for not controlling his community when it comes to brigading
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 09:59 PM
i really enjoyed tyler lose it again tbh
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 09:59 PM
Magnaboy was a little cunt about it
and was throwing a tantrum
until ice told him to fuck off and just do it
so all was peaceful
till about 3 weeks ago when i popped into their discord to investigate
and turns out the bot was turned off
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 10:00 PM
so i message magnaboy asking what happened to the bot
and he said "oh must be discord lag"
then banned me from viewing chat history
literally turned off my permissions in discord
so i asked why he did that, didnt respond but the bot was "working" again
2 weeks later, rv trip
and of course links start popping around
Natt goes in
finds a ton of links
and people asking for upvotes/people to post content on lsf
so i message ice
telling him this is his last warned, to remove magnaboy and to restore the bot or we're removing him forever
he says he'll look into it
magnaboy still mod, but bot working again
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 10:00 PM
seems like a nice guy
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 10:00 PM
Sorry raptor, I exposed you had a girlfriend and you're not actually in to Gachi
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 10:01 PM
has anyone ever thought about gathering evidence about the brigading if it's this blatant? might wanna forward it to discord/reddit, admins are responsive and discord support is fast af
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 10:01 PM
I mean I'm not sure what exactly they would do
ban a discord community?
Ban Ice's discord? Cause that would be hilarious
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 10:01 PM
yep, or close down the subreddit
or quarantine is the new buzzword
if the evidence is substantial
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 10:02 PM
Well, we can't find proof now since they turned the bot back on, but we suspect it's stilled turned off in like the member's portion
I just wanna drop all that so people can understand where we're coming from (also the clip spam is excessive, but we could just be more strict with removals)
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 10:02 PM
yeah got it
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 10:03 PM
me and natt just wanna ban Ice, tired of dealing with his shit community tbh
Or let the Ice_Poseidon mods make their own clip subreddit
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 10:03 PM
why not vote then? I'm all for it
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 10:03 PM
For which one?
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 10:03 PM
for the ice ban
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 10:04 PM
I dunno man, it's just the most toxic, shitty cesspool of people
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 10:04 PM
i mean ill have to change reddit accoounts before that happens considering how bad their community is
(which i wanted to do for a long time anyways)
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 10:05 PM
Eh I don't have any personal info on this one
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 10:05 PM
i mean you can do me a favour and try to dox me
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 10:05 PM
Whatcha think raptor
People definitely aren't, and won't hold to the containment megathread
Just feel like things are spiraling out of control a bit
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 10:09 PM
let the community vote
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 10:09 PM
Cause that won't get brigaded to shit
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 10:09 PM
"so theyve continuously brigaded and manipulated votes, should we ban them what do you think"
fuck it sounds so stupid
#LockHimUp hehe xd
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 10:10 PM
The Ice fans love to point at like Greek for when his clips get posted a bunch, but guess what? Literally 95% of them get removed with 0 upvotes
Almost EVERY Ice clip gets upvoted in the hundreds
Soda/Greek's main sin is just people clip chimping like 50 of the same thing, which is annoying but w/e
RaptorJesus 01-Jun-18 10:11 PM
Why don't we just have RobinsonDickson make his own subreddit for ice clips
and advertise it
we can remove all ice threads below 500
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 10:12 PM
weve had discussions like that at /r/oneplus where people wanted to make subreddits just for pictures/tech support etc, it always boiled down to "this community is too small to be split up". but in this case i have the definite feeling that its big enough
but doesnt it sound a bit like an ultimatum, "create your own subreddit or ice gets banned"
and theres this grayzone like on twitch, people can be banned but sitll appear on other streams
RaptorJesus 01-Jun-18 10:14 PM
I'm gonna flag robinson and see what he has to say
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 10:14 PM
not sure about our rules in that regard
sounds good
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 10:18 PM
People just want a spot to post Ice clips with some semblance of order
Since they can't on his discord / subreddit
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 10:18 PM
wait why not
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 10:18 PM
Cause it's such a complete spamfest
Their discord is built around spamming, and it's the same way on his sub, they ltierally have 100's of low effort garbage posts submitted every minute
There is certainly no space for actually discussion
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 10:24 PM
so basically the ban will have to happen no matter what but its a question of whether or not the backlash will get us doxed because we've taken away their only place to post ice clips
sounds great
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 10:25 PM
Well, this wouldn't be a ban, just a move I guess
Which I think would be a lot better recieved
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 10:25 PM
oh boy this sounds like one of those spongebob memes
"im not allowed to post ice clips, right?" "yep, they will get removed"
"so its a ban?" "no, its a move"
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 10:26 PM
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 10:26 PM
my memes are weak but you get what i'm saying
just talk to the ice poseidon guys cus i like this reddit account and i like my privacy
` type: comment
id: [8nruku]
~body (includes, regex): 'https?'
action: remove
moderators_exempt: false
@ImNATT heres an automod rule that removes all comments in the RV megathread that dont have links in them
or @Senior Subreddit Mods, if someone else has config permissions
top level comments only, so the stickied chain isnt affected (edited)
RaptorJesus 01-Jun-18 10:33 PM
oh fuck i love you
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 10:34 PM
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 10:34 PM
I personally don't mind modding the Ice subreddit, I just don't like seeing everyone pissed off on LSF since like you said, censorship pisses off Ice fans, Ice clips piss off everyone else
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 10:34 PM
just add the thread IDs in "id" with commas for future threads
this one
615 points and 82 comments so far on reddit
uhh why didnt this get flaired automatically
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 10:40 PM
I told fear to read through and comment
I dunno, I think the seperate sub is a decent idea, with only the top Ice clips being crossposted
That way it's not a full ban
I'd say keep the same LSF rules too, with maybe a few changes, people don't want the absolute chaos of /r/Ice_Poseidon
Punk 01-Jun-18 10:45 PM
idk I thought the megathread was working fine
if people don't want to post clips there, dunno why they'd complain about its quality
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 10:45 PM
People are just ignoring it, ton on new right now
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 10:45 PM
Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. Get a constantly updating feed of breaking news, fun stories, pics, memes, and videos just for you. Passionate about something niche? Reddit has thousands of vibrant communities with people that share your interests. Alt...
nice people
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 10:45 PM
and that's after removing a ton
Yeah, new is like all Ice clips going back 2 or 3 pages, lol
Or people related to him
RaptorJesus 01-Jun-18 10:48 PM
@Jisifus YAML parsing error in section 23: mapping values are not allowed here
in "<unicode string>", line 3, column 22:
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 10:49 PM
did you separate the rules with "---"
RaptorJesus 01-Jun-18 10:50 PM
--- # Petition filter.
type: submission
title (includes): ['petition']
action: filter
action_reason: 'Petition'

--- # Megathread
type: comment
id: [8nruku]
~body (includes, regex): 'https?'
action: remove
moderators_exempt: false

--- #Banned Streamers
domain: ['youtube.com', 'youtu.be', 'clips.twitch.tv']
media_author: ['kaceytron', 'zyke', 'mira', 'pantsaredragon', 'Cyberdemon531', 'Burger Planet', 'Burger Planet Archive', 'AtheneWins', 'Avxry', 'ninja', 'athenelive', 'mitchjones']
set_locked: true
action: remove
actionreason: Banned streamer - {{mediaauthor}}
comment: |
Hi, /u/{{author}}! Unfortunately, your post has been removed because it breaks the following rule(s) of /r/LivestreamFail:

>Banned streamer

comment_stickied: true
Punk 01-Jun-18 10:50 PM
well I'm deleting these ice clips
grab what I miss
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 10:50 PM
the spacing is off i think (edited)
try backspacing until the line with "id" is right next to parent submission, press enter and then tab twice i think
or give me config perms
Punk 01-Jun-18 10:51 PM
I'm leaving clips of him with other big streamers
and him on the smash stream
RaptorJesus 01-Jun-18 10:51 PM
here just take config dont break anything
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 10:51 PM
Seems a bit weird to start making exceptions though
and picking certain streamers that are with him that are exempt from the megathread
Punk 01-Jun-18 10:53 PM
I mean I could just delete them all
it's not a big deal
I was thinking keep Smash up since it's not his stream
and other big streamers since it's crossing content
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 10:55 PM
I guess, I dunno, the sub feels impossible to moderate right now, and I'm just kind of looking for an actual solution to this mess. We have a few options but we should commit to one that isn't the megathread.
I'm wlling to call it a failed experiment
Punk 01-Jun-18 10:55 PM
I don't think it failed at all
the megathread is perfectly functional at showing clips
it's being unused
that's not our problem
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 10:55 PM
Yeah, I'd call that a failure
And they are right, it does kind of suck, but it was the easiest idea to quickly implement
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 10:56 PM
alright added the AM rule (edited)
Punk 01-Jun-18 10:57 PM
well I mean the megathread's what we're sticking with man
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 10:57 PM
Why? We have other options
The megathread is not a long-term solution, and wasn't really meant to be
Punk 01-Jun-18 10:57 PM
it's not a long-term solution because it's not a long-term problem
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 10:58 PM
Ice seems to be aggressively growing his CX Network, and I think it's only gonna get worse. There are going to be more of these big multi week long streams (RV may or may not be included) (edited)
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 10:58 PM
ice poseidon is pretty much the only long term problem i can think off our sub has (edited)
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 11:01 PM
I'm very in favor of either banning the CX network and washing our hands of it, let his people deal with it and do what they want, or making a new seperate subreddit, because the communities are clearly unable to intermingle. No other streamer is as polarizing, or has as many rabid fans. The Ice community is also going to get angrier and more aggressive if we just keep deleting all of their clips and only have the megathread available.
Punk 01-Jun-18 11:01 PM
then more people will be getting banned I guess
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 11:01 PM
i'm all for /r/cxfail
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 11:02 PM
Same, or CXNetworkFail, but network is kind of long
I think CXFail is reasonably catchy
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 11:03 PM
well it exists as of now
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 11:03 PM
Oh you made it
RaptorJesus 01-Jun-18 11:03 PM
We'll keep megathreads for now
Did the automod thing work @Jisifus
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 11:04 PM
RaptorJesus 01-Jun-18 11:04 PM
I'll update as we go along
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 11:04 PM
removes permissions
RaptorJesus 01-Jun-18 11:04 PM
unsheathes katana
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 11:05 PM
oh nice i fucked up the capitalization on the subreddit name
i put in CX instead of Cx
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 11:05 PM
Can another one be made with the proper capitalization?
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 11:06 PM
you have 6 minutes to create CxFails
RaptorJesus 01-Jun-18 11:07 PM
yoink mine now
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 11:07 PM
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 11:07 PM
Punk 01-Jun-18 11:07 PM
reddit doesn't differentiate capitalization
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 11:07 PM
Jisifus 01-Jun-18 11:07 PM
yeah it doesnt matter for linking but for style
RaptorJesus 01-Jun-18 11:07 PM
We'll have it worst case scenario
i'll inv oyu guys'
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 11:08 PM
Jisifus can load it up with automod stuff, I can do some CSS / Sidebar / rules stuff, and we can see how it turns out?
RaptorJesus 01-Jun-18 11:09 PM
We're not doing it now
this is
worst case scenario break glass here for non-ice user revolt
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 11:10 PM
I mean, an Ice user revolt would be pretty bad, there's a lot of them
RaptorJesus 01-Jun-18 11:10 PM
we'll have the subreddit already and we can just copypasta all the rules over and replace the header with cx netwrok shit
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 11:11 PM
Change the sidebar rules and removal reasons
acknowledge my hard work, raptor-senpai
notice me
RaptorJesus 01-Jun-18 11:13 PM
Doctor Bread 01-Jun-18 11:13 PM

He even put this at the bottom as a show of support
I have been blessed by the weiner
Doctor Bread 02-Jun-18 04:17 AM
@RaptorJesus oh shit you finally banned zorro
god bless
Jisifus 02-Jun-18 10:35 AM
@Senior Subreddit Mods I changed the automod action for the domain whitelist to "remove" instead of "filter", there's no need for us to take a look at clips that come from blacklisted domains
just more stuff to clog up modqueue
[BLIND] finishing the best Dark Souls (Dark Souls 1, m'sirs) - Clipped by shortnsaucy
Punk 02-Jun-18 10:50 AM
"Wow LSF is the most toxic"
Very brave
jammy 02-Jun-18 11:28 AM
if anyone wants to sort this guy out feel free to
@Subreddit Mods
Doctor Bread 02-Jun-18 12:54 PM
He's some 12 year old Ice viewer with a history filled with garbage and harassment
banned for ONE THING btw
ImNATT 02-Jun-18 01:46 PM
Is dreamhack still on or are they going into the RV again?
Doctor Bread 02-Jun-18 02:05 PM
Looks like they're still at dreamhack
ImNATT 02-Jun-18 02:56 PM
0 votes and 278 so far on reddit
Doctor Bread 02-Jun-18 04:34 PM
@ImNATT he was just reporting a self promoter
ImNATT 02-Jun-18 04:36 PM
Doctor Bread 02-Jun-18 04:36 PM
https://clips.twitch.tv/IcyTriangularNoodleANELE These dudes who did that livestreamfails or the donald thing, leafeator is a mod and <https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/8mtz0q/summit_is_rob_dyrdek_confirmed/>; this account was the owner of that channel
New Pokemon Names - Clipped by Leafeator
ImNATT 02-Jun-18 04:37 PM
Of course they have to break rules to stay relevant.
Doctor Bread 02-Jun-18 04:37 PM
So watch out for any CYBERGARBAGE, sending themselves and their mods to post clips
1301 votes and 457 so far on reddit
Damn, missed that
Well, I noted both of the accounts
ImNATT 02-Jun-18 04:38 PM
Warn them. If they do it again, Add them to the same list as BurgerAndy and Athene. They would fit right in.
Doctor Bread 02-Jun-18 04:38 PM
Lol, banned for 30 days, we'll see if they send in a modmail
ImNATT 02-Jun-18 04:39 PM
I hope so. Modding would be boring if not
Doctor Bread 02-Jun-18 04:40 PM
ImNATT 02-Jun-18 04:41 PM
So many bigbrains browsing the sub
Doctor Bread 02-Jun-18 04:42 PM
tfw too smart to follow the posting rules
ImNATT 02-Jun-18 05:13 PM
I feel like we should take away the Downvote button for unsubscribed users.
HalfOfAKebab 02-Jun-18 05:48 PM
what would that solve?
RaptorJesus 02-Jun-18 06:29 PM
Please do Natt
People outside of the community shouldn’t be able to fucking downvote shit
Punk 02-Jun-18 07:00 PM
Yeah go for it
Doctor Bread 02-Jun-18 09:13 PM
There it is
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jun-18 01:32 AM
Literally every single parent comment is someone from ice's subreddit
concern trolling 101
Doctor Bread 03-Jun-18 01:35 AM
RaptorJesus 03-Jun-18 01:46 AM
Whens the RV stream over
Doctor Bread 03-Jun-18 01:46 AM
think this is day 8 or 9 out of 14
RaptorJesus 03-Jun-18 01:47 AM
cant wait till this shit is overrr
Punk 03-Jun-18 04:42 AM
look at this icetard go
/r/livestreamfail mods introduced a new policy this week that all clips related to streamer Ice Poseidon and others travelling on his RV must be...
Doctor Bread 03-Jun-18 04:46 AM
Victim Ice just doesn't roll off the tongue as well as Victim Jones, unfortunately
ImNATT 03-Jun-18 09:49 AM
Remove them instead of just linking them here.
Jisifus 03-Jun-18 09:59 AM
oh wtf i thought i did
Jisifus 03-Jun-18 10:00 AM
apparently vote manipulation doesnt exist, thats good to know
ImNATT 03-Jun-18 11:16 AM
Good thing he cleared that up for us. We can scrap the thread, now the we were enlightened.
RaptorJesus 03-Jun-18 02:02 PM
Doctor Bread 04-Jun-18 10:56 AM
Automod seems busted. It's removing a bunch of comments in the Ice threads that are comments on clips.
ImNATT 04-Jun-18 11:09 AM
It removes everything that isn't a link in the megathreads.
Doctor Bread 04-Jun-18 11:12 AM
But then it removes all discussion under clips
ImNATT 04-Jun-18 11:44 AM
That's where mods come in handy to approve comments. I'm at work though.
Punk 04-Jun-18 02:39 PM
Yeah I generally manually approve them but I'm rather busy today
Doctor Bread 04-Jun-18 06:20 PM
That modmail is pretty interesting
Jisifus 04-Jun-18 09:13 PM
that message alone warrants an immediate ban on all ice content imo
and, btw, a full ban on the discord/subreddit
Doctor Bread 04-Jun-18 09:32 PM
Yeah, I bet that discord is already made
Jisifus 04-Jun-18 09:35 PM
So when are we doing it and how?
Cus I wanna change accounts and wipe this one before that happens
Doctor Bread 04-Jun-18 10:05 PM
I dunno, we'll see what to do when raptor gets back from work.
RaptorJesus 05-Jun-18 01:42 AM
One random retard saying "we should do something" doesnt warrant a ban
Also i read the entire set of messages after he sent that and nobody responded to him
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 01:08 PM
I should go in there and try and honeypot people with a brigading discord, lol
Also apparently the RV trip is over, guess we don't need meta threads. I thought it was going for 14 days.
Alright, cleaned up all the shit, I'll leave a warning at the top to hopefully curtail any further "kill yourself tranny degenerate" comments
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 02:57 PM
He was just a shithead poster, I was just memeing at him
Sorry if I meme'd too hard
He was in that thread saying trannies were mentally ill degenerates but it looks like he deleted those comments to fit the narrative
RaptorJesus 05-Jun-18 03:02 PM
Next time ban on the comment that he made
that deserved it
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 03:02 PM
Yeah, I just clicked the first one I saw after looking through his history, mb
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 03:03 PM
ceddit still shows one of the comments he made before wiping it all, also
I can hit up that thread and comment about it
gonna see if google has the thread cached
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 03:06 PM
It was more of the annoyance that most of the tranny hate people in that thread were also posters on T_D, I assumed it got somewhat brigaded
Also, I wasn't surprised in the least
That or milliondollarextreme
RaptorJesus 05-Jun-18 03:08 PM
milliondollarextreme is the worst
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 03:08 PM
Hey another one
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 05:40 PM
What is this subreddit @ImNATT?
Just our metrics?
ImNATT 05-Jun-18 05:40 PM
Testing ground and metrics
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 05:40 PM
Ah, that's cool
HalfOfAKebab 05-Jun-18 07:41 PM
@Doctor Bread man you can't just ban people for posting in other subreddits
they didn't do anything at all wrong in lsf
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 07:41 PM
I'm not?
HalfOfAKebab 05-Jun-18 07:41 PM
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 07:41 PM
Bruh we already covered that
That wasn't the reason
Scroll up
HalfOfAKebab 05-Jun-18 07:42 PM
o hang on
he's a dick then i suppose
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 07:43 PM
Yeah, he was just trying to start shit since I teased him for being a T_D moron
Wanted all trannies to die and shit, lol
HalfOfAKebab 05-Jun-18 07:44 PM
i'll tell him that we have screenshots of him saying this shit just so he can't deny it
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 07:45 PM
It's fine, I think the drama passed
No reason to keep goading him
Now he's messaging me a_a Thank goodness for block
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 08:48 PM
Yeah, fearmyburst said his whole fanbase hates him on the discord/sub, lol
The cycle of life and death of Ice's career
Also ban Ice for faking content to get on to LSF CX
Jisifus 05-Jun-18 08:51 PM
OMG yes
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 08:52 PM
Wonder how much of his shit has been faked
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 09:41 PM
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 10:13 PM
@RaptorJesus This fake drama is getting spammed pretty hard, any suggestions?
RaptorJesus 05-Jun-18 10:21 PM
Create a "Ice Megathread 6/5 (Ice only faked his breakup once YAHOOO edition)" @Doctor Bread (edited)
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 10:25 PM
k lol
Remove all the posts up?
RaptorJesus 05-Jun-18 10:26 PM
Feel free
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 10:27 PM
I'll leave the highly upvoted ones
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 10:57 PM
you lads are missing a chance on voting on whether or not ban ice from the subreddit, and cash in on the current hate
but then again I dont think theres a reason to start a vote?
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 10:57 PM
Nah, faking content is a hard ban isn't it @ChanmanVXXIII?
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 10:57 PM
only with evidence, idk whats going on right now, just doing a quick login/logout
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 10:58 PM
https://streamable.com/lwnxb think that's the most damning evidence
Also the cops coming and shit seem scripted as fuck
RaptorJesus 05-Jun-18 10:58 PM
d00 it
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 10:59 PM
I will make the post, let me do it
RaptorJesus 05-Jun-18 10:59 PM
Let chanman do it
he's the founder
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 10:59 PM
I just meant so he wouldn't get doxxed, lol
RaptorJesus 05-Jun-18 10:59 PM
Chanman is undoxxable
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 10:59 PM
what is this and how do I disable it
RaptorJesus 05-Jun-18 10:59 PM
just close it
and it wont reopen
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 10:59 PM
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 10:59 PM
new subreddit chat rooms cause reddit admins are autism
new reddit style btw
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 11:00 PM
Chanman ban Ice, I vote yes, Jisifus votes yes, pretty sure Natt wants him gone
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 11:02 PM
straight up ban or community vote?
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 11:02 PM
No vote could be trusted to not be brigaded regarding Ice
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 11:02 PM
ice's stock is pretty low right now
RaptorJesus 05-Jun-18 11:02 PM
Do it in google sheets though
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 11:03 PM
vote shares the blame with the community
RaptorJesus 05-Jun-18 11:03 PM
and force sign in
let me make it actually
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 11:03 PM
Is that pretty irontight?
RaptorJesus 05-Jun-18 11:03 PM
i'll link you, one sec
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 11:03 PM
I don't know how good their vote manipulation protection is
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 11:03 PM
you need a phone number to make a google account, no?
I assume that would be enough
wow the megathread is receiving upvotes
is it that bad?
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 11:06 PM
ikr, lol
I think it's cause of Raptor's title though
But even RobinsonDickinson turned against him
That's how you know it's serious
RaptorJesus 05-Jun-18 11:08 PM
Due to fake drama created by Ice Poseidon regarding the breakup with Caroline Burt, that breaks Rule 4 of our rules, we are letting users decide what should be done. In order for "No Action" to be taken, it must meet the 50% threshold.

Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 11:09 PM
Don't think you need a phone number? Just a gmail
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 11:09 PM
need a phone number to create a gmail account though
RaptorJesus 05-Jun-18 11:09 PM
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 11:09 PM
Oh do you now? I have Google's cell phone service so I don't notice
Project Fi
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 11:09 PM
nice shilling
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 11:09 PM
Jews taking all of my info
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 11:09 PM
2c added to your paypal
wow I just realized its Pay Pal as in Pay buddy, guy helping you pay
am I mentally challenged
Punk 05-Jun-18 11:11 PM
oh we baning ice
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 11:12 PM
Hmmm, pretty sure the e-mail I'm on doesn't have a phone number attached, or it's got the same one as my main
It let me vote on my wife's account and one of my alt emails
just using an incognito window
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 11:12 PM
this Looking4Maria guy messaged me about his ban, happened 2 months ago and pic related is the general idea of the things he commented, who banned him because he wants to appeal
either baiting or keyboard warrior
RaptorJesus 05-Jun-18 11:13 PM
Not I
Limit to 1 response
Respondents will be required to sign in to Google.
also google requires a phone i just tired to created a new account
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 11:13 PM
Yeah, I was able to sign in to all my gmails and have the voting option at least once
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 11:13 PM
nice brigading
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 11:13 PM
I didn't vote, lol
RaptorJesus 05-Jun-18 11:14 PM
Should I ask a demographics question
I kinda wanna ask age range
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 11:14 PM
straight up ban or no ban
RaptorJesus 05-Jun-18 11:14 PM
No like another question
Q1) What is your age range
Q2) Ban question
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 11:14 PM
Just to see how many kiddos we got here?
RaptorJesus 05-Jun-18 11:14 PM
Yeah lmao (edited)
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 11:15 PM
same as facebook
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 11:15 PM
Looks like Natt banned that Maria guy
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 11:15 PM
imo have it only a ban / no ban
link it here
please change under 13 to 12 btw
RaptorJesus 05-Jun-18 11:17 PM
Alright its ready to go
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 11:17 PM
Want me to remove my Ice megathread?
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 11:18 PM
is the email part really needed? since you cant view it without being logged in anyway
RaptorJesus 05-Jun-18 11:18 PM
I removed it
the email thing
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 11:19 PM
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 11:19 PM
I think lots of people will pick it just to meme now but w/e, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 11:19 PM
you just got meme'd
@Doctor Bread link me that looking4maria comment
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 11:25 PM
fairly sure reee is about NEETs
but who am I to question
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 11:25 PM
Yeah, that's early r9k
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 11:26 PM
old r9k
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 11:26 PM
The earliest known archived use of the onomatopoeic version of the scream was submitted to 4chan's /r9k/[7] board on December 27th, 2014, featuring an image of Pepe the Frog accompanied by the message "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" (shown below).
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 11:26 PM
before it turned into a trap praising ring
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 11:26 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 11:28 PM
this is triggering me
who the hell messages through that instead of pms
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 11:29 PM
You making the vote thread tonight or waiting?
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 11:29 PM
need the evidence to add in the OP
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 11:29 PM
that streamable I linked
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 11:29 PM
gonna watch it, sec
having to listen 3min of something I don't care about
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 11:32 PM
She's just whining for the rest of it, I'm asking Robinson about the swatting or whatever shit
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 11:32 PM
punches happened
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 11:33 PM
This was the fake police officer
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 11:34 PM
I wonder if any of the ice viewers would be willing to help us out with links and such
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 11:35 PM
Robinson gave me that one, I'm watching all of the recent posts and the ones I removed
Seems whenever this Caroline chick is involved it seems super scripted
790 points and 130 comments so far on reddit
Lots of Ice viewers in this channel saying this is all fake shit
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 11:37 PM
lmao at the arm thing
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 11:39 PM
All the Fake/Scripted comments, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 11:41 PM
damn you cunts over there fucking eachother like its the medieval age (edited)
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 11:42 PM
Everyone thinks pretty much this entire stream is scripted
Even the diehard Ice fans
You could prob link that one streamable though, fuck it dood
175 points and 46 comments so far on reddit
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 11:43 PM
I might talk about the mitch ban and how his was a straight ban because it was clear he was doing it, while ice's needs a community vote because its evidence but no concrete proof
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 11:43 PM
I think that's fair. Like you said, blame gets put on the community as well if its a vote
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 11:45 PM
alright, going to write it down here
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 11:45 PM
how fake do these cops sound?
Punk 05-Jun-18 11:46 PM
wait what is this clip
did she get swatted?
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 11:46 PM
no idea, never had an encounter with a cop
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 11:47 PM
"Context: After Caroline has been in the room crying for 15 min the cops gets another complaint about caroline screaming in the room (fake call because she never screamed). She then tries arguing with cops for like 10 min while packing her stuff and finally gets out together with cops, moving to another room. She kept talking to the cop who told her to shut up or else she is going to jail. She is lucky nothing else happened to her because she kept talking on and on lmao"
Punk 05-Jun-18 11:47 PM
that seems highly suspect
cops aren't going to threaten to arrest a crying woman on a noise complaint
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 11:48 PM
"If you don't be quiet now, I'm gonna pick you up and put you in jail"
I assume thats how things work, right?
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 11:48 PM
Yep, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 11:53 PM
who posted the mitch ban poll? (edited)
I need it
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 11:53 PM
raptor I think?
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 11:53 PM
not natt as well
inb4 it was me
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 11:55 PM
need the vote
happened before the ban
damn polygon leeching
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 11:56 PM
im not seeing the mitch vote thing anywhere, maybe it was deleted
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jun-18 11:58 PM
meh, doing without it
Doctor Bread 05-Jun-18 11:59 PM
Let's go baby
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 12:07 AM
honestly one these 2 links are worth adding, besides old the hired cop

https://streamable.com/17a8r (edited)
calorine ones are stretching imo
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 12:08 AM
Could put "and tons of concern from his own community that the content is scripted or fake" or something like that
I dunno
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 12:09 AM
Clips his community sent us claiming to be evidence of it being scripted:
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 12:09 AM
Yeah, that sounds good
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 12:09 AM
I'll divide it between what made us think its scripted and his community
alt 168 my guy
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 12:10 AM
Ik, I still remember from high school spanish class, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 12:10 AM
todavia entiende espanol?
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 12:11 AM
barely, lol
Like you said, since it's a vote, it doesn't have to be ironclad evidence or anything. Just the concern about it being scripted, this week-long fuckfest of this RV stream, his awful community, it all just comes together I guess
This is just kind of convenient, strike while the iron is hot, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 12:12 AM
sandia, pollo frito, prision, sin padre
idk how to say dodge charger though
Vote here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSczCpoI6wxP6G1dt7tjOgU86L4LPJTsHI53N6_vB9UZN0lSSg/viewform

With the current happenings of Ice possibly faking/scripting content we decided to put up a vote on whether or not he should be banned from the subreddit

The same thing happened some time ago with Mitch Jones, where he started/manufactured drama with other streamers

If the vote goes through to ban Ice only he will be banned, nobody from the "Cx Network" is going to be lumped with him, but clips with him in it will be removed

Here's the evidence that pushed us into starting a vote:



[Ice allegedly hired a cop for content](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/7cl3zl/ice_poseidon_exposed_mods_removed_this_post_from/)

[Ice response about the cop situation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/7cl3zl/ice_poseidon_exposed_mods_removed_this_post_from/dpriibf/)

Clips his community sent us claiming to be evidence of it being scripted:



Due to fake drama created by Ice Poseidon regarding the breakup with Caroline Burt, that breaks Rule 4 of our rules, we are letting users decide what should be done. In order for "No Action" to be taken, it must meet the 50% threshold.

hey natt is here
might wanna check this out
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 12:18 AM
Post looks good, just add periods maybe?
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 12:18 AM
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 12:19 AM
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 12:19 AM
line breaks is the internet's period (edited)
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 12:19 AM
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 12:19 AM
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 12:20 AM
I unnanounced the megathread, all yours buddy
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 12:20 AM
you can have two stickies, mate
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 12:20 AM
Nah, people will definitely flock to yours I'm sure, I'll direct people to it from this one
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 12:20 AM
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 12:20 AM
fucking everyone is gonna comment on that post, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 12:22 AM
gonna add
You're all free to use this thread to discuss this decision and comment against/for Ice's ban, but be respectful and follow the rules (edited)
to stir up fighting
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 12:23 AM
"Votes are not anonymous, choose wisely"
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 12:23 AM
wait, they arent?
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 12:23 AM
I think they are lol
Unless Raptor can check the emails submitted
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 12:23 AM
the google poll is anonymous? (edited)
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 12:24 AM
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 12:24 AM
before creating the thread I'm gonna @ everyone in the general with a screenshot of the post title
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 12:24 AM
they are
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 12:24 AM
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 12:25 AM
Anonymous unless i add the required email but people can do gay@fag.com
i believe
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 12:25 AM
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 12:25 AM
alright, better be anonymous
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 12:25 AM
So how are the votes gonna work? It has to be 50% do nothing, otherwise it's the higher voted of the other two options?
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 12:26 AM
Correct we'll do a run-off
between the top two choices
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 12:26 AM
A run-off between the top two choices may happen if... ?
help me out
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 12:26 AM
If it's not 50% or more of "do nothing"?
Say it's like 30/30/40, the 30's being for the sub or just a ban
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 12:27 AM
A run-off between the top two choices may happen if none of them reaches 50% of the votes?
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 12:27 AM
It would be a runoff between sub and ban
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 12:29 AM
give me a title for the thread
"Vote on whether or not to ban Ice Poseidon" sounds bad (edited)
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 12:31 AM
I'd do Vote: Something or other
Vote: Ban Ice Poseidon from LiveStreamFail (edited)
Pretty important to have vote in the title though
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 12:32 AM
Vote: Ban Ice_Poseidon from Livestreamfail sounds good
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 12:33 AM
Vote: Ban Ice Poseidon content from LiveStreamFail

Vote: Ban Ice Poseidon content from LiveStreamFail for faking content
If you want to give a reason in the title, probably unnecessary
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 12:33 AM
thread has that faking content part
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 12:33 AM
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 12:33 AM
time to do it, gonna hype up the general chat
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 12:33 AM
Oh it's LivestreamFail
Thought S was capitalized
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 12:33 AM
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 12:33 AM
Scuffed subreddit name
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 12:33 AM
Livestream was never capitalized
you casual
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 12:34 AM
I guess livestream is one word lol
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 12:34 AM
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 12:34 AM
You should bold the part about it not applying to the rest of the Cx network though, that's pretty important
I think all of their content submissions will drop off drastically if he's banned though
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 12:35 AM
done did it, boys
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 12:36 AM
This response is hilarious
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 12:42 AM
This gonna be real interesting
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 12:42 AM
@ChanmanVXXIII give that lordifre guy shitposter status
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 12:46 AM
Ice fans in his discord are telling people to vote to ban him
We're at a statistical point where it seems like a run-off between "Ban Ice" and "Move all content"
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 12:52 AM
Sweet, was worried it'd be no action
What's it looking like now?
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 12:53 AM
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 12:53 AM
Wew, hope it stays that way
@ChanmanVXXIII You could have also added that stuff with his discord brigading us as well if you wanted
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 12:54 AM
ehh, missed the chance
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 12:54 AM
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 12:54 AM
can use later to further prove our point
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 12:55 AM
I dunno how much it would affect people's responses though, think non-ice fans would be more likely to vote if the proof of brigading was shown
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 12:56 AM
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 12:56 AM
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 12:58 AM
God bless that Ovicron guy lol
Yeah I would definitely mention the brigading, to get rid of the accusations that we just "waited for the right time"
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 01:00 AM
Though the timing is nice, I'll admit
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 01:04 AM
Alright time to export and see what i know to be true
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 01:05 AM
let the thread run for at least 24h?
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 01:05 AM
24h is perfect
doesnt give time for anyone to organize some sort of gay bot shit
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 01:06 AM
Lock the thread and thank everyone for voting
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 01:07 AM
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 01:09 AM
Wow i'm surprised
those that identified under the age of 13 voted no action at 11%
while 14-18 voted 18%
I'm gonna make a pretty Tableau report
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 01:10 AM
Proof of brigading, ban him
can we mention the discord brigading here @RaptorJesus ?
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 01:11 AM
imo let it happen
most of them are going against ice
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 01:12 AM
I mean it only works in our favor, and not a ton of people on this discord
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 01:12 AM
Just let things play out
screenshot as we go
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 01:12 AM
You should have ready whatever you got from the Magnaboy shit
Oh wait, I already said we had evidence of being brigaded
in one of those megathreads
most people didn't see it though
I banned the OP from LSF for being a dickbag all the time
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 01:22 AM
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 01:26 AM
I bet most of the yes votes are from Ice fans
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 01:27 AM
Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. Get a constantly updating feed of breaking news, fun stories, pics, memes, and videos just for you. Passionate about something niche? Reddit has thousands of vibrant communities with people that share your interests. Alt...
jesus christ
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 01:27 AM
Like I said, maybe should have mentioned the other stuff, oh well, maybe in the ban announcement
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 01:28 AM
I understand how upset everyone is and why they would want to vote to spite Ice but it's at the cost of furthering Twitch's agenda and not just...
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 01:28 AM
I'd definitely point to the real brigading from his discord if we ban him so people don't bitch (as much)
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 01:28 AM
kinda happy people think we're smart, tbh
alright gonna click on every single thread about the vote, spamming it is requiring too much effort
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 01:35 AM
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 01:36 AM
20 links so far
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 01:36 AM
oops didnt label
first rule of dataviz
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 01:37 AM
Isn't orange no action?
If so
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 01:38 AM
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 01:38 AM
aw man, orange was the no action color on the poll
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 01:38 AM
I'm gonna tinker with the bottom dataset cause its kinda messy
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 01:39 AM
I think "Move all IP content to a clip sub" maybe should have been all Cx Network content?
I dunno, I thought that was the initial use
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 01:40 AM
maybe dont say it but also dont remove it if they end up posting it in the new subreddit
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 01:41 AM
Well, if it was just for Ice I guess the name would have been IceFail
And Ice alone couldn't carry an entire sub, I was intending it to be the Cx Network since they're pretty big now, and only growing
Well, WERE growing before this caroline shit
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 01:42 AM
receiving praise
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 01:47 AM
There we go
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 01:48 AM
Ban is pulling ahead
He called yo ass out @ChanmanVXXIII (edited)
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 01:52 AM
can you guys see this
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 01:52 AM
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 01:52 AM
Oh neat
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 01:52 AM
@Doctor Bread can you hit that guy in #general with the brigading dab
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 01:52 AM
Tableau public is pretty neat
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 01:52 AM
or raptor
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 01:52 AM
brigading dab? you mean tell him about the brigading?
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 01:52 AM
tl;dr might be enough
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 02:11 AM
Alright I gotta sleep, this was fun, can finally clean the sub up
Definitely add the brigading dab in somewhere to cement the ban vote (edited)
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 02:12 AM
will need someone to spoonfeed me the evidence
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 02:13 AM
Think Raptor is the one who talked with Magna, hopefully he's got some screens
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 02:22 AM
14 points and 0 comments so far on reddit
28 threads talking about voting
HalfOfAKebab 06-Jun-18 02:25 AM
wow they are like children lol
just shows how easy they are to jump on hate bandwagons
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 02:35 AM
Due to accusations that the modteam is just trying to hop on board the Ice hate train, this situation could better be described as the straw that broke the camel's back.

About a year ago, we had an issue with Ice fans brigading LSF from his Discord channel. An agreement was made with Ice's team to reallow his content to the subreddit, and a bot was put in place to automatically remove any LSF links posted to the discord to help curtail brigading attempts.

A few weeks ago, we noticed Ice posts recieving a disproportionate amount of upvotes with little to no comments on them, which we found suspicious. The modteam checked out his Discord, and found the recent post history absolutely littered with links to LSF, and members calling on the discord to upvote Ice posts here.

One of our mods contacted one of Ice's Discord admins, MagnaBoy, and asked what the status of the bot was. He was extremely hostile towards us, and claimed it was simply an issue with "Discord lag" before banning the LSF mod's discord accounts from being able to view posting history there. He also failed to confirm whether the bot was also reenabled for the member's channel.

We've still noticed extremely strange voting activity on Ice's posts during this most recent RV trip, with clips climbing in to the 300-500 upvote range with almost no comments, and remain suspicious of brigading. (edited)
Something quick I wrote
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 02:35 AM
> the straw that broke the camel's back
can you be more gay?
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 02:38 AM
I dunno, change it how you want, just something I came up with quick, im pretty tired and should actually sleep
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 02:38 AM
go then
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 02:39 AM
Hopefully the voting trend stays steady through the night
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 02:39 AM
Looks like it
just refreshed it
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 02:40 AM
Raptor you got any screens of your conversation with magnaboy?
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 02:40 AM
yeah need that
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 02:41 AM
There were those others somewhere up there of people saying to brigade us in his discord, dunno if there are any link pictures
https://mod.reddit.com/mail/all/3ztza and this would be useful
Punk 06-Jun-18 02:51 AM
@here respones just went from 7k to 12k in 5 minutes
%s aren't really changing though
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 02:52 AM
Its a miscount from Google
just downloaded the CSV
HalfOfAKebab 06-Jun-18 02:52 AM
maybe it's being put on people's front pages now that it's getting to be a popular thread?
or that
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 02:53 AM
random people will vote ban just for the lols
HalfOfAKebab 06-Jun-18 02:53 AM
nah i don't mean /r/all
i mean the front pages of people that are subbed
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 02:53 AM
HalfOfAKebab 06-Jun-18 02:54 AM
could be on /r/all though lol
but i doubt it, since the percentages aren't changing
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 02:57 AM
I'm finding a break in the trending lines
but could be because EU is awake now
HalfOfAKebab 06-Jun-18 02:59 AM
nah i doubt it would suddenly spike up like that at 7:45am because EU is waking up (edited)
maybe a little bit, but not by that much
HalfOfAKebab 06-Jun-18 03:00 AM
it's probably reddit promoting the post
HalfOfAKebab 06-Jun-18 03:03 AM
lmao 56% of people that voted to ban ice are apparently under 13
wonder what the reason for that is
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 03:05 AM
12 btw but 13 since may
Jisifus 06-Jun-18 03:13 AM
Yo what the fuck is happening
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 03:14 AM
voting on whether or not we should ban ice poseidon
theres a sticky up
Jisifus 06-Jun-18 03:15 AM
Wait, did we ever say that?
Yeah I read through some of the messages
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 03:16 AM
we are literally listed as mods there
HalfOfAKebab 06-Jun-18 03:16 AM
i don't think we ever said that lol
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 03:16 AM
nobody doxxed me yet
Jisifus 06-Jun-18 03:19 AM
Well bad timing since I gotta work today
In a basement without internet
..... It's not like you think it is (edited)
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 03:19 AM
I doubt there'll be much trouble today, seems like even ice viewers are voting for the ban
currently have 28 threads on his subreddit telling people to vote
Jisifus 06-Jun-18 03:20 AM
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 03:20 AM
Jisifus 06-Jun-18 03:20 AM
If we did this yesterday there would be 28 threads to vote against it and the vote thread would be at -800
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 03:21 AM
yeah, even the daily megathread had upvotes
Jisifus 06-Jun-18 03:21 AM
4d chess, gg bois
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 03:22 AM
don't forget the current narrative, twitch pushed us to ban ice poseidon because he went to dreamhack
Jisifus 06-Jun-18 03:29 AM
ImNATT 06-Jun-18 05:38 AM
I'm so proud of you guys
Jisifus 06-Jun-18 05:49 AM
Wait from which channel are those (edited)
ImNATT 06-Jun-18 06:05 AM
Jisifus 06-Jun-18 06:15 AM
Oh, good
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 11:20 AM
Updating the results
/r/all swung things a lot
ImNATT 06-Jun-18 11:25 AM
Can I see the google doc results?
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 11:28 AM
yeah whats your email
ImNATT 06-Jun-18 11:30 AM
Do I see that right, Ban has double the votes as no ban?
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 11:31 AM
Jisifus 06-Jun-18 11:40 AM
some serious mental gymnastics going on in there, i love it
ImNATT 06-Jun-18 11:43 AM
I thought Raptors flair was disclaimer enough of our relationship with Twitch
Jisifus 06-Jun-18 11:44 AM
ImNATT 06-Jun-18 11:44 AM
This is fucking beautiful
Jisifus 06-Jun-18 11:45 AM
please let me make the announcement post if the vote passes
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 12:52 PM
this guy wants a lowered ban time, from perma to whatever
since this was your ban, its up to you
248 points and 157 comments so far on reddit
ImNATT 06-Jun-18 12:53 PM
No. That guy can't do anything besides creating conflict.
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 01:18 PM
loving ice's mods, they actually allowed a straight up call to action on their subreddit
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 01:20 PM
I can't believe they banned talking about Ice in the Ice subreddit
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 01:20 PM
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 01:20 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 01:21 PM
its just as bad as livestreamfail no longer being about fails
ice_poseidon is no longer about ice
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 01:22 PM
Literally destroyed by his own community
Shoulda stayed on runescape
poor voldesad
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 01:25 PM
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 01:25 PM
Let's host an AMA on Ice_Poseidon
We got so many adoring fans now
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 01:26 PM
hit up their mods
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 01:26 PM
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 01:26 PM
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 01:27 PM
They changed their discord to Bjorn now too lmao
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 01:27 PM
That coggins guy is a fucking retard
Just made everyone more mad
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 01:28 PM
make voldesad and victor a mod on CxFails to increase our stocks
we're the bankers now
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 01:29 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 01:29 PM
say it
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 01:29 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 01:29 PM
tier list
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 01:29 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 01:30 PM
chad is still above mexican andy
turns out looking disgusting is worse than constantly saying nigger
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 01:30 PM
ImNATT 06-Jun-18 01:33 PM
It actually is. Praise Kek
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 01:35 PM
What's the graph looking like now raptor
ImNATT 06-Jun-18 01:36 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 01:37 PM
damn, it changed a lot in the last 8h
ImNATT 06-Jun-18 01:38 PM
Ban keeps getting more votes. It was at 51.6% an hour or two ago.
👏 1
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 01:39 PM
Someone find a good car flip video to post once Ice is banned
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 01:39 PM
ban on ice happening but not a single thread about it on /r/forsen, turns out his community actually didn't care about drama
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 01:39 PM
Like you said, not enough dicks
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 01:39 PM
dude I know one, give me a moment
its been removed
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 01:40 PM
Summit with the unintentional double front flip - Clipped by Technolosophy
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 01:42 PM
The perfect car flip doesn't ex- - Clipped by PlexiateHD
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 01:42 PM
Yeah a car flip is better, motorcycle just isn't the same
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 01:43 PM
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 01:43 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 01:43 PM
post it on ice's subreddit, raptor
ImNATT 06-Jun-18 01:43 PM
Post that in the ban thread
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 01:43 PM
Jisifus 06-Jun-18 01:43 PM
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 01:43 PM
sticky it
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 01:43 PM
ok i'll post it on ice's reddit first then in the ban thread
ez karma
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 01:44 PM
I bet Ice's sub will start using it lol
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 01:44 PM
"looking at the current results, all I have to say is this:"
girl streamer + car flips
literally all the subreddit is about
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 01:45 PM
go ping general chat with that @RaptorJesus
4 points and 0 comments so far on reddit
upvote it quick
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 01:46 PM
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 01:46 PM
I cant do it or they'll ban me for brigade
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 01:47 PM
just post the picture in general, share your hard work of 5 minutes of photoshop
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 01:47 PM
didn't ping everyone
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 01:52 PM
Did they take down Ice's discord?
The link to it in their sidebar is gone
Damage control?
jammy 06-Jun-18 01:53 PM
is the tableau fucked up for anyone else btw?
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 01:53 PM
Not for me
ImNATT 06-Jun-18 01:54 PM
It looks the same for me, which is why I asked for Google Doc access.
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 01:54 PM
fine over here
lmao jammy
check the dates you selected
you have it showing almost 1 month of votes
ImNATT 06-Jun-18 01:55 PM
I can't switch the dates though
jammy 06-Jun-18 01:55 PM
idk how i would change the date
ImNATT 06-Jun-18 01:55 PM
Maybe like 1 day forward by clicking the + but that's it
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 01:55 PM
you can select it to zoom, no?
select the right side of the chat and it should zoom
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 01:58 PM
"Works on my PC"
Thread closed 8 years ago
ImNATT 06-Jun-18 02:07 PM
@jammy Select the part of the graph you want to see and the click "only show this". That fixed it for me
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 02:14 PM
Pinned a message.
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 03:40 PM
God i want to end this poll soon
ImNATT 06-Jun-18 03:41 PM
Soon my brother
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 03:52 PM
let me make the thread and I'll add each and every mod reaction/meme
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 03:53 PM
Do I have to come up with a reaction?
"Good, less Jews on the subreddit"
Wife is Jewish btw, I'm just memeing
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 03:56 PM
post wife nose or nazist
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 04:04 PM
he did the meme
RaptorJesus 06-Jun-18 04:04 PM
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 04:04 PM
ImNATT 06-Jun-18 04:17 PM
I think one of Ice's viewers just posted in one of my other subreddits
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 08:43 PM
bout that time, what's the poll looking like?
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 10:09 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII do you have acess to the vote?
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 10:11 PM
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 10:11 PM
Wondering what it's at, bout time to wrap it up
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 10:13 PM
@Senior Subreddit Mods (edited)
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 10:14 PM
lul no
Maybe if it was one of Ice_Poseidon's mods
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 10:14 PM
ice's mods are yes men, though
passing it on to some viewers sounds better than leaving it up to ice and his friends
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 10:15 PM
some dude looking for karma / control
I guess
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 10:15 PM
he yoinked our rules and css
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 10:15 PM
I dunno, I don't like the ban on just Ice personally, I'll take it though. Was more in favor of moving the entire Cx network to Cx fails
Seems cleaner
Mostly so his shit community doesn't have as much of a reason to come to LSF
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 10:17 PM
wow what a odd guy, his post history is a mix of ice poseidon and aww content
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 10:18 PM
should start brainstorming the ban announcement message though if we're going with that
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 10:19 PM
Subreddit is so hot that all the Ice has melted away (edited)
I wanna link a car flip somewhere in the thread
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 10:20 PM
I was gonna post that shroud one as its own submission, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 10:20 PM
I wanna post the one I pinned
so normie
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 10:25 PM
Come over to r/CxClips for the latest clips. He's probably going to be banned tonight.
ban this dude for promoting?
I banned one dude earlier who I think was plugging that sub, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 10:27 PM
I'd say no but since you banned the last one then be consistent
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 10:27 PM
I can unban, it was a new account with like no comments though
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 10:27 PM
Doctor Bread 06-Jun-18 10:27 PM
I dunno, do you wanna plug that sub?
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 10:27 PM
I do, but waiting on the other mods
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jun-18 10:31 PM
might add that in the main thread
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 12:03 AM
35min left but no raptor updating the results
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 12:07 AM
This loser at work probably smh
RaptorJesus 07-Jun-18 12:57 AM
@ChanmanVXXIII updating now
Then you can post the thread
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 12:57 AM
RaptorJesus 07-Jun-18 12:58 AM
@ChanmanVXXIII please post a thread saying
"Ice Posiedon Content is now banned" with just the image
like just an image post
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 12:58 AM
alright, what image
the pool results?
RaptorJesus 07-Jun-18 12:59 AM
The Meme I maxe
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 12:59 AM
RaptorJesus 07-Jun-18 12:59 AM
and then
in the sticky comment
the results & second vote
for the "Complete Ban" vs "Move to another subreddit"
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 12:59 AM
why second vote
RaptorJesus 07-Jun-18 12:59 AM
unless we just wanna outright ban
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 12:59 AM
didnt ban get 50%?
RaptorJesus 07-Jun-18 12:59 AM
which is fine
RaptorJesus 07-Jun-18 01:00 AM
it did
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 01:00 AM
52% to ban
RaptorJesus 07-Jun-18 01:00 AM
no runoff needed honestly
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 01:00 AM
I still think something should be done about the Cx network and the other sub, but w/e, an Ice ban is nice
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 01:00 AM
should I add a ban reason?
how he had a breakup months ago and now it was revealed to be faked for drama
Cx network thing time will tell
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 01:01 AM
I'd go with all of the evidence and such
the discord stuff / prior faked drama
RaptorJesus 07-Jun-18 01:02 AM
You're good to go lad
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 01:02 AM
should I really meme it up with bjorn?
RaptorJesus 07-Jun-18 01:03 AM
Fuck it dude ehehehehehe (edited)
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 01:05 AM
do you have the magnaboy screenshots and such?
going to link every single evidence we have in the sticky
kinda wanna ping everyone in the general with a meme
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 01:10 AM
hold up, finishing this league game
Alright, let's plan this out real nicelike
How hard do you wanna meme with the announcement? Just do an image post like Raptor wants? And then put everything in stickied comments?
RaptorJesus 07-Jun-18 01:15 AM
Just meme post and link to the Tableau reports and the other thread
Should be good enough
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 01:15 AM
right now this is what I have written
RaptorJesus 07-Jun-18 01:16 AM
That works!
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 01:16 AM
Add in brigading to the ban reason?
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 01:16 AM
literally waiting for the prints
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 01:18 AM
yeah I'll setup a part with all the videos/links
but I want to open up with the brigading
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 01:19 AM
That's what I think is the strongest case, and could also open up a second vote for moving the Cx Network to their own sub / that cxclips sub if we don't want to manage it
since all Cx stuff was being brigaded
Get rid of all of these retards at once
Or at least put them in a containment board, then every day just post like the top few from CxFails on to LSF
They get to spam that sub to their heart's delight, people on LSF don't throw a hissyfit over too many posts. But all of this might be too much work, can always just be more aggressive with removals for Cx stuff (edited)
RaptorJesus 07-Jun-18 01:21 AM
Natt has them all I only have a few
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 01:28 AM
although I dont believe that one counts since we eventually came into an agreement
which is why they have the bot removing links
so using it seems dishonest
Punk 07-Jun-18 01:33 AM
so what's up are we banning or not
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 01:33 AM
yeah I'm writing it up in detail and shit
go play your game, soyboy
Punk 07-Jun-18 01:33 AM
I'm ready dude
ready to post this
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 01:34 AM
Punk 07-Jun-18 01:34 AM
as soon as that thread's up
lol no
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 01:35 AM
limit is 1 sticky
Punk 07-Jun-18 01:35 AM
I'm just gunna comment normally
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 01:35 AM
oh okay, that's fine too
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 01:36 AM
anyone got a good image of Sir Tony saying Yahoo?
or gif
RaptorJesus 07-Jun-18 01:37 AM
i gotta drop gf off but i'll be back in like 40
so hopefully by then
the tears start flowing
Jisifus 07-Jun-18 01:40 AM
Can I make a twitch paycheck joke in th comments
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 01:40 AM
Go for it
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 01:40 AM
sure, but make it obvious or strongly sarcastic
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 01:41 AM
I went with Ice Poseidon only faked content 1 2 3 ∞ times to get posted on LSF. YAHOOOOOOOOO! YAHOOOOOOOOOO!
Didn't put the discord stuff @ChanmanVXXIII?
I don't think it's unfair, considering they went against the agreement and disabled the bot in the first place
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 01:44 AM
only thing we have is the modmail stuff
Punk 07-Jun-18 01:50 AM
In which Punk plays a dangerous game
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 01:53 AM
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 01:54 AM
Punk 07-Jun-18 01:58 AM
let's see the followers dip
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 02:00 AM
Lost 6 people, it's all over guys
Punk 07-Jun-18 02:00 AM
@Doctor Bread why'd you ban that guy from the discord? lol
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 02:00 AM
He was pming me being autistic, only came here to troll
Punk 07-Jun-18 02:00 AM
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 02:01 AM
wtf is that picture punk lol
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 02:15 AM
lost 10 subs
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 02:17 AM
People think LSF survives only on Ice content lol
the delusion is real
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 02:17 AM
I used to watch Ice during his runescape days and now people are saying we hate him
although I do agree new Ice is shit, doesn't mean I wouldn't be happy if he just went back to playing osrs and being austitic
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 02:17 AM
Punk 07-Jun-18 02:18 AM
yeah weird
that post had like 10 upboats at the beginning
guess people got salty
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 02:18 AM
gonna upvote you
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 02:22 AM
Is reddit not sorting for anyone else? Got it by top and it's just not updating
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 02:25 AM
aye same
RaptorJesus 07-Jun-18 02:34 AM
Thank god
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 02:34 AM
You reading through the tears now?
RaptorJesus 07-Jun-18 02:36 AM
Most people seem happy
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 02:36 AM
Seems most people are upset at how flimsy the reasoning is, which it kind of is
well, most people that ARE upset
RaptorJesus 07-Jun-18 02:42 AM
Subscribe to our personal Youtube channel to watch us behind the scenes: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=fmonyourdial We're Far East Move...
Thread music
Jisifus 07-Jun-18 02:42 AM
Ice is live btw, I'd love to hear what he says but I can't listen right now
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 02:42 AM
ill check it out
oh shit it's sponsor only and I sponsored to get in to his private discord recently (edited)
Punk 07-Jun-18 02:44 AM
>he gave money to ice
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 02:44 AM
I charged it back lol
Punk 07-Jun-18 02:44 AM
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 02:44 AM
I still have sponsor somehow
Free content
He's explaining the situation with caroline / chicks
Punk 07-Jun-18 02:45 AM
yeah I'm watching rn
nothing better to do
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 02:45 AM
That Fake scrolling in the chat lol
I dunno, I don't mind Ice, I just wish he had fostered a better community from the start
But I guess he wouldn't have the amount of viewers he has if he did that
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 02:47 AM
Thinking about answering that guy on #general with this
That's not how the subreddit works tho
we only straight up ban on cases that are obvious or don't need the community's opinion, like with mitch or when kaceytron brigaded the subreddit and told her views to shit on gengar back when he was a mod
Ice's ban wasn't for obvious thing, what we had was a bunch of people coming over with videos and shit talking about it being faked, eventually the caroline videos came out and we talked about how to deal it with, the result end up being to link what we had on Ice and let the community vote (edited)
yae or nay?
Punk 07-Jun-18 02:47 AM
you can if you want to
I don't think it's necessary
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 02:48 AM
eh, hard to justify, we did take advantage of the timing
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 02:48 AM
thats literally all the bans
mitch constantly breaking the rules and the subreddit hating him
ninja with the dox
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 02:48 AM
I guess, this seems different though. I still don't know why we didn't ban him a few weeks ago for the brigading, and why we don't mention it now, but I'm just a broken record.
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 02:49 AM
athene during his schemes and threads exposing him popping up
the evidence for brigading is that one screenshot, I don't see how forgetting the deal we made with them about the last year's brigading and posting it as reason is going to make people understand, if anything it'll make it worse
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 02:51 AM
I think you're giving Magnaboy too much credit with "forgetting"
Punk 07-Jun-18 02:51 AM
ice looks smelly
I bet he smells bad
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 02:51 AM
that stained shirt
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 02:52 AM
I mean, I only saw one screenshot about the latest brigading, that one posted in the modmail
y'all talked about how he lost mod then got it back again, him disabling the mod but nobody posts it here FeelsWeirdMan
or I didnt see it when I searched for it
a few hours ago
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 02:57 AM
I don't disagree with the Ice ban, I obviously pushed for it too, but my only problem was always with the constant war on the sub about him and his buddies being posted so often, and I was looking for a way to control the content amount that wouldn't enrage people further, hence the CxFail sub / crossposting only a few things a day. To me, just banning Ice from LSF seems unsatisfying, at least for the goal I was looking for. But I don't know what ya'll were trying to get out of this.

I don't know how much Ice being banned will accomplish in terms of spam / his toxic community leaving / slowing down their shitting up of the subreddit, but maybe it will make a difference. (edited)
Jisifus 07-Jun-18 02:58 AM
/new on the ice sub is going crazy btw, a new thread every second
Punk 07-Jun-18 02:58 AM
well yeah
he's streaming
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 02:58 AM
That's normal lol
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:01 AM
@Doctor Bread
we'll eventually see about that, the important thing we wanted to remove was the spam from his community, and I don't believe the people from the Cx network is as bad as Ice when it comes to clogging up the subreddit and triggering the non-ice viewers
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:02 AM
Maybe, like I said, we'll see what happens
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:02 AM
also because I unironically enjoy bjorn
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:02 AM
King Bjorn
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:03 AM
besides the mild racism every now and then, most of his stuff is positive
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:03 AM
Though I think banning Ice will help remove people like Sam Pepper, Hampton, etc
Which is a plus
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:03 AM
it kinda kills the leeches
at least on the subreddit
HalfOfAKebab 07-Jun-18 03:03 AM
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:03 AM
they'll still use ice's youtube viewers to leech
omega lol
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:04 AM
Feels weird man
Sorry I stole your karma
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:05 AM
Yeah, people seemed to get most enraged over Ice and his leeches. People don't mind like bjorn or dankquan, or some of the other people with their own identities
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:07 AM
wait ice actually lost 21k viewers?
just read on his subreddit
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:09 AM
I also wonder if the ban is going to hurt him, it end up adding more fuel to his viewers' anger, since we sided with them calling it fake
Punk 07-Jun-18 03:09 AM
he's talking about the ban now
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:09 AM
no joke idk his youtube
Punk 07-Jun-18 03:10 AM
🎲 DONATE FOR RECOGNITION: https://streamlabs.com/iceposeidon 💰 DOWNLOAD LIVE.ME HERE: http://smarturl.it/3tj1dh & WATCH ME ON LIVE.ME HERE: https://goo.gl/ry...
he just stopped
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:10 AM
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:10 AM
hold on i'll record all of it
Punk 07-Jun-18 03:10 AM
he talked about cxclips for a minute
yeah he didn't seem to care
he just says I guess they just didn't want me on their sub
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:14 AM
https://streamable.com/n7ngn scuffed recording
The whole front page is you cause of the brigading numbnuts, sheesh
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:17 AM
>completely ignores that his subreddit isn't fit for clips with all the hate/appreciation threads
actually lying
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:17 AM
Yeah, I don't feel as bad now lol
Whatever, if he doesn't care or understand then I don't care I guess
Should make a fucking effort to contain his community
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:18 AM
isnt that fearmyburst the crazy Ice chick, or was it mitch?
I only remember the die shit eating retard spam
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:18 AM
Nah that's not her, lol, she is the crazy chick though
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:18 AM
give lore
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:19 AM
banned her main account and she got on her 50 alts and spammed our comments / spammed the sub with submissions / sent thousands of modmails in
I talk to her regularly now though, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:21 AM
Punk 07-Jun-18 03:21 AM
doctor getting IN
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:21 AM
deciding on whether or not I should invest time to listen to it all
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:21 AM
I recorded it just in case, was expecting more craziness, lol
Punk 07-Jun-18 03:21 AM
is she cute
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:22 AM
she looks southern
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:22 AM
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:22 AM
orange-ish, overweight and crazy?
Punk 07-Jun-18 03:22 AM
probably fat
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:22 AM
must be from the south
Punk 07-Jun-18 03:22 AM
not a trustworthy camera angle
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:23 AM
I don't trust even face to face because of how efficient makeup is nowdays
Punk 07-Jun-18 03:23 AM
also true
makeup was a mistake
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:23 AM
just be born pretty
Punk 07-Jun-18 03:23 AM
the ugly should fear the beautiful
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:24 AM
Yeah, my wife never wears makeup, but she's not ugly with terrible skin
I can't stand the stuff
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:24 AM
she's jewish though, her beauty comes from being part of the illuminati and controlling the fountain of youth
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:24 AM
Men are clearly the superior gender though, much better looking with no lies or deception needed
Look at that handsome fuck
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:25 AM
unironically true
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:25 AM
Men > 2D > Roasties, in terms of attractiveness
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:26 AM
men should go for traps, they can easily understand eachother and the upbring barrier isn't as thick
Punk 07-Jun-18 03:26 AM
it's true men are unfiltered
what was that link you deleted in generral
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:26 AM
wish it wasnt gay to date men
Punk 07-Jun-18 03:27 AM
Did that guy you banned post a cursed link
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:27 AM
It's not gay, just buddies spending time together
Oh, some dude posted his referral link for some e-book site, lol
Punk 07-Jun-18 03:27 AM
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:27 AM
>Thinking people who browse LSF read
I am about to go read before sleep, enjoy the rest of the Ice fallout, if there is any. Not as bad as I assumed it would be
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:28 AM
still no dox
Punk 07-Jun-18 03:28 AM
We'll see tomorrow
I'm pretty much undoxxable
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:28 AM
they can swat an airport
Punk 07-Jun-18 03:28 AM
I have no social media presence anymore
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:28 AM
but cant dox a cunt stuck on a island
just follow the shitty anime spam of whoever is that guy in your profile
Punk 07-Jun-18 03:30 AM
Realistically if I tried to doxx myself I could probably only pull my high school after some work
Dunno if I could get my name. Most likely not.
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:31 AM
I tried doxxing myself and the most I got was a 10 years old picture and a nickname used in gaming/russian forums
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:31 AM
bruh,Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku is not trash
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:31 AM
picture led nowhere because it was used in forums that died and didnt get cached by google
you're talking to someone who has no idea about anime shit
to me you just spoke japanese, nothing else
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:32 AM
Sorry, I forgot Australia is a Chinese colony now
Punk 07-Jun-18 03:32 AM
It's an anime website you faggot stop posting there
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:32 AM
we canadian boys
holy shit kys with that its an anime website shit, it was a fucking message board that mimicked a japanese one, that obvious brings in shitty weebs, you cunt have at most 3 boards dedicated to anime, out of like 60 boards
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:34 AM
4chan was built on anime homie
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:34 AM
and it got segregated
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:35 AM
it's here https://store.fakku.net/pages/maitetsu - "/v/ - Video Games" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to the discussion of PC and console video games.
first thing in the report queue
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:35 AM
4chin mod
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:35 AM
Yeah I told you that, lol
Moot loved anime, how can you go against our lord and savior
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:36 AM
moot sold us out, and also got cucked
damn I did some messed up to kill threads back then
whats with the hate towards minmaxing in games
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:38 AM
/v/ is full of casualshits
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:38 AM
twice today I got called a mixmaxer for saying its retarded to not use cells in dauntless
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:38 AM
oh you talking about something else, jk. Why wouldn't you use cells?
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:39 AM
they are passive buffs to specific weapon categories
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:39 AM
It's Free Stats
Not even minmaxing
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:39 AM
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:39 AM
gaming subs are always cancer though, if you're on /r/dauntless
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:40 AM
you roll some free loot boxes and get some shit, if you're a swordboi and end up getting axe cells, then its best to change to have a better build
since you cant reroll cells
you literally get stuck with whatever rng gives you (edited)
just got spammed with a bunch of private subreddit invites
oh wow its a bunch of serious karma-whoring subreddits
doesnt look like people here are memeing
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 04:19 AM
Guy claims to not be an ice viewer but enjoyed his clips every now and then
I click on his account, he posts on ice_poseidon daily
just... why?
from 263620 subs before the ban announcement to 263,729
we growing
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 04:24 AM
Oh, you prob got invited to the century club and elite club, it happens automatically when you get on the front page of all, the front page of popular, and the top post on one of them
Or whatever the sub names were
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 04:24 AM
yeah that was it
did a quick check on it and its just weird
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 04:25 AM
They're useless though, I've got them on all of my accounts from mma clips, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 04:25 AM
people actually talking about karma as if it was important
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 04:25 AM
No one talks in them, just brags about making it there
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 05:31 AM
Check all OfflineTV posters, if they're from ice's subreddit just perma them
they decided to spam offlinetv to clog the subreddit
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 06:02 AM
might wanna hold on enforcing the 2 hours 0 points rule for a while, I'm seeing every single new post getting downvoted to zero within a minute of being posted
Jisifus 07-Jun-18 08:41 AM
There has been a sudden influx of OfflineTV clips on this subreddit, i think that their community maybe brigading this subreddit for exposure....
ImNATT 07-Jun-18 09:43 AM
Just ban them
He already is though, so don't unban him
Punk 07-Jun-18 09:46 AM
@ImNATT "Can we replace the ice filter now with cx network for all the andys?"
Not a bad idea
ImNATT 07-Jun-18 09:47 AM
I can do that
Not now though. Will be done by the end of the day hopefully (edited)
ImNATT 07-Jun-18 11:34 AM
Just Cx should be enough or does it have to be Cx Network?
Ocypode 07-Jun-18 12:12 PM
Update im home tomorrow very late from my trip ill start moderating again on Saturday
ImNATT 07-Jun-18 12:12 PM
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 12:30 PM
Lol who banned fearmyburst?
Here come another thousand modmails
ImNATT 07-Jun-18 12:39 PM
She hasn't been unbanned in the first place
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 12:45 PM
Well, the normiesreeee69 or whatever account was banned
Oh I see, @ChanmanVXXIII she posted that offline TV thing before the raid thread was made, and she does unironically watch offlineTV
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 02:17 PM
ImNATT 07-Jun-18 02:18 PM
No wonder they've been removed from popular
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 02:19 PM
Man this sub is a disaster, I thought Ice fans were loyal, they're just rabid though, for him or against him I guess (edited)
Raptor, I got a photoshop idea for you, take this picture, put Bjorn's head on top, and change Clinton/ Trump /Jeb to Ice/Someody(Sam?)/Bjorn (edited)
Ez karma
Punk 07-Jun-18 02:52 PM
@ImNATT just Cx should be fine
ImNATT 07-Jun-18 02:53 PM
I went with Cx in the flair and Cx Network in the sidebar filter.
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 02:53 PM
@Doctor Bread
all my bans were after the raid, 2 hours after it actually
ImNATT 07-Jun-18 02:53 PM
Don't worry Chan, that woman is full of shit
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:02 PM
It was a misunderstanding / bad timing, plus the clip was from boxbox's stream
that post on Ice had like 2 upvotes anyways, I don't think it was a big concerted effort
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:04 PM
Looks like that person posts OfflinTV stuff regardless
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:04 PM
yeah I didnt touch that one
because of that
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:05 PM
0 votes and 19 so far on reddit
Detective btw
I'm surprised we don't get more write-in bans, people just pick what's there, so boring
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:13 PM
I have no idea how to do write-in bans ever since they changed it, I gotta do it through mobile?
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:14 PM
I dunno, I got the option, I used to be only able to pick Harassment / Self-Promotion before I was a mod though
I'm not sure if it's the same for most people, if it's an issue with the CSS or something?
Or an old issue with my reddit settings
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:16 PM
mine is this shitty one
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:17 PM
what's under LiveStreamFails rules
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:17 PM
Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. Get a constantly updating feed of breaking news, fun stories, pics, memes, and videos just for you. Passionate about something niche? Reddit has thousands of vibrant communities with people that share your interests. Alt...
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:17 PM
No I mean what are your reporting options (edited)
if you click breaking LSF's rules
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:18 PM
oh shit
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:18 PM
yeah, that's how
then other
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:22 PM
Can't mention women without having people move away from the main thread's topic and fighting
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:23 PM
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:23 PM
Yeah that shit is cancer, could ban a lot of incels if you wanna go through it
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:25 PM
sort by controversial, it's bad lol
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:26 PM
thats my default comment sorting
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:26 PM
Dangerous game
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:26 PM
makes me laugh
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:27 PM
"Of course she has to ruin it by crying, fucking whore." yikes
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:27 PM
some random stuff triggers someone enough to make them angrily comment on a thread
also changing the word wholesome to positive made reddit a lot less cringier for me
it updates live
didnt know
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 03:29 PM
I used to have SJW to Skeleton / Skeleton Warriors but it got confusing
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:30 PM
I remember that one, never used because I would rarely see the word
2014 was the year to use it though
out of nowhere with the 200% hype
ImNATT 07-Jun-18 03:38 PM
@jammy Can you update the flair bot?
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:39 PM
you need the Cx network to get tagged?
ImNATT 07-Jun-18 03:55 PM
Would be nice
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:55 PM
ImNATT 07-Jun-18 03:55 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:55 PM
aye, it should tag as Cx Network if it catches any of the words I added in
ImNATT 07-Jun-18 03:56 PM
The CSS class is just Cx
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:56 PM
also added kbubblez to the Cx network list since she's kinda there atm
oh alrighty (edited)
ImNATT 07-Jun-18 03:57 PM
I want to keep the flairs as short as possible since they get added onto the title and who knows how big the screens are people are watching from
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:57 PM
ImNATT 07-Jun-18 03:57 PM
Thank you bby ❤
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 03:58 PM
👉 💟
we're the Elite now (edited)
ImNATT 07-Jun-18 04:01 PM
WTF is that ni🅱️🅱️a talking about
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 04:02 PM
oh wow wait a second
politics in a nutshell
ImNATT 07-Jun-18 04:04 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 04:43 PM
2018 and people still talk to me like I am the real ChanmanV
ImNATT 07-Jun-18 04:53 PM
Just change your name (edited)
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 04:54 PM
Acting like there wasn't a ton of brigading from Ice's sub either
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 04:54 PM
I shold post my 30 links list there
should I?
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 04:54 PM
"These votes are so dumb....anyone can proxy vote as many votes as they want...just pay a hacker or pay someone that does this kind of thing."
paying leet hackers for internet votes
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 04:55 PM
4chan rigged it because they hate jews (edited)
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 04:58 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 04:59 PM
he is so lost
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 05:00 PM
lol that shroud flip video had like 900 views, up to 82k now
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 05:01 PM
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 05:01 PM
Post more car flips
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 05:20 PM
might end up adding a automod rule that replies to every "Not a fail" comment with a screenshot of the sidebar
ImNATT 07-Jun-18 05:25 PM
Great idea
Mitch unfollowed us
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 05:29 PM
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 05:48 PM
https://mod.reddit.com/mail/all/40uu5 this guy has posted OfflineTV stuff in the past
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 05:48 PM
fixing it
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 05:49 PM
-( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╯╲_卐卐卐卐 Don't mind me just taking my mods for a walk
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 08:09 PM
wouldn't side with either right now, since its fresh info
but yeah
wait to see what happens
RaptorJesus 07-Jun-18 09:12 PM
I mean its not fake drama its just stealing
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 09:14 PM
if he actually stole it then its not against the subreddit rules, just morally scummy
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 09:16 PM
Wasn't athene banned for scamming though?
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 09:17 PM
athene's thing was a lot bigger than what gross might have done
shout out
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 09:23 PM
I'll try and keep an eye on the situation and get an extent of what it all is
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 09:24 PM
he replied on twitter, I think old gore is coming back
waiting for him to tweet videos debating comments
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 10:10 PM
holy shit he did a video debating comments
gross gore is back
I have to post this right now I have thousands of people trying to ruin everything I've created. Please stop & just don't get involved. I should never of tried to help anyone but my own daughter. https://t.co/UTHULlquWM
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 10:36 PM
0 votes and 3 so far on reddit
Dude is always trying to pump his own shit
Didn't even ask to shill his own sub
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jun-18 10:52 PM
first woman to no-hit ds3 is more important than the vote on banning ice, according to reddit upvotes
we're truly a small sub to /r/all people
Doctor Bread 07-Jun-18 10:59 PM
There it is
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 04:35 PM
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 04:49 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII No, I mean the Not a fail message with a screen of the sidebar
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 04:49 PM
oh you actually want that?
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 04:50 PM
I love how obnoxious it is on IGTHFT
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 04:50 PM
gonna need a bunch of ways to trigger it
like "Not a fail" "This isn't a fail" etc
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 04:51 PM
"How is this a livestream fail?" (edited)
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 04:51 PM
Just go through a few threads and scroll down
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 04:52 PM
How is this a fail
This isn't a fail
Not a fail
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 04:52 PM
Why is this a fail
I thought this subreddit was made for fails
Where is the fail in this clip?
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 04:53 PM
want to add a sassy comment or just straight up post a screenshot of the sidebar
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 04:53 PM
Just tell them to kill themselves so they don't breed
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 04:53 PM
also finally a reason to test out []#4Head on bots
Just kill yourself if you can't be bothered to look at the sidebar (edited)
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 04:55 PM
That's risky
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 04:55 PM
Would that be from the Automod? That'd be hilarious, but we do ban people for saying to kill yourself
So probably not, lol
Maybe "Just leave if you can't look at the sidebar "
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 04:55 PM
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 04:55 PM
Build a sassy automod
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 04:55 PM
getting the automod banned from the subreddit
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 04:55 PM
It'll be great
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 04:55 PM
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 04:56 PM
Would that even be possible
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 04:57 PM
I think you can make the automod report and remove its own comment
maybe even ban if you set it up properly
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 04:58 PM
Endless loop
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 04:58 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:01 PM
Ice ban was 2 days ago right
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 05:01 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:02 PM
2018/06/07 then?
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 05:02 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:02 PM
because I wanna post this and say how it actually doubled our new subs rate
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:03 PM
You should lol
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:08 PM
[Just read the sidebar [](#4Head)](https://i.imgur.com/SMbjT6p.png)
good enough?
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 05:08 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:08 PM
['How is this a fail', 'This isnt a fail', 'Not a fail', 'Why is this a fail', 'Where is the fail']
anything else to add in?
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 05:09 PM
We can update it as we see more triggers in the comments
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:09 PM
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:09 PM
I posted some above but they're longer
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:09 PM
I thought this subreddit was made for fails
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:09 PM
Where is the livestream fail
with or without a space
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:10 PM
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:10 PM
I wanna test it
Also please update sidebar
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:11 PM
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:11 PM
Welcome to /r/LivestreamFail: the place for livestream fails, wins and fuck-ups (with the occasional meta post). This is the subreddit for your NeatClip/Streamable/twitch clips, GIFs and VoDs of livestream fails/wins.
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:11 PM
new sidebar
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:12 PM
I think you're the only one who's look at it though chan
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:12 PM
nvm then
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:12 PM
Can you enable wikis for the sub too?
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:12 PM
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:12 PM
I mean I didn't change anything drastically, just made the rules more clear
So we can ban more people
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:13 PM
want me to remove automod telling us it had to add in a flair because the user didn't?
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 05:13 PM
Yeah, that was just to see if it works
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:14 PM
going to just # it then
in case we need later
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 05:14 PM
I will read through the rules next week and give feedback
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:14 PM
Next week
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:14 PM
just dont read it and say its fine
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:14 PM
I posted that like a month ago lol
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:15 PM
done with automod
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 05:15 PM
If you want an answer now I can say no
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:15 PM
just test it
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:15 PM
Chanman gave his wiener approval, that's all I need
Is it active?
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:16 PM
inb4 it doesnt reply to mods
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:17 PM
oh maybe
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 05:17 PM
There are special commands for mods
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:17 PM
updated sidebar
streamable and neatclips added in
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 05:17 PM
Oddshot dead
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:17 PM
but didnt update the pic automod uses
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 05:17 PM
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:18 PM
Is the wiki turned on?
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:18 PM
ohh yeah
its on, baby
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:21 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII You have it set to 'Why is this a fail',
I think the ? or any punctuation might be the issue
If it's not regex'd
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:26 PM
yeah its not regexd
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 05:26 PM
Did you save the sidebar changes? Mine still has Oddshot listed
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:26 PM
guess what
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 05:26 PM
God damn it
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:26 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:27 PM
oh wait I did
reddit is being slow I guess
Ctrl F5 the page maybe
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 05:27 PM
I'm on a mac
No F buttons
🤢 1
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:28 PM
just update the cached website
Oh wow
reddit is a fucker
it updated the redesign reddit only
sidebar is the oddshot one for the old reddit
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:30 PM
Lol just use the awful redesign
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 05:30 PM
Who even uses that eyesore
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:30 PM
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 05:30 PM
Send me the text, I'll update it
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:30 PM
bunch of cunts
Welcome to /r/LivestreamFail: the place for almost anything livestream related. We accept Livecap/Streamable/Neatclips/twitch clips, GIFs and VoDs.

No moderators of this subreddit work for Twitch.
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:31 PM
https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/about/edit/ Does the wiki only work on redesign too? lol
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:31 PM
I dont think so
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:31 PM
Oh nvm I got it working
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:31 PM
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 05:32 PM
Old reddit is updated too
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:32 PM
gotta create the page you want
https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/wiki/rules And in the rules you put the address you want
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:35 PM
spaced dick
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:35 PM
It won't all go together
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:35 PM
here use this one
░░░░█─────────────█──▀── ░░░░▓█───────▄▄▀▀█────── ░░░░▒░█────▄█▒░░▄░█───── ░░░░░░░▀▄─▄▀▒▀▀▀▄▄▀──DO─ ░░░░░░░░░█▒░░░░▄▀───YOU─ ▒▒▒░░░░▄▀▒░░░░▄▀───LIKE─ ▓▓▓▓▒░█▒░░░░░█▄───WHAT─ █████▀▒░░░░░█░▀▄───YOU── █████▒▒░░░▒█░░░▀▄─SEE?── ███▓▓▒▒▒▀▀▀█▄░░░░█────── ▓██▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█░░░░█───── ▓▓█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▒▒█░░░░░█──── ░▒▒▀▀▄▄▄▄█▄▄▀░░░░░░░█─
post it like that
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:35 PM
even that part out to the side?
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:35 PM
I think that will fix it
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:35 PM
I'm glad you had that on hand
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 05:36 PM
Dicks are important
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:36 PM
my notepad++ tabs are filled with copypastas
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:36 PM
still broke
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:36 PM
use the first one then
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 05:36 PM
Just do the rules mang
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:37 PM
Weiners are part of the rules
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 05:37 PM
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:37 PM
Yeah I copypasted it but I'll need to format it / remove the notes
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:37 PM
people downvoted my maplestory 2 thread on /r/mmorpg
sub filled with dickheads
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:38 PM
that sub is cancer
Just people asking for recommendations and ignoring the recommendations sticky
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:38 PM
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:38 PM
And getting the same 4 MMO's recommended
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:38 PM
someone is currently downvoting all my profile
I wonder why
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 05:39 PM
What did you do?
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:39 PM
banned Ice
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:39 PM
Icefag probably
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 05:39 PM
Punk 08-Jun-18 05:39 PM
Mmorpg is a subreddit born of pure suffering
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:39 PM
They think GW2 is a good game
The desperation is real
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:40 PM
nice endgame btw
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:40 PM
Glad I botted that shit when it first came out
Only to find out there was literally ZERO endgame
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 05:40 PM
Is Pokemon Go an MMORPG?
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:40 PM
Punk 08-Jun-18 05:40 PM
GW2 is so fucking trash
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 05:40 PM
Punk 08-Jun-18 05:41 PM
Maplestory 2 looks kinda fun
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:41 PM
I'm not sure whether this is allowed on this subreddit but I figured I'd just try it. :) I'm currently working on a project on sentiment analysis...
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:41 PM
isnt that the chick/dude for a while ago?
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 05:41 PM
Thread removed, OP banned
Punk 08-Jun-18 05:42 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:42 PM
someone upvote my maplestory thread please, I want people to be hyped for it
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 05:42 PM
Punk 08-Jun-18 05:42 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:42 PM
inb4 reported
Punk 08-Jun-18 05:42 PM
Rlivestreamfails mods found brigading
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:42 PM
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 05:43 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:43 PM
holy fuck
Punk 08-Jun-18 05:43 PM
Now I can easily dispose of Natt and Chan and assume total control
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:43 PM
you absolute cunt
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 05:43 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:44 PM
fucking german poofter
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 05:44 PM
@Punk Jokes on you, I'm just your alt
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:45 PM
I cant wait to see people fighting the automod
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 05:45 PM
I hope they do, I love seeing it in other subs
@Doctor Bread Are you clearing the queue? Or should I
Punk 08-Jun-18 05:46 PM
Finally home from work, now I can nest for the day and play gacha shit
Feels good
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:47 PM
I'll wait till they really start chimping out
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:47 PM
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:47 PM
Soda opened a box
40 submissions
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:47 PM
So what if he didn't break up with C. ? We didn't like her and his stream improved :D Normieeeees
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:48 PM
damn, I wish automod could pick up old comments
Punk 08-Jun-18 05:48 PM
Yeah chan, started playing this Houkai 3rd impact game
It owns
It's basically bayonetta
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:48 PM
mobile games
Punk 08-Jun-18 05:49 PM
Look at this cute girl I got
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:49 PM
if its not a loli then idc
Punk 08-Jun-18 05:49 PM
She plays like DMC4 SE nero
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:50 PM
never played dmc
Punk 08-Jun-18 05:50 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:50 PM
but I get it
Punk 08-Jun-18 05:50 PM
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:50 PM
Just pirate the re-releases
Punk 08-Jun-18 05:50 PM
Mecha loli
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:50 PM
There are a couple
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:50 PM
vindictus was my dmc/gow game
Punk 08-Jun-18 05:50 PM
Oh, she plays like Lann then
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:50 PM
@Doctor Bread
hack n slash without diablo-like or similar gear progression just isn't my thing
kinda wanna try the new god of war, but then again consoles
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:52 PM
Wait are we talking about different games
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:52 PM
devil may cry?
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:52 PM
I don't know if I'd say it has real gear progression
I just suck at games like that personally
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:53 PM
is the gear progression like the old god of war games or is it more loot based?
Punk 08-Jun-18 05:54 PM
Old god of war games
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:54 PM
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:54 PM
Yeah, you unlock skills mostly
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:54 PM
I see
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:56 PM
@ImNATT I banned that cookiemonster guy for a day, so soda spam shouldn't be too bad
He wants to clip the entire stream though
Chance breathes heavily through his nostrils
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 05:57 PM
Were all those clips from the same guy?
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:57 PM
mostly lol
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 05:57 PM
I didn't even notice that
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:58 PM
This is the same guy who was spamming all the gross gore threads too
Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. Get a constantly updating feed of breaking news, fun stories, pics, memes, and videos just for you. Passionate about something niche? Reddit has thousands of vibrant communities with people that share your interests. Alt...
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 05:59 PM
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 05:59 PM
That explains it
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 05:59 PM
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 06:00 PM
only 2 posts btw
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 06:01 PM
once the ban hammer hits their head, suddenly they become intellectuals
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 06:01 PM
"You don't need to clip the whole stream.
I'll unban you if you stop making new threads."
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 06:01 PM
stop being a clip chimps would be better imo
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 06:01 PM
This kid is fucking autistic
He found like every tweet and video related to GG (edited)
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 06:01 PM
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 06:01 PM
He has ADHD
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 06:02 PM
12 btw
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 06:02 PM
He needs something to keep him occupied
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 06:02 PM
Natt being nice to users and unbanning them
What is this
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 06:03 PM
send him this to keep him occupied (edited)
fuck now I'm staring at it
cant stop
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 06:05 PM
You fucked yourself
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 06:06 PM
tfw to intelligent for fidget spinners
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 06:07 PM
How big is your folder @Doctor Bread ?
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 06:08 PM
What folder?
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 06:08 PM
Your meme folder
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 06:08 PM
I don't have one, just google image pleb
Got like 1000 random pics from 4chan on my phone though
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 06:09 PM
I wanted to compliment your size, but now it's not impressive anymore
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 06:09 PM
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 06:10 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 06:10 PM
show dick instead
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 06:10 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 06:11 PM
actually me
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 06:12 PM
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 06:12 PM
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 06:15 PM
@Doctor Bread You took down the updated GG thread
He links to it in this thread:

But it shows [removed] when you remove it
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 06:22 PM
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 06:25 PM
@ImNATT think I hit it accidently
He deleted it though
oh nvm
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 06:26 PM
wait gore deleted the reply?
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 06:26 PM
No, it's still there. I approved it.
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 06:26 PM
had his submitted page sorted by hot
Yeah I think I accidently hit it
ImNATT 08-Jun-18 06:26 PM
All good now
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 06:26 PM
I think most of my thousand are /pol/ memes
and random reaction images
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 06:28 PM
same, kinda
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 06:34 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 06:34 PM
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 06:36 PM
Back when he was a fat piece of shit
23 pounds
absolute unit
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 06:37 PM
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 07:01 PM
26 in 5 hours
Where's the time go
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 07:11 PM
dead soon
Doctor Bread 08-Jun-18 11:10 PM
Could incel and SJW be added to the language filter? I've never seen them used in an intelligent manner that has ever contributed to a discussion
If not whatever, just seems like whenever they're used they kind of shit up and derail a thread
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 11:20 PM
rip 30% of the comments
do it the automod way
remove then add it to the modqueue?
Punk 08-Jun-18 11:24 PM
please no more word filters
that shit's annoying
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jun-18 11:27 PM
mod fight
Doctor Bread 09-Jun-18 12:12 AM
Meh, I think it's worth it. Would be nice to get it out of the LSF Lexicon
Cause it's pretty much turned in to anyone I don't like is an incel, anything I don't like is SJW
Kind of like when trolling lost it's original meaning
Hell, I'd probably trade nigger for it, I rarely see people use it in a derogatory manner anymore towards other people. Usually it's just someone remarking that it was used in a clip, but with Ice gone I'm not seeing it quite as much 🙏
RaptorJesus 09-Jun-18 12:21 AM
World filters for non slurs is bad
Doctor Bread 09-Jun-18 12:23 AM
Alright, just kind of tired of seeing it, to be fair whenever someone uses it they usually get heavily downvoted but then it can quickly derail a comment chain
Or it just clogs up the bottom of the thread
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Jun-18 12:35 AM
add a automod rule to reply to every sjw/incel comment with "Everyone I disagree with is a SJW/Incel btw"
sassy automod
Doctor Bread 09-Jun-18 12:45 AM
Aww fuck yeah dude
Don't even have to mod anymore, just have automod roast people
Ocypode 09-Jun-18 03:36 AM
Ayy lmao boys back in action, also cus I got new pc and shit now I need to download the modque helper thing again where can I find that?
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Jun-18 03:41 AM
A set of tools to be used by moderators on reddit in order to make their jobs easier.
Ocypode 09-Jun-18 03:43 AM
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jun-18 02:14 AM
damnit, the one time I catch someone doing it they space out livestream (edited)
Doctor Bread 10-Jun-18 02:59 AM
who the fuck types live stream fail lol
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jun-18 06:46 PM
why the hell is the official Tokyo channel using our voice chat
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jun-18 07:28 PM
following ice's footsteps on brigading
Doctor Bread 10-Jun-18 07:28 PM
Is that enough to ban them?
One of them is just an Ice guy
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jun-18 07:29 PM
they made one post each?
Doctor Bread 10-Jun-18 07:29 PM
format struggle is real lol
That brigading post is getting swiftly upvoted
At least, for such a small sub
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jun-18 07:32 PM
they're too clean still to warrant a ban
Doctor Bread 10-Jun-18 07:32 PM
hmm, remove and then if they keep posting his clips maybe?
I'll mark those people as "Possible Hampton Brandon Brigaders"
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jun-18 07:33 PM
ye mark them
is one of them literally a teenager?
MichaelRahmani guy
Doctor Bread 10-Jun-18 07:34 PM
103 Followers, 124 Following, 55 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Michael Rahmani (@michael.rahmani)
where you seeing his age?
Doctor Bread 10-Jun-18 07:36 PM
I upvoted that brigade thread, let's encourage them
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jun-18 07:36 PM
oh hey didnt know andy talked about his ban
hah i got a 30 day ban from @rLivestreamFail reddit for posting a joke instead of a clip
I miss andy
I'll spend the whole day updating my windows, two years behind on updates
Doctor Bread 10-Jun-18 07:42 PM
I'll mark anyone who posts in that brigade thread too
Message the reddit admins and get his sub banned
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jun-18 07:47 PM
literally dramafags
I posted this 20 minutes ago and got 5 upvotes but it just got removed with no removal reason...
not even 10min before the removal and already creating drama
Doctor Bread 10-Jun-18 07:48 PM
Yeah he's definitely brigading
Get that ass banned* (edited)
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jun-18 07:49 PM
just say its a social experiment
Doctor Bread 10-Jun-18 07:50 PM
a social experiment where he gets banned?
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jun-18 07:51 PM
ehh now that I think about it, approve the post and give a bs excuse, see if he says something on that thread of his
or if hes gonna lie and not post us fixing it
Doctor Bread 10-Jun-18 07:51 PM
you do it, i'm gonna snitch to the reddit admins, say they're not removing brigading posts on their sub
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jun-18 07:52 PM
Doctor Bread 10-Jun-18 07:55 PM
Alright snitched, that'd be hilarious if the sub gets shut down
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jun-18 07:56 PM
snitches get stitches 7
I posted this 20 minutes ago and got 5 upvotes but it just got removed with no removal reason...
why he gotta be rational about it
Doctor Bread 10-Jun-18 07:56 PM
See, I could message the mods there and remind them of brigading rules, but getting the sub banned seems more fun
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jun-18 07:57 PM
Honestly with what happened with Ice, I'm all about that as well
inb4 Soda gets banned because his discord is filled with weirdos
Doctor Bread 10-Jun-18 07:58 PM
What's his discord do?
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jun-18 07:58 PM
mix of twitch users and normies
iirc last time he had a situation with his discord users organizing something against the rules?
I honestly don't remember
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jun-18 08:00 PM
They were organizing a mass report on Ice
because they saw his content as racist, etc
RaptorJesus 10-Jun-18 08:00 PM
Im gonna go see what tokyo wants
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jun-18 08:00 PM
do it
you weeb'
RaptorJesus 10-Jun-18 08:01 PM
I dont think
they can hear
sounds like they're setting up their stream
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jun-18 08:01 PM
accidentally joined our voice channel
RaptorJesus 10-Jun-18 08:02 PM
Yeah they did
they dont have their headphones on or something
Doctor Bread 10-Jun-18 08:02 PM
What do you mean "Tokyo's official stream"
RaptorJesus 10-Jun-18 08:02 PM
this is hilarious
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jun-18 08:02 PM
check their profile doc
RaptorJesus 10-Jun-18 08:02 PM
We are passionate about promoting and celebrating Tokyo the world over.
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jun-18 08:02 PM
verified twitch profile
Doctor Bread 10-Jun-18 08:02 PM
should I know who that is?
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jun-18 08:02 PM
Doctor Bread 10-Jun-18 08:03 PM
Is it just like the cities government stream?
RaptorJesus 10-Jun-18 08:03 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jun-18 08:03 PM
RaptorJesus 10-Jun-18 08:03 PM
not the government just some random who somehow got the @Tokyo everywhere
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jun-18 08:03 PM
Doctor Bread 10-Jun-18 08:03 PM
just to troll the city I guess? lol
RaptorJesus 10-Jun-18 08:03 PM
No just to make money
Doctor Bread 10-Jun-18 08:03 PM
Also tons of groups have calls to report other streamers
Not an uncommon thing
ah lol
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jun-18 08:04 PM
yeah, but they were using soda's discord, iirc soda even had to step in and call them out
my inb4 soda gets banned was about their discord suddenly organizing again but this time to upvote his threads
RaptorJesus 10-Jun-18 08:05 PM
@ tokyo or someone else
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jun-18 08:05 PM
say the n-word then TTD
RaptorJesus 10-Jun-18 08:06 PM
Punk 10-Jun-18 08:06 PM
Hello is this the real Tokyo?
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jun-18 08:06 PM
Punk 10-Jun-18 08:06 PM
I'm a huge fan
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jun-18 08:06 PM
you weeb
RaptorJesus 10-Jun-18 08:06 PM
They must have discord muted but not in app
cause ive been saying "Hello?" the last 3 mins
no response
Get back in here
he still is deafened
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jun-18 08:13 PM
they left
RaptorJesus 10-Jun-18 08:13 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jun-18 08:13 PM
told you
RaptorJesus 10-Jun-18 08:13 PM
my question is how this fucker
has all the @Tokyo
Discord, Twitter, Twitch,
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jun-18 08:13 PM
now idk if it was a great timing or they heard the cunt
RaptorJesus 10-Jun-18 08:18 PM
You sound like Australian Sam Pepper
could have been that
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jun-18 08:18 PM
Doctor Bread 10-Jun-18 08:31 PM
50 upvotes, 5th on front page
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jun-18 08:34 PM
50 upvotes and look who shows up
HalfOfAKebab 11-Jun-18 05:55 AM
Lol what, Brandon's subreddit got banned?
ImNATT 11-Jun-18 07:07 AM
That's not his sub
ChanmanVXXIII 11-Jun-18 03:43 PM
do we save EU or nah?
Doctor Bread 11-Jun-18 04:25 PM
I thought that was just about them trying to censor memes
Jisifus 11-Jun-18 07:53 PM
It's sensationalist bullshit imo
They empathize a lot on article 13 but never go in-depth about anything that's actually written in it
ChanmanVXXIII 11-Jun-18 10:41 PM
andy's alt
aw its just someone shitposting, I thought it was really him
ChanmanVXXIII 11-Jun-18 11:59 PM
ice's sub still hates him, and some fuel was added when they figured out two random chicks suddenly appeared on stream and their instagram/youtube is 5 days old
ChanmanVXXIII 12-Jun-18 12:01 AM
gengar was assimilated into the subreddit
Doctor Bread 12-Jun-18 02:44 AM
I've gotta sleep, but look forward to this PurpleArmySoldier guy sending in a modmail since I banned him for posting a clip with Ice clearly holding the camera and commentating
Also, there seems to be bots / hacked reddit accounts posting on the sub with clickbait titles, linking to dummy twitch channels hosting other streamers, one streamer was named Nomy. Something to keep an eye on.
ChanmanVXXIII 12-Jun-18 03:20 AM
now to wait for the triggered replies (edited)
Ocypode 12-Jun-18 05:20 AM
It's so nice to work for twitch
ChanmanVXXIII 12-Jun-18 06:14 AM
cucked mods following their own rules, just like twitch
Doctor Bread 12-Jun-18 04:18 PM
@ImNATT what are you gonna do with that post?
ImNATT 12-Jun-18 04:19 PM
Idk idc. He muted the parts where he speaks and (edited)
blurred him
do what you want
Doctor Bread 12-Jun-18 04:19 PM
Remove it just to upset people
Whatever, OP apparently just likes vexxed, I respect the effort put in, lol
ImNATT 12-Jun-18 04:23 PM
Doctor Bread 12-Jun-18 04:44 PM
Victim Ice fans out in force today
Lol who put "Mods = Owned"
ImNATT 12-Jun-18 04:55 PM
Doctor Bread 12-Jun-18 04:55 PM
what a memer
Punk 12-Jun-18 04:55 PM
Ocypode 12-Jun-18 04:55 PM
Punk 12-Jun-18 04:55 PM
I respected that post
Doctor Bread 12-Jun-18 04:56 PM
new flair lets go
How could you possibly ban the streamer we asked you to ban
Ocypode 12-Jun-18 04:57 PM
Made me blow a good amount of air out of my nostrils
Can you imagine this guy super angry "You don't just remove my post" and then proceeds to use 3 hours to manually blur Ice so he can post an average clip
Doctor Bread 12-Jun-18 05:00 PM
I don't think he was the original uploader, he's just a vexxed fan who wanted it up, lol
Ocypode 12-Jun-18 05:00 PM
plot thickens
ChanmanVXXIII 12-Jun-18 05:52 PM
Ice people literally can't read, good lord
Doctor Bread 12-Jun-18 06:01 PM
Biased mods giving Ice different ban rules
Ocypode 12-Jun-18 06:04 PM
ez twitch money
ChanmanVXXIII 12-Jun-18 06:05 PM
anyone remember that podcast thread with kaceytron in it that we eventually removed and some guy blurred the clip and reposted?
I might dig through it and try to find it
Doctor Bread 12-Jun-18 06:05 PM
It was on one of Greek's things with a bunch of other streamers
Doctor Bread 12-Jun-18 06:07 PM
get rekt
ChanmanVXXIII 12-Jun-18 06:07 PM
w o w
no bias!
Doctor Bread 12-Jun-18 06:08 PM
Do they forget that you made the ban thread
ChanmanVXXIII 12-Jun-18 06:12 PM
might wanna keep an eye out for this guy, he's shitting up the thread and mods a livestreamfail sub
Doctor Bread 12-Jun-18 06:17 PM
just ban him
ChanmanVXXIII 12-Jun-18 07:37 PM
someone reported me to /r/4chan and got me banned
havent commented there in like 2 years
lets see if this works
Doctor Bread 12-Jun-18 07:43 PM
What's rule 8?
ChanmanVXXIII 12-Jun-18 07:43 PM
main reddit rule about mods being able to ban you for no reason
Doctor Bread 12-Jun-18 07:48 PM
Why don't we have a rule like that
RaptorJesus 12-Jun-18 07:48 PM
Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. Get a constantly updating feed of breaking news, fun stories, pics, memes, and videos just for you. Passionate about something niche? Reddit has thousands of vibrant communities with people that share your interests. Alt...
time to figure out who done it
Doctor Bread 12-Jun-18 07:52 PM
Subreddit war
Let's ban all of their mods lol
ChanmanVXXIII 12-Jun-18 07:53 PM
jesus theres a lot of gonewild chicks modded there
just saw someone's asshole
I think it was just multiple people reporting and they decided to ban
nothing deeper than that
RaptorJesus 12-Jun-18 07:59 PM
Doctor Bread 12-Jun-18 08:06 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII you wanna see a good troll
ChanmanVXXIII 12-Jun-18 08:07 PM
Doctor Bread 12-Jun-18 08:11 PM
Damn, I was gonna make a Ninja has been unbanned post on LiveStreamFails and link there
But only approved submitters can post there a_a
Could post this in general
ChanmanVXXIII 12-Jun-18 08:29 PM
is that dillon francis guy actually big? first time I hear his name
but everyone in the comments all going "classic dillon!"
Doctor Bread 12-Jun-18 08:31 PM
-29 baby
ChanmanVXXIII 12-Jun-18 08:31 PM
I left that comment and disabled inbox replies, cant be arsed to read autistm
Doctor Bread 12-Jun-18 08:33 PM
on yours
ChanmanVXXIII 12-Jun-18 08:34 PM
took them long enough to figure it out
@Doctor Bread
dont delete your comments mate, it gives their victim complex legitimacy
Doctor Bread 12-Jun-18 08:43 PM
I just decided I didn't wanna argue with conspiracy retards
ChanmanVXXIII 12-Jun-18 08:43 PM
then disable inbox replies
Doctor Bread 12-Jun-18 08:43 PM
they were PMing me and bullying me
No bully
ChanmanVXXIII 12-Jun-18 08:44 PM
the ones pm'ing to bully can get the banhammer
Doctor Bread 12-Jun-18 08:44 PM
tfw don't even go on twitch but definitely twitch staff
unban Ninja to distract them
ChanmanVXXIII 12-Jun-18 08:47 PM
better to do nothing serious about it
ironically unbanning streamers to trigger ice viewers is still unbanning streamers
I assume people will eventually get tired of them crying in the comments and start downvoting them (edited)
Doctor Bread 12-Jun-18 08:49 PM
They're probably brigading anything having to do with Ice / cucked mods
so probably not
ChanmanVXXIII 12-Jun-18 08:50 PM
and what happened the last time they kept brigading shit?
if they keep upvoting posts whining, the rest of the sub will just go back to hating them
if anything it will just give reason to ban the Cx network, something I'd rather not do
since ice viewers are shitting up the Cx posts
Doctor Bread 12-Jun-18 08:50 PM
Yeah, it's the same names I usually see
Doctor Bread 12-Jun-18 10:23 PM
Looks like they took the bot off again (edited)
Not sure if it matters since Ice is banned, but expect links for the rest of the network
RaptorJesus 12-Jun-18 10:24 PM
we cant do anything about it now
Doctor Bread 12-Jun-18 10:24 PM
Alright, I just meant for the rest of the CX Network. Vexxed was on there too bragging about the knockout being posted on LSF
Guys please go there and upvote my sick MMA skills
RaptorJesus 12-Jun-18 10:26 PM
They're ice's discord not cx networks discord
thats like me going in there, someone who hates brandon, linking brandon content
ChanmanVXXIII 12-Jun-18 10:46 PM
do you guys think the Cx network clips are as bad as ice's?
Doctor Bread 12-Jun-18 10:46 PM
Depends who it is
Low IQ chimps like Brandon only bring drama fiending morons to the sub
And they just get posted a lot compared to other streamers and people start to get annoyed
The Cx Network just doesn't mesh well with the rest of the sub, I think
ChanmanVXXIII 12-Jun-18 10:55 PM
I agree on brandon being a replacement for ice's drama posts, with time when his channel's numbers increase we'll be able to see what path he's going to take
either his own stuff or try to mimic ice's "content homie hehehehe"
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 02:19 AM
there you go
HalfOfAKebab 13-Jun-18 02:19 AM
he banned you specifically?
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 02:20 AM
HalfOfAKebab 13-Jun-18 02:20 AM
i didn't get a message
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 02:21 AM
He apparently lives near me btw, lol (edited)
Comments in /r/nova
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 02:21 AM
Browse the best of our 'Laughing Tom Cruise' image gallery and vote for your favorite!
might go with
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 02:21 AM
he posts on LSF
Oh shit
oh man I missed it, he went to global reddit meetup day
I could have found him in person but it was on June 9th
This Saturday stop by Quincy Park for fun, food, and games! More information can be found...
Punk 13-Jun-18 02:23 AM
holy mother of cringe
you should make a subredditdrama post about a /r/4chan mod blackmailing you
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 02:23 AM
I live right near there too, I could have went and been like "Chanman sends his regards"
And then I dunno, walked away or something
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 02:30 AM
gonna wait for his reply
all the messages
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 02:33 AM
Ohhhhhhhhh this Chinese dude, I'm pretty sure I know who he is irl
I forget his name though, damnit
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 02:34 AM
chinese dude?
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 02:34 AM
I've met him before
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 02:34 AM
he posted a picture of himself?
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 02:34 AM
No, he lives near me, I've met him at a reddit thing
Short ugly chinese kid
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 02:34 AM
can I mention it to him then? as a way of showing I met him
or is that known on reddit
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 02:35 AM
If you want, I can't remember his name though, I was trying to find it
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 02:35 AM
gonna hit him with the short chinese line
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 02:35 AM
I mean, short is a given for chinese people, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 02:36 AM
was that in a big event or?
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 02:36 AM
It was a GMU thing when I was thinking about going there
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 02:36 AM
"Also, aren't you that manlet chinese-looking guy"
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 02:36 AM
I live right near the college he goes to
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 02:37 AM
Also, aren't you that manlet chinese-looking guy from that GMU event
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 02:37 AM
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 02:37 AM
does that sound correct?
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 02:38 AM
I think having his name would be better. I could go deep and make a new reddit account and say I'm a GMU student who's doing roughly his same stem courses and ask if we could meet
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 02:38 AM
that would be great, but honestly I just want a quick comeback
You cool with me sending him this message?
"Also peetrius, aren't you the manlet chinese-looking guy from that GMU event?"
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 02:40 AM
could do that, or say Doctor Bread is in one of your classes
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 02:40 AM
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 02:41 AM
or knows who you are
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 02:41 AM
so do I still get to call him a manlet chinese? changing GMU event to "I know a guy that is in one of your class, if so"
Also peetrius, aren't you the manlet chinese-looking guy from GMU, if so then I know a guy from your class
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 02:42 AM
Go for it, I'm still looking for a name though
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 02:42 AM
thats his flair though
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 02:43 AM
yeeee, it's not much
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 02:43 AM
if you eventually remember his name then we can use it (edited)
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 02:44 AM
I just vaguely remember what he looks like
Punk 13-Jun-18 02:50 AM
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 02:52 AM
@ChanmanVXXIII alright I'm going deep as fuck, hold on
see if he's still online on discord
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 02:53 AM
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 02:58 AM
Alright I tried, seems he's not actually there, I'll check it tomorrow though (edited)
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 03:00 AM
most I found was him posting about math
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 03:02 AM
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 03:03 AM
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 03:03 AM
"I just picked you since you replied to Chan last. I also know who you are and what you look like irl, I've met you at a nova meetup before. Unban Chanman and that will be the end of it."
Should I do it? lol
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 03:04 AM
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 03:04 AM
inb4 reddit banned for doxxing
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 03:04 AM
wont change a thing for you
your comments get approved anyway
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 03:07 AM

Bringing..., Requests, Comments, Willing to help Organize?, Willing to Volunteer?
Job, The Fun, food, lets do this!, Yes, Yes
Erik, 3 tables; 1 cooler; bottled water, Keep Shirts on please, WHOOHOOO!, Yes, Yes
Shri, Food, Looking forward to it, Yes, Yes
Abey, Gri...
I think he was one of these people
Erik or Job I think, don't know a lot of chinese guys named Jamari 🤔
Ocypode 13-Jun-18 05:38 AM
holy shit drama
ImNATT 13-Jun-18 09:29 AM
I'll just ban their whole mod team for violating Rule 13 (edited)
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 12:18 PM
did you do it @ImNATT ?
or at least all the people who post on LSF
ImNATT 13-Jun-18 12:19 PM
I banned the ones from the modmail thread with Chan
Ocypode 13-Jun-18 02:24 PM
More like ices community lsf
RaptorJesus 13-Jun-18 03:19 PM
48 readers wrow they're big
ImNATT 13-Jun-18 04:32 PM
I turned it off @RaptorJesus
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 04:32 PM
Oh, that explains it
RaptorJesus 13-Jun-18 04:32 PM
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 04:33 PM
For protection?
ImNATT 13-Jun-18 04:33 PM
Idk, seemed like the new discord meta
Every Twitch discord i'm in does it (edited)
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 04:34 PM
Seems annoying, usually it's just for new people
ImNATT 13-Jun-18 04:34 PM
I know right
Everyone here is new unless they have a shitposter role
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 04:36 PM
You should make a member role or something that has history, can give it people we see a lot
Cause people do come here from the sub just to grab silly shit we say and accuse the mods of wrongdoing with it
ImNATT 13-Jun-18 04:37 PM
Something like Certified Shitposters?
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 04:38 PM
Yeah, just a normal member role though
Unless everyone gets to be a certified shitposter
But I assumed that was special
ImNATT 13-Jun-18 04:39 PM
It's for regulars we trust
And that are funny
We could do something with bots though, so they spam our channels too but I don't know how to discord.
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 07:29 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII don't tell people they've been shadowbanned lol
They probably were for a reason XD
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 07:48 PM
its not on us anyway though
its something the admins did
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 07:52 PM
Yeah, you gotta do some fucked up shit to get shadowbanned though
Unless your account gets randomly flagged as a spam account or something
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 07:53 PM
not really, I had an account shadowbanned because I joined the pcmasterrace thing a few years back, when one of the gaming mods claimed PCs themselves aren't gaming related
I posted my setup and got shadowbanned for brigading
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 07:53 PM
I dunno, I usually assume the worst I guess, lol
Not worth taking the time to tell them, they'll figure it out
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 08:58 PM
Man poor doc
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 10:31 PM
yeah, if that happened with me it would completely kill my desire to try again, because I would be afraid of failing one more time
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 10:34 PM
Only been through an abortion, don't know what a miscarriage is like
I'm sure it sucks though, seems like they wanted another kid. Hopefully they'll be able to try again
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 10:36 PM
yeah, wanting a child and being totally prepared then suddenly losing it is fucked up
good luck for them if they decide to try once more
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 10:37 PM
Be ready for some kids to cry to you about the rogue social justice mod chanman
I've been swinging my e-weiner through this thread pretty hard
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 10:37 PM
yeah I read the removed comments, lots of shit that shouldn't be in that thread
that shadowbanned guy has been commenting for at least 2 months now, every now and then I would see him, I made the automod approve his comments since he hasnt posted dumb shit
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 10:39 PM
I know his name, I've seen him say some pretty heavy racist stuff in the past, if I rememeber correctly
Think he ran afoul of the admins
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 10:40 PM
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 10:40 PM
I don't know at what point they shadowban
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 10:40 PM
hey, at least now we get to ban him if people report his racism
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 10:40 PM
I could be remembering wrong, I remember his name from like 6 months ago or so
I don't know if they only shadowban suspected spam accounts
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 10:40 PM
nah, they shadowban for other reasons too
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 10:41 PM
But like, how bad does it have to be, or does an admin just have to notice (edited)
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 10:41 PM
even after they said it would be shadowban only for spam
I think they only do it when its a group, never an individual
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 10:41 PM
hmmm, interesting
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 10:42 PM
fucking hell
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 10:43 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 10:46 PM
oh wow theres a automod config that turns subreddits into shit
it just auto approves every single thing posted
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 10:46 PM
It turns them in to LSF?
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 10:46 PM
that's a ban
although with the Ice ban we gained some cool points with other subreddits, I think?
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 10:47 PM
How do you figure?
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 10:47 PM
destiny's was happy with the news
forsen/girlgamers too
people crosspost a clip to other subs and I read the comments to see how we doing
girl gamer sub hated us ever since that VR Star Trek clip was posted
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 10:48 PM
Dude that clip killed me though
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 10:49 PM
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 10:49 PM
e-girls can't take a joke
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 10:49 PM
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 10:50 PM
that point and boobgrab is amazing
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 10:50 PM
👉 👩
👉 🍈 🍈 👈
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 10:51 PM
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGTqmgFYYNI>; This was in the recommend videos
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 10:51 PM
I cant watch that
click click click
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 10:54 PM
This Forsen Dark Souls playthrough is great
God bless the invaders
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 10:55 PM
I'm watching his DS remastered playthrough
he is just as bad as darksydephil, mate
I cant understand it
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 10:55 PM
Isn't DSP banned from everything again?
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 10:55 PM
I dont think so?
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 10:56 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 10:56 PM
just checked, all his channels are fine
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 10:56 PM
Ah, he was just temp banned recently
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 10:56 PM
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 10:56 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 10:56 PM
playing vampyr
Vampyr Live Stream
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 10:57 PM
Wowwwwwwww I was dodging
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 10:58 PM
"This room is in 1 hour followers-only mode. Follow darksydephil to join the community!"
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 10:58 PM
That's why chat is dead
god he's bad lol
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 10:59 PM
idk if the combat is basic or he only knows the same shoulder bash combo
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 11:00 PM
It's pretty basic, I'm playing through it too. But you can definitely do more effective shit than shoulder bash and bite every time (edited)
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jun-18 11:00 PM
nothing I can do!
Doctor Bread 13-Jun-18 11:00 PM
Just blocks everything
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 12:19 AM
I think turning off history may have killed the discord
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 01:08 AM
@Doctor Bread
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 01:10 AM
Wait he says may the lord bless you @ChanmanVXXIII
This troll needs to pick a character and stick with it
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 01:10 AM
he who
who say it
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 01:11 AM
Oh nvm you said that to him, read it wrong
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 01:12 AM
I'm so lost right now that I'm downloading a 13yo game just to fill up the time until something I wanna play pops up
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 01:13 AM
New Diablo 3 season on Friday, fun for a couple days
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 01:13 AM
I played the last one, kinda burnt on it
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 01:13 AM
what kind of games are you looking for?
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 01:14 AM
Anything that resembles action mmorpgs, can even be singleplayer
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 01:14 AM
Oh, are ARPG's actually your main jam?
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 01:14 AM
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 01:15 AM
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 01:15 AM
grew up on diablo and diablo clones while the other nerds were playing runescape and ultima (edited)
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 01:15 AM
check that out
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 01:15 AM
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 01:15 AM
kind of like path of exile
In the early days
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 01:15 AM
free demo
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 01:15 AM
Yeah, it's pretty scuffed but I'll keep an eye on it as they keep developing
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 01:15 AM
gonna download that and play
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 01:16 AM
Some people were talking about it when Tencent bought PoE
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 01:16 AM
I literally want either diablo but mmorpg or vindictus but mmorpg
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 01:16 AM
played Grim Dawn I assume?
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 01:16 AM
yes to all
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 01:17 AM
Van Helsing series, Victor Vran
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 01:17 AM
even hit some weird stuff, like Master x Master, Devillian, Mu Legends
yes and yes
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 01:17 AM
there was one other I was looking at
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 01:17 AM
I'm unironically waiting on maplestory 2
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 01:17 AM
btw I'm suggesting everything assuming its free or you're gonna pirate it, don't actually pay for any of these
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 01:18 AM
wait ahead of you 7
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 01:18 AM
Last Epoch seems like the main one of interest though
I hadn't heard about it till recently
I like online, makes it competitive
Grim Dawn is okay but I get too tempted to cheat
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 01:19 AM
I kinda want a more social arpg, most of them you can setup a build then solo everything
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 01:19 AM
mmmm tree of savior was like that I think? Had raids
But shit company
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 01:19 AM
yeah it was
played the cbt
when it launched it was shit
cbt was ok but a lot of stuff was client-side so it was easy to cheat
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 01:20 AM
still shit lol
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 01:20 AM
nice game blizzard
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 01:20 AM
I've heard that company is Nexon levels of evil
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 01:20 AM
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 01:20 AM
all the negative reviews are bitching about them / design decisions I think
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 01:20 AM
I dont remember granado espada being as bad as ToS
yeah, nowdays they're shit
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 01:23 AM
warhamer inquisitor martyr looked like cancer too
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 01:23 AM
best name
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 01:24 AM
last epoch? lol
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 01:24 AM
nah, ROSE Online
still downloading epoch
13 years old game and that name was still available
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 01:25 AM
I don't think it has online functionality yet, unless that changed
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 01:25 AM
totally not dead
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 01:28 AM
Christian cult
So atheist troll, that's a pretty played out motif
Tell him that he needs Jesus
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 01:32 AM
and wait, that thread of hers is removed?
its from 2 years ago
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 01:33 AM
I guess
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 01:35 AM
seems like it ran its course already
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 01:35 AM
Wonder if the doc thread should be locked, just people stopping in from /r/all to say nasty things
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 01:35 AM
its not even the DOC
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 01:35 AM
Oh lol
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 01:36 AM
its some other random streamer
sorry for linking the gnome
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 01:38 AM
Literally W H
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 01:39 AM
fighting pickle rick
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 01:48 AM
The juxtaposition made me laugh
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 01:50 AM
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:00 AM
Have you played Half Life 2 @ChanmanVXXIII?
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:01 AM
I injected it, mate
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:01 AM
I just found a free game in my steam inventory from like years ago
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:01 AM
also played the co-op mods for them (edited)
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:01 AM
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:02 AM
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:03 AM
I've never understood the steam trading cards shit
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:03 AM
I use it to make cents (edited)
then buy ingame items
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:03 AM
I mean I guess, but who buys them? And why?
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:03 AM
I can explain
mostly leveling, which increases the friend list cap and also the % chance of dropping card packs
so you get levels, badges and better drop rate
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:04 AM
ah okay, shit I don't care about
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:04 AM
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:04 AM
Having people on your friends list
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:05 AM
last time I played with someone from my friendlist was back when CSGO came out
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:06 AM
I had some people added for Vermintide 2, that's it
I usually delete all when I get tired of the game
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:06 AM
man I missed the vermintide train
1, not 2
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:06 AM
1 was okay, it had a lot of issues though
Also no cheat engine protection, free endgame shit from the start
People burnt out quickly because of that
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:07 AM
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:08 AM
I think 2 is still going pretty strong, still had some glaring unfixed issues from 1 though
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:08 AM
no boob/dick slider kills games (edited)
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:09 AM
Gotta go play fwortnite I guess
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:10 AM
Lost to a cartoon
I'm hoping Realm Royale takes off, I can dig a class based PUBG
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:11 AM
Yeah it seems pretty neat. I just gon't get the Fortnite tournaments they're doing though
Through competitors on the same team and see who can kill more noobs the fastest? What is that
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:12 AM
no idea why they aren't doing real tournaments
actually, they shouldnt even be doing esports stuff
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:12 AM
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:12 AM
why bother with it tbh
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:12 AM
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:12 AM
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:12 AM
Everything is an e-sport
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:13 AM
fortnite should add more modes or something, scrap that esports meme
or more maps
shit, randomly generate that shit
there you go, saved BR games
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:13 AM
Looool just fix the game
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:13 AM
no strats since its not a static map
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:14 AM
I mean, they go with esports cause it brings eyes and generates money
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:14 AM
erm I guess you're right
tickets and shit
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:15 AM
what did they do for that recent tournament that had the kids dancing and shit?
what tournament style?
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:15 AM
imo they should go the way of minecon instead of tournaments
I have no idea
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:16 AM
Minecon style would definitely be more popular for kids I think, which seems to be their target (edited)
But I dunno, maybe kids love esports more now
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:18 AM
but minecon might make more money
might even add in more merch stuff
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:18 AM
Should sell some of those coon masks
Apparently kids are stealing their parent's credit cards to buy stuff on Fortnite, I assume you buy the skins and shit?
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:20 AM
they should steal their parents' credit card and buy the pve mode, pretty good too (edited)
instead of buying skins
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:21 AM
There's a PVE mode now?
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:21 AM
the game was a pve game
then they added the BR mode and blew up
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:21 AM
Oh, interesting
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:22 AM
base defense game with a loot system, pretty nice
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:22 AM
Makes more sense than building battle royale
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:22 AM
I followed the game before the BR mode and it was pretty chill, people sharing "meta buildings"
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:23 AM
I dunno, I'd play that over the BR garbage
But that's what people want, unfortunately
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:25 AM
maybe in 5~10 years it changes again
I miss mmorpg being the trend, though (edited)
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:25 AM
Do you know how Robinson pinned these to his profile? I swear I used to have the option but I don't see it now
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:26 AM
I'll end up going back to singleplayer games
gotta use the redesign, no?
to pin it, then just go back
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:26 AM
Eww, is it through nu-reddit? I thought I had the option on old reddit
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:27 AM
its using the old-but-newer-than-original profile page
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:27 AM
god this shit is terrible
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:27 AM
they added it before the redesign
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:27 AM
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:27 AM
but idk how to use it
it was their way of allowing users to promote their shit in their page
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:28 AM
Yeah I remember that
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:28 AM
I mostly saw it on porn subreddits (edited)
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:28 AM
WHO thinks this looks good, such eyerape
I will cry (or leave) when they force this down everyone's throats as the only option
Hopefully someone makes a program to bring back old reddit style
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:29 AM
RES isn't gonna do it, so yeah someone else has to
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:30 AM
hmm, i click my profile on nu-reddit and my profile page is still old reddit style
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:30 AM
do it through a private session?
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:30 AM
yeah that worked, had to hit "visit new reddit" banner which I blocked outside of incognito
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:32 AM
erobb got a win this stream
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:33 AM
Hopefully she throws him a pity fuck at some point
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:33 AM
I hope they have a thing going on already but are just milking donations
isn't as sad as pity fuck
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:36 AM
Said he made 3k from one stream, good for him
Okay, that's one decent thing from nu-reddit, being able to troll people checking your profile. I'll give them that.
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:38 AM
I might add in a naked Billy on mine
maybe a 2 or 3 parter
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:38 AM
Do it, make sure you spoiler it
"Click here if you're upset" then you hit em with the surprise
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:47 AM
jesus some people are still upset about pewdiepie saying nigger
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:49 AM
Download so I can remove it
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:49 AM
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:49 AM
Put that on your profile
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:49 AM
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:49 AM
should be pixel perfect
Just cropping naked men ironically btw
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:50 AM
now to learn how to do it
no worries, did the same many times
thats the reason why i post femboys and traps
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:50 AM
so you go incognito, new reddit, redesign
my profile in the top right
then click new post on the right hand side
and do image and video, and you can spoiler/nsfw it, and then pin them in order after
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:52 AM
Wait do I post it 3 2 1 or 1 2 3
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:52 AM
1 2 3 and pin them 1 2 3 probably
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:54 AM
"Post" is greyed out for some reason
how did you select your own profile, right now its asking me to select a community
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:57 AM
Umm for which part? I just clicked
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 02:57 AM
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 02:58 AM
and then hit post
and it posts to your profile
Hmm where did the pin option go, there was a little pin thing in the top right
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 03:01 AM
And then through old reddit you can pin to profile
I did have the option on new reddit but i dont see it now
Also you want to upload it 3-2-1 btw, pinning order didn't matter
I broke Billy
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 03:04 AM
can you link me the page you used to post?
when I click new post it takes me to https://new.reddit.com/submit
Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. Get a constantly updating feed of breaking news, fun stories, pics, memes, and videos just for you. Passionate about something niche? Reddit has thousands of vibrant communities with people that share your interests. Alt...
which is for posting in subreddits
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 03:04 AM
Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. Get a constantly updating feed of breaking news, fun stories, pics, memes, and videos just for you. Passionate about something niche? Reddit has thousands of vibrant communities with people that share your interests. Alt...
If you click new post while on your profile it should be for your profile though
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 03:05 AM
that did it
on my end doing manually is fucked
mine is My profile > New Post > Submit to a subreddit
while yours is the right path (edited)
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 03:06 AM
Hmm, weird
and yeah, upload from bottom to top then pin them through old reddit, i can't find it anymore on new reddit
think it was just a pin in the top right somewhere though
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 03:07 AM
"Something went wrong. Just don't panic."
nice website
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 03:07 AM
Good luck with your gachi
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 03:08 AM
cant even upload him
inb4 I'm banned from using that feature
googled around, some people also having that issue
mostly people saying reddit banned you from using the feature
turns out I might be right
fixed it I think
did it
Punk 14-Jun-18 11:00 AM
You guys changed permissions or something right
Any ideas
ImNATT 14-Jun-18 11:19 AM
Scroll up
Punk 14-Jun-18 12:28 PM
So people can only access general now?
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 12:28 PM
No, they can't see the general chat history
I'd turn it back on unless the goal was to kill the discord, cause people can't look above and join in on convos
Punk 14-Jun-18 12:31 PM
Yeah I don't think people screencapping what we post in general is a big deal
HalfOfAKebab 14-Jun-18 12:31 PM
@RaptorJesus some guy is getting this
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 12:32 PM
Yeah, that's what he turned off
HalfOfAKebab 14-Jun-18 12:32 PM
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 12:32 PM
You can't see the message history of a channel except from the time you logged in
HalfOfAKebab 14-Jun-18 12:32 PM
reading is not my forte
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 12:32 PM
kills most discords
HalfOfAKebab 14-Jun-18 12:32 PM
i think that is big dumb
definitely re enable it
activity is already low as it is
Punk 14-Jun-18 12:33 PM
Yeah I'ma go ahead and flip that back on
HalfOfAKebab 14-Jun-18 12:37 PM
that's what he sees
he restarted discord too
Punk 14-Jun-18 12:38 PM
I fixed it
It won't retroactively add history
HalfOfAKebab 14-Jun-18 12:38 PM
oh, rip
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 12:40 PM
No it will, if they close discord and rejoin
Punk 14-Jun-18 12:44 PM
Oh neat
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 12:45 PM
hold on i'll check on my other account
hmmm shit, maybe not.
I'd have to see the settings
ImNATT 14-Jun-18 01:34 PM
4383 votes and 591 so far on reddit
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 01:34 PM
The flair? lol
I wish I thought of it yesterday
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 04:56 PM
That shadowbanned dude is still commenting Chan, told you it was a waste of time
ImNATT 14-Jun-18 04:57 PM
I already told him a couple months ago he was shadowbanned
RyzerEU, I see him all the time (edited)
Doctor Bread 14-Jun-18 04:58 PM
I think I told him once too awhile ago, still hasn't realized lol
ImNATT 14-Jun-18 04:59 PM
Tragic. He's not even a troll. Atleast that's my impression from the comments I've read
ChanmanVXXIII 14-Jun-18 08:01 PM
Weird, couldn't add in a automod rule to always approve shadowbanned comments, I knew you could do it a few years back
either I fucked up or reddit disabled it
Ocypode 15-Jun-18 07:57 AM
So this shit is their way around the posting youtube clips rule
Banned this guy for 7 days
annoying shit imo
Doctor Bread 15-Jun-18 12:34 PM
@Ocypode All that guy does is promote his own youtube channel, and self-promotion is 30 days. And for an account like that, just get rid of him all together.
Looks like he desperately wants to be Ice's main youtube editor
Doctor Bread 15-Jun-18 02:02 PM
@Punk anime of the season incoming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=il68aSYKexY
累計70,000部超『嫌な顔されながらおパンツ見せてもらいたい』シリーズが ついに2018年アニメ化決定!原作:40原(アニマルマシーン) ▼CAST 伊東ちとせ:石上静香 出雲いおり:赤﨑千夏 瀬賀あいり:佳村はる...
Doctor Bread 16-Jun-18 01:08 AM
Lots of request for Hampton Brandon to have his own flair coming in
Apparently he doesn't wanna be cx anymore
HalfOfAKebab 16-Jun-18 02:49 AM
until he stops showing up in their streams he should still be under the cx flair imo
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Jun-18 04:18 AM
Can't add a flair for him, sidebar is currently full (edited)
Removing brandon from Cx might create a ice 2.0 problem
right now he is confined with the rest of ice's crew under that flair, I really dont support removing him from there
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Jun-18 05:03 AM
are they really this freaking retard or they're pretending to be just to create drama?
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Jun-18 12:35 PM
Where do I go to illegally watch anime, thx and will read the reply later
Punk 16-Jun-18 12:37 PM
Idk Nyaa if you want to download
Kissanime if you just want to stream it
Download the Chrome kissanime plugin to make it a good viewing experience though
Otherwise the site can get annoying
Ocypode 16-Jun-18 12:41 PM
I watch at 9anime
Works like a charm
Punk 16-Jun-18 12:42 PM
I like plugin kissanime the most
9anime gets some shit subs sometimes
Ocypode 16-Jun-18 12:44 PM
I haven't tried with plugin, what does it exactly do
Punk 16-Jun-18 12:48 PM
Like everything
Skips the verifications, tons of settings and customization
It's a lot to describe, look it up sometime
Real cool
Ocypode 16-Jun-18 12:55 PM
I will later today
Doctor Bread 16-Jun-18 12:58 PM
Nyaa > everything
Doctor Bread 16-Jun-18 02:08 PM
Punk 16-Jun-18 02:17 PM
@Doctor Bread can you unban him
I'm at work
Doctor Bread 16-Jun-18 02:53 PM
Alright, lol (edited)
Doctor Bread 16-Jun-18 05:12 PM
@Senior Subreddit Mods Can one of you look at all the gambling related stuff and decide if it should be here
It's currently the top post on the sub, so removing it would obviously upset some people, not sure how much of a witch hunt it is though
Punk 16-Jun-18 05:15 PM
I got it
No worries.
Doctor Bread 16-Jun-18 08:35 PM
Alright, I think the flair was a good compromise
soda explains sponsorship post - Clipped by doubledgedboard
Should we take that post down?
He sounds fairly genuine, this guy might have been looking to stir drama / get clicks
I'm not seeing the sodapopping connection in the post anyways, like someone said, might have been just to get more eyeballs
It does seem like its in witch hunt territory
Like, actual witch hunt, not the retarded definition everyone likes to use
Punk 16-Jun-18 09:07 PM
Sure shut it down
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Jun-18 09:16 PM
Someone asked me to move the subreddit to a place with a correct name since the current one is misleading
Doctor Bread 16-Jun-18 10:03 PM
I feel bad, shouldn't have let that post gain that much traction, damn
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Jun-18 10:11 PM
ermm not on us
either we hide something that got big and might be true and we get hated for it
we let it stay up, sticky a it-might-be-bs comment and let it play out, and the OP and users get the hate
Doctor Bread 16-Jun-18 10:11 PM
Well, he tried to post it 2 days ago and I removed it since it was a fresh account, then he got karma from soda's sub
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Jun-18 10:11 PM
yeah I saw that
Doctor Bread 16-Jun-18 10:12 PM
If I had thought about it more I would have removed it again
Was busy though
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Jun-18 10:12 PM
chalk it up to mods only seeing the post when it had 300+ upvotes (edited)
Doctor Bread 16-Jun-18 10:12 PM
Yeah, it was pretty huge when I really noticed it
Kids love their drama
Think I might just remove any posts like that coming from new accounts
Doctor Bread 16-Jun-18 11:37 PM
Worth banning GG's account? Threatening harassing or inciting violence
Not his stream though since that's what he wants
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Jun-18 11:45 PM
oh come on, leave him be
its free entertainment
10/10 comments so far
Doctor Bread 16-Jun-18 11:45 PM
Chaotic evil my dude
Well, if it was anyone else I would have probably just banned them, wanted to ask since it was GG
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Jun-18 11:47 PM
so far people are having fun with his comments
so I'd say its fine
Doctor Bread 16-Jun-18 11:47 PM
Should respond to it with like "Gross, normally people would be banned for making a comment like this, but your punishment is that your stream will never be banned from LivestreamFail."
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Jun-18 11:48 PM
oh no no it might bite us in the ass later on
"mods playing favourites"
Doctor Bread 16-Jun-18 11:48 PM
I also didn't want to ban him since I think he's just trying to bait getting fully banned from LSF (edited)
Inb4 someone clips him telling people to come here and downvote
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Jun-18 11:50 PM
could give him a funny flair though
Most Dangerous Man in /r/Livestreamfail
or something like that
Doctor Bread 16-Jun-18 11:51 PM
He's got his flair turned off, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Jun-18 11:52 PM
we can force it, no?
Doctor Bread 16-Jun-18 11:52 PM
No, they have to have it enabled
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Jun-18 11:52 PM
I think I can add a css line to flair him
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Jun-18 11:58 PM
I don't know how to do it, rip
ChanmanVXXIII 17-Jun-18 12:06 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 18-Jun-18 01:19 AM
Doctor Bread 18-Jun-18 01:26 AM
Look at his history, dude is constantly asking to be mod of subs (edited)
ChanmanVXXIII 18-Jun-18 01:27 AM
oh wow
Doctor Bread 18-Jun-18 01:27 AM
How unsightly
ChanmanVXXIII 18-Jun-18 01:28 AM
I wonder if he's planning to do something with that account, maybe selling or idk
Doctor Bread 18-Jun-18 01:30 AM
Could be someone who has a shitty or unfulfilling life, or feels out of control, so they compensate through internet modding. It's one thing if you volunteer to mod a sub you frequent, but that dude just asks every single post on that /r/needamod sub
I was probably like that when I was in high school
ChanmanVXXIII 18-Jun-18 01:31 AM
I'm worried the dude is gonna kill himself if I reject his request
brb rejecting it
Doctor Bread 18-Jun-18 01:34 AM
Bruh he just wants to do cool flairs on posts
Doctor Bread 18-Jun-18 10:08 PM
@RaptorJesus Did he go through all the individual channel / channel categories and turn off permissions for each individually as well? Only thing I can think of
RaptorJesus 18-Jun-18 10:09 PM
I'll check
Doctor Bread 18-Jun-18 10:09 PM
There used to be a bug where if you wiped message history perms it would just fuck the server forever, dunno if that got fixed
Doctor Bread 18-Jun-18 11:29 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII My sub now
RaptorJesus 19-Jun-18 01:23 AM
I couldn’t find anywhere people don’t have past message perms
Doctor Bread 19-Jun-18 01:42 AM
The server might be borked in that case, might have to make a new one. I didn't confirm that they ever fixed that issue
ChanmanVXXIII 19-Jun-18 01:51 AM
nice server btw
I fucked up, I let windows update my shit because I assumed it would improve shit, now I'm constantly uploading data
time to redownload shutup10 and fix this madness
also windows decided to remove my permission to edit registry and services because something expired and I have no idea what
Doctor Bread 19-Jun-18 02:08 AM
Listen goy, you don't need to change any settings, just let Microsoft take care of you
ChanmanVXXIII 19-Jun-18 02:21 AM
Doctor Bread 19-Jun-18 02:28 AM
So I made LSFMeta as mostly a testing / learning grounds for myself, since I want to learn Automod/CSS (I didn't notice LSFMods was also a copy of LSF), but I was also wondering if we (or just I) could have a sub to field new ideas / take suggestions, or complaints about the sub, or talk more in depth on drama situations
Something like what leagueoflegends does with /r/LeagueOfMeta
Good idea? Worthwhile?
ChanmanVXXIII 19-Jun-18 02:32 AM
If you want to learn automod/css then yeah, good idea and worthwhile
but as a meta sub, I doubt it will work unless we stick a post on the main sub telling people about it, but we already allow some meta posts in so idk if it will be worthwhile as a LSFMeta thing
Doctor Bread 19-Jun-18 02:33 AM
Well, we don't really have rule discussions, or allow "ban this streamer" posts, or get feedback for various sub changes on the main sub. "Meta" on the main sub is usually like xxx retard got banned
But not a ton of discussion allowed about the sub itself
If not it's whatever, I mostly wanted to put those rule changes I wrote on to an actual sub
and learn some stuff
ChanmanVXXIII 19-Jun-18 02:35 AM
back then we always had a sticky with meta discussions, eventually it stopped I think because people stopped using it
I'm fine with either a sticky or meta sub, I just doubt people will use it for anything besides a free-for-all shitposting place
freaking asian game scared the shit out of me
Doctor Bread 19-Jun-18 02:36 AM
I just wanted to try since there's like no people talking on discord about stuff
This place is
At least, even more so since history viewing is fucked
ChanmanVXXIII 19-Jun-18 02:36 AM
wait on the other mods, until then keep using that sub to correct the new rules and shit, I suppose
Doctor Bread 19-Jun-18 02:39 AM
automod is a lot simpler than I realized
ChanmanVXXIII 19-Jun-18 02:39 AM
Doctor Bread 19-Jun-18 02:56 AM
3231 votes and 175 so far on reddit
What's with all the bots posting on this thread? Sort by new
ChanmanVXXIII 19-Jun-18 04:04 AM
NATT linked that here back when it started happening
No idea, I saw it happen on another unrelated subreddit
I guess they pour in whenever something hits /r/all
Who changed my scuffed automod line 😡
Now people are messaging me to let me know Andy isn't part of the Cx network (edited)
RaptorJesus 19-Jun-18 12:29 PM
No point in having a separate sub for meta discussion
Doctor Bread 19-Jun-18 12:30 PM
Meta on the sub itself doesn't really mean discussion about the subreddit
Which is what I'm talking about
RaptorJesus 19-Jun-18 12:30 PM
I still dont see a point in doing it
Doctor Bread 19-Jun-18 12:31 PM
Cause I care what our users think
RaptorJesus 19-Jun-18 12:31 PM
Doctor Bread 19-Jun-18 02:30 PM
--- # Filters comments whose OP has less than 30 combined karma.
type: comment
combined_karma: < 30
action: filter
action_reason: 'Account has <30 karma.'
--- # Filters comments whose OP account age is less than 7 days
type: comment
account_age: < 7
action: filter
action_reason: 'Account is under a week old.'
Could these be considered to be added to automod? To filter out people making brand new accounts just to troll / flame other people
ImNATT 19-Jun-18 04:37 PM
There already is a Karma filter
Doctor Bread 19-Jun-18 04:37 PM
That's for submissions only
ImNATT 19-Jun-18 04:37 PM
I can add the Account age filter if necessary though
Doctor Bread 19-Jun-18 04:38 PM
Yeah, those two are for comments
Ya know, like the IhateTriHardsCx accounts that people make just to say dumb shit or start fights in comment sections
ImNATT 19-Jun-18 04:39 PM
I can add the account age filter for the comments if everyone's ok with it. I'm not sure about the Karma filter
Doctor Bread 19-Jun-18 04:40 PM
It's just the same karma filter as the submission one, but just account age would work too
Doesn't have to be 7 days either
Usually the accounts I ban are <24 hours old
ImNATT 19-Jun-18 04:41 PM
I know, the age should be enough though. I don't like restricting people because of something they have no control over
Doctor Bread 19-Jun-18 04:42 PM
Karma? Yeah that's fair
You could change the submission filter to age as well if you wanted to get rid of karma gating all together.
If you set the karma level to say, zero for submissions and comments, will that stop people like this from being able to submit / post? Or does negative karma count as well?
ImNATT 19-Jun-18 04:44 PM
If you have negative Karma, reddit puts additional barriers in your way. So I don't think they could post if you have it set to zero
Doctor Bread 19-Jun-18 04:45 PM
Well, you get the 10 minute requirement between posts, but I think that's it
Unless there's something else, I've only ever seen that when making a new account
Captcha for sending PM's too
ImNATT 19-Jun-18 04:45 PM
I don't have any persnoal experience, I'm a good boy
But as I said, if everyone's ok with it I'll swap the karma on submissions for age and apply the same filter to the comments. (edited)
Doctor Bread 19-Jun-18 04:48 PM
Either that or set karma requirement to like, 1 for submissions. Sometimes self-promoters will use a few month old accounts to self promote that have zero karma
Like this dude
ImNATT 19-Jun-18 04:49 PM
Yeah, just saw the modmail
Setting it on 1 won't help though, since everyone starts with 1.
Doctor Bread 19-Jun-18 04:50 PM
2 then, lol
ImNATT 19-Jun-18 04:54 PM
Any opinions @here?
RaptorJesus 19-Jun-18 08:00 PM
Yeah I can agree with that
Doctor Bread 19-Jun-18 08:30 PM
There's more off screen
Imagine being this big of a tracksuit andy fan
ChanmanVXXIII 20-Jun-18 12:39 AM
Doctor Bread 20-Jun-18 12:40 AM
What's the thing on the left?
ChanmanVXXIII 20-Jun-18 12:41 AM
ship (edited)
literally ship + monkeys (edited)
Doctor Bread 20-Jun-18 12:43 AM
I thought it was a gay ship
ChanmanVXXIII 20-Jun-18 12:44 AM
They tried to emoji "Monkey Island"
and decided that Ship Monkey was close enough
Doctor Bread 20-Jun-18 12:45 AM
Ocypode 20-Jun-18 03:22 PM
Ok 1 thing I've been wondering
we do have trihard and nigga and nigger go into the automod
but are they actually just ban ban ban or just ban those that are stupid or actually racist messages
Doctor Bread 20-Jun-18 03:37 PM
Actually racist
kill all niggers, etc etc
not "wow that streamer said nigga"
Ocypode 20-Jun-18 03:45 PM
yeah thought so
Doctor Bread 20-Jun-18 03:52 PM
@here I cloned the discord (minus a couple channels that no one uses) https://discord.gg/syj6eeY
I think we need to jump ship from this one, no one can read message history anywhere
I can't see the settings obviously, but you guys said you checked everything and that it should be back to normal, but that doesn't seem to be the case
Ocypode 20-Jun-18 04:58 PM
why not contact discord
maybe they could help
RaptorJesus 20-Jun-18 05:07 PM
Uh nah
I’ll talk to my friend at Discord and have them look into it
Doctor Bread 20-Jun-18 05:08 PM
I assume that will take some time to get a hold of them though
RaptorJesus 20-Jun-18 05:09 PM
There’s no rush
It’s not like any important user chat happens here lmao
Doctor Bread 20-Jun-18 05:10 PM
Well, some people still like to use it, assumed it was somewhat important since we advertised it on the sub
It's just extra dead since people can't see conversations for the past week or so now
RaptorJesus 20-Jun-18 05:11 PM
Once we fix it we’ll do another sticky
Doctor Bread 20-Jun-18 10:35 PM
If someone wants to look through those top two posts with the kid throwing the shit and soda's response go for it
I don't really know what to remove, if you want to reapprove anything go for it (edited)
Bunch of people linking that old video of nick and harassing him
Some racism too (edited)
HalfOfAKebab 22-Jun-18 04:22 AM
what's wrong with the chat history in this server?
RaptorJesus 22-Jun-18 04:57 AM
HalfOfAKebab 22-Jun-18 09:27 AM
So why do we need a new one?
Oh nvm I misread
Gimme perms and I'll have a look at why it's fucky
Punk 22-Jun-18 10:41 AM
It's already fixed keboob
ChanmanVXXIII 22-Jun-18 11:47 AM
Ocypode 22-Jun-18 01:00 PM
So many meta posts about people banned
should we remove them because we have the mega thread
ImNATT 22-Jun-18 01:06 PM
They're still commenting in them
Ocypode 22-Jun-18 01:09 PM
Doctor Bread 22-Jun-18 01:44 PM
die of cancer shit eating retard is back, looks like the reddit admins are on to him
Beat me to it
Ocypode 22-Jun-18 01:46 PM
what who
Doctor Bread 22-Jun-18 01:46 PM
guy who spams di>>>e of can>>>ncer, sh>>>it eating re>>>tard in any gaming related thread he doesn't agree with
Ocypode 22-Jun-18 01:47 PM
Oh no
Doctor Bread 22-Jun-18 01:47 PM
spams alt accounts
Doctor Bread 22-Jun-18 11:31 PM
Leave up or no?
Got a lot of traction really fast (edited)
Already 2nd on the frontpage, not counting the sticky post
RaptorJesus 23-Jun-18 02:40 AM
It’s fine
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 03:34 AM
Alright. By the way, I uncovered a pretty heavy ring of the other fishing dudes that are posted surrounding Alec Ludford, they've been posting each other's stuff and creating alt accounts to post, promote, and upvote their own stuff pretty heavily. Definitely be suspicious of any fishing posts here that aren't Alec. (edited)
Ocypode 23-Jun-18 06:47 AM
So sodas moderators were being asked for their shitty subreddit
because their big love ice poseidon is banned on LSF
ImNATT 23-Jun-18 07:48 AM
WTF Reddit:
Ocypode 23-Jun-18 07:55 AM
wait what
ImNATT 23-Jun-18 07:55 AM
An actual reddit admin censored our subreddit
Ocypode 23-Jun-18 07:56 AM
so she contacted reddit lol
ImNATT 23-Jun-18 07:56 AM
What reddit rule does the post break?
Ocypode 23-Jun-18 07:56 AM
All I can think of is doxxing, cus it's private life stuff
ImNATT 23-Jun-18 07:57 AM
I would have removed it for being a YouTube video, but now I'm in a fighting mood. Should I reapprove?
Ocypode 23-Jun-18 07:57 AM
I mean unless they contact you and say a reason
I'd reapprove
ImNATT 23-Jun-18 07:58 AM
It is now
Ocypode 23-Jun-18 07:58 AM
bit ridiculous though
Ocypode 23-Jun-18 08:01 AM
what the fuck,,, im literally shaking... i have been a diamond patreon subscriber for the past 9 months and wish her good night every night.... i took out a loan on my 'stang for her, so much of my life wasted
ImNATT 23-Jun-18 08:18 AM
I'm not going to ask them shit. If they have something to say they can message US when taking action in our subreddit.
Jisifus 23-Jun-18 08:19 AM
Hmm alright
ImNATT 23-Jun-18 08:19 AM
Bad enough that we mod for free
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 01:06 PM
Yeah, there was no reason to remove that post, I took down like the one comment with doxxing in it
I wonder if amouranth reached out to twitch, and they reached out to reddit
Ocypode 23-Jun-18 01:08 PM
Trying my hardest to be non-biased when moderating but damn I hate that amouranth
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 02:25 PM
Thanks for putting in the under a week old automod
ImNATT 23-Jun-18 02:36 PM
No problem. The comment filter is just in as a test though to see how long the queue gets. If it's too long tomorrow morning, I'll remove it again.
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 02:38 PM
Yeah we'll see, or if it catches a lot of fine comments
usually new ones are shitheads / trolls / ban evaders though
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 05:31 PM
Got a message from one of the /r/watchpeopledie mods, and it seems silent T&S involvement can be a warning that your sub is about to get quarentined or banned
Because of that, I think it might be a good idea to reach out to the admins to get some clarification before we get banned. I wrote a message below, let me know if you think we shouldn't bother, or if it seems like a good idea if anything should be changed/removed/added.
Don't want LSF to get banned over some titty streamer

"Hello, I'm trying to get some clarification / reasoning on a post removal that was done by the T&S team. [The post in question.](<https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/8t6yrp/streamer_amouranth_has_been_hiding_her_marriage/>;)

In the past, if there has been an issue with a post on the sub, an admin has contacted us via modmail requesting the post to be taken down, or informing us about a reddit rule that we need to be more vigilant in enforcing. This time, it was done without warning, and with no clarification on why it was removed.

The mod team did not consider any of the content in the shown video to fall under "doxxing", and any comments made that were close to, or stepped over the line of personal information were immediately removed and the offending users banned. We chose to be even strict despite the person mentioned in the video being a very well known public figure with easily accessed personal information, as we are very careful about enforcing the no doxxing rule.

I'm not sure if you know the history of the streamer in question, but they regularly avoid serious punishment from the Twitch admin team, despite constant, and in some cases very serious rule-breaking that would get other streamers permanently banned, and it's concerning to see that same protection coming over to a reddit post about her.

If you could send a response via modmail to /r/Livestreamfail so the rest of the mod team could see it, that would be appreciated, otherwise I'll be sure to share your response with the rest of the team.

Thank you for any clarification or help you can offer." (edited)
ChanmanVXXIII 23-Jun-18 05:48 PM
I'd say cut the I'm not sure if you know the history[...] paragraph because they don't care about context, afaik
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 05:49 PM
Alright, I wasn't sure about it tbh
It was kind of a way of calling them out since I assume Twitch got in contact with them, but that's just my best guess
Ocypode 23-Jun-18 05:50 PM
Ye I do think we should bother with this, but I can't believe this one thing would lead to the end of LSF just because of T&S Involvement
But asking them would be good
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 05:50 PM
Just trying to be careful
ChanmanVXXIII 23-Jun-18 05:50 PM
imo do it just to leave some history of us trying to work with them
inb4 removed from /r/all
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 05:50 PM
Turning in to Ice_Poseidon 2.0
Alright, sent
Subreddit ban incoming <a:gachiBASS:393783427176071170>
ChanmanVXXIII 23-Jun-18 05:53 PM
I blame it on america
Give me a min until I figure out why I blame them
Oh yeah, because of the election thing, they took a major shit on most forums and now everything is political, your sub is either left or right, and if you want nothing to do with it then you're both a hatesub and a cucked sub (edited)
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 05:54 PM
cucked mods
That's pretty crazy though that someone on watchpeopledie was working with T&S to hijack the subreddit
Reddit admins are trying to get underhanded control of subs? That's fucked up (edited)
ChanmanVXXIII 23-Jun-18 05:56 PM
I mean, its reddit, has always been shit
I still don't understand why people have discussions there, voting system is so retarded because it hides whatever isn't wanted by a subreddit's hivemind
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 05:57 PM
Depending on what the admins response is, should share it with the community, easy drama
ChanmanVXXIII 23-Jun-18 05:57 PM
I suppose
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 05:58 PM
I'll start grabbing things off so you can get some ez karma from Subredditdrama or something Chan
ChanmanVXXIII 23-Jun-18 05:58 PM
Or hit up one of the subreddits that hates admin and let them do it, since their subs eat it up
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 05:58 PM
In all seriousness though, just so we have a full record of events
In case shit goes down
ChanmanVXXIII 23-Jun-18 05:58 PM
Is it Drama or Subredditdrama that hates admins?
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 05:58 PM
I think Drama
Last time I was on SRD was years ago though
ChanmanVXXIII 23-Jun-18 05:59 PM
SRD linked out sub a couple times iirc
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 05:59 PM
People run there when they're upset they got banned from LSF sometimes, lol (edited)
ChanmanVXXIII 23-Jun-18 05:59 PM
Most of the comments were the expected all-gamers-hate-women stuff with some toxic subreddit thrown in (edited)
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 06:00 PM
If the reddit admins come back with anything other than doxxing / personal information concerns, I'll be pretty upset
ChanmanVXXIII 23-Jun-18 06:01 PM
A simple "amounrat asked for it to be taken down" would be enough, to be honest
No idea how to type her name
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 06:02 PM
Eh, that's still not good enough IMO, we don't remove stuff when streamers ask for a reason (aside from involuntary pornography)
Ocypode 23-Jun-18 06:03 PM
What did soda asked to be removed?
you mentioned that
ChanmanVXXIII 23-Jun-18 06:03 PM
Easy to screenshot and say "Admins are going over the mods and censoring whatever streamers ask" if they claim it was her
Soda idk
Alec did ask for a clip of him drunkly talking to be removed, though
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 06:07 PM
When he pulled out that knife at trainwreckz house
Vexxed asked for something to be taken down, but he's vexxed so no
oh yeah, said he was suing twitch and then backtracked like 2 sentences later
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 07:29 PM
Gengar and Coggins are there
Ocypode 23-Jun-18 07:32 PM
A lot of the other soda's moderators got asked to moderate there
Linked about it earlier here
Ocypode 23-Jun-18 07:32 PM
Heres also one convo
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 07:32 PM
Brigade planning
Ocypode 23-Jun-18 07:32 PM
1 sec
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 07:33 PM
I talked to gengar
Ocypode 23-Jun-18 07:33 PM
SATED: hello
AriiesCS: hello
SATED: do you know sammee514 on soda's reddit
AriiesCS: no
SATED: hmm does soda not control that reddit?
AriiesCS: soda literally never goes on that reddit
SATED: I see
SATED: do you know any any mod that has experience with reddit in general
SATED: that mods for soda
AriiesCS: why
AriiesCS: whats the problem
SATED: you will find out later when I find one
SATED: I can't give much detail right now
SATED: I just need a representative for soda
AriiesCS: sammee514 is a reddit mdo
AriiesCS: mod
SATED: yes but does he mod for soda
SATED: like on twitch
SATED: or discord
SATED: or is he just a fan that made the reddit?
AriiesCS: idk
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 07:34 PM
Yeah, looks like they're trying to grow quickly / start brigading everywhere
Ocypode 23-Jun-18 07:34 PM
The things you do for your favourite autistic streamer
they all wanted to vote ice banned lmao
looks like one of the sodas new moderators went there
Jisifus 23-Jun-18 08:06 PM
What the fuck is happening
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 08:07 PM
Everything man
ChanmanVXXIII 23-Jun-18 08:11 PM
Do I add a filter for /r/Livefails comments or nah?
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 08:12 PM
Yeah go for it
or just livefails
@ChanmanVXXIII add one for submissions too
The place where mods wont ban you because they don't agree with your opinion. r/LiveFails
ChanmanVXXIII 23-Jun-18 08:19 PM
Can someone add to automod's config, I'm not on my PC, I think this should grab everything
Type: comment+title
Body (includes-word): ["LiveFails", "/r/LiveFails"]
Action: remove
Action_reason: fucking icefags making me write lines on phone (edited)
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 08:20 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 23-Jun-18 08:20 PM
I forgot if its comment+title, body+title or something else
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 08:21 PM
Could you do body+title+comment?
ChanmanVXXIII 23-Jun-18 08:22 PM
Body+title grabs title and text if its a self post iirc
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 08:22 PM
Ah, I guess you'd want a seperate one for comments then
ChanmanVXXIII 23-Jun-18 08:23 PM
Eh fuck it, copypaste one with body+title and another with just comment
Jisifus 23-Jun-18 08:24 PM
Every time I get shitfaced drunk something like this happens
ChanmanVXXIII 23-Jun-18 08:25 PM
Drinking in 2018 btw 🍺 :
Jisifus 23-Jun-18 08:25 PM
Ping me in like 12 hours I'll take care of automod if you haven't already
Ocypode 23-Jun-18 08:27 PM
"Officially backed by"
Do they imply that if one of their mods is there it's backed by the streamer
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 08:27 PM
Ocypode 23-Jun-18 08:27 PM
Oh my fucking god this is such a shitshow
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 08:27 PM
It's mostly Ice mods though
Ocypode 23-Jun-18 08:27 PM
Those little ice cunts
They're so persistent
It's literally gonna be even more just Cx clips and people who don't watch ice 24/7 are not gonna use it
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 08:30 PM
the top mod
not biased btw
Ocypode 23-Jun-18 08:30 PM
feels good to get paid by twitch btw
thx for this opportuinty to get mad cash lads
ChanmanVXXIII 23-Jun-18 08:31 PM
Anyone has a alt they can test the automod on?
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 08:31 PM
what kind of test?
ChanmanVXXIII 23-Jun-18 08:31 PM
Make a thread with /r/Livefails then comment on it with /r/Livefails
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 08:32 PM
I'll just do it on this account, it won't ban me right? lol
ChanmanVXXIII 23-Jun-18 08:32 PM
We will see
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 08:32 PM
or what's the automod settings, ill test on the other sub
ChanmanVXXIII 23-Jun-18 08:32 PM
I ain't writing it all over again you cunt
Ocypode 23-Jun-18 08:32 PM
You did ban all the guys posting about /r/livefails ?
ChanmanVXXIII 23-Jun-18 08:32 PM
It won't ban you
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 08:33 PM
Oh wait I can look at the automod settings, sec
ChanmanVXXIII 23-Jun-18 08:35 PM
Type: text submission
Body (includes-word): ["LiveFails", "/r/LiveFails"]
Action: remove
Action_reason: Idiots promoting their own sub

Type: comment
Body (includes-word): ["LiveFails", "/r/LiveFails"]
Action: remove
Action_reason: Idiots promoting their own sub
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 08:35 PM
yeah, i yoinked it
ChanmanVXXIII 23-Jun-18 08:35 PM
4 spaces
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 08:37 PM
Doesn't seem to work on my sub unless mod is immune, guess I'll make an alt
Nope, doesn't work
Oh wait, it did, just took a second
ChanmanVXXIII 23-Jun-18 08:41 PM
Link me the thread you made
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 08:41 PM
Fak, I deleted it, have to wait 8 minutes to make another
It said removed by automod though
Jisifus 23-Jun-18 08:42 PM
Don't forget the `moderator_exempt` or something if you wanna test it
Don't remember the default setting (edited)
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 08:44 PM
I'll just see if any sneak through so you can see the title/comment and change it accordingly
Doctor Bread 23-Jun-18 09:00 PM
1 votes and 0 so far on reddit
ChanmanVXXIII 23-Jun-18 09:04 PM
RaptorJesus 24-Jun-18 12:44 AM
Got any screenshots of the brigading @Doctor Bread
Punk 24-Jun-18 12:45 AM
Pretty suspicious
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:47 AM
@RaptorJesus Just the one that fatman dude posted in the comment
I don't think it can be called "brigading" though, just a few angry Ice kiddos
RaptorJesus 24-Jun-18 12:47 AM
It should be originating on someones discord though
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:47 AM
Ummm there were a couple up on Ice_Poseidon earlier but the mods removed them
probably some on his discord too, wouldn't be surprised
RaptorJesus 24-Jun-18 12:48 AM
I say we fuck them over
and release cxclips
tit for tat
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:48 AM
Otherwise I was thinking unban some of the streamers from the sub, aside from Ice
RaptorJesus 24-Jun-18 12:49 AM
I say we unban everyone except Ice
then make cxclips
for ice's content
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:49 AM
RaptorJesus 24-Jun-18 12:49 AM
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:49 AM
Cx clips was originally meant for all of his goons as well, but things have gotten better since he was banned
Kaceytron - Unban
Ninja - Unban
zyke - Unban
Mira - Unban? Eh
PantsAreDragon - Unban
Cyberdemon531a - Keep banned
BurgerAndy - Keep banned
Athene - Keep banned
Avxry - Unbanned?
MitchJones - Unbanned?
Ice_Poseidon. - Keep banned (edited)
Punk 24-Jun-18 12:50 AM
Could unban everyone except burger
Cyber's pretty awful though
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:52 AM
That's my list, I don't know much about some of them though
LiveFails can have cyberdemon, burger, athene, and Ice
And I only put mitch as unsure since it's still a fairly fresh ban, but he doesn't seem like he's gonna kill himself now (edited)
RaptorJesus 24-Jun-18 12:54 AM
He asked to be unbanned anyways
Let's just do it to fuck them over
Fuck em
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:54 AM
Yeah, then had like 2 blowups on stream
RaptorJesus 24-Jun-18 12:54 AM
especially Gengar that fat cuckold
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:54 AM
Gengar said he just joined it for memes, i've been talking to him
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:55 AM
spying on the enemy
RaptorJesus 24-Jun-18 12:55 AM
he sure is being a salty faggot
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:55 AM
maybe a little salty, lol
I dunno, what's your ban removal list @RaptorJesus ?
Copy paste mine if you dont want to go through the hassle of spacing it out
RaptorJesus 24-Jun-18 12:57 AM
Kaceytron - Unban
Ninja - Unban
zyke - Unban
Mira - Keep Banned
PantsAreDragon - Unban
Cyberdemon531a - Keep banned
BurgerAndy - Keep banned
Athene - Keep banned
Avxry - Unbanned
MitchJones - Unbanned
Ice_Poseidon. - Keep banned
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:58 AM
Was Mira too crazy?
I remember that botting and whatnot
RaptorJesus 24-Jun-18 12:58 AM
She was 99% of Mitch drama
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:58 AM
True. Does Cyberdemon still stream? Could unban just to look better
RaptorJesus 24-Jun-18 12:58 AM
Even if they do they brigaded hardcore
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:59 AM
I upload speed runs mostly, and some other epic videos.
19 views Andy
RaptorJesus 24-Jun-18 12:59 AM
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:59 AM
I say unban just to look better
RaptorJesus 24-Jun-18 12:59 AM
@ChanmanVXXIII when you wake up give us the go ahead
fucking drop bear
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:00 AM
He was just talking, think he's here, unless he's sleeping during the day like a degenerate
RaptorJesus 24-Jun-18 01:00 AM
oh its 3pm there
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:00 AM
@ChanmanVXXIII wake up you cuck
I dunno, would just a text post titled "Kaceytron, Ninja, Zyke, PantsAreDragon, Cyberdemon531a, Avxry, and Mitch Jones are unbanned from LivestreamFail" - be enough? Would there need to be any justification or anything in the text section?
I think people would only care about Kacey / Ninja / Mitch anyways
Punk 24-Jun-18 01:08 AM
I'll make a thread in a couple minutes
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:09 AM
I wrote that
RaptorJesus 24-Jun-18 01:09 AM
That's fine
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:09 AM
I say unban everyone but Ice for maximum effect, fuck it, Burger isn't posted that often
Punk 24-Jun-18 01:09 AM
Nah fuck borger
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:10 AM
Athene is a scumbag though, I dont think anyone's losing sleep over him being banned
I just wanted to see

The following streamers are BANNED from this subreddit for breaking our rules:

RaptorJesus 24-Jun-18 01:11 AM
Who does css, go setup cxclips
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:11 AM
I yoinked it pretty easily on to LSFMeta
RaptorJesus 24-Jun-18 01:11 AM
Being able to pump that up will fuck over ices mods so hard
because they made this to spite us
we make a sub they cant control with content they WANT to control
they'll lose their minds
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:13 AM
@RaptorJesus I was in the process of moving that rules re-tool on to LSFMeta, having everyone look at it, then moving it to LiveStreamFail if everyone agreed. Could also do it for CxClips as well.
Chan and Natt weighed in so far
But you never respond to me Dad 😦
RaptorJesus 24-Jun-18 01:14 AM
We'll keep it pocketed, lets see what happens with with the unbans
if they start picking up a lot of subscribers
we fuck em with cxclips
We can pitch it as
"due to censorship by ice's mods in his subreddit, we decided to create CXClips to allow his viewers to post videos and comments that would normally be removed"
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:15 AM
RaptorJesus 24-Jun-18 01:15 AM
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:16 AM
I'll try and finish up everything tomorrow and have it all ready
Instead of studying for finals
This was from earlier btw
RaptorJesus 24-Jun-18 01:24 AM
submit it to reddit admins
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:24 AM
Their admins removed it, unfortunately
I think if they don't, then it can be seen as encouraging brigading
RaptorJesus 24-Jun-18 01:24 AM
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:44 AM
@RaptorJesus I think this would absolutely sink LiveFails
I wasn't sure about the LSFMeta sub, was kind of just using it as my own playground, but they seem to be big on getting feedback from the community (so they claim, at least )
I could honestly handle it on my own, I wouldn't expect too much traffic. But making people feel like they have a bit more say, or at least have the option would definitely destroy what LiveFails is attempting to accomplish
RaptorJesus 24-Jun-18 01:49 AM
We don’t need a meta subreddit
We have meta threads for meta discussion
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:50 AM
Well like I said, the "meta" usually isn't regarding LSF
It'll be like "Alinity situation" etc
But alright, I'll take out the bottom 1 or 2, was just trying to sink LiveFails even more, lol
I dunno, I think it'd be useful, like what leagueofmeta does, the showing of Goodwill and listening to the community (or at least, illusion of it) can go a long way.
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 07:52 AM
Fuck off
Its sunday, I was sleeping
Kaceytron - Unban
Ninja - Unban
zyke - Unban
Mira - Keep banned for brigading or unban if we talk with Mitch then remove her ban to make us look good
PantsAreDragon - Unban
Cyberdemon531a - Keep banned
BurgerAndy - Keep banned for dissing gengar
Athene - Keep banned for being a scamming cunt
Avxry - Unbanned
MitchJones - Unbanned
Ice_Poseidon. - Keep banned because he's a jew
Also read the new rules so we can push them in with the updated ban list
Hit the community with a whole lot of changes
Sticky two posts, one to discuss the unbans and another to discuss the new rules (edited)
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 08:06 AM
Also I still think the whole CxClips subreddit is retarded, banning Ice cleared the whole subreddit so I don't know why we would need to use CxClips, if anything that Livefails sub is just going to further cleanse the subreddit of stupidity
Banning ice which had the biggest subreddit didn't affect our traffic, our growth is still the same as before the ban
CxClips would only work if you guys did a "No moderation, only posts breaking reddit's rules will be removed" and let it turn into a cesspool of hatred, remove automod dox lines and nigger filter, let them run wild
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 11:48 AM
@ChanmanVXXIII Is that enough?
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 11:48 AM
I think we should talk more about the streamers that got banned after the community vote, since removing them would be throwing away what the users wanted, the others I'm fine with unbanning
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 11:53 AM
Which streamers?
Ice, Mitch had that one a long time ago but we choose to ban him
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 11:55 AM
Ice never
Mitch is the one I'm talking about
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 11:56 AM
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 11:56 AM
Those were banned by mods
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 11:56 AM
Well, Mitch was voted on by the community what, a year ago?
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 11:58 AM
Since the decision didn't come from the community, and came from us due to his breakdown, which we would have done regardless of that petition thread
I think it would be fine to reverse it
just my opinion though
I don't think he's quite as hated as ding ding
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 12:00 PM
Alright, I agree on that
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:00 PM
I don't think he was intentionally creating drama either, I think he just had issues
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 12:00 PM
but fix the announcement
make it prettier
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:00 PM
Well, has issues
Uhhh, what are you looking for?
I was gonna mention the upcoming rule changes and get people excited for it
But wasn't sure
Ban offenses that the streamers are being unbanned for? Why the streamers still banned are remaining banned?
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 12:01 PM
Title saying what is happening, not listing the streamers
then the body listing the streamers, the reason why we're removing it and telling people to discuss in the comments about it
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:01 PM
Ooo okay
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 12:01 PM
I can find most of the reason of their bans, but idk if its worth listing them
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:01 PM
Probably best not to as that'll just dredge up old drama
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 12:02 PM
We've updated the list of banned streamers, old bans were reversed
or something like that as a title
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:03 PM
Ah I like that, all the ones I tried sound terrible, lol
Multiple Streamers Being Unbanned from LivestreamFail
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 12:04 PM
nice clickbait
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:04 PM
Not Ice
Like I said yesterday "All streamers except Ice have been unbanned"
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 12:04 PM
Might wanna hop on the subreddit's twitter and @ mitch
When the thread is up
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 12:05 PM
So just so I'm on track, why are we unbanning everyone now?
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:05 PM
Tell LiveFails to ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 12:05 PM
Mostly because of Ice's livestreamfail clone subreddit is filled with the streamers we have banned
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 12:06 PM
In that case I do think it's a good idea but I also don't want this to become a small little war it seems really childish to fall on their level and not just ignore their shitty subreddit
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:06 PM
I think its a decent thing to do regardless, once the ban list starts getting too big people start getting upset
Plus Ninja taking fall damage clips
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 12:07 PM
I don't want it to become too normie now that ninja is unbanned
and all I see is fortnite clips
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:07 PM
Get Epic Games to pay us for unbanning Ninja
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 12:08 PM
yeah we're getting paid by twitch already
doesn't hurt to get more money
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:10 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII ban those two Ice retards in general <a:gachiBASS:393783427176071170>
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 12:10 PM
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:15 PM
I knew that one dude would be on Ice's discord, lol
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 12:15 PM
Some cunt keeps spamming reports with "He said it post"
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:18 PM
I dunno, was having trouble making it sound not terrible/lame
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 12:20 PM
Maybe because you're terrible/lame
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:20 PM
I've got the gachi writing this morning, I dunno, anything else?
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 12:20 PM
paste your body here
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:21 PM
Was gonna say something like "we trust the unbanned streamers have since learned from their offences and will be more aware of their actions in the future" but sounds a bit fruity (edited)
After reviewing the banned streamers list, and taking in to account the ban offense and time since the offense for each streamer, the mod team has unanimously chosen to unban these streamers:

1. KaceyTron
2. Ninja
3. Mitch Jones
4. PantsAreDragon
5. Avxry
6. Zyke

Any streamers not mentioned above will remain banned for the time being.

Feel free to discuss the changes below.
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 12:28 PM
So odd watching that guy trying to diss, where the faggot followed by a gore webm or similar things, dude is just saying weak stuff like autism/no social skills/powertrip
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:29 PM
I knew if I joined Ice's discord he would be on it, easy shutdown
Did you add anything Chan?
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 12:32 PM
I'm still a bit errr about the mitch ban
and yeah I'm writing it atm
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:33 PM
Mitch is a good boy he dindu nuffin
Punk 24-Jun-18 12:33 PM
I don't think unbanning mitch is that bad
We need to curb his rabid hater fanbase though
It's insane how nuts people witchhunt him
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:34 PM
I guess just watch any Mitch posts that come up more closely, at least he got /r/bitchjones taken down
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 12:36 PM
I'm more worried about unbanning after only 5 months, seems like a small timeframe
although we did say what, 6 months? back when we talked with mitch
Punk 24-Jun-18 12:36 PM
And he did say he was cool to come back whenever now
He seems like a pretty focused fortnite boy now
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 12:36 PM
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:36 PM
Wait, has it been 5 months sine his breakdown?
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 12:36 PM
finishing up my thing here
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:37 PM
What the fuck man
I thought that was like a month or two ago, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 12:37 PM
Since the majority of bans happened a long time ago and we believe the community has since then changed their views on said bans we'll remove the following streamers from the list:

* Mitch Jones
* Ninja
* KaceyTron
* PantsAreDragon
* Avxry
* Zyke

Any names not mentioned above will remain banned

After some talk between the mods we agreed that permanently banning the listed streamers wouldn't be fair since they were either banned for old reasons or because they've changed since the ban

Since this is a mod decision we'll read all comments posted here to see what the userbase thinks of our decision
fix whatever
Also whoever knows how to use twitter, @ mitch when the thread is up
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:39 PM
What is with your hatred of periods, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 12:39 PM
just say "You should check the livestreamfail subreddit" or something
I talk like xQc
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 12:39 PM
Wait till I'm home to unban mitch. I've got to show you guys a clip first
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 12:39 PM
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:39 PM
Did he say something about LSF @ImNATT?
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 12:40 PM
Is it the one where mitch roleplayed a baby as a PUBG drop?
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 12:40 PM
Just that he makes too much money causing drama while playing wow to stop
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 12:40 PM
GOT WET - Clipped by zk_rotmg
That one
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:41 PM
Broke up with Mira btw
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 12:41 PM
Idk can't watch it rn
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:41 PM
He didn't say anything bad in that clip
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 12:42 PM
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:42 PM
He was just saying he doesn't want to go back to WoW
Not that he wants to stir drama
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 12:42 PM
Its the one tagged as Mitch admits making too much money being a dramaqueen on WoW
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:42 PM
Yeah, that's some clickbait
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 12:43 PM
Did I get Jebaited?
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:43 PM
Yep, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 12:44 PM
Clip is about mira failling to hit mitch with water and getting herself wet
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:44 PM
He's just saying he wants to make money not playing WoW
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 12:44 PM
What can you even rely on if not thread titles of LSF clones? Is anything even real?
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:49 PM

After reviewing the banned streamers list, and taking in to account the ban offense and time since the offense for each streamer, the mod team has unanimously chosen to unban these streamers:

* KaceyTron
* Ninja
* Mitch Jones
* PantsAreDragon
* Avxry
* Zyke

The mods agreed that keeping these streamers permanently banned was unfair, as either a large amount of time has passed since the offense, or they've made an effort to change their behavior. We think the community has likely changed their views on some of the banned streamers as well.

That said, we'd like to hear your feedback, so please leave your comments below discussing these changes, or general feedback regarding banned streamers. (edited)
Punk 24-Jun-18 12:49 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 12:49 PM
You fucking nignog stop removing the *
Its bullet points
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:49 PM
The *?
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 12:49 PM
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:50 PM
Oh I didn't see, I'll change them back
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 12:50 PM
* space space
Burger is permaban because he talked shit about gengar
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:50 PM
Everything else look good though?
Kind of merged your paragraphs in to one
Was a little bit wordy/repetitive maybe
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 12:51 PM
How big does it look?
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:52 PM
Punk 24-Jun-18 12:52 PM
Yeah idc I fucking hate burger
Waste of life
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:52 PM
LiveFails can have him
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 12:52 PM
add a space between the last 2 paragraphs
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:53 PM
There is one
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 12:53 PM
After reviewing the banned streamers list, and taking in to account the ban offense and time since the offense for each streamer, the mod team has unanimously chosen to unban these streamers:

* KaceyTron
* Ninja
* Mitch Jones
* PantsAreDragon
* Avxry
* Zyke

The mods agreed that keeping these streamers permanently banned was unfair, as either a large amount of time has passed since the offense, or they've made an effort to change their behavior. We think the community has likely changed their views on some of the banned streamers as well.


That said, we'd like to hear your feedback, so please leave your comments below discussing these changes, or general feedback regarding banned streamers. (edited)
Try this
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:53 PM
oh yeah the &nbsp
I always forget to use that
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 12:54 PM
one after zyke?
also who the fuck is zyke
oh brigading
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:55 PM
I think he brigaded
I just saw the post but can't find it again
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 12:57 PM
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:57 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 12:58 PM
wheres the twitter thing tho
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:58 PM
Do you have the login?
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 12:58 PM
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:58 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 12:59 PM
found it
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 12:59 PM
Making a tweet to mitch?
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:01 PM
How 2 tweet
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:03 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:04 PM
.@Mitch Murderjonez You should check the subreddit's front page
I heard adding a dot before makes it appear on top of his feed
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:04 PM
So, by default, when you reply to someone, most of your followers won't see what you said to that person unless they also follow the person you replied to. If you want all your followers to see what you said to them, add the dot before the handle.Mar 27, 2016
thanks google
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:05 PM
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:05 PM
Also you said you wanted to get in touch with Mira?
What are you looking for from her, exactly?
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:06 PM
oh she's not on the list?
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:06 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:06 PM
I was looking for pitching a mitch unban to him but then add in a mira unban as well to show him we're nice guys
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:07 PM
Mira - Keep banned for brigading or unban if we talk with Mitch then remove her ban to make us look good
Yeah, you put that
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:07 PM
Take advantage of the mentally ill
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:07 PM
Add Mira to the list then? Hopefully she doesn't unleash bots on the sub again
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:07 PM
add her on the same line as mitch
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:08 PM
Force Mitch to stay with her
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:08 PM
Oh god the flairs
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:08 PM
I think Mira can get her own line, I changed one sentence in the second paragraph as well (edited)
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:09 PM
last 2 words seem weird
shouldn't it be regarding the unbanning of streamers?
I don't care about the banned ones
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:09 PM
Okay, lol
regarding streamers being unbanned.
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:10 PM
feedback btw
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:11 PM
Alright, last call
I think Mitch + Mira is just weird
Chan thinks women aren't people
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:11 PM
They're a bundle
Punk 24-Jun-18 01:11 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII I'll just pm mitch on tweeter
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:11 PM
The mentally ill and the abuser
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:11 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:12 PM
try to pitch in my mira idea on him
say something to make him think he's the one deciding whether or not she gets unbanned
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:13 PM
Oh, are we waiting for his response?
I thought we were just deciding it
Seems like they're gonna be on stream together either way
The following streamers are BANNED from this subreddit for breaking our rules:

Cyberdemon531a, BurgerAndy, Athene, Ice_Poseidon
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:14 PM
Honestly I just want to cash in on this chance
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:14 PM
If you want to update the sidebar
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:14 PM
Cyber still banned because trans btw
nice mods btw
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:14 PM
I linked their youtube channel up above, they only get like 19 viewers a video
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:14 PM
their they btw
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:15 PM
Gotta be respectful
I don't think Mitch is on right now
fug it dood, I think he'd want her unbanned
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:16 PM
His last tweet was 22h ago
Won't be able to get on his good side
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:17 PM
I think he'll be happy enough with you just to be unbanned
Since he did ask (edited)
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:17 PM
Where's @Punk
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:17 PM
I wouldn't trip over it or anything
Punk 24-Jun-18 01:18 PM
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 01:18 PM
Mitch is the type of person who says one thing and then next day he says the opposite
He might've said he wanted to get unbanned again but I can't wait to hear him say "OH NO STOP"
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:18 PM
I went to his discord and asked the admin there if I could get in touch with him
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:19 PM
You'll do the mitch thing right now?
Otherwise we scrap that thing and just post the list with mira unbanned
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 01:19 PM
I personally believe we should stay as far away from mitch Jones as possible
Punk 24-Jun-18 01:19 PM
Oh what mira thibg
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 01:19 PM
It's kinda iffy situation for Mitch right now, he wants more views and through LSF he would get those but then again now that hes had less viewers he's been out of toxicity and getting toxic people back might fuck him up again
Punk 24-Jun-18 01:19 PM
I thought we were just unbanning mitch
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:19 PM
Nevermind it then
Ignore my idea about the mira thing
Punk 24-Jun-18 01:19 PM
Oh okay
Keep her banned she's nuts
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 01:19 PM
They're both nuts
what NATT said
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:20 PM
He really does seem better on his most recent streams
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:20 PM
half the banned streamers are
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:20 PM
and he is seeing a therapist
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 01:20 PM
But did you read what I said
theres a reason why hes better
Less viewers = No toxicity for him. If we unban him it'll be the same again
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:20 PM
Mmmm I dunno, I think actually seeing a therapist has helped a lot
We just need to watch the nasty comments on LSF
And people posting stuff just to turn the community back against him
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 01:21 PM
Therapist won't tell him not to read reddit comments though
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:21 PM
I say give him another chance, I dunno
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:21 PM
Since there's a lot of you cunts here
Yay or nay on adding mitch/mira to the unban list?
Wont be unanimous if you people aren't sure about it
Punk 24-Jun-18 01:21 PM
Yay on mitch nay on mira
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:21 PM
I say yay for both, can always reverse it
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 01:21 PM
I'd say ok to both
Punk 24-Jun-18 01:22 PM
If everyone's okay with both we can unban mira
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:22 PM
Mira is gonna be on Mitch's streams so kind of a dick move if she's still banned
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 01:22 PM
Punk 24-Jun-18 01:22 PM
We can reban her just as easily
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:22 PM
Jesus christ
Nice resistance to peer pressure
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:22 PM
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 01:22 PM
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:22 PM
Punk 24-Jun-18 01:22 PM
I really don't care enough
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 01:22 PM
Nay from me
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:22 PM
Punk 24-Jun-18 01:22 PM
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 01:22 PM
I mean people wouldn't be able to post mitch at all Mira is always next to him (edited)
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:22 PM
Natt hates white people
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 01:23 PM
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:23 PM
@ImNATT can we give them a month and then reevaluate?
Or a couple weeks, whatever
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 01:23 PM
How do you announce that? Seems iffy to me
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:23 PM
Hold up, have an idea
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:24 PM
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:26 PM
As a caveat, the unbanned streamers will have a month long probationary period. Any regression in to the same behaviors or actions that got them banned will result in this decision being immediately reversed.
Something like that? I dunno, I mean breaking rules are breaking rules
Maybe unnecessary
Punk 24-Jun-18 01:26 PM
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:26 PM
Hmmm one other idea
Punk 24-Jun-18 01:26 PM
If they break rules, they're banned again
That's assumed
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:27 PM
None of the banned streamers are black, right?
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 01:27 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:27 PM
If so, use the word probation please
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:27 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:27 PM
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 01:27 PM
There isn't enough of them to start banning em
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:27 PM
I dunno, nothing really seems good to add to the post, let's just keep a close eye on them @ImNATT
Hopefully they can behave themselves
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:28 PM
Can we do the @Mitch Murder check out the subreddit front page though?
even without the DMs part
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:28 PM
I sent him a message on discord
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:29 PM
thats private and gay
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:29 PM
I dunno how to tweeter
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:30 PM
Whoever made the twitter's password must've rubbed his dick on the keyboard
Punk 24-Jun-18 01:30 PM
I'll make a tweet @ing all the unbanned streamers
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 01:30 PM
Is mitch among them?
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:30 PM
I put like "We will be watching the unbanned streamers behavior closely for any regression in to the behaviors that got them banned" but that sounds super weird and big-brothery
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:30 PM
Looks like he will be
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 01:30 PM
Oh no
I'll tell you right now, he'll flip out again
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 01:31 PM
I think so too
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:31 PM
@Doctor Bread
Since we're unbanning a lot of streamers, we'll keep an eye on their content in case they break the rules again
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:31 PM
Yeah, that sounds better
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:32 PM
You talk shit about my punctuation but I'm the one feeding you lines (edited)
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:32 PM
Since we're unbanning a lot of streamers, we'll keep a close eye on their content for a probationary period.
there's your probation
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 01:32 PM
Every new post 30mins old less than 50% upvoted, I sense brigading
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:32 PM
Kids from LiveFails, they'll go away
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 01:33 PM
How I love ices viewers
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:33 PM
Remove comments from people saying we did this just because of Ice's new sub?
or nah
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:33 PM
There's probably gonna be a lot
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:33 PM
Keep in mind people will be able to see it removed because of Ceddit
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:33 PM
A lot of "unban ding ding" too
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 01:33 PM
Just put their sub into automod
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:33 PM
Already is
scuffed one
made on a phone
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 01:34 PM
If it works
It works.
Does it?
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:34 PM
It does, but no regex
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 01:35 PM
Who knows Automod? @here
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:35 PM
I've been learning
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 01:35 PM
Never touched it
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 01:35 PM
Where tf is Kebab
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:35 PM
I only know enough to make specific lines, no regex
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 01:35 PM
MiA motherfucker
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:36 PM
"Since we're unbanning a lot of streamers at once, we'll keep a close eye on their content for a short probationary period. We'd like to give these streamers a second chance, and hope we don't have to reverse any of these decisions."
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:37 PM
probationary sounds sexual
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:37 PM
Or does it make us sound good
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:37 PM
reminds me of probing
take it out please, I regret it
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:37 PM
yeah, it seems unnecessary, just watch these doods for the time being
@ImNATT I live like 20 minutes from Mitch, I'll go to his house if he acts up again
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:38 PM
sex him
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:38 PM
is it happening?
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 01:39 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:39 PM
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 01:39 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:39 PM
You gonna hype #general or nah
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:40 PM
remove it
you gotta hype up first
then post it
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 01:40 PM
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:40 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:40 PM
so bad
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:41 PM
I hyped it earlier, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:41 PM
you didnt tho
gotta everyone with a title print or something like that
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:41 PM
First comment "Forgot burger planet?"
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:42 PM
scuffed automod taking 30s to remove comments
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 01:42 PM
I was faster
Does it have anything to do with the new livefails subreddit, who doesnt ban streamers?
We ban this message too?
Just ANYTHING that mentions it?
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:43 PM
Vote Now! [Yes] [No]
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 01:43 PM
pls reply so I can ban all about livefails asap
Punk 24-Jun-18 01:44 PM
Sorry I'll make this tweet in a couple minutes
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:44 PM
fuck it dood
Punk 24-Jun-18 01:44 PM
I'm a bit busy
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:44 PM
delete them all
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 01:44 PM
but its also saying "yes thats why we did it"
and they'll be happy
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:45 PM
If you don't remove it, they will upvoted it to the top
and people from outside ice's thing will be curious
Punk 24-Jun-18 01:46 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:46 PM
Still using lol in 2018
Punk 24-Jun-18 01:46 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:46 PM
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:46 PM
Did we make a mistake
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 01:47 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:47 PM
wow talk about quickly regretting something
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 01:47 PM
Even mitch thinks its bad
let's see
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:47 PM
It'll be fine, she doesn't have a huge following or anything
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 01:47 PM
we're gonna keep an eye on it
her following just comes through mitch
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:48 PM
Is automod not picking up LiveFails stuff at all?
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 01:49 PM
Not really
I have to do it all manually
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:50 PM
I'll watch it too
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 01:50 PM
I think we have to do some changes to the flairs, remove some / add
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:50 PM
For sure
@Ocypode It was doxxing lol
delete that, mods gotta know why people are banned XD
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 01:51 PM
you're right it was doxxing
I forgot
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:52 PM
cause that guy donated something with nigger in it
So he gave out his full address
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:52 PM
you're fake news
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:52 PM
I think the reception will be bad to start as all the Ice kids brigade, it should turn later
They browse the sub the most
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:53 PM
check ice's sub for posts about it
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 01:53 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:53 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:55 PM
downvote him
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 01:55 PM
he is the one who started it all
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:56 PM
Yeah lol
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:56 PM
do I tell that guy on general about the plan we have
updating the rules wiki etc
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:56 PM
If you want, hype it up
Should we just remove all livefail comments @ChanmanVXXIII ? Or banhammer people obviously trying to plug the sub
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 01:57 PM
I think all
I already did atleast
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:57 PM
aye, anything talking about livefails
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:58 PM
Remove or banarino?
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:58 PM
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:58 PM
Unless it's an obvious advertisement
Come to livefails etc etc
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 01:58 PM
or saying something that makes people want to reply "what sub you talking about?"
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 01:58 PM
guys there was a comment literally saying go to /r/livefails for 2 minutes
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 01:58 PM
get that ass banned
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 02:00 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII how about if users keep posting it multiple times? Just keep removing?
And they post in LiveFails / Ice Poseidon, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 02:01 PM
ban if more than once
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 02:01 PM
Fuck it, get some Ice kids off the sub
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 02:01 PM
using LiveFails more than once gets the ban
Do we hit comments with a screenshot of our traffic? to show we ain't doing it because of numbers
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 02:02 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 02:03 PM
we had 0 downtime
since ice's ban
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 02:03 PM
People obviously assume it's all because of LiveFails
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 02:04 PM
when did ice get banned
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 02:05 PM
like a month ago?
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 02:05 PM
July 7th
24 - 17 is what
oh its 7
as in july 7th
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 02:06 PM
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 02:08 PM
100% right
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 02:11 PM
So many posts about livefails up for way too long
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 02:11 PM
I don't know how to fix automod
but can someone fix it
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 02:13 PM
link me the comments that are staying up, at least one of them
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 02:14 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII I think it should have been a locked thread
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 02:14 PM
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 02:14 PM
Cause it's like all removals which doesn't look much better, lol
Ice kids coming in hard to brigade
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 02:15 PM
And locking it wouldn't give people the choice of commenting about the decision, though
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 02:16 PM
"Our own lsf"
So now they finally confirmed its just ices
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 02:16 PM
Confirmed copycat subreddit
mods responded to amouranth takedown
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 02:23 PM
I'll read later
messing with autmod
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 02:24 PM
They said tons of removals, and that they thought it had personal information, but after review decided they agreed with uys
Punk 24-Jun-18 02:25 PM
@ImNATT edit your comment with the admin clarification whenever you have the chance
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 02:25 PM
ice viewer posting ninja as a way of protesting (edited)
Punk 24-Jun-18 02:25 PM
The transparency is nice
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 02:25 PM
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 02:28 PM
@Punk I posted the unban announcement, are you talking about editing the admin response in to that?
Punk 24-Jun-18 02:28 PM
No, into natt's original post
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 02:28 PM
I mean I could add it just as an aside so people see it
The is nice
Punk 24-Jun-18 02:28 PM
You can if you want
Sticky a comment in the unban thread
Regarding the Amouranth stuff
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 02:29 PM
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 02:30 PM
this guy posted this more than 3 times replying to someone https://i.imgur.com/ijUT5Fs.png
RaptorJesus 24-Jun-18 02:30 PM
Can we go for the killshot and release cxclips
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 02:30 PM
banned him
Punk 24-Jun-18 02:31 PM
I don't think we should release cxclips at all
I think it'd just make us look bad tbh
The unban's already enough of a shot
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 02:32 PM
no reason to cxclips imo
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 02:32 PM
Like you said, it'd have to be unmoderated cancer like Ice's sub
or LiveFails
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 02:33 PM
Thats like having a shed filled with autists near the subreddit
Punk 24-Jun-18 02:33 PM
Yeah, I'm not keen on it
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 02:33 PM
but are you
on it
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 02:33 PM
shed filled with autists lol
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 02:36 PM
Damn it feels good to be a gangster
I'll edit my post as soon as I'm off my throne
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 02:37 PM
To be honest, I just want to say it out loud sometimes "We don't care about LiveFails, we don't want Ice_Poseidon's community on LSF"
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 02:37 PM
post thighs
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 02:38 PM
U gay?
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 02:38 PM
guys pls
I'm busy atm I Can't keep looking at the thread
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 02:38 PM
Bruh I'm scrolling through every other minute
Hard to catch em all
fix the automod
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 02:39 PM
Fix the Automod chan
Punk 24-Jun-18 02:39 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII you mind making a statement that we don't care about livefails and we're not censoring it, but it's being automodded because autists are spamming it
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 02:39 PM
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 02:39 PM
You have to have an includes somewhere
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 02:39 PM
Type: comment
Body (includes): ["LiveFails", "/r/LiveFails", "r/Livefails", "/Livefails"]
Action: remove
thats what I did
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 02:39 PM
That seems like a good idea, but we are manually removing posts just hinting about it @Punk
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 02:39 PM
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 02:39 PM
So dunno how that would go over
Punk 24-Jun-18 02:40 PM
Well someone should make a statement
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 02:41 PM
I'm bad at making good posts but if you type something here I can post it
if you dont want to
Punk 24-Jun-18 02:41 PM
I would but I'm at work
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 02:41 PM
hey it worked
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 02:41 PM
But we have to make sure to let them know they're basically bridaging and promoting and we don't allow that
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 02:43 PM
Fuck it dude, I'll even put in the post "If you want to see Ice Poseidon's clips, head on over to /r/LiveFails
Show how little of a fuck we give about them
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 02:43 PM
we shouldn't promote it
that's literally promoting it
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 02:43 PM
Meh, instantly shuts down everyone saying we're worried about them
They can be the shed filled with austists for us
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 02:46 PM
I changed the automod
gotta check if its removing the comments now
People aren't happy with the mitch unban
at least the ones commenting
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 02:55 PM
well it was quite a shitshow with him
so we'll see what kind of clips we're gonna see from mitch
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 02:58 PM
In response to early feedback given in the thread:

*We don't care about /r/LiveFails. If you want Ice, Burger, Athene, and Cyberdemon531a clips, feel free to head over there, or if you'd prefer to mingle with a larger community of Cx subscribers, or if you're just dissatisfied with LivestreamFail for whatever reason. Competition makes everyone better, and we wish them the best.

*That being said, we do not condone brigading, and had to create Automod rules to deal with people hopping on new accounts and spamming LiveFails links. There are also bad actors intentionally trying to drive people away from LivestreamFail, who have never posted here before or are on alt accounts meant only to create drama against the subreddit, which we do not condone either.
@ChanmanVXXIII I think something like that makes us look good
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 02:59 PM
no thats gay
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 02:59 PM
Nah, pretending they don't exist / banning all mention of it looks weak
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 03:00 PM
I think head-on is the way to shut it down
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 03:06 PM
@Doctor Bread
Reminder you can see what the moderations removed, [just go to this website](https://snew.github.io/r/LivestreamFail/comments/8tjfdu/weve_updated_the_list_of_banned_streamers/)

Most of the comments are people linking/spamming a subreddit that was made in protest of Ice Poseidon's ban, which is why there are a lot of [Removed] comments in this thread

Maybe acknowledge people not being happy with Mitch's unban

Then add the admin thing here
No reason to directly link the sub
also ad hominem the new sub
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 03:08 PM
Fuck LiveFails ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 03:08 PM
I meant the subreddit that was made in protest of Ice Poseidon's ban being the ad hominem
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 03:08 PM
Oh, lol
Can I add something like "If they want to have a subreddit for Ice clips, we support them, but brigading is not allowed?"
Or something like that
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 03:09 PM
no reason to imo
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 03:09 PM
Or just saying a lot of the removed comments were brigaders
Just so when people ask why non-direct links to livefails were removed
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 03:10 PM
I mean, the thing up there explains why there are loads of Removed comments
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 03:10 PM
It's just to cover the non links
hold on, let me write and then ill show you what im thinking
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 03:10 PM
sure, add in A lot of the comments were brigaded by people linking/spamming[...] then
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 03:10 PM
Can I say the other sub name at all? Or no
Obviously people know it, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 03:11 PM
no reason to
just explain whats up with the removed comments
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 03:12 PM
Many of the removed comments are from people brigading from other communities
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 03:12 PM
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 03:17 PM

Early feedback for the thread:

Reminder you can see what the moderations removed, [just go to this website.](https://snew.github.io/r/LivestreamFail/comments/8tjfdu/weve_updated_the_list_of_banned_streamers/) Also keep in mind that removed does not automatically mean the user was banned.

Most of the comments are from brigaders linking/spamming a subreddit that was made in protest of Ice Poseidon's ban, which is why there are a lot of [Removed] comments in this thread. We do not condone brigading from other communities, like almost every other subreddit. Your comment may have been removed by the Automod or because it was prompting brigaders to respond to it.

We are seeing that people seem to be most unsatisfied with Mitch's ban, but we'd like to give him a chance to redeem himself. We will keep an eye on his behavior moving forward and wish him the best.
And then the unrelated admin thing under
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 03:18 PM
looks great
delete your old one and add that new comment
or just unsticky
then add the new one
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 03:18 PM
? I just changed the sticky
Or what are you saying?
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 03:18 PM
unsticky current comment
make a new one
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 03:18 PM
sticky the new one
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 03:18 PM
Sticky the response seperately from the admin thing?
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 03:18 PM
thats fine
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 03:19 PM
I just put a --- break
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 03:19 PM
I thought you had negative points on that comment
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 03:19 PM
It's stickied, who cares
But it's positive for now, lol
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 03:20 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII did you update the AutoMod rule regarding banned streamers already?
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 03:20 PM
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 03:20 PM
Anyone want to answer the admins or just archive it? (edited)
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 03:20 PM
might just suck their dick a bit
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 03:20 PM
I was just gonna say thanks or something for clearing it up
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 03:21 PM
Then go for it
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 03:22 PM
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 03:24 PM
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 03:24 PM
lol transparent
I wrote something gayer
I'm good at shit like that, when you gotta ask a teacher for an extension or something
Punk 24-Jun-18 03:26 PM
Wow kacey really isn't very popular anymore huh
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 03:27 PM
I've seen comments saying she should be unbanned, strange
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 03:27 PM
So, what we doing about Mitch?
wait for him to fuck up?
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 03:27 PM
Just gotta see how he does
Punk 24-Jun-18 03:27 PM
P much
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 03:27 PM
Inb4 he drops another baby
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 03:28 PM
He just forgot to do it on a bowl filled with water, jeez
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 03:28 PM
I wouldn't get too upset about the negative feedback on the announcement, it's literally almost all Ice viewers
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 03:28 PM
Punk 24-Jun-18 03:28 PM
>getting upset over anything people say in this sub
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 03:30 PM
>the mod team has unanimously chosen to unban these streamers:
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 03:30 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 03:34 PM
I giggled
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 03:34 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 03:34 PM
he's being polite with me
but his history is wishing death on streamers (edited)
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 03:34 PM
You can remove it, lol
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 03:34 PM
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 03:34 PM
It was a few people from that dude who was streaming in the car
and got hit by that truck
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 03:35 PM
oh you remember
RaptorJesus 24-Jun-18 03:42 PM
Oh wait
did we ever enable voting for subs only?
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 03:43 PM
doesnt work if you disable css tho
but no
RaptorJesus 24-Jun-18 03:43 PM
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 03:46 PM
I can add it if you want. The target audience for that bit of code is just getting smaller and smaller with time though. (edited)
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 03:47 PM
Alright, gotta do some chores, I scanned the thread one last time
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 03:49 PM
I still don't get why automod isn't removing /r/Livefails comments
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 03:52 PM
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 04:16 PM
u/redtaboo• HN2 minutes agoQuote
Thank you all for your understanding, patience and for all you do here! Have a wonderful rest of your weekend! 😃
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 04:17 PM
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 04:18 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII think I should just approve every comment that isn't the other sub's name / a link to the other sub?
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 04:20 PM
stuff like "mods are removing comments talking about the new sub" ?
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 04:20 PM
yeah, I guess
off to a bad start
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 04:20 PM
I don't see why you would want them to be visible and stir the pot
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 04:20 PM
Just cause there's so many people complaining, but mostly just Ice fans
I guess it's not that big a deal in that case
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 04:21 PM
Your statement explains why they were removed
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 04:21 PM
Yeah, people can't read though
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 04:21 PM
That's their problem
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 04:21 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 04:22 PM
NATT can you look at the automod config and see what I did wrong
last lines
Punk 24-Jun-18 04:22 PM
Yeah he made the thread
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 04:22 PM
ask for the discord link
Punk 24-Jun-18 04:22 PM
Delete it and ban him
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 04:22 PM
Yep, got him
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 04:22 PM
anyone with an alt should join the discord or something
what did andy mean by this?
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 04:24 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 04:24 PM
ignore the deplorable tag, shitty extension doesnt let me rename it
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 04:25 PM
I fixed it (hopefully) @ChanmanVXXIII
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 04:25 PM
All this dude does is harass Mitch
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 04:26 PM
Tell me what I did wrong
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 04:26 PM
I have no idea. I just tried something that I know works and edited it
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 04:26 PM
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 04:26 PM
I don't know AutoMod. I'm just trial and erroring (edited)
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 04:28 PM
oh wow a porn star made a raffle where the winner would get to fuck her
5 dollars / entry
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 04:29 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 04:29 PM
august 15th is the results
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 04:29 PM
the play dumb act
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 04:29 PM
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 04:31 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII https://www.reddit.com/user/x0rp do anything with false flaggers?
from Ice_Poseidon
Also linked the other sub
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 04:31 PM
ban for brigading
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 04:33 PM
he's got more of the people from that harassment discord
what a G
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 04:34 PM
Gonna die now, good bye
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 04:35 PM
Did you ban them?
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jun-18 04:35 PM
lots of non-ice people bothered about mitch btw, I'm starting to agree with them and polling his unban
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 04:35 PM
Yeah, they were spamming LiveFails with Mitch hate stuff too, lol
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 04:36 PM
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 04:36 PM
Let it sit, he hasn't had any posts other than people posting stuff just to make him look bad
Nothing wrong with getting mad at people talking shit about your sick mom, i'd be mad too
@ImNATT I just did it for harassment, he's been PMing me too, only removed his posts after the ban since he seems the type of kid to go back and edit them all
Annoying fucking cunt though
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 04:49 PM
Most active sub - Ice poseidon https://i.imgur.com/HYDBbcU.png
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 04:52 PM
Whatever, this thread is annoying but it's the couple hundred rabid Ice fans who are taking the time to comment
The other 250k people on the sub are ecstatic, I'm sure
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 04:53 PM
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 04:53 PM
Well, I dunno if they care about the unbans
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 04:53 PM
no one else really cares except ice fans
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 04:53 PM
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 04:56 PM
What annoys me the most is brigading
Why do ice fans go to such extremes for their holy god paul denino
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 04:59 PM
@ImNATT meep is here
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 05:00 PM
No hes not
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 05:00 PM
aw why'd you ban him
I told him to make an effort to come to the discord and talk, lol
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 05:00 PM
I don't deal with their bullshit
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 05:00 PM
but that was before he started going rabid
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 05:01 PM
whos meep
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 05:01 PM
Some rando from the subreddit whos been shilling for ice since he got banned
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 05:01 PM
ice fans (edited)
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 05:02 PM
I'll talk to him in PM's
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 05:13 PM
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 05:43 PM
wait did he go and post an old clip of mitch having a breakdown?
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 05:45 PM
There's a discord made just for harassing mitch
People from bitchjones
Imagine having nothing better to do
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 05:50 PM
oh my god
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 05:52 PM
@ImNATT I talked to meep, he's chill now, he'll stay out of the thread
ImNATT 24-Jun-18 05:52 PM
He has no other choice, being banned and all that
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 05:52 PM
Lol, gotta be nice sometimes
I was gonna put it back to temp
He didn't say anything perma worthy, just obnoxious, but I think he gets it now, told him to watch dat ass
RaptorJesus 24-Jun-18 06:07 PM
Until the retards brigading go away enable only upvotes from people subbed
everything is at 60% (edited)
I'm going to message the reddit admins
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 06:30 PM
btw I did miss the reason why did we initiate the ice vote ban?`
RaptorJesus 24-Jun-18 06:32 PM
Creating fake drama
He lied about breaking up with his girlfriend for views
lied to his fans
and so we initiated a vote on it because creating fake drama is against sub rules
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 06:36 PM
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 08:05 PM
why is ice called ding ding
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 08:30 PM
I'm not sure who did the CSS changes but getting a lot of questions as to why downvoting was disabled
I think it's a decent idea though
Browsing with subreddit style on though 🤢
Punk 24-Jun-18 08:33 PM
isn't it downvoting for people who aren't subscribed?
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 08:33 PM
Think that's what Chan/Natt put in
Punk 24-Jun-18 08:46 PM
now that ice is banned, did we want to look at curating youtube clips again?
or fuck it dood
Doctor Bread 24-Jun-18 08:48 PM
Have you noticed an issue with them? Or you mean just open it up wide
Cause there are still people who post to their own clip channels and whatnot
Ocypode 24-Jun-18 09:10 PM
Ice wasn't the problem with youtube clips, it was the self promoters
RaptorJesus 24-Jun-18 11:13 PM
All the self promoters were posting ice shit though
Also he’s called Ding Ding because that’s Aliens pet name for him from the leaked texts
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 02:24 AM
https://mod.reddit.com/mail/all/46hq1 Also interesting, I recommend checking it out
Looks like the couple giving Sam/Ice the streamer house might be doing it in exchange for publicity for something they're pushing, and doing shit like that fake sex phone call with the husband in the background for views
I don't usually buy in to these autism detective conspiracies but it seems fairly simple to understand
Homer thinks the call was pretty fucking fake
ImNATT 25-Jun-18 09:31 AM
They're spamming people who comment on the sub.
Should be reportable to the admins.
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 09:34 AM
Oh my god theyre going low
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 09:38 AM
so has anyone actually PMed the admins already?
ImNATT 25-Jun-18 09:39 AM
I don't think so
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 09:40 AM
okay ill hit them with some of the proof we got here and ask them to find out whether this account (DeceptionDetector) is made to troll livefails into getting banned or if its an alt by a livefails mod
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 09:40 AM
shouldn't we make an announcement post about all this shit, it's getting ridiculous how far they're willing to go for their subreddit
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 09:41 AM
that too
i think for the time being i'm still willing to cut them some slack, after all this sub had a similar relationship to /r/livestramfailS if i'm not mistaken? cant remember 100% what happened
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 09:42 AM
Like people might actually believe that this is under twitch's control and we're censoring EVERYTHING which is stupid, people need to know it's just a bunch of ice fans who are bipolar about loving and hating ice and now they're at their love stage and are mad that theres no ice clips in LSF
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 09:42 AM
but i still want to be clear in front of everyone that what they're doing right now is not okay
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 09:43 AM
I mean sure go ahead and keep your subreddit but now that they're actually making bots to PM people who comment on LSF is fucking pathethic
and then it'll be just like "LOL TWITCH MODS AT LSF ARE SCARED"
ImNATT 25-Jun-18 09:44 AM
Wanna write something up?
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 09:45 AM
For sure I want someone whos good at it, I'm not
ImNATT 25-Jun-18 09:46 AM
That's @Doctor Bread
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 09:47 AM
I'm working on the /r/reddit.com PM, ill post it here and use some kind of derivation for the announcement
if you guys could link me some of the screenshots from the last few days that would be great, not sure about scrolling through everything
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 09:58 AM
ImNATT 25-Jun-18 10:00 AM
That's the PM they're sending. I don't know if there were other screenshots yesterday that I didn't see. (edited)
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 10:01 AM
included that
want me to included that as well? just to show that the sub is run by twitch mods that are salty about us banning their streamers (motive)
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 10:02 AM
No that's not how it is
ImNATT 25-Jun-18 10:03 AM
I don't think the reddit admins care about stuff like that
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 10:03 AM
Those people there are the creators of the subreddit
coggins and sateD
And they're just clipping shit from mitch so they can have clips from "random streamers other than ice" (edited)
And in the last imgur its showing the logs of mitch's chat
And how they visited it just to say some lovey dovey stuff how they love mitch and livefails is best
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 10:09 AM
yeah i dont feel like i'm in the loop enough for this then
i mean if i'm the only one willing to contact the admins already nothing is gonna get done
ImNATT 25-Jun-18 10:11 AM
Doctor Bread can write something up then. He was here the whole time.
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 10:11 AM
yeah i hope so

I'm a moderator of /r/LivestreamFail contacting you about a recent development in our community which led to a part of it splitting off and creating a separate subreddit, that is now actively brigading us and harassing users into using their subreddit instead. We have just received modmails from people commenting on our subreddit that were messaged by a new user, /u/DeceptionDetector with various false allegations and slander-like comments about our moderation team. Here's some proof of that:




Furthermore, here are some pieces of evidence that point towards the ice_poseidon (a streamer who was recently banned from our subreddit for faking content for attention/views) community brigading and manipulating votes on our subreddit, along with a compilation of posts on /new at one point caused by said manipulation



Here's the announcement post on their subreddit:

just for the links
(didnt sent it)
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 10:12 AM
I'm still against unbanning mitch, imo would be better to just revert his ban and either keep him banned or put up a vote
Its not only ice viewers being against it, and it was the userbase that wanted him gone
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 10:13 AM
lol i just love `the mod team has unanimously chosen to unban these streamers`
but hey, if its worth the backlash
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 10:13 AM
Oh if you're doing the ice brigading thing, I have some links from when they talked about the ban ice poll on their sub
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 10:14 AM
yeah just put everything here and pin it for bread later on
Pinned a message.
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 10:14 AM
Gotta weed out the threads just talking about it and not urging people to vote
ImNATT 25-Jun-18 10:16 AM
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 10:19 AM
good lawd
ImNATT 25-Jun-18 10:19 AM
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 10:19 AM
Pinned a message.
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 10:19 AM
every single thread linking to our vote
and/or telling people to vote
Ice's sub banned for brigading when
I can do the admin message thing instead of doc
that way we can do it right now
👍 1
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 10:22 AM
gotta use the full message form cus of subject drop down
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 10:24 AM
I might make it pretty and [shorten](links)
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 10:24 AM
damn, thats fancy
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 10:24 AM
but idk what to call them
Link 1
Link 2
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 10:25 AM
maybe use a quote from the post/comment
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 10:25 AM
Good idea
this is shit evidence imo
we have better stuff to show them (edited)
will add in the end, after the good evidences
HalfOfAKebab 25-Jun-18 10:40 AM
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 10:40 AM
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 10:41 AM
👍 1
HalfOfAKebab 25-Jun-18 10:42 AM
looks good
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 10:42 AM
I might remove the ice poseidon context
the one in ( )
because who cares 🤷
HalfOfAKebab 25-Jun-18 10:42 AM
yeah good point
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 10:42 AM
maybe just shrink it
HalfOfAKebab 25-Jun-18 10:42 AM
keep it short and sweet
no excessive details
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 10:43 AM
to a streamer recently banned etc
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 10:43 AM
yeah that was me
your call
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 10:43 AM
ur gay
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 10:45 AM
send it dood
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 10:45 AM
changed streamer to livestreamer because I don't know if hipsters knows what are streamers
Anything else should be added?
Oh god
If admins check my profile
they gonna see sum dick
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 10:46 AM
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 10:46 AM
I hope whoever reviews our message likes them cocks (edited)
ImNATT 25-Jun-18 10:47 AM
I don't know what else could be added. Just send it and we'll go from there.
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 10:47 AM
Also ban mitch
horrible backlash
ImNATT 25-Jun-18 10:49 AM
I won't stand in your way
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 10:50 AM
Going to wait for doc so he can edit his sticky while I post a new one with the vote
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 11:03 AM
Do we?
the sticky
ImNATT 25-Jun-18 11:04 AM
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 11:04 AM
yeah its at 30 fucking percent i think
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 11:04 AM
Anything else?
I can hit him up with a
with this link then say I'll talk to the other mods
ImNATT 25-Jun-18 11:04 AM
we had to put the AutoMod rule in
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 11:04 AM
oh yeah pretty much every comment mentioning livefails probably
there has to be something that received votes after it was removed
that would be the ideal
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 11:06 AM
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 11:11 AM
oh yeah and ask them to investigate DeceptionDetector to see if its an alt account by livefails mods (edited)
HalfOfAKebab 25-Jun-18 11:57 AM
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 12:04 PM
@here what the fuck
exciting night, lol
So what still needs to be done?
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 12:05 PM
some kind of announcement in regard to livefails i guess (edited)
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 12:06 PM
Uhhhh like posting all the brigading and such?
And that deceptiondetector?
I could make it really scathing and juicy
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 12:13 PM
uhh as long as its not witchhunt-y
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 12:13 PM
I just don't know what the point would be, just to remind people how shitty Ice's community is?
"If you're wondering why he's still banned, here's why" lol
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 12:13 PM
alright then dont do it ^^
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 12:14 PM
I mean I could, dunno if it would make us look better, or could just make a post saying we're handling the botting spam / brigading issue
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 12:14 PM
lets jsut wait out the admin response
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 12:15 PM
I could go through the sticky thread and reeapprove every comment
That isn't blatant advertising
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 12:16 PM
Wait on the admins, maybe they will give us something worth showing the community
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 12:18 PM
Come on based admins
LiveFails shutdown
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 12:24 PM
Powertrip andy
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 12:24 PM
Ice false flagger
Look at his history lol
My boyfriend needed a megathread, soda needs one too
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 12:25 PM
just what.
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 12:25 PM
Also he's been banned before for harassing other people, think I forgot to tag him
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 12:26 PM
you know i cringe at pretty much every comment at the livefails stickes but gj on giving them ammo to talk shit about us
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 12:26 PM
Ice fans making dumb requests threads since they're upset can fuck right off
That guy is a troll and a tool
The main ammo right now is that shitshow of an unban announcement, shoulda just let people talk about livefails but not link to it directly
But it's probably too late to fix that now, but they'll kill themselves in time either way
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 12:28 PM
wait i got something for u lmao
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 12:29 PM
Whatchu got
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 12:29 PM
1 sec
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 12:29 PM
I was thinking of going back through and reeapproving the comments on the megathread, but it probably doesn't matter at this point
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 12:30 PM
Yeah I saw that, lol
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 12:30 PM
already tearing each other appart, love it
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 12:30 PM
That fatman guy is weird, he's been posting there but he sent a modmail in the other day with a bunch of info and stuff
And I think he watches Ice
I'm not sure what the hell his game is, lol
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 12:30 PM
yeah we'll see
just waiting for someone to spill discord convos and we gucci
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 12:31 PM
Hope that account gets banned lol
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 12:33 PM
@Doctor Bread
You should hit up the admins about people mentioning you to harass
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 12:34 PM
im dying
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 12:34 PM
the doxxing threats, lol
i got a lot of pms too
RaptorJesus 25-Jun-18 12:35 PM
At least i'm not the most hated mod now
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 12:35 PM
I should have let you post the unban announcement, lol
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 12:36 PM
ill take the next bullet since nobody knows me
btw if someone finds a link to the site that shows removed comments throw it here ill blacklist the URL
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 12:39 PM
Its >6 links, imo not worth doing that
RaptorJesus 25-Jun-18 12:39 PM
Punk 25-Jun-18 02:17 PM
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 02:19 PM
Just to be clear, through all of this, I don't give two fucks if Cx retards hate us and all fuck off to LiveFails, please do
I don't want the rest of the community to get upset though
The more reasonable people
I only feel bad when reasonable people have actual concerns / get upset (edited)
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 02:22 PM
Like is it actually trolling or are they serious about us being twitch staff
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 02:22 PM
How do I reach out to Twitch staff to start getting paid? 🤔
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 02:23 PM
I wanna know that too, everyones saying I can get paid moderating on LSF
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 02:24 PM
I'm the only one getting paid, you are all getting jewed by me
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 02:26 PM
fucking knew it
I'm gonna become an ice fan and show all these discord messages and you're all FUKD
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 02:30 PM
What should I name my alt account to try and astroturf livefails / post old clips of mitch to make him look bad?
I know, enza_denino69
Those stupid LSF mods will never realize it
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 02:31 PM
why would you post old mitch clips
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 02:31 PM
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 02:32 PM
/s (edited)
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 02:32 PM
There's a discord with 150 people dedicated to harassing mitch
I'm getting someone to send me the logs / user list right now
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 02:32 PM
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 02:32 PM
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 02:33 PM
Think people from /r/bitchjones, they only exist to harass him
They want to make him kill himself
This is one of the main dudes
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 02:41 PM
how pathetic do you have to be
to actually devote your life to that
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 02:43 PM
mods subreddit
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 03:16 PM
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 03:35 PM
Whelp, the bitchjones discord was a bust
I banned a few the other day like that guy in the pic and they got scared and kicked everybody
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 03:36 PM
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 03:39 PM
I think I'll gloat
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 03:39 PM
NA sting
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 03:41 PM
It's a dead end, but it'd be fun to scare him
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 03:45 PM
dont be a woman
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 03:45 PM
But it's funny, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 03:45 PM
do a
"why did you kick me from the discord"
or something like that
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 03:46 PM
From my main reddit account?
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 03:46 PM
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 03:46 PM
"Why did you kick me from the BitchJones Discord?"
See if he realizes the username, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 03:47 PM
be sarcastic
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 03:47 PM
Like what?
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 03:47 PM
add some :((( or whatever
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 03:53 PM
PM'd me this after I banned him yesterday
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 03:58 PM
What a fucking idiot
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 04:01 PM
He doesn't notice my username LOL
He kicked diamond dick, the leak though, lol
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 04:03 PM
Do we let this go through or does it fall under doxxing and harrassment
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 04:03 PM
Prob just remove it, let amouranth be done with
That Alinity shit carried on for way too long (edited)
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 04:04 PM
I mean it's literally doxxing someone found her house and it belongs to that asian guys parents
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 04:04 PM
Yeah that's too much
holy shit
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 04:06 PM
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 04:06 PM
don't join it with your accounts lol
im going in
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 04:06 PM
join with a alt
u cunt
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 04:06 PM
ImNATT 25-Jun-18 04:06 PM
How fucking dumb are they?
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 04:07 PM
fuck they kciked me before the exporter was done
ImNATT 25-Jun-18 04:12 PM
Regarding that Amouranth thread :
They don't even need to dox her
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 04:13 PM
That guy looks like CGI
He should set up a instagram page
ImNATT 25-Jun-18 04:13 PM
That Name btw. Stan Stanart
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 04:13 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 04:13 PM
Peter Parker
idk any more hero names
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 04:14 PM
i only know his son, stanley "stan" stanart, born in stansted, stanistan (edited)
new livefails mod btw
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 04:17 PM
Nice subreddit btw
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 04:18 PM
oh my what a surprise
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 04:19 PM
If you guys see any old submissions of Mitch making him look bad, just remove them and ban the account, cause that discord is trying to brigade LSF in full force. I'd check anyone's history uploading Mitch clips, or if it's a fresh account
Not fair to him, even if he did fuck up in the past
ImNATT 25-Jun-18 04:23 PM
Did you get anything useful out of the discord?
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 04:23 PM
No, I didn't have time to set a grab date for the exporter, and it was taking forever
Got kicked before it finished, then they killed the invite 😦
Think he finally noticed my reddit name, fucking idiot lol
Don't worry about them being sneaky or anything, they're 50 IQ squad
But they had like 150 people and kicked out everyone, there's like 20 left, that unidentified guy was shook as fuck
Telling people to watch out for brigading
While being a discord meant to brigade mitch
ImNATT 25-Jun-18 04:25 PM
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 04:25 PM
I've got a hold of Mitch and Mira btw
I'll talk to them
👍 1
If Mitch figures out how to use his social media other than twitter at least 🙄
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 04:43 PM
what in the fuck
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 04:44 PM
The activity never ceases
RaptorJesus 25-Jun-18 05:04 PM
LiveFails is already dying
400 online
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 05:06 PM
I doubt it's people leaving LSF, aside from the few rabid Ice fans, mostly just people heading there from Ice_Poseidon
They'll forget about it within 3 days
Or admins will ban them, even better
ImNATT 25-Jun-18 05:14 PM
I'll leave the account age filter for the comments in. It proved unexpectedly useful yesterday and from my observations there weren't many legitimate comments being filtered.
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 05:15 PM
There's a few dudes I've had to approve all of their comments individually
Catches a lot of trolls though
It'd be nice if once you approved one comment from a new account, it would automatically let them through for the rest of their comments
Don't think automod is that deep though
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 05:19 PM
Will that stop them in the future though if they get caught by the nigger filter, for example?
ImNATT 25-Jun-18 05:20 PM
If you're on that list your exempt from AutoMod altogether.
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 05:20 PM
hmmm I guess I could add people I see then remove em later
That works
ImNATT 25-Jun-18 05:21 PM
You need to keep a list or something though. Nobody belongs on that list.
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 05:21 PM
I'll just check it every few days to see if people got over the week threshold
ImNATT 25-Jun-18 05:22 PM
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 05:22 PM
Oh man that pic <a:gachiBASS:393783427176071170>
ImNATT 25-Jun-18 05:22 PM
lol wut
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 05:23 PM
Someone haven't seen their 18th birthday yet
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 05:25 PM
Oh hmm, if you add someone to the approved submitter list it modmails them (edited)
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 05:25 PM
>Praying to a goat instead of the frog
thats why it won't work
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 05:25 PM
Awkward, lol
RaptorJesus 25-Jun-18 05:36 PM
@here I have Intel
Ice owns LiveFails.com and the subreddit using his mods to front it
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 05:36 PM
RaptorJesus 25-Jun-18 05:36 PM
I’m going to be exposing this shit tonight
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 05:36 PM
Wasn't that obvious?
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 05:36 PM
fucking hope so
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 05:36 PM
What did you expose or confirm?
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 05:36 PM
thats crazy
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 05:36 PM
or what's the proof rather
RaptorJesus 25-Jun-18 05:37 PM
Domain registration info
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 05:37 PM
RaptorJesus 25-Jun-18 05:37 PM
I’m gonna call namecheap and record myself asking about my domain
Ie Ices website and LiveFails
jammy 25-Jun-18 05:38 PM
does he actually lol
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 05:39 PM
Server down
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 05:39 PM
whois it
RaptorJesus 25-Jun-18 05:39 PM
Registered same company as each other
Gonna reverse lookup their cloud flair info
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 05:41 PM
Did you find it out yourself or someone tip you off?
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 05:43 PM
but the site is whois protected
how did you get the registration info?
jammy 25-Jun-18 05:44 PM
does the name Ciaran Langton ring a bell
cause the domain livefails.com seems to be on the same cloudflare nameservers as this person's domain(s)
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 05:44 PM
@jammy speaks
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 05:44 PM
jammy 25-Jun-18 05:44 PM
@Ciaran#0001 in Ice's discord
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 05:45 PM
hes ice's botguy
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 05:45 PM
good lawd
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 05:45 PM
Good job though jammy, coming up big
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 05:45 PM
But then again, british
either 20yo or 50yo
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 05:46 PM
can't see, can you screenshot?
need a linkedin
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 05:46 PM
jammy 25-Jun-18 05:46 PM
i doubt a 50 year old guy is spamming a shitty version of cmonbruh in ice's discord
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 05:46 PM
I think you'd be surprised
Ice has some old fans
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 05:47 PM
it is him
140IQ using his facebook pic
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 05:47 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 05:47 PM
I dont fuck with that
jammy 25-Jun-18 05:48 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 05:48 PM
fucking normalfag
RaptorJesus 25-Jun-18 05:49 PM
Both SSLs registered with cloudflare
10 days apart
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 05:49 PM
Ez <a:Clap:398941716427571210>
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 05:50 PM
Help me out, do they look the same?
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 05:50 PM
hair vs no hair
RaptorJesus 25-Jun-18 05:50 PM
Def same
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 05:50 PM
Ciaran Leahy is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Ciaran Leahy and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.
there you go then
jammy 25-Jun-18 05:51 PM
ssl registration date doesn't really matter with cloudflare
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 05:51 PM
wheres our facebook guy (edited)
jammy 25-Jun-18 05:51 PM
CF rotates SSL certs all the time since they're shared (edited)
RaptorJesus 25-Jun-18 05:51 PM
ah makes sense
I wonder if i could get a friend who works at CF to give me info... lmao
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 05:52 PM
its CF, find a gay guy and flirt with him
jammy 25-Jun-18 05:52 PM
i mean we already know who owns the domain so i doubt they would give you much more info
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 05:53 PM
why do people post their city and work address on facebook
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 05:53 PM
too old to be afraid of doxxing
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 05:53 PM
Oh yeah forgot about you
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 05:53 PM
or rather too ignorant
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 05:53 PM
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 05:53 PM
RaptorJesus 25-Jun-18 05:55 PM
So the domains are owned by the same guy
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 05:56 PM
@RaptorJesus Were you gonna post it from your account, or make an alt and post all this?
RaptorJesus 25-Jun-18 05:57 PM
I need to figure out more information first
I want a full expose
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 05:57 PM
I just wondered what angle you were going for, if it would be like "rando on LSF leaks this shit" or "In response to censorship complaints during unban thread"
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 05:57 PM
Journalism btw
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 05:58 PM
Im goodest riter
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 05:58 PM
better to post on livefails pretending to be an icefag
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 05:58 PM
Should leak that other thing that guy sent in
about Ice scripting content
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 05:58 PM
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 05:58 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 06:00 PM
weak, when will they bring in the dox and shit
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 06:00 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII Oops, probably shouldn't make your location so obvious bud.
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 06:00 PM
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 06:01 PM
I think that's gonna be my new flair, thanks Mankindin6
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 06:02 PM
I ruined my sleep schedule
Someone defending athene's scam
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 06:03 PM
Nice try Athene
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 06:04 PM
is that 5 crypto subs?
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 06:04 PM
He's gotta plug his currency somewhere
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 06:05 PM
I don't remember posting on pcmasterrace
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 06:10 PM
@jammy can you post a full picture of that lookup you did to find ciara langton?
jammy 25-Jun-18 06:10 PM
what lookup
the nameservers?
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 06:10 PM
jammy 25-Jun-18 06:11 PM
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 06:11 PM
Oh, I was just looking to show proof of which nameservers you were looking up (I don't know shit about this though)
I'll just post the small thing then
RaptorJesus 25-Jun-18 06:12 PM
@jammy my cloudflare guy confirmed its swapped yearly
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 06:17 PM
Jesus christ
6,823 Likes, 738 Comments - mati (@mat.i) on Instagram: “i want a foreign lil bitch ! she put it all in her mouth 🍒”
wait wrong chat
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 06:21 PM
I'm putting all that proof together, I'll post it here and you can use it
Wife is making me spend time with her first though
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 06:21 PM
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 06:22 PM
Also she came down right as you posted that Chan
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 06:23 PM
Good thing she completely ignored the huge tits up there
ImNATT 25-Jun-18 06:32 PM
One of my subs just got this
RaptorJesus 25-Jun-18 06:33 PM
We got that a month ago fuck enabling that shit
HalfOfAKebab 25-Jun-18 06:33 PM
yeah one of mine got that ages ago
fuck that
RaptorJesus 25-Jun-18 06:34 PM
We have to instantly ban @ChanmanVXXIII from it so he doesnt start talking to all the underaged boys
HalfOfAKebab 25-Jun-18 06:35 PM
yeah look at his profile pic and everything
fucking weirdo
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 06:35 PM
You cunts are the stupid ones, they aren't underage if they are 16 years old
I'll flirt with all icefags
HalfOfAKebab 25-Jun-18 06:37 PM
>over 16 years old
pick one
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 06:37 PM
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 06:48 PM
wait did we just dox ice poseidons bot guy
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 06:48 PM
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 06:48 PM
btw wasnt that the guy who built in some kind of crypto miner into something
into the merch site or some shit
ah no that was someone else
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 06:49 PM
Did you see Ciara had all of his accounts linked? To like everything
I feel weird calling a man Ciaran
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 06:56 PM
@RaptorJesus Ciaran is pretty open as a moderator on LiveFails, is the problem just that he runs all bots and websites for Ice? And that they try to sell the subreddit as unbiased?
RaptorJesus 25-Jun-18 06:58 PM
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 06:58 PM
Or is it that they registered LiveFails.com and that they're gonna probably try and push people there to grow Ice's brand?
RaptorJesus 25-Jun-18 06:58 PM
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 06:58 PM
Option 1: Official Announcement
Title: In response to censorship complaints on unban thread
Yesterday, there was a lot of feedback in the unban thread, and many posts were removed by the mod team. Most of it was LiveFails related, and either prompting users to visit it, or just discussion. The reason we took such a heavy approach with removals is because LiveFails and LiveFails.com are owned by Ice_Poseidon, and we didn’t want to encourage people to visit a clearly influenced subreddit, created only to plug his brand, and in retaliation to Ice being banned from LivestreamFail.

Below is the proof, with explanations regarding each of the images.

[After searching, the domain livefails.com seems to be on the same CloudFlare nameservers as this person's domain(s).]( https://imgur.com/a/TwwBy9g)

Now, who is this person?

[Mod of LiveFails](https://www.reddit.com/user/CiaranLango)

[Commended on Ice’s Discord, he runs the bots for all of Ice’s communities, including LiveFails]( https://imgur.com/wHChdkJ) (edited)
RaptorJesus 25-Jun-18 06:59 PM
We dont need to rush this
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 06:59 PM
thats gay
RaptorJesus 25-Jun-18 06:59 PM
i want to connect him directly to ices influence
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 06:59 PM
and literally doxing (edited)
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 07:00 PM
I know, that's why I said don't actually put all of that, lol
You could take out his facebook/linkedin honestly
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 07:00 PM
only worth messing with that if it was done as a ice guy
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 07:00 PM
But if you see his reddit account he's pretty open about running their bot and whatnot
I'm just not sure what the angle is, I mean it's obviously Ice controlled, I think just exposing LiveFails..com would be the main thing, no?
I'm not sure
"LiveFails is a front to try and get people to LiveFails.com, a site run solely for Ice's brand and profit"
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 07:04 PM
I dont think theres any yet
Right now we should wait on the admins, likely hear them saying how there was only minor brigading and they contacted the ice's mods about containing future comments inciting brigading
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 07:05 PM
Keep your hopes up though
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 07:07 PM
The least I want is the admins confirming they did brigade
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 07:08 PM
I've seen probably 20 threads on Ice's sub asking to brigade LSF, not good enough proof though
I don't know what crosses the line
Or if it has to be mod sanctioned or left up for a long time
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 07:09 PM
The subs I saw being banned, it was mostly the mods allowing the thread to stay on the front page
I dont think directly linking is needed to get the hammer
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 07:10 PM
I don't know how an admin would sift through that shit sub, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 07:11 PM
Here's hoping the admin reviewing is either: black, woman, gay, trans or non-white
So it becomes personal
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 07:11 PM
Mention that people are doxxing me
and im trans (edited)
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 07:11 PM
what if its an ice fan
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 07:11 PM
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 07:23 PM
you know i hate to say it but there's some things i really want to steal from livefails
(design wise)
just the platform and streamer icons really
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 07:30 PM
Their auto flairing bot is better too
But I guess that's just automod stuff
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 07:30 PM
RaptorJesus 25-Jun-18 07:34 PM
Are you a redditor who’s tired of PUBG car flip clips as livestream fails? Then try https://t.co/KRqlcBT5uj for all the best and actual livestreamfails!

If you’re wondering why not just use my Reddit, it’s because this is ONLY for clips and nothing else.
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 07:35 PM
No way
RaptorJesus 25-Jun-18 07:35 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 07:37 PM
Linked the wrong sub
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 07:38 PM
Did he just kill 2 subs with one tweet
The madman
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 07:40 PM
Holy shit
HalfOfAKebab 25-Jun-18 07:48 PM
wow, looks like his own sub is actually gonna get worse
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 07:48 PM
Surely we can do something with that tweet, no?
HalfOfAKebab 25-Jun-18 07:48 PM
what do you mean?
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 07:48 PM
Btw this is a competitor to https://t.co/HQidO6gB5I not a replacement to my subreddit.
I like how he mentioned it after
HalfOfAKebab 25-Jun-18 07:49 PM
as if it wasn't obvious 🤔
cool though, a tweet that just promotes us
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 07:49 PM
Cause it's definitely not an Ice shill sub
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 07:49 PM
Our redirect sub has 500 people online
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 07:50 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 07:50 PM
Literally sending 500 views to our main sub
HalfOfAKebab 25-Jun-18 07:50 PM
cheers lad
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 08:09 PM
wait who of you runs the twitter lmao
When you get banned for creating fake drama by your own community and your giant ego and fear of not having control makes you create a subreddit for clips completely controlled by your own moderators and a LSF mod that got kicked for trying to leech you via Twitter DMs.

im fucking dying
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 08:11 PM
All those Icefags in response to that tweet
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 08:13 PM
can you go to the livefails discord with your alt?
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 08:14 PM
Yeah, and do what?
RaptorJesus 25-Jun-18 08:14 PM
EZ Impressions lads
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 08:14 PM
Alright I used to be against just Ice's community
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 08:14 PM
get some more evidence about vote manipulation maybe
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 08:14 PM
But fuck that shekel goblin directly
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 08:15 PM
Ice made you btw
I got cancer from reading the replies in that tweet
Punk 25-Jun-18 08:20 PM
Alright whoever's tweeting is losing steam
Should've shitposted more
RaptorJesus 25-Jun-18 08:21 PM
I'm trying to rack up impressions
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 08:22 PM
Could say something about how our subreddit grew 3x the normal rate the day we banned him
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 08:22 PM
Ice is gonna sue us btw
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 08:22 PM
but gotta screenshot the traffic thing
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 08:23 PM
im fucking dying
RaptorJesus 25-Jun-18 08:25 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 08:26 PM
imagine my shock when reading meep attacking ip2
RaptorJesus 25-Jun-18 08:26 PM
Lets create an announcement linking to IP2
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 08:27 PM
6/7/18 being the day we banned him
6/6 the poll
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 08:29 PM
anyone else getting a 503 on reddit right now
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 08:30 PM
yeah not loading
banned <a:monka:398449312629260298>
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 08:30 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 08:30 PM
I'm fine over here
get fucked NA cucks
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 08:30 PM
im in fucking austria
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 08:30 PM
im eu you cuck
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 08:31 PM
get fucked hitlerland and stabbing of peace continent
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 08:31 PM
can we copystrike chanman like right naow (edited)
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 08:44 PM
yeah i feel like imma miss something juicy if i go to sleep right now
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 08:49 PM
They are like cult members
Dunno why I didn't realize it sooner
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 08:51 PM
They removed downvote button https://i.imgur.com/4o5Sthu.png
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 08:52 PM
What is css off
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 09:11 PM
Ugh, are all those retards finally gone
LiveFails and Ice_Poseidon are the death of intelligence
All those delusional mods thinking Ice has no power
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 09:17 PM
Let me spoonfeed you
-Ice breaks up with caroline, it creates drama, gets posted on the subreddit
-Months later info comes out that he faked a breakup with caroline, also known as faking drama
-Vote goes up on whether or not to ban him for it
yae or nae
RaptorJesus 25-Jun-18 09:17 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 09:23 PM
Dgc triggered
I'm done memeing general, going back to /pol/ where people are more understanding and less toxic
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 09:32 PM
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 09:32 PM
bunch of incels
I'm out
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 09:32 PM
aw fuck
I got a 1 day ban from pol
just because I posted jessi slaughter
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 09:33 PM
oh god
why'd you do that
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 09:33 PM
replying to a loli poster
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 09:34 PM
consequences will never be the same man
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 09:34 PM
true there, did you see how shes doing nowdays?
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 09:34 PM
No idea
bet shes fat and depressed
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 09:35 PM
she's genderfluid, dating a transwoman
she is also transabled
and yeah, overweight is a given
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 09:35 PM
wtf are those even
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 09:35 PM
also transabled = uses a wheelchair
not because she needs
also she uses clutches
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 09:35 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 09:36 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 09:36 PM
She claims she cant walk too much because shes got made-up-name disease
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 09:37 PM
just fat and lazy like me
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 09:37 PM
iirc its the one where the docs give you when theres nothing wrong with you but you say you're hurting
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 09:37 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 09:37 PM
I gotta find the word because its useful on the internet
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 09:37 PM
that shit was so weird
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 09:38 PM
"Widespread muscle pain and tenderness"
HalfOfAKebab 25-Jun-18 09:38 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 09:38 PM
literally the description
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 09:38 PM
I have that
HalfOfAKebab 25-Jun-18 09:38 PM
That has to be an actual mental disease
That's fucking retarded
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 09:38 PM
the fuck am I reading
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 09:38 PM
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 09:38 PM
anyway I'm out, gn
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 09:39 PM
also she did some "18 birthday" nude pack on tumblr, she was fat
HalfOfAKebab 25-Jun-18 09:39 PM
How do I delete a person
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 09:39 PM
yall wanna see some roast beef
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 09:39 PM
is this about the famous hacker fourth chen ive heard so much about
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 09:39 PM
Ocypode 25-Jun-18 09:39 PM
show me one last beef before bed
HalfOfAKebab 25-Jun-18 09:39 PM
Let's see it chanboi
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 09:40 PM
I googled the pics and saw the illegal ones
google wtf
HalfOfAKebab 25-Jun-18 09:40 PM
What is it
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 09:40 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 09:41 PM
during her fame she posted her nudes, she was like 12? or whatever
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 09:41 PM
HalfOfAKebab 25-Jun-18 09:41 PM
What did you Google, just so I know not to Google it
Oh 12
Who actually is this
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 09:42 PM
posting high quality ones
HalfOfAKebab 25-Jun-18 09:43 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 09:43 PM
wtf internet
do your thing
her fat 18yo ones
you pedo
tell me you saw it so I can delete
HalfOfAKebab 25-Jun-18 09:45 PM
Unfortunately I saw it
Who is this person and why is she famous
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 09:45 PM
I think I need an adult
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 09:46 PM
Oh dude
she made videos back when she was 11yo, like in 2009~2010
acting all gangsta
the internet called her bluff, her father came to defend her, said the cyber police would get us
because he backtraced us
and that consequences will never be the same
HalfOfAKebab 25-Jun-18 09:47 PM
OH SHIT I remember that video
Classic meme
But why is she famous now
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 09:48 PM
No idea, 4chans been having some threads about her
so it kinda spreads out, I guess (edited)
HalfOfAKebab 25-Jun-18 09:48 PM
How old is she now
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 09:49 PM
Oh did you guys see Chris chan being kicked out of an event for sexual harassment?
she is 21 I think
HalfOfAKebab 25-Jun-18 09:49 PM
I did nit
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 09:49 PM
He tried to kiss/hug random people, not letting them go
then had a meltdown when the staff came to kick him out (edited)
HalfOfAKebab 25-Jun-18 09:52 PM
Seems like a good human
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 09:52 PM
@here doxxing threats in general
For all mods
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 09:53 PM
Ok now I'm leaving
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 10:04 PM
Every time I try to leave, something funny happens
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 10:05 PM
I'm gonna ban that meep dude again, I shouldn't have unbanned him when natt permad
fucking retard wasted all my fucking time
actually mad
Punk 25-Jun-18 10:05 PM
eh keep him unbanned
he's just a retard
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 10:06 PM
I didn't say anything damning in our PM's, can ban him again
fuck it
Fucking victim ice fans
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 10:06 PM
no banning my boy meep
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 10:06 PM
Chaman confirmed Ice shill
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 10:14 PM
@Doctor Bread
I removed a ban on paulasap guy, you hit him with the perma after he ching chong'd a lilypichu post
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 10:14 PM
I thought I unbanned him
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 10:14 PM
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 10:14 PM
Or did like a week
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 10:14 PM
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 10:14 PM
Cause I think he asked me and I thought I did
Sometimes my 7 key doesn't work, that might be why
Scuffed keyboard
RaptorJesus 25-Jun-18 10:30 PM
damn i didnt know 4chan bullied jessi slaughter into a wheel chair thats insane
thats power
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 10:33 PM
imo both sides fucked up
4chan just took advantage of easy entertainment and it just accidentally became more enjoyable than expected
ChanmanVXXIII 25-Jun-18 10:33 PM
trolling a kid pretending to be gangsta is pretty funny
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 10:34 PM
Lol godbless Molestor
Jisifus 25-Jun-18 10:35 PM
gimme a couple of pings if our pii actually pops up somewhere
It's 4 30 now, gonna try and sleep cya
Doctor Bread 25-Jun-18 11:55 PM
Raptor, Diamond Dick wanted to know if you could still get in touch with discord about getting that BitchJones discord taken down / people banned (edited)
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 12:09 AM
Oh, he's salty you linked to I_P2
Punk 26-Jun-18 12:16 AM
who banned miss?
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 12:21 AM
I did, should I not have? They were fucking annoying @Punk
Punk 26-Jun-18 12:22 AM
eh I dunno
it's annoying that they bitch but they didn't really break rules
I prefer to ban rulebreakers
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 12:22 AM
Got sick of them popping in and out just to talk shit
Most of LiveFails is Neatclip, which is run by LivestreamFails
Or GGD, who I assume is with us
ImNATT 26-Jun-18 06:54 AM
Don't engage in Twitter drama. That's retarded. Just ignore him from now on.
Jisifus 26-Jun-18 08:34 AM
According to these guys I should have like 15 different sources of income only through this sub by now, where's my money at?
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 08:39 AM
I can't even
Jisifus 26-Jun-18 09:08 AM
Also he commented on a fucking neatclip post
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 10:41 AM
I saw you were having to manually remove some Live fails comments, so I added in that word, it might have some false positives, although "live fails" has been used only 3 times on the subreddit, before Ice made his sub
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 11:53 AM
we're still getting brigaded?
every new post at 30% or something upvotes
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 11:54 AM
Dude I've legit gotten like 150 PM's/mentions since the unban, lol
Ice turds will take any reason to brigade
Jisifus 26-Jun-18 12:07 PM
havent gotten a single one
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 12:29 PM
Admins havent replied to my stuff yet, besides the minor brigading meme
Also, feels so weird seeing a post with 8k upvotes, some time ago numbers like that would be because someone crossposted to Videos
Pretty nice to see we're reaching /r/all on our own
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 12:55 PM
People think I'm gonna kill myself since all the Ice fags are leaving and I have a reason to ban most of them
I just don't know how I'm gonna go on without Ice's community guys
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 01:07 PM
oh he dunked on those kids hard
nice replied to him aswell
i like that
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 01:46 PM
Yeah I banned that Draken guy the other day, any chance he has to shit on LSF / the mods / other users he takes it (edited)
He can take his crusade to LiveFails
What kind of awful person would shit on good guy dev
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 01:56 PM
That "LSF on suicide watch" post
All I can think about these past few days
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 02:16 PM
suicide watch
Jisifus 26-Jun-18 02:52 PM
jokes on them, ive been on suicide watch for the last 5 years
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 02:52 PM
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 03:47 PM
unbiased btw
Cx btw
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 04:08 PM
Can someone look at that one
It's got Ice in it, but I'm pretty sure EmmaFromTwitter isn't a big Ice supporter or anything
Nice clip though, shame really
RaptorJesus 26-Jun-18 04:09 PM
Just leave it
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 04:09 PM
Or I was gonna ask her to trim it? Cause there's gonna be a bunch of OMG ICE BAN IT NOW comments
From false flaggers, mostly
Punk 26-Jun-18 04:17 PM
yeah emmafromtwitter is a destiny buttfucker
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 04:17 PM
Ask her to trim it? I dunno, banned streamer reports rolling in
Punk 26-Jun-18 04:18 PM
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 04:18 PM
Lots of comments already, unfortunately
Punk 26-Jun-18 04:18 PM
just flair it "we'll allow this"
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 04:18 PM
Punk 26-Jun-18 04:18 PM
I think we can be a little more hands off on ice as long as he's not a clip's focal point
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 04:18 PM
Reeee mods can't follow their own rules
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 04:18 PM
I'll allow it
Punk 26-Jun-18 04:18 PM
if you want, feel free to sticky a comment
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 04:18 PM
Just flair it as 👀
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 04:18 PM
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 04:19 PM
Punk 26-Jun-18 04:19 PM
"ice is involved with a lot of shit, so as long as he's not the point of the clip, we'll let other Cx content slide"
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 04:19 PM
I already distuinguised one reply
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 04:19 PM
For the sam flexing post
Watch it and see if I should unban him
I won't put the post back up, it was trash anyways
Punk 26-Jun-18 04:19 PM
oh, I don't ban people for those clips
I just remove them
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 04:19 PM
Banned streamer though? 🤔
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 04:19 PM
Because I like the way the clip poster actually replied to people "Fine if the mods aren't, up to them"
Shows he has atleast somewhat of a brain
Punk 26-Jun-18 04:19 PM
yeah, I generally just remove posts for banned streamer
I don't care to ban for that one
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 04:20 PM
I just saw he was an ice fag so I assumed it was purposeful, but I guess i'll unban at least
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 04:21 PM
Let ice fans be furious now that we allow a clip that shows him for a while
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 04:21 PM
There ya go
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 04:22 PM
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 04:23 PM
"Remove a clip because it shows ice just a bit = FUCKING NAZI BIASED MODS."
And then theres the opposite, don't remove clip even though ice is in it https://i.imgur.com/NN42E0k.png
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 04:26 PM
Punk 26-Jun-18 04:26 PM
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 04:26 PM
Take your post down @Ocypode
It just upsets people
Punk 26-Jun-18 04:26 PM
no no
lemme respond
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 04:26 PM
who cares
Punk 26-Jun-18 04:27 PM
leave that comment up
hold on
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 04:27 PM
let it upset
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 04:27 PM
Fine, you can get some fanmail
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 04:27 PM
I wanted to show atleast 1 decent person who doesn't fully shit on the mods
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 04:27 PM
Punk respond with

Ice Fans - Unban Ice
Also Ice Fans - Remove Ice Posts
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 04:28 PM
If you want your dick sucked just visit a escort website mate
No need to find someone on the subreddit
sarcasm btw
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 04:28 PM
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 04:32 PM
@Punk Is that how we're gonna do it?
Should probably all agree to that
Punk 26-Jun-18 04:32 PM
yeah, I'll leave it to your discretion though
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 04:32 PM
I won't put up that other dude's post since it was trash anyways
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 04:32 PM
I mean I think it's a good idea
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 04:32 PM
But ones that get traction
Punk 26-Jun-18 04:32 PM
just need to make the judgement call whether or not ice is a focal point
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 04:32 PM
Who took away my 👀 flair
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 04:32 PM
I think automod
not sure
I haven't touched it
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 04:34 PM
17 reports
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 04:34 PM
Found a way to farm mod actions
oh wow
Why did the flair change by itself (edited)
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 04:36 PM
Automod hates Ice
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 04:37 PM
It says when it was automod
nvm it doesnt
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 04:37 PM
Think a sticky comment on that post would be worthwhile? Like "We are in the process of doing a rules revamp / clarity update, we will be making the "banned streamer" rule more clear. Under the new rules, this post will be fine."
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 04:38 PM
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 04:38 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 04:38 PM
If anything, @ whoever still needs to check out the new rules so we can push a sticky about it
also ban mitch
Punk 26-Jun-18 04:38 PM
lol why are we banning mitch
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 04:39 PM
Mitch is fine dude
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 04:39 PM
Because I don't like undoing community vote without letting them choose 😡 (edited)
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 04:39 PM
I need to finish it but I've been busy
Punk 26-Jun-18 04:39 PM
mitch wasn't a community vote
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 04:39 PM
Yeah, that's why I wanted him unbanned, we choose to ban him to protect him from killing himself
The vote happened like 5 months earlier and nothing was done
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 04:40 PM
thread got like 10k+ points telling to ban him, only later on that happened
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 04:40 PM
I think they're still isolated decisions / incidents
There's been like 3 shitty clips of him playing fortnite that got removed for being mediocre, and the rest have been bitchjones group members
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 04:41 PM
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 04:41 PM
Even Mira seems a lot more normal now
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 04:41 PM
We have only a couple of screenshots of the bitchjones discord doing their thing, right?
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 04:42 PM
Yeah, program failed before they kicked me out after they invited me, feelsbad
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 04:42 PM
Might be useful to pin them, in case we end up needing it
You guys told mitch about that discord?
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 04:43 PM
Pinned a message.
Pinned a message.
I don't know if he knows, Diamond Dick and his other mods know though
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 04:44 PM
Then he might know about it by now
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 04:44 PM
He wanted to ask raptor to get in touch with discord again about getting it banned (edited)
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 04:44 PM
I checked molestor discord and realized ice's people are actually retarded
Its just a discord for people who quit watching Ice
They still watch the rest of the Cx people, just not Ice and his yes men
Wow this japanese game doesn't let me type in chinese
Talk about racism
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 04:48 PM
Filthy Chinese dog
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 04:48 PM
It literally ignores my input, but japanese goes through just fine
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 04:48 PM
Prob cause they're two completely different keyboard languages (edited)
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 04:49 PM
It lets korean through
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 04:49 PM
Japan hates Korea too I'm pretty sure
Or Korea hates Japan, whichever had the comfort women
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 04:49 PM
Gonna try russian
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 04:55 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 04:56 PM
RaptorJesus 26-Jun-18 05:20 PM
Alright boys time to unban content king burger planet
Punk 26-Jun-18 05:21 PM
how about no
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 05:21 PM
I'd probably unban Athene and Cyberdemon before Burger
RaptorJesus 26-Jun-18 05:21 PM
#BurgerDidNothingWrong (edited)
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 05:22 PM
Did he get banned just because of Gengar?
RaptorJesus 26-Jun-18 05:22 PM
No he got banned because he scripted
But he also shit on Gengar
But that was way after the ban
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 05:22 PM
Yeah that one clip where he roasted him
I remember some dude posted Burger and I banned him
He responded with "Burger Planet is banned, this is Pizza Time"
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 05:26 PM
Do we yoink the flairs and have our own spin on it and also add a twitch-safe filter?
Maybe hiding nsfw/Cx
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 05:47 PM
Should give molestor his verified shitposter role
ImNATT 26-Jun-18 05:48 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII We could do that.
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 05:50 PM
what does a twitch safe filter entail?
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 05:53 PM
Just something basic, so people streaming can use it to hide NSFW/Banned people from appearing on stream, so it would remove hyphonix and the other Cx banned people
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 05:54 PM
Oooo gotcha
Implying Hyphonix gets clipped anymore
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 05:54 PM
Take out kitboga filter, add in Streamer Mode or whatever
ImNATT 26-Jun-18 05:55 PM
I'll play around with it over the course of the week (edited)
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 05:55 PM
It might be easy to setup some 28x28 icons to go with the flairs, even I may be able to do it
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 05:55 PM
We already are quite twitch friendly I don't think we need a different flair for that
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 05:55 PM
and I know fuck all of photoshopping
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 05:55 PM
And those clips that aren't we mark with NSFW or other WARNING stuff
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 05:56 PM
Obviously we're Twitch friendly, we're all Twitch admins
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 05:56 PM
You can setup the filter to hide all the Warning flaired threads (edited)
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 05:56 PM
What's the sub traffic stuff looking like Chan?
Are we donezo?
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 05:57 PM
Literally unchanged
all year
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 05:57 PM
ded sub
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 05:57 PM
I just don't want any more reasons for icefags to harrass our choices, I remember reading on their livefails "Very nice streamer mode flair, how long until LSF cucks implement it into their subreddit OMEGALUL"
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 05:57 PM
and thats bad btw
no growth
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 05:57 PM
I meant did everyone leave to livefails
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 05:57 PM
yeah, didnt you see the forsen clips over there
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 05:58 PM
I had a possible connection I could levy, but I didn't know if it'd be unfair since we have rules against self promoting
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 05:58 PM
ImNATT 26-Jun-18 05:58 PM
@Ocypode I might literally copy their code from the stylesheet, just to piss them off
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 05:58 PM
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 05:58 PM
So https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYIgiXwJck_Pb5Nj-wIrsqg Your Mom's House podcast is going to start streaming on Twitch
Videos from the podcast "Your Mom's House" with Tom Segura and Christina Pazsitzky. Want to send stuff to the podcast? Send it here: Your Mom's House Podcast...
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 05:58 PM
Copy their dark mode
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 05:58 PM
Big multi-million listener podcast with comedians
ImNATT 26-Jun-18 05:59 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 05:59 PM
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 05:59 PM
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 05:59 PM
I know the guy who does their technical stuff, I was thinking we could promote their first stream in exchange for a shoutout
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 05:59 PM
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 05:59 PM
You wouldn't do that would you
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 05:59 PM
I could get in touch with Jamie too on JRE, but I don't think they stream anything on Twitch
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 05:59 PM
thats so shady
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 06:00 PM
Well yeah, it'd be a tit for tat kind of think
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 06:00 PM
that would be trading dignity for views
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 06:00 PM
Promote their first stream in exchange for a shoutout
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 06:00 PM
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 06:00 PM
Why dignitity? It's a good pocast
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 06:00 PM
We never promoted other people's stuff, besides that one time gengar stickied his own stream
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 06:00 PM
I mean if you don't want to do it that's fine, but LiveFails is promoting themselves everywhere
But that might be why sub growth is fairly stagnant
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 06:01 PM
Could do it another way, if they mention or show the sub name on stream, someone could clip and we sticky with a
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 06:01 PM
I mean I'd probably have to ask to get a mention
Unless we spam their chat with it, lol
Punk 26-Jun-18 06:02 PM
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 06:02 PM
Not sure how much they're gonna be reading it
Punk 26-Jun-18 06:02 PM
not fond of promotion
ImNATT 26-Jun-18 06:02 PM
@Doctor Bread You won't get a mention
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 06:02 PM
ImNATT 26-Jun-18 06:02 PM
I have never seen a plug on there
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 06:02 PM
How much effort would it be to change themes?
ImNATT 26-Jun-18 06:02 PM
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 06:02 PM
Yeah, it's just actual advertisers, I dunno
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 06:02 PM
ImNATT 26-Jun-18 06:03 PM
I like the current theme. It's friendly
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 06:03 PM
That would be the same thing Ice with with liveme, fucked over his users for money, difference is we would do it for exposure
@JenAshleyWright @ShawnElliott Exposure's what people die of. They're literally asking you to work for free, ridiculous.
24h later
no admin reply btw
ImNATT 26-Jun-18 06:04 PM
We won't get one then.
They don't want to intervene. Would be too much drama
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 06:07 PM
Doing the job you're paid to do
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 06:07 PM
I doubt thats what happening tbh
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 06:07 PM
They're prob just busy
It can take a week to get a reply, or more
Specially if they had to investigate stuff
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 06:08 PM
They've banned subs that caused a lot more drama, I'll be hopeful they will eventually reply
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 06:13 PM

comment chain if you want to post the subreddit metrics, lol
@ImNATT that modmail you responded to
ImNATT 26-Jun-18 06:14 PM
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 06:15 PM
RaptorJesus 26-Jun-18 06:15 PM
We got 100 followers on Twitter from my trolling yesterday
ez <a:clap:393927311654780928>
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 06:16 PM
I think it was "Oh they have twitter, yoink"
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 06:16 PM
Yeah, the only people complaining in the responses were Ice fans
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 06:17 PM
Ice fans: unban ice!
Also ice fans: Remove clip it shows ice! (edited)
like dr bread said
ImNATT 26-Jun-18 06:17 PM
Only thing that matters is that the women liked our tweets and not Ice's
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 06:18 PM
Ice fans are massive whoops can't say that word but the low IQ false flagging is pretty annoying. They're not even smart about it, they'll have Cx in their name (edited)
Make a troll account called enza_denino69
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 06:28 PM
haha I get it its funny cus its ices moms name haha xD
ImNATT 26-Jun-18 06:38 PM
Wait, wasn't he permabanned?
Why is there no search in modmail
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 06:46 PM
No, don't think emma was ever perma'd
People just hate her, lol
Unless you perma'd her a long time ago before I joined
ImNATT 26-Jun-18 06:47 PM
I know he was banned for sure. Just not if it was a temp or perma one. I was just surprised to see his name on the frontpage again.
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 06:48 PM
Maybe temp then
Not taking this down? lol
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 06:53 PM
Sure take it down
Also, almost everyone in that thread was from ice's subreddit
Even op (edited)
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 06:55 PM
last time i checked ices reddit couple days ago everyone were hating on him
so they're at the stage where they hate
but still want ice clips so much to be on lsf
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 06:56 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 06:58 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 07:16 PM
Wow this fucking weeb tried to get a mod to make me change my profile picture
But the fucking mod knows billy (edited)
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 07:32 PM
ImNATT 26-Jun-18 07:34 PM
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 07:34 PM
Coggins mad it himself
He mad
and stickied
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 07:36 PM
"After the increased popularity of livefails"
yes, sure
You will never believe it
But I checked almost every single reply on that thread
And all of them are Ice fans
ImNATT 26-Jun-18 07:39 PM
Of course, it's an Ice subreddit
They just pretend not to be
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 07:40 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 07:40 PM
Just install Reddit Pro Tools, remove the political bs settings and add the subs you want
Then it'll give a tag to people that post on said subs
You can set up the karma number before the tag appears as well
ImNATT 26-Jun-18 07:41 PM
Never heard of that
Chrome extension?
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 07:41 PM
Shit tag name
I cant change it because the extension creator made it just to use against the donald users
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 07:42 PM
lol that's awesome
ImNATT 26-Jun-18 07:42 PM
Lol, yellow star much
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 07:42 PM
I'm gonna comment on that thread @Ocypode , wish me luck
surprsied I haven't been banned outright
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 07:43 PM
Oh no what are you gonna comment
You do know there is no reasoning with ice fans
Punk 26-Jun-18 07:47 PM
I'd stop engaging them tbh
just completely
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 07:47 PM
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 07:48 PM
It's better to let this shit die down
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 07:48 PM
Holy fuck
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 07:48 PM
Their subreddit won't ever go past LSF
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 07:48 PM
This autistic healer just said "I'm dps xP" while in a dungeon with me
Jesus fuckin gchris
I will kill myself because of thse retards
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 07:48 PM
what you playin
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 07:48 PM
Dragon's dogma online
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 07:50 PM
I just wanted to say "When the Ice mods of the Ice controlled subreddit are so shook that they're only pulling in the most rabid of Ice fans that they start stickying comments about your subreddit's rules"
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 07:50 PM
He doesn't have: buff skills, healing skills, stamina regen skills
He literally only slotted damage skills
Fuck me
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 07:50 PM
wish a big omegalul attached
ImNATT 26-Jun-18 07:51 PM
Don't play with the hornets nest
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 07:51 PM
Nah, we should've said something earlier about Ice owning livefails
doing some "screenshot this for when it becomes true"
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 07:51 PM
do it meow
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 07:51 PM
or whatever they say
no 2late
Should've been during the twitter stuff or when you guys hit their sub for the first time
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 07:53 PM
I need an alt account to make comments like that
Jisifus 26-Jun-18 07:54 PM
i kinda wanna go on their discord tbh
just to see if i get banned
Punk 26-Jun-18 07:54 PM
yeah I'd just stop engaging directly though
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 07:54 PM
Livefails or Ice's?
Punk 26-Jun-18 07:54 PM
let it ride from now on
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 07:54 PM
or are they using the same
ImNATT 26-Jun-18 07:54 PM
You won't.
Punk 26-Jun-18 07:54 PM
if you want to shitpost on alts, whatever
Jisifus 26-Jun-18 07:54 PM
ImNATT 26-Jun-18 07:55 PM
What game is soda playing?
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 07:56 PM
Joy of Sex
ImNATT 26-Jun-18 07:56 PM
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 07:56 PM
its trash
ImNATT 26-Jun-18 07:56 PM
I just wanna know the name
Is there a shazam for games?
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 07:57 PM
Its a
witch hunt
I think
ImNATT 26-Jun-18 07:58 PM
Yes it is, thank you.
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 07:58 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 07:59 PM
I messaged the mods about it
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 07:59 PM
how rude, just message me
Punk 26-Jun-18 08:02 PM
wait what witchhunt's happnening?
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 08:02 PM
Ocypode 26-Jun-18 08:03 PM
ImNATT 26-Jun-18 08:03 PM
Punk 26-Jun-18 08:03 PM
ImNATT 26-Jun-18 08:07 PM
Gynophobia is a horror themed shooter about abnormal fear of women. Gynophobia is using classic first person shooter gameplay, to convey story about Mark, who is suffering from different phobias, including abnormal fear of woman.Key Features Unique premise Old school action H...
same dev as witch hunt
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 08:16 PM
Doesnt seem like it
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 10:20 PM
League account banned
RaptorJesus 26-Jun-18 10:31 PM
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 10:32 PM
I don't know, I don't rage, sometimes I afk
But I didn't get a ban reason email
Maybe cause people add me after since they're upset and I call them racial slurs
Maybe that's why I can't log in
This reddit pro tools is legit though
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 11:25 PM
Just saw a thread on /r/videos defending pedophilia, thats enough browsing default subs
RaptorJesus 26-Jun-18 11:27 PM
/r/libertarians is leaking
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Jun-18 11:27 PM
Just like homosexuality btw
Kids can totally consent just like gay adults btw (edited)
Doctor Bread 26-Jun-18 11:36 PM
I like how our entire fucking sub lights up when you use that app though
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 01:50 AM
Some comments makes me think our users caught on to the livefails filter and decide to bait people into linking the subreddit
Doctor Bread 27-Jun-18 01:51 AM
Maybe, I've been removing the "what subreddit" comments
If they make a bait comment and pop up on pro tools, maybe that's a different story
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 01:53 AM
Wow, first mmorpg I played where theres an actual end to the story, its even rolling the credits (edited)
What the fuck, theres now a cliffhanger cutscene playing
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 02:04 AM
They yoinked the Eye of sauron
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 07:41 AM
ImNATT 27-Jun-18 09:50 AM
Which thread?
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 09:52 AM
Can't even remember anymore
These mitch jones posts are so cancer
all of them clickbaiting and making him look worse than it actually is
and theres always people just reporting banned streamer
I think it was the dude blocking the content thread @ImNATT
ImNATT 27-Jun-18 09:57 AM
These fucks don't get the clues that they shouldn't link that shit sub
2209 votes and 313 so far on reddit
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 09:58 AM
yeah noted
literally all ice fans
havent seen a single other community mod do that. Diverse mod team btw
ImNATT 27-Jun-18 10:01 AM
I've added the phrase to AutoMod, if you stumble upon another retard link it to me.
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 10:08 AM
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 11:53 AM
Someone is impersonating as mitch (edited)
some people have no self respect or life whatsoever
ImNATT 27-Jun-18 12:00 PM
Ban him
Doctor Bread 27-Jun-18 12:01 PM
Yep he's gone, and one other new account who's only been posting negative mitch stuff
prob a bitchjones kid
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 01:14 PM
0 votes and 1 so far on reddit
What are we gonna do with these kinds of posts
THey're just gonna keep coming
It's like we're literally removing every single mitch clip
Doctor Bread 27-Jun-18 01:15 PM
Just ban them
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 01:15 PM
I mean it's just a normal gamer rage
Punk 27-Jun-18 01:15 PM
Delete them until people post non-shit clips
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 01:15 PM
not mentally stable jones
Doctor Bread 27-Jun-18 01:15 PM
GaySoyBoyFucker lol
Punk 27-Jun-18 01:15 PM
Yeah, he's literally just raging
Delete the post
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 01:15 PM
should I remove as harrassment
or under what
Punk 27-Jun-18 01:16 PM
Remove as misleading
/ clickbait
Doctor Bread 27-Jun-18 01:16 PM
>giving reasons
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 01:16 PM
of course
Doctor Bread 27-Jun-18 01:16 PM
It's a troll account, just ban it
Maybe bitchjones discord will give up eventually
1 votes and 1 so far on reddit
Let LiveFails take that garbage with the rest of the trash
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 01:17 PM
users will see very fast that's it's just a subreddit for hate
and cx
Doctor Bread 27-Jun-18 01:18 PM
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 01:18 PM
yeah looks like that guy was a poster in bitchjones
Doctor Bread 27-Jun-18 01:20 PM
Ice is literally a worse person than Mitch, pick on him ffs (edited)
And he's worse by choice
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 01:24 PM
ices reddit seems to be full of smart but bipolar people
Doctor Bread 27-Jun-18 03:06 PM
look at the account i just linked homie
RaptorJesus 27-Jun-18 03:06 PM
There's literally nothing wrong with that comment
Doctor Bread 27-Jun-18 03:07 PM
He posted it like 30 times
He's just spamming
RaptorJesus 27-Jun-18 03:08 PM
Oh his other comments didnt show up in history
Doctor Bread 27-Jun-18 03:08 PM
Yeah if he posted it once who cares but he was spamming every new thread
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 06:46 PM
Don't perma people mentioning the other sub, hit them with a 30 if they from ice's community, and a 7 if they aren't. good opportunity shill that Reddit Pro Tools extension again, it can tag people based on where they post the most so you can know without hitting the [H]
To do:
Give flairs a icon
Add in a twitch-friendly filter (no nsfw, Cx streamers)
Push the new rules when most of us read through it
https://docs.google.com/document/d/149BIDUiYN4752LDRPNC0uF2RP-Hs-rYBs8StUE7fql4/edit (edited)
SIDEBAR WELCOME Welcome to /r/LivestreamFail: the place for almost anything livestream related. We accept Livecap/ Streamable/ Neatclips/ twitch clips, GIFs and VoDs. No moderators of this subreddit work for Twitch. SEARCH BY FLAIR Can probably be removed honestly. F...
Pinned a message.
HalfOfAKebab 27-Jun-18 06:51 PM
rules look good to me
i think we definitely need to get a solid description of the general toxicity bit though
we can just say "don't be an asshole", but the community won't like that
"ooh selective enforcement this censorship that"
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 06:55 PM
Could narrow it down to
No direct attacks towards other users from the subreddit (ie: Kill yourself; you're retarded; Found the Incel/SJW), maybe say comments similar to those can warrant either a ban or removal
RaptorJesus 27-Jun-18 06:55 PM
Doctor Bread 27-Jun-18 06:56 PM
That's just the harassment rule that's already there
HalfOfAKebab 27-Jun-18 06:57 PM
from my experience though there will be a massive grey area no matter how much we prepare
i suppose we'll just have to account for as much of that as possible, and patch any holes as they crop up
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 06:58 PM
Saying no harassment between users should be enough, or we can check other subs and check how they deal with that
Read their rules and yoink it
Doctor Bread 27-Jun-18 06:59 PM
that was the rule 3 we were discussing adding
dont be toxic, dont be a fuckface
something like that
HalfOfAKebab 27-Jun-18 07:00 PM
yeah we could use another sub as a template
Doctor Bread 27-Jun-18 07:00 PM
I've been doing that on LSFMeta, I've just been busy so it's not finished
Maybe after my raid tonight
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 07:01 PM
Doctor Bread 27-Jun-18 07:01 PM
HalfOfAKebab 27-Jun-18 07:01 PM
i wanna try ffxiv but it's subscription based
and i enjoy money
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 07:01 PM
Fucking forced story sucks but the endgame is pretty comfy
People cry about inventory space but its a case of Just dont craft
Doctor Bread 27-Jun-18 07:02 PM
Just bot the story
That's what I did
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 07:02 PM
Doctor Bread 27-Jun-18 07:03 PM
or you can buy a boost up to the stormblood beginning
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 07:03 PM
Or you can play a better game instead
Doctor Bread 27-Jun-18 07:03 PM
no other game with PvE raids that isn't WoW
and WoW is horrible now
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 07:05 PM
If you mean good raids then I agree
I'm still unironically waiting for maplestory 2 to come out
Since I know nexon is gonna kill it a year or two after the launch
So I have to play it before the p2w gets too OP
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 07:07 PM
I think implementing the twitch-friendly filter is unnecessary and makes us look really bad copying those cunts at livefails
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 07:07 PM
I agree
I still want to add icons to streamers flairs though
Gonna check the size of the livefails flairs
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 07:08 PM
But then again no matter what we do to make things look nicer, even the icons to streamer flair
we're gonna get called out
suicide watch etc etc bla bla
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 07:10 PM
Does that even leave the ice's world, though?
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 07:11 PM
Well in my honest opinion knowing that community we're at a point right now where we should just let things calm down and they should forget all this "drama" in about a week or two
because we ARE getting harrassed by autistic bunch
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 07:11 PM
Do you really think it will take us less than a week to set up the flairs
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 07:11 PM
Don't know, just saying
What I mean is worst what we can do is keep doing big changes and even worse implement stuff that they use
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 07:12 PM
I mean, sure waiting it out is fine and I agree with it
We added enough fuel to the fire
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 07:12 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 07:12 PM
But the flair thing is still something we should add
Not now, but whenever
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 07:12 PM
To be more mature and the better individual in this kind of situation we shouldn't keep it up
I do agree, making things look nicer should've been done long ago already
But just that the situation right now is what it is kinda makes us look bad again if we do it ASAP
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 07:13 PM
I regret not doing a "screenshot this tweet for when Ice gets found out of owning Livefails.com" when we were riling them up
Flair thing is gonna take some time
Gotta figure out what image describes the streamer
And there are some I just have no idea what to use
Kitboga... glasses?
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 07:14 PM
Well one example is their twitch profile picture
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 07:14 PM
Train is obviously just ???
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 07:15 PM
For some it's their logo like Doc
But no ??? is just a meme
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 07:15 PM
Which describes him, no
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 07:15 PM
Not something that says this is trainwrecks the streamer"
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 07:15 PM
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 07:15 PM
but its also a meme to use on xqc
Or when people make no sense
I mean sure I know what you mean
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 07:15 PM
xQc is going to be the autism squares, 100%
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 07:15 PM
But not the best icon to describe 1 single streamer
I don't think that's the proper way of doing this
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 07:16 PM
Which is way its gonna take a long time to figure out
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 07:16 PM
It needs to be a bit more serious if we wanna implement icons for them
Just something everyone knows them of
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 07:16 PM
Earliest thing we can push out is the new rules, and thats still ways away
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 07:16 PM
twitch profile pic, their most known face pic from google
or something
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 07:17 PM
I assume most of them will have a emote to describe themselves
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 07:17 PM
Like doc has his own logo stuff
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 07:17 PM
Ninja with the ponpon guy, forsen with the forsenE, soda with the sodaS(?) (edited)
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 07:17 PM
soda can be simple
exactly what you just said
Good examples imo
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 07:17 PM
It will get harder with the smaller guys
like Alec
do we just KKona?
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 07:18 PM
Or just his face with a hat and like a straw in mouth or something
or a fish
but yeah it takes time to think all those
and actually implement them
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 07:19 PM
How odd, mitch clips are being posted only on ice's sub
I wonder if theres a overlap between both communities
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 07:19 PM
bitchjones and ice, sounds like people who get well together
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 07:19 PM
No clips posted there paints him in a good light (edited)
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 07:20 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 07:24 PM
First time I see gengar being real
Did you guys see a dude named xQcTranscriptions? (edited)
Looks promising, all he does is transcript xQc clips, but 2 days old so automod eats his comments
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 07:28 PM
I saw someone link about him here earlier
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 07:29 PM
People shitting on MRE, what the hell
They're good as fuck
Maybe their country's mre just sucks
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 07:31 PM
my countrys sucks yes
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 07:31 PM
Doctor Bread 27-Jun-18 07:57 PM
@RaptorJesus Why did you distinguish that comment calling people morons? Probably not a good idea (edited)
All those upset replies
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 08:02 PM
Raptor deals with trades
Probs got triggered
By people being dumb about it
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 08:02 PM
which comment? @Doctor Bread
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 08:02 PM
the one about the guy losing 17k
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 08:02 PM
reddit down?
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 08:02 PM
all of our servers are busy right now
please try again in a minute
(error code: 503)
I was masturbating
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 08:03 PM
chan were you banning people and masturbating again
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 08:04 PM
I have to train myself to get a handsfree orgasm while banning people
Two birds, one stone
Oh another nip slip?
Its the skeleton chick!
Doctor Bread 27-Jun-18 08:06 PM
or whatever her awful name is
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 08:06 PM
Doctor Bread 27-Jun-18 08:08 PM
Ocypode 27-Jun-18 08:08 PM
page 2 on LSF
Doctor Bread 27-Jun-18 08:09 PM
i member
would you smash it?
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 08:11 PM
💀🎺💀🎺 (edited)
Doctor Bread 27-Jun-18 08:11 PM
thanks mr skeltal
RaptorJesus 27-Jun-18 08:13 PM
Because a bunch of regards were saying he made money then deleted their comments
Doctor Bread 27-Jun-18 08:13 PM
oh lol
Man her parents should be in jail
She's been like that for years
ChanmanVXXIII 27-Jun-18 08:15 PM
I'm suprised no one found out where she lives and forcefed her some mcdonalds
Doctor Bread 27-Jun-18 08:52 PM
woo got to Ultima weapon phase (edited)
Jisifus 27-Jun-18 09:21 PM
we need a bot that can get the "playing xxx" info from a clip and flair it, just for IRL (edited)
Doctor Bread 27-Jun-18 09:24 PM
It's fine unless she asks for it to be removed
There's like nothing in that picture anyways
Jisifus 27-Jun-18 09:26 PM
Doctor Bread 27-Jun-18 09:27 PM
I think I can see the top of a nipple if I squint real hard
HalfOfAKebab 27-Jun-18 09:27 PM
"rib cage slip"
Jisifus 27-Jun-18 09:28 PM
oh and i added an automod filter for asmongold since there was a flair but no rule for it
same goes for soda apparently, weird
weird all posts on /new are at 33% 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔
@ImNATT you there?
my god fuck css
Jisifus 27-Jun-18 10:06 PM
anybody else better with css than me?
alright fuck this
waaaait ice is unbanned what the hell
Jisifus 27-Jun-18 11:09 PM
@ImNATT just so you know once I'm asleep: I fixed the subscribe button hover & active colors from Green to our purple + tried fixing RES nightmode for the theme, which didn't work unfortunately, maybe you can take a look at it. Even (every 2nd) links are still white instead of #444444. Last few lines in the stylesheet (edited)
ImNATT 28-Jun-18 08:31 AM
Thanks, but for the future please change things in the Mod/Meta sub first and only implement stylesheet changes to the main sub once they are tested and you're sure they're working.
Jisifus 28-Jun-18 10:03 AM
okay sure, thought it was okay since i only changed .res-nightmode
but this is still driving me crazy
ImNATT 28-Jun-18 10:15 AM
That's what it looks like when I enable night mode
Jisifus 28-Jun-18 10:22 AM
yeah cus you disabled the subreddit style
ImNATT 28-Jun-18 11:07 AM
I didn't though
I just hit the switch in the RES dropdown
Jisifus 28-Jun-18 01:26 PM
Weird because that is not our stylesheet
That's just default Reddit
ImNATT 28-Jun-18 01:56 PM
How did you enable it then?
Jisifus 28-Jun-18 01:58 PM
Same as you, in the drop-down
ImNATT 28-Jun-18 03:54 PM
@Jisifus fixed
Jisifus 28-Jun-18 03:55 PM
eyy nice
damn you even fixed the comment box module
nice 👍
ImNATT 28-Jun-18 03:56 PM
Inspect Element dude
Jisifus 28-Jun-18 03:56 PM
yeah tried the same, not too good with it
only the sidebar elements left and the wiki but thats really minor
ImNATT 28-Jun-18 04:07 PM
Jisifus 28-Jun-18 04:08 PM
alright now its good
wait now its fucked on normal mode
did you do something outisde .res-nightmode?
@ImNATT this is on regular mode now, what happened D:
ImNATT 28-Jun-18 04:20 PM
I reversed it for now
Jisifus 28-Jun-18 04:21 PM
yeah its weird
ImNATT 28-Jun-18 04:23 PM
I'm going to leave it be for tonight. If you want to, you can play around here: https://www.reddit.com/r/LSFMods/
It's got the same code as the main sub, plus a few lines where I'm trying to fix the vote arrows.
nvm, I fixed the sidebar. Arrows are more difficult though
Ocypode 28-Jun-18 05:35 PM
When you have to make an alt account because posting everything on main would look stupid, but that's how livefails mods rolls https://www.reddit.com/user/raptorhatesem
RaptorJesus 28-Jun-18 05:55 PM
Ocypode 28-Jun-18 05:57 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 28-Jun-18 11:35 PM
I think a subreddit brigaded this thread, dont know which, just cleared like 20+ separated reports in this thread
https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/8uk4zw/monkagiga (edited)
Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. Get a constantly updating feed of breaking news, fun stories, pics, memes, and videos just for you. Passionate about something niche? Reddit has thousands of vibrant communities with people that share your interests. Alt...
Or maybe just one person that got butthurt? (edited)
ChanmanVXXIII 29-Jun-18 12:44 AM
Annnd 20 more reports appeared again
Jisifus 29-Jun-18 04:28 AM
@ChanmanVXXIII did the admins ever message you back again?
ChanmanVXXIII 29-Jun-18 12:44 PM
ImNATT 29-Jun-18 01:12 PM
@Doctor Bread
Day 1:
>They are scared of us !!111!
Day 5:
>Please let me back in 😦
Ocypode 29-Jun-18 01:14 PM
its only a temporary ban
ImNATT 29-Jun-18 01:15 PM
I know. It doesn't even make sense
Ocypode 29-Jun-18 01:15 PM
hands are itching to get back to trolling and being toxic
ImNATT 29-Jun-18 01:53 PM
My whole neighborhood is in flames. If I don't come online tomorrow, I'm dead.
Ocypode 29-Jun-18 02:00 PM
@Senior Subreddit Mods
we're still having issues?
ImNATT 29-Jun-18 02:00 PM
Not that I'm aware of. If you have an alt discord account, you can see for yourself
RaptorJesus 29-Jun-18 02:01 PM
Works on my rig
Punk 29-Jun-18 02:10 PM
@ImNATT what's going on in your hood lol
ImNATT 29-Jun-18 02:12 PM
Some womans flat caught on fire and it's spread to 2 supermarkets and an apartment complex already. The fire is 3 hours old and we are getting trucks from the fire department across the border and it doesn't seem to stop anytime soon.
I live on the other side of the road, but they let me in without any warning or anything, so I think I'm good.
Doctor Bread 29-Jun-18 02:45 PM
Ice banned for another 90 days from Youtube
Ocypode 29-Jun-18 03:08 PM
Doctor Bread 29-Jun-18 03:11 PM
Got hit for 90 days for that weed thing, his team got it removed, didn't take down the vods with the references to the weed place so people reported them and he got 90 days again
ChanmanVXXIII 29-Jun-18 03:20 PM
Banned Andy
Ocypode 29-Jun-18 03:37 PM
oh how sad > : ( (edited)
RaptorJesus 29-Jun-18 03:44 PM
37 votes and 11 so far on reddit
Doctor Bread 29-Jun-18 03:46 PM
Based Greek
RaptorJesus 29-Jun-18 03:47 PM
Doctor Bread 29-Jun-18 03:57 PM
Lol didn't realize that link was on LiveFails, just kidding
Ocypode 29-Jun-18 07:16 PM
livefails is already dead
Where was that quote which said "Let's wait LSF is dead within a month"
RaptorJesus 29-Jun-18 07:34 PM
ez <a:clap:393927311654780928>
Ocypode 29-Jun-18 07:39 PM
guys I accidentally made that destiny banned thing an announcement
How to remove
nvm found it
ChanmanVXXIII 29-Jun-18 07:42 PM
Nice mod pick btw
Ocypode 29-Jun-18 07:43 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 29-Jun-18 07:44 PM
dead emote
Doctor Bread 29-Jun-18 09:06 PM
Man these Destiny threads
I said nigger faggot
RaptorJesus 30-Jun-18 04:57 AM
>Demodded after failing on your new shitreddit that PAWL made you setup
Ocypode 30-Jun-18 05:29 AM
aww lil bby
ImNATT 30-Jun-18 07:59 AM
Who did this?
RaptorJesus 30-Jun-18 11:58 AM
Me, I asked everyone what they thought and they said no
What’s the problem?
ImNATT 30-Jun-18 12:35 PM
Should we tell him, or leave it at that?
ChanmanVXXIII 30-Jun-18 01:12 PM
Good lord, that FFXIV drama is being pushed over at /r/mmorpg again
Who cares about chicks regretting their sexual adventures (edited)
Doctor Bread 30-Jun-18 01:55 PM
Which stuff @ChanmanVXXIII?
There was that thing about oldbear or whatever his name is sexually harassing all those chicks
ChanmanVXXIII 30-Jun-18 01:59 PM
That one
ChanmanVXXIII 30-Jun-18 02:01 PM
People trying to push it as a Metoo thing when it isn't
I'll just wait for the "FFXIV players are dead and no longer have to be your audience" articles
Doctor Bread 01-Jul-18 12:27 PM
Is anyone else getting that error message on their screen when you try to ban someone saying you have to wait
Doctor Bread 01-Jul-18 02:13 PM
Also should probably add "Trump" and "Antifa" to the automod submission list (edited)
Punk 01-Jul-18 02:13 PM
Not trump
Trump is a big hearthstone streamer
Doctor Bread 01-Jul-18 02:14 PM
Clips of him are posted so rarely I think it's fine, can just approve them
Last time I saw him was when TB died, and I don't even remember when before then
ChanmanVXXIII 01-Jul-18 03:13 PM
I literally thought the protest thread I approved was the one that was up before, didn't even realize it got removed then reposted with the same name
Doctor Bread 01-Jul-18 03:14 PM
Shouldn't have been approved either way, people can't behave themselves with anything political
ChanmanVXXIII 01-Jul-18 03:18 PM
Yeah, going to do that in the future
ChanmanVXXIII 01-Jul-18 07:42 PM
@Doctor Bread
Did you ban that hunter guy for something he did outside the sub?
He told me he asked for the bitchjones link on #general and got perma banned from the sub because of that
Ain't right if true
Doctor Bread 01-Jul-18 07:43 PM
You mean the Magnets guy?
And yeah, everyone involved with that shit has been banned, why would he get an exception?
He's been a retard for a long time
I don't think he was looking to join the Bitch Jones Discord "just for fun"
Maybe the sub ban was too far, but he's not exactly a quality contributor there either
Specially if he wants to start target harassing Mitch
ChanmanVXXIII 01-Jul-18 07:51 PM
He's not from the bitchjones thing though? I searched his history and found only /r/mitchjones stuff
I'm fine with the discord ban, just not with the perma ban on the sub for being stupid over here
Doctor Bread 01-Jul-18 07:52 PM
He's attempting to join the bitchjones community though (edited)
So no sub ban unless he starts posting anti-Mitch stuff then? I just wanted to avoid it getting to there, or having him sneakily help their efforts of harassing Mitch, however that may be
No one attempting to join that shit is worth having anywhere LivestreamFail related
ChanmanVXXIII 01-Jul-18 07:54 PM
Sure, tag him with "Ban if mitch hate"
Doctor Bread 01-Jul-18 07:55 PM
But alright, I tagged him for now, we'll see if I was wrong
ChanmanVXXIII 02-Jul-18 04:25 AM
101 votes and 19 so far on reddit
Punk 02-Jul-18 10:27 AM
Even the icedrones are getting salty
Jisifus 02-Jul-18 10:33 AM
Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. Get a constantly updating feed of breaking news, fun stories, pics, memes, and videos just for you. Passionate about something niche? Reddit has thousands of vibrant communities with people that share your interests. Alt...
Doctor Bread 02-Jul-18 11:39 AM
Automod is shutting his autism down now at least
Jisifus 02-Jul-18 11:42 AM
yeah but for account age, not the comment itself
Doctor Bread 02-Jul-18 11:43 AM
That's fine, he changes up the punctuation too much
Jisifus 02-Jul-18 11:43 AM
the filters from the pastebin wouldnt care :^)
Doctor Bread 02-Jul-18 11:53 AM
Was supposed to get a human professor but I got a cartoon character instead
ChanmanVXXIII 02-Jul-18 04:51 PM
NA professors
Doctor Bread 02-Jul-18 04:52 PM
Even ehhhhhhhhhhh, natural numbers ehhhhhhhhhh, things can ehhhhhhhhhhhhh be in ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh different sets ehhhhhhhhhhhhh
ChanmanVXXIII 02-Jul-18 04:52 PM
Also why the hell are you learning about venn diagram, isnt that like basic stuff
Doctor Bread 02-Jul-18 04:53 PM
Yeah it's retard math, just need it for a program I'm doing
ChanmanVXXIII 02-Jul-18 04:53 PM
>And then you can put a box around it
>venn diagram
>box around
Doctor Bread 02-Jul-18 04:54 PM
I'm just gonna take the tests, not gonna go to class with that fucking voice for 4 hours straight
Nor do I need to learn how to find the perimeter of a rectangle
ChanmanVXXIII 02-Jul-18 04:55 PM
His voice reminds me of DuckerZ
Wow I cant remember how to find that video
It was a destiny fan debating him about women or something
Oh wow its been 4 years already?
wtf happened to the audio sync o_o
Ech ech ech ech
Doctor Bread 02-Jul-18 04:58 PM
rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape
Doctor Bread 02-Jul-18 05:27 PM
@ImNATT no u
ImNATT 02-Jul-18 05:28 PM
you gotta let them know from time to time
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 02:02 AM
Wait, what the fuck
Are we a big subreddit? I took a tour around some subs to check numbers and we have 1/3 of the active users that Videos/politics have, and the same as the_donald/WTF (edited)
RaptorJesus 03-Jul-18 02:26 AM
Yeah we’re top 500 now
I think
Yeah we're at 496
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 02:36 AM
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 09:15 AM
Dead subreddit btw
Ocypode 03-Jul-18 09:43 AM
dead within a month*
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 10:56 AM
@ImNATT you okay
Even papers here are writing about the fires now
(if you're from California)
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 11:48 AM
If you see a new / nokarma account posting clips from DeezieTV permaban it
Dude keeps trying to post his own shit
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 02:38 PM
Jesus fucking christ, are these cunts actually retarded?
Dont they understand how lawyers work
or reddit
or the internet in general
Fuckin hell
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 02:39 PM
I was wondering who reported the mirror on that phantomlord clip
I had a feeling it was him, lol
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 02:40 PM
someone pull up the video about the flight sim case, where the subreddit pointed out that a company developing planes for flight sims included some kind of malware in them. the company then tried to sue the mods... they cited some specific laws that said we can't be legally responsible for anything people post on our subreddit (edited)
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 02:40 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII Can I sticky that on the scam post?
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 02:40 PM
Thats literally what I'm referecing
Gotta write up a proper message first
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 02:40 PM
absolutely, post it anywhere you can
this shit needs to be made public ASAP
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 02:41 PM
Help me with a message, I'm not all here
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 02:41 PM
What are you trying to say?
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 02:41 PM
3523 votes and 946 so far on reddit
Here's what they did back when the same happened to them
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 02:42 PM
I could just link that flightsim post
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 02:42 PM
do you want me to contact the flightsim mods?
maybe they have some info for us
Ocypode 03-Jul-18 02:42 PM
Did he just threaten us with sueing because thats "harrassment"
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 02:42 PM
ill go on their discord and try to talk to them
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 02:42 PM
Naw it's okay, that post is enough
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 02:42 PM
We can just yoink the links used on their open letter
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 02:43 PM
tbh, they know what to do in that position they could be helpful
i'd really rather talk to them, no harm
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 02:43 PM
Go there
Make some connections
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 02:44 PM
[Phantoml0rd reached out to us in regards to this post.](https://imgur.com/XcEY0aH)

The /r/LivestreamFail mods would like to point Phantoml0rd to [the Flightsim malware situation](https://www.reddit.com/r/flightsim/comments/8nxcl5/an_open_letter_to_flight_sim_labs/) and remind him that he has no legal ground to stand on.
3523 votes and 946 so far on reddit
Short and sweet, yeah? (edited)
When you don't feel like writing your own response, steal someone elses
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 02:45 PM
gimme a few minutes
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 02:46 PM
Nah, gotta add in something like this too
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 02:46 PM
Oh okay, just yoink it from the flightsim thing
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 02:47 PM
yeah the section 230 part looks good
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 02:49 PM
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 02:49 PM
phantomlord didnt mass report comments referencing the situation
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 02:49 PM
No, he reported the mirror bot I think
Came up right as the clip was taken down
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 02:50 PM
dont paste it 1:1 without adding anything yourself
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 02:50 PM
I dunno man, I'm not a lawyer, and it's a quote
I just wanted to link to the thread
Ocypode 03-Jul-18 02:50 PM
Sodas brother is a lawyer I could contact him if you guys want
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 02:50 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 02:50 PM
It's not that big a deal
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 02:51 PM
>Still not a lawyer
What a nerd (edited)
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 02:51 PM
I just wanted to make him look stupid
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 02:51 PM
then make it short and sweet, dont paste the whole post
want me to do it?
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 02:51 PM
Yeah, like what I posted above
IS that fine @ChanmanVXXIII ?
People can read the flightsim thing if they want
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 02:52 PM
Nah, their open letter thing isnt 1:1 what we're dealing with
Since phantom is just threatning with legal action
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 02:52 PM
Alright hold on, let me actually put some effort in
So he's citing us with "Do not threaten, harass, or bully"
And threatening legal action if it continues
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 02:53 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 02:54 PM
And in the flguhtsim situation, it looks like they're citing the flightsim people for libel
So he's not claiming we're lieing, he's just saying we're bullying him for allowing the post to be up, correct?
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 02:55 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 02:55 PM
Indirectly admitting to scamming btw
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 02:55 PM
yeah thats the part i love
and everyone is gonna know if it picks up steam
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 02:56 PM
This is the full rule he's citing
> Harassment on Reddit is defined as systematic and/or continued actions to torment or demean someone in a way that would make a reasonable person conclude that Reddit is not a safe platform to express their ideas or participate in the conversation, or fear for their safety or the safety of those around them. (edited)
It's not harassment, this is one post
> Being annoying, vote brigading, or participating in a heated argument is not harassment, but following an individual or group of users, online or off, to the point where they no longer feel that it's safe to post online or are in fear of their real life safety is. (edited)
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 02:57 PM
dont forget to include a reference to his past lawsuit against twitch
should we message the admins?
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:00 PM
You could, I'm trying to write a response
Just so they're aware of the situation
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 03:02 PM
I'm trying to write up a reply to phantomlord, but so far I only have that doc thing quoting the rules and politely saying its retarded
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:02 PM
I'll post mine when I'm done, and maybe reference his past lawsuit/flightsim thing
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:02 PM
can you link the message here? right click permalink under the message, copy and paste it here
admins can look at it
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 03:02 PM
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:02 PM
thank you
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:02 PM
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:03 PM
yes cus its his personal inbox
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:03 PM
I guess that doesn't matter since reddit can look
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:03 PM
admins dont care about personal
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 03:03 PM
Don't read my letter
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:03 PM
Yeah lol, they see all of my nudes I'm sending
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 03:03 PM
Thats illegal
Withered dick
Wait a second
Isnt phantom singling me out then proceeding to legally threaten me, harassment?
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:06 PM
Better watch yo ass
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:06 PM
lock him up
come on wheres the post
i wanna see this guy burn
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:07 PM
hold on nigga
Trying to be legal about it
This rule is so fucking short though
There's not much you can really say other than no, retard
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:07 PM
yeah please dont try to be legal about it if youre not a lawyer
just quote a section from the flightsim post man
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:07 PM
I'm a goodest writer
And the flighsim thing doesn't work
Cause it's not the same rule
I was gonna link to it later in the post anyways, do you have his last lawsuit?
Or anything regarding him doing shit like this
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:08 PM
not really, he sued twitch in march for banning his accounts and they basically said fuck off mate and flexed their amazon legal team
gonna take a few more months
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:09 PM
"We would like to remind PhantomL0rd how well his last lawsuit went"
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:09 PM
well its ongoing so it doesnt really work i think
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:09 PM
I don't think he's winning, lol
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:09 PM
just leave it out, was a stupid joke lol
Ocypode 03-Jul-18 03:09 PM
Funny thing is hes gonna take that post, if you ever post it, as another harrassment and will actually go haywire
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:09 PM
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:10 PM
ill message the OP of the post he referenced
maybe he got a nice letter too
and we should tell richard lewis about it
he made a bunch of videos about gambling and phantomlord, including his twitch lawsuit
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:13 PM
Someone linked it in the thread
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:15 PM
want me to try and message him through the website?
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:15 PM
Almost done, I'll post it here
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:15 PM
looks like he knows a lot about this guy, he might be able to help with context etc
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:16 PM
Oh, you mean Richard Lewis? Doubt you'd be able to get a hold of him
Maybe through twitter, especially if you sent him that mesage chanman got
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:16 PM
he has a contact form on his website, no twitter DMs i think
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:16 PM
Ah, you could try, I'm sure Richard would run that story
Hello, we would like to make the public aware that PhantomL0rd has reached out to us regarding this post, and has threatened legal action against /r/LivestreamFail if it is left up. We would like to respond to PhantomL0rd’s complaints in an ope...
The second paragraph from the bottom can be removed, that was my cheeky jab
I like it though
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:22 PM
forgot to link the thread in "this post"
"the public" sounds stupid, just say "you guys" or "everyone"
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:23 PM
I was going to post it ON the post
Or would this be its own submission? (edited)
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:23 PM
and sticky it
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:23 PM
Ah okay
K fixed
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:24 PM
i still think we should empathize more on the fact that we're not responsible for the content on our subreddit
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:24 PM
We are though
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 03:24 PM
>Not making it its own thread just to gather free publicity from other subreddits
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:24 PM
To a degree
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:24 PM
if its libel or harassment is irellevant
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 03:24 PM
Its like you aren't married to a jew
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:25 PM
I am though
@Jisifus are you saying we're not responsible if users make false statements?
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:25 PM
the legal section flight sim mods quoted doesnt differenciate between people posting about malware and people posting about gambling
again, the content is irellevant, thats what that text says
reddit as a whole is responsible for illegal content, not us
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:26 PM
Well, if your sub has illegal content it can be shut down
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:26 PM
if the post is incriminating in a sense that its spreading false information, reddit has to remove it
yes but we're not the one shutting down subreddits, reddit is
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:26 PM
Oh, so you're saying it's on the mods
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:26 PM
nope, it's on reddit
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:26 PM
I meant admins, mb
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:26 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:27 PM
Are you talking about this part
User Agreement (which, by using their service, you agree to abide by):

All the things you do and all the information you submit or post to reddit remain your responsibility. Indemnity is basically a way of saying that you will not hold us legally liable for any of your user content or actions that infringe the law or the rights of a third party or person in any way.

Specifically, you agree to hold reddit, its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, and third party service providers harmless from and defend them against any claims, costs, damages, losses, expenses, and any other liabilities, including attorneys’ fees and costs, arising out of or related to your access to or use of reddit, your violation of this user agreement, and/or your violation of the rights of any third party or person.
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:27 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:28 PM
Wait this is more saying reddit is protected from the illegal things you do or say
An indemnity clause
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:28 PM
and i still think you shouldnt empathise so much on the specific rule, since its obvious he's just trying to get the post removed, no matter what
he didnt give a shit about which rule it broke, neither should we
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:28 PM
Meh, may as well make his cited rule look dumb
Yeah, Indemnity has nothing to do with this
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 03:29 PM
Just call him a cunt and ban him from the sub
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:29 PM
Oh hold on
Moderating a subreddit is an unofficial, voluntary position. We reserve the right to revoke that position for any user at any time. If you choose to moderate a subreddit, you agree to the following:

You may not enter into any form of agreement on behalf of reddit, or the subreddit which you moderate, without our written approval.
You may not perform moderation actions in return for any form of compensation or favor from third-parties.
When you receive notice that there is content that violates this user agreement on subreddits you moderate, you agree to remove it.
That last part
We've recieved no notice from reddit admins
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:30 PM
if we add him to banned streamers people cant point out his shenanigans
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:30 PM
Yeah, that would be protecting him
@Jisifus I think we could say "You are free to reach out to the reddit admins if you have concerns about this post, but we will only take action if they tell us to"
written a little better
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:31 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:31 PM
I think that works better
We would also like to point you to this section under the reddit user agreement [regarding moderators](<https://www.reddit.com/help/useragreement/#section_moderators>;), specifically this part:

>When you receive notice that there is content that violates this user agreement on subreddits you moderate, you agree to remove it

We have received no notice from the reddit admins regarding the clip, and we invite you to message them directly if you have concerns about your content being posted here, rather than in a PM sent directly to the subreddit’s owner, if you have actual, legitimate concerns. (edited)
The "actual, legitimate concerns" is me shitting on him a bit
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:35 PM
so hard you wrote it twice
`message them directly if you have concerns`
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:35 PM
Wait did I?
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:35 PM
`if you have actual, legitimate concerns.`
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:35 PM
Oh, hold up
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 03:35 PM
Ocypode 03-Jul-18 03:35 PM
hol up
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:36 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:36 PM
We have received no notice from the reddit admins regarding the clip, and we invite you to message them directly about your content being posted here if you have actual, legitimate concerns, rather than in a PM sent directly to the subreddit’s owner, which is not an official channel for having posts removed.
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:36 PM
yeah modmail isnt an official channel to get posts removed
the fuck am i reading
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:36 PM
It wasn't even modmail
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:36 PM
oooh right
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:36 PM
It was a PM lol
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:36 PM
my bad
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 03:37 PM
Oops, probably shouldn't make your name so obvious bud (edited)
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:37 PM
Just making him look more dumb
That's my fake name, lol
I'm not giving google my real name
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:37 PM
sure, jeffrey
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 03:37 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:37 PM
My name is John if you must know
Good luck finding me
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:37 PM
inb4 "john blevins"
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 03:37 PM
Jeff Levins
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:37 PM
Nah, it's some kid I went to elementary school with, I've never been able to forget their name for some reason
He's my alternate alias for stuff though, lol
I feel like I need a good last paragraph for this
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:38 PM
so you just doxed someone, gotcha
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:38 PM
Any suggestions?
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 03:38 PM
Is he the soyboy looking guy with the spiderman mask on? I bet its him
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:38 PM
Or should I just leave it at that
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 03:39 PM
dis b shiet yo
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:39 PM
yeah whatever
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:39 PM
It's just the page break
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:39 PM
pretty sure hes talking about the sentence itself
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 03:39 PM
Talking about the paragraph
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:39 PM
It's pretty much asking why he didn't say that the claim he was starting another scam site was libel, and went with bullying instead
A roundabout way of saying "So I guess you're confirming this is a scam site"
I can get rid of it though
Punk 03-Jul-18 03:40 PM
Seems like you're making it a bit complicated
Just say fuck off PL not our problem
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 03:41 PM
Oh wow punk is playing PUBG?
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:41 PM
If you want to shit on someone in a legal manner, you gotta be a little discrete about it
Which is what I was going for
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 03:41 PM
Because this weeb just parachuted into this conversation
Free publicity from other subreddits though
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:42 PM
Hello, we would like to make the public aware that PhantomL0rd has reached out to us regarding this post, and has threatened legal action against /r/LivestreamFail if it is left up. We would like to respond to PhantomL0rd’s complaints in an ope...
new link so you can edit
Thought it had editing permission already
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:42 PM
ctrl a ctrl x
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 03:42 PM
Punk 03-Jul-18 03:42 PM
Anyway I won't be able to mod much this week as I'm flying out to California tomorrow
Modding on a phone lel
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:43 PM
Going straight to the soy capitol eh
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 03:43 PM
Punk 03-Jul-18 03:43 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 03:43 PM
Searching for a qt trap gf?
Punk 03-Jul-18 03:43 PM
Nah just Raptor
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:43 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII That part is fine if you want to mock PL a bit, if not it can be removed
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 03:44 PM
Stop censoring my opinion
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:44 PM
What's a good post title?
Regarding legal threats against /r/LivestreamFail
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:45 PM
"Phantoml0rd threatening legal action against the mods of this subreddit"
gotta have the name
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:45 PM
PhantomL0rd is a poofter
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 03:46 PM
Make it look like he targeted me specifically for being the owner of the sub
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:46 PM
I kind of did
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 03:46 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:46 PM
When I said he PM
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:46 PM
yeah no
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:46 PM
PM'd you directly
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:46 PM
victim card OMEGALUL
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 03:47 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:47 PM
"We would like to remind everyone here Chanman is a POC and does not tolerate direct harassment"
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 03:47 PM
I feel for my safety rn
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:47 PM
btw, guess who just made an alt account to spam clips on the other subreddit
Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. Get a constantly updating feed of breaking news, fun stories, pics, memes, and videos just for you. Passionate about something niche? Reddit has thousands of vibrant communities with people that share your interests. Alt...
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:47 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 03:47 PM
I'm a LGBTWTFBBQ+ member
And he pratically assaulted me on the spot
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:48 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII can I post dis shit
stir the drama pot
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:48 PM
send it
let the drama flow
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:48 PM
hold on we gotta hype it in general
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:48 PM
brigading reee
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:48 PM
Go ping everyone chan, I know it's your favorite
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:49 PM
let me do it on discord
giv attention
how fucking dare you
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 03:49 PM
Phantoml0rd threatning legal action against the subreddit owner
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:49 PM
fucking Ocy
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 03:49 PM
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:49 PM
#general triggered
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:51 PM
I really think there needs to be a good closing statement
after rather than in a PM sent directly to the subreddit’s owner, which is not an official channel for having posts removed.
Any ideas?
Or just leave it at that
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:51 PM
just leave it
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:51 PM
Fuck off PL ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮
Hold on let me proofread
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 03:53 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:53 PM
Jisifius had his real name on it
Had to protect him
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 03:53 PM
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:54 PM
my hero
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:54 PM
If you notice anything wrong later or want to add anything feel free to say so
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 03:55 PM
>Still not saying I was singled out for being bisexual
This is why I should be the one posting that stuff
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 03:56 PM
You coulda written him a nice letter with no periods in it
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 03:57 PM
Only women have periods, literally why I dont use them
April 1st, 2019 is going to be LiveCringeFails day and we shall be as cringy as possible
3. We are Moderators
4. Moderators are legion
5. Moderators never forgives
6. Moderators can be a horrible, senseless, uncaring monster
7. Moderators are still able to mock you
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 03:59 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 04:00 PM
@Doctor Bread
Finally getting gilded
Oh wait wrong chat
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 04:00 PM
I didn't get gilded
I've been gilded though
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 04:01 PM
Phantom is here
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 04:01 PM
Holy shit LOL
Give him a role @ChanmanVXXIII
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 04:03 PM
Holy shit
Am I in the future?
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 04:05 PM
btw, something funny i found in the flightsim thread
any phantoml0rd sponsors we can hit up
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 04:06 PM
Inb4 G2A
Gotta search other subs for people posting our sticky
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 04:07 PM
idk, feels like totes doesnt work if its not a direct link to the main thread
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 04:12 PM
If that's actually phantomlord
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 04:13 PM
he left already lmao
Ocypode 03-Jul-18 04:13 PM
I feel like now this has turned into more of a bullying towards him
I mean I hate him but what if he uses this as evidence now
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 04:13 PM
Did he leave? I can still ping him
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 04:13 PM
nvm hes offline
hes on the tyler 1 server
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 04:13 PM
Discord or sticky? (edited)
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 04:13 PM
(mutual servers LUL)
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 04:14 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 04:14 PM
Jisifus check his comment history on t1's server
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 04:15 PM
Oh shit
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 04:15 PM
>4chin mod
>Taking the bait this easily
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 04:15 PM
ik it's fun to pretend
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 04:16 PM
Might start removing comments /u/ phantom on the sticky, since we good bois
The ones calling him a faggot
Then /u/ linking him
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 04:16 PM
MAybe lol
Phantom is banned from twitch?
His stream is gone
I'm trying to find his discord to find the real one
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 04:17 PM
I think he is
No idea
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 04:17 PM
phantom has been banned from twitch for 2 years mate
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 04:18 PM
It's not loading for me though
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 04:18 PM
hes streaming on youtube gaming
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 04:18 PM
real one
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 04:18 PM
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 04:18 PM
oh alright
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 04:19 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII Go message him on discord
Ocypode 03-Jul-18 04:19 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII Both really
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 04:29 PM
@Jisifus Did you message the admins?
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 04:29 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 04:30 PM
Alright, figure they should be aware, if we get a response can add it to the post
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 04:32 PM
PS: Why haven't you responded our last message about brigading?
Sure way to never receive a reply from the admins

Things would be a lot different if he started it all by actually speaking to me, instead of going straight up to legal action, just like how Alec came over to us and asked if we could remove that clip of him playing with a knife, we said no and that was it
That chick who accidentally(?) streamed her naked as well, she spoke to us and we removed everything
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 04:32 PM
cus he's not capable of normal conversation apparently
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 04:32 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 04:45 PM
@Jisifus I messaged richard lewis
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 04:45 PM
i already did
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 04:46 PM
Oh wait, I failed the captcha, good thing
What did you tell him?
Oh he's got a discord, maybe I could message him there too
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 04:46 PM
i linked the message the post and told him to message us on reddit if hes interested in hearing more
and i told him people should be aware of what hes doing
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 04:46 PM
I'll contact him there
ah of course he has DM's off, bah
People were already talking about PL on richard's discord, lol (edited)
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 04:51 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 04:52 PM
in investigations
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 04:55 PM
Richard lewis shout out inc
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 04:56 PM
Was going to but didn't want to post it publicly / his DM's are closed
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 04:57 PM
try to ping him or someone else on the server (edited)
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 04:57 PM
I tried messaging a few mods but they all had DM's closed as well
People don't want free dick pics I guess
Phantoml0rd licks a dogs ass live on stream. Like a pro. Plz call PETA asap. Or at least Dingle. https://www.youtube.com/user/JVPhantomLord - Phantoml0rd
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 04:59 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 05:03 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 05:03 PM
Dont engage 😡
ImNATT 03-Jul-18 05:03 PM
Oh, so we are the triggered ones?
Ocypode 03-Jul-18 05:03 PM
Can't see it, I spammed too much % to his twitter https://i.imgur.com/Ct1zmii.png
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 05:03 PM
Ocypode 03-Jul-18 05:03 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 05:04 PM
I don't have twitter access anyways
Ocypode 03-Jul-18 05:04 PM
screenshot the tweet
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 05:05 PM
I'm archiving it
archived 3 Jul 2018 21:05:04 UTC
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 05:05 PM
@PhantomL0rd Haha they sure are triggered by your frivolous non-sensical attempt at silencing bad publicity. You got em buddy.
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 05:05 PM
who has twitter access?
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 05:05 PM
All greenies
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 05:05 PM
you have to reply to this one
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 05:06 PM
"See you in court bitch "
Don't say that though
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 05:06 PM
something like " imagine being so triggered you threaten legal action against subreddit moderators and then pretend like they're the ones getting upset. Very professional by the way, keep it up" (edited)
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 05:07 PM
legal action against a subreddit's owner (edited)
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 05:07 PM
do it
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 05:07 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 05:08 PM
I don't engage on twitter memes 😡
I'm above that
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 05:08 PM
then give me the pw
ill put my name there
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 05:08 PM
Jisifus btw
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 05:08 PM
"wait who"
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 05:08 PM
gengar btw
hmu ice btw
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 05:08 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 05:10 PM
I like the people responding with %
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 05:10 PM
Oh I can finally post on richard's discord
Do I link our sticky + twitter or would that be too weird
Since its us
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 05:11 PM
Nah that's fine
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 05:11 PM
How do I make the short reddit link, like redd.it/8vva4q
or whatever it is
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 05:12 PM
you just did lol
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 05:13 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 05:13 PM
Oh shit I actually did it
PL threatened legal action against our subreddit (livestreamfail) if we do not remove a thread that was posted by one of our users:
Post he wants removed:

Post we made about him contacting us:
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 05:16 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 05:16 PM
Bruh what if RL mentions us on a youtube video?
Easy exposure
Ez <a:Clap:398941716427571210>
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 05:16 PM
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 05:16 PM
wow, reddit uses an incremental counting system for their post numbers
thats embarassing
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 05:17 PM
Reddit is embarassing on all fronts bub
Be it users, content, administration or infrastructure
Holy shit
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 05:18 PM
Especially gay subreddit owners
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 05:18 PM
I forgot about my profile pic
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 05:18 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 05:18 PM
Richards gonna see some billy
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 05:18 PM
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 05:18 PM
eh if the reddit admins liked it hes gonna be alright
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 05:20 PM
Wizards of The Coast Reportedly Severs Ties With Boogie2988 For Associating With Unsleeved Media | #WOTC #Boogie #Magic #MTG https://t.co/PTodZdNfXX
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 05:20 PM
Divorced again
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 05:22 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 05:25 PM
Man I was just chilling playing DS2, then Phantom has to be a fucking poofter
ImNATT 03-Jul-18 05:29 PM
Who's tweeting?
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 05:30 PM
not me
ImNATT 03-Jul-18 05:30 PM
@Senior Subreddit Mods
Punk 03-Jul-18 05:31 PM
Not it
RaptorJesus 03-Jul-18 05:33 PM
I didn’t read up oops
I just got out of the car and saw the thread
Also FYI he can’t sue anyone individually he’d have to sue Reddit
And obviously he isn’t going to do that
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 05:35 PM
he sued twitch
ofc hes gonna sue reddit if he can
RaptorJesus 03-Jul-18 05:35 PM
Cool, we’re not on the hook for it
George Bush just being George Bush
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 05:36 PM
RaptorJesus 03-Jul-18 05:36 PM
I’m eating chicken and waffles for the first time
My eyes are open
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 05:38 PM
1,5k votes
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 05:38 PM
almost 1.6
Front page
RaptorJesus 03-Jul-18 05:39 PM
It will hit front page of all
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 05:39 PM
My autistic legal spiel gonna be on the front of reddit
RaptorJesus 03-Jul-18 05:40 PM
Yeah you guys are lucky I was driving or I would have stickied the screenshot with the title “Suck our cocks you stupid cuckold”
RaptorJesus 03-Jul-18 05:41 PM
We the good guys again lads
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 05:41 PM
Everyone <a:Clap:398941716427571210> for PhantomL0rd for helping us out
RaptorJesus 03-Jul-18 05:41 PM
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 05:42 PM
give me nitro you fucking cucks
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 05:42 PM
Giving shekel to this jewish company
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 05:42 PM
I'm glad I bought it, was using it for high def screenshare originally
But it's worth for emoji
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 05:42 PM
ill get it once my discord gets partnered hehe xd
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 05:43 PM
Are you a streamer?
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 05:43 PM
I told you guys to make a stickied thread about it
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 05:43 PM
its the /r/oneplus one
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 05:43 PM
What's that?
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 05:44 PM
this one could be partnered easily tbh
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 05:44 PM
Whats a oneplus
Xbox one gold?
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 05:44 PM
chinese phone brand
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 05:44 PM
You reselling ching chong phones?
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 05:44 PM
Good money
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 05:46 PM
thats more than PLs last 10 yt videos combined

its the most wonderful day
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 05:49 PM
Oh shit
Ocypode 03-Jul-18 05:49 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 05:49 PM
Tell him to come here and we'll move him to the mod channel @Jisifus
RaptorJesus 03-Jul-18 05:49 PM
Oh fuck
I wanna talk to RICHAD LEWES
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 05:50 PM
Record it
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 05:50 PM
I'm sure he will
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 05:51 PM
RaptorJesus 03-Jul-18 05:51 PM
I’ll be on in a bit
Like 3 mins
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 05:51 PM
I'm going to his discord to try and get a hold of him, I'll let him know about the response
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 05:51 PM
i have 10 more minutes to hit puberty i guess
RaptorJesus 03-Jul-18 05:51 PM
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 05:52 PM
@Doctor Bread i sent him the discord link
just watch the member list
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 05:52 PM
Alright, I was just going direct
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 05:52 PM
mate i emailed him directly lmao
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 05:53 PM
Ocypode 03-Jul-18 05:53 PM
old people contact through email
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 05:53 PM
well its his fucking contact form what do you want me to do
Ocypode 03-Jul-18 05:53 PM
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 05:53 PM
send him a musica.ly or a snap or whatever the fuck you do nowadays
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 05:53 PM
r-richard isn't old, g-guys
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 05:58 PM
so do we message next
fucking scarce
Ocypode 03-Jul-18 05:58 PM
and pewdiepie
and h3h3
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 05:58 PM
All this subreddit exposure
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 05:59 PM
livefails like
Punk 03-Jul-18 05:59 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 06:00 PM
Why are asian women better than white women, guys?
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 06:02 PM
its not wokring
yeah i dont hear shit
Ocypode 03-Jul-18 06:03 PM
We hear you typing
and we're talking
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 06:08 PM
wait who is that guy
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 06:09 PM
ImNATT 03-Jul-18 06:09 PM
Why is Mcconnell in VC?
I'm not joining until he's gone 😡
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 06:09 PM
Richard lewis waiting room
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 06:09 PM
kick him
Ocypode 03-Jul-18 06:10 PM
Can I kick him
I don't like him either
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 06:10 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 06:11 PM
I told you
I literally know how everything works
I'm a tech god
RaptorJesus 03-Jul-18 06:11 PM
Is he here?
ImNATT 03-Jul-18 06:13 PM
I don't see any Richard in the User List
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 06:18 PM
i sent him a request and our server invite, give it time
its also 11pm on a tuesday so...
Ocypode 03-Jul-18 06:19 PM
ye well doesn't even matter, we shouldn't really be waiting here unless he actually messages you again to go talk
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 06:23 PM
i think we should still remove some of the very bad comments in the sticky thread, like the "kys" ones
doesnt help the situation a bit
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 06:23 PM
I was removing the ones pinging his reddit
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 06:23 PM
yeah same for his twitter
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 06:24 PM
@ImNATT you can come in now (edited)
Ocypode 03-Jul-18 06:26 PM
yup that was my fucking facebook
Punk 03-Jul-18 06:26 PM
you got owned..
Ocypode 03-Jul-18 06:28 PM
punk stop replying to it @Punk
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 06:29 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 06:29 PM
Getting the same thing
Was it a meme?
Ocypode 03-Jul-18 06:29 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 06:29 PM
Ocypode 03-Jul-18 06:29 PM
I clicked it and it took it to my facebook
Punk 03-Jul-18 06:29 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 06:29 PM
It was actually yours?
Punk 03-Jul-18 06:29 PM
you guys are stupid
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 06:29 PM
Get doxxed
Punk 03-Jul-18 06:29 PM
it's a link to YOUR PROFILE
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 06:29 PM
Ocypode 03-Jul-18 06:30 PM
oh my god
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 06:30 PM
Ohhh so thats why I cant see it
Cuz no facebook
Ocypode 03-Jul-18 06:30 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 06:30 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 06:30 PM
Ocypode 03-Jul-18 06:31 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 06:32 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 06:33 PM
its a shit subreddit btw
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 06:33 PM
I thought I had popular/elite club on this account already
Yeah I know, I would get there posting /r/MMA fights
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 06:33 PM
a bunch of actual boomers talking as if karma is worth something
like cool points
Looks like fucking facebook
Punk 03-Jul-18 06:33 PM
wtf my billy harrington thread got a shitton of upboats and I never got in there
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 06:33 PM
Punk 03-Jul-18 06:41 PM
wait you perma'd the guy who posted that?
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 06:42 PM
Oh wow people actually like us now?
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 06:42 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 06:42 PM
Do we have ice's curse?
a week of hate, another of love
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 06:44 PM
Ah okay, guess he did mean later
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 06:44 PM
i told him to just join discord and ping any of us since we're all on the same page
but ill post any email i get from him
check the new comments in the thread, someone is downvoting everything to 0 😛
i wonder who
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 06:53 PM
All this free sub exposure
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 06:53 PM
Oh wow doc
Your thread is blowing up
Almost 3,5k in only 2h
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 06:53 PM
its at 4k btw
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 06:53 PM
I got it on my last account with the D.C / Jon Jones MMA fight
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 06:53 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 06:53 PM
My streamable clip had like 2 million views before they took it down
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 06:53 PM
Its going up so fast (edited)
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 06:54 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 06:54 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 06:54 PM
Gengar sends his regards
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 06:54 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 06:54 PM
I say unban that guy
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 06:54 PM
i say mod him
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 06:54 PM
Mod him
Give him a doxxer flair
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 06:55 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 06:55 PM
I'll give him a flair
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 06:56 PM
Literally the only comment this guy ever made on the subreddit
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 06:56 PM
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 06:57 PM
#12 on all holy shit
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 06:57 PM
I would have spent more time on the response lol
Hopefully my writing was gooder enough
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 07:00 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:01 PM
Should I add in like a "for all the people from /r/all" section?
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 07:01 PM
Sticky comment
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:01 PM
Giving some background on PL
I'm sure someone's written a good summary somewhere
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:03 PM
You should
Don't be bias
allegedly owned a CSGO gambling website
alledgly lied about it
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:05 PM
No scammaz here
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:05 PM
Idk if I should go all fangirl on that hybridpanda guy
I used to watch his shit daily
During the dayz days
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:08 PM
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 07:09 PM
Holy fuck
Ocypode 03-Jul-18 07:10 PM
I played wow back in tbc with hybridpanda
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:11 PM
Jesus does everyone on this discord knows him
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:11 PM
I sucked his dick for a fiver before
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:12 PM
Describe taste
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:12 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:14 PM
He made 4 accounts to post that stream
The first one was called DeezieTV
It's him, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:14 PM
Also lmao his emulator is shit
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:15 PM
Made 4 twitch / reddit accounts to promote definitely not his stream
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:16 PM
Just gonna ignore it then
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 07:16 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:17 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:17 PM
Only 5k
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 07:17 PM
no brakes
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:17 PM
RaptorJesus 03-Jul-18 07:21 PM
Ez <a:clap:393927311654780928>
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:22 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII what games was PL big in
CS mostly?
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 07:22 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:23 PM
Oh yeah
what site did he own?
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:25 PM
CSGO Shuffle
Context for /r/all

[Twitch banned Phantoml0rd after he was accused of secretly owning a Counter-Strike: Global Offensive gambling site and promoting it without disclosure](https://www.theverge.com/2016/7/21/12246138/twitch-bans-phantoml0rd-gambling-site-own-secretly-csgo)

[Then he decided to sue Twitch for it](https://www.polygon.com/2017/7/21/16011394/phantoml0rd-twitch-ban-csgo-gambling-lawyer-statement-youtube)
Streaming service Twitch has banned one of its most popular broadcasters after he was accused of secretly owned a Counter-Strike: Global Offensive item gambling site. James "PhantomL0rd" Varga had...
Phantoml0rd says "I am looking forward to asserting my rights to the fullest extent of the law"
Should be enough?
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:27 PM
So far I had
Context for those from /r/all:

PhantomL0rd was a popular streamer at one point, the seventh largest on Twitch in fact, for games such as League of Legends and Counter Strike: Global Offensive.

During the shake-up / shutdown from Valve regarding the gambling/lotto sites connected to CS:GO, it came to light that PhantomL0rd owned one of these sites, CSGO Shuffle, and was allegedly rigging pots on stream showing himself winning thousands of dollars of skins as a way to promote the site, while intentionally failing to disclose his ownership of it.
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:27 PM
Looks good too
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:27 PM
Can add your links
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:27 PM
Could link articles from back then
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:27 PM
There were some other big ones I think
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:27 PM
Nah fug it
Just do the scamlord one
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:28 PM
h3h3 did one didn't they? or was that more for tmartn joshOG
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:28 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:28 PM
What lawsuits is Phantoml0rd in / currently in?
Is he against just valve and twitch?
Or did he not sue valve at all
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:28 PM
I think only twitch
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:29 PM
yeah nothing comes up for Valve
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:29 PM
Add in he is currently pursuing legal action against twitch, and link to richard's video as a More info on this video (15min) ?
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:31 PM
oh that's the full one isn't it
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:31 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:32 PM
Yeah I think that has the most context
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:34 PM
Wheres the sticky
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:35 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:35 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:35 PM
Context for those from /r/all:

PhantomL0rd was a popular streamer at one point, the seventh largest on Twitch in fact, for games such as League of Legends and Counter Strike: Global Offensive.

During the shake-up / shutdown from Valve regarding the gambling/lotto sites connected to CS:GO, it came to light that PhantomL0rd allegedly owned one of these sites, CSGO Shuffle, and was allegedly rigging pots on stream showing himself winning thousands of dollars of skins as a way to promote the site, while failing to disclose his ownership of it.

PhantomL0rd is currently embroiled in a [lawsuit against Twitch]
(<https://www.theverge.com/2016/7/21/12246138/twitch-bans-phantoml0rd-gambling-site-own-secretly-csgo>;), as he was banned from the streaming platform after the skin gambling debacle.

[Article about the Twitch ban]( <https://www.theverge.com/2016/7/21/12246138/twitch-bans-phantoml0rd-gambling-site-own-secretly-csgo>;)

[Richard Lewis video giving a summary of the situation]( <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dY3ltGjUBUo&t=2s>;) (He also put out a few more regarding PhantomL0rd if you feel so inclined to watch them)
Was just killing all of the links
Anywhere I should mentioned maybe Tmarten and JoshOG?
Kind of all happened about the same time
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:36 PM
nah fuck em
Thats a huge wall already
Add in 18min somewhere for lewis video
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:37 PM
I did
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:37 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:37 PM
Or you mean just mention it's long
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:37 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:37 PM
[Richard Lewis video giving a summary of the situation, 18 minutes]
Like that
Is there any info I'm missing about PL? I don't know much about him
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:37 PM
Take out richard lewis, change to *Video giving a summary of the situation (18min)]
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:38 PM
Gotta plug our homie
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:38 PM
Literally a link to his channel
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:38 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:38 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:38 PM
was putting him since some people hate RL
But I just changed it to video
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:38 PM
So I can fuck off for a while
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:38 PM
Is there anything I'm missing?
I didn't pay much attention when it happened
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:38 PM
Ban scam lawsuit huge context
Thats all it needs
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:39 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:40 PM
Sticky 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:40 PM
was just wondering if it looked good
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:40 PM
I'll literally yoink it if you dont post it
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:41 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:41 PM
Blue name
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:41 PM
Did I put enough "allegedlys"
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:41 PM
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 07:42 PM
Add something like "the video he wants to be removed shows him doing what got him banned from twitch, again"
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:42 PM
Eh, I think that's covered in the OP
And the other thread
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 07:42 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:42 PM
Also that's a little too accusatory I guess
You got a modmail @Jisifus
Someone was wondering about another self promo removal
Is that just your default removal reason? lol
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 07:44 PM
Screenshot please I'm on mobile
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:44 PM
Or does that not work on mobile
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 07:44 PM
Doesn't work sry
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:44 PM
35 upvotes in 2min
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:44 PM
wtf lol
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:44 PM
>a female
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 07:45 PM
3 hour old account
Clip posted in 3 subs
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:45 PM
Ah yeah, I just remove those without reason
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 07:45 PM
Yeah that's..... Okay I guess
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:45 PM
Nah there's no way it's self promop
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:46 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:46 PM
Gaming Galleon is a big channel I'm pretty sure
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 07:46 PM
He had like 8 viewers when the clip was made didn't he
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:46 PM
2.1k followers, eh
I thought I'd seen his name before
The moderators of this channel are: angryhoosiertv, biffgoldman, bizmuth83, bobbymlegit, bucknutz24, bulletsandtears, darkhairedbeauty, drtypiratehkr, emulousv1, eveeofdestruction, knemo666, kondrav, madspartangoliath, popoandduck, stairogre, xaidrien
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:46 PM
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha draws breath hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah...
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:47 PM
Xaidrien is a mod though
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:47 PM
I'm so confused
What did I miss
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:47 PM
the donald trump tweet she linked got deleted
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:47 PM
Damn I missed something fresh then
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:47 PM
This is what got deleted
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:48 PM
Is that why she was pissing herself laughing
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 07:48 PM
I cApItAlIzE cErTaIn WoRdS fOR EmPhAsIs
What the fuck am I reading
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:48 PM
Damn I missed nothing good then
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 07:50 PM
@Doctor Bread can you flair the post something like "context inside"
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:50 PM
Cumtext inside
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 07:51 PM
hehe xd
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:51 PM
in butt
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:51 PM
Gay ass soccer submissions above our post
Fucking third worlders
how do they get computers to upvote
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:52 PM
Handegg btw
Batball btw
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:53 PM
oh and some homo picture of a tree
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:53 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:53 PM
What a fucking gay post
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:53 PM
I guess pics is still not trying to be /r/NoSobstory
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:55 PM
Malwarebytes flagged all my pirated shit
For a second I thought I had viruses
Jisifus 03-Jul-18 07:57 PM
Alright I'll go to bed ping me if I have to call a lawyer first thing in the morning
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:57 PM
That would be a groundbreaking court case if someone managed to sue an internet mod
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 07:58 PM
Can't sue me anyway
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 07:59 PM
Yeah you can't sue POC's (edited)
And bisexuals
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 08:00 PM
Why do adults still play with lego?
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 08:01 PM
36k users online
@ChanmanVXXIII #1 on popular if you wanna ping people
oh wait jk
I think i blocked the other post when I reported it, lol
wait no I didn't
Where did it go
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 08:09 PM
it worked
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 08:09 PM
Dunno if that post got blocked since I reported it, but I didn't block the OP
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Jul-18 08:12 PM
I see the tree
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 08:12 PM
Tfw cucked by a tree
Ocypode 03-Jul-18 08:24 PM
broke 10k
Doctor Bread 03-Jul-18 08:29 PM
He knows us too well
RaptorJesus 04-Jul-18 12:24 AM
They want publicity
Let’s let them die on what they said
Doctor Bread 04-Jul-18 12:24 AM
oh yeah new account
I thought celeste was cool though
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Jul-18 12:24 AM
Is she the porn chick?
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Jul-18 12:26 AM
He's from the NBA subreddit, whatever this Thunder team is and FashionReps
He might be serious boys
Doctor Bread 04-Jul-18 12:27 AM
Can someone kick poor tony bamboni out of voice chat
Also why he is he a mod lol
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Jul-18 12:27 AM
No idea
Doctor Bread 04-Jul-18 12:28 AM
He's gonna hijack the discord
Also phantomlord deleted that Triggered tweet
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Jul-18 12:28 AM
Yeah, sadly the guy didn't use one of the archived links
With the replies and all
Doctor Bread 04-Jul-18 12:29 AM
He did not grasp what would happen after he PM'd you, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Jul-18 12:29 AM
Doctor Bread 04-Jul-18 12:29 AM
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Jul-18 12:30 AM
I assume he expected me as a top mod to get scared, removed the thread and go over you guys?
Doctor Bread 04-Jul-18 12:30 AM
Guess so, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Jul-18 12:30 AM
Literally couldn't have picked a worse mod to try that on
Should've tried on one of you NA guys
Doctor Bread 04-Jul-18 12:31 AM
Trying to sue internet jannies
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Jul-18 12:31 AM
I’m female, so I can’t try it out myself. The thought just popped into my head as I was running the bath water.
Doctor Bread 04-Jul-18 12:32 AM
People shitting on him in all of his other tweets though
Oh nice, Robinson's SRD post is 2nd
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Jul-18 12:33 AM
Doctor Bread 04-Jul-18 12:33 AM
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Jul-18 12:34 AM
Is this what being a illuminati member feels like?
Just pushing the masses around
Man now I want to watch some alex jones
I wonder if theres a channel that compiles all his funny stuff
Doctor Bread 04-Jul-18 12:35 AM
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Jul-18 12:35 AM
What the fuck is that profile pic though
Doctor Bread 04-Jul-18 12:36 AM
Somebody made a post on a website that you don't like and you claim they're breaking the rules of the website by doing so. You are willing to threaten legal action over this. Who do you threaten to sue?

A: The person who made the post.

B: The owners of the website the post was made on.

C: Someone who is a moderator of the community the post was made on but is otherwise completely unaffiliated with either the website or the person.

If you picked C, congratulations! You're fucking retarded! And you're also Phantoml0rd, apparently. Also, this:

lol legal action. Only action he would have the balls to take is sucking my dick
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Jul-18 12:36 AM
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Jul-18 03:14 AM
Jisifus 04-Jul-18 03:14 AM
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Jul-18 03:14 AM
Jisifus 04-Jul-18 03:15 AM
Doctor Bread 04-Jul-18 12:43 PM
@here Got in touch with RL, may be talking shortly
@here he's here
Jisifus 04-Jul-18 01:22 PM
ok if i join in now?
HalfOfAKebab 04-Jul-18 01:22 PM
Doctor Bread 04-Jul-18 01:22 PM
yeah sure
Punk 04-Jul-18 01:24 PM
Wow I can't believe Richard dreyfus is in chat
HalfOfAKebab 04-Jul-18 01:25 PM
Jisifus 04-Jul-18 02:02 PM
Richard Lewis is a veteran games and e-sports journalist. Here's where all his video stuff will lurk. Twitter: https://twitter.com/RLewisReports Facebook: ht...
smash that bell
Doctor Bread 04-Jul-18 02:09 PM
Was a fun chat
HalfOfAKebab 04-Jul-18 02:11 PM
@Doctor Bread you said your recording was 2gb?
mine is 22
Doctor Bread 04-Jul-18 02:13 PM
lol yeah, just recorded audio
Ocypode 04-Jul-18 04:13 PM
Oh you talked with him already
Whats the verdict
Doctor Bread 04-Jul-18 04:26 PM
Dunno, we'll see how his article turns out
Ocypode 04-Jul-18 04:31 PM
so hes gonna write something?
plug us?
Doctor Bread 04-Jul-18 04:38 PM
Ocypode 04-Jul-18 04:39 PM
Doctor Bread 04-Jul-18 04:39 PM
Ping it in general or nah
Man he did that fast as fuck, lol
Did that Norweigen CS player too
What a machine
Jisifus 04-Jul-18 04:58 PM
someone post it to /r/videos
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Jul-18 05:04 PM
I missed the memes
Ohh he shilled our sub
Ocypode 04-Jul-18 05:28 PM
guys why is the announcement gone already?
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Jul-18 05:29 PM
Whoever did it doesnt want doc to gain free karma
Oh it was doc
I think he might be autistic
Doctor Bread 04-Jul-18 05:33 PM
I took it down lol, it was 28 hours or so
And the views weren't really coming in anymore
Can reannounce it
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Jul-18 05:34 PM
Reannounce to hit 24k pls
Gotta fill up the top posts of all time with big numbers
Doctor Bread 04-Jul-18 05:34 PM
Fine lol
I didn't think it would quite make it to a million people
Ocypode 04-Jul-18 05:46 PM
Doctor Bread 04-Jul-18 05:51 PM
@Jisifus I can't think of a good flair
Or should I make it two times
Ocypode 04-Jul-18 05:53 PM
Doctor Bread 04-Jul-18 05:54 PM
[2018-07-04 19:39:42 UTC] benjiskilled: I'm squeezing my hog to this. Gonna keep doing it even if you ban me
Fucking brilliant
someone linked to some great overrustle logs on destiny's ex-gf getting banned
Ocypode 04-Jul-18 05:56 PM
Richard saying LSF has 10% of incel community
Hes not wrong
Doctor Bread 04-Jul-18 05:57 PM
Chanman should add that to the subreddit description
Ocypode 04-Jul-18 05:59 PM
Ocypode 04-Jul-18 06:09 PM
Ok I watched the whole video, that was fun
Jisifus 04-Jul-18 08:20 PM
@here @ImNATT I added an automoderator rule that filters self-posts with links in them that are shorter than 60 characters, since someone was complaining about people doing exactly that. pls let me know if there's many false negatives or if theres something else wrong
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Jul-18 08:46 PM
Ohh the die shit-eating retard hates WoW
Is this new lore? (edited)
Doctor Bread 04-Jul-18 09:46 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII 8 more upvotes and I'll take the post down
It's run out of steam for views
fug it just dropped by 12
Alright I think its run its course, lol
Jisifus 04-Jul-18 09:53 PM
Meta posts don't tend to have links in them @ChanmanVXXIII
Also, nothing is getting killed, it's going to modqueue
Doctor Bread 04-Jul-18 10:19 PM
Shit eating retard guy keeps changing the punctuation in his messages, not knowing it's just a new account ban
Jisifus 04-Jul-18 11:04 PM
Write down the account names, a few more and I'll message the admins about it
Doctor Bread 04-Jul-18 11:27 PM
Nothing they could do, it's fine
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jul-18 03:03 AM
Oops, shouldn't have made your gaming habits so obvious bud
Ocypode 05-Jul-18 03:21 AM
>ban ice and see how fast your sub goes down to shitter
>9 months ago
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jul-18 08:32 AM
Follow twitch camgirls using the subreddit twitter
ImNATT 05-Jul-18 10:52 AM
@Jisifus Did someone implement the filter already or what?
Wait, who gave you config perms?
Jisifus 05-Jul-18 11:11 AM
you did
nvm raptor did
ImNATT 05-Jul-18 11:13 AM
Polygon Journalist that's shadowbanned
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 11:13 AM
ImNATT 05-Jul-18 11:13 AM
Seems like she shilled her articles too hard
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 11:14 AM
Senior Internet Culture Reporter @polygon. YouTube obsessed. Student of memes. Survives on whiskey and chicken nuggets. DMs are open for tips/funny videos.
Got beaten with the ugly tree
ImNATT 05-Jul-18 11:16 AM
We can ignore Polygon imo
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 11:16 AM
More free advertisement though
ImNATT 05-Jul-18 11:16 AM
To the wrong audience though
Jisifus 05-Jul-18 11:16 AM
dunno, anything that makes pl look bad and gives us more publicity is okay in my book
ImNATT 05-Jul-18 11:17 AM
I don't want more of the r/politics crowd in our sub
Jisifus 05-Jul-18 11:18 AM
why /r/politics
ImNATT 05-Jul-18 11:18 AM
That's who polygon caters to
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 11:18 AM
Polygon is pretty SJW aren't they
29 votes and 20 so far on reddit
Jisifus 05-Jul-18 11:19 AM
admin reply
llooks like they're implying the post does not violate content policy
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 11:19 AM
Yep, lol
Jisifus 05-Jul-18 11:20 AM
still, i replied specifically asking again, like richard lewis suggested
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 11:20 AM
I think it's fine but w/e
that'd be great if phantoml0rds reddit account gets banned, lol
Jisifus 05-Jul-18 11:21 AM
@ImNATT i think they're writing up an article about it anyways, the question is whether or not we give her more info
shes not "asking for a statement" and investigating for shits and giggles, thats for sure
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 11:22 AM
"Our lawyers have advised us to not speak to the press"
Jisifus 05-Jul-18 11:22 AM
"our head of legal, /u/ChanmanVXXIII" (edited)
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 11:22 AM
"I'm not sure if I trust someone who's shadowbanned is an actual journalist"
Jisifus 05-Jul-18 11:23 AM
so just reply to her that she 1) needs to get her shadowban lifted and 2) provide some form of proof before we consider talking to her?
again, the article is probably coming so whatever dood
ImNATT 05-Jul-18 11:25 AM
Let it come. But without us giving her a chance to slander the subreddit
"No comment" should be enough of a statement for people like her. (edited)
Jisifus 05-Jul-18 11:25 AM
depends on what questions shes asking. we can always tell her to fuck off
just folllow her on twitter so she can DM us for proof
(with the lsf account)
can you do that?
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 11:27 AM
It's probably her
ImNATT 05-Jul-18 11:27 AM
I can, but I don't feel good doing that. Curls my neck hairs
Jisifus 05-Jul-18 11:27 AM
mate youre following keemstar
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 11:27 AM
ImNATT 05-Jul-18 11:28 AM
I didn't follow anyone on that account
If it was up to me we wouldnt follow anyone
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 11:28 AM
I'll respond, I'm our unoffical armchair lawyer
Jisifus 05-Jul-18 11:29 AM
ImNATT 05-Jul-18 11:30 AM
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 11:30 AM
Lol so cruel
ImNATT 05-Jul-18 11:31 AM
She can use that statement in her article
Jisifus 05-Jul-18 11:31 AM
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 11:31 AM
That's not how you talk to the press, inb4 hitpiece on LSF
20% incels
Jisifus 05-Jul-18 11:31 AM
"polygon suing lsf mods"
ImNATT 05-Jul-18 11:31 AM
I don't care what polygon thinks of the sub
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 11:32 AM
That's fine but you don't want them writing bad stuff and sending their warriors here
ImNATT 05-Jul-18 11:38 AM
That would be brigading. Polygon wouldn't do that as a reputable news source, would they now?
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 11:42 AM
Meh I'll be nice
inb4 hitpiece anyways
Ocypode 05-Jul-18 12:01 PM
Yikes whats going on
How can I keep old reddit style 24/7 without having to always click it?
Jisifus 05-Jul-18 12:17 PM
preferences i think
Ocypode 05-Jul-18 12:20 PM
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 03:48 PM
I really do hope I got banned for changing my flair to "PhantomL0rd only scammed kids two times"
Cause that'd be fantastic
I can't do anything mod-related while banned by the way.
Jisifus 05-Jul-18 04:08 PM
What the hell
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 04:08 PM
Inb4 PhantomL0rd reported my reddit account
I asked what I got hit for, I'll let you guys knows if I get a response
Jisifus 05-Jul-18 04:10 PM
Not good
Ocypode 05-Jul-18 04:11 PM
Oh no
of course it was PL
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 04:16 PM
It's either that or I said something mean to someone responding to a ban message and they got upset, but I don't really go too heavy with anything there
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jul-18 06:01 PM
Poly "how do controllers work" Gon
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jul-18 06:08 PM
She yoinked the neatclip video address
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 06:08 PM
Jisifus 05-Jul-18 06:08 PM
"twitch subreddit"
what the fuck
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 06:08 PM
She didn't add my modmail response in either, just says they reached out
Think Natt scared her off before she got it telling her to get her shadowban fixed, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jul-18 06:09 PM
Twitch subreddit
Literally says livestream on the name, must be a twitch hub
She didn't even hyperlink our sub
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 06:10 PM
Scroll down a bit and the article is on their front page
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jul-18 06:11 PM
Its literally his 6 years old reddit account (edited)
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 06:12 PM
Journalism btw
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jul-18 06:12 PM
Impersonator btw
Finally someone understands how I feel
I was literally fearing for my safety
Ocypode 05-Jul-18 06:45 PM
screenshot of our subreddit is on pewdiepies video https://i.imgur.com/aTUcnru.png (edited)
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jul-18 06:46 PM
Pewdiepie made us
Ocypode 05-Jul-18 06:46 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jul-18 06:47 PM
Oh polygon appeared on his video
Ocypode 05-Jul-18 06:47 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jul-18 06:48 PM
Looks like an article talking shit about us
Ocypode 05-Jul-18 06:48 PM
did you read it
isn't it about amouranth
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jul-18 06:48 PM
Its literally julia
That wrote it
Ocypode 05-Jul-18 06:48 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jul-18 06:49 PM
Ocypode 05-Jul-18 06:49 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jul-18 06:50 PM
Yeah she literally links our subreddit, but no shit talking yet, just saying we use the term twitch thot
Even though we use camgirls / tit streamer more
Ohhhh now I see why I found her name familiar
She was part of the whole gamergate articles thing, she took the side that it was all about hating women (edited)
Ocypode 05-Jul-18 06:57 PM
we must go deeper 🤔
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 06:58 PM
Perhaps I should have been mean in the modmail to her, lol
Not our fault our userbase is 10% incel
Ocypode 05-Jul-18 06:58 PM
negative publicity for LSF
she wouldve been triggered
are we part of the 10%
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jul-18 06:59 PM
I'd say we're the 1% that just straight up hates anything that women touches
Ocypode 05-Jul-18 06:59 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jul-18 07:00 PM
* when the GamerGate movement — a reactionary, hateful campaign that targeted women and marginalized people in the games industry and manufactured a cover of being interested in “ethics in games journalism" — first sprung up.*
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 07:00 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jul-18 07:00 PM
This is why traps are god tier
Look at that duck(?)
Holy shit boys
I'm scared to go deeper
She wrote an article saying ugandan knucles is racist
And could be part of the alt-right(?) (edited)
Last part wasnt true, just the one about it being racist
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jul-18 08:18 PM
Hampton brandon jailed again
Jisifus 05-Jul-18 09:58 PM
Forty Dance! - Clipped by KillingUT
Jisifus 05-Jul-18 10:05 PM
Trust and Safety
it also says who the admin was that removed the post, it was /u/rainbowunicornlandia apparently
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jul-18 10:06 PM
Thats a puppet admin account, no?
Jisifus 05-Jul-18 10:06 PM
yeah probably
bread has some juicy fucking numbers
600 people banned poggers
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jul-18 10:07 PM
Doctor Banned
I did more actions than the automod, FeelsOkayMan
Jisifus 05-Jul-18 10:08 PM
yeah cus our config is super lightweight
thats also why my actions are low cus im used to automod catching most of the shit
natt going through unmod, crazy
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 10:10 PM
I ban them so you guys don't have to ❤
Jisifus 05-Jul-18 10:10 PM
you bann them cus they have red /r/ice_poseidon stats in [H]
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jul-18 10:12 PM
He evolved
Doesnt even have to click the H anymore
Extension just lights up their names
Jisifus 05-Jul-18 10:12 PM
joking aside, i still think we should have stricter automod rules for insults
some of the shit that ends up in modqueue because it gets reported
just beyond me how automod doesnt pick that up
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 10:21 PM
nah i don't have I_P tracked
Jisifus 05-Jul-18 10:24 PM
like, this is the sort of valuable discussion that doesnt end up in modqueue, gg
or this
or this
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 10:28 PM
It's fine, he gets hit by the filter now
Jisifus 05-Jul-18 10:28 PM
yeah he does and he always has but the other garbage hasnt
this is textbook automoderator man, we're #532 on the number of subscribers, i can guarantee 500 of the subs above us have more useful and sophisticated automoderator rules
i mean its fun to joke about the 10% incels stuff but at the end of the day thats a really weird reputation if you know what i mean
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 10:44 PM
Don't you have perms? Just put them on
Jisifus 05-Jul-18 10:46 PM
Yeah I can't remember what natt said the last time I brought it up but I'm sure it was something about not wanting to suppress discussion
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 10:47 PM
fuck you retard fuck is not discussion
Jisifus 05-Jul-18 10:47 PM
I got perms for the ice filter, not gonna add hundreds of lines without his approval
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 10:47 PM
Could just try it for a day and see how it goes like we did for the week account filter
Jisifus 05-Jul-18 10:47 PM
nothing is permanent, everything can be adjusted and reverted
if he spent as much time in modqueue as he does approving posts that had nothing wrong with them in the first place in /unmod any false positives would probably stay filtered for a few minutes tops, no offense
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 10:49 PM
Reddit cucks still haven't said why I'm banned
Jisifus 05-Jul-18 10:50 PM
Harassment, duh
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jul-18 10:51 PM
I'm surprised I wasnt hit with a ban yet, considered I used nigger a lot in my past comments
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 10:52 PM
Gotta ban me for making fun of scamlord though
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jul-18 10:52 PM
Before the sub was a thing, that is
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 10:52 PM
in a flair no less, not even a comment
Jisifus 05-Jul-18 10:52 PM
Using slurs isn't really a globally bannable offense though
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jul-18 10:52 PM
How odd
Jisifus 05-Jul-18 10:52 PM
It's just a reddiquette thing I think
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jul-18 10:52 PM
I just called people niggers for acting retarded or not getting the point, mostly on /r/4chan
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 10:53 PM
are you still banned from there
Jisifus 05-Jul-18 10:53 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jul-18 10:53 PM
I'm perma banned from there, yeah
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 10:53 PM
just ban the rest of their mods
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jul-18 10:53 PM
Last comment I made there was like 2 years ago
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 10:53 PM
Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. Get a constantly updating feed of breaking news, fun stories, pics, memes, and videos just for you. Passionate about something niche? Reddit has thousands of vibrant communities with people that share your interests. Alt...
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jul-18 10:53 PM
Their sub became pretty shit with the meme mods
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 10:53 PM
This is the guy who banned you I think
when peetrius sent us a picture
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jul-18 10:58 PM
I forgot to check him out
Might do in a few minutes
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jul-18 11:10 PM
Oh wow he might be an actual commie/tankie
Nevermind, he commented on those subs arguing with them (edited)
Nothing good on that account, just /pol/-lite comments
Oh wow
@Doctor Bread remember that guy you banned and sent a you have to go back image?
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 11:23 PM
yeah we knew about that when it happened lol
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jul-18 11:23 PM
I only remember the 2 drama sub posts
Doctor Bread 05-Jul-18 11:24 PM
He posted in all of them since he was upset I memed on him
someone clear that modmail please
been looking at it for hours
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Jul-18 11:45 PM
Theres a hobo emoji?
🧔 (edited)
Jisifus 06-Jul-18 01:01 AM
If anyone has some free time they could sit down and try to make a mobile icon for the subreddit which is used in apps and the mobile site, like this
As you can see ours is the default one from the settings
Doctor Bread 06-Jul-18 01:04 AM
Could just be LSF in a bubble honestly
Jisifus 06-Jul-18 01:11 AM
Yep, maybe not a solid color background or a default font, that's all I'm saying
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jul-18 02:08 AM
Jesus, the gw2 chick that argued with the ccreator guy also said she was glad totalbiscuit died, just wtf (edited)
Looks like she got fired
Doctor Bread 06-Jul-18 03:02 PM
@here reddit ban was removed
Did not expect that, lol
Jisifus 06-Jul-18 03:02 PM
prematurely? nice
any reason?
Doctor Bread 06-Jul-18 03:03 PM
Nope, just said they reviewed my appeal and restored the account.
I'll ask if I triggered something but I don't think I'll get a response. (edited)
I wonder if they have automatic ban triggers set up or if iit's all manual
PhantomL0rd had all of his kids report me maybe (edited)
Ocypode 06-Jul-18 03:24 PM
all 4 of his kids
Jisifus 06-Jul-18 03:26 PM
gonna take a shot at re-writing some of the automod config tonight, mainly for structuring purposes
ill add a section for the more hardcore language filters and change the action reasons so its easy to spot false positives
ill back up the current config and pin it here later (edited)
Doctor Bread 06-Jul-18 03:27 PM
Someday I will finish the rules stuff
Jisifus 06-Jul-18 03:28 PM
i also think we should use the momentum and give a small meta update on all the little things that were changed over the weeks
ill write something up later
Doctor Bread 06-Jul-18 03:28 PM
Like what little things?
Jisifus 06-Jul-18 03:30 PM
night mode fixes and automod, pretty much
maybe well find more, but the automod stuff is pretty major so they warrant their own post (edited)
Doctor Bread 06-Jul-18 03:32 PM
I don't think you want to announce automod stuff
People aren't supposed to know how to get around it
Jisifus 06-Jul-18 03:33 PM
its superficial talk
no specific code
theres also no way to get around user reports
i agree it might sound a bit PR-ish but i think ppl need to know that we do something other than getting sued and banning streamers now and then
Jisifus 06-Jul-18 04:39 PM
Pinned a message.
Doctor Bread 06-Jul-18 05:03 PM
Ocypode 06-Jul-18 05:13 PM
Jisifus 06-Jul-18 05:30 PM
they have a filter that automatically bans people?
Ocypode 06-Jul-18 06:34 PM
I can't even get the old style back anymore
I also noticed for some reason I'm able to edit Jisifus's access https://i.imgur.com/8LbftNc.png
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jul-18 06:37 PM
Admins are as lazy as us?
Just let the automod handle bans
You can edit mods under you
Ocypode 06-Jul-18 06:38 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Jul-18 06:38 PM
Remove his mod
Ocypode 06-Jul-18 06:42 PM
remove everyones mod chanman
Doctor Bread 06-Jul-18 07:08 PM
I can't do that, you need full permissions
Unless it's a new reddit design vulnerability
Jisifus 06-Jul-18 08:46 PM
the mod list is purely hierarchy based, you can remove anybody below you regardless of permissions
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Jul-18 06:44 AM
Finally a real dox threat
Jisifus 07-Jul-18 09:33 AM
finally, the flair i always wanted
💯 2
🇬 2
🇦 2
🇾 2
Doctor Bread 07-Jul-18 01:29 PM
@Ocypode yikes that arena rating
Ocypode 07-Jul-18 01:32 PM
helping friends on my alt pls
what kind of a bread and toaster fetishes you have @Doctor Bread
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Jul-18 04:11 AM
When did modern men become so fucking weak and spineless? Is it mostly just the left? It seems to be... - "/pol/ - Politically Incorrect" is 4chan's board for discussing and debating politics and current events.
We out there, boys
Ocypode 08-Jul-18 01:29 PM
supa kika bruce u getting hit by automod https://i.imgur.com/nLON5hI.png
Doctor Bread 08-Jul-18 02:04 PM
Ocypode 08-Jul-18 04:40 PM
seems like xqc needs his own flair
also we were supposed to change the flairs remove some add some
RaptorJesus 09-Jul-18 02:18 PM
Leave it
Makes valid points, we can look at it in a bit
i'll contact reddit admins
👍 1
Doctor Bread 09-Jul-18 02:55 PM
I'll look at it after this game
Could be his mods if not him
Like he said though, usually new accounts that post one clip and delete themselves
Doctor Bread 09-Jul-18 03:11 PM
Kebab marked that guy last year for shilling for delor
Lot of brand new / low karma accounts in the thread arguing for dellor 🤔
0 votes and 0 so far on reddit
That was clipped by his mod
lilpenguintv, had 0 views when I clicked on it
I dunno, what do you guys think?
Everything surrounding him is always from no karma / brand new accounts
0 votes and 3 so far on reddit
Confronted by one of the other possible Dellor mods linked in the other thread
-Hit might be his account
Dunno how he found that removed thread, I took it down instantly
RaptorJesus 09-Jul-18 03:39 PM
Ban all of his alts
Doctor Bread 09-Jul-18 03:39 PM
Ocypode 09-Jul-18 03:39 PM
"To a different of dellors"
what does that mean
Doctor Bread 09-Jul-18 03:39 PM
I have no idea
Ocypode 09-Jul-18 03:40 PM
I might have appoved some clips yeah
I didn't look that much into it
nothing else that I might've done lol
Doctor Bread 09-Jul-18 03:41 PM
These two arguing for him in the comments, linking to his twitch / t-shirt store
new hour old account and no karma account
"Just a fan of dellors on an alt reddit account. #TSMNIGGERSLAYER"
Ocypode 09-Jul-18 03:42 PM
seems that guy really wants to be known
Doctor Bread 09-Jul-18 03:43 PM
8 day old account no karma
Seems like a lot of alt account fuckery going on (edited)
Ocypode 09-Jul-18 03:52 PM
yeah its getting pretty clear
ImNATT 09-Jul-18 04:44 PM
Idk whats going on
Doctor Bread 09-Jul-18 04:46 PM
One of the guys who got accused, just read through everything
Ocypode 09-Jul-18 04:51 PM
we must go deeper
Him linking his twitch doesn't prove anything though (edited)
we don't know its his actually
ImNATT 09-Jul-18 04:54 PM
Let him message you
Ok, so I don't see a way for us to verify any claims made in the thread. We would need to get all the accused accounts to come online somewhere where we can see their IPs to compare. And I don't think discord owners can see any PII. So there's nothing we can do.
Ocypode 09-Jul-18 04:59 PM
I also think now that it was on the front page we won't see many clips anymore, especially if it was dellor himself who did it
Doctor Bread 09-Jul-18 05:01 PM
I don't think he himself did it, other than maybe asking people to post
I'd assume it was his mods making accounts though
ImNATT 09-Jul-18 05:02 PM
Could be. I'll go look for a discord.
Looking at his discord, it seems like they're all different people.
Ocypode 09-Jul-18 08:29 PM
Keep or no?
It's being livestreamed on twitch and all
Pretty hype shit atm, but is it really according to guidelines
Doctor Bread 09-Jul-18 09:39 PM
yeah it's fine
Jisifus 09-Jul-18 09:46 PM
Jisifus is one of the millions playing, creating and exploring the endless possibilities of Roblox. Join Jisifus on Roblox and explore together!
holy fuck theres a roblox profile with my name
(i found that through google, not by trying to register for roblox)
thats literally the first time ive seen someone else take my name lmao
Doctor Bread 09-Jul-18 09:51 PM
@Jisifus Should ban half of the people who respond to the thanos thread (for like a day) lol
Jisifus 09-Jul-18 09:51 PM
nah they're probably in the actual subreddit anyways
ded meme
Doctor Bread 09-Jul-18 09:52 PM
I just subbed, is it only counting people who had joined from a certain point?
Jisifus 09-Jul-18 09:52 PM
youre too late
Doctor Bread 09-Jul-18 09:52 PM
aw rip
Jisifus 09-Jul-18 09:54 PM
join one of the voice channels lmao
ah nvm they just closed it
Doctor Bread 09-Jul-18 09:54 PM
what the fuck lol
im in one
Jisifus 09-Jul-18 09:54 PM
they had one called "screaming room" and "music"
Doctor Bread 09-Jul-18 09:54 PM
it's like a forsen stream
Jisifus 09-Jul-18 09:54 PM
with 1000 people in them
yeah "if twitch chat had sound"
Doctor Bread 09-Jul-18 09:55 PM
im in "some real shit"
Jisifus 09-Jul-18 09:55 PM
wait theres one at the bottom thats actually quiet
yeah its a lot les cringy than i thought
Doctor Bread 09-Jul-18 10:00 PM
I thought it was when it got announced but it's legit now
Josh Brolin in it and whatnot
I never saw the movie though, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jul-18 02:35 AM
Found one of the 10%
Doctor Bread 10-Jul-18 03:10 AM
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jul-18 01:39 PM
Looks like some dude pretending to be one of his smurfs
RaptorJesus 10-Jul-18 01:45 PM
Yeah it looks like its someone trying to frame him
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jul-18 01:46 PM
Also about the main thread, shoot2kill_ and Youhear shilled him pretty heavy and for months
We could sticky something showing the users what we see on their accounts
This is all dello clips
If we were to do something about it, getting confirmation that shoot2kill and Youhear are normal people and not dello could be a start
Maybe asking for their twitch name then messaging them there to confirm, we even get to see the date their twitch acc were created
Kinda push them between choosing to help us confirm they aren't dello alts or banning dello from the subreddit (edited)
If they aren't dello alts, they get to help the streamer out
If they aren't willing to help him out, then we'll side with the guy accusing dello and ban him
Leave your thoughts and prayers while I sleep
Ocypode 10-Jul-18 01:52 PM
yeah I agree with this
I thought of it back then when they made that thread
we should just confirm them
this creates/created too much controversy so we gotta get to the root of this and either let everything be fine and inform the subreddit users that all was good or that we just ban dellor
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jul-18 01:55 PM
If he gets the ban just add it to the stickied comment, I don't see the need to make a new stickied thread telling people about it
Doctor Bread 10-Jul-18 01:58 PM
That youhear guy already linked his account in one of his comments
Czar_tv or something
I don't think dello is important enough to make a ban announcement, it would just be a soft ban, just remove / maybe ban brand new accounts posting his clips
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jul-18 02:00 PM
Someone should check the clips and list the usernames that clipped it, Vastingg and czar__tv are the common ones so far
Oh I'm tired and didn't see you just said that
Doctor Bread 10-Jul-18 02:01 PM
Apparently vastingg is just a regular there
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jul-18 02:01 PM
So, message shoot2kill_ and Youhear asking for their twitch names, only two guys worth talking to
Is he?
Doctor Bread 10-Jul-18 02:03 PM
Yeah, I don't know about the shoot2kill_ guy
He didn't say anything
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Jul-18 02:04 PM
Oh youhear commented on the thread
Seems like he's clean, gotta check shoot2kill guy though
Tehoreoz is a mod of his but posted only 2 clips of dellor
Dunno if thats enough to throw in the do ban side of things
RaptorJesus 10-Jul-18 04:24 PM
dead by the end of the month btw
Ocypode 10-Jul-18 04:32 PM
We're dead boys
I checked their /new/ like couple days ago, literally every single clip is posted by an alt account who only spams clips on /r/livefails
livefails mods on suicide watch using bots or some shit to post clips and copy every single one from LSF
Doctor Bread 11-Jul-18 12:09 AM
This your alt account?
ChanmanVXXIII 11-Jul-18 12:10 AM
No (edited)
I get it
Looks like a guy from forsen's sub
Currently they're spamming dicks everywhere
That's a gay teen offlineTV viewer who enjoys spamming dicks, life is so wild
People still talking shit and lying about TB FeelsWeirdMan
jammy 11-Jul-18 07:38 AM
the thing is with youhear's posts is
when you look at the clips submitted, you can see that every single one has a different twitch account clipping it
Ocypode 11-Jul-18 08:25 AM
That actually says a lot
Streamers can never clip themselves you know
Or atleast they don't, it would be too obvious and seen on stream
ChanmanVXXIII 11-Jul-18 12:04 PM
I feel personally attacked by this
Doctor Bread 11-Jul-18 12:04 PM
That dude is 100% a polack
ChanmanVXXIII 11-Jul-18 12:05 PM
Gonna read his comments
Doctor Bread 11-Jul-18 12:05 PM
It's pretty bad
ChanmanVXXIII 11-Jul-18 12:06 PM
Pretty tame so far
Doctor Bread 11-Jul-18 12:07 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 11-Jul-18 12:07 PM
Oh I see it
Thats just his 1st page
He got banned for naming the jew
Doctor Bread 11-Jul-18 12:07 PM
Yeah he was shitting up the veteran thread pretty hard
ChanmanVXXIII 11-Jul-18 12:07 PM
Reddit 101
Doctor Bread 11-Jul-18 12:07 PM
I removed like 1 comment parent/chain, 81/121 comments removed (edited)
Veteran playing video games? Let me tell you what I really think about America and the Jews
ChanmanVXXIII 11-Jul-18 12:08 PM
Oh I found it
Wait, why did that guy called him a racism for saying the usa/israel thing?
Is this the dogwhistle meme
Doctor Bread 11-Jul-18 12:09 PM
Yeah, he got pretty deep in to the jew hate / conspiracy later though
All of his responses to other threads are usually super hostile, he says a lot of pol buzzwords/statements too
I don't think he got it from Conan or pathofexile, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 11-Jul-18 12:10 PM
So much text
Dude should use it to wall off mexico
He got it from anime
Doctor Bread 11-Jul-18 12:11 PM
God he comments a lot
ChanmanVXXIII 11-Jul-18 12:11 PM
But yeah, his mistake was doing it on a random ass nonpolitical subreddit
Doctor Bread 11-Jul-18 12:11 PM
How did I miss this guy
ChanmanVXXIII 11-Jul-18 12:11 PM
He talks so much about usa and jews
His poe stuff isnt like that so far, did he use our sub to say that shit
Doctor Bread 11-Jul-18 12:13 PM
LSF is a political sub btw
That's his whole comment history, he thinks LSF is political I think
ChanmanVXXIII 11-Jul-18 12:13 PM
Hell yeah, proud of that guy
We're both alt-right and twitch sjw
And that's a good thing
Doctor Bread 11-Jul-18 12:14 PM
I wonder if I would be that brainwashed if I wasn't married to a Jew
Since I go on pol from time to time
ChanmanVXXIII 11-Jul-18 12:14 PM
That ashkenazi pussy brainwashed you to love em
Did I say it right?
Feels weird to add nazi there
Doctor Bread 11-Jul-18 12:15 PM
She's only half, her mom is christian
But she grew up jewish
ChanmanVXXIII 11-Jul-18 12:16 PM
Culturally appropriated jewish customs*
Doctor Bread 11-Jul-18 12:16 PM
I talked to GGD btw, he says he could make a bot that scrapes the streamer name in the clip and applies the correct flair to the post
Could automatically have every streamer name
ChanmanVXXIII 11-Jul-18 12:17 PM
That's sounds 10/10
Doctor Bread 11-Jul-18 12:17 PM
Could do more with titles and automod but that's not as perfect as a bot
ChanmanVXXIII 11-Jul-18 12:18 PM
Holy fuck
Did you see the sub that pol guy comments on?
Fuckin hell
Doctor Bread 11-Jul-18 12:18 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 11-Jul-18 12:18 PM
What is Jelqing?

Jelqing is the act of forcing blood inside of the penis in order to expand the tissue in hopes of growing in both length and or girth.
Doctor Bread 11-Jul-18 12:18 PM
Oh yeah that too
That'll fuck up your cock, it's on /r9k/ a lot
ChanmanVXXIII 11-Jul-18 12:18 PM
Jesus christ
I decided to check the sub with nsfw off
So far it looks like a great sub
Doctor Bread 11-Jul-18 12:19 PM
The device you use
They also like to use
stuff like this to stretch it out
Can cause a lot of permanent damage
ChanmanVXXIII 11-Jul-18 12:21 PM
No idea how the 2nd one is supposed to work
Doctor Bread 11-Jul-18 12:22 PM
You just leave it on even when you're soft, or you can buy one that attaches to your thigh that keeps it stretched throughout the day
ChanmanVXXIII 11-Jul-18 12:25 PM
Ohhh now I remember that
ChanmanVXXIII 11-Jul-18 01:15 PM
I'm almost adding a automod filter for the I'm squeezing my hog to this pasta so it doesn't get stale
People are overusing it
Gotta throw it in the modqueue
Doctor Bread 11-Jul-18 05:37 PM
Man I think I'm done with MMORPG's (edited)
People in them are such trash
Jisifus 11-Jul-18 06:36 PM
got my server partnered on discord
if chanman or whoever created this server wants a free hoodie this server would get partnered easily
Ocypode 11-Jul-18 06:37 PM
@RaptorJesus did
Jisifus 11-Jul-18 06:37 PM
well its a cool hoodie
RaptorJesus 11-Jul-18 06:38 PM
They denied our partnership
last time i tried
let me check
Jisifus 11-Jul-18 06:39 PM
wait really hahaha
RaptorJesus 11-Jul-18 06:39 PM
i'll show you
Ocypode 11-Jul-18 06:39 PM
you can't have NSFW channels if you want to get partnered
Jisifus 11-Jul-18 06:39 PM
the only reason they denid us at first was because of the member count
RaptorJesus 11-Jul-18 06:39 PM
Hey RaptorJesus,

Sorry for the troubles. When reviewing applications for Partnership, we generally look for well-established communities with a large and wide-reaching reach to help spread the word of Discord all over the world.

With that in mind, we can't guarantee that meeting any of these requirements will grant partnership. Being a Discord partner means exhibiting the best behavior, as well as always upholding our community guidelines, through both yourself and your community.

If we're not sure that your community's content is up to snuff in these areas, we may not be able to give you the green light on becoming a partner, even if you do hit a certain If you'd like a little more detail, you can read up on what we look for in potential Partners over here: Discord Partnership Requirements

If you have any other questions, let me know here.
Jisifus 11-Jul-18 06:40 PM
god damn
probably too controversial at times
RaptorJesus 11-Jul-18 06:40 PM
I'll apply again
Ocypode 11-Jul-18 06:40 PM
remove nsfw channels then
trust me
thats one reason
Jisifus 11-Jul-18 06:41 PM
i mean its not like being partnered is super important or anything
its mainly the vanity link
like discord.gg/LSF
RaptorJesus 11-Jul-18 06:46 PM
You did the thing!
Thanks so much for applying. We’ll check out your application and get back to you shortly.
lets see what their excuse is this time
Jisifus 11-Jul-18 06:46 PM
the discord hoodie kinda boosted my self esteem yesterday
cus i usually wear XL here
but XL in europe is like 64cm across and in the US its 70+
RaptorJesus 11-Jul-18 06:47 PM
I want a comfy partner hoodie
how many do you get?
Jisifus 11-Jul-18 06:47 PM
so i measured one of my hoodies and it came out on L in US size
just one
RaptorJesus 11-Jul-18 06:48 PM
fight to the death for the hoodie
Jisifus 11-Jul-18 06:48 PM
well they dont let you choose at all it's the owner/creator who gets it period
RaptorJesus 11-Jul-18 06:48 PM
Jisifus 11-Jul-18 06:48 PM
one guy on the discord i ran did all the bots etc. and i asked them if he could get it they said nope
RaptorJesus 11-Jul-18 06:48 PM
Well my hoodie now
Doctor Bread 11-Jul-18 06:57 PM
@Jisifus Jeeze, you're a big boy huh
Tfw small/medium hoodies
Jisifus 11-Jul-18 06:57 PM
i'm 6'4 though
Doctor Bread 11-Jul-18 06:57 PM
ah okay, big and tall
Jisifus 11-Jul-18 06:57 PM
well mainly HPS
hoodies look better when they're a tad too large and L is too small for me in terms of hip to shoulder length (edited)
wait who the fuck are you
Doctor Bread 11-Jul-18 06:59 PM
Oh, thought that was a nickname change on another discord, lol
Jisifus 11-Jul-18 07:00 PM
wow hahahaha
Doctor Bread 11-Jul-18 07:00 PM
who got mod
HalfOfAKebab 13-Jul-18 04:11 AM
ImNATT 13-Jul-18 09:11 AM
@Doctor Bread https://mod.reddit.com/mail/all/4co6t
What are you doing?
Doctor Bread 13-Jul-18 09:13 AM
@ImNATT that guy kept making new accounts to post that noisybutters person and then commenting things on it like that last night
There was some other person doing it for another female streamer too, can't remember the name though
ImNATT 13-Jul-18 09:16 AM
Lauren something
That blonde girl
Doctor Bread 13-Jul-18 09:20 AM
They've made a few accounts trying to promote, I think it's the whiteknight mods usually (edited)
Gotta promote m'lady so she puts me at the top of her "favorite friends" list
ImNATT 13-Jul-18 09:24 AM
Ocypode 13-Jul-18 09:27 AM
Doctor Bread 13-Jul-18 09:27 AM
Maybe that person was legit though, but she always has people saying like "LOL WOW" "LOL CLASSIC" "HAHA GREAT CLIP"
Was like 23 minutes old when I first saw it
ImNATT 13-Jul-18 09:27 AM
Give him the benefit of doubt. Can always reban
Doctor Bread 13-Jul-18 09:27 AM
Maybe it was just some pleb viewer from the stream this time
Oh wait I'm on my computer, now I remember
The moderators of this channel are: alisvibe_, alliefx, amandathejedi, ash5, asivrs, blogu, camcato, cole2, coolfirelavayt, crudes, csgodoctor, cyberius
ImNATT 13-Jul-18 09:29 AM
Okay, I just Jebaited him then.
ImNATT 13-Jul-18 10:16 AM
Should I replace the Gross Gore or Kitboga flair with xQc?
Ocypode 13-Jul-18 10:19 AM
gross gore is quite forgotten now
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jul-18 10:39 AM
Might wanna replace kitboga with Asmongold
Doctor Bread 13-Jul-18 10:39 AM
all kitboga threads with no flairs get reported for no flair
People hate him lol
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jul-18 10:39 AM
Ban kitboga then replace his flair with asmongold
There you go, fixed it
Doctor Bread 13-Jul-18 10:40 AM
Ez 👏
Asmon has his own flair already
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jul-18 10:41 AM
No filter though
Doctor Bread 13-Jul-18 10:41 AM
Oh I was just talking flairs
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jul-18 10:41 AM
Honestly I can sit down and create a shit ton of flairs, but its gonna clog the list by a lot
Doctor Bread 13-Jul-18 10:42 AM
Add a Mitch, Ninja, and Jake flair as well, those are all of the most requested
I talked to GGD about making the bot automatically flair posts by checking the clip and taking the streamer's username though
high tech stuff
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jul-18 10:43 AM
Coral/Ocean flair?
Doctor Bread 13-Jul-18 10:44 AM
Pedophile flair
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jul-18 10:44 AM
PedoBear it is
Doctor Bread 13-Jul-18 10:44 AM
Old memes
But yeah, forgot about those two, trying to think about any other stramers people get really upset over
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jul-18 10:45 AM
TTD flair
Doctor Bread 13-Jul-18 10:46 AM
Got awhile till he gets out of jail
Ocypode 13-Jul-18 10:47 AM
Doctor Bread 13-Jul-18 10:48 AM
IF you wanna get rid of old flairs, you could lose Dead Link, Long, Bodily Fliuds merged with something else
Maybe classic
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jul-18 10:48 AM
Dead/Classic is gonna die
Long stays? mostly because of streamable people yoinking youtube videos
Ohh Aris flair
Doctor Bread 13-Jul-18 10:49 AM
Yeah, was gonna suggest that but I never see anyone say anything bad about him, lol
I mean who cares if the clip is long, if you can't sit through it just don't watch it
It's usually stuff that falls under IRL anyways
Doctor Bread 13-Jul-18 11:41 AM
Beginnings I created LSF thinking no one would join, and when I awoke, I had many hundreds of orange-reds. "Wow, WTF did I say or do that caused this?" LSF began. I'm surprised and excited that we had over 100 users. So I began. So 'it' began. I created a few rudimentary rul...
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jul-18 11:41 AM
Pinned a message.
Doctor Bread 13-Jul-18 11:42 AM
I changed a few things
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jul-18 11:42 AM
Ignore it, using on april's fools
Doctor Bread 13-Jul-18 11:42 AM
Do it now while the KiA thing is going on 😂
I think that link has editing
If anyone wants to add stuff
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jul-18 11:43 AM
Doing it outside april's 1st is too risky bruv
People might be retarded enough to believe in me
Doctor Bread 13-Jul-18 11:43 AM
That'd be great, but it's clearly a joke
Strike while the meme iron is hot
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jul-18 11:44 AM
Next year they'll probably forget about this whole thing and start a new drama
Doctor Bread 13-Jul-18 11:44 AM
Can't wait till next April Fools, that's too long
If you wanna be super obvious you could link to the drama thread at the bottom
I thanked IcePoseidon instead of TD, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jul-18 11:46 AM
RaptorJesus 13-Jul-18 01:25 PM
why did Reddit admins overturn someone turning their own subreddit private
Ocypode 13-Jul-18 01:30 PM
what who
RaptorJesus 13-Jul-18 01:33 PM
KotakuInActions founder wanted to shut it down but Reddit admins stopped him
Apparently he demodded everyone and set the sub to private and then admins undid it
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jul-18 01:48 PM
He was inactive, came back just to shut it down
KiA sticky talked about iirc
Doctor Bread 13-Jul-18 01:50 PM
If a mod is still active can they overturn a sub going private?
What if the mod of like /r/news was like yeah, we're closing up shop
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jul-18 01:52 PM
Livestreamfails' head mod was active afaik, and admins allowed her(?) to do it, seems like it depends on the admin that takes your case
I assume default subs have no say on that, if a top mod closes it down then an admin will 100% take action, remove the mod and restore the subreddit
Doctor Bread 13-Jul-18 01:53 PM
I would assume, especially any of the ones that have been defaults for years now
Try to shut down the sub chan, see what happens
Reddit admins would probably be thankful
But no way we're worse than KiA.... are we?
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jul-18 01:55 PM
I don't think so, we aren't 💩 fighting people making articles on us
I doubt there's much drama to be had on a livestreaming subreddit
Doctor Bread 13-Jul-18 01:56 PM
Make the sticky post you coward
Think of the karma
We got a pretty big KiA base on LSF
I took it off Reddit Pro Tools though
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jul-18 01:57 PM
I like them
Doctor Bread 13-Jul-18 01:57 PM
When we have a drama dry period, pull it out
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jul-18 01:57 PM
Doctor Bread 13-Jul-18 01:57 PM
Gotta get more clicks
Doctor Bread 13-Jul-18 02:08 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII Did you want to announce the new flairs or let people find them on their own
Since xQc posts and whatnot still get reported for no flair
Also GGD said he'll look at autoflairs and other stuff after next Friday
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jul-18 02:12 PM
I don't see a reason to sticky tbh, we changed like 4 flairs, better to hold off until GGD checks if he can do the flair thing
Doctor Bread 13-Jul-18 03:17 PM
Should we just remove this?
Before it gets even bigger
Oh you did @ImNATT right as I was asking lol
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jul-18 04:02 PM
Doctor Bread 13-Jul-18 04:02 PM
still trying to evade the filter lol
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jul-18 04:02 PM
Doctor Bread 13-Jul-18 04:02 PM
he put it in italics lol
ChanmanVXXIII 13-Jul-18 04:02 PM
It shouldnt matter, automod picks it up no?
Doctor Bread 13-Jul-18 04:06 PM
yeah it's just account age lol
Ocypode 13-Jul-18 06:44 PM
so this guy
I posted a clip on LSF
and this guy is a bot or something instantly crossposted my thing to some shitty /r/CxTV
Doctor Bread 13-Jul-18 06:50 PM
Yeah it's some other LiveFails wannabe
Ocypode 13-Jul-18 06:51 PM
Doctor Bread 13-Jul-18 06:51 PM
Very devoted userbase
Looks like it also grabs clips from all of the streamer subreddits
"CxTV currently scans the following subreddits for fresh livestream clips:

/r/LivestreamFail /r/LiveFails /r/CxClips /r/Ice_Poseidon /r/Bjorn /r/SamPepper /r/AsianAndy /r/HamptonBrandon /r/Destiny /r/HyphonixRS /r/MarieBrethenoux /r/TracksuitCx"
Doctor Bread 14-Jul-18 09:29 PM
RaptorJesus 14-Jul-18 09:30 PM
Yeah that’s fine
No different than having GGD post shit about his bot or site
Doctor Bread 14-Jul-18 09:41 PM
Yeah, I thought it was fine since it was open source / actually useful
And doesn't seem to be generating any money
Doctor Bread 15-Jul-18 03:25 AM
"Those accounts are doctor bread alts, lmao" (edited)
Gengar really embarassing himself
Jisifus 15-Jul-18 08:45 AM
ImNATT 15-Jul-18 09:39 AM
Ocypode 15-Jul-18 09:56 AM
I love how the only argument on reddit is ignoring what the other said and just mention their post history
ChanmanVXXIII 15-Jul-18 09:59 AM
Reddit pro tools doesnt let you add /r/politics to be tagged a deplorable, really makes you go 🤔
ImNATT 15-Jul-18 10:17 AM
You can't use their weapons against them
Ocypode 15-Jul-18 01:13 PM
Doctor Bread 15-Jul-18 01:14 PM
Aren't they a direct competitor with LSF? Wouldn't they be mostly twitch clips?
Ocypode 15-Jul-18 01:14 PM
you found the loophole
Doctor Bread 15-Jul-18 01:14 PM
Also the person I responded to and the responder are both banned from LSF, lol
Ocypode 15-Jul-18 01:15 PM
posting mostly on /r/Ice_poseidon Acting surprised
Doctor Bread 15-Jul-18 04:20 PM
Do you guys constantly get that popup on your screen when you try to use the mod button on things saying you have to wait?
RaptorJesus 15-Jul-18 06:59 PM
you're 2 fast
Doctor Bread 15-Jul-18 07:17 PM
It's not even when I'm doing anything fast, it just happens every other time
HalfOfAKebab 15-Jul-18 08:24 PM
never had that
Doctor Bread 15-Jul-18 11:32 PM
cause it didn't get any traction?
RaptorJesus 15-Jul-18 11:35 PM
You deleted it after it was only there for 15 minutes
Doctor Bread 15-Jul-18 11:35 PM
Maybe I'm thinking of a different post
Also brand new account looking to stir the pot, didn't seem worth letting through
RaptorJesus 15-Jul-18 11:35 PM
its all g00d
Nah i approved it since the post that triggered this one was like front page of reddit
with 20k upvotes
Doctor Bread 15-Jul-18 11:36 PM
Well, they would have to reuppload it
It's already on the second page of new
RaptorJesus 15-Jul-18 11:37 PM
aw rip, oh well
Doctor Bread 15-Jul-18 11:37 PM
tell robinson or molestor to upload it
easy karma
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Jul-18 02:29 AM
Some guy was streaming himself jerking off to trainwreckstv (edited)
RaptorJesus 16-Jul-18 03:06 AM
Stacking coupons at Target make $50+ items insanely cheap

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Target replies with a link that gives ...
@here we got owned brooosss
Punk 16-Jul-18 03:22 AM
abloobloo no bully ;_;
HalfOfAKebab 16-Jul-18 03:30 AM
s a f e s p a c e
tbh i can understand not giving partnership to servers like us
but they ban servers for their political opinions
granted they are nazi opinions
but political opinions nonetheless
they weren't plotting to kill jews or anything
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 03:56 AM
Damn, they picked some juicy posts, lol
That second one was just a heated gaming moment though
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Jul-18 06:25 AM
I've said it before and I'll say it again, (((discord)))
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 07:31 AM
should we keep this going?
fuck it I removed it
just read the comments
also people commenting that he brigaded the thread
if thats the case should we consider vote ban
ImNATT 16-Jul-18 08:02 AM
We banned Kaceytron for doing the exact same thing
degen sellout spons sundays - Bitcoin roulette & sub games - Clipped by sekikaki
Mirror in case he deletes it:
https://neatclip.com/clip/48glpq1ew (edited)
I'm for a Vote thread
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 08:07 AM
in those clips his voice is so quiet
ImNATT 16-Jul-18 08:07 AM
Do you need a transcript?
"If people can do that, I think I have a right to say: "Please defend me in that post"" (edited)
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 08:08 AM
yeah that defend part I heard
Most of those posts were just witchhunting him
but he shouldnt have asked people to defend him
ImNATT 16-Jul-18 08:09 AM
Kaceytron also used the word defend and got banned for it
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 08:09 AM
ImNATT 16-Jul-18 08:10 AM
So, we sexist or nah?
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 08:10 AM
Let's see where this escalates to
ImNATT 16-Jul-18 08:14 AM
In case I'm not here when the rest of the team get's here:
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 08:17 AM
I'm actually against the ban but the fact that he asked people to defend him we should atleast have a vote
ImNATT 16-Jul-18 08:27 AM
734 votes and 270 comments so far on Reddit
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 08:31 AM
Or we could not give more content creators to /r/livefails
ImNATT 16-Jul-18 08:32 AM
I agree. We should delete everything negative towards streamers in case they give a shoutout to the other subreddit
/s for the dense mofos
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 08:34 AM
No I do agree with you and I don't want to seem like im defending trainwrecks but the way he "brigaded" wasn't so aggressive and negative in my eyes atleast
I do still say that he should not have done that and should face atleast some kind of repercussion (edited)
ImNATT 16-Jul-18 08:49 AM
Of course he likes you deleting the post
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 08:52 AM
I mean I dunno, did I do a mistake by deleting the first big one?
I asked about it first
ImNATT 16-Jul-18 08:53 AM
I had approved it when it was almost at 100 upvotes.
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 08:53 AM
Oh fuck
But here comes the part where I say how can I even see if a post is approved by a mod
ImNATT 16-Jul-18 08:55 AM
See that green checkmark besides the title?
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 08:55 AM
Ah I see
Ok now I know
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Jul-18 08:55 AM
I'm against banning
ImNATT 16-Jul-18 08:55 AM
If you click on it it even shows you who did it
👍 1
This is the exact same situation that got Kaceytron banned. What are our rules then if precedent is irrelevant?
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Jul-18 09:35 AM
Nevermind, I read everything and yeah I'm for the vote, gotta find someone to transcript what he said because I couldnt hear most of it
Using RES
Understanding you can disable css then vote
Understanding you can subscribe then vote
Using your main account to vote
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 10:28 AM
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 11:41 AM
Maybe we should talk to trainwreck?
And should reeapprove that first thread
But I dunno, I guess it would just get brigaded
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 11:47 AM
I already talked a bit with him but not on behalf of LSF mod team
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 11:47 AM
So he was rightfully pissed since the person who made that thread was witchhunting
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 11:48 AM
I told him to stop making it worse and keep talking about it and that it would've been fine if he didnt mention people defending thing and that he might get banned for it
As I said before, it was just witchhunting
It wasn't him scamming his viewers
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 11:49 AM
We should have removed that sodapopping post earlier too
That had so many upvotes lol
That person claimed there was a soda code up on that gambling website though
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 11:51 AM
This is what he told me after I said I removed the posts because they seemed like witchunting to me but he did fuck up by telling people to defend him https://i.imgur.com/vpK1Cjs.png
But if you want we could talk to him as a moderation team, but about what though @Doctor Bread
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 11:53 AM
I get why he said what he did, at least he said defend but dont lie
We gotta take the witch hunt posts down faster I guess
The best thing might to be not to address it at all
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 12:02 PM
At least, if we'd rather not ban him, then just let it be forgotten
RaptorJesus 16-Jul-18 01:26 PM
Yeah its gucci
idk about the trainwrecks thing
one hand he didnt tell people to downvote he told them to comment which we dont really care about, the other hand is they probably downvoted anyways
Id prefer we keep our heads low unless its an extreme problem
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 01:27 PM
The first thread got taken down before it picked up too much steam
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 01:27 PM
Looking at the comments in that thread pretty sure a lot of people downvoted because of the soda clickbait shit again
RaptorJesus 16-Jul-18 01:27 PM
ie faked content for drama/views, people literally telling people to upvote/downvote stuff
basically clear cut cases
where we are 100% in the right without debate
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 01:28 PM
apparently that gif isn't even of fousey, lol
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 01:28 PM
That's what I guessed
RaptorJesus 16-Jul-18 01:28 PM
oh lmao
remove it
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 01:28 PM
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 01:28 PM
It's the top post right now
Just flair it and let people have fun? I dunno
Or sticky comment
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 01:28 PM
oh well
I already went to remove lol
RaptorJesus 16-Jul-18 01:29 PM
just remove it, literally not the person
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 01:29 PM
Alright, I left a sticky in case someone finds it
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 01:31 PM
"Thanks, it did look like there were way too many people in the crowd for it to be a fousey event."
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 01:32 PM
I guess he embarassed himself enough with that post
Bipolar and depressed btw
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 01:33 PM
that's gonna be a yikes from me bro
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 01:34 PM
Why do these poeple make alt accounts and post here
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 01:35 PM
Wonder how old you have to be to post something like that
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 01:36 PM
<https://www.reddit.com/user/IHATEBLACKMSLMS>; Jeeze look at all the comments lol
The trainwrecks/soda guy
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 01:39 PM
Not again
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 01:40 PM
Or rather, the last time that OP commented was in the soda post
RaptorJesus 16-Jul-18 01:40 PM
So funny story
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 01:40 PM
29 days ago
RaptorJesus 16-Jul-18 01:40 PM
Twitch staff are good friends with Vlad
His scam sites he promotes through Twitch make him literally millions
Leave it up, fuck it
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 01:41 PM
You sure? We might have to handle the trainwrecks stuff then
I'm sure people will mention it
RaptorJesus 16-Jul-18 01:41 PM
That's fine
Because if trainwrecks mentions it again on stream
then we have reason
to ban him straight up
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 01:42 PM
Also I'm a little suspcious since that account only exists to post about this stuff apparently (edited)
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 01:42 PM
I mean is it even confirmed hes a scammer like wtf
This is just stirring up drama
RaptorJesus 16-Jul-18 01:42 PM
Dont get me wrong i'm sure the person whos posting this
is literally a competitor
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 01:42 PM
Is he actually a scammer? I don't know much about him
RaptorJesus 16-Jul-18 01:42 PM
doesnt take away from the fact that its all scam
Yeah Vlad is a scumbag
he's basically a casino owner peddling to children
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 01:43 PM
He made a comment in the train post if you didn't see it
I guess this post isn't directly calling out one of the streamers at least, but Vlad himself
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 01:45 PM
I sense some people might start witchhunting
RaptorJesus 16-Jul-18 01:45 PM
I don't think its witch hunting with proof though
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 01:45 PM
Ahhhh this fucking shit go away
RaptorJesus 16-Jul-18 01:45 PM
Either way Vlad is a muti millionaire and i dont think a reddit post is going to hurt his buiness
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Jul-18 01:46 PM
Just ublock it
Also, turns out it wasn't my screen that died, it was my gpu
So in chat
Gonna open it, mess around and see if it can be fixed
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 01:49 PM
Just buy a new one
Should we just let the trainwrecks comments through?
I guess they're gonna come no matter what, and he IS sponsored
I guess anything saying he wasn't making it clear it was a sponsored sell out stream
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 01:54 PM
I mean yeah trainwrecks told me himself hes been very transparent with the sponsoring thing and all and he has nothing to hide, it's just that people have a lot of negative comments about it because its Vlad
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 01:54 PM
I'll just remove any claiming that "he didn't say it was a sponsored stream!" or shit like that (edited)
Since he clearly did
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 01:54 PM
It was quite clear though, I went to his stream he was live it said spons in the title, sure it might've seemed vague but people will find anything to make it drama
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 01:58 PM
@here Vlad PM'd me
fire up those lawyers
RaptorJesus 16-Jul-18 01:58 PM
Tell him to copypaste his rebuttal and we'll flair him
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 02:02 PM
It is seeming kind of like harassment
If it was from reddit accounts with other history, I'd maybe change my mind
But those two making posts seem to only be there to call out Vlad
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 02:05 PM
well if its harrassment shouldnt we remove it
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 02:05 PM
I might message him explaining why the other two posts were taken down but not this one
but league game started, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Jul-18 02:13 PM
Pc master race
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 02:42 PM
@here Vlad's asking for his comment to be stickied, I was gonna go ahead and send him this in response, and then maybe come up with a sticky comment addressing a few things
At least he didn't jump straight to lawsuit phantomlord style
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 03:01 PM
RaptorJesus 16-Jul-18 03:02 PM
Beautifully done
Beautifully done
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 03:10 PM
it says "inciden"
at the we reached out to trainwrecks
Also did anyone else reach out to him than what I said I did?
@Doctor Bread were you gonna post it?
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 03:24 PM
@here The brigading part could be removed, I wasn't sure about it, but wanted to address it
Since people are probably gonna talk about it. Thoughts?
Also Vlad keeps messaging me "pls pin post im getting downvoted"
Like no shit dude
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 03:27 PM
yeah dunno, its either #1 that we shouldn't go back there and explain something that people haven't asked but #2 if we don't then all the sheeps will just think of the worst and be negative to trainwrecks, you know how it works
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 03:27 PM
People were already claiming a bias, but like I said in the post, we'll review the situation based on feedback
Which I think is fair
Also it is Trainwreckz? Trainwrecks? Trainwreck?
I always forget
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 03:28 PM
Well you kinda made it clear in the post that it was straight up brigading but still say at the end that we'll review it if he gets banned or not
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 03:28 PM
Yeah, I don't really want to ban him since he was rightfully pissed off
It was slander
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 03:29 PM
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 03:30 PM
Alright, posted, hope I didn't get downvoted too much this time
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 03:57 PM
@Doctor Bread Can you remove that screenshot of what he said
I told him that what we talk is private
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 03:58 PM
Oh okay, RIP
It was just one message saying why he did it
Wanted to give people proof
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 03:58 PM
I doubt people would ask for proof
The proof is that we confirm it
should suffice
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 03:58 PM
Did he reach out to you?
Or did you reach out to him
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 03:59 PM
I reached out to him
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 03:59 PM
And told him to stop talking aobut it and he fucked up a bit by asking people to defend him
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 03:59 PM
I kind of just want to ban that guy, he was the one stirring the pot to begin with
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 04:00 PM
Just ban him
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 04:00 PM
Dramafags 👉🏿 🚪
I dunno, might come back to bite us if I did
Find another reason to ban him
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 04:09 PM
"Reputation can get ruined very quickly and the witchhunts start really quickly."
One reason why I hate these vlad threads right now
This is not phantomlord we're talking about
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 04:09 PM
I mean vlad is equally as shitty as phantomlord
He's just sponsoring other streamers, PL is just himself being a piece of shit
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 04:10 PM
but this all goes towards trainwrecks right now, I see him as innocent
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 04:11 PM
Yeah, I kind of wanted people to talk about vlad and the sponsorship, rather than just hop on trainwrecks
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 04:11 PM
well you know redditors
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 04:13 PM
Gotta take the easy target for karma
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 04:19 PM
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 04:19 PM
"Or they were simply using the streamers as an easy connection to attack the betting site. We assumed this especially from the Soda post, since he had zero relation to it."
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 04:19 PM
but we've seen how it ruins peoples reputation
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 04:19 PM
Part of something I was writing
Soda was only mentioned in that other post a month ago to get eyeballs on it
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 04:23 PM
meaning that is someone who wants for the post to do damage, probably towards vlad
but right now the blame is off of him and towards trainwrecks
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 04:23 PM
like raptor said, probably competitor scam site, lol
Punk 16-Jul-18 04:29 PM
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 04:33 PM
Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned the brigading stuff, bleh
Oh well, it's the same fucking retards every time who come and argue on any mod post
Just ban them
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 04:35 PM
ye let them use lifefails its not ran by twitch mods
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 05:09 PM
Sometimes I feel like there's just no winning in handling a situation
Stop banning streamers go to LiveFails
Ban this streamer
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 05:43 PM
@here Trainwrecks contacted me and wants to have a talk on discord or some shit
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 05:43 PM
Wanna get a hotel or some shit?
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 05:43 PM
With the mods in here
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 05:43 PM
and yeah that sounds good
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 05:43 PM
The new vlad thread is just comments full of slandering him, like if the first ones werent fine then why is this one
basically that
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 05:44 PM
Well, I hoped it wouldn't turn to that, but it seems it has
Could always leave it up but lock it due to people only witch hunting
im down after this game, almost done
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 05:51 PM
@Doctor Bread Ok 15min
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 05:51 PM
I need to read the thread anyways, didnt see how much it spiraled
It does seem like train did some pretty sketchy shit in the past
I never really knew him pre-Mitch, like most people
Had he not done that before, I don't think this would be quite as big of an issue
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 06:01 PM
Maybe we can ask what is that people mention, like what actually happened
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 06:01 PM
I mean of course he's gonna paint himself in a positive light
always 3 sides to any story
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 06:01 PM
Of course
Let's see his side
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 06:01 PM
Yeah I dunno, might have to do a vote though
As much as I hate sub votes for the same reason I think this country should be a dictatorship, since people are fucking stupid
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 06:09 PM
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 06:09 PM
Anyone else wanna come?
RaptorJesus 16-Jul-18 06:16 PM
Give me 5
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 06:16 PM
we're talking now
RaptorJesus 16-Jul-18 06:17 PM
K well I’ll be in soon
@Doctor Bread move me in
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 08:53 PM
So with all that said and done, I don't think anything really needs to be changed or removed
Can remove the post in a few days and no one will notice, probably
I doubt Vlad will ever get his comeuppance
I forget if you had left already Raptor, did you hear how much money he got offered?
RaptorJesus 16-Jul-18 08:59 PM
How much!
Sorry just got on my phone after the doctors
@Punk gave me a sinus infection
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 08:59 PM
13.5k for two 3 1/2 hour sessions this month
RaptorJesus 16-Jul-18 08:59 PM
Christ that’s nuts
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 08:59 PM
Was gonna get 25k a month for 18 months, 450k
RaptorJesus 16-Jul-18 09:00 PM
That’s fucking nuts
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 09:00 PM
I think he would have talked him in to daily streams, but he said just for the 7 hours
which sounds nuts
That blood / child scam money though
RaptorJesus 16-Jul-18 09:03 PM
Creating gambling addicted kids
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 09:45 PM
So some dude already created a new accoutn and found old clip of trainwrecks
And trying to put him on the bad light
Doctor Bread 16-Jul-18 09:47 PM
there were some sockpuppet accounts on the thread, some in support of train though, lol
Ocypode 16-Jul-18 09:50 PM
yeah but those guys are the witchunters
Jisifus 17-Jul-18 12:49 AM
Cool I don't get discord notifications anymore that's nice
Doctor Bread 17-Jul-18 12:50 AM
You missed some good shit
To a 14 year old btw

[11:49PM] hashinshin: Ohhhh
Okay miyooki I need to fill you in
Incest is a thing in anime and something of a meme
Oniichan, big brother (edited)
I dunno if that should stay up in that comment but goddamn
RaptorJesus 17-Jul-18 02:20 AM
Train sent some proof from Vlad that it’s a competitor
But I can’t be bothered to get to my PC since I’m in bed sick
Doctor Bread 17-Jul-18 12:52 PM
Hmmm, should it be taken down then?
Should probably just ban those accounts tbh
Definitely a personal agenda at this point
Accounts keept posting about train
I'm just gonna take everything down, enough of this
Ocypode 17-Jul-18 12:58 PM
yeah they're literally just trying to stir up shit now
those comments too lol
people hate him
Doctor Bread 17-Jul-18 01:00 PM
I wanted to change my sticky to something but I'm not sure what
Ocypode 17-Jul-18 01:00 PM
Doctor Bread 17-Jul-18 01:00 PM
OP has been confirmed to be an account from a competitor betting website. They also keep making alts to make new posts to stir the shit. We're done with this, all new threads will be removed and all of their new accounts will be banned.

We also talked with Train, and I suppose you'll have to take our word that he is not a bad guy in this situation.
Ocypode 17-Jul-18 01:00 PM
Doctor Bread 17-Jul-18 01:01 PM
I don't know how much I can say or if I should even say anything about train
Ocypode 17-Jul-18 01:01 PM
dont mention train
Doctor Bread 17-Jul-18 01:01 PM
Ocypode 17-Jul-18 01:01 PM
people were pretty defending of him on that thread tbh
and see that its just some dramafag
Doctor Bread 17-Jul-18 01:01 PM
I'm just gonna nuke the comments
All this shit is hella unfair for train and dumb since some salty bitches are upset they're not the ones scamming all the money out of kids
Yeah the accounts that made all of the previous threads deleted them (edited)
Ya know, I'm sure Vlad is probably a piece of shit, but his competitors don't get to use LSF as a platform to tear him down.
Keep that shit on twitter or whatever
Ocypode 17-Jul-18 01:09 PM
Did you ban him btw
Doctor Bread 17-Jul-18 01:10 PM
seikaku and one other dude
There was another but he deleted the thread and I can't remember his name
Oh LeakingTime, that alt account that made the chance thread way back when
Ocypode 17-Jul-18 01:11 PM
Doctor Bread 17-Jul-18 01:11 PM
Man I'm annoyed they brought that shit here. I'll talk to Ape and see if he wants anything said
I feel bad
Hello, I’m known as Monarch, I’m the owner of one of the largest CSGO gambling sites. I’m the person behind exposing CSGOWild and Skinhub (both...
You see this?
Ocypode 17-Jul-18 01:15 PM
Doctor Bread 17-Jul-18 01:16 PM
Definitely makes it more obvious the OP is a sockpuppet I think
If he'd step in personally
Ocypode 17-Jul-18 01:16 PM
wait is this guy a competitor
or what
Doctor Bread 17-Jul-18 01:16 PM
Yeah obviously
Ocypode 17-Jul-18 01:16 PM
Doctor Bread 17-Jul-18 01:17 PM
Maybe I should make a simple sticky or something
Ocypode 17-Jul-18 01:18 PM
No I think its better to leave it and not let people know about these guys too much
Doctor Bread 17-Jul-18 01:18 PM
I guess if people keep talking about it or crying censorship
Ocypode 17-Jul-18 01:18 PM
yeah maybe then
Doctor Bread 17-Jul-18 01:18 PM
Then just a "LSF is not gonna be a platform for the war between two gambling companies with streamers getting caught in the middle"
Ocypode 17-Jul-18 01:18 PM
yeah exactly (edited)
Doctor Bread 17-Jul-18 01:19 PM
Ocypode 17-Jul-18 01:19 PM
noob cant even do ö
typing with 2 fingers im eating pizza
Doctor Bread 17-Jul-18 01:22 PM
I'll add that to my sticky already in that one thread which I'm sure >50 people will see, but whatever
Ocypode 17-Jul-18 01:33 PM
those last words
Doctor Bread 17-Jul-18 01:33 PM
I told him I didn't believe him and to eat shit, pretty much
Except nicer
Ocypode 17-Jul-18 01:33 PM
Doctor Bread 17-Jul-18 01:33 PM
And fuck him for almost ruining Chance's reputation as well
People get stupid when money is on the line
Lol didn't see that thread
Ocypode 17-Jul-18 01:38 PM
oh yeah that lol
Doctor Bread 17-Jul-18 01:39 PM
Alright, threads have been nuked, except the Soda one since that one was huge
Thanks for the cash Vlad
Doctor Bread 17-Jul-18 02:47 PM
@here Monarch, Seikaku, and LeakingTime all messaged me at the exact same time calling me a liar
Not all part of the same competitor site in connection with each other btw
Ocypode 17-Jul-18 02:51 PM
Oh boy
Doctor Bread 17-Jul-18 02:52 PM
Regular user who's only commented on the two posts regarding Vlad's new site and other streamers. Not suspicious at all.

Go away, LSF is not your battleground to decide who gets to turn little kids in to gambling addicts. Keep your little squabble on twitter or somewhere else.

Sent some variation of that to all of them
Since all 3 were claiming the others were "regular users"
ChanmanVXXIII 17-Jul-18 06:20 PM
Can someone help me decipher this picture, someone sent it to me but I'm unsure if its a gay guy or a woman
So I don't know whether to ask for dick or tits
I assume its a guy because of the knee + mess
Doctor Bread 17-Jul-18 06:21 PM
Girl I think
ChanmanVXXIII 17-Jul-18 06:21 PM
This is so funny
Doctor Bread 17-Jul-18 06:22 PM
Those thighs look pretty fem
ChanmanVXXIII 17-Jul-18 06:22 PM
We've reached a point where its hard to know if someone wearing thigh socks is a man or a woman
Doctor Bread 17-Jul-18 06:22 PM
Guy's thighs don't look like that, even if shaven
ChanmanVXXIII 17-Jul-18 06:23 PM
Doctor Bread 17-Jul-18 06:23 PM
Your mind has been ruined
ChanmanVXXIII 17-Jul-18 06:24 PM
I suppose I'll pretend to joke and say it would be better if there was a bulge to accompany them thighs
Gotta be optimist and always hope for a cute trap (edited)
RaptorJesus 17-Jul-18 07:32 PM
Ocypode 17-Jul-18 07:46 PM
RaptorJesus 17-Jul-18 07:57 PM
Hey someone send me $1000
Ocypode 17-Jul-18 08:24 PM
Didn't you have 40k on your account
Doctor Bread 17-Jul-18 09:06 PM
that was me
Ocypode 17-Jul-18 09:08 PM
how the fuck
Doctor Bread 17-Jul-18 09:14 PM
Just don't be poor
Ocypode 17-Jul-18 09:16 PM
Twitch haven't paid in a while you know
RaptorJesus 18-Jul-18 12:27 AM
@Doctor Bread give me $1k
Doctor Bread 18-Jul-18 12:27 AM
For what?
RaptorJesus 18-Jul-18 12:28 AM
i impulse bought a drone
Doctor Bread 18-Jul-18 12:28 AM
why didn't you just steal it
HalfOfAKebab 18-Jul-18 04:36 AM
@Doctor Bread my thighs probably look like that if i shave them
my thighs are thicc
no homo i covered my dick
also that hurt my balls so i have a few doubts that's a dude
RaptorJesus 18-Jul-18 05:53 PM
who leaked this
Ocypode 18-Jul-18 05:56 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 18-Jul-18 06:20 PM
A quick update on the thighs picture, turns out it was a gay guy
So you are all gay now
Doctor Bread 18-Jul-18 06:23 PM
Ocypode 18-Jul-18 06:38 PM
I knew it
I hope you told him that if you were gay you'd fuck the shit out of him because those thighs were quite feminine
ChanmanVXXIII 18-Jul-18 06:56 PM
>If you were gay
Ocypode 18-Jul-18 06:56 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 18-Jul-18 06:56 PM
Jisifus 18-Jul-18 09:23 PM
Sorry for being MIA lately, I'm sick
Doctor Bread 18-Jul-18 09:25 PM
Just don't get sick
Jisifus 18-Jul-18 09:29 PM
Oh and I got conscripted cus I missed a deadline for a form
So yeah great week so far
Doctor Bread 18-Jul-18 09:29 PM
Jisifus 18-Jul-18 09:30 PM
Yeah 1 month basic training + 5 months "rifleman" training
Gonna be fun
RaptorJesus 18-Jul-18 11:01 PM
I’m sick too
Shit sucks
@Punk brought his Texas AIDS to AX
So now I have a sinus infection and I have antibiotics
Jisifus 18-Jul-18 11:16 PM
Punk 19-Jul-18 12:13 AM
Doctor Bread 19-Jul-18 02:00 AM
I swear LiveFails has been at 12,860 subs for like 2 weeks straight now (edited)
Doctor Bread 19-Jul-18 10:41 AM
They're moving the 4chan mod channel to Discord
fuck IRC
Who wants an invite
ChanmanVXXIII 19-Jul-18 10:56 AM
Gimme gimme
Doctor Bread 19-Jul-18 10:59 AM
I wonder if you could pass as a jani with your name, lol
RaptorJesus 19-Jul-18 12:43 PM
inv me
I didnt know you were a 4chan mod
ImNATT 19-Jul-18 01:06 PM
That's literally the only reason I picked him as a mod.
Doctor Bread 19-Jul-18 01:07 PM
RaptorJesus 19-Jul-18 01:27 PM
what boards do you mod or do mods have full board access?
Doctor Bread 19-Jul-18 01:32 PM
I do pol, v, r9k (edited)
RaptorJesus 19-Jul-18 01:37 PM
damn that's awful lmao
especially r9k and pol
HalfOfAKebab 19-Jul-18 01:42 PM
@Jisifus wtf
where do you live
Jisifus 19-Jul-18 01:42 PM
HalfOfAKebab 19-Jul-18 01:42 PM
thought they would be better than that
fuck that
just kys at that point tbh
Jisifus 19-Jul-18 01:43 PM
well you can do community service or something like that but you have to fill out a form 6 months before the conscription date
which i forgot
HalfOfAKebab 19-Jul-18 01:44 PM
so you got conscripted, then you had the option to fill in the form?
Doctor Bread 19-Jul-18 01:44 PM
Basic training isn't that bad
I dunno what "rifleman" training is though
Jisifus 19-Jul-18 01:45 PM
rough translation
its the "jägerbatallion"
maybe hunters
HalfOfAKebab 19-Jul-18 01:45 PM
jäger means hunter in every context i've seen
Jisifus 19-Jul-18 01:46 PM
the guys that crawl through the mountains with 60lbs backpacks all day
basic training is gonna be a bitch because i have 0 stamina at this point and all youre doing is running until you puke
and if im behind, everyone else does push ups until i can catch up (edited)
rinse and repeat
then i get punched in the face by nazis
HalfOfAKebab 19-Jul-18 01:48 PM
what a great time to be alive
2018 btw
first world btw
Jisifus 19-Jul-18 01:48 PM
yeah one guy died last year so i hope they toned it down a bit
i mean he had an undiagnosed heart disease or something but it got the message across
HalfOfAKebab 19-Jul-18 01:48 PM
if youre gonna kill yourself do it when you get there
so maybe they can add it to some sort of statistic
Jisifus 19-Jul-18 01:48 PM
ill finally be relevant
RaptorJesus 19-Jul-18 01:55 PM
at least you'll get /fit/
Punk 19-Jul-18 02:00 PM
Wait you mod v
Why don't you ever fucking do your JOB THEN
Doctor Bread 19-Jul-18 02:17 PM
Nah you won't, aside from maybe some better cardio from running
You won't generate any strength though, they don't feed you enough
Usually you wanna be fit before you go
Also because v is cancer
Ocypode 19-Jul-18 02:18 PM
does modding 4chan pay or no
Doctor Bread 19-Jul-18 02:18 PM
no lol
RaptorJesus 19-Jul-18 02:25 PM
Picture of @Doctor Bread after Hiro sends him his "paycheck"
Doctor Bread 19-Jul-18 02:49 PM
No picture
RaptorJesus 19-Jul-18 02:49 PM
Jisifus 19-Jul-18 03:06 PM
Doctor Bread 19-Jul-18 04:29 PM
Yeah this server is a lot more fun than IRC now
RyzerEU still commenting, I banned him
At the very least maybe it will get his attention since he seems as dumb as a post
How do you go 6 months to a year not realizing you're shadowbanned, lol (edited)
Ocypode 19-Jul-18 05:05 PM
what is he posting
Doctor Bread 19-Jul-18 05:06 PM
Just normal short comments
Doctor Bread 19-Jul-18 06:15 PM
Oh shit Hiro's here
RaptorJesus 19-Jul-18 06:30 PM
tell him i love him
i want to hang out with him when im in japan
tell him to hang with me
Punk 19-Jul-18 07:05 PM
get me in the 4change mod discord lul
Ocypode 19-Jul-18 07:16 PM
I wanna go to japan too
Doctor Bread 19-Jul-18 07:51 PM
Starting my sales group for FFXIV
Time to get some free money
Ocypode 20-Jul-18 07:51 PM
he didn't tell us to create livefails. it was supposed to be a place for all streamers banned from lsf including mitch and others.
Ocypode 20-Jul-18 08:00 PM
Drama time
Greek is at his villain arc
Doctor Bread 20-Jul-18 08:39 PM
Ocypode 20-Jul-18 08:51 PM
Fuck em dood
Doctor Bread 21-Jul-18 12:17 AM
already gone
what was it?
RaptorJesus 21-Jul-18 12:17 AM
Benis webm
Jisifus 21-Jul-18 03:41 AM
Discord staff confirmed furries
Ocypode 21-Jul-18 05:47 AM
Did some of you have mitch jones on discord friends? @here
Jisifus 21-Jul-18 05:48 AM
not me
HalfOfAKebab 21-Jul-18 05:48 AM
not i
Punk 21-Jul-18 10:11 AM
RaptorJesus 21-Jul-18 01:13 PM
Doctor Bread 21-Jul-18 02:41 PM
The best and most original Twitch Fails on YouTube, Subscribe for the most hilarious fails! Submit Twitch Fails to itsbonegarden@gmail.com Top Twitch Fails C...
Jisifus 21-Jul-18 04:56 PM
at least someone is making money with our subreddit (edited)
Doctor Bread 22-Jul-18 03:36 AM
I should have deleted that Soda post when it was at 5 upvotes
974 votes and 849 comments so far on Reddit
If you change your minds or think it shouldn't be feel free to unlock it
It's alt account battleground cancer though
RaptorJesus 22-Jul-18 11:07 AM
What happened
im in a conference right now @Doctor Bread
Doctor Bread 22-Jul-18 12:31 PM
Actual pedophile
Dude in his 20's who only posts Ocean
Ocypode 22-Jul-18 12:36 PM
ice viewer
HalfOfAKebab 22-Jul-18 02:24 PM
how old is ocean
Doctor Bread 22-Jul-18 02:27 PM
HalfOfAKebab 22-Jul-18 02:27 PM
no way
thought she was like 16 at least
Doctor Bread 22-Jul-18 02:28 PM
@HalfOfAKebab 👉
HalfOfAKebab 22-Jul-18 02:28 PM
ohhhhhhhhhh it's her
i legit didn't recognise her
she looks way different in her school uniform
Doctor Bread 22-Jul-18 02:29 PM
tell it to the judge
Ocypode 22-Jul-18 02:33 PM
HalfOfAKebab 22-Jul-18 02:34 PM
im 13 too see
Doctor Bread 22-Jul-18 07:12 PM
Livefails lost subs, was at 12,860 a week ago, now 12807
Jisifus 22-Jul-18 07:15 PM
lsf dead within a month btw
Ocypode 22-Jul-18 07:23 PM
they asked me to mod there, I agreed, I'm gonna leave LSF bye guys livefails is better than this twitch cuck shit
RaptorJesus 22-Jul-18 10:54 PM
Doctor Bread 23-Jul-18 03:21 AM
Ocypode 23-Jul-18 08:04 AM
HalfOfAKebab 23-Jul-18 08:59 AM
ImNATT 23-Jul-18 09:44 AM
Ocypode 23-Jul-18 10:59 AM
"Tyler1's Brother" https://i.imgur.com/nTCM5rs.png
Doctor Bread 23-Jul-18 12:55 PM
Ocypode 23-Jul-18 01:37 PM
If we already have the flair can it be changed to Erobb or something
Doctor Bread 23-Jul-18 02:31 PM
Alright so normally I 30 day for self promo, but I perma'd this one
Fucking hyperomegacringe ASMR during gaming streams
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jul-18 03:15 AM
What I wanted to happen, happened
Feel free to do whatever you want with the tag now (edited)
Jisifus 24-Jul-18 03:17 AM
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jul-18 03:18 AM
HalfOfAKebab 24-Jul-18 07:46 AM
@Senior Subreddit Mods guy called hahn wants the verified streamer role
he has 7.5k followers on twitch
is that enough for the role?
Ocypode 24-Jul-18 08:08 AM
I'll give my 2 cents about that I think verified streamer also means those who are verified on twitch, so partners only I think
Also @ChanmanVXXIII you're evil
Doctor Bread 24-Jul-18 01:50 PM
Lol he was actually mad
Ocypode 24-Jul-18 01:53 PM
Just make meme flair for every streamer then lol
Doctor Bread 24-Jul-18 01:56 PM
Someone sticky a link to Tyler1's store at the top of the thread
Ocypode 24-Jul-18 02:00 PM
oh that'd be funny
Doctor Bread 24-Jul-18 02:02 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII can you change Tyler1's flair to Erobb's Brother
Ocypode 24-Jul-18 02:03 PM
What text would be funny for people to click that directs to loltyler1.com
Doctor Bread 24-Jul-18 02:03 PM
Or @Jisifus, you can change it right? (edited)
Ocypode 24-Jul-18 02:05 PM
@Doctor Bread you're good at these things
Doctor Bread 24-Jul-18 02:05 PM
It could be like "petition to change Erobb's flair"
Gotta change Tyler's flair first though
@HalfOfAKebab can you change it real quick
@Ocypode wait till Tyler1's flair is changed
Ocypode 24-Jul-18 02:09 PM
Change it quick 😡
ChanmanVXXIII 24-Jul-18 03:35 PM
@Doctor Bread @Ocypode
Ocypode 24-Jul-18 03:35 PM
you did it?
@Doctor Bread he did it 😡
Doctor Bread 24-Jul-18 03:48 PM
I changed the most recent Tyler post flairs, lol
Ocypode 24-Jul-18 03:50 PM
can i post the thing now
or you do it
you did
Doctor Bread 24-Jul-18 03:50 PM
discount code alpha
Ocypode 24-Jul-18 03:50 PM
Doctor Bread 24-Jul-18 03:52 PM
Ocypode 24-Jul-18 03:52 PM
is that him
Doctor Bread 24-Jul-18 03:53 PM
yeah lol
Ocypode 24-Jul-18 03:53 PM
wait where
Doctor Bread 24-Jul-18 03:53 PM
in the thread
pretty high up
Ocypode 24-Jul-18 03:53 PM
Oh ye ctrl f ty
I see lol
Doctor Bread 24-Jul-18 03:54 PM
9 upvotes on sticky
Ocypode 24-Jul-18 03:54 PM
Doctor Bread 24-Jul-18 03:54 PM
Change xQc to Overwatch Tyler1
Ocypode 24-Jul-18 03:55 PM
going too far with only tyler1 jokes
Doctor Bread 24-Jul-18 03:55 PM
Tyler1 sub now
Ocypode 24-Jul-18 03:55 PM
Keep it between the brothers
make greek just a leech
Doctor Bread 24-Jul-18 03:55 PM
Just Fat Leech
Ocypode 24-Jul-18 03:55 PM
funny but mean
Doctor Bread 24-Jul-18 03:56 PM
He would definitely get upset, lol
49% bodyfat
Ocypode 24-Jul-18 03:56 PM
Well yeah if you add the fat
Doctor Bread 24-Jul-18 03:56 PM
He gets upset at leech too
Ocypode 24-Jul-18 03:56 PM
I mean we can troll and shit but being a bit too unprofessional makes us look bad
Tbh Tyler1's Leech and Overwatch Tyler1 were funny lol
but too many tyler1 jokes
Doctor Bread 24-Jul-18 03:56 PM
Mcconnell teamkilled me in PUBG last night since I called him McCuck, if you ever really wanna upset him @ImNATT
He wants to get Mccuck added to our word filter
Ocypode 24-Jul-18 03:57 PM
oh yeah that triggers him lol
ImNATT 24-Jul-18 03:57 PM
I'll make AutoMod reply to every comment of him with a McCuck meme (edited)
Doctor Bread 24-Jul-18 03:57 PM
He would get so mad
Ocypode 24-Jul-18 03:58 PM
ImNATT 24-Jul-18 03:58 PM
Send Mccuck memes
Ocypode 24-Jul-18 03:58 PM
Ocypode 24-Jul-18 04:00 PM
Pick one and make it say Oh hi McCuck http://ascii.co.uk/art/worm
Website containing WORM - ASCII ART and much more. Enjoy our collection of ASCII ART, ASCII Tables and other interactive tools. The place for all things textual.
Imagine it's a leech
ImNATT 24-Jul-18 04:01 PM
I'm gonna have to drive for 8 hours on thursday in 95°F heat with a broken AC. Kill me now please.
Ocypode 24-Jul-18 04:02 PM
Doctor Bread 24-Jul-18 04:02 PM
they dont work well on discord
Ocypode 24-Jul-18 04:02 PM
A lot of water and all windows' open
ImNATT 24-Jul-18 04:03 PM
Opening the windows on the Autobahn is deafening.
Doctor Bread 24-Jul-18 05:15 PM
Some guy PM'd me asking if this could be posted
Athene viewbotting
ImNATT 24-Jul-18 05:17 PM
He's dming me
Doctor Bread 24-Jul-18 05:17 PM
Yeah I said to since I was too lazy, I said probably not (edited)
Ocypode 24-Jul-18 05:18 PM
I mean not defending that scum anyhow but then again he got famous from WoW and hes streaming wow again after years
ImNATT 24-Jul-18 05:18 PM
He's banned from the sub. Doesn't matter what he's doing.
Doctor Bread 24-Jul-18 05:19 PM
cept for his youtube being banned
Ocypode 24-Jul-18 05:19 PM
No ofc my point was being that it might not even be viewbotting
Ocypode 24-Jul-18 09:03 PM
Doctor Bread 24-Jul-18 09:10 PM
Same mods as LiveFails 🤔
Ocypode 24-Jul-18 10:01 PM
fucking cuck twitch mods so much censorship bring back burger king and hampton brandon 😡
Doctor Bread 25-Jul-18 01:16 AM
That thread is great now, that automod removing everyone's posts is way over the top though
more censorship than LSF
1,246 votes and 71 comments so far on Reddit
That video is actually great though
Doctor Bread 25-Jul-18 03:28 AM
Some guy Hahn#1337 wants verified streamer role, he's partnered
ImNATT 25-Jul-18 08:34 AM
I wont have reliable internet for the next few days. Vodafone is being difficult.
Doctor Bread 25-Jul-18 01:22 PM
That Androided guy is on the bitch jones harassment discord
Was gonna 🍌 him
Also linking mitch stuff there to vote manipulate
Ocypode 25-Jul-18 01:28 PM
i dont get it
Doctor Bread 25-Jul-18 01:40 PM
@Ocypode Should I just remove the post? It's probably been compromised with upvotes by the bitchjones discord
I assume they got pretty big again by now
Ocypode 25-Jul-18 01:40 PM
Dunno apparently its out of context aswell, I'm not sure about the details
Doctor Bread 25-Jul-18 01:41 PM
greek donated saying he was here for him after trying to start shit the other day
I guess
I don't know if defury the OP is androided
Ocypode 25-Jul-18 01:41 PM
I would just let it be there but if we keep seeing more threads that are trying to jump on the hate train again then remove those
I dunno
I'd like to hear other opinions
Doctor Bread 25-Jul-18 01:42 PM
or if he just linked it there
See, I want mitch fail clips to be able to be posted, but they get brigaded by bitchjones kids
So I dunno
I'm always suspicious
Ocypode 25-Jul-18 01:44 PM
Let's just remove that
it's full of livefails stuff aswell
or no wait
Doctor Bread 25-Jul-18 01:44 PM
I removed most of that
Ocypode 25-Jul-18 01:44 PM
Doctor Bread 25-Jul-18 01:44 PM
Nazi censorship btw
Ocypode 25-Jul-18 01:45 PM
some people do have a point though, why cant greek contact him off stream
104 votes and 143 comments so far on Reddit
Doctor Bread 25-Jul-18 01:46 PM
Cause drama bois
Gotta get those views
Ocypode 25-Jul-18 01:46 PM
That's quite huge banter from greek literally trying to trigger mitch
Doctor Bread 25-Jul-18 01:47 PM
"it's just banter"
people give mitch shit for drama but I feel like Greek starts it everywhere
Ocypode 25-Jul-18 01:48 PM
I get it if a random dude would spam that - it would just be a toxic viewer who gets banned
but this is greek we're talking about who does that
to mitch hes a friend and streamer as well
greek shouldnt act like that
Doctor Bread 25-Jul-18 01:49 PM
he loves going in to other streamer's chats to start shit if you look at his history
Ocypode 25-Jul-18 01:49 PM
Yeah I know
Doctor Bread 25-Jul-18 01:50 PM
Banned for constantly trynig to start drama
I wonder if a Greek ban would go over better or worse than the Ice ban
Ocypode 25-Jul-18 01:53 PM
Dunno lol
Doctor Bread 25-Jul-18 03:16 PM
who added that lol
Jisifus 25-Jul-18 03:17 PM
Doctor Bread 25-Jul-18 03:17 PM
This shit on the league subreddit
Just ban them
Ocypode 25-Jul-18 04:10 PM
Lmao (edited)
Doctor Bread 26-Jul-18 01:20 AM
Mitch losing his shit, but mostly new accounts with no history posting, keep an eye out for it
Ocypode 26-Jul-18 02:15 AM
Lsf perma banned me for posting this
HalfOfAKebab 26-Jul-18 09:17 AM
@Ocypode @Jisifus why are your names white FeelsWeirdMan
Ocypode 26-Jul-18 09:20 AM
probably just a bug
blue for me
HalfOfAKebab 26-Jul-18 09:21 AM
Ocypode 26-Jul-18 09:21 AM
pretty inconsistent
why does it happen tho
ImNATT 26-Jul-18 12:11 PM
Happens to me too. It fixes itself after closing and reopening Discord (edited)
Persistent like a fly.
Ocypode 26-Jul-18 12:40 PM
But why
Doctor Bread 26-Jul-18 12:50 PM
Mitch about to get kicked out of Reynad's place, RIP
Ocypode 26-Jul-18 12:52 PM
really lol
Ocypode 26-Jul-18 12:55 PM
ye Ive seen that but about to get kicked I thought there was some new info
Doctor Bread 26-Jul-18 11:09 PM
why does that person keep asking if we want vibrators
ImNATT 27-Jul-18 11:26 AM
If you can't laugh on the same joke again and again then How can you be sad on 1 single failure each time you thought about it?? 🤔
Ocypode 27-Jul-18 02:49 PM
yeah we dont even know if its actually a livestream
Doctor Bread 27-Jul-18 02:49 PM
It's tecnically a livestream
Ocypode 27-Jul-18 02:49 PM
or some instagram video or something
Doctor Bread 27-Jul-18 02:49 PM
It's facebook live
Ocypode 27-Jul-18 02:49 PM
Doctor Bread 27-Jul-18 02:50 PM
He wouldn't have been able to upload it after getting shot in the chest
"Me when my squad dies in PUBG." Jesus lol
Jisifus 27-Jul-18 02:51 PM
holy fuck
`We /r/watchingpeopledie now homie`
Doctor Bread 27-Jul-18 02:51 PM
This nigga really went live shooting at the cops🤦🏽‍♂️ https://t.co/Hd0IoYutTP
this is where he got it from
Apparently he's in jail and alive
Jisifus 27-Jul-18 02:52 PM
that shot looked like it went straight through his heart wtf
Doctor Bread 27-Jul-18 02:53 PM
When you buy GGX merch gang gang
"i like this guys content, what's his channel?"
Ocypode 27-Jul-18 02:53 PM
I think people are not on LSF to watch people dying
I would remove
Doctor Bread 27-Jul-18 02:53 PM
He's not dead though
Ocypode 27-Jul-18 02:53 PM
well ok gore then
Jisifus 27-Jul-18 02:53 PM
mind if i ban some of the blatantly racist pricks
Doctor Bread 27-Jul-18 02:54 PM
I did a few
But yeah, kind of not in the spirit of the subreddit
Cause remember that livestream of those black kids torturing that retarded kid on facebook live
dont think that was posted here
Crazy Facebook live shit like that
Ocypode 27-Jul-18 02:55 PM
well, I removed it fuck that shit
all those reports too
Jisifus 27-Jul-18 02:55 PM
Doctor Bread 27-Jul-18 02:55 PM
ban all the people in the bottom of the thread
Jisifus 27-Jul-18 02:55 PM
on it baby
Doctor Bread 27-Jul-18 02:55 PM
good bait for racists
Ocypode 27-Jul-18 02:56 PM
yeeee homies, yeeee niggas
and boom
Doctor Bread 27-Jul-18 02:56 PM
some of the comments are pretty funny at least
Ocypode 27-Jul-18 02:59 PM
Homies they got me cuuuh
RaptorJesus 27-Jul-18 02:59 PM
@Doctor Bread no
Use it as a honeypot to ban retards
Doctor Bread 27-Jul-18 02:59 PM
Ocy already removed it
Ocypode 27-Jul-18 02:59 PM
But we got many banned tho
Doctor Bread 27-Jul-18 03:00 PM
Put it back up?
Ocypode 27-Jul-18 03:00 PM
So is cool cuz
Doctor Bread 27-Jul-18 03:00 PM
It can be bait for a little bit longer
RaptorJesus 27-Jul-18 03:00 PM
Yeah leave it up for another hour or so
I get off work in about 45
so once im off i'll go swinging away
Doctor Bread 27-Jul-18 03:00 PM
alright lol
RaptorJesus 27-Jul-18 03:00 PM
Threads like these are the best because we can weed out all the retards in one place
because they cant help themselves but say something racist in comments
its ingrained into their peabrains
Jisifus 27-Jul-18 03:01 PM
i locked it, dont forget to unlock it
Ocypode 27-Jul-18 03:02 PM
shiiiiet homie
ban the poster too
Doctor Bread 27-Jul-18 03:03 PM
Ocypode 27-Jul-18 03:04 PM
Looks promising
Doctor Bread 27-Jul-18 03:06 PM
yeah ban the OP when the thread is taken down again
Obviously posted here to stir the shit
holy shit 8 more reports lol
Ocypode 27-Jul-18 03:55 PM
its been an hour
deleting it
Doctor Bread 27-Jul-18 03:56 PM
gonna start at the bottom and ban people, I'll just remove comments I've checked
Ocypode 27-Jul-18 03:57 PM
I banned atleast one at the bottom
left his comment still there
Doctor Bread 27-Jul-18 04:15 PM
Alright thread cleaned
Bye bye retards / Ice fans
Jisifus 27-Jul-18 04:39 PM
Blood moon tonight
Doctor Bread 27-Jul-18 04:39 PM
lunar eclipse isn't it?
Jisifus 27-Jul-18 04:40 PM
Yea Something like that
me no science man
Ocypode 27-Jul-18 04:50 PM
I was just outside looking for it
Couldnt find it
Maybe its cloudy or something not sure just couldnt see
Jisifus 27-Jul-18 04:51 PM
Looks kinda cool
Jisifus 27-Jul-18 07:45 PM
Doctor Bread 27-Jul-18 07:53 PM
that wasn't our main issue, it was the drama on the subreddit lol
Ocypode 27-Jul-18 07:55 PM
Oh boy
Should I contact trainwrecks about this
Doctor Bread 27-Jul-18 07:55 PM
not banning train obviously, but wonder if it's true
You could, I gotta raid
Ocypode 27-Jul-18 07:57 PM
Funny thing is IF its true then I'm sure he had no idea and hes in between the crossfire as the person who made it happen
that would suck
That guy who sent the mod mail doesn't seem like a troll kind of dude or anything either
Ocypode 27-Jul-18 08:00 PM
@Senior Subreddit Mods Who was able to do the custom picture flairs? I have a pic I'd like
Ocypode 27-Jul-18 09:22 PM
Doctor Bread 27-Jul-18 09:24 PM
oh lol
Ocypode 27-Jul-18 09:25 PM
People sure go drama very quick
Did some extra research on this while talking to trainwrecks
So the guy who contacted through mod mail his account was kind of weird
account from 2017 but no post history other than 3 days ago etc
Trainwrecks said it actually might be competitor buying an account or some shit
The maintenance to the website happened 7,5 hours ago and the modmail came in 2 hours ago
That's 5,5hours of website being down, it must be either someone whos actually using the website or a competitor refreshing it
Doctor Bread 27-Jul-18 11:25 PM
/r/ffxiv Discord lost it's partner status today after a vague email about a TOS violation led to us deleting the channel referenced in the email....
FFXIV main discord got shit on cause of people saying retard (edited)
Shame discord is run by a bunch of fucking retards
Cause I like it otherwise
ChanmanVXXIII 28-Jul-18 12:57 AM
Pinned a message.
Doctor Bread 28-Jul-18 12:58 AM
Doctor Bread 28-Jul-18 01:07 AM
@RaptorJesus @Ocypode Ape said he'll give us special roles in his discord if you guys are still in it
Finally this modding shit pays off
RaptorJesus 28-Jul-18 01:07 AM
I need an inv again i left it
Doctor Bread 28-Jul-18 01:09 AM
Punk 28-Jul-18 01:12 AM
wtf where's my role
RaptorJesus 28-Jul-18 01:27 AM
Punk 28-Jul-18 01:30 AM
Ocypode 28-Jul-18 08:08 AM
@RaptorJesus Im in there yea
Ocypode 28-Jul-18 10:40 AM
How did he even bring it up cus it hasn't been done
Ocypode 28-Jul-18 01:54 PM
Nice lol
I had one fan in twitch called ocypodehascancer
it was something similar to that
Ocypode 28-Jul-18 03:16 PM
30 votes and 5 comments so far on Reddit
What is the exact rule for "He said it" post ?
Doctor Bread 28-Jul-18 03:18 PM
could remove that one
Usually they get downvoted either way 🤔
But I think that one of Destiny yesterday where he's like "yeah, Destiny hates em, spread the word" was fine
Since it wasn't a clip of someone saying something close to a racial slur
Ocypode 28-Jul-18 03:21 PM
Well yeah that's what I think too
But I see many threads like these get approved
So I wanted to know for sure now what is the actual reason to delete "he said it" post
I've asked about this earlier but you dont seem to be very consistent with this rule
Doctor Bread 28-Jul-18 03:51 PM
I'm not the one who usually approves them
or not the first one too at least
ImNATT 28-Jul-18 05:16 PM
He said it rule is pretty simple:
video of a Text to Speech donation, read donor name, or song with racial slurs in it
Ocypode 28-Jul-18 07:00 PM
Ok ye that's what I thought
Doctor Bread 29-Jul-18 03:30 AM
💯 1
🇹 1
🇷 1
🇺 1
🇪 1
ImNATT 29-Jul-18 09:30 AM
I'm changing Erobbs and Tylers Flairs back to normal
Ocypode 29-Jul-18 09:32 AM
Jisifus 29-Jul-18 03:25 PM
added this automod rule
Doctor Bread 29-Jul-18 03:26 PM
👏 1
Ocypode 29-Jul-18 03:28 PM
I do <a:sodaCC:398910328286609418>
HalfOfAKebab 29-Jul-18 03:53 PM
squeezing my hog to this
Ocypode 29-Jul-18 05:15 PM
But what if I'll ban you
HalfOfAKebab 29-Jul-18 05:43 PM
gonna keep doing it even if you ban me
Ocypode 29-Jul-18 05:59 PM
RaptorJesus 29-Jul-18 07:21 PM
Starting a new project, if it takes off (it probably wont) I might step down or remove my self from acting on certain streamers (edited)
Doctor Bread 29-Jul-18 07:22 PM
@RaptorJesus What does that mean?
You mean YOU won't take action on certain streamers?
RaptorJesus 29-Jul-18 07:22 PM
Doctor Bread 29-Jul-18 07:22 PM
yeah you worded it like you'd ban the rest of us from doing stuff against other streamers, lol
RaptorJesus 29-Jul-18 07:22 PM
Doctor Bread 29-Jul-18 07:22 PM
I was like what, lol
RaptorJesus 29-Jul-18 07:22 PM
Doctor Bread 29-Jul-18 07:22 PM
what's the project?
RaptorJesus 29-Jul-18 07:23 PM
Basically content promotion and sponsorship acquisition for streamers and youtubers in Japan
Doctor Bread 29-Jul-18 07:24 PM
Hmmm, I dunno if that would be as much as like what GGD does, if you'd have to go flair only or something
RaptorJesus 29-Jul-18 07:24 PM
Doctor Bread 29-Jul-18 07:24 PM
I mean in terms of being
Unbiased I guess
RaptorJesus 29-Jul-18 07:25 PM
Oh yeah
probably that
Doctor Bread 29-Jul-18 07:25 PM
whatever the word is
RaptorJesus 29-Jul-18 07:25 PM
I'm guessing that this project is going to die like my other projects after i get bored with it
but just wanted to give a heads up
but yeah i got the domain irl.tokyo
Jisifus 29-Jul-18 07:26 PM
Ocypode 29-Jul-18 07:28 PM
That's nice
Doctor Bread 29-Jul-18 08:36 PM
Do you think if I got in contact with Ice's team they'd let me come fight in UFCx 2?
Ice vs. LSF mod? That shit would sell like hotcakes (edited)
Or one of the other regulars
(ง ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)ง
ChanmanVXXIII 29-Jul-18 09:14 PM
74,956 votes and 3,644 comments so far on Reddit
Doctor Bread 29-Jul-18 09:14 PM
I've seen it on some other subs
spreading our autism
RaptorJesus 30-Jul-18 02:48 AM
Hows it look
Ocypode 30-Jul-18 08:44 AM
Looking good man
Doctor Bread 30-Jul-18 11:44 AM
Man I was just ripping farts all through class 😩
Ocypode 30-Jul-18 11:44 AM
Doctor Bread 30-Jul-18 11:44 AM
Site looks pretty good btw
RaptorJesus 30-Jul-18 12:21 PM
Thanks lads. I’m about to shit myself at this doctors office cause the fuck is 30 minutes late
Ocypode 30-Jul-18 12:58 PM
And I'm quite done 3rd week of 30c weather here, I'm not used to this shit
86F for NAfags
Jisifus 30-Jul-18 12:59 PM
ah i see
Jisifus 30-Jul-18 04:57 PM
couldve helped to see the report reason (edited)
Doctor Bread 30-Jul-18 04:58 PM
uhhh think it was threatening, harassing or inciting violence on both
Jisifus 30-Jul-18 04:58 PM
hmm alright
Doctor Bread 30-Jul-18 04:58 PM
I've seen it happen a few times now on archived posts
Wondering how that happens
Jisifus 30-Jul-18 04:58 PM
server/db issue probably
Doctor Bread 30-Jul-18 04:59 PM
yeah it was
both popped up at the same time though, think they were new reports
Jisifus 30-Jul-18 04:59 PM
really weird
Doctor Bread 30-Jul-18 05:00 PM
hmmm, can't scroll down someone's profile and report old posts
Jisifus 30-Jul-18 05:01 PM
yeah theres no way thats an actual user report
Doctor Bread 30-Jul-18 05:02 PM
It's not on random posts either, it's usually pretty heated / controversial ones
Reddit admins reporthing them
Jisifus 30-Jul-18 05:02 PM
reported a year ago and never made it to modqueue
Doctor Bread 30-Jul-18 05:02 PM
Jisifus 30-Jul-18 05:02 PM
like i said, server or database related probably
Doctor Bread 30-Jul-18 05:02 PM
playing the long game to get someone banned
Jisifus 30-Jul-18 05:03 PM
"we'll ban you for a year, meaning your ban was lifted 3 weeks ago"
Doctor Bread 30-Jul-18 06:48 PM
@ImNATT can you copy paste the sidebar stuff from LSF to me
Doctor Bread 30-Jul-18 06:49 PM
Thanks a lot
Didn't know what the filter by flair and search by flair and stuff was
Doctor Bread 30-Jul-18 07:06 PM
@Jisifus I think I came up with that "human decency rule" we talked about awhile ago when I was writing that google doc
Do not be a detriment to the subreddit. Make a reasonable attempt to be a net positive, or at least neutral contributor to the subreddit, whether it be with comments or submissions. (edited)
Jisifus 30-Jul-18 07:11 PM
Doctor Bread 30-Jul-18 07:28 PM
I want to make that top line bigger but # doesn't work for it for some reason, it just removes it
So idiots REALLY see it
Jisifus 30-Jul-18 07:28 PM
Yeah h1 is for something different in the css
Find another one
Like ##
Doctor Bread 30-Jul-18 07:29 PM
yeah that worked
it's huge without style enable as well
Jisifus 30-Jul-18 07:29 PM
Doctor Bread 30-Jul-18 07:29 PM
Maybe it will stop some people
I hope
Jisifus 30-Jul-18 07:30 PM
Did I miss something or where are those rule changes coming from?
Doctor Bread 30-Jul-18 07:30 PM
from the google doc I did a few months ago
I'm just finally using it, lol
Jisifus 30-Jul-18 07:30 PM
Oh right
Wait what Google doc
Doctor Bread 30-Jul-18 07:30 PM
finishing LSFMeta
I'm deleting it as I use it though
so some stuff is gone
Jisifus 30-Jul-18 07:30 PM
Doctor Bread 30-Jul-18 07:31 PM
got all of the windows open
@RaptorJesus Could you make us a mobile icon? Just LSF in a bubble would be good probably
I can try though (edited)
RaptorJesus 30-Jul-18 07:44 PM
I can tonight when i get off werk
👍 1
Jisifus 30-Jul-18 07:53 PM
fucking escape from tarkov wiki lmao
Doctor Bread 30-Jul-18 07:54 PM
I was thinking about buying that game but it's got a good amount of bad reviews
probably needs a few more years of polish
Jisifus 30-Jul-18 07:54 PM
they're just pumping it up with content right now since its in beta, i'm guessing they'll go for a christmas release this year and bring out optimizations then
cus they said the next patch would be purely optimisation-oriented, and patches come out every few months
i'm excited honestly cus its a really fucking awesome game and if they polish it i think its gonna be the next big thing
RaptorJesus 30-Jul-18 07:56 PM
looks at DayZ
Jisifus 30-Jul-18 07:56 PM
Doctor Bread 30-Jul-18 07:56 PM
Inb4 devs jump ship
Jisifus 30-Jul-18 07:56 PM
yeah thats why i went with the standard edition instead of the big boy 150$ package
Doctor Bread 30-Jul-18 07:56 PM
I hope Monster Hunter World keeps me entertained for awhile
Jisifus 30-Jul-18 07:57 PM
inventory is getting cramped as fuck but i'm having a blast
Doctor Bread 30-Jul-18 07:57 PM
Probably the only game I'm willing to buy
Jisifus 30-Jul-18 07:57 PM
oh yeah thats coming in fall right
Doctor Bread 30-Jul-18 07:57 PM
in a week
Jisifus 30-Jul-18 07:57 PM
RaptorJesus 30-Jul-18 07:57 PM
Monster 30 FPS World
Doctor Bread 30-Jul-18 07:57 PM
Is it 30 FPS locked for PC?
Oh no it is
RaptorJesus 30-Jul-18 07:58 PM
75 online
lfs dead by end of the month btw
Doctor Bread 30-Jul-18 07:59 PM
at least their mods stopped making submissions
was pretty sad
Jisifus 30-Jul-18 07:59 PM
oh they're just using their alts now
Doctor Bread 30-Jul-18 08:00 PM
new alts I guess
This bear, known as 747, is a real giant who likely weighs well over 1000 pounds. Bears get fat to survive winter famine. 747's well-endowed proportions set ...
Greek in bear form
absolute unit
Ocypode 30-Jul-18 08:10 PM
I like more the fact how they tried to make it a subreddit for all the streamers but its basically just Cx and Ice viewers who care about it
Punk 30-Jul-18 11:09 PM
"The most exciting news is that World has an unlocked framerate on PC, so it's not limited to 30 fps like it is on consoles, or even 60 fps."
Doctor Bread 30-Jul-18 11:10 PM
Thank goodness
Suck it console plebs
It did say 30 fps on the bottom of the steam page though
RaptorJesus 30-Jul-18 11:17 PM
#MonsterHunterWorld crapshow on PC;

"On a PC with an i7-7700HQ, a GTX 1070, and 16GB RAM, I get something like 45 fps on average with some five-frame dips during combat on the ‘highest’ preset at 1920x1080."

Riiiiiiiiiiight. PS4 graphics, 5xPS4 price hardware. No tha...
shutup retard
Doctor Bread 30-Jul-18 11:18 PM
1080-Ti brother
I thought you meant locked framerate too, since crapcom does that sometimes
RaptorJesus 30-Jul-18 11:18 PM
Monster Hunter World PC Performance Estimates Pop Up; GeForce GTX 1080 Insufficient for 60 FPS 2K https://t.co/X6gcu9uNg5
shut up reettararrdddddddddd
Doctor Bread 30-Jul-18 11:19 PM
Loooooool just optimize the game
Also that's a 1080
1080TI is better
and a pretty eh processor for an i7
Look at those textures though, so hyper realistic
RaptorJesus 30-Jul-18 11:25 PM
why is that cat holding a potato
Doctor Bread 30-Jul-18 11:45 PM
@here <https://www.reddit.com/r/LSFMeta/>; is finished, LSF 1.5 if you prefer (edited)
Check it out
Everyone should have mod to test stuff
(It's mostly just sidebar stuff but I made a list of changes)
And added a rules wiki
RaptorJesus 30-Jul-18 11:46 PM
OOOO that looks solid, the only thing i would remove is the no swearing thing
. It's fine to have disagreements and discussions with other users, but keep the ad hominem and swearing to a minimum.
Doctor Bread 30-Jul-18 11:46 PM
To a minimum
RaptorJesus 30-Jul-18 11:47 PM
i mean who gives a shit about swearing lets be real
Doctor Bread 30-Jul-18 11:47 PM
swearing at other users, that's why it's under harassment
fuck you you fucking retard
RaptorJesus 30-Jul-18 11:47 PM
eeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh alright
ChanmanVXXIII 31-Jul-18 09:26 AM
ImNATT 31-Jul-18 09:29 AM
Based on the new Banned streamers rule this submission would have to be deleted:
4,245 votes and 360 comments so far on Reddit
Doctor Bread 31-Jul-18 12:41 PM
How so? He's not even in that clip. Other than his name
ImNATT 31-Jul-18 12:55 PM
It says focal point. Which he is in that clip. (edited)
Doctor Bread 31-Jul-18 01:13 PM
I meant like his image, not just his name hosting her
I think it's removed enough
Ocypode 31-Jul-18 01:30 PM
athene talking about us right now
Doctor Bread 31-Jul-18 01:48 PM
That's not him @Ocypode, that's some random
Lol someone put 🤖 Reporting in Boss 🤖 immediately banned
Ocypode 31-Jul-18 01:49 PM
No but thats from athenes stream
hes talking about LSF in stream
or did
Doctor Bread 31-Jul-18 01:49 PM
should sticky a post to the top of the sub saying he's viewbotting until he gets banned
Ocypode 31-Jul-18 01:54 PM
Jisifus 31-Jul-18 01:54 PM
Doctor Bread 31-Jul-18 01:55 PM
maybe if he really goes after us
2 votes and 0 comments so far on Reddit
someone just posted
Doctor Bread 31-Jul-18 02:00 PM
@Subreddit Mods watch the whole thing lol
we're getting played guys
just one guy upvoting the posts
I actually want to make that post, what a fucking lying idiot
Athene's asking us to look in to it (edited)
Ocypode 31-Jul-18 02:11 PM
Nothing happens in that clip @Doctor Bread
Doctor Bread 31-Jul-18 02:11 PM
Keep watching man
Ocypode 31-Jul-18 02:11 PM
I dont get it I watched it
Doctor Bread 31-Jul-18 02:11 PM
It's not a clip, it's a link to his stream
goes for like 15-20 minutes
Ocypode 31-Jul-18 02:11 PM
Doctor Bread 31-Jul-18 02:12 PM
I'm still watching and I started before you 🤔
he's still going
Ocypode 31-Jul-18 02:12 PM
really? when I opened it it was at the end and I watched like 3 minutes
Doctor Bread 31-Jul-18 02:12 PM
umm maybe bad timestamp link
Ocypode 31-Jul-18 02:13 PM
but yeah not that I did it again it started from the 0:00
literally the whole stream
Doctor Bread 31-Jul-18 02:13 PM
starts at 42:30 (edited)
oh wow he talks about it for like another 30 minutes after where I'm at
Jisifus 31-Jul-18 02:28 PM
yeah cool 15 minutes later and his homie is coming in with the james gunn and pizzagate
these people are fucked in the head
RaptorJesus 31-Jul-18 04:16 PM
Heard from my fam that our boy FrankerZ passed away this morning. He was 8 and will be greatly missed.
im stickying this
Punk 31-Jul-18 04:17 PM
Doctor Bread 31-Jul-18 04:17 PM
Ocypode 31-Jul-18 04:17 PM
Doctor Bread 31-Jul-18 04:20 PM
was about to approve one but sticky is good
Ocypode 31-Jul-18 04:22 PM
EZ karma
Doctor Bread 31-Jul-18 04:23 PM
FrankerZ 7
Ocypode 31-Jul-18 04:23 PM
RaptorJesus 31-Jul-18 04:48 PM
is it me or is my post #3 (edited)
Doctor Bread 31-Jul-18 04:48 PM
I don't see it
RaptorJesus 31-Jul-18 04:49 PM
oh whoops thought i had /r/all checked
Doctor Bread 31-Jul-18 04:53 PM
715 votes and 89 comments so far on Reddit
Why can't I karmawhore over a dead dog
actually want to ban that person
Ocypode 31-Jul-18 05:00 PM
Because the karma goes to raptor <a:sodaCC:398910328286609418>
Doctor Bread 31-Jul-18 05:01 PM
greek listened to a frankerz donation that had nigger put in to the middle of it
taking them all down obviously
Ocypode 31-Jul-18 05:01 PM
so many clipchimps
Jisifus 31-Jul-18 05:02 PM
good lawd
Doctor Bread 31-Jul-18 05:03 PM
okay think I got them all
ah they're still flooding in
Greek taking most of them down at least
RaptorJesus 31-Jul-18 05:17 PM
ImNATT 31-Jul-18 06:01 PM
Doctor Bread 31-Jul-18 06:04 PM
His comment was "God punishing us for Trump" on the FrankerZ post (edited)
Not politics btw
@ImNATT Can't wait to put my comment, the definition of politics, and your odd reason for banning me on /funny.
Ocypode 31-Jul-18 06:22 PM
Can't wait to see that post
Doctor Bread 31-Jul-18 06:25 PM
ImNATT 31-Jul-18 06:25 PM
Report him to the admins. He's a genius
Doctor Bread 31-Jul-18 06:26 PM
Claims to be a teacher btw
ImNATT 31-Jul-18 06:27 PM
He's some 19 y/o antifa idiot (edited)
Jisifus 31-Jul-18 06:27 PM
rude, i'm a 20 yo antifa idiot
ImNATT 31-Jul-18 06:28 PM
I'm gonna keep an eye on you then
Doctor Bread 31-Jul-18 06:29 PM
What is this comment chain lol
"Are you autistic? normal females wear swimsuits to shower."
Jisifus 31-Jul-18 06:29 PM
am normal female, can confirm
RaptorJesus 31-Jul-18 06:43 PM
Greetings and welcome to r/EternityClub! One of the most positive, laid back subreddits anywhere. We'd also like to invite you to our reddit live chat where you can hang out with everyone!

Note: A lot of stuff is shared in here and we want to respect that. Please keep in mind that even the general posts and comments should be kept private. Mods can only do so much, so let's work together to keep this place as safe and as fun as possible. Please let the mod team know if you have any questions by messaging them here.
Congratulations! Your post made it to the front page. The first time we saw you on the front page your post was ranked 25 with 192 comments and 2512 up votes.

If you'd like to see more metrics about your post and track how it does over time, head over to your post statistics at http://frontpagestats.com/s/93i0ji.

P.S. I'm a bot. If you appreciate me or have feedback for improvements, let me know. Reply 'STOP' if you never want to hear from me again 😦
Call me Clout Cobain
Doctor Bread 31-Jul-18 06:43 PM
You got that for a dead dog
you should be ashamed
also never subscribe to those subs
they're horrible
RaptorJesus 31-Jul-18 06:45 PM
Ocypode 01-Aug-18 06:40 AM
ImNATT 01-Aug-18 10:26 AM
84 votes and 36 comments so far on Reddit
RaptorJesus 01-Aug-18 12:32 PM
I feel like if it was deleted off the bat it would have been fine but since its almost 400 upvotes just let it ride
Doctor Bread 01-Aug-18 11:40 PM
if someone wants to ban emmafromtwitter go for it, she's a mod of the channel
I think she annoys most people on the sub
I dunno if mods of big channels count though
RaptorJesus 02-Aug-18 01:14 AM
Just did
Doctor Bread 02-Aug-18 01:59 AM
Doctor Bread 02-Aug-18 02:00 AM
she posted badbunny awhile ago but i didnt realize
wrote in two modmails as well
ChanmanVXXIII 02-Aug-18 12:05 PM
Reddit guy decides to make a pol-lite meme subreddit
Forgets to clean his account beforehand
Gets doxxed, loses his job
Goes nigger-this-nigger-that mode

I wonder if he'll go full david-me, either way its pretty funny (edited)
Doctor Bread 02-Aug-18 12:10 PM
Doctor Bread 02-Aug-18 03:27 PM
It does seem true, viewer list is sketchy as fuck
someone looked in to some accountsa nd they have chat log history though, hmm
Ocypode 02-Aug-18 04:00 PM
ImNATT 02-Aug-18 05:13 PM
Ban view bot accusations. Amanda is having too much fun with them.
Atleast ones that don't have more proof than "The viewer list looks very strange"
That thread should have been removed instantly.
Doctor Bread 02-Aug-18 05:43 PM
well, she said she wasnt blaming soda
and someone could be viewbotting channels
It's the blizzard jews behind it
RaptorJesus 02-Aug-18 08:05 PM
Blizzard and Riot both view bot
so i wouldnt be surprised
Jisifus 03-Aug-18 05:52 AM
Punk 03-Aug-18 10:40 AM
Ocypode 03-Aug-18 11:38 AM
not enough feet pics
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Aug-18 01:01 PM
Why are r/politics posters such smug cunts
Also show thighs @Jisifus
Please brigade this comment, I'm trying to fight the GW2 hivemind on mmorpg

I would say its at most a huge free trial, considering you get about 2 builds that aren't objectively bad, and any build you can come up with as a...
Jisifus 03-Aug-18 01:14 PM
Downvoted, youre welcome
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Aug-18 01:15 PM
What a cunt
Save my internet points
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Aug-18 03:21 PM
Don't mind me
Punk 03-Aug-18 03:42 PM
No more athene shit on the sub
He can post it to Drama or something
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Aug-18 04:19 PM
I had no idea you could whine to FFZ to have emotes removed
Jesus, someone doxxed the dude because of his tweet whining about cmonBrug
Actually more like "doxxed" since the guy is completely fine to linking his personal facebook with his username
Doctor Bread 03-Aug-18 04:38 PM
i removed someone's comment linking his reddit profile
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Aug-18 04:38 PM
So nevermind, I have no sympathy
Doctor Bread 03-Aug-18 04:39 PM
I can put it back though
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Aug-18 04:39 PM
Image 1 hosted in imgbb.com
Nah, thats gonna make people harass him
>34yo getting upset over emotes
Is this like his little fight to save the world?
Doctor Bread 03-Aug-18 04:40 PM
is he the main dude who made doki doki?
Or just a dev who helped
Oh no, Dan Salvato made it, but he's the person who owns FFZ who removed the emote
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Aug-18 04:40 PM
Dev who helped
Wait what
Doctor Bread 03-Aug-18 04:41 PM
Oh, did matthew help make it too?
Doki Doki Literature Club! is a visual novel developed by Team Salvato. It was released on September 22, 2017 for Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux. The story follows a male high school student who joins the school's Literature Club and interacts with its four female member...
The one who owns FFZ
The way OP wrote it makes it seem like the person complaining made it
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Aug-18 04:41 PM
When I read I thought the guy that removed also made doki doki
Doctor Bread 03-Aug-18 04:41 PM
"The emote is not racist. I took a look at the recent tweets from the guy who removed it and he's the CEO. He's also a developer of Doki Doki Literature Club."
Yes, he did
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Aug-18 04:41 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Aug-18 04:42 PM
But the way he wrote it makes you think the guy with the complaining tweet is a dev
he's just some jew
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Aug-18 04:42 PM
Explains why he pushed anime, at least
Doctor Bread 03-Aug-18 04:43 PM
Where's your jew dude
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Aug-18 04:46 PM
I don't want to support (((discord)))
They're like reddit, removing places where people self-segregate and making them spread to other servers
Also because I'm cheap, mostly this
Doctor Bread 03-Aug-18 07:21 PM
@Ocypode if you see a sketchy clip or a shitty clip from a new account and can't confirm it's self promo, just no reason it
Cause they always write in complaining
Ocypode 03-Aug-18 07:22 PM
Which option is a no reason
Doctor Bread 03-Aug-18 07:22 PM
Ocypode 03-Aug-18 07:23 PM
Ah there it is
Doctor Bread 03-Aug-18 07:23 PM
I just see you usually put self promo even for just shitty clips and they always send in modmails, lol
Ocypode 03-Aug-18 07:23 PM
ye mb
Doctor Bread 03-Aug-18 07:23 PM
Cause if it is self promo should ban dat ass
I rarely approve clips from new accounts though too
They're usually garbage fortnite clips anyways
Ocypode 03-Aug-18 07:24 PM
its like no other posts from that account and a never heard streamer with 1 viewer
so its quite obvious self promo very often
sure they all say "its not me haha XD"
Doctor Bread 03-Aug-18 07:25 PM
Maybe, sometimes I check the moderator list but usually I just remove it with no reason, unless they keep posting clips
And if they keep posting from the same stream, you usually see it's all from the same person and it's biased promotion
Or they're dumb and use the same name
Ocypode 03-Aug-18 07:25 PM
well I gotta honestly say, I didn't know how to use "no reason"
Doctor Bread 03-Aug-18 07:26 PM
Ocypode 03-Aug-18 07:26 PM
I had 0 prior experience in reddit moderating when I got accepted here
and I wasn't taught shit
so I'm here still learning
Doctor Bread 03-Aug-18 07:26 PM
I think it's people not knowing the rules though and not caring to read, that's why I added this on LSFMeta
RaptorJesus 03-Aug-18 10:35 PM
I removed this for harassment, got too personal with people linking to the guys instagram/twitter shit
Doctor Bread 03-Aug-18 10:35 PM
I mean he made all of his info public and linked everything together
I would just remove the offending comments
RaptorJesus 03-Aug-18 10:36 PM
>I mean he made all of his info public and linked everything together
If they thread was literally just about the emote being removed sure
Doctor Bread 03-Aug-18 10:37 PM
I don't even see any comments about his instagram
And OP just linked the twitter comments to show the chain of events that led to it being removed
RaptorJesus 03-Aug-18 10:38 PM
The latest Tweets on @PersonalMatthew. Read what people are saying and join the conversation.
I'm keeping it removed another senior mod can over rule me if they want
Doctor Bread 03-Aug-18 10:39 PM
Chanman already reapproved it the first time it was removed and stickied a comment
RaptorJesus 03-Aug-18 10:39 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII you can reapprove it if you want
Doctor Bread 03-Aug-18 10:39 PM
You could also ask the OP to remove the twitter links
RaptorJesus 03-Aug-18 10:40 PM
I'll do that now
Doctor Bread 03-Aug-18 10:40 PM
he's on this discord
RaptorJesus 03-Aug-18 10:42 PM
Also for further reference if its not a personality, people shouldn't be keeping names in screenshots
We've enforced this beforee
not sure why we didnt enforce it this time
Doctor Bread 03-Aug-18 10:43 PM
I went through the whole thread and didn't see any links to instagram or twitter
pictures of the guy only but I removed them
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 01:05 AM
OP is a child, I assume its past his bed time
So we'll have to wait until he wakes up, I told him to remove info on that matthew and gave him a updated imgur link with the name removed
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 08:33 AM
I unbanned a TetmajerVillain, he asked to be banned a month ago and got what he wished for
Seems like hes got some regrets in his life
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 03:13 PM
@here bitch jones discord userlist
Ocypode 04-Aug-18 03:14 PM
howd you do that
RaptorJesus 04-Aug-18 03:14 PM
Secret agent Bread
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 03:14 PM
@here Complete comment history in main channel (edited)
Ocypode 04-Aug-18 03:14 PM
why is plebcentral there
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 03:14 PM
this thread has been brigaded by them
Ocypode 04-Aug-18 03:17 PM
Oh boy
You could be the whistleblower of the century
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 03:20 PM
does that download link work?
Pinned a message.
Pinned a message.
Should just be an html file you can open
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 03:24 PM
Kbubblez there
Download worked
Ain't opening though because I don't trust like that
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 03:25 PM
it's the full chat log, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 03:25 PM
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 03:25 PM
yeah that thread is getting brigaded pretty hard though
Isn't Teemu a streamer friend of Mitch? Does he know he's in the bitchjones discord?
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 03:28 PM
Only thing worth thinking over is whether or not giving that to mitch so he can have the discord removed, any friends of him in there is just shit he should deal it himself, we aren't his mother
They're messing with the subreddit, though
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 03:28 PM
Maybe I should, I kind of want to delete this thread
People keep coming in on alts posting that video of him on Destiny's stream
Probably bitchjones kids
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 03:29 PM
Thread seems fine so far, just people repeating what soda said in the past
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 03:29 PM
I just can't tell who's legitimately discussing it and who's brigading
ImNATT 04-Aug-18 03:30 PM
When in doubt, removing everything is always the wrong move
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 03:30 PM
When in doubt, round up the people different than you and blame them
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 03:30 PM
227 votes and 141 comments so far on Reddit
There's TVTeemu
on his reddit account
I dunno, they're posting about the thread on bitchjones, and encouraging people to use it for drama @ImNATT @ChanmanVXXIII
This is why I banned Androided from our discord btw (edited)
ImNATT 04-Aug-18 03:32 PM
Ban the people from the discord
Not the rest
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 03:33 PM
I don't know which is necessarily their accounts, unless they happen to have the same name
Could ban TVTeemu
ImNATT 04-Aug-18 03:33 PM
If they link specific comments you can ban the OP
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 03:33 PM
I checked teemu history on the subreddit and seems like he just defends mitch
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 03:33 PM
on the discord you mean?
@ImNATT that might not necessarily be one of their posters, they might have seen it and just linked it for drama
ImNATT 04-Aug-18 03:34 PM
*the OP of that comment
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 03:35 PM
<https://www.reddit.com/user/yokometal>; You mean this person? Like I said, don't know if they're just getting linked to or what
ImNATT 04-Aug-18 03:36 PM
Have you seen a link to that comment on the discord?
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 03:36 PM
yeah, that's the picture I posted
ImNATT 04-Aug-18 03:37 PM
With the Androided guy? That's just linking to the thread as a whole as far as I can tell.
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 03:37 PM
No, he linked to that comment
oh wait, yeah maybe
I thought I saw one link to that comment in particular, but I guess it was just the top comment in the thread
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 03:38 PM
Pic is him linking the whole thread, no?
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 03:38 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 03:38 PM
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 03:38 PM
mb lol
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 03:38 PM
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 03:39 PM
Yeah I dunno if we should like say something or what
Post the bitchjones user list and history publicly
Just so people don't think we're removing anti-mitch stuff to protect him, but that he gets targeted and brigaded intentionally
Also @Ocypode Diamond Dick said pleb central isn't a hater
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 03:42 PM
Our side is most likely gonna be just going through the discord list and banning people that post on the subreddit
Then I assume give mitch all that shit and tell him to go deal with it
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 03:43 PM
@ImNATT you are reapproving thouse youtube videos?
Probably not a good idea
ImNATT 04-Aug-18 03:43 PM
They're not against the rules and no connection to the discord.
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 03:43 PM
Slap your green dick on his face
Do it
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 03:44 PM
They're being used by the discord though to stir the shit
ImNATT 04-Aug-18 03:44 PM
I'm not removing them just because people you don't like are also upvoting them.
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 03:45 PM
It's not "people I don't like" it's targeted brigading
ImNATT 04-Aug-18 03:45 PM
Guilt by association is not a thing
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 03:45 PM
I mean that's why I didn't ban anyone for posting it, just removed
And do you really think they're not watching it after that modmail from a deleted account?
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 03:46 PM
254 votes and 152 comments so far on Reddit
ImNATT 04-Aug-18 03:46 PM
Send me a screenshot of the discord linking that comment (edited)
Yes. That's what we're talking about.
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 03:47 PM
Just cause I saw that
ImNATT 04-Aug-18 03:48 PM
You removed it after they called you out for removing it?
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 03:48 PM
No, since I thought that first link was a link to the comment itself
I dunno, if we're not going to protect him from targeted harassment and brigading then let's just ban him again
Let bitchjones have their victory
Ocypode 04-Aug-18 03:51 PM
I wouldn't wanna give them their win
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 03:53 PM
Okay, then @here needs to decide collectively to not let people post month old videos of old drama that is an extremely easy target for brigaders to jump on and upvote / comment
Ocypode 04-Aug-18 03:53 PM
we do need to think of something
ImNATT 04-Aug-18 03:54 PM
People can post whatever they like as long as it doesn't break our rules. There is no expiration date on videos wtf.
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 03:54 PM
People posting old drama videos to stir the drama pot shouldn't be allowed, unless you're encouraging that on the subreddit
We have enough issues with drama as it is
ImNATT 04-Aug-18 03:55 PM
I'm not encouraging harassment, I'm preventing you from implementing stupid rules.
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 03:56 PM
How is that stupid?
ImNATT 04-Aug-18 03:56 PM
You want to apply an expiration date on content
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 03:56 PM
Content meant to encourage harassment, sure
ImNATT 04-Aug-18 03:57 PM
Is you opinion of this comment, that it is targeted harrassment?

Yes or no
254 votes and 152 comments so far on Reddit
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 03:57 PM
Yes, that stream was not allowed to be posted on LSF because Mitch was banned at the time anyways. It's also an easy target and clearly being brigaded, like I said
ImNATT 04-Aug-18 03:58 PM
Then you're an idiot. Report it to the admins if you are sure about that.
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 03:59 PM
Dude you know Mitch has a huge fanbase dedicated to try and get him to kill himself or quit streaming, and you don't think there's a problem with removing comments posting old videos to try and upset people
Sounds like you're the idiot, and an asshole to Mitch
ImNATT 04-Aug-18 03:59 PM
Keep going
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 04:00 PM
No, I'll just remove the comment. He is getting enough harassment everywhere else in the thread without an old freakout video spreading
Since I give a shit about people
ImNATT 04-Aug-18 04:01 PM
Remove it and I will remove you.
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 04:01 PM
So that's all you can say? You haven't given a good reason at all to not protect streamers
And someone who clearly has issues
I don't want Mitch to off himself
ImNATT 04-Aug-18 04:02 PM
You havev completely misunderstood the purpose of this subreddit
Ocypode 04-Aug-18 04:02 PM
We can't be his babysitters either
ImNATT 04-Aug-18 04:02 PM
We are not here to protect streamers
We are here to give viewers a place to talk freely about them
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 04:02 PM
This subreddit has a lot of power though with how streamers are percieved
ImNATT 04-Aug-18 04:03 PM
You do not fit the mission statement then
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 04:03 PM
So what's the mission? No rules /r/Ice_Poseidon? Because that hasn't been what we've had the past months
I'm not even trying to babysit, it's one removed comment
ImNATT 04-Aug-18 04:04 PM
One comment that has no reason to be removed other than Doctor Bread doen't want mitch to feel hurt
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 04:04 PM
If the bitchjones discord didn't link to the thread, and clearly didn't care about comments like that staying up, I would agree with you
If it was another streamer
I would 100% agree with you
Do you get where I'm coming from if I put it that way?
ImNATT 04-Aug-18 04:05 PM
If you keep pressing this issue, it will be your last. I'm not argiung any further. I've said what needs to be said.
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 04:05 PM
But do you get my point of view? Or am I not expressing myself correctly
I want to know if I'm taking crazy pills
ImNATT 04-Aug-18 04:06 PM
Yes you are.
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 04:08 PM
Okay, then there needs to be something clear cut assuming we are working against bitchjones brigading. I only had temporary access to the channel.
What crosses the line?
ImNATT 04-Aug-18 04:09 PM
Let me grab the reddit rules for ya buddy
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 04:09 PM
You don't have to be a dick about it, cause I'm not mad or anything, I'm just trying to understand
ImNATT 04-Aug-18 04:09 PM
>Harassment on Reddit is defined as systematic and/or continued actions to torment or demean someone in a way that would make a reasonable person conclude that Reddit is not a safe platform to express their ideas or participate in the conversation, or fear for their safety or the safety of those around them.
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 04:11 PM
So like, only from thread to thread then? Cause it has been a systematic and continued thing for awhile now
ImNATT 04-Aug-18 04:11 PM
From the same person
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 04:11 PM
Or just like one person spamming a thread
ImNATT 04-Aug-18 04:12 PM
A person whose whole existence on reddit is aimed at targeting one streamer.
Or a subreddit that is aimed at targeting one person like r/bitchjones that got banned.

It's really not that hard if you use your brain.
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 04:13 PM
Why are you being so rude about it? I don't think I've been rude to you, maybe a little frustrated
We are a team
ImNATT 04-Aug-18 04:13 PM
One member of the team is playing a different game though
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 04:13 PM
I'm not trying to, and it's really just you and me talking
So small team, lol
Everyone else doing boring stuff like working
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 04:16 PM
Your reasoning is sound but you're being a proper cock about it, natt
Theres no reason to give more special treatment to mitch than what we already did in the past with helping him ban the subreddit and fade from the subreddit
ImNATT 04-Aug-18 04:16 PM
I know
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 04:17 PM
That's fine, I guess I didn't consider removing old freakout drama videos special treatment
And since it was from a time period when mitch was banned from the subreddit, so I didn't want them to enter in to LSF's collective knowledge
The video of him on Destiny's stream, that is
Seems unconstructive and better left forgotten
ImNATT 04-Aug-18 04:20 PM
We are not the arbiters of what needs to be forgotten and what not.
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 04:22 PM
Doc, you just don't want to feel like you had a part in mitch killing himself if he ever actually ends up doing it?
I'm just assuming this, obviously
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 04:23 PM
I mean obviously, but I'm not being that dramatic about it, more just that
ImNATT 04-Aug-18 04:23 PM
He's a mod of /pol/ btw.
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 04:23 PM
oi vey
More just that it annoys me that the bitchjones squad harasses him and it's hard to tell what is legitimate and what's not, or what's brigaded
Or pretty much impossible to tell, really
And no other streamer really has that issue that we've had to deal with
So yeah, maybe I feel a little heavy handed dealing with it
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 04:25 PM
So its either
Nuke it all
Find a way to narrow down the bitchjones people on the sub
Leave things be
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 04:25 PM
Pretty much. Only a few were dumb enough to have their reddit names and discord names same, but they were banned months ago
and were on alt accounts anyways
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 04:26 PM
Also pol is a lot less hateful nowdays, they are good boys now
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 04:26 PM
If I didn't know the harassment discord / community was a thing, I wouldn't care about people linking videos like that
Since it is a livestreamfail
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 04:31 PM
Its not like people expect us to be on top of that stuff, it a thread ends up on the front page and turns out it was a bitchjones dude that started it, the sub users won't care that we didn't curate it properly
Seems like you're giving it too much thought on whether or not OP hates mitch and overmoderating his content
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 04:31 PM
Eh I don't think the OP (of the thread or comment) is
Just since Diamond Dick showed me the thread getting posted on the discord
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 04:33 PM
Talking in general tbh, you're free to ban people that are connected with the bitchjones stuff, but doing more than that because it might be related to the bitchjones is going overboard
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 04:34 PM
Yeah, I definitely wasn't suggesting to ban anyone over it
Unless obvious member of that community, of course
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 04:35 PM
Same thing for removing comments because it might be from bitchjones or trigger people from it to upvote, only act on that if DDick gives us a heads up tbh
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 04:36 PM
I mean he did about that very thread
Or you mean like "upvote this guys"
Androided was like "potential drama" though
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 04:38 PM
I mean like that guy reviving old youtube videos of mitch, it surely triggered Bjones people to upvote and comment on it, but there was no reason to take it down since we didnt know if the commenter was from Bjones
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 04:39 PM
If subreddits are banned, does it show up in people's posting history?
Like that
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 04:40 PM
No idea, thats from modtools right?
Google might answer us
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 04:40 PM
yeah, cause I've looked for bitchjones on some accounts before, but I've never seen it. I don't know if it shows up if a sub gets banned by reddit though
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 04:41 PM
Its a live thing, I assume it doesnt
Since it cant load up info from the sub anymore
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 04:41 PM
Do your comments still exist on a banned subreddit though on your profile?
cause if so then I think it would work
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 04:41 PM
I might know a dude that posted on uncensorednews
Sec gotta hit my chrome history
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 04:43 PM
This is the owner of ./r/bitchjones and it doesn't show on his history
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 04:43 PM
Yeah it doesnt show banned subs
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 04:43 PM
I guess they just nuke literally everything on the sub
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 04:44 PM
Damn I wonder if this means reddit actually removes the whole subreddit data from their main shit
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 04:44 PM
I think they do
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 04:44 PM
100% they keep a backup though
They have my jailbait subreddit stored there, somewhere
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 04:45 PM
Found this of /r/coontown but I don't see a full archive
First banned sub I could think of, lol
They got a voat sub though
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 04:45 PM
First reddit mistake
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 04:46 PM
some pedo has all of jailbait I'm sure
Does the waybackmachine get around reddit nuking stuff though?
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 04:47 PM
It saves to their own servers, so yeah
I think it still gets fucked by the redesign tho
For some odd reason
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 04:47 PM
guy that posted on bitchjones
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 04:48 PM
god you get this shit even on the waybackmachine
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 04:48 PM
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 04:48 PM
and I can't close it lol
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 04:48 PM
F5 then screenshot the page
Before you get fucked
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 04:49 PM
yeah saw that one
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 04:50 PM
Hit him with the [H]
Doesnt show bitchjones
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 04:53 PM
I just wanted to play path of exile today
ImNATT 04-Aug-18 04:54 PM
@Doctor Bread Sorry for my tone, I just went cold turkey on cigs and weed today.
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 04:55 PM
@ImNATT It's okay (edited)
I'm not unreasonable, I just didn't understand you, and you didn't understand me
ImNATT 04-Aug-18 04:56 PM
Yeah, it'll be better in a few days.
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 04:56 PM
I just feel bad for poor Mitchie
Dude needs to stop streaming and dump mira
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 04:56 PM
"Just fix your life lol"
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 04:57 PM
My wife's sister is pretty similar to him, and she has moments where she's like fuck, I don't want to be crazy like this, but she can't just fix her brain/life
I assume he's the same and doesn't just have these awful moments by choice
She'll get paranoid as fuck and start spam calling my wife and accusing her of doing random shit
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 04:59 PM
Damn, I was gonna hit you with a facebook meme but then you had to get personal
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 05:03 PM
After her Dad died, I was calling my Dad about it and laughed about something unrelated, she heard me and started screaming in the house "Dad never liked John, he hated him, he's not a part of this family"
And then a few minutes later was like I'm sorry, I totally didn't mean that
Mental illness man
Also my wife told her I was on the spectrum and I couldn't control my reactions to stuff just to give her an excuse to calm down, betrayed (edited)
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 05:04 PM
Please be patient, john has autism
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 05:05 PM
Pretty much. She just said it was her first excuse she could come up with, lol
I'm like oh thanks, you told your sister I was autistic
couldn't just explain I was laughing at something else
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 05:06 PM
"He was laughing about dad's death but its ok, hes got a touch of the 'tism"
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 05:06 PM
57 votes and 129 comments so far on Reddit
Man I didn't even see this thread
Way more exciting than Mitch drama
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 05:06 PM
Here, made a edit 4u
Yeah OP is a pedo btw
That thread's OP
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 05:07 PM
Is OP a pedo?
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 05:07 PM
He comments on underage girls pics
With she's cute, etc
>15 years old
Stuff like that
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 05:07 PM
Did you ban him
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 05:07 PM
Read the comments
Why ban, he can join the 10%
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 05:08 PM
10%? I only know 42%
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 05:08 PM
10% incel community in our sub
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 05:09 PM
401 votes and 191 comments so far on Reddit
Mitch commented on that thread, lol
ImNATT 04-Aug-18 05:10 PM
He doesn't seem to mind
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 05:10 PM
Oh OP is turkish, now things makes sense
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 05:10 PM
wonder if he checked the comments or just watch the vid
That girl reminds me of my friends sister, they caught her messaging like 30 year old dudes when she was between 13-16, since their Dad was never home
Gotta hug your daughters man
She's a huge whore these days
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 05:12 PM
Having a daughter nowdays seems like absolute nightmare
ImNATT 04-Aug-18 05:12 PM
A girl is an automatic abortion. That's why I'm pro-Choice
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 05:13 PM
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 05:15 PM
But yeah, if you have girls you gotta hug them everyday, otherwise they're on instagram/tinder/twitch looking for male attention
and validation
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 05:15 PM
Just adopt, then you don't have to gamble
You can even get a token gay kid
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 05:15 PM
I feel like my first kid will probably be a girl
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 05:16 PM
Happens when both parents have a lot of estrogen
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 05:17 PM
I thought it was high test. Like every MMA fighter has multiple girls
Very strange
Obviously it's just random though
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 05:17 PM
Holy fuck wait, that turkish OP constantly comments "cute girls", I thought it was like 2 or 3 comments but no
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 05:18 PM
Dude ban that pedo, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 05:18 PM
But its like 16 comments so far
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 05:18 PM
Those two dudes who comment on our sub a lot that moderate for ocean walk the line on some comments too
I think they're grooming her
The one guy who's 30 years old was like "I'm just protecting her from the rest of the twitch community"
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 05:19 PM
I would be surprise if someone wasnt grooming her, I can't imagine any adult watching her for any reason other than that
I have a image macro just for that, sec
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 05:21 PM
Dude I'm just watching this 13 year old female streamer because she has good content
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 05:21 PM
Turns out reddit says that comic artist is literally a white supremacist, and so far its just because he draws /pol/ catch-phrases and uses that patreon alternative for people that got banned from patreon
Yeah, she needs a stable adult taking care of her until she is of age
I don't expect anything in return, I'm doing this because the internet is a dangerous place
Took people 1 hour on that pedo thread to start attacking religion, austic people, and runescape players
I'm on the fence about banning OP, cant bring myself to kick him out for being too creepy
monka fucking S
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 05:29 PM
I mean, I've banned a dude for saying like "I want to fuck the shit out of Ocean's tight 13 year old puss" and I think that OP is a lot worse than that
So gonna have to unban the other dude or ban that one
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 05:30 PM
Ban him, but let me grab some screenshots
Then sticky that shit
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 05:30 PM
You think a sticky is necessary? Just to show how fucked up OP is? lol
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 05:31 PM
I can do it if you dont want
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 05:31 PM
I mean I think it'd be funny, I just didn't know the purpose
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 05:32 PM
I'm just disgusted tbh
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 05:32 PM
expose the pedos 4chan style
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 05:32 PM
Unless OP is a stay at home mom
I cant see comments being anything but creepy
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 05:33 PM
no I doubt that, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 05:34 PM
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 05:36 PM
If you want all the links
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 05:36 PM
No no
Gotta do it properly, add the images he's saying that shit
Literally babies
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 05:36 PM
those are the images
well, some, the first two were just posted by someone else in the subreddit
the rest are yours
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 05:37 PM
Only the cute shit w/ images should be enough
I'll sticky it
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 05:38 PM
oh two links are the same
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 05:39 PM
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 05:39 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 05:39 PM
I was adding it to
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 05:39 PM
there you go
+ anything else you wanna add
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 05:39 PM
Just gonna add one more baby
Who treats pedos again, psychiatrists? (edited)
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 05:47 PM
the cops with a bullet
I think psychologists or psychiatrists
It depends on how you're treating it though
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 05:49 PM
I personally banned OP from the subreddit, monkaS my dude.

See if you can work things out with a psychiatrist, and if you don't have money just turn into a weeb. Don't do that to kids

Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 05:49 PM
That's only one pic though
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 05:49 PM
It aint
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 05:50 PM
oh it's an album
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 05:50 PM
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 05:50 PM
Chanman looking for excuses to post little girls
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 05:50 PM
16 is legal here, I don't need it
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 05:50 PM
OP seems like the baby-fucking type
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 05:52 PM
50 votes and 153 comments so far on Reddit
One thread, two pedos caught
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 05:53 PM
who's the other?
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 05:53 PM
Main video
Lady was yelling at one
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 05:54 PM
that was probably OP
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 05:54 PM
:omegalul: (edited)
Wow I lost omegalul
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 05:55 PM
Think it's worth passing that account to the reddit admins?
It's not a throwaway either
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 05:55 PM
I think so, I can throw you the permalink to his comments
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 05:56 PM
hmmm yeah I guess I will
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 05:57 PM
1,745 votes and 229 comments so far on Reddit
21,105 votes and 1,423 comments so far on Reddit
44 votes and 11 comments so far on Reddit
6,078 votes and 645 comments so far on Reddit
2,663 votes and 380 comments so far on Reddit
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 05:58 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 05:58 PM
And thats just me filtering out "cute"
Didnt try sexy/hot/etc
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 06:01 PM
aight sent
to reddit admins
maybe the FBI, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 06:01 PM
Implying FBI does anything other than false flagging school shootings
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 06:02 PM
That's true though
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 06:03 PM
Is that something you heard from your (((SO)))?
Damn (((SO))) looks cool, kinda like a brand
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 06:04 PM
I guess watch that account and see if he gets banned, I'll let you know if I get an admin response
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 06:05 PM
The juxtaposition is funny
Doctor Bread 04-Aug-18 06:06 PM
flat 18+ year olds, obviously
ChanmanVXXIII 04-Aug-18 06:06 PM
Alright too dead, leaving for real
👋 (edited)
Doctor Bread 05-Aug-18 03:06 AM
299 points and 59 comments so far on reddit
Gave me a solid laugh, didn't ban the BLACKMALE guy, lol
Should maybe ban the other dude since he's a fucking loser on what is probably an alt account, but eh
Ocypode 05-Aug-18 11:23 AM
Doctor Bread 05-Aug-18 12:38 PM
reeee why can't I ban evade
Doctor Bread 05-Aug-18 01:35 PM
@@ChanmanVXXIII reddit admin got back to me, they deleted that pedophile guy's account
Ocypode 05-Aug-18 01:35 PM
should give him an ip ban or some shit 😄
Doctor Bread 05-Aug-18 01:39 PM
maybe they reported him to the police, who knows
I don't know if turkish police care
or if he actually lives in turkey
Ocypode 05-Aug-18 01:39 PM
wouldn't be surprised
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Aug-18 02:01 PM
Who wants to bet on whether he is a japanese guy or just a weeb?
Doctor Bread 05-Aug-18 02:06 PM
Triggered weeb
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Aug-18 02:07 PM
No idea on how to respond him
I'm torn between further upsetting by saying all weebs are lolicons anyway, or actually talking to him
Doctor Bread 05-Aug-18 02:08 PM
OP tried to play dumb in modmail "I'm just posting this 6 months old clip of Ape while there's a bunch of people hating on him on the front page because I randomly wanted to"
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Aug-18 02:13 PM
I'm squeezing my hog to ocy's stream right now
Doctor Bread 05-Aug-18 02:13 PM
he's actually got 19 viewers what the fuck
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Aug-18 02:14 PM
He made it, time to remove him from the mod team for conflict of interest
Doctor Bread 05-Aug-18 02:15 PM
He said my name then his stream crashed
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Aug-18 02:15 PM
EU internet
Doctor Bread 05-Aug-18 04:33 PM
white supremacy rally going on in D.C next weekend, I kind of want to go and watch the shitshow (edited)
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Aug-18 05:06 PM
Don't go if you're caucasian though, I don't wanna lose the 4chan mod namedrop
Or whatever is considered white over at NA
Doctor Bread 05-Aug-18 05:07 PM
I am white though
ChanmanVXXIII 05-Aug-18 05:08 PM
Bring a bat and a meme shield, then (edited)
Make a billy one
Ocypode 05-Aug-18 09:27 PM
Wasn't this the stupid bitch?
The one who got banned earlier etc
Doctor Bread 05-Aug-18 09:31 PM
That's ashley
Ocypode 05-Aug-18 09:31 PM
Shes just karma farming drama posts
well I'm just gonna go with my intuition and ban her
I didn't get much input
Doctor Bread 05-Aug-18 09:59 PM
I don't think you need to ban, just remove
Ocypode 05-Aug-18 10:00 PM
already did
Doctor Bread 05-Aug-18 10:24 PM
Ocypode 05-Aug-18 10:27 PM
Yeah I'm aware of what happened and it wasn't brigading, they never implied to anyone to go and vote
So I dunno if that would fall into brigade
Doctor Bread 05-Aug-18 10:58 PM
18 votes and 1 comment so far on Reddit
might be her alt account
@RaptorJesus I think fearmyburst is breaking some rules again
Ocypode 05-Aug-18 11:18 PM
For sure its her alt
Doctor Bread 05-Aug-18 11:33 PM
I'll recuse myself from the situation since I have them on friends
225 votes and 28 comments so far on Reddit
The poster of this is a mod of the channel, but it's a pretty big channel (edited)
Had tons of issues with self promotion, mod promotion and alternate accounts with all of the fishing channels
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Aug-18 03:58 AM
Anyone here remembers banning a Mr_Lotus? Dude wants to appeal the ban after a month but he deleted his ban reason

786 votes and 34 comments so far on Reddit
Doctor Bread 06-Aug-18 04:23 AM
looking way back in the modmail, wish you could search it
and I just found it and clicked the wrong one and lost it, lol
Found it again, godbless
Ocypode 06-Aug-18 09:33 AM
what a weird woman
Jisifus 06-Aug-18 09:36 AM
i'm back, kind of
ImNATT 06-Aug-18 09:36 AM
@Doctor Bread I banned the OP of the fishing clip
Ocypode 06-Aug-18 09:41 AM
I mean she seems to reeaaalllly love drama
holy shit
ImNATT 06-Aug-18 09:45 AM
I still don't quite understand why we let her keep posting on the Normiesreeeee account after banning like 20 alts of her.
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Aug-18 10:49 AM
I am being groomed, help
Jisifus 06-Aug-18 10:55 AM
the fuck is this
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Aug-18 10:56 AM
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Aug-18 11:01 AM
I blocked his ass, he wanted to show his dick to me just because I'm underage (edited)
RaptorJesus 06-Aug-18 12:11 PM
Wtf how old are you
Ocypode 06-Aug-18 12:13 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 06-Aug-18 12:34 PM
Doctor Bread 06-Aug-18 07:37 PM

Preemptively removing "I thought they were banned" comments before people start talking about livefails, maybe check on it later
90 votes and 66 comments so far on Reddit
Ocypode 06-Aug-18 07:40 PM
isn't lifefails already dead anyway
Doctor Bread 06-Aug-18 07:43 PM
There are a few people who wait for any chance to bring up their dead subreddit on LSF (edited)
Ocypode 06-Aug-18 07:43 PM
ImNATT 07-Aug-18 10:15 AM
Another Amanda/Ashley alt:
Ocypode 07-Aug-18 11:43 AM
yeah I figured its her
fuck sake
RaptorJesus 07-Aug-18 02:00 PM
Message the reddit admins
this is retarded
get all her alts banned and have her shadow banned
Ocypode 07-Aug-18 02:02 PM
I really wonder what kind of person shes irl
Doctor Bread 07-Aug-18 02:27 PM
@RaptorJesus did you ban her off the discord
Ocy do you not remember when she sent us thousands of modmails?
Ocypode 07-Aug-18 02:53 PM
I remember something but not much
I also think you guys went to talk with her or somethig
I wasn't there
RaptorJesus 07-Aug-18 03:11 PM
@Doctor Bread no
Doctor Bread 07-Aug-18 03:11 PM
Ah, I think you'd be justified if you wanted to
Doctor Bread 07-Aug-18 05:21 PM
1 points and 0 comments so far on reddit
Is this post alright?
Funny, if nothing else
Tfues password is mythisafaggotwhocampsinonebyonesallgame
Jisifus 07-Aug-18 05:22 PM
Who is that
Doctor Bread 07-Aug-18 05:22 PM
Tfue, streamer who said coon in fortnite?
He's pretty well known
Punk 07-Aug-18 05:22 PM
it's twitter shit
ImNATT 07-Aug-18 05:22 PM
It's not. Leave it removed
Punk 07-Aug-18 05:22 PM
keep it deleted
Jisifus 07-Aug-18 05:23 PM
Oh riiight
Doctor Bread 07-Aug-18 05:24 PM
I guess this is the dude who jacked his account <https://twitter.com/wtflolnigger>;
Jisifus 07-Aug-18 05:24 PM
Inspiring name
Doctor Bread 07-Aug-18 05:24 PM
How do people get their twitters hijacked? Seems like a common thing
Punk 07-Aug-18 05:25 PM
bad passwords getting bruteforced
Jisifus 07-Aug-18 05:25 PM
Bruteforcing/ phishing + duplicate passwords
That's why my passwords look like this Et&aUPR@.pFuM6fmx7wL (not an actual password, just the same generator)
inb4 hijacked
Ocypode 07-Aug-18 05:27 PM
I'm getting you next jisifus
Jisifus 07-Aug-18 05:28 PM
Oh fuck please no, wtflolnigger
Ocypode 07-Aug-18 05:28 PM
Doctor Bread 07-Aug-18 05:28 PM
oh wait, did he get his twitch channel too?
@iTzSatoshi and @wtflolnigger twitter
Jisifus 07-Aug-18 05:28 PM
I mean
Doctor Bread 07-Aug-18 05:28 PM
yeah go, he's live now
I guess someone could post that if they wanted
Jisifus 07-Aug-18 05:29 PM
If you're that kind of personality and use the same weak ass pass on every fucking profile I don't know what to tell you
Doctor Bread 07-Aug-18 05:30 PM
Maybe I'll post it
Jisifus 07-Aug-18 05:30 PM
Chat in submode
Holy crap that chat
Doctor Bread 07-Aug-18 05:31 PM
hmmm someone posted a link to his stream already, is there an alternate I could do?
back when he got banned for coon
Jisifus 07-Aug-18 05:33 PM
Hmm I don't see the post
Doctor Bread 07-Aug-18 05:33 PM
19 votes and 35 comments so far on Reddit
link already used
I guess I can link to videos
Jisifus 07-Aug-18 05:34 PM
Oh now I get it
Just add "#" at the end
Could work, not sure (edited)
Doctor Bread 07-Aug-18 05:34 PM
Ah, I just added /videos
Still pulls up the stream
Jisifus 07-Aug-18 05:34 PM
Doctor Bread 07-Aug-18 05:36 PM
holy shit 39k viewers lol
Jisifus 07-Aug-18 05:36 PM
What how
Doctor Bread 07-Aug-18 05:36 PM
It's rocketing up
room in emote-only mode
Ah, looks like everything got taken back already
Jisifus 07-Aug-18 05:39 PM
Yeah Twitter still yoinked
Doctor Bread 07-Aug-18 05:39 PM
Picture got changed, I assume if twitch got taken back twitter is on the way (edited)
What a waste, not nearly enough racist spam for an account takeover
Looks like he's got a lot of access
ImNATT 07-Aug-18 05:58 PM
Every single time a prominent twitter account gets hacked, Keemstar get's a shoutout
Doctor Bread 07-Aug-18 06:03 PM
Looks like he lost control, 16 minutes no new post
Tfue gonna have to change literally everything though
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Aug-18 10:00 AM
1,112 votes and 110 comments so far on Reddit
Amouranth browses the sub
Our trans numbers are going up
ImNATT 08-Aug-18 10:10 AM
Doctor Bread 08-Aug-18 10:40 AM
Not surprised that idiot sending in the modmail for that comment was already on my block list
ImNATT 08-Aug-18 10:42 AM
What for?
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Aug-18 11:20 AM
How did u get my subscribed subs list?
ImNATT 08-Aug-18 11:21 AM
Idk about the subs themselves, it's the amount
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Aug-18 11:21 AM
Oh wait, moderator of
Who dat
ImNATT 08-Aug-18 11:22 AM
Just some guy who sent in a modmail to report a "toxic" user
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Aug-18 11:55 AM
I like him
Jisifus 08-Aug-18 11:58 AM
lmao last time i messaged him saying he's wasting his time in 3 different places but hey
* creates new account
* takes time to put the extra characters in there
* takes time to actually write the comment
gets instantly filtered 10/10 times
Doctor Bread 08-Aug-18 04:19 PM
Does make you wonder if someone else is viewbotting him, but I feel like if I was a streamer I would be paying close attention to my viewer numbers
Or maybe he's just that retarded to host someone twice while botting
Ocypode 08-Aug-18 04:25 PM
but hes the smartest person in the world
Doctor Bread 08-Aug-18 05:11 PM
I have a nagging suspicion, maybe someone else can confirm it. I believe the OP of this post <https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/95pwoi/badbunny_lashes_out_insults_a_viewer_after_they/>;

is <https://www.reddit.com/user/EmmaFromTwitter>;, who is currently banned from the sub since we realized she is a mod of Badbunny, and had been posting her clips for quite some time.
I'm also suspicious since that link is a streamable clip of the stream, when a twitch clip could have been made.
EmmaFromTwitter is also posting in the chat at the time of the clip, but there's also a "Squid_TV"
Apparently that's who she was calling out, but the title is "BadBunny lashes out & insults a viewer", I don't know if they didn't want to speak in the first person or what and say "insults me" (edited)
Ocypode 08-Aug-18 05:21 PM
could actually be
because the vid is embed aswell
and not a twitch clip that would show the clipper
nvm you said it already
but yeah
good points
Doctor Bread 08-Aug-18 05:23 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Aug-18 07:53 PM
Doctor Bread 08-Aug-18 07:55 PM
literally WH
RaptorJesus 08-Aug-18 08:39 PM
Gifting subs to yourself to seem like you have friends 😔
Ocypode 08-Aug-18 08:48 PM
smh fam
ImNATT 09-Aug-18 09:05 AM
I've been getting around 3 requests a day for the past 2 weeks to let people post their questionnaires about eating disorders for their university degrees in my sub.
Tempted to deny them all.
ImNATT 09-Aug-18 11:19 AM
They ban the bot every few days
I banned the three top comments. Those people are what makes our subreddit so shit.
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 01:44 PM
I don't even understand the logic behind it being a conspiracy
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 02:59 PM
Greek paid a thread's poster to delete the thread
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:00 PM
Regarding him keeping that donation money meant for subs
trying to get post deleted. - Clipped by greekexplodes
jammy 09-Aug-18 03:00 PM
now he only owes 99 subs
Jisifus 09-Aug-18 03:01 PM
jammy 09-Aug-18 03:01 PM
only 99 more of these posts left
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:01 PM
I think this is bannable
also watch out that clip is loud
shows him gifting the sub to the person to delete the post
What do you guys think? Probably need to handle this somewhat quickly
Ocypode 09-Aug-18 03:07 PM
Yeah I dunno how to deal with this kind of thing
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:07 PM
I consider it worse than brigading, personally
Punk 09-Aug-18 03:12 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII @ImNATT @RaptorJesus
I'm feeling a ban on this one
RaptorJesus 09-Aug-18 03:13 PM
Yep fuck em
ImNATT 09-Aug-18 03:13 PM
I don't care, ban him if you want.
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:13 PM
@here Want me to write something?
RaptorJesus 09-Aug-18 03:13 PM
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:14 PM
Banned for what, not really brigading
Using money/subs to influence the subreddit?
Not sure how to word it
Punk 09-Aug-18 03:14 PM
Subreddit manipulation I guess
Keep it short and to the point
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:14 PM
Yeah, I guess that's a good way to put it
RaptorJesus 09-Aug-18 03:14 PM
Should we reach out to him first?
We have with other people we’ve banned
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:15 PM
He's been treading the line with some other stuff recently, kind of hinting for people to brigade negative posts about him here
But not outright demanding it
I'd have to go back and find the clips
RaptorJesus 09-Aug-18 03:15 PM
I feel like if we approach him to cut the shit out first it might give us even more legs to stand on
That way he can’t claim ignorance
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:16 PM
Are we still banning him? I mean the post is already gone, and everyone is aware. It would look pretty weak I guess if we were like "we talked to greek and he said he won't do it again" (edited)
I'm not sure
RaptorJesus 09-Aug-18 03:16 PM
Temp ban to send a message while we sort it out privately, if he doesn’t want to be a good boy we turn that temp into a perm
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:17 PM
I dunno, just seems wishy washy. If he had like threatened to give the guy a sub to delete the post, I think it would make sense to temp ban / reach out to him, but he already did
Like when Trainwrecks had that recent thing during the gambling website
and we talked to him
RaptorJesus 09-Aug-18 03:18 PM
I just see a situation where we’re damned if we do and damned if we dont
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:19 PM
Yeah, sub will think we're weak / Greek fanboys if we don't ban
Nazi's if we do
Punk 09-Aug-18 03:19 PM
I think we just ice him personally
This is a pretty damning action
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:20 PM
He's lieing
Seems like
This screenshot of you "passing on the subs" is at about 8:20 in the VOD.

You received the £500 dono at 9:34 in the VOD.
RaptorJesus 09-Aug-18 03:20 PM
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:21 PM
I'm gonna poll the discord, just to see what their consensus is
@RaptorJesus did you ban gengar
ImNATT 09-Aug-18 03:26 PM
I banned Gengar just now, seeing his name hinda triggered me
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:26 PM
ah, lol
I was about to message him then it cut off, I was like rip
Ocypode 09-Aug-18 03:26 PM
That @Cellix guy has a point
maybe hes right
"He was memeing with the i'm not gifting because everyone in the stream watching for atleast an hour knew he was blocked from gifting"
"@Ocypode during the stream he gifted alec and dankquan when he got to mizkif he couldnt gift anymore"
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:27 PM
A clip of that would be nice
If he wasn't just memeing, I guess a poll is also an option to take the decision off us
Ocypode 09-Aug-18 03:31 PM
well tbh if its something very minor then fuck it dood
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:32 PM
Watch the latest videos by Greekgodx on Twitch!
he's live btw
talking about it
he says he hopes he gets banned
Ocypode 09-Aug-18 03:33 PM
ImNATT 09-Aug-18 03:34 PM
Ban him
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:34 PM
He obviously doesn't seem remorseful at all
Ocypode 09-Aug-18 03:34 PM
I mean he seems to want it
but hes still talking down on us
and makes people also hate on us
ImNATT 09-Aug-18 03:35 PM
I'll put some CSS in that only shows a black dick for Greek
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:35 PM
Fuck him then, let's make it "Greek banned until he loses weight"
Ocypode 09-Aug-18 03:35 PM
Jisifus 09-Aug-18 03:35 PM
omg please
Ocypode 09-Aug-18 03:35 PM
Look at this shit
chat spamming true because most people are ice viewers
RaptorJesus 09-Aug-18 03:36 PM
Fuck fat boy
Ocypode 09-Aug-18 03:37 PM
He does seem a bit triggered atm
As much as I know him
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:37 PM
pretty much a perma
Ocypode 09-Aug-18 03:38 PM
Don't do that
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:38 PM
Ocypode 09-Aug-18 03:38 PM
would be funny tho but lol
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:38 PM
Let me collect these clips up
RaptorJesus 09-Aug-18 03:38 PM
Put it in the body of the text “GreekGodX has been banned from the subreddit” and in the body “Till he loses 500 dollars worth of weight” and then explain and link the clips
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:39 PM
Ocypode 09-Aug-18 03:39 PM
just use pound instead of dollar
so anybody listening?
hes talking about it now
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:42 PM
Andy M complaining lol
Ocypode 09-Aug-18 03:43 PM
"they banned Ice, they're baning me, its a dead sub now bros"
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:43 PM
Subs haveo nly gone up since the Ice ban
Ocypode 09-Aug-18 03:43 PM
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:43 PM
I wonder if I can get in on this discord
Ocypode 09-Aug-18 03:43 PM
and chat spams true
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:44 PM
"I don't like Drama" lol
Ocypode 09-Aug-18 03:44 PM
so much two face stuff
only thing thats gonna suck tho
is reckful andy M and greek going to greece
and people can't post any clips from there
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:44 PM
oh well, I'm sure fatty will have trouble keeping up walking
Maybe he won't be in the clips
Ocypode 09-Aug-18 03:45 PM
but mostly will
I love reckfuls travel streams so that'll be sad
shame this whale is going with them
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:46 PM
Ya know, I'm trying to make this professional but I kind of want to shit on him
For his attitude
Jisifus 09-Aug-18 03:46 PM
ping everyone once u post it wanna see his reaction on stream hahaha
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:47 PM
Hey, he says he wants it
inb4 streamer
Ocypode 09-Aug-18 03:47 PM
ImNATT 09-Aug-18 03:48 PM
I want Andy M. to see this.
Jisifus 09-Aug-18 03:48 PM
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:48 PM
Jisifus 09-Aug-18 03:48 PM
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:49 PM
can someone give me the euro symbol
ImNATT 09-Aug-18 03:49 PM
Jisifus 09-Aug-18 03:49 PM
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:49 PM
oi vey
Jisifus 09-Aug-18 03:49 PM
im sorry lmao
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Aug-18 03:50 PM
Can I get a quick rundown
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:50 PM
Greekgodx has been banned from LivestreamFail
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Aug-18 03:50 PM
Jisifus 09-Aug-18 03:50 PM
fat fuck has mental breakdown
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:50 PM
shit lol
Jisifus 09-Aug-18 03:50 PM
inb4 livefails closed
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:51 PM
Greekgodx has been banned from LivestreamFail

[Reason: Subreddit manipulation via giving channel subs to have posts removed from LSF](https://clips.twitch.tv/SpunkyHonorableHareCharlietheUnicorn)

[Removed thread clip](https://clips.twitch.tv/DeliciousFurryAlmondDBstyle)

Greek seems to have [no remorse for his actions and wants to be banned](https://clips.twitch.tv/GlutenFreeViscousArmadilloHeyGuys), so we're willing to oblige and don't think he deserves, or wants a second chance / warning.

Perhaps if Greek loses €500 worth of weight, we'll think about unbanning him.
Aight, that's what I got so far
ImNATT 09-Aug-18 03:51 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII Gengar wants to be unbanned from the discord, don't
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Aug-18 03:51 PM
Greek gifted a sub to someone so they remove a post from the subreddit? that's a ban, yeah
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:53 PM
Is the 500 pounds worth of weight too harsh? lol
ImNATT 09-Aug-18 03:53 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Aug-18 03:53 PM
No reason to add that
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:53 PM
Raptor said to
Jisifus 09-Aug-18 03:53 PM
its pretty far under the belt yeah
ImNATT 09-Aug-18 03:53 PM
Don't give any opportunities
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Aug-18 03:53 PM
Raptor is a weeb
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:53 PM
I dunno, anything else to add? Any other clips?
That are relevant
I wish I had the old ones of him doing these recent reddit recaps, he's really walked the line with subtly asking people to go to negative posts about him
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Aug-18 03:54 PM
Wait on the automod changes, I guess
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:54 PM
I would just link the robinsondickinson one I guess
I just put the clip though
oh you mean his reponse
ImNATT 09-Aug-18 03:54 PM
And the other guy calling him out
Should check that and include if true
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:55 PM
can people see that comment even though the thread was removed?
ImNATT 09-Aug-18 03:55 PM
If you link it.
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:55 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Aug-18 03:56 PM
Which clip is showing him doing that
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:56 PM
which one?
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Aug-18 03:56 PM
Gifting a sub to remove the thread
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:56 PM
trying to get post deleted. - Clipped by greekexplodes
loud warning
ImNATT 09-Aug-18 03:58 PM
@Doctor Bread
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:58 PM
I just figured a direct link was best, I could add that in case he deletes the comment
ImNATT 09-Aug-18 03:58 PM
That's my intent
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Aug-18 03:59 PM
Neatclip greeks clips and use them instead of twitch clips
ImNATT 09-Aug-18 03:59 PM
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 03:59 PM
Probably a good idea
Jisifus 09-Aug-18 03:59 PM
and put them on streamable
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 04:00 PM
ccc - Clipped by Cellix
Greek possibly knowing he wouldn't be able to sub
that clip was from yesterday though
I doubt he was aware he wouldn't be able to sub a day later
ImNATT 09-Aug-18 04:01 PM
I'm gonna Twitter DM Andy M. this screen, because I don't like him telling lies about us.
HalfOfAKebab 09-Aug-18 04:02 PM
what did andy say?
ImNATT 09-Aug-18 04:02 PM
We unbanned Mitch, despite him not wanting it.
HalfOfAKebab 09-Aug-18 04:02 PM
i mean what lies?
ImNATT 09-Aug-18 04:03 PM
I just told you
HalfOfAKebab 09-Aug-18 04:03 PM
i don't get it
his lie is that we unbanned him? was he saying we didn't unban him
ImNATT 09-Aug-18 04:03 PM
His lie was that Mitch didn't want to be unbanned
HalfOfAKebab 09-Aug-18 04:03 PM
oh right
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Aug-18 04:03 PM
@Doctor Bread
https://neatclip.com/clip/devlnvq3w (edited)
HalfOfAKebab 09-Aug-18 04:04 PM
thought you meant andy didn't want him to be unbanned
ImNATT 09-Aug-18 04:04 PM
nvm, he doesn't follow us
He doesn't
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 04:05 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Aug-18 04:06 PM
Greek asked someone in chat to gift him a sub instead
Want me to clip that part as well?
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 04:06 PM
I think I'm a bit confused about the timeline
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Aug-18 04:09 PM
Black says in his chat he'll remove the thread for a sub
Greek sees it and starts looking for his name in chat to gift it to him, he ends up not being able to
He then asks his chat to gift him a sub instead, because hes gonna remove the thread (edited)
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 04:10 PM
Ok so yesterday at 8:20 he talked about passing on the subs, then at 9:34 or whatever got the 500 dollar dono for subs. Then today, about two hours ago, he talked about gifting the OP of the thread to remove it
Jisifus 09-Aug-18 04:10 PM
get that timeline as comprehensive as possible and clips for each steps
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Aug-18 04:10 PM
I'm checking the vod from 2h ago, no idea about yesterday stuff
Around 13min he finds black and tries to gift him a sub
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 04:11 PM
im watching a little bit before and after it
oh wait hold up
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Aug-18 04:12 PM
Twitch fucked up on my end, cant clip stuff, stuck on the loading animation
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 04:13 PM
Everyone should watch this (then skip him falling over part)
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Aug-18 04:14 PM
Greek searching for blackgorilla to gift him a sub
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 04:14 PM
He might have been memeing and knew sub wouldn't go through
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Aug-18 04:15 PM
In the end that guy got a sub and his post got deleted, no?
Memeing about breaking the rules is still breaking the rules
Someone find when black gets the sub or says in chat that the thread is down, I'm leaving rn
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 04:17 PM
it seems the OP of that thread clipped it out of context though
He did actually go through with gifting him, saying "please gift"
And then it shows the payment failing to process
kk - Clipped by DoctorBread_
Loud warning
So as far as I understand, the OP may have done him wrong by clipping the "my donation now" out of context, but that Greek's reaction to this was to attempt to gift him a sub to actually get the post taken down, I really don't think he was joking about it
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Aug-18 04:28 PM
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 04:29 PM
Punk 09-Aug-18 04:29 PM
Ocypode 09-Aug-18 04:30 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Aug-18 04:30 PM
Greek did offer him a sub to get the thread taken down, the clip being out of context doesn't change that
I'd say the choice is between being consistent on the bans, or giving him a warn (mostly because hes giving the sub shit to fill up the front page)
Punk 09-Aug-18 04:30 PM
Idk the timeline just seems sketchy now
I was down for the ban before now it just seems confused
Ocypode 09-Aug-18 04:31 PM
Or we actually talk to him in private without any trolling or content homie and see if hes serious about wanting to get banned (edited)
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Aug-18 04:31 PM
Sure, if you can find a way to talk to him then yeah
Ocypode 09-Aug-18 04:31 PM
I might have some contacts to be able to do it
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Aug-18 04:31 PM
Only today he broke the rules, I don't think shit from yesterday matters
Ocypode 09-Aug-18 04:31 PM
Not sure how fast though
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Aug-18 04:32 PM
Its not like we gotta act now, we have most of the stuff archived in case we decide to ban him
Ocypode 09-Aug-18 04:32 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Aug-18 04:32 PM
Pinned a message.
Pinned a message.
Greek still does the reddit recap of our sub to fill up his lack of content?
ImNATT 09-Aug-18 04:33 PM
He said he'll keep doing it and "yoink some easy content".
I thought about adding a bit of CSS that shows a big black dick only for greek (edited)
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 04:34 PM
holy fuck I hate watching this stream for timeline though
this fucking cunt can't stop yelling
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Aug-18 04:34 PM
Can't be too detailed on the bbc
Jisifus 09-Aug-18 04:35 PM
y o u l i k e w h a t y o u s e e ??
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Aug-18 04:38 PM
Well, wait until someone manages to speak with greek, then we see where to go from there
Hes giving the sub a lot of exposure, but I doubt he'll stop it if we ban his shit since its easy content
Ocypode 09-Aug-18 04:38 PM
Ok guys
Trainwrecks just told me "Yeah ill connect you guys"
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Aug-18 04:39 PM
Ocypode 09-Aug-18 04:39 PM
Does this work for you
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Aug-18 04:40 PM
Ocypode 09-Aug-18 04:40 PM
Or that
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Aug-18 04:40 PM
Ocypode 09-Aug-18 04:40 PM
Ok nvm
I thought I was banned
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 04:47 PM
[Reason: Subreddit manipulation via giving channel subs to have posts removed from LSF](https://neatclip.com/clip/new5m96ed)

[Later clip of him attempting to go through with the subscription gift](https://neatclip.com/clip/neqg59n3k)

[Removed thread clip](https://neatclip.com/clip/y35g50z8z)

[Greek's false statement regarding the €500 donation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/95z8xw/greek_has_bought_of_the_poster_exposing_him_and/e3wkefb/)

[Mirror to comment above](https://imgur.com/a/mcKU4c6)

Greek seems to have [no remorse for his actions and wants to be banned](https://neatclip.com/clip/nerk0d236), so we're willing to oblige and don't think he deserves, or wants a second chance / warning.

The OP of the removed thread may have clipped Greek saying he wasn't passing on the subs out of context, but attempting to bribe a thread OP to delete a thread on LSF was absolutely the wrong move, and not something we can forgive or encourage.

We invite all streamers/users to reach out to the modteam if you have an issue regarding the subreddit in the future. Do not break reddit TOS or LSF's rules to get your way.
The simplest way for anyone to create highlight clips from YouTube Live and many more streaming sites.
The simplest way for anyone to create highlight clips from YouTube Live and many more streaming sites.
The simplest way for anyone to create highlight clips from YouTube Live and many more streaming sites.
Well, if we do decide to ban him, that seems to be pretty much everything
Ocypode 09-Aug-18 04:48 PM
well I'm sure I got trainwrecks to message him already but I doubt he'll read those during stream or in a while cus hes playing Rust
So I guess this can wait a bit until we've talked with him
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 04:48 PM
Gonna go back to MHW, ping if shit goes down or if Greek wants to talk
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Aug-18 04:48 PM
MHW on pc is running fine online?
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 04:48 PM
yeah seems fine
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Aug-18 04:48 PM
Jisifus 09-Aug-18 04:49 PM
oh wow i completely forgot that came out
oh god why did you have to remind me
i had shit to do
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 04:49 PM
I just wanted to play then Greek has to be a fat fuck. I was afk in game when it first went down so I lost my 2 hour refund window (edited)
Fuck you Greek
Ocypode 09-Aug-18 04:50 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Aug-18 04:50 PM
Implying that matters
You went over it by how many hours?
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 04:50 PM
Eh I'm at 117 minutes now
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Aug-18 04:50 PM
I've refunded shit I played 3h
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 04:50 PM
I mean I wasn't planning to refund unless it ran like AIDS, it seems fine on my 1080ti
It is a bit choppy though even for me
Jisifus 09-Aug-18 04:50 PM
1080ti huh
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 04:51 PM
it's not the best port
but I assume they'll keep working on it
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Aug-18 04:51 PM
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 04:51 PM
Or they'll be Crapcom and not care
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Aug-18 04:51 PM
Last thing I bought from capcom was resident evil 6
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 04:52 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Aug-18 04:52 PM
I enjoyed, suck my dick
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 04:52 PM
RE2 looks pretty good though
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Aug-18 04:52 PM
I loved joining randoms and carrying them through it
Ok bye
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 04:54 PM
fucking sucks you can't bind aim down sights to right mouse click, unless you want to have something else for like all actions in the game
Maybe I won't be doing heavy bowgun
Jisifus 09-Aug-18 04:55 PM
time for an upgrade
gtx 1170 pls
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 04:58 PM
oh wait you can just hit c to pop it up, don't have to hold
RaptorJesus 09-Aug-18 05:15 PM
@Doctor Bread you didnt believe me lmao
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 05:15 PM
it's running fine
RaptorJesus 09-Aug-18 05:15 PM
Doctor BreadToday at 1:50 PM
I mean I wasn't planning to refund unless it ran like AIDS, it seems fine on my 1080ti
It is a bit choppy though even for me
Buyers remorse already lad?
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 05:15 PM
I dunno, it seems okay now
ImNATT 09-Aug-18 05:26 PM
@Doctor Bread I hate that, I get a notif, go to check and there's nothing here
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 05:26 PM
Posted in wrong spot, lol
ImNATT 09-Aug-18 05:26 PM
oh ok
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 05:56 PM
I could load up Rust and try to find him
Ocypode 09-Aug-18 06:09 PM
do it
Jisifus 09-Aug-18 06:10 PM
yeah stream snipe him thats a very good idea
Ocypode 09-Aug-18 06:11 PM
Btw funny thing about that clip and Greek overall right now
He sure wants to get banned and says he didn't want to be here ever and hes happy if he gets banned
But still wants to shit on LSF and say it'll be dead etc
Not everything adds up
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 06:12 PM
even COGGINS admits it
Now that the dust has settled a bit, is everyone still for banning him? Are we giving him a time limit on contacting us?
Ocypode 09-Aug-18 06:15 PM
I'd say wait a bit
I haven't heard anything more from trainwrecks or greek
and if he is streaming still
he won't reply during that
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 06:15 PM
if he doesn't contact us, ban for sure? I dunno
Ocypode 09-Aug-18 06:15 PM
Yeah for sure
but then again banning greek here means more people to livefails
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 09:33 PM
So we banning greek yet
I don't think he'll talk to us either way
Jisifus 09-Aug-18 09:34 PM
do eet
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 09:34 PM
I assume that's what we were waiting for though, but I feel we're probably waiting for nothing
Ocypode 09-Aug-18 09:45 PM
Hes still live just hold your horses bread
Doctor Bread 09-Aug-18 09:47 PM
I just don't think he gives a shit I guess
RaptorJesus 10-Aug-18 12:20 AM
@here We talked to Greek, he apologized, said he saw where we were coming from, and now knows how to contact us if something like this happens again. (edited)
Doctor Bread 10-Aug-18 12:21 AM
I have him on discord friends now. I told Raptor we should maybe try to see if we can get a direct line of communication open with all of the streamers posted frequently on the sub. Maybe we can see what we can do this weekend
And I guess we'll just treat this like the trainwrecks gambling thing and let it blow over
RaptorJesus 10-Aug-18 12:21 AM
Yeah we want to make sure streamers dont sperg out like manbabies when something gets posted about them that isn't true or clipped to be incriminating
Doctor Bread 10-Aug-18 12:22 AM
And then brigade the sub / start trying to bribe people, lol
@RaptorJesus fearmyburst immediately messages me "what happened to the posts"
RaptorJesus 10-Aug-18 01:31 AM
Fucking psycho
have you messaged the Reddit admins about her?
Doctor Bread 10-Aug-18 01:32 AM
I haven't
RaptorJesus 10-Aug-18 01:40 AM
i'll do it this weekend
Jisifus 10-Aug-18 05:22 AM
Ocypode 10-Aug-18 10:32 AM
Seems the talk went well
Punk 10-Aug-18 11:00 AM
Classic post
RaptorJesus 10-Aug-18 12:41 PM
@Doctor Bread might have recorded it
Doctor Bread 10-Aug-18 01:13 PM
I didn't have time to start recording
Ocypode 10-Aug-18 01:16 PM
Doctor Bread 10-Aug-18 02:30 PM
I think the only thing you missed of note was Greek saying he wanted to give Ashley/fearmyburst his dick to set her straight, when we told him about her making tons of accounts just to post about him
Ocypode 10-Aug-18 03:31 PM
Mostly what I wanna know is did he sound sincere was he annoyed, was he sad
RaptorJesus 10-Aug-18 03:34 PM
At first he sounded annoyed
Once he realized we werent being giant faggots about it he seemed sincere
I think he thought we were just going to lecture him but we offered him an open line of communication like we did with Trainwreks and Mitch and he seemed appreciative
Ocypode 10-Aug-18 04:10 PM
So it wasn't "Yeah ban me that's what I want" anymore?
Doctor Bread 10-Aug-18 04:17 PM
he said he still wanted to be banned lol
Ocypode 10-Aug-18 04:23 PM
too many redditors shitting on him
Doctor Bread 10-Aug-18 10:35 PM
Can someone add this to submission text in subreddit settings
##Do not post a clip of a stream you own or you are a mod of. You will be banned for 30 days.

Please check [/r/LivestreamFail/new](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/new/) for clips already posted and upvote / reply to it instead of making duplicate submissions.
Cause I'm seeing a pretty big increase in mods posting / self promo
RaptorJesus 11-Aug-18 01:01 AM
@here Andy was going to DMCA a neatclip of that black chick snorting coke
but dm'd us to have it removed instead so i forwarded the link to GGD
ImNATT 11-Aug-18 07:05 AM
Should've let him DMCA, curious how it turns out.
RaptorJesus 11-Aug-18 02:09 PM
We would 100% lose that
its literally his content without any edits or changes
ImNATT 11-Aug-18 02:13 PM
He would have to find out who "we" are first. GGD has whois protection enabled.
RaptorJesus 11-Aug-18 02:29 PM
Why would we even risk something we would 100% lose, that would be fucking retarded
Also hiding behind whois doesnt do anything anymore
they send it to the abuse email
Ocypode 11-Aug-18 06:37 PM
So starting from monday I'm gonna be afk from mod stuff for couple days atleast because of battle for azeroth release and streaming like 48h n shit
Doctor Bread 11-Aug-18 08:32 PM
Aren't the raids not even launching for another month or so
Punk 11-Aug-18 08:37 PM
doesn't matter
first week is grinding heroics for titanforges
second week is mythics then grinding
third week is more mythics
fourth week is raids
literally no time at all
Ocypode 11-Aug-18 08:39 PM
What Punk said, a lot of grinding to do, I wanna be ASAP to lvl 120 and then starts the farming
Punk 11-Aug-18 08:40 PM
not to mention if you wanna level alts
Ocypode 11-Aug-18 08:40 PM
I will level atleast one
Doctor Bread 11-Aug-18 08:43 PM
ah okay, forgot about the titanforge stuff
I still need to learn stuff, or I wasted my money, lol
Jisifus 11-Aug-18 10:06 PM
so addicted to tarkov right now
ImNATT 12-Aug-18 10:44 AM
Am I retarded? What does he want?
Punk 12-Aug-18 11:36 AM
To delete the comment
Just in a really autistic roundabout way
Doctor Bread 12-Aug-18 06:11 PM
@Ocypode he was just a dumb self promoter
Ocypode 12-Aug-18 06:12 PM
Doctor Bread 13-Aug-18 01:20 AM
148 votes and 89 comments so far on Reddit
What the fuck is this
Ocypode 13-Aug-18 01:27 AM
something only true intellectuals will get
Doctor Bread 13-Aug-18 01:27 AM
Punk 13-Aug-18 02:04 AM
34 votes and 7 comments so far on Reddit
locked this
seems to be getting brigaded
Ocypode 13-Aug-18 02:15 AM
Look at those kids going ham
Doctor Bread 13-Aug-18 02:25 AM
Punk 13-Aug-18 02:25 AM
thought so
Doctor Bread 13-Aug-18 02:27 AM
I wasn't sure if someone linking it in chat was enough to call it brigading
Punk 13-Aug-18 02:27 AM
"This is a lie and mitch told greek "if this gets upvoted on livestreamfails and becomes a major thing we'll never be friends again". Hence so many upvotes. Go look at the vid."
this also threw me off
especially because they tried to bury this comment
Doctor Bread 13-Aug-18 02:29 AM
So if a post gets linked in a twitch chat it's brigading? I figured no since Greek and others will do their LSF rundowns
Or only if it gets tons of comments / upvotes quickly
This fucking dude makes all of these drama posts
I kind of want to just ban him
Punk 13-Aug-18 02:30 AM
no, you're misreading me here
I removed that post because I thought it was highly likely getting brigaded from the rabid mitchhate fanbase
not to mention it was misleading as fuck
yeah, that dude's constant with drama
it's annoying as shit
Doctor Bread 13-Aug-18 02:32 AM
Ban that ass
Punk 13-Aug-18 02:32 AM
at this point I wish mitch was banned again just because his hater base is so fucking annoying
Doctor Bread 13-Aug-18 02:33 AM
I dunno if you missed it, but we had that long discussion on that mitch/soda hosting post, and what counts as brigading
Since all of his posts get linked everywhere / the bitchjones discord
Punk 13-Aug-18 02:33 AM
missed it
when was that
Doctor Bread 13-Aug-18 02:40 AM
It was like a week ago

told Diamond Dick to message me or one of you guys if he sees LSF links getting posted in chat again (edited)
Doctor Bread 13-Aug-18 01:56 PM
I think YungZa is another one of fearmyburst accounts (edited)
RaptorJesus 13-Aug-18 07:34 PM
0 votes and 0 comments so far on Reddit
should sticky this since greek fans are brigading
Doctor Bread 13-Aug-18 08:30 PM
Lmao the comments on the bottom of the thread
Jisifus 13-Aug-18 08:43 PM
Holy fuck
3,510 votes and 164 comments so far on Reddit
This is so good hahahaha
Doctor Bread 13-Aug-18 08:45 PM
We really should sticky that greek post
RaptorJesus 13-Aug-18 08:57 PM
I did
fuck it
i'll unsticky before i go to bed
RaptorJesus 13-Aug-18 09:05 PM
Greek just messaged me lol
I told greek we'd talk about removing it
We're not removing it
Ok discussion over
but at least i said i would mention it
Doctor Bread 13-Aug-18 09:10 PM
unstickied though?
RaptorJesus 13-Aug-18 09:12 PM
Yeah i unsticked since its above negative votes now
i removed the 90 upvoted one though because it wasnt tagged as NSFW and https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/9734ah/greek_show_a_little_too_much/ was the first post and its identical (edited)
0 votes and 56 comments so far on Reddit
Doctor Bread 13-Aug-18 09:32 PM
@RaptorJesus did you see that post in the DM
what's he talking about?
RaptorJesus 13-Aug-18 09:32 PM
he asked who he talked to and then he created a group, but i just sent him the server link and gave him verified streamer role
Doctor Bread 13-Aug-18 09:33 PM
ah okay
Jisifus 14-Aug-18 04:47 AM
639 votes and 180 comments so far on Reddit
thanks for approving this staple of non-toxic conversation
Ocypode 14-Aug-18 07:56 AM
what did it say
Doctor Bread 14-Aug-18 12:48 PM
Probably dumb ggx gang shit
There was a lot but I wasn't bothering with that terrible thread
ImNATT 16-Aug-18 06:46 AM
Found it in the notifications of our mod account
RaptorJesus 16-Aug-18 12:50 PM
HalfOfAKebab 16-Aug-18 11:36 PM
Punk 18-Aug-18 02:01 AM
not necessary, it's a funny clip
Doctor Bread 18-Aug-18 02:01 AM
people just being spastics
Kid in his underwear
RaptorJesus 18-Aug-18 11:32 PM
@here gz on 300k
Doctor Bread 18-Aug-18 11:32 PM
Punk 18-Aug-18 11:35 PM
Doctor Bread 18-Aug-18 11:43 PM
@Punk lol
Punk 18-Aug-18 11:43 PM
wait I can't sticky ree
RaptorJesus 18-Aug-18 11:43 PM
why cant you
Punk 18-Aug-18 11:43 PM
Doctor Bread 18-Aug-18 11:43 PM
I stickied it
Punk 18-Aug-18 11:43 PM
is my UI glitched
RaptorJesus 18-Aug-18 11:43 PM
got it
Punk 18-Aug-18 11:43 PM
aight cool
Doctor Bread 18-Aug-18 11:50 PM
how long did this video take to make, jeeze lol
░▒▒▀▀▄▄▄▄█▄▄▀░░░░░░░ (edited)
Hydra penis
Punk 18-Aug-18 11:53 PM
these vids are huge collabs
Jisifus 19-Aug-18 11:45 AM
back from vacation
Doctor Bread 19-Aug-18 02:15 PM
Yeah, I guessed that one was her awhile ago
Ocypode 20-Aug-18 11:06 AM
Man sometimes I really don't get mitch, every single time I tune into his stream hes ranting about haters and other stupid mental issue stuff and saying how "we're back boys"
I want to like him but jesus I can't watch that shit
ImNATT 20-Aug-18 12:00 PM
The boy is no good.
RaptorJesus 20-Aug-18 12:37 PM
Mitch is low IQ low test monkey man
This is what WoW does to your brain, take notes @Doctor Bread
Doctor Bread 20-Aug-18 02:50 PM
@RaptorJesus another example of a WoW player
ImNATT 20-Aug-18 03:14 PM
Wtf. "Dear Diary"
RaptorJesus 20-Aug-18 03:33 PM
I'm waiting for the "nice blog" response
I'm convinced streaming gives people mental disorders
Punk 20-Aug-18 03:34 PM
God rekful's such an autist
RaptorJesus 20-Aug-18 03:34 PM
and I'm not saying that in a disparaging way, I legitimately think its a thing.
Doctor Bread 20-Aug-18 03:39 PM
people who have mental illness are willing to stream in the first place
Ocypode 20-Aug-18 04:25 PM
I mean its either lonely nerds or people who like to be on camera and cba making youtube videos
Doctor Bread 20-Aug-18 09:25 PM
@ImNATT how did you know https://www.reddit.com/user/Billywubbba/ is TheBestTaker?
Also I swear I banned Best Taker like a month ago, that kid is obnoxious as fuck
ImNATT 20-Aug-18 09:27 PM
he posted to defend him on a 2 hour old subreddit he made
Doctor Bread 20-Aug-18 09:27 PM
Ah, what an idiot lol
holy fuck I didn't see that thread he made, good lord
peak autism
ImNATT 20-Aug-18 09:29 PM
yeah it's pretty retarded
Doctor Bread 20-Aug-18 09:30 PM
It's an issue for me to call out the mods for their blatant favoritism? If you like propaganda so much why don't you move to north korea fucking sheep
that meta thread is comedy gold
ImNATT 21-Aug-18 10:31 AM
I'm calling it now; This is an Ashley alt:
RaptorJesus 21-Aug-18 01:02 PM
Punk 21-Aug-18 04:52 PM
off topic
Doctor Bread 21-Aug-18 04:53 PM
maybe if someone else was posting it
ImNATT 21-Aug-18 04:57 PM
Rest in peace, Stefán Karl Stefánsson (July 10, 1975 - August 21, 2018). Thank you for everything that you have done within your great career in acting and as Robbie Rotten. I will really miss you, Stefan! You are truly number one! #RobbieRotten #WeAreNumberOne
Doctor Bread 21-Aug-18 04:58 PM
he had cancer didn't he?
ImNATT 21-Aug-18 04:58 PM
Doctor Bread 21-Aug-18 04:59 PM
Sing along to the Songs of Lazy Town! Subscribe to the Lazy Town YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNuLcjVa3vCeHFyUeTKtBlA?sub_confirmation=1...
ImNATT 21-Aug-18 05:03 PM
@Doctor Bread Do you know what the status on the flair bot is?
Doctor Bread 21-Aug-18 05:03 PM
I never asked him to actually make it, just if it was possible
ImNATT 21-Aug-18 05:04 PM
Doctor Bread 21-Aug-18 05:04 PM
I was waiting for the other LSFMeta changes and such before I was gonna ask him to actually do it
LSF 1.5, new and improved
ImNATT 21-Aug-18 05:05 PM
Is @jammy still alive? He has a bot running on the mod account that flairs some posts.
jammy 21-Aug-18 05:05 PM
yeah i am
Doctor Bread 21-Aug-18 05:05 PM
GGD said he was pretty busy though the last time I asked
ImNATT 21-Aug-18 05:06 PM
Can you add xQc to the flair bot? He's the only bigger streamer that I constantly have to add a flair to.
jammy 21-Aug-18 05:06 PM
ImNATT 21-Aug-18 05:06 PM
Thank you.
jammy 21-Aug-18 05:06 PM
Doctor Bread 21-Aug-18 05:06 PM
either that or an automod rule, since most of his clips have xQc in the title
ImNATT 21-Aug-18 05:07 PM
Bot is better
Doctor Bread 21-Aug-18 05:07 PM
I didn't realize it would be that quick, lol
ImNATT 21-Aug-18 05:07 PM
Thanks @jammy
jammy 21-Aug-18 05:07 PM
Doctor Bread 21-Aug-18 05:07 PM
gonna test it
ImNATT 21-Aug-18 05:08 PM
What's missing in the Meta sub @Doctor Bread ?
Doctor Bread 21-Aug-18 05:08 PM
nothing, I finished what I wanted to add, unless you guys want to put other changes / disagree with changes / etc
There's a rough changelog though
ImNATT 21-Aug-18 05:09 PM
Last thing I did in there was add formatting to the wiki
Doctor Bread 21-Aug-18 05:09 PM
oh nice, didn't see that
@jammy is the bot flairing instant? Doesn't seem to be working, unless it's just a title reader like automod

1 vote and 0 comments so far on Reddit
jammy 21-Aug-18 05:12 PM
not instant
takes ~60s
actually probably a bit more than that due to how it works
Doctor Bread 21-Aug-18 05:15 PM
Any day reddit
ImNATT 21-Aug-18 05:15 PM
rip your karma lol
jammy 21-Aug-18 05:17 PM
Doctor Bread 21-Aug-18 05:18 PM
there it goes
ImNATT 21-Aug-18 05:18 PM
Doctor Bread 21-Aug-18 05:18 PM
@jammy does it scan the name of the channel the clip is from? That's what I had asked GGD about
jammy 21-Aug-18 05:18 PM
it pulls the channel name from the twitch api
Doctor Bread 21-Aug-18 05:19 PM
do you think you could add rules for the popular streamers? if they don't exist already
jammy 21-Aug-18 05:20 PM
think i got most flairs covered
Doctor Bread 21-Aug-18 05:20 PM
ice posiedon feelsweird
jammy 21-Aug-18 05:20 PM
leftover from when he was allowed
Doctor Bread 21-Aug-18 05:20 PM
seeing if any are missing
Aris, erobb, jake, train, andy milonakis would be good to override the andy automod rule that marks him with Cx
jammy 21-Aug-18 05:22 PM
is GGD in this discord
i found a security vulnerability in his website lol
Doctor Bread 21-Aug-18 05:22 PM
yeah you should be able to ping him
ImNATT 21-Aug-18 05:23 PM
oh no
Doctor Bread 21-Aug-18 05:23 PM
do you want links to those streams jammy?
jammy 21-Aug-18 05:23 PM
nah i'll find them myself
i already remember most of them from my excessive lurking
Doctor Bread 21-Aug-18 05:23 PM
coral / ocean just kind of stopped streaming, could do rajj
Pokimane isn't relevant enough to have her own flair
jammy 21-Aug-18 05:31 PM
should be all of them now
Doctor Bread 21-Aug-18 05:32 PM
Bampton hrandon
jammy 21-Aug-18 05:36 PM
he was streaming on that when he got banned or w/e
jammy 21-Aug-18 06:37 PM
the bot should be automatically removing banned streamers now
Doctor Bread 21-Aug-18 09:52 PM
so many butthurt taiwanese posting anti cjay compilations today
ImNATT 22-Aug-18 10:28 AM
ImNATT 22-Aug-18 03:28 PM
Doctor Bread 24-Aug-18 07:34 PM
@ImNATT <https://www.reddit.com/user/KnowledgeisValuable>;

Another new account posting that Lygart streamer's clips. Was one of his mods, checked out their discord (edited)
. (edited)
RaptorJesus 24-Aug-18 08:44 PM
Message Lygart and tell his mods to cut the shit or we're banning his content
Doctor Bread 24-Aug-18 08:45 PM
I told the mod doing it to stop, I could tell him though, he didn't seem like a big enough streamer for it to be worth it
Never seen him posted aside from that mod
RaptorJesus 24-Aug-18 08:46 PM
Doctor Bread 24-Aug-18 11:49 PM
Man, Reckful trying to dethrone Mitch for the mental illness championship. Hope he gets it together / gets some help
Doctor Bread 25-Aug-18 12:33 AM
RaptorJesus 25-Aug-18 12:33 AM
lel let me go through it one sec
yeah let it go up
no personal info
Doctor Bread 25-Aug-18 12:35 AM
Used his fame to get involved with and groom underage viewers - Get involved with underage minors specifically, including sharing nudes (both his and theirs, from what I gather)
is this proven in any of the screenshots? im looking now
RaptorJesus 25-Aug-18 12:35 AM
Pretty much
He uses the "haha we're such close friends you're so great and talented :))))" predator meme
Doctor Bread 25-Aug-18 12:35 AM
I assume that's to someone underage
hashinshin style
RaptorJesus 25-Aug-18 12:36 AM
Doctor Bread 25-Aug-18 12:36 AM
What should first comment be? "Welcome to the champion's club"
RaptorJesus 25-Aug-18 12:37 AM
That's actually hilarious do it
Doctor Bread 25-Aug-18 12:37 AM
That's usually the top comment on any cheating-related post, I'm unoriginal
followed by
Doctor Bread 25-Aug-18 02:42 PM
1,455 votes and 149 comments so far on Reddit
Unfortunately, top post on the sub rn
Jisifus 25-Aug-18 02:43 PM
Doctor Bread 25-Aug-18 02:43 PM
not a livestream and people try to make the amoraunth ASMR rerun complaining posts like every week
usually removed
That one just picked up a ton of steam super fast, didn't see it
Jisifus 25-Aug-18 02:45 PM
Alright with me
Doctor Bread 25-Aug-18 02:45 PM
Taking down or leaving up?
Jisifus 25-Aug-18 02:45 PM
(removing it, that is)
Doctor Bread 25-Aug-18 02:46 PM
Usually they get caught in the filter or someone else removes them, 1500 upvotes in 3 hours though
pretty damn fast
@Jisifus yeah, OP was some 7 day old alt account, that was their only submission
Ocypode 25-Aug-18 03:02 PM
I mean its free karma to whine about that
I would've removed but now its too late I think
Doctor Bread 25-Aug-18 03:03 PM
I got it
Doctor Bread 25-Aug-18 10:48 PM
What did he mean by this? (edited)
HalfOfAKebab 26-Aug-18 07:25 AM
pretty sure he's talking about gengar
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 01:42 PM
Die of cancer shit eating retard guy trying to act like a normal user
Ocypode 26-Aug-18 01:47 PM
Ok this is some real shit
What do we do with it, keep it in?
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 01:48 PM
holy shit
Ocypode 26-Aug-18 01:48 PM
Someone starts a shooting at some tournament
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 01:48 PM
I don't have enough
Ocypode 26-Aug-18 01:48 PM
People screaming hysterically and shit
that's scary
I would kinda keep it in but monitor it closely
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 01:49 PM
You don't see anyone get shot, but the audio is pretty disturbing
And it definitely is a livestream
Jisifus 26-Aug-18 01:49 PM
holy fucking shit
jammy 26-Aug-18 01:49 PM
thats terrifying
Ocypode 26-Aug-18 01:49 PM
ImNATT 26-Aug-18 01:49 PM
keep it and moderate it
Ocypode 26-Aug-18 01:50 PM
That's some front page stuff
jammy 26-Aug-18 01:50 PM
keep it tho
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 01:50 PM
Yeah, at least you can't see someone getting shot like that last shooting video we removed
Punk 26-Aug-18 01:50 PM
Oh jesus
Ocypode 26-Aug-18 01:50 PM
I mean it's twitch stream
that's crazy
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 01:50 PM
Ocypode 26-Aug-18 01:51 PM
"dude took stream sniping too literally"
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 01:54 PM
that one dude who was there on twitter said he got hit in the thumb
jammy 26-Aug-18 02:00 PM
It looked like one of the players (the black guy in red) had a laser on them just before the shooting. Is he alive?
i didnt notice that until someone pointed it out
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 02:01 PM
oh yeah I saw it
watch in .25x at 26 seconds (edited)
it goes over his chest
and then bam
Ocypode 26-Aug-18 02:03 PM
Oh my god
didn't see that either but seeing someone moments before their death is always disturbing
Guess he died?
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 02:04 PM
Maybe, that laser was right on his chest then you hear the shot
Was he playing against the white guy sitting there or the shooter off screen? It might have been his opponent in that game (edited)
Ocypode 26-Aug-18 02:05 PM
told you, this shit is going to front page right now
Do we need to add any kind of sticky comment?
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 02:05 PM
Good ban-baiting post though
Jisifus 26-Aug-18 02:06 PM
whats the usual shit people put in shooting threads?
cus usually they end up on news or something
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 02:06 PM
Well, usually it's people going full politics / gun rights
And "bet the shooter was black"
Ocypode 26-Aug-18 02:06 PM
yeah I dunno how these things are usually handled
Jisifus 26-Aug-18 02:09 PM
just do everyone a favour and remove everything political (edited)
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 02:10 PM
what's racism when it applies to a country
Like the "murica culture" comments
I can't think of the word
Jisifus 26-Aug-18 02:11 PM
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 02:11 PM
I was thinking that but didn't seem right, I guess so
Alright, I think I covered the usuals
ImNATT 26-Aug-18 02:15 PM
My sources: 4 dead at Jacksonville Landing. 10 victims. Madden Tournament. All hands on deck. Patients to multiple hospitals.
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 02:15 PM
damn, 10 victims?
I don't think I heard that many shots, unless people also got hurt running out (edited)
We'll be bringing you the very latest updates, pictures and video on this breaking news story
ImNATT 26-Aug-18 02:17 PM
I heard 12 shots
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 02:17 PM
oh maybe then, I thought he was unloading them all in to the black guy with the red hoodie
If you guys see any credible news sources or tweets I can add them to the sticky
Sources say at least nine people have been shot and four are dead after a shooting at the Jacksonville Landing Sunday afternoon.
jammy 26-Aug-18 02:19 PM
that post is going up fast
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 02:19 PM
I don't think anything is going to be considered doxxing in this thread, this will probably be a national story with the details everywhere
up to 11 people shot
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Aug-18 02:24 PM
Holy shit, look at how many people are online rn
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 02:28 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Aug-18 02:28 PM
50k soon
ImNATT 26-Aug-18 02:28 PM
''DJONES'' Professional Madden Player 🎮🏈🌊✌️
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Aug-18 02:28 PM
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 02:28 PM
ah, white incel shooting
Single elim Im in the mood to kill someone today.
jesus lol
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Aug-18 02:29 PM
>That hair
We taking the latino route
ImNATT 26-Aug-18 02:29 PM
someone clear the queue
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 02:30 PM
apparently the suspect is a guy named sam hyde who is also a suspected white supremacist
He can't keep getting away with it
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Aug-18 02:30 PM
Anyone doing queue? otherwise I'll dive in (edited)
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 02:30 PM
i am
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Aug-18 02:31 PM
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 02:31 PM
also I put at the top no politics / gun rights shit, they've been warned
boutta smash that ban button
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Aug-18 02:31 PM
Someone posted something over at the madden subreddit and people told him to take it down to respect the victims, could it be pics/video?
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 02:31 PM
That dude's twitter already got posted everywhere, and the location
720 comments already
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Aug-18 02:36 PM
I'm F5'ing pol to see if they're talking about it
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 02:38 PM
I'm mostly one-daying people just so they don't spread their political autism for today (obviously longer for the worse comments)
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Aug-18 02:39 PM
/r/all is gonna shit the thread
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 02:39 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Aug-18 02:41 PM
Alex jones masturbating to traps? is this real? how can he be so based
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 02:42 PM
fucking ban list getting a workout
Does anyone have another mirror? The LSF site is getting crashed
actually I'll throw it up on streamable real quick
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Aug-18 02:54 PM
Neatclip it as well, 2 of them are gonna die because of the traffic
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 02:55 PM
dunno if neatclip can clip from streamable
ah, maybe
nope, not supported
streamable should be able to take the load
@ChanmanVXXIII 81k
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Aug-18 02:57 PM
Wrong emote
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 02:57 PM
Anything I should plug in the sticky? We selling t-shirts?
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Aug-18 02:58 PM
Plug my asmr patreon
Two more mirrors if you end up needing 'em

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72eKCsPyyL8 (edited)
Please be aware that this is a very disturbing clip to watch, even though it is mostly sound. News article: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/breaking-ma...
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Aug-18 03:00 PM
@Doctor Bread
Plug mcconnells stream
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 03:00 PM
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 03:02 PM
was it that same guy I wonder? doesn't sound like he looks
I think Madden is just heated
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Aug-18 03:03 PM
I really hope this thread doesnt receive more upvotes than the one about TB (edited)
Nothing else deserves to be the top post imo (edited)
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 03:04 PM
streamable removed the clip
RaptorJesus 26-Aug-18 03:05 PM
National news outlets will be using the clip posted
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 03:05 PM
it got removed though
Hmmm I wanna get this up on neatclip somehow
i have the mp4 file
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Aug-18 03:06 PM
I posted it up there
You nerd
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 03:06 PM
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 03:07 PM
oh mb
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Aug-18 03:07 PM
Wheres the livestreamfail watermark so when they use it on national news we get free exposure
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 03:07 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Aug-18 03:07 PM
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 03:07 PM
I sent this stuff to Richard Lewis, wonder if he's awake / covers stuff like that
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Aug-18 03:12 PM
I doubt it
Ocypode 26-Aug-18 03:21 PM
went from 4k to 10k upvotes in like 30mins that I was afk
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Aug-18 03:24 PM
Reddit loves political deaths
ImNATT 26-Aug-18 03:24 PM
According to @ImSteveyJ, the Jacksonville shooter was a competitor in the Madden tournament that lost, opened fire on multiple people after, and then killed himself. One person hit includes NBA 2K pro player @oLARRY2K. https://t.co/0eHARZV049
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Aug-18 03:25 PM
Likely to be white, then (edited)
/u/TheAnonymouse999 linked a clip with chat but its https://streamable.com/rselp so its gonna get taken down if you add it in (edited)
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 03:31 PM
yeah it's still prob gonna get hit
streamable is pretty cucked these days
used to be really good and open
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Aug-18 03:32 PM
Just like our sub
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 03:33 PM
Is this what moderating a default sub is like
except all day every day
I think we're on the downhill now, 90k users down from 110k
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Aug-18 03:36 PM
@Doctor Bread
Holy shit your flair
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 03:36 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Aug-18 03:36 PM
Its political in that thread now
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 03:37 PM
You lost me, it's summit + boku no hero
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Aug-18 03:45 PM
/r/all migrated to /news, finally
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 03:45 PM
76k, wew
thanks /r/news
take those fucking nutcases
Multiple fatalities at a Madden 19 tournament at an entertainment center in Jacksonville, Florida
live thread
LSF making national news let's go
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Aug-18 03:48 PM
Users of the incel subreddit were the first to break the news, we are not sure if they did so out of concern for their beloved videogames or because of their fascination with mass shootings (edited)
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Aug-18 04:06 PM
@Doctor Bread
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 04:06 PM
yeah I got that too, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 26-Aug-18 04:06 PM
Control your bitches
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 04:06 PM
He mad tho
@ImNATT do you not get that stupid popup that won't let you use the M button? Says like there's too many actions going on right now
ImNATT 26-Aug-18 04:11 PM
no (edited)
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 04:11 PM
hmm, maybe I need to reinstall then, super obnoxious. Slows down modding a lot
this shit
nope, reinstall didn't work
ImNATT 26-Aug-18 04:23 PM
Added 'David Katz', 'MrSlicedBread' and 'ravenschamp' to AutoMod
I think we can lock the thread now. Only speculation from now on.
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 04:27 PM
People will complain but might be a good idea. Everyone wants to feel free to make their stupid comment though
Ocypode 26-Aug-18 04:29 PM
What rustled his jimmies? https://i.imgur.com/zRtQ3HL.png
Imagine taking the time out of your life to message each one of us
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 04:30 PM
Cause he got banned lol
It was 1 day, but it's perm now since he said he hopes we're at the next Madden tournament, lol
@ImNATT could direct people to the /r/news thread
Ocypode 26-Aug-18 04:31 PM
What a human pile of trash
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 04:36 PM
How bout this, lock the thread, and I can add to the sticky:

"Since most of the new comments coming in are of a political nature, we are locking the thread, as this is not a sub meant for that. We invite users from LSF and /r/all to go to the live thread or /r/news thread if they would like to carry on discussion about this incident.
With links, or something like that
Unless you guys just wanna keep moderating it
ImNATT 26-Aug-18 04:39 PM
No, I don't. You can do it.
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 04:39 PM
RaptorJesus 26-Aug-18 04:56 PM
@Doctor Bread does /gif/ not have mods
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 04:56 PM
RaptorJesus 26-Aug-18 04:56 PM
there are 20 spam threads active lmao
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 04:57 PM
probably not a lot of mods
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 05:30 PM
ImNATT 26-Aug-18 05:32 PM
oh no pls dont
Ocypode 26-Aug-18 05:33 PM
So I've been getting some complaints about you in messages, you got reported, are you ready to face the consequences (edited)
Doctor Bread 26-Aug-18 11:15 PM
I talked to the GLHF bar and the streamer regarding the charity stream, I stickied it
Going to the madden victim's families
Seems like a good thing to do
@RaptorJesus should I lock the announcement thread or leave it open?
RaptorJesus 26-Aug-18 11:17 PM
I'd lock it, i dont think there is anything anyone else can contribute
HalfOfAKebab 28-Aug-18 09:12 AM
@Doctor Bread https://www.reddit.com/user/stor43 is messaging me (and i'm guessing everyone else) complaining you muted him and aren't explaining why you banned him
Doctor Bread 28-Aug-18 12:38 PM
@HalfOfAKebab I dunno, he deleted his post, he is pretty annoying though
Ah, I found one post he deleted, he posted some of that guard's info who removed Ice from dreamhack, and then bragged that he reported the guard to his bosses or whatever
Alright, I messaged him
Doctor Bread 28-Aug-18 04:39 PM
Man, been having people delete their posts off the front page (edited)
A lot recently
Ocypode 28-Aug-18 04:56 PM
Theyre scared of the sudden attention
Doctor Bread 28-Aug-18 05:21 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII Mcconnell wanted to know if he could have a ree flair on LSF
This emote is available in 48 channels on Twitch thanks to FrankerFaceZ, and it could be in yours today.
ImNATT 28-Aug-18 05:31 PM
@Doctor Bread Not much we can do about them deleting their posts. I don't think banning them would be a good idea.
Doctor Bread 28-Aug-18 05:32 PM
Yeah, some subreddits do have rules about deleting popular posts though. I got banned from /r/MMA for deleting all of my clips after the mods fucked me over
ImNATT 28-Aug-18 05:32 PM
Do you have examples? Curious.
Doctor Bread 28-Aug-18 05:33 PM
I'm not sure if any have it written explicitly but I've seen people get banned for it before
Unless you're getting harassed over it or something
ImNATT 28-Aug-18 05:44 PM
I gave Mcconnell his REEE flair
Doctor Bread 28-Aug-18 05:45 PM
Natt being nice to Mcconnell
ImNATT 28-Aug-18 05:46 PM
I'm not perfect
Doctor Bread 28-Aug-18 05:46 PM
I didn't know you could do it, I thought chan handled most of the graphic stuff
ImNATT 28-Aug-18 05:47 PM
No, normally I do.
Doctor Bread 28-Aug-18 05:47 PM
ah okay
Ocypode 28-Aug-18 05:53 PM
@ImNATT I asked for flair change couple weeks ago pls
ImNATT 28-Aug-18 05:53 PM
What flair do you want?
Ocypode 28-Aug-18 05:54 PM
That one if possible
Doctor Bread 28-Aug-18 05:54 PM
give all the mods giant ass fucking flairs (edited)
ImNATT 28-Aug-18 05:54 PM
make it 32x32
Ocypode 28-Aug-18 05:54 PM
Ah aright
Doctor Bread 28-Aug-18 05:54 PM
500x500 (edited)
Ocypode 28-Aug-18 05:56 PM
There @ImNATT
ImNATT 28-Aug-18 05:59 PM
Ocypode 28-Aug-18 06:00 PM
ImNATT 28-Aug-18 06:01 PM
Doctor Bread 28-Aug-18 06:04 PM
Was thinking about buying a SCUM server for LSF if the game isn't hot garbage
But early access survival and all
Devolver Digital is pretty reliable though
Punk 28-Aug-18 06:07 PM
might be cool
ChanmanVXXIII 29-Aug-18 05:05 AM
@Doctor Bread
This guy you banned wants to appeal his ban
Doctor Bread 29-Aug-18 05:11 AM
@ChanmanVXXIII If you want some yugioh playing 12 year old back on the sub be my guest, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 29-Aug-18 05:11 AM
Yugioh is my shit, don't diss it 😡
Doctor Bread 29-Aug-18 05:12 AM
I liked Yugioh when I was 12 too, eventually you gotta mature in to Magic
And then quit because it's a massive money sink
ChanmanVXXIII 29-Aug-18 05:12 AM
Doctor Bread 29-Aug-18 05:12 AM
You're not allowed to use those cards anymore goyim, you have to buy THESE new cards
ChanmanVXXIII 29-Aug-18 05:13 AM
I watched the cartoon and played forbidden memories, idk about the stuff after it tho since it didnt use the first games mechanics
Doctor Bread 29-Aug-18 05:13 AM
I have some of the cards from when it first started getting popular
Now they have like a novel of text on them as to how they work, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 29-Aug-18 05:14 AM
ChanmanVXXIII 29-Aug-18 05:14 AM
I still own the first edition cards, its all fucked up because cheap materials
ChanmanVXXIII 29-Aug-18 05:18 AM
Daniel's game
ChanmanVXXIII 29-Aug-18 05:21 AM
RaptorJesus 29-Aug-18 10:40 PM
fuck him
ImNATT 30-Aug-18 10:21 AM
Streamable keeps banning our bot
HalfOfAKebab 30-Aug-18 12:36 PM
does it break their tos?
Doctor Bread 30-Aug-18 01:36 PM
Everything breaks streamable's ToS these days
> Use automated means to submit or edit User Content (except as we otherwise permit);
not allowed
Doctor Bread 01-Sep-18 01:26 PM
Had this issue before with Wes encouraging his admins to brigade us. I just went in their discord and told them to fuck off (in a nicer way).
Doctor Bread 02-Sep-18 03:45 AM
236 votes and 222 comments so far on Reddit
Gonna have to give Reckful the Mitch treatment
HalfOfAKebab 02-Sep-18 03:24 PM
247 votes and 35 comments so far on Reddit
what rule did this break?
Doctor Bread 02-Sep-18 03:47 PM
@HalfOfAKebab trying to stop the transgender argument before it starts, since it never ends well
Since it happens on every single boxbox thread
HalfOfAKebab 02-Sep-18 03:49 PM
do we remove politics from comments?
cause tbh i don't think we should be censoring opinions just because we disagree with them
Doctor Bread 02-Sep-18 03:49 PM
I mean no politics is a rule, I don't only extend that to submissions
HalfOfAKebab 02-Sep-18 03:49 PM
Doctor Bread 02-Sep-18 03:49 PM
Pretty sure most of us remove political stuff
HalfOfAKebab 02-Sep-18 03:49 PM
i agree that it should extend to comments too
not sure if that's how all of us feel though
Doctor Bread 02-Sep-18 03:51 PM
I dunno, I think I've seen everyone remove political comments on (what should be) non-political threads at some point or another. It just ruins the entire thread with a 100-long comment chain usually
Like on that madden shooting thread we were all enforcing no political stuff
HalfOfAKebab 02-Sep-18 03:51 PM
fair enough
Doctor Bread 02-Sep-18 03:51 PM
(And then it turned in to only political stuff and was locked)
But you might be right @HalfOfAKebab, I only put no politics under submissions even on the LSFMeta revision I did
It would make more sense as a general rule I guess
HalfOfAKebab 02-Sep-18 03:52 PM
Doctor Bread 02-Sep-18 03:54 PM
I don't mind it being a general though, I don't know why we get so many political posters
This thread got super derailed, lol
Doctor Bread 02-Sep-18 04:28 PM
@here Thoughts on locking it? It's getting pretty damn racist / political
Doctor Bread 02-Sep-18 07:10 PM
Well, I went with remove, there's maybe 50 comments talking about Reckful or the situation without bringing in politics / blatant racism, not a good look to have that thread as our top post. Hopefully you guys agree.
ChanmanVXXIII 03-Sep-18 03:36 AM
I finally recorded this much requested video! I apologize for my voice being so loud ... I forget how powerful my mics are. FYI! I am on vacation right now a...
Why do we need women again?
RaptorJesus 03-Sep-18 03:40 AM
ImNATT 03-Sep-18 05:46 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII I haven't gotten my pay check for August yet. Did you send it?
RaptorJesus 03-Sep-18 06:29 PM
Yeah where’s my HassanBux
Ocypode 03-Sep-18 06:42 PM
Twitch money
Doctor Bread 03-Sep-18 09:34 PM
Girlfriend keeps using his reddit account? I dunno
Ocypode 03-Sep-18 10:10 PM
Ok that's just a very good troll or someones retarded
Doctor Bread 03-Sep-18 10:12 PM
I dunno, pretty strange
HalfOfAKebab 04-Sep-18 04:01 PM
@Doctor Bread can you please respond to people when they ask you why they're banned?
they always go to other mods to get it sorted
it's easier for everyone if you just reply to them
Doctor Bread 04-Sep-18 04:01 PM
If they don't want to read the ban message that's their business
HalfOfAKebab 04-Sep-18 04:01 PM
i understand that, but you should tell them that
Doctor Bread 04-Sep-18 04:02 PM
Alright, I'll invite them to read it then, lol
HalfOfAKebab 04-Sep-18 04:02 PM
talking specifically about the neo guy btw
Doctor Bread 04-Sep-18 04:03 PM
Yeah, he got a message with the ban, and I also talked to him
Sorry, nothing to do about that
You know when you ask your dad for something, he says no and you ask your mom? Kind of like that, lol
HalfOfAKebab 04-Sep-18 04:05 PM
yeah lol i get it
Doctor Bread 04-Sep-18 04:06 PM
But when someone says "kill all the fucking niggers" and asks why they got banned, I usually don't bother responding
HalfOfAKebab 04-Sep-18 04:06 PM
my point is though, most cases like this where people message me (or other mods) is because you've banned someone and then ignored them
i know, i appreciate that
Doctor Bread 04-Sep-18 04:06 PM
I'll just say "read the ban message" and then ignore them, lol
HalfOfAKebab 04-Sep-18 04:06 PM
whether they know it or not though, it's annoying for other mods to deal with something that has nothing to do with them (edited)
Doctor Bread 04-Sep-18 04:07 PM
I know, I get some from other mods bans too, I just assume they banned them for a reason and ignore
If we could do the rules rework that myself / Natt / Chan worked on, it'd be a lot more helpful for giving people concrete reasons for why they were banned, especially if it's because of continued behavior rather than one abhorrently racist post or whatever

https://www.reddit.com/r/LSFMeta/wiki/rules (edited)
Jisifus 05-Sep-18 12:04 PM
Did you guys know Twitch owns Gamepedia?


Their channel is embedded on hundreds of game wikis, driving up the viewer count significantly and, in this case, accounting for about 87% of all viewers for the game they're streming right now
Escape from Tarkov w/ crooKFTW | !embedded
Twitch literally viewbotting themselves
ImNATT 05-Sep-18 01:42 PM
Make a thread about it @Jisifus
Doctor Bread 05-Sep-18 02:49 PM
Jisifus taking down twitch
Stop downvoting him on your alt accounts
ImNATT 05-Sep-18 03:21 PM
Where tf is that YouTube video where they say that embedding Livestreams no longer counts as views?
Would be a good explanation for why this practice is unethical
@Jisifus https://neatclip.com/clip/g89mqq23m
Add this as an edit
Jisifus 05-Sep-18 03:47 PM
but thats youtube
oh i get it yeah
Jisifus 05-Sep-18 04:21 PM
didnt know i needed that thread so much
HalfOfAKebab 05-Sep-18 11:15 PM
@Doctor Bread did you get back to that neo guy? he's still pming me
Doctor Bread 05-Sep-18 11:20 PM
Yeah, just block him dude, he's a troll
Not sure why you wouldn't block him, he's only made two comments recently, his last ones are all 2-3 years ago
Ocypode 06-Sep-18 07:38 AM
some dude is asking me about his imgur link post
and is very very angry
that it keeps getting taken down and he can't see it in /new
ImNATT 06-Sep-18 09:47 AM
Ocypode 06-Sep-18 10:51 AM
give the man 10$
ImNATT 06-Sep-18 11:34 AM
I'm not giving him my hard earned fruits of capitalism
Ocypode 06-Sep-18 11:44 AM
all the twitch money you mean
Doctor Bread 06-Sep-18 01:27 PM
People stalking disguised toast?
@Ocypode I should drop those Bitch Jones discord logs on that disgused toast thread, lol
Just so people can see how crazy it can get
Ocypode 06-Sep-18 01:36 PM
Or just farm karma and make a post
Doctor Bread 06-Sep-18 01:39 PM
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/306521351?t=02h05m01s one of their fans getting banned in real time lol
Ocypode 06-Sep-18 01:57 PM
what am i looking at
whos getting banned
Doctor Bread 06-Sep-18 01:57 PM
one of their mods I think
who got accused of stalking
Ocypode 06-Sep-18 01:57 PM
oh thats a stream of their mod?
Doctor Bread 06-Sep-18 01:57 PM
Ocypode 06-Sep-18 01:57 PM
and he means by banned in chat?
Doctor Bread 06-Sep-18 01:58 PM
I guess so
Ocypode 06-Sep-18 01:58 PM
Doctor Bread 06-Sep-18 01:58 PM
I might write something and put the mitch stuff I got, I am a bit tired of the harassment discords
I've gotten messages from other people as well
regarding other streamers having communities dedicated to harassing / stalking them
Coming to LSF and fucking with the natural order of things
Ocypode 06-Sep-18 01:59 PM
people are so fucked up
holy fuck
makes me never want to be a streamer
Doctor Bread 06-Sep-18 02:00 PM
I'm trying to figure out how to host this html file though
Used to be able to on google drive but it's changed
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Sep-18 07:17 PM
@Doctor Bread
DMs aren't working for me anymore, no idea why
Ocypode 07-Sep-18 07:22 PM
@Doctor Bread my friend called you a twat
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Sep-18 07:23 PM
Based friend
Doctor Bread 07-Sep-18 07:28 PM
@Ocypode ? lol
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Sep-18 07:28 PM
@Doctor Bread
I can read but can't send messages
Doctor Bread 07-Sep-18 07:28 PM
DM's still not working? weird
Ocypode 07-Sep-18 07:29 PM
he just linked me this https://i.imgur.com/zTs86Zk.png
Doctor Bread 07-Sep-18 07:30 PM
Yeah, he posted the same clip after some dude with like 5 more seconds of context which wasn't that important
That's why I don't leave removal reasons, lol
(Unless it's on like a front page post or self-promo)
Ocypode 07-Sep-18 07:30 PM
I usually still put those under link already posted
Doctor Bread 07-Sep-18 07:30 PM
I did
And he still got upset lol
My karma
Ocypode 07-Sep-18 07:32 PM
i just told him we get millions of pms and posts like that
and im not surprised he rplied that like
replied like that
Doctor Bread 07-Sep-18 07:33 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII I dunno, I mean if someone's making shitty comments and they have a bunch of posts on GreatAwakening or milliondollarextreme I usually give them less of the benefit of the doubt
But I can put "on LSF"
But accounts like this, ya know?
(He's also ban evading though)
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Sep-18 07:34 PM
Redpilled alt account, gonna mod him
Doctor Bread 07-Sep-18 07:34 PM
I'll put LSF in the rules but I'm still probably gonna account for total history
* User’s posting history on LivestreamFail and account age
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Sep-18 07:35 PM
Sure, its against reddits rules to ban based on subreddit activity, so adding the on lsf thing is enough
Doctor Bread 07-Sep-18 07:36 PM
I wonder if that reddit rule applies to JUST posting on a sub, or what you say on other subs as well, if the rule goes that deep
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Sep-18 07:36 PM
No idea, I take it as not doing what Offmychest(?) does, which is automatically banning people that post on KotakuInAction
I mean, they totes don't do it
Doctor Bread 07-Sep-18 07:37 PM
I doubt they enforce that unless a mod says to a person "you are banned since you post on xxx"
Like this dude
look at his H button history, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Sep-18 07:38 PM
Dude breathes politics
@Doctor Bread
Do you need any perms besides wiki?
Doctor Bread 07-Sep-18 07:39 PM
Alright, I fixed that stuff, do you want me to put in rule 3 or no?
config I think
I think Natt was okay with it, but I wanted to make sure it was a decent rule
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Sep-18 07:40 PM
#3 is fine, its not that big of a rule though
Doctor Bread 07-Sep-18 07:41 PM
I mean it's pretty open-ended, it's kind of a twitch rule where we can selectively enforce it
Which isn't the greatest thing and I try to avoid, but there's just lots of trolls, I dunno
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Sep-18 07:41 PM
Wait, you mean detriment or banned streamer
Doctor Bread 07-Sep-18 07:41 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Sep-18 07:41 PM
Then yeah, what I said
Doctor Bread 07-Sep-18 07:42 PM
Yeah, I try to avoid being open-ended with rules that you can selectively enforce, but people like to make >12 hour old accounts and say dumb shit. Or people who just spam threads with garbage but don't harass other users. It'd be nice to have something to link.
And I was gonna move politics to a general rule, as we usually remove politically motivated comments as well, not just submissions
And we get a lot of poltiical overlap for whatever reason
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Sep-18 07:44 PM
Move it
Doctor Bread 07-Sep-18 07:45 PM
I'm gonna eat, but I'll do all that stuff after
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Sep-18 07:45 PM
Wanna make a sticky about the rule changes so people can comment on it?
Doctor Bread 07-Sep-18 07:45 PM
was thinking that
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Sep-18 07:45 PM
Then we can manage it more easily
Doctor Bread 07-Sep-18 07:45 PM
people will probably complain about rule 3 for sure, but eh
I dunno, maybe not a good idea, not sure lol
ChanmanVXXIII 07-Sep-18 07:52 PM
Its a big change, giving user a place to whine about it is good
Only way to know what they think of the new shit (edited)
Doctor Bread 07-Sep-18 08:26 PM
If you see any errors from moving stuff over let me know
Or change it yourself :^)
@ImNATT you finally got a picture lol
Doctor Bread 07-Sep-18 10:39 PM
Toolbox cleaned up, should be a lot clearer now. Should be everything
Punk 08-Sep-18 12:07 AM
@Doctor Bread how's the gmae?
Doctor Bread 08-Sep-18 12:07 AM
which one? wow?
Punk 08-Sep-18 12:07 AM
nah the one you're shilling
Doctor Bread 08-Sep-18 12:07 AM
eh not that good, another failed soulsborne game
Punk 08-Sep-18 12:07 AM
ah I see
it looked mediocre
I'm installing hollow knight rn
been wanting to try that out
Doctor Bread 08-Sep-18 12:08 AM
about as good as The Surge
I would pirate iit
I only played Surge for like an hour too, lol
Punk 08-Sep-18 12:08 AM
oh I thought the surge was actually p good
managed to beat lords of the fallen
that game was cancer
Doctor Bread 08-Sep-18 12:09 AM
I dunno, early game is pretty bad, it might get better
ImNATT 08-Sep-18 07:11 AM
1 vote and 1 comment so far on Reddit
@Doctor Bread Should've proof read the rules etc. before changing them.
The Wiki link didn't even work.
684 votes and 133 comments so far on Reddit
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Sep-18 07:46 AM
Looks like it was just a temp ban
ImNATT 08-Sep-18 07:55 AM
@ChanmanVXXIII Wtf happened 2 hours ago?
There's 100s of pages of you approving the same thread/comments
Doctor Bread 08-Sep-18 08:08 AM
I thought normiesree was permabanned, and I prob just put the wrong link, I'll fix it
I probably left the links as LSFMeta
ImNATT 08-Sep-18 08:20 AM
I already fixed it
Yea, you didn't change links and there was a mistake in the new rule you added
Doctor Bread 08-Sep-18 08:23 AM
I just changed the link from the submission page too
Ah, Ocy just temp banned normiesreee
ChanmanVXXIII 08-Sep-18 09:14 AM
Sometimes I can't hit approve because it highlights the words instead actually clicking them, so I spam it until they finally approve
I know for sure its one of my 100s of extensions that broke reddit but I'm too lazy to sift through them and figure out which one is doing it (edited)
I just accept that as part of my being (edited)
Ocypode 08-Sep-18 09:41 AM
I didn't know who normiesree was when i did it
HalfOfAKebab 08-Sep-18 02:51 PM
way to boost your mod actions count chanman
Doctor Bread 08-Sep-18 04:02 PM
Also, what do you guys think about a thread on one of the weekend days "Self Promotion Saturday/Sunday"
Just one megathread where people can post clips of their stream or whatever, to maybe lessen the amount breaking the rules during the week and open the sub to new streamers instead of the ~15 or so that get posted repeatedly
Ocypode 08-Sep-18 04:22 PM
I dont really see an issue with it, dunno how the community would take it "LOL LEECH THREAD"
Doctor Bread 08-Sep-18 04:23 PM
I wanted to give it a trial run tomorrow if everyone was okay with it
Trying to contain the shit, that and the new warning on the clip submission page will hopefully cut down on the self promoters
Doctor Bread 08-Sep-18 05:20 PM
@ImNATT I dunno, maybe we should have just kept removing political comments with no rule. I though it'd be a good deterrant though
Since people can make any clip political, even if we just remove political clips themselves
Punk 08-Sep-18 05:21 PM
not a fan of the self promotion thread idea.
Doctor Bread 08-Sep-18 05:21 PM
That's fair, why not out of curiosity? (edited)
Punk 08-Sep-18 05:26 PM
I don't like using the sub as an avenue for promotion in any way
feels unnecessary
ImNATT 08-Sep-18 05:46 PM
I agree with Punk
Doctor Bread 08-Sep-18 05:47 PM
Just seemed like maybe a good way to open up the rut of the few streamers that are currently posted. Honestly, I'd expect it to be mostly shitty fortnite streamers posting sick 360 noscopes.
RaptorJesus 08-Sep-18 06:00 PM
I agree with Natt and Punk on this one
People have other twitch related subs to self promo
Doctor Bread 08-Sep-18 06:01 PM
I guess people will just have to be particularly exceptional to get posted regularly on LSF
ImNATT 09-Sep-18 08:04 AM
I shadowbanned this guys stream:

I've been having problems with him for nearly a year now and he's not relevant enough to put his name anywhere visible.
HalfOfAKebab 09-Sep-18 08:27 AM
seems fair
ChanmanVXXIII 09-Sep-18 06:53 PM
@Doctor Bread
This guys been banned for 6 days and wants back in
His ban reason is spam so no idea about what he did (edited)
Someone replied to a 2 months old comment of mine just to say they've been sexually abused by their dad
154 votes and 186 comments so far on Reddit
Doctor Bread 09-Sep-18 09:44 PM
I dont know how these jews manage to fuck up chicken and potatoes but by golly they find a way every time
@ChanmanVXXIII Yeah, he was spamming links to camwhore sites on the sub. Why? I have no idea (edited)
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Sep-18 06:20 AM
A roach flew at me while I was taking a shit
Why would it do that, fucking cunt scared me shitless (edited)
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Sep-18 10:30 AM
I unbanned a guy that got a pema 3 months ago for going off on ice spam
RaptorJesus 10-Sep-18 02:39 PM
I havent seen a roach in years, they common in AUZ?
👎 1
Doctor Bread 10-Sep-18 03:09 PM
yikes lol
Imagine getting this upset since you break the promotion rule
RaptorJesus 10-Sep-18 03:31 PM
Doctor Bread 10-Sep-18 03:40 PM
Ocypode 10-Sep-18 04:24 PM
Doctor Bread 10-Sep-18 06:42 PM
I dunno, I saw them rapidly posting some unknown witcher streamer, I check the streamer's discord and the OP is a role meant to join their "streamer community" and promote each other, and also a mod of /r/gwent which is what the posted streamer was playing. Seems pretty biased to me, while not actually being a mod. The OP's profile was also littered with themselves promoting their own stream
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Sep-18 08:35 PM
@Doctor Bread
Some guy wrote me an essay about you banning him for self promotion
Oh you were talking about him
Doctor Bread 10-Sep-18 08:40 PM
Is that the wrong picture?
oh I see
imgur album
Yikes lol
I upset some real autism
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Sep-18 08:41 PM
Nah, rarely see them as well
Doctor Bread 10-Sep-18 08:42 PM
In all of their subreddit raging they even implicated themselves as being a part of that streamer's promotional circle
>or any situation where you have something to gain from posting the clip aside from Reddit Karma.
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Sep-18 08:43 PM
I don't see how he broke the self-promotion rule tbh, is the discord he linked gwent's official one or is it a bigger streamer's discord?
Doctor Bread 10-Sep-18 08:43 PM
the streamer's discord they were posting clips from
also sheesh
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Sep-18 08:44 PM
Based and redpilled
Doctor Bread 10-Sep-18 08:44 PM
how'd it get 5 downvotes if it was automodded
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Sep-18 08:45 PM
Maybe automod can read edits?
So he wrote something dumb, got downvoted, got butthurt about it and edited with the nigger?
Doctor Bread 10-Sep-18 08:47 PM
They're the naivety person
Trying to join their circle of streamers that promote each other's twitch streams
ChanmanVXXIII 10-Sep-18 08:52 PM
I see
I was watching forsen's SCUM vod and out of nowhere he met psisyndicate, a dude I used to watch years ago
It was pretty but chat was being retarded and spammed kill him for 1h straight, ruined my experience (edited)
ChanmanVXXIII 11-Sep-18 12:56 AM
Doctor Bread 11-Sep-18 12:57 AM
Fuck even more are gonna come here
ChanmanVXXIII 11-Sep-18 12:57 AM
Why are people so retarded, don't they understand online segregation works? (edited)
Now yeah, they'll just invade another sub
I assume they'll move to one of the dramas or cringe subs
Doctor Bread 11-Sep-18 12:58 AM
we get enough of them here
ChanmanVXXIII 11-Sep-18 01:06 AM
ChanmanVXXIII 11-Sep-18 10:30 AM
@Doctor Bread
Admins are super butthurt about MDE, they just banned 6 more subs that werent even part of the MDE stuff
Even an ancap sub got hit with the ban
Over 10 now
Anything related to sam hyde / currency Extreme is getting chopped
Doctor Bread 11-Sep-18 01:22 PM
Should we add gnome to automod?
It's getting kind of out of hand
RaptorJesus 11-Sep-18 01:24 PM
fuck no
gnome is board culture
see this is why /v/ sucks now
Doctor Bread 11-Sep-18 01:31 PM
Look mom I posted it again
Doctor Bread 11-Sep-18 02:01 PM
15 votes and 0 comments so far on Reddit
Expect another madden-tier thread
Ocypode 11-Sep-18 02:01 PM
oh no
HalfOfAKebab 11-Sep-18 02:06 PM
1,776 votes and 507 comments so far on Reddit
Doctor Bread 11-Sep-18 02:06 PM
Eh, he started that 100+ long comment chain
HalfOfAKebab 11-Sep-18 02:06 PM
it wasn't his fault
Doctor Bread 11-Sep-18 02:07 PM
Yes it was
That's a pretty clear stirring the gun rights pot statement
HalfOfAKebab 11-Sep-18 02:08 PM
well sure, but it wasn't his fault that 100 people replied to it
Doctor Bread 11-Sep-18 02:08 PM
I guess, can make it 1 day then
HalfOfAKebab 11-Sep-18 02:08 PM
the punishment should be based on the comment itself, not the replies to it
yeah seems more reasonable
i would've just went with a warning but 1 day is an acceptable compromise
Doctor Bread 11-Sep-18 02:09 PM
there's too many people to warn, just like the madden thread
And now there's a warning at the top
HalfOfAKebab 11-Sep-18 02:11 PM
it's more work to ban
Doctor Bread 11-Sep-18 02:11 PM
Do you not have moderator toolbox?
HalfOfAKebab 11-Sep-18 02:11 PM
if you have comment removal reasons set up you can remove the comment and send the reason as a pm
Doctor Bread 11-Sep-18 02:23 PM
I don't think it will quite be as bad as Madden, don't think it will get as high on /r/all at least
ImNATT 11-Sep-18 02:34 PM
3,128 votes and 894 comments so far on Reddit
We shot at his house guys
Doctor Bread 11-Sep-18 02:36 PM
@ImNATT I'm working from the bottom if you can work from the top/middle
ImNATT 11-Sep-18 02:36 PM
I'm at work. Can't do shit for at least the next hour.
Doctor Bread 11-Sep-18 02:37 PM
RaptorJesus 11-Sep-18 03:57 PM
Twitch culture is pure cancer now
it used to be fun but now its literally filled with white nationalists and insane incels
ChanmanVXXIII 12-Sep-18 12:13 AM
Prevent NA from using the internet and literally every single online problem solves itself (edited)
15,444 votes and 2,727 comments so far on Reddit
ImNATT 12-Sep-18 10:36 AM
r/DramaJones: This Sub is dedicated to Mitch's streaming life and everything that affects it, We do not hate mitch We are just Old Plebs Who miss Old Mitch Jones.
> LordNmp
Ocypode 12-Sep-18 11:23 AM
Doctor Bread 12-Sep-18 11:53 AM
@ImNATT well, the creator was already banned from LSF. I'll start hitting people off
ChanmanVXXIII 12-Sep-18 11:53 AM
Inb4 its banned again
Doctor Bread 12-Sep-18 11:54 AM
wait isn't that actually nmp?
ChanmanVXXIII 12-Sep-18 11:54 AM
It is
Doctor Bread 12-Sep-18 11:54 AM
He really should know better, no?
ChanmanVXXIII 12-Sep-18 11:56 AM
No? as far as I know he is just like twitch chat
But I would expect him not to be so obvious
Doctor Bread 12-Sep-18 11:56 AM
Well, I was gonna ban any people there like I would people on /r/bitchjones, seems fair? (edited)
Dissapointed in NMP
Unless you want to try to contact him first
Doctor Bread 12-Sep-18 12:00 PM
Or fuck em dood
ChanmanVXXIII 12-Sep-18 12:04 PM
If he actived over there or nah?
Doctor Bread 12-Sep-18 12:04 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 12-Sep-18 12:04 PM
Imo I don't really give a shit
Doctor Bread 12-Sep-18 12:04 PM
oh wait, swear I saw some posts from him on there
guess I was looking at another mod
ChanmanVXXIII 12-Sep-18 12:04 PM
False flagging a black man
Doctor Bread 12-Sep-18 12:05 PM
Can I start our own reddit banpocalypse
lots of the users there post on LSF as well
Glad they're all exposing themselves, probably members of the discord too
ChanmanVXXIII 12-Sep-18 12:06 PM
No 😡
Doctor Bread 12-Sep-18 12:06 PM
? lol
I mean, we banned what BitchJones people we could, and they're selling themselves as bitchjones 2 (edited)
ChanmanVXXIII 12-Sep-18 12:08 PM
Wait it out, if anything mod tag the LSF people using that sub
If it ends up getting banned, then we can act or w/e since mod tag is gonna persist
Doctor Bread 12-Sep-18 12:08 PM
So many Ice people lol
ChanmanVXXIII 12-Sep-18 12:10 PM
Reddit admins going crazy right now, at least we aren't on the list
Doctor Bread 12-Sep-18 12:18 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII A lot of these people post anti-mitch stuff currently on LSF
A lot are also already banned
ChanmanVXXIII 12-Sep-18 12:19 PM
Doctor Bread 12-Sep-18 12:20 PM
I dunno, waiting for reddit to do anything seems pointless
Or I guess what's the rationale for only banning them if the sub gets banned
ChanmanVXXIII 12-Sep-18 12:20 PM
First bitchjones got banned like a day after mitch himself went after it tho
Not much trouble to get it banned, if the dude figures out the subreddit exists (edited)
Doctor Bread 12-Sep-18 12:25 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII Can I make a post on DramaJones to scare the kids? lol
ChanmanVXXIII 12-Sep-18 12:26 PM
Idm, as long you don't talk as the subreddit
Oh wait their sidebar is literally bitch jones 2.0
Thats the easiest ban I've seen so far, once mitch finds out the subreddits back he can just tell the admins
Dude no reason to touch it, its going down soon
Doctor Bread 12-Sep-18 12:28 PM
Yeah lol, that's why I wanted to just start hitting them off of LSF
Before the rats scurry away
Did he do something that really upset people to cause another subreddit?
ChanmanVXXIII 12-Sep-18 12:30 PM
No idea, maybe him helping out barry triggered bitchjones?
Doctor Bread 12-Sep-18 12:41 PM
Using mod toolbox is a pain
Pinned a message.
If we wanna do anything with it in the future, all the ground-floor people at least
I tagged with with my RES too, doesn't lag to shit like mod toolbox
Doctor Bread 13-Sep-18 01:01 PM
DramaJones banned already
Ocypode 13-Sep-18 01:02 PM
Good riddance
I'm still really curious though why was nmp a mod there
Doctor Bread 14-Sep-18 04:07 AM
Ah finally I got this fucker, had a feeling all this time. Fuck those fishing streams, can't get posted without promoting each other
HalfOfAKebab 14-Sep-18 12:56 PM
@Doctor Bread https://mod.reddit.com/mail/all/502fc can you reply to this please?
Ocypode 16-Sep-18 06:43 PM
I'm being asked by sodapoppins mods and told them I can't just favor him and remove shit
to me it looks like no rules were broken
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 06:48 PM
Ugh, not this shit again
@Ocypode OP has zero history, it might be a competitor site like the crypto-betting fiasco and soda/ape
I don't want another gambling war on LSF
Ocypode 16-Sep-18 06:49 PM
So what to do
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 06:49 PM
Ocypode 16-Sep-18 06:49 PM
remove all gambling stuff related to drama?
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 06:49 PM
@Ocypode 👀
Ocypode 16-Sep-18 06:49 PM
yeah lol
I always expect that to happen, i never remove posts being biased tho
or thats their way of preventing us to remove
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 06:52 PM
Well I'm not biased, I'm just suspicious since OP has literally zero posting history
And LSF is not the place for gambling sites to wage war against each other
Ocypode 16-Sep-18 06:53 PM
Seems like a reoccuring theme
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 06:55 PM
I mean rule 5
5. No political clips or posts pushing a personal agenda.
Ocypode 16-Sep-18 06:56 PM
Remove it then, I would but I would just get said I'm biased
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 07:00 PM
Already getting downvote bombed but whatever (edited)
Ocypode 16-Sep-18 07:02 PM
whats downvote bombed
oh the removal reason
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 07:03 PM
Yeah, I don't like brand new / no posting history accounts dropping drama
If you're that committed, post it from your main
Ocypode 16-Sep-18 07:03 PM
Main? gambling companies dont have main accounts
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 07:03 PM
Specially with betting stuff, since already had an issue with that one site trying to slander vlad's site while being equally as shitty
and throwing train in the middle of it
Soda's community can complain to him if they have a problem with it
was the soda post on top of the sub?
Ocypode 16-Sep-18 07:05 PM
I didn't check
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 07:06 PM
Ocypode 16-Sep-18 07:06 PM
It was 1h up and 700+ upvotes iirc
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 07:06 PM
Apparently the post was getting brigaded too
Ocypode 16-Sep-18 07:06 PM
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 07:07 PM
Had 1100, it probably was
wondering if I should make a sticky for the removal
How bout this one? Seems to be an actually normal user
@here Help I don't know what to do
I typed a bunch of shit in general if you want to see my logic, if you think it's wrong lets reapprove the soda gambling post
Jisifus 16-Sep-18 07:38 PM
Ocypode 16-Sep-18 07:39 PM
I don't know for sure but the idea is to have #ad when you do a "sponsored stream" but as much as I know when he last time was sponsored by them he just needed to add a referral link below his stream and he sometimes did gamblign streams, don't think he ever had to add #ad there
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 07:39 PM
Apparently he just added it a bit ago
Ocypode 16-Sep-18 07:39 PM
That shit is literally there too
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 07:39 PM
And OP is only posting it since the big thread was removed
Ocypode 16-Sep-18 07:40 PM
I'm quite sure this sponsorship works differently, he doesn't have to #ad everytime he gambles on stream
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 07:40 PM
Ocypode 16-Sep-18 07:40 PM
should just remove that too before it gets big and its too late
People are just trying to nag on the small things even though they're wrong
Jisifus 16-Sep-18 07:41 PM
lmao what
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 07:42 PM
@Jisifus @Ocypode So yay or nay, was removing the big soda post the right thing to do? I was taking in to account the past situation with trainwrecks and soda and new accounts posting gambling related stuff (edited)
Want at least some support on it
Jisifus 16-Sep-18 07:42 PM
i think its fine
Ocypode 16-Sep-18 07:42 PM
for sure especially because it was a new accoutn doing it, this one I just see people trying to pick on the small things after that, might not even need to be removed
Let's see if people go to his stream and see the #ad
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 07:43 PM
@Jisifus you mean fine removing it or fine leaving it up?
Ocypode 16-Sep-18 07:43 PM
Gimme a good comeback to that DM @Doctor Bread
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 07:43 PM
I dunno just block it lol
Ocypode 16-Sep-18 07:43 PM
Jisifus 16-Sep-18 07:44 PM
Fine removing it
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 07:44 PM
@ImNATT thoughts? Or you wageslaving
I think you were involved with the train/soda/vlad situation
Ocypode 16-Sep-18 07:47 PM
Someones really looking at /new or is an alt of OP
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 07:48 PM
no that's the guy who posted the big thread
2 votes and 0 comments so far on Reddit
Ocypode 16-Sep-18 07:55 PM
It's too inconvenient that the moment soda starts gambling we get huge amount of drama posts about it
I thought it should be fun, not drama
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 07:55 PM
I think the first person had an agenda, but now it's mostly gonna be people posting other betting related stuff since they're upset about it being removed, and a few people just legit watching him
Ocypode 16-Sep-18 08:08 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 08:48 PM
Protecting streamers FeelsWeirdMan
HalfOfAKebab 16-Sep-18 08:48 PM
yeah i'm not sure i have a problem with the thread itself
it does have large potential to turn into a witchhunt, but that's what we have to control
not the thread itself
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 08:57 PM
It's just everytime it's gambling related, and not from someone who posts on LSF, it's some dickhead from otherbettingsite.uk who's trying to take the wind out of some other site's sails
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 08:57 PM
Removing the first one is fine, since the dude used an alt
Right now someone reposted it on his main so it stays
I might sticky something there, idk
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 08:58 PM
It's getting brigaded by soda's sub btw
and his discord
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 08:58 PM
The new thread? with people downvoting shit?
HalfOfAKebab 16-Sep-18 08:58 PM
that should be brought to the mods of their sub
if they don't comply then we can threaten them with the ban
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 08:59 PM
We the mafia now
HalfOfAKebab 16-Sep-18 08:59 PM
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 09:00 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII I almost agree, but kind of silly just letting someone carry the torch and repost it when it only came on to the sub since some dickhead likely trying to push their personal agenda put it there in the first place
Otherwise it seems silly to have removed the first one, ya know?
I don't think there's an easy answer
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 09:01 PM
Other than just supress all dissent -( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╯╲_卐卐卐卐 (edited)
HalfOfAKebab 16-Sep-18 09:01 PM
there's a thread back up we're allowing
so this thread is kinda not relevant now
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 09:01 PM
First one probably had bad intentions or something similar, I don't see the new one being biased, just being against mods removing shit
Yeah take that one down
HalfOfAKebab 16-Sep-18 09:02 PM
can you do it under the mod account? i don't know the password
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 09:02 PM
I'll do it on my main once I'm done with the new big thread
HalfOfAKebab 16-Sep-18 09:02 PM
oh, alright
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 09:02 PM
Gonna sticky something about the first thread being removed because OP hid behind an alt with evil intent or something
HalfOfAKebab 16-Sep-18 09:02 PM
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 09:03 PM
I'll write something if you wanna copy paste it or change it
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 09:03 PM
Gotta write up something good, but just woke up
Ye do it daddy
HalfOfAKebab 16-Sep-18 09:03 PM
to be fair though, ocy shouldn't have a say in moderating anything soda-related on the sub
it is absolutely a conflict of interest
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 09:03 PM
I guess, that's why I asked jisifus too.
And pinged everyone
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 09:03 PM
He mods his sellout sundays, right?
HalfOfAKebab 16-Sep-18 09:04 PM
not sure why people are blaming ocy though? wasn't it you, bread, who removed it?
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 09:04 PM
yeah, would have been really bad if ocy removed it, lol
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 09:04 PM
Docs everyone's punching bag
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 09:04 PM
It's just cause I'm the most active, lol
and post in threads and shit
HalfOfAKebab 16-Sep-18 09:04 PM
yeah probably
gengar was the same
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 09:04 PM
Just don't be a nazi mod
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 09:05 PM
I like giving reasoning and answers but sometimes you just can't talk to this group of mostly young teenagers
HalfOfAKebab 16-Sep-18 09:05 PM
i honestly think it's funny how people are genuinely considering the fact we might be bought out by soda
like people actually think that
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 09:06 PM
I would sell the sub for a soda bj
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 09:06 PM
I dont know why I try to type long in discord
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 09:06 PM
HalfOfAKebab 16-Sep-18 09:06 PM
i don't even like soda tbh
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 09:06 PM
uh oh, my pirated microsoft office stopped working
I don't either
HalfOfAKebab 16-Sep-18 09:06 PM
he just seems fake as fuck to me
every time i think of him i think of those drunk wow streams he did years ago
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 09:07 PM
Ninjafied forsen
HalfOfAKebab 16-Sep-18 09:07 PM
i use the word "drunk" lightly though
might have actually been drunk but my god that was some shit tier acting
dunno if you guys know what i'm on about
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 09:08 PM
I don't, I have a grudge against blizzard for turning warcraft into a mmorpg
So I'm super lost on wow stuff
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 09:08 PM
Damn my sticky on the other thread removal got -66
HalfOfAKebab 16-Sep-18 09:08 PM
wasn't it always?
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 09:08 PM
HalfOfAKebab 16-Sep-18 09:08 PM
i was considering playing wow too
getting kinda bored of runescape
but it's expensive and it's also p2w
Punk 16-Sep-18 09:10 PM
just play MonHun
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 09:10 PM
Mate stop shilling weeb games
Fucking hell
Punk 16-Sep-18 09:10 PM
stfu queer
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 09:10 PM
what was the betting site that train / soda were on the first time
that crypto one with vlad
Punk 16-Sep-18 09:11 PM
monster hunter world is an AMERICAN game
oh, yeah
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 09:11 PM
What? lol
like a few months ago, had crypto in the name I think
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 09:14 PM
I don't remember the name
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 09:21 PM
yeah I just put crypto gambling
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 09:21 PM
I guess it is just coincidence that trainwrecks is right now gambling on and advertising the bitcoin roulette site slip.gg without any real disclaimer that sodapoppin was supposedly close to getting sponsored by.

Context about the site & Vlad (LSF post about it got deleted iirc) and soda's supposed sponsorship:


And to be fair, sodapoppins response back then claiming he doesn't know anything about it and doesn't even know Vlad (one of the biggest guys back in the csgo gambling days).

1,463 votes and 88 comments so far on Reddit
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 09:22 PM
yeah that was it
I guess I shouldn't put the name anyways
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 09:24 PM
The sodapoppin dude wiped his account clean
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 09:29 PM
Too long to link
Probably needs some sort of closing
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 09:34 PM
Might link the threads the first op linked, showing it wasnt real proof
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 09:36 PM
And for the people saying we are bought and paid for by soda (and Twitch, and Ice, and Mitch, and every other streamer and entity who’s post we allow or remove)
that part might be too edgy, lol
all of the ones I think people have claimed we're bought and paid for
The first post of this was removed because the OP posted from a zero posting history account with links consisting of, respectively: No real proof Video taken down and OP’s reddit acocunt deleted No real proof No real proof One dealer doing something shady, in a casino who...
link with editing, forgot that
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 09:41 PM
Gay-ass periods
I'm editing it on my end, since you took too long to give me perms
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 09:42 PM
Lol I'll post it if you want, getting enough flame in PM's as it is
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 09:42 PM
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 09:43 PM
what the fuck is this lol
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 09:44 PM
Thats my edit
Made it less faggy
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 09:45 PM
Why did you take all the periods out you monkey
You just shit all over my beautiful novel
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 09:46 PM
You dumbass! What part of Naruto Fanworks do you not understand? Only Naruto fanfics are allowed here. And this isn't even a real fanfic either. Go take your shit to some crappy forum
I'm not a zoomer mod that has to follow rules and be polite, I own this
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 09:47 PM
that meta thread is still up btw
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 09:48 PM
Its going down when I sticky the thing
Wtf is that google doc thing linking me an emote
Whenever I type one
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 09:49 PM
I have global twitch emotes, dunno how that would show up for you
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 09:55 PM
@Doctor Bread
Tl;dr every now and then people/companies come over to try and turn the subreddit's users against a streamer just because of competition, happened before with Train/Soda.
Good enough tl;dr? (edited)
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 09:56 PM
yeah pretty much
@ChanmanVXXIII It would make more sense to delete the re-upload thread and leave the "why was this removed" thread up
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 09:59 PM
Made the sticky
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 10:00 PM
that list at the top didn't format well
if you want to change it
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 10:00 PM
It did?
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 10:00 PM
not a bulleted list
just kind of line by line, lol
oh you want that link to the first thread too
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 10:01 PM
Sorry, I'm not american, can't do bullet stuff
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 10:04 PM
I don't know if I have it anymore
Or if the people who sent it would be comfortable having it shared publicly
You could show that one account clearing his entire history from the soda post maybe?
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 10:07 PM
That guy wasnt the main one
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 10:08 PM
don't remember the other one, wonder if it got wiped too
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 10:08 PM
Yeah dunno who was it as well
This made me laugh
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 10:10 PM
Man, dunno how to find those last train soda posts
oh, maybe through vladnov's reddit
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 10:11 PM
I almost found it by googling train vlad and changing the date to june~july
Damn I feel like a politician whenever I make stickies as the mod team (edited)
One sticky and people see whats up and just start downvoting comments still in the hate train
Oh shit I meant politician, not jew
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 10:14 PM
wait did he delete his comment too
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 10:15 PM
Inb4 vlad exposed train/soda using an alt to boost his own site (edited)
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 10:15 PM
wtf where are my PM's from vlad, I thought they had the thread link in them
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 10:15 PM
Reddit admins removed them because of hate speech
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 10:16 PM
0 votes and 22 comments so far on Reddit
Add that to the sticky
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 10:19 PM
2,636 votes and 190 comments so far on Reddit
I have no idea if this is true or not
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 10:22 PM
No, someone posted that same thread he reuploaded before him
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 10:22 PM
Imagine caring about people in the current year
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 10:22 PM
I mean I can quit if it makes everyone happier, lol
I wasn't trying to remove the soda post of my own accord, I asked you guys and got what responses there were
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 10:23 PM
First one was fine, though
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 10:23 PM
which one?
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 10:23 PM
Gambling + Noname account + Randomly exposing soda
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 10:24 PM
Yeah, it just seemed like another drama storm
Whatever, whatever you wanna do, clearly I'm compromised by Soda's good looks
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 10:27 PM
I'm only gay for women-looking guys, soda looks like a homeless guy
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 10:27 PM
People clearly don't like the betting drama regardless of any other reasoning though
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 10:27 PM
No here
Why did automod flag my sticky as being a young account
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 10:28 PM
that's someone else's account lol
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 10:29 PM
Theres 2 black pixels near the cmonBruh's nose, I'll never unsee it
RaptorJesus 16-Sep-18 10:30 PM
i see it too
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 10:30 PM
Load more comments and it will get applied to the account it filtered
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 10:34 PM
Time to suck dick for $$
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 10:35 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 10:35 PM
Are you hyped to get doxxed?
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 10:35 PM
I'm gonna put an apology under your sticky, for what it's worth (edited)
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 10:36 PM
Apologizing for?
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 10:37 PM
I dunno, people like apologies, makes them feel right
even when they're not
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 10:37 PM
Oh, doing a twitter apology are we
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 10:37 PM
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 10:37 PM
I see
RaptorJesus 16-Sep-18 10:37 PM
Dont say sorry for shit
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 10:38 PM
Bend the knee, goy
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 10:38 PM
can I get a punching bag flair
there's gotta be a good twitch emote
ChanmanVXXIII 16-Sep-18 10:38 PM
Stealing streamer's sub emotes
Anyway leaving
RaptorJesus 16-Sep-18 10:41 PM
I like how you've taken my place as the punching bag
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 10:41 PM
@RaptorJesus I see you subscribe to the Bill Clinton school of PR
RaptorJesus 16-Sep-18 10:41 PM
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 10:42 PM
Deny Deny Deny
Did you think the removal was okay Raptor? You weren't available at the time seems like
RaptorJesus 16-Sep-18 10:42 PM
Yeah i was out to dinner i think it was fine man
99% of the time its just gambling companies shitting on eachother it seems
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 10:42 PM
I should have suspected the shitstorm, considering one happened after the other two incidents and removals
RaptorJesus 16-Sep-18 10:42 PM
it gucci honestly you're the one doing most of the moderation actions these days anyways
i tend to trust your judgment
maybe not your trigger finger on some bans
but overall judgment
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 10:43 PM
Yeah probably. I need to rebrand myself as the nice mod
Never bans anyone (edited)
RaptorJesus 16-Sep-18 10:45 PM
Dont worry about being liked by these apes
they're fucking stupid as shit most of the time
80% of them are under 21 and think removing a thread is a war crime
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 10:45 PM
I think Gengar had the ban numbers I did, I'm mostly filling his shoes but with less shitposting
RaptorJesus 16-Sep-18 10:46 PM
No he never banned anyone
i was the one who banned everyone
Because i have no patience for stupid kids
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 10:46 PM
Really? I was looking through some of the old matrixes, let me check again
Here, no apology, but maybe I can get some people on this dead as fuck discord
RaptorJesus 16-Sep-18 10:48 PM
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 11:42 PM
@RaptorJesus Did that Japanese streamer thing ever work out btw?
RaptorJesus 16-Sep-18 11:42 PM
Work in progress i keep bouncing around between projects
Works been keeping me extremely busy so havent had a chance to sit and put a lot of hours and thought into it
Doctor Bread 16-Sep-18 11:43 PM
Ah, rip
Ocypode 17-Sep-18 05:36 AM
Well was sleeping so missed all this shit, but yeah I read all here and basically what Chanman said I'm trying to keep myself out of removing controversial sodapoppin posts because it would make me look 100% biased, that's why I also came here first with it and asked opinions that this looks like it should be removed but I'm not gonna do it, and then DocBread takes all the punches, feelsbadman
HalfOfAKebab 17-Sep-18 09:29 AM
maybe remove it and direct it to the old thread?
or is the thread too old now
Ocypode 17-Sep-18 09:45 AM
It's actually crazy how streaming gambling on twitch generates this much controversy and drama like damn
There must be something deeper behind this
ImNATT 17-Sep-18 09:45 AM
It's cause money's involved
Makes people jealous and crazy (edited)
Ocypode 17-Sep-18 09:47 AM
I mean the best explanation really is that these gambling site competitors want streamers in a bad light so they can stop using someone elses websites (edited)
It can't be anything other than that
"Oh no people create so much drama when I gamble, I'll just stop"
This seems like a scheme to make streamers stop gambling
But why
ImNATT 17-Sep-18 09:49 AM
That could be the spark that lit the fire, but jealousy is the fuel that keeps it burning. And a couple people that are genuinely concerned for dem keedz.
ChanmanVXXIII 17-Sep-18 11:12 AM
Just don't touch gambling money
Doctor Bread 17-Sep-18 12:16 PM
Now that I think about it, why aren't all non-clip submissions put in the modqueue filter? Could have avoided this entire mess. And the last one.
Not like they usually don't break the rules / aren't someone stirring the drama pot for the fuck of it
Usually drama posts that are only relegated to a clip and title are fine
HalfOfAKebab 17-Sep-18 04:03 PM
@Doctor Bread https://puu.sh/BwBYf/b76e640805.png why was this a perma?
Doctor Bread 17-Sep-18 04:04 PM
I dunno, think it was supposed to be 1 day
HalfOfAKebab 17-Sep-18 04:04 PM
yeah you told him it was 1 day
but it was perma
Doctor Bread 17-Sep-18 04:04 PM
what's his user?
HalfOfAKebab 17-Sep-18 04:04 PM
Doctor Bread 17-Sep-18 04:06 PM
Looks like he came from /r/all so w/e
HalfOfAKebab 17-Sep-18 04:06 PM
what do you mean whatever?
Doctor Bread 17-Sep-18 04:06 PM
they're unbanned but i dont think they care, lol
HalfOfAKebab 17-Sep-18 04:06 PM
they cared enough to add me as a friend on discord and dm me about it
i'll tell him he's unbanned
Doctor Bread 17-Sep-18 04:07 PM
I dunno, sent me a message saying "I don't care, I don't even browse this sub" when I thought I banned him for 1 day, lol
HalfOfAKebab 17-Sep-18 04:07 PM
Doctor Bread 17-Sep-18 04:07 PM
But please let me back in 😢
HalfOfAKebab 17-Sep-18 04:08 PM
oh well
ImNATT 17-Sep-18 05:00 PM
At this point it's just Ice viewers
Doctor Bread 17-Sep-18 05:01 PM
Lots of Ice users sending me PM's
it's always fucking ice viewers
Ocypode 17-Sep-18 05:08 PM
fucking yikes really
heres a biased opinion, I've known soda for a long time and hes always been transparent about sponsorships and selling out and how he doesn't care about money
So seeing these threads is just hilarious baiting at this point
Doctor Bread 17-Sep-18 05:09 PM
No, he forgot to put #ad in his title because he absolutely wanted to fuck over his users on Sellout Sunday
Literally hitler trying to turn little kids in to gambling addicts
Ocypode 17-Sep-18 05:10 PM
Yes, sounds exactly like him
Doctor Bread 17-Sep-18 05:10 PM
And the people posting about it only care for the safety of the keedz and definitely aren't posting with bad intentions trying to stir up drama
Ocypode 17-Sep-18 05:11 PM
yeah whatever at this point, these things die down in 1-2 days
💯 1
ChanmanVXXIII 18-Sep-18 09:11 PM
Banning the eat my ass spammer
ImNATT 18-Sep-18 09:19 PM
shouldn't have gotten reported
jammy 19-Sep-18 09:56 AM
ImNATT 19-Sep-18 10:51 AM
RaptorJesus 19-Sep-18 12:19 PM
Damn that dude was waiting for 5 months checking your account every day
and you just owned him
@jammy inv one of us as a mod for the sub with no perms so retards cant steal it
jammy 19-Sep-18 12:22 PM
sure 1s
invited some of you
RaptorJesus 19-Sep-18 12:24 PM
from HiStunt MN H to /r/TwitchFails sent 1 year ago

New to Reddit and streaming but figured I'd listen to my followers and try to get this clip on twitch fails. Love the content btw huge fan. So it'd be sooo hyped if I could make one of your guys clips. I think it's hilarious hopefully you guys do to. Appreciate you taking the time and here it is
IQ level 50
jammy 19-Sep-18 12:24 PM
7 iq
RaptorJesus 19-Sep-18 12:47 PM
lmao i have no idea
@here can i sticky a link to the discord throughout this weekend
we need more people in here
by need i mean i want more people in here
HalfOfAKebab 19-Sep-18 12:53 PM
fine by me
don't expect it to be received well though lol
whenever it's been promoted in the past people hated it
RaptorJesus 19-Sep-18 12:54 PM
Thats fine
HalfOfAKebab 19-Sep-18 12:54 PM
do we have a link for it in the sidebar? i'm guessing yes because we already have a fair few people in here
RaptorJesus 19-Sep-18 12:54 PM
yeah its on the side bar but we all know people dont read that
HalfOfAKebab 19-Sep-18 12:55 PM
clearly, cause not even i knew about it
ImNATT 19-Sep-18 01:04 PM
Sure. The comments will be shit, but that's ok.
Does somebody want to redo the redesign? The rules are outdated.
Doctor Bread 19-Sep-18 02:25 PM
On discord?
Or redo the sub rules again?
ImNATT 19-Sep-18 02:33 PM
The sub rules on new.reddit.com
Doctor Bread 19-Sep-18 02:34 PM
Oh yeah, don't all subs have two different sets of rules depending on new or old reddit? I guess I only changed the old then?
ImNATT 19-Sep-18 02:35 PM
Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. Get a constantly updating feed of breaking news, fun stories, pics, memes, and videos just for you. Passionate about something niche? Reddit has thousands of vibrant communities with people that share your interests. Alt...
Doctor Bread 19-Sep-18 02:37 PM
Oh the report reasons
I only removed one of the super old outdated ones
ImNATT 19-Sep-18 02:37 PM
Those are the same as in the sidebar on new reddit
Ocypode 19-Sep-18 02:45 PM
Theyre still at it https://i.imgur.com/whmQq6G.png
ImNATT 19-Sep-18 02:46 PM
Ocypode 19-Sep-18 03:43 PM
after that promo the discord is full of retards lol
Punk 19-Sep-18 03:44 PM
Give it like 5 hours
It'll subside
Ocypode 19-Sep-18 03:44 PM
I'll just mute the whole place for now, those pings are annoying
Jisifus 19-Sep-18 06:00 PM
Anybody know why we're getting pinged every 2 minutes
Doctor Bread 19-Sep-18 06:06 PM
Should prob disable mod pings lol
RaptorJesus 19-Sep-18 06:17 PM
k people cant ping us anymore
Doctor Bread 20-Sep-18 04:11 AM
Did the discord get broken again?
ImNATT 20-Sep-18 08:58 AM
I didin't do anything this time lol
ImNATT 20-Sep-18 09:02 AM
Preemptively ban him for evasion or let him post?
HalfOfAKebab 20-Sep-18 09:02 AM
yeah ban imo
ImNATT 20-Sep-18 09:10 AM
I've warned him not to post. I'll ban him as soon as he makes a comment.
HalfOfAKebab 20-Sep-18 09:48 AM
@everyone what's the follower requirement we have for people to be verified streamers?
ImNATT 20-Sep-18 10:33 AM
idk. sub button maybe?
Ocypode 20-Sep-18 11:02 AM
Probably partnered
Affiliate is easy to get and they have sub button too
ImNATT 20-Sep-18 03:33 PM
I'm just trying to watch a VOD
HalfOfAKebab 20-Sep-18 05:36 PM
how can i tell if someone is a twitch partner
jammy 20-Sep-18 05:43 PM
if you go to their twitch it will have a verified badge next to their username
HalfOfAKebab 20-Sep-18 05:44 PM
are all partners verified?
jammy 20-Sep-18 05:44 PM
HalfOfAKebab 20-Sep-18 05:44 PM
ok so this guy's full of shit
jammy 20-Sep-18 05:44 PM
what's his username
HalfOfAKebab 20-Sep-18 05:44 PM
jammy 20-Sep-18 05:48 PM
RaptorJesus 20-Sep-18 05:48 PM
HalfOfAKebab 20-Sep-18 05:49 PM
turns out he's got two channels
the other is partnered
getting him to link that channel to his discord though
Jisifus 20-Sep-18 06:58 PM
just wanted to say i had my last written a level exam today and gonna be more active over the next month leading up to my oral exams
RaptorJesus 20-Sep-18 07:58 PM
I got an oral exam right here for you
ChanmanVXXIII 20-Sep-18 10:49 PM
Jesus I thought his chat was just joking about his posture
Ocypode 21-Sep-18 06:27 AM
I think hes right but he shouldn't have posted on the thread
Doctor Bread 21-Sep-18 01:58 PM
@Ocypode Yeah, he did have a point but he presented it poorly
I wrote a long post on one of the old doc threads about people acting like saints judging him for cheating
Doctor Bread 21-Sep-18 02:00 PM
NSFW - I was actually inspired by this version of Arnold's story - and Funny As Hell! Caution: shocking standup by Artist Burr. Remember - Truth is the singl...
Mostly the part after 3 minutes, lol
Ocypode 22-Sep-18 09:09 AM
Doctor Bread 22-Sep-18 09:31 PM
@RaptorJesus Guess I haven't made a dent yet, lol
since it's from july
lmfao that thread is hilarious
Doctor Bread 22-Sep-18 10:13 PM
Found the worst user on LSF
Imagine last wording for over 100 comments
Punk 22-Sep-18 10:15 PM
undelete that
so I can post it on SRD
Doctor Bread 23-Sep-18 02:47 AM
The mirror bot has been broken for awhile and I haven't been able to get a hold of GGD
ImNATT 23-Sep-18 11:08 AM
>This is new behavior. Thanks for notifying me, I will investigate!

That's what he told me 9 days ago. I inquired about an update yesterday, but no answer yet.
Punk 23-Sep-18 11:47 AM
ImNATT 23-Sep-18 01:54 PM
Just got an update:
>Hey, It's a bit more complicated this time. I think they are limiting the amonut of uploads based on IP. I have a plan now though, so you can expect a fix tonight.
Doctor Bread 23-Sep-18 02:18 PM
Yeah he messaged me this morning. It's only not working for some streamers channels
Doctor Bread 23-Sep-18 03:46 PM
Jisifus 23-Sep-18 03:47 PM
ImNATT 23-Sep-18 05:53 PM
>Update is live, the bot now first posts the default mirror and then keeps on trying to upload another mirror to streamable. Upon succeeding, it will add it to the comment. This should add the streamable mirror after a few minutes to all posts.

I'll observe how well the new mechanism works over the next few days.
Doctor Bread 24-Sep-18 12:20 AM
Added a simple "he said it" post filter on line 55, if someone wants to make it more robust with regex go for it

--- # "He said it" filter.
type: submission
title (includes-word, regex): ['Hyperbruh', 'cmonBruh', 'cmonBrug']
action: filter
action_reason: '"He said it" filter.'
Doctor Bread 24-Sep-18 03:41 PM
@Jisifus How come you removed the mirror comment of the kid calling ninja a faggot?
ImNATT 24-Sep-18 04:01 PM
good question
Jisifus 24-Sep-18 04:53 PM
could you link it
Jisifus 24-Sep-18 04:54 PM
yeah i dont remember removing that lmao
oh i know i marked like 20 posts from another subreddit and bulk removed them
mustve slipped in
Doctor Bread 24-Sep-18 07:19 PM
Anyone planning to go to Twitch con? Was thinking about getting tickets
RaptorJesus 24-Sep-18 07:20 PM
I'll be around the area but i wont be going into the con
Doctor Bread 24-Sep-18 07:21 PM
Too busy?
RaptorJesus 24-Sep-18 07:22 PM
No interest
I went a few years ago and it the con itself sucks dick
Doctor Bread 24-Sep-18 07:22 PM
Ah, was looking for a vacation excuse, didn't know if it was worthwhile
RaptorJesus 24-Sep-18 07:24 PM
trust me, its not
go to PAX South in January or something
or PAX East
Doctor Bread 24-Sep-18 07:24 PM
Maybe PAX East then, lot cheaper plane ticket, lol
Ocypode 25-Sep-18 08:43 AM
Yeah it's such a tradegy when you find out your friend is gay
Punk 25-Sep-18 02:46 PM
Life comes at you fast
Doctor Bread 25-Sep-18 10:53 PM
Should we do something about all the "omg this person streamed porn / gachi on twitch for 15 minutes before they were banned" posts?
Just delete?
Doctor Bread 26-Sep-18 12:29 AM
Only since there's been a big uptick in them recently
Punk 26-Sep-18 04:01 AM
if you think they're low quality, feel free to delete them
they're not really providing anything
Punk 26-Sep-18 01:44 PM
Troll account probably
RaptorJesus 26-Sep-18 06:35 PM
LARPing 40 year old dude
RaptorJesus 27-Sep-18 12:26 PM
We've been getting a lot of DMCA requests lately
Ocypode 27-Sep-18 12:27 PM
How come
RaptorJesus 27-Sep-18 12:30 PM
Not sure
Maybe people are wising up that DMCA requests are the only way to get mirrors down
Doctor Bread 27-Sep-18 03:52 PM
@here are you guys cool with the post about the quarantine? People are gonna talk about it either way I guess
Also it makes me laugh and feel smug, lol
HalfOfAKebab 27-Sep-18 03:53 PM
about the what?
Doctor Bread 27-Sep-18 03:53 PM
Ice's sub got quarantined
HalfOfAKebab 27-Sep-18 03:53 PM
top meme
HalfOfAKebab 27-Sep-18 03:53 PM
imo it shouldn't be posted about
he's banned so
Doctor Bread 27-Sep-18 03:58 PM
It's gonna be big news, not sure if it's worth censoring, but I don't have strong feelings either way keeping it up or taking it down
ImNATT 27-Sep-18 03:58 PM
This is more about his community not the man himself. I think it can stay.
Doctor Bread 27-Sep-18 03:59 PM
That's a good point
Ocypode 27-Sep-18 04:14 PM
what does quarantined mean?
in reddit language
I know the definition
but is it like banned
Doctor Bread 27-Sep-18 04:16 PM
No, you can't find it on search, it can't show up for advertisers, you see a warning when you try and go in the sub
ImNATT 27-Sep-18 04:24 PM
8 votes and 3 comments so far on Reddit
Doctor Bread 27-Sep-18 04:25 PM
I would take it down, every post on /pol/ is about that hearing right now, lol. I'm sure all the political trolls would flock to it
Ocypode 27-Sep-18 04:29 PM
ARe the botconversation threads getting bombarded
Doctor Bread 27-Sep-18 04:32 PM
They're definitely the flavor of the day
RaptorJesus 27-Sep-18 05:22 PM
lol ices subreddit
Doctor Bread 27-Sep-18 09:57 PM
Imagine trying to argue Ice's subreddit isn't a toxic cesspit now
ImNATT 28-Sep-18 11:05 AM
Wasn't this dude permabanned?
Or do I have it confused with a 3 months ban?
Punk 28-Sep-18 01:17 PM
@Doctor Bread take a glance through that lad in general's post when you have the chance
It all seems pretty clear but I wanna make sure
Doctor Bread 28-Sep-18 02:21 PM
@Punk Doesn't seem worth starting the drama unless there are some really big names on his list. Also this formatting 🤢
Punk 28-Sep-18 02:26 PM
Fair enough
If you want, ask him to compile a larger lists of streamers rather than individual posts
Doctor Bread 28-Sep-18 02:27 PM
I mean that post might get like ~100 upvotes, but just wondering if it's worth it
Unless you wanna just show people do buy bits and subs, but I think most people know that
Punk 28-Sep-18 02:43 PM
Eh yeah
Your call idc really
Doctor Bread 28-Sep-18 03:38 PM
Doing even worse than I expected, lol
ImNATT 28-Sep-18 03:43 PM
The subreddit is getting unlocked today. Reddit admins have basically said we need to moderate much better or to stay “quarantined”, so there will be a sticky thread addressing the new rules when it’s unlocked before the survival stream starts.
@Doctor Bread
Doctor Bread 28-Sep-18 03:53 PM
3 points
ImNATT 28-Sep-18 03:53 PM
Doctor Bread 28-Sep-18 03:53 PM
Maybe once they notice who I am lol
ImNATT 28-Sep-18 03:53 PM
Guess I'll start
Doctor Bread 28-Sep-18 03:54 PM
Wonder if I should send a preemptive message to the admins
Asking if we should do anything in particular
Don't want to be next on the chopping block
ImNATT 28-Sep-18 03:55 PM
They would've hit us yesterday if we were on their list.
Doctor Bread 28-Sep-18 03:55 PM
You never know
ImNATT 28-Sep-18 03:56 PM
I doubt it. Don't make them notice us if not necessary imo.
Doctor Bread 28-Sep-18 05:49 PM
Added a new test automod rule to the bottom as a test for consistently shitty uploaders, if someone's not breaking the rules but their entire posting history is red if you look at their profile, for example (edited)
But after making it specifically for this guy, I realized he's been a mod for m60 all of this time
Ocypode 29-Sep-18 10:00 PM
@Doctor Bread whats your take on this dude, I remember that you said fishing streams are literally "fishy" and they just promote themselves and their friends https://www.reddit.com/user/mysticlve
Doctor Bread 29-Sep-18 10:22 PM
@Ocypode Dunno, he doesn't have much stream posting history
Some of that person's mods are from other channels I ended up banning (edited)
the clipper isn't a mod though (edited)
ImNATT 30-Sep-18 11:46 AM
1 vote and 0 comments so far on Reddit
Ocypode 30-Sep-18 11:55 AM
First thing I see when I open his user page is fucking shekel goblin
"huuuuge yikes"
ImNATT 30-Sep-18 11:57 AM
That's a lotta layers of irony he's on.
Doctor Bread 30-Sep-18 03:24 PM
I'm confused, all of the links on that page are dead
ImNATT 30-Sep-18 03:24 PM
weird huh
Doctor Bread 30-Sep-18 03:24 PM
What do they want removed, lol
ImNATT 30-Sep-18 03:25 PM
The stuff that's already removed apparently
No jokes about my book guis
Doctor Bread 30-Sep-18 03:33 PM
Maybe you shouldn't have called it The Big Black Cock
Punk 30-Sep-18 03:42 PM
Wait why would they want it removed
It's a book cover
I'm pretty sure you can't copyright someone looking at your book cover
ImNATT 30-Sep-18 03:45 PM
I think he read out of it. It's a book about dick jokes.
Ocypode 30-Sep-18 08:24 PM
@RaptorJesus How do we repl
RaptorJesus 30-Sep-18 08:24 PM
i'll deal with this
also @here trainwrecks just pm'd me and ocy this
for some reason
TrainwreckToday at 5:19 PM
Have a question for you guys? LSF has dumpstered on me for the last month, I don't mind it, I get it, I support LSF through hate or love, but I'm banned, everyone got what they want, and still there are posts on there that are titled in ways to create more hate and to brigade. I'm fucking banned, 2 days into it someone else posts another clip, and titles it with condescending quotes and placements of "yet" implying im contradicting myself. Is this what you guys want LSF to become
Ocypode 30-Sep-18 08:26 PM
Are you taking it to pms or reply there
RaptorJesus 30-Sep-18 08:27 PM
gonna reply there
Ocypode 30-Sep-18 08:28 PM
I wonder if he means that
Like I just checked he seems to be still banned
How did this person link something like this an hour ago
Doctor Bread 30-Sep-18 08:35 PM
@Ocypode They probably just clipped it from a vod
Ocypode 30-Sep-18 08:35 PM
Doctor Bread 30-Sep-18 08:35 PM
I removed some clips of people linking train hate stuff from like 3 months ago today
Ocypode 30-Sep-18 08:35 PM
Train just said its an old clip
hes been banned 2 days now
Doctor Bread 30-Sep-18 08:35 PM
It is. People love to do that shit
They did it the last time the sub was mad at train
Linking stuff from like a year ago
Ocypode 30-Sep-18 08:35 PM
I mean I would just remove this right now
but I dunno if @RaptorJesus wants to do something
Train is talking to us right now in PM's
Doctor Bread 30-Sep-18 08:36 PM
Didn't message me
Ocypode 30-Sep-18 08:36 PM
RaptorJesus 30-Sep-18 08:36 PM
look at the guys post history
clearly personal
Doctor Bread 30-Sep-18 08:37 PM
Probably one of Ashley's alts
Feel like we should have a "streams have to be current" rule, cause this happens a lot when anyone is getting hated on
Not really a classic clip reposting sub
Ocypode 30-Sep-18 08:41 PM
People know that when someone is getting hated on for some controversial reason it's a good way to post more stuff about him to farm karma
Doctor Bread 30-Sep-18 08:41 PM
Yep, drama stirrers
Ocypode 30-Sep-18 08:41 PM
"Oh heres the part where everyone hates Trainwrecks? I know how to get karma so easy"
Doctor Bread 30-Sep-18 08:42 PM
People do it with him, soda, mitch, reynad
Ocypode 30-Sep-18 08:42 PM
It's sad
Doctor Bread 30-Sep-18 08:45 PM
I think there should definitely be some protections against people posting old clips. I don't know a reasonable rule / guideline to kind of stop the hate rallies though
Where if someone is hated, people just watch their stream looking for more negative stuff to clip
Or out of context stuff (edited)
So many Ice_Poseidon posters in that deleted thread
How about just ban anyone who posts on /r/Ice_Poseidon
Ocypode 30-Sep-18 08:48 PM
I think during some controversial drama and hate towards a streamer we just need to keep a closer look on the dramafag pots
Doctor Bread 30-Sep-18 08:49 PM
Do you use reddit pro tools @Ocypode ?
Ocypode 30-Sep-18 08:49 PM
Doctor Bread 30-Sep-18 08:49 PM
You should download it
Ocypode 30-Sep-18 08:49 PM
I will aight
Ocypode 30-Sep-18 08:49 PM
do I need to learn to use it
Doctor Bread 30-Sep-18 08:50 PM
No it's easy, you can set it to mark people who post in certain subs, and it marks low comment karma trolls
Can set whatever subs you want
Ocypode 30-Sep-18 08:50 PM
Doctor Bread 30-Sep-18 08:50 PM
I have mine set to the usual "problem sub" posters we have
Just flag Ice_Poseidon and check out any negativity thread, lol
Ocypode 30-Sep-18 08:52 PM
Add that to the propaganda domains list?
Doctor Bread 30-Sep-18 08:52 PM
Yeah, it was originally meant to target Donald posters I think, lol
But it's just useful in general, lol
Ocypode 30-Sep-18 08:52 PM
or the deplorable part
Doctor Bread 30-Sep-18 08:52 PM
Oh the deplorable part
Propaganda is website links
Ocypode 30-Sep-18 08:52 PM
fuck it I added to both
Doctor Bread 30-Sep-18 08:53 PM
You dont need to add anything to propaganda
Add the incel subs, political subs, Ice, etc
Ocypode 30-Sep-18 08:55 PM
Gimme couple
I don't know any incel subs lol
Doctor Bread 30-Sep-18 08:55 PM
MGTOW, Braincels
I don't think redpill is a thing anymore, or they had to move, pretty sure they got banned
The_Donald, milliondollarextreme (now banned but can still mark)
Ocypode 30-Sep-18 08:56 PM
Doctor Bread 30-Sep-18 08:57 PM
Was thinking of adding some of the debate subs, or the broad politics ones
Whatever you wanna watch out for
Even if you don't use that, the sub troll / troll marking is useful
Ocypode 30-Sep-18 08:57 PM
the /pol stuff is yours
Doctor Bread 30-Sep-18 08:57 PM
Ocypode 30-Sep-18 08:57 PM
I'll just check these retarded twitch dramafags
Doctor Bread 30-Sep-18 08:58 PM
Could mark Drama / Subredditdrama if you're looking for dramafags, dunno how big a crossover there is though
I don't have em marked
Ocypode 30-Sep-18 08:59 PM
Wheres the /r/mitchels
Doctor Bread 30-Sep-18 09:00 PM
Can also mark new accounts but automod takes care of most of that
Ocypode 30-Sep-18 09:00 PM
Doctor Bread 30-Sep-18 09:18 PM
RaptorJesus 30-Sep-18 09:20 PM
got em
Doctor Bread 30-Sep-18 09:20 PM
I wonder if we should do something about the targeted harassment at streamers in situations like this, since they're being pretty heavy-handed with the sub bans and quarantines
Could target the wrong streamer and they complain to reddit admins about targeted harassment from LSF
RaptorJesus 30-Sep-18 09:22 PM
We can start thinking about it
Doctor Bread 30-Sep-18 09:22 PM
Just been thinking about stuff like that more often these days
Ocypode 30-Sep-18 09:30 PM
lmao that modmail
Doctor Bread 30-Sep-18 09:33 PM
Doctor Bread 01-Oct-18 12:40 AM
Added a Josh flair, bye bye Coral / Ocean
RaptorJesus 01-Oct-18 02:34 AM
Some kid called me the n word in csgo today
so i doxxed him
and left this on his profile on steam
HalfOfAKebab 01-Oct-18 06:25 AM
seems like an overreaction lol
what are you a fuckin nigger
RaptorJesus 01-Oct-18 01:13 PM
Ocypode 01-Oct-18 01:43 PM
Doctor Bread 01-Oct-18 02:45 PM
Finally messaged the admins about that executebondbabies guy
was too lazy up till now
ImNATT 01-Oct-18 04:15 PM
Doctor Bread 01-Oct-18 04:16 PM
Seemed pointless, but I'm not a 12 year old xQc viewer
Maybe they'd like that stuff
ImNATT 01-Oct-18 04:17 PM
I would tell him off if it's up to me.
Doctor Bread 01-Oct-18 04:17 PM
oh shit it embedded
ImNATT 01-Oct-18 04:18 PM
The Kaceytron pic I linked did too lol
Doctor Bread 01-Oct-18 04:19 PM
ImNATT 01-Oct-18 04:20 PM
Doctor Bread 01-Oct-18 04:21 PM
It doesn't look like he's monetizing it that I can see
If that makes any difference
Doctor Bread 02-Oct-18 05:15 PM
yeah we could promote that
Doctor Bread 03-Oct-18 04:49 AM
113 votes and 45 comments so far on Reddit
Ocypode 03-Oct-18 08:14 AM
Oh wow look at who posted it
ImNATT 03-Oct-18 10:45 AM
Did soda say the people on our sub are subhuman?
Punk 03-Oct-18 11:07 AM
ImNATT 03-Oct-18 11:27 AM
That's some pretty strong nazi rhetoric
RaptorJesus 03-Oct-18 02:07 PM
Reckful arrested by FBI soon lads
Punk 03-Oct-18 06:30 PM
Why lol
RaptorJesus 03-Oct-18 06:30 PM
Threatened to hire hitmen on stream to kill chatters
Punk 03-Oct-18 06:32 PM
Lol what
RaptorJesus 03-Oct-18 06:32 PM
go look at the sub
Punk 03-Oct-18 06:47 PM
Where is it
I just see the account sharing post
Oh nevermind found it
Ocypode 03-Oct-18 11:03 PM
that Nathan post
it's all smiley faces
Doctor Bread 03-Oct-18 11:08 PM
: ) (edited)
God damnit discord quit forcing your emoji on me
Doctor Bread 04-Oct-18 02:26 AM
I'm trying to sign up our team for the fundraising event but it just keeps sending me to the wrong page
@RaptorJesus Alright I got it, what should our fundraising goal be?
I guess I'll start at 5k, dunno how stingy these kids are
Will only donate to millionaire streamers
RaptorJesus 04-Oct-18 02:42 AM
Doctor Bread 04-Oct-18 02:42 AM
That low? lol
I'll go a thousand, we'll probably get like 20 bucks from someone total, lol
I've signed up for #EXTRALIFE this year to raise money for sick and injured kids at my local children's hospital. I need YOUR help to reach my fundraising goal #ForTheKids!
ah you can always change it
Doctor Bread 04-Oct-18 03:15 PM
Should Buzzfeed's IRL piece be posted on the sub?
It had like 3 minutes of Ice total but it was pretty good otherwise
RaptorJesus 04-Oct-18 03:24 PM
banned streamer
RaptorJesus 04-Oct-18 05:22 PM
@Doctor Bread why did you ban SnowBusterz
Doctor Bread 04-Oct-18 05:23 PM
was supposed to be 1 day
RaptorJesus 04-Oct-18 05:23 PM
ya dope
remember to unban tomorrow
Doctor Bread 04-Oct-18 05:23 PM
Nah I just did it now
Doctor Bread 05-Oct-18 01:44 AM
Disguised Toast gives you an indepth look on how much income Twitch Streamers, such as Ninja, Shroud, Dr Disrespect, really make. Subscribe to Disguised Toas...
It was a good video breaking down how streamers get paid
surprised it hasn't been posted yet
ImNATT 05-Oct-18 09:26 AM
Is this EmmaFromTwitters alt?
Doctor Bread 06-Oct-18 03:09 AM
@Ocypode Caught another account promoting that fishing channel Hacknet you asked about a few days ago, seems to be him (edit: it was him). I'm gonna ban the other account just to be safe (edited)
Dunno what it is with these fishing streams promoting themselves so hard
Meh, added some of the fishing channels / other channels we've had issues with to automod at the bottom. Pretty handy, didn't know it was an option.
If you notice any fucky channels just grab their twitch page url and put it in
Works <a:pepoclapG:398323285286322196>
RaptorJesus 06-Oct-18 03:50 AM
Doctor Bread 06-Oct-18 03:50 AM
@RaptorJesus I saw you pop online for a second then go back to yellow, assumed it was a bug
RaptorJesus 06-Oct-18 03:51 AM
I’m on mobile
Probably why
Doctor Bread 06-Oct-18 03:51 AM
Ah, sometimes Natt randomly pops on at 4 AM
Doctor Bread 06-Oct-18 04:23 PM
Free advertising from Newsweek
Ocypode 06-Oct-18 05:25 PM
I remember seeing this like 30mins after it was posted, I was on my phone so I couldn't remove it now I feel it has been on there for too long and its at the top
1,919 votes and 390 comments so far on Reddit
So this is just another dude instigating relevant drama and farming karma
Posting old clips n shit
Doctor Bread 06-Oct-18 05:27 PM
Well, like a 2 day old clip
Ocypode 06-Oct-18 05:27 PM
Well yeah true its not that old
But still its one of those "Lemme say how this dude should be banned too why did Trihex get banned"
People forget shit in 2 days but it's these guys that just make it worse
Doctor Bread 06-Oct-18 05:29 PM
Lots of people complaining about reckful on Trihex's ban thread as well, the complaints from removing it would probably outweight the benefits at this point (edited)
Ocypode 06-Oct-18 05:29 PM
at this point yeah
Doctor Bread 06-Oct-18 05:29 PM
Reckful has been chosen
Either he gets banned or people will keep raging
Ocypode 06-Oct-18 05:29 PM
This is exactly what we said we'll look out for more when it happened to trainwrecks
Doctor Bread 06-Oct-18 05:30 PM
I think that was a little different
Cause people were just hating on him, not because another big streamer got banned and then everyone points to another streamer who recently broke the rules and wasn't banned
Ocypode 06-Oct-18 05:31 PM
Well this is also someone who just wants to watch someone burn, doesn't matter if what the said person did was right or wrong
It's just how I see it, it was a good thread the first time couple days ago, but this time it's just beating a dead horse (Insisting suffering for a streamer)
Doctor Bread 06-Oct-18 05:32 PM
I'm not removing it, someone else can if they want
Ocypode 06-Oct-18 05:32 PM
I'm not either
thats why I mentioned now its too late
Doctor Bread 06-Oct-18 05:32 PM
I don't want the hate again lol
Ocypode 06-Oct-18 05:32 PM
but I would've when I saw it 30min after it was posted but was on my phone
And when I pressed moderate nothing happened
Doctor Bread 06-Oct-18 05:34 PM
It definitely is hate but it does have merit, dunno why Reckful got a pass
Threatening real world violence is a permaban offense everywhere on the internet (edited)
I'm sure there are a good number of other streamers who broke the rules in the past week though
@Ocypode I wonder what the merits of deleting that post and making like a pinned "Twitch Bias / ban rules" discussion thread would be
Or for a situation like this in the future
Ocypode 06-Oct-18 05:47 PM
Yeah no idea tbh
I feel like all of the threads that are made at a later date like 2 days later just to instigate drama and witchhunt for a certain streamer to get them banned is stupid.
Sure what he did was bad and he should've held accountable
But doing it 2 days later like "Hey did you guys forget already?" just because Trihex got banned for saying faggot and people are furious how it was very minor, everyone knew though that you can get banned for saying faggot, why are they surprised now
Doctor Bread 06-Oct-18 05:49 PM
The threads just get big really fast
Ocypode 06-Oct-18 05:50 PM
"My favourite streamer trihard 7 btw hehe Cx got banned for saying faggot, better find all the streamers who lately said something bad and didn't get banned and repost them for some juicy drama/karma"
Doctor Bread 06-Oct-18 05:50 PM
I might make a sticky post asking for opinions on that thread, maybe can get some reasonable discussion
Ocypode 06-Oct-18 05:51 PM
Opinions on what?
Doctor Bread 06-Oct-18 05:52 PM
Just like showing how much that thread got reported and thoughts on situations like this, I dunno
Trying to avoid us getting hate while stopping stuff like this happening
Ocypode 06-Oct-18 05:55 PM
Dunno I wouldn't ask that
Doctor Bread 06-Oct-18 05:55 PM
I think I got a good idea, or it will blow up in my face, we'll see, lol
Ocypode 06-Oct-18 05:56 PM
Doctor Bread 06-Oct-18 05:57 PM
Like I don't care if people talk about reckful's situation or the unfairness, but the karma whoring is kind of annoying
I dunno
Doctor Bread 06-Oct-18 06:35 PM
@Ocypode Didn't get downvoted
Ocypode 06-Oct-18 06:35 PM
Lemme see
that dude got gilded twice from that post too lol
Doctor Bread 06-Oct-18 06:36 PM
Yeah, problem is some people want it, but a lot don't
Also quarantine hammer for target harassment
Ocypode 06-Oct-18 06:37 PM
I think what you wrote was really good except the bottom paragraphs
Doctor Bread 06-Oct-18 06:38 PM
which one?\
Ocypode 06-Oct-18 06:38 PM
Do you guys think these situations and threads should be handled differently? Maybe in this case something like a stickied "Twitch Ban Rules / Bias Discussion" thread?

We also regularly have issues with streamers getting hate-trained, where people end up watching their streams just to look for negative clips to post on LSF, or posting extremely old negative clips of the streamers, but that's probably a separate discussion.
Doctor Bread 06-Oct-18 06:38 PM
Well I just wanted to give one idea, was the only thing I could think of, and I just wanted to mention the other thing somewhere
Ocypode 06-Oct-18 06:38 PM
But then again its good to know what people think
Doctor Bread 06-Oct-18 06:38 PM
But that's a different situation
Hopefully people will start thinking about it
Ocypode 06-Oct-18 06:39 PM
I hope to hear some proper thoughts on that though
Doctor Bread 06-Oct-18 06:39 PM
We'll see what these bonobos can come up with
Ocypode 06-Oct-18 06:40 PM
Could also hear what the seniors think
Doctor Bread 06-Oct-18 06:40 PM
I just don't wanna get quarantined, I think subs need to reel in the hate mobs these days
Ocypode 06-Oct-18 06:40 PM
yeah too many braincels in here
Doctor Bread 06-Oct-18 06:43 PM
I think stopping the karmawhoring from these situations / hate train situations is enough, still has to be livestreamFAIL, obviously
And we're like the only place people can point out streamers threatening to kill their users
HalfOfAKebab 06-Oct-18 06:43 PM
i think if it's a hot topic and there's loads of thread talking about it, there should be a containment thread
i think making a sticky just for the sake of it is a bit pointless though
Doctor Bread 06-Oct-18 06:44 PM
Like my sticky thread idea? With a less inciteful title?
I mean it's too late in this situation, but for the next time
Punk 06-Oct-18 06:44 PM
pretty much
next time just make a drama sticky as a quarantine zone
Doctor Bread 06-Oct-18 06:45 PM
That was about the only idea I could come up with. Dunno how you handle like a streamer getting hated on for a week+ straight though, not sure that's fixable
Ocypode 06-Oct-18 06:48 PM
Well yeah, I mean if theres more threads coming later that have anything to do with this reckful wants to kill his viewers we should look at it twice if to remove or not
Doctor Bread 06-Oct-18 07:01 PM
Well, the people responding seem to have completely missed the "put up a sticky thread instead" and just assume I'm talking about removing the drama situation entirely
Good start
Ocypode 06-Oct-18 07:09 PM
I think theres some good points that I can agree with
Like heres some good points except the start where he implies that reports are only done by streamers or their fans https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/9lx276/trihex_gets_banned_within_hours_for_a_slip_while/e7asisj/
3,007 votes and 482 comments so far on Reddit
Doctor Bread 06-Oct-18 07:16 PM
Yeah, some people have a good few sentences then fall apart
RaptorJesus 06-Oct-18 07:57 PM
CEO of Twitch is here
At this wedding
Doctor Bread 06-Oct-18 07:58 PM
Lol really?
Tell him free Ice Cx
RaptorJesus 06-Oct-18 09:00 PM
Reginald and DanDinh are here too
Doctor Bread 06-Oct-18 09:07 PM
Who's wedding is it?
RaptorJesus 06-Oct-18 09:22 PM
Anele here too
Doctor Bread 06-Oct-18 11:02 PM
101 votes and 19 comments so far on Reddit
Keep or take down?
seems fine and positive
Gweek made it to another birthday (edited)
RaptorJesus 07-Oct-18 12:44 AM
Sold the subreddit to Twitch sorry lads
@ChanmanVXXIII made us $300,000
Doctor Bread 07-Oct-18 12:47 AM
Doctor Bread 07-Oct-18 02:03 AM
Punk 07-Oct-18 02:03 AM
maybe I won't make it as a big streamaer
given faggot is an essential part of my vocab
Doctor Bread 07-Oct-18 02:04 AM
Look at that bot replying though
Punk 07-Oct-18 02:04 AM
oh yeah
that's funny
Doctor Bread 07-Oct-18 02:06 AM
Dunno if we wanna add faggot to the language filter, considering Ice's sub got quarantined for it
It's all over the Trihex threads, obviously
Doctor Bread 07-Oct-18 04:24 AM
Fuck I think I saw the account that's been report spamming but I refreshed and he got cleared from the mod queue
Said "mods can't touch me forsenKek" but he deleted it and it didn't get picked up by ceddit
Ah I fucking got him
Yep, reports stopped
Messaged the admins asking to look in to it, they didn't respond to my last message though
Ocypode 07-Oct-18 07:02 AM
So many edgelords coming out of their hole because of the Trihex stuff, modque is full of people just randomly saying X is a faggot
ImNATT 07-Oct-18 08:53 AM
@Doctor Bread Isn't faggot already in the language filter?
Just remove everyone being edgy.
Ocypode 07-Oct-18 08:57 AM
so whats the take? remove edgy comments and a ban or something?
ImNATT 07-Oct-18 10:25 AM
That would be my approach for the thread
HalfOfAKebab 07-Oct-18 01:58 PM
@everyone thoughts?
RaptorJesus 07-Oct-18 01:59 PM
I can go check out their discord
jammy 07-Oct-18 02:01 PM
does knightsinclair by any chance have twitch chat logs anywhere?
HalfOfAKebab 07-Oct-18 02:01 PM
i don't think so
ImNATT 07-Oct-18 02:02 PM
I don't see any evidence. Just screenshots of the posters profiles. Suspicious, but not enough.
HalfOfAKebab 07-Oct-18 02:02 PM
she's apparently not on overrustle
yeah i don't think it's enough either
jammy 07-Oct-18 02:02 PM
there's that other site that logs whoever asks for it
forgot the name
HalfOfAKebab 07-Oct-18 02:02 PM
i looked at the twitch names of the clippers of those clips those users posted
and none of them are mods in her channel
so that part can be ruled out
ImNATT 07-Oct-18 02:03 PM
Only option left is Discord then. Check that and if it comes up empty, leave it be.
HalfOfAKebab 07-Oct-18 02:03 PM
i'll check it out
i'll talk to her about it
jammy 07-Oct-18 02:06 PM
HalfOfAKebab 07-Oct-18 02:07 PM
ooh i missed that one
ImNATT 07-Oct-18 02:17 PM
Tell them to stop linking to the sub. Like we do with all streamers.
HalfOfAKebab 07-Oct-18 02:41 PM
19:15] HalfOfAKebab: livestream fail mod here, just letting you know that this sort of stuff breaks our (and reddit's) rules
[19:15] HalfOfAKebab: please don't link posts with the intention of garnering upvotes for them
[19:16] HalfOfAKebab: (if you need proof i'm a mod, just open my discord profile and you can see my reddit profile is linked)
[19:16] HalfOfAKebab: if you have any questions lemme know, also please reply when you're available just so we know you've seen this
[19:36] Knightsinclair: Yeah sure sorry, my viewers just get excited seeing me on there I'll let them know it's not allowed
[19:36] HalfOfAKebab: perfect, thanks
[19:38] Knightsinclair: Deleted the last one by one of my users
[19:39] Knightsinclair: I hope you done mind I don't delete the others because so far to scroll up
[19:39] HalfOfAKebab: yeah no problem, just make sure it doesn't happen in the future
[19:41] Knightsinclair: Sure, I'll let my followers know it's against livestreamfails rules to share that I am in livestreamfails.
[19:41] HalfOfAKebab: i'd say it's best to just avoid linking to the posts
[19:42] HalfOfAKebab: obviously it's a bit too much to say "don't talk about livestreamfail", but as long as you're not linking to the posts at all or saying like "go upvote the reddit post", there shouldn't be a problem
ImNATT 07-Oct-18 02:45 PM
HalfOfAKebab 07-Oct-18 02:46 PM
[19:43] Knightsinclair: Okay easy cool. Lol I was worried how it was going to go down.
[19:44] Knightsinclair: The last one was only because the user can't post one the subbreddit (I think they got banned) I'll let them know if they want some to post just pm then instead. :) thanks for the heads up though.
[19:45] HalfOfAKebab: "I'll let them know if they want some to post just pm then instead"
[19:45] HalfOfAKebab: what do you mean?
[19:46] Knightsinclair: He wanted someone to post it on his behalf I think?
[19:46] HalfOfAKebab: oh right
do we allow that or?
not sure how i feel about that
ImNATT 07-Oct-18 02:47 PM
I mean, we can't tell people who they are allowed to pm.
HalfOfAKebab 07-Oct-18 02:47 PM
it feels a bit weird though, because that banned dude obviously only wants to post just to promote her
otherwise he wouldn't ask people to post on his behalf
RaptorJesus 07-Oct-18 02:48 PM
I mean at the end of the day people are clipping people they watch
HalfOfAKebab 07-Oct-18 02:48 PM
though tbh as long as it's not the streamer or the mods doing it, i don't see a problem
yeah that's what i mean
RaptorJesus 07-Oct-18 02:48 PM
but we can decide if theyre just doing it to promo
or just a clip of someone they like
HalfOfAKebab 07-Oct-18 02:48 PM
alright then
Doctor Bread 07-Oct-18 03:18 PM
Report spammer is back
Hopefully the admins look in to it
Doctor Bread 07-Oct-18 04:01 PM
@ImNATT was gonna tell him to remove it or we would repost it for him
ImNATT 07-Oct-18 04:01 PM
do it
Doctor Bread 07-Oct-18 04:03 PM
This is what I'm talking about with the drama posts. I think it's fine to have, the OP's are just such morons most of the time and clickbait / do shit like that
Damn kids
He removed the discord
ImNATT 07-Oct-18 04:06 PM
might be worth keeping an eye on the discord he linked for any vote manip
Doctor Bread 07-Oct-18 04:06 PM
shiet I didn't copy the link
Do you have it?
ImNATT 07-Oct-18 04:06 PM
Doctor Bread 07-Oct-18 04:07 PM
i'll join on an alt
Oh it's Hyphonix's discord, he's in voice right now @ImNATT
I think Ice might be in there too
Yeah it's Ice
Come ask him if he wants to be unbanned
ImNATT 07-Oct-18 04:14 PM
nah im good lol
Doctor Bread 07-Oct-18 04:15 PM
@ImNATT Is it okay for him to link the discord? It is Hyponix's and Sofias and they're answering questions
It's relevant to the thread
I thought he was promoting his own or something
ImNATT 07-Oct-18 04:16 PM
If he does it with a disclaimer saying that Hyphonix is doing an AMA or something then yes. Not the autistic way he did before.
Doctor Bread 07-Oct-18 04:16 PM
Sure, I'll tell him
I'm gonna sit in there on this account and see if anyone says anything, lol. Magnaboy is a mod in here too
ImNATT 07-Oct-18 04:23 PM
I'll listen in for a while too
Doctor Bread 07-Oct-18 09:21 PM
314 votes and 137 comments so far on Reddit
streamers coming on to the sub and asking OP's to delete threads of their clips? (edited)
It's that little kid drummer
He ended up removing it when it was like 5th post on the sub
I'm gonna warn him to not influence people to remove threads, if they have illegal content he can contact us
https://mod.reddit.com/mail/all/5aabt Also one of the women who Black sexually harassased/assaulted didn't want it posted (edited)
Not sure if that makes a difference
ImNATT 08-Oct-18 08:41 AM
If that kid tells someone to delete a thread again, just put his channel in the AutoMod filter.
Doctor Bread 08-Oct-18 03:07 PM
@ImNATT Should I ask that OP of the big gross hore fest to delete the Ice clip?
<https://streamable.com/jlzla>; Also this is down below (edited)
ImNATT 08-Oct-18 03:10 PM
No. Ice isn't the focus of the clip.
Doctor Bread 08-Oct-18 03:10 PM
He seems pretty tied in to the situation, unfortunately
Also someone in modmail saying this is a witch hunt, havent looked at everything yet though
ImNATT 08-Oct-18 04:13 PM
Let them. They don't know what witch hunt even means. Witch hunt = no evidence.
Doctor Bread 08-Oct-18 04:13 PM
Yeah, seems like there's a bunch of evidence, I think the story is just getting pieced together
All this drama
ImNATT 08-Oct-18 04:14 PM
Its tiring honestly
Doctor Bread 08-Oct-18 04:14 PM
I blame runescape
Turns streamers in to rapists
HalfOfAKebab 08-Oct-18 04:34 PM
Doctor Bread 08-Oct-18 05:11 PM
Not seeing much proof on that post
ImNATT 08-Oct-18 05:41 PM
Not really
Did you watch the complete video?
Doctor Bread 08-Oct-18 05:43 PM
Yeah, she linked something below in the comments but it's still pretty weak
ImNATT 08-Oct-18 05:43 PM
Or do you mean the medium blog?
Doctor Bread 08-Oct-18 05:44 PM
whatever that blog post is
didnt look at it yet
ImNATT 08-Oct-18 05:47 PM
We need the chatlogs.
Doctor Bread 08-Oct-18 05:47 PM
this seems to be the only thing
I mean, this story has enough detail she's probably not lying, but still
ImNATT 08-Oct-18 05:53 PM
I took down her post and told her to send me some evidence.
Doctor Bread 08-Oct-18 05:54 PM
Should remove that Greek one? Slip of the tongue + Ice
Everyone calls Sam Pepper's fans Pepperfags
ImNATT 08-Oct-18 05:56 PM
I don't care really
Doctor Bread 08-Oct-18 05:56 PM
Seemed like an honest mistake + Ice, fuck it dood
Gross Gore is holding the market on drama today
Doctor Bread 08-Oct-18 07:18 PM
@HalfOfAKebab From your way earlier question, fag isn't on the world filter, maybe should be. Sometimes want to add incel and SJW to it too, especially today
HalfOfAKebab 08-Oct-18 07:19 PM
what question?
Doctor Bread 08-Oct-18 07:19 PM
oh you just asked if fag was filtered I think
HalfOfAKebab 08-Oct-18 07:21 PM
i don't remember that 🤔
Doctor Bread 08-Oct-18 07:22 PM
Oh nvm that was Natt, lol
I went pretty hard on the hammer, these constant drama posts are hard to regulate and draw a lot of trolls, if you see any you disagree with feel free to unban
Or make temporary depending on what it was
I usually check the history of rule breakers and see nothing worth keeping here though, or they are just coming in from /r/all to be shitty, or new low karma account
ImNATT 10-Oct-18 11:40 AM
>Ice has already fled the country due to him being wanted by the police now. You can't make this shit up
Ocypode 10-Oct-18 11:42 AM
wait what
ImNATT 10-Oct-18 11:44 AM
That's what GGD just told me after he met with Ice earlier in Switzerland.
Ocypode 10-Oct-18 11:44 AM
Oh right he met him irl now
ImNATT 10-Oct-18 12:43 PM
>I'm not sure. I think he's in trouble because of a mix of speeding, filming people in public and people ordering food worth 2400$ to his room
RaptorJesus 10-Oct-18 01:41 PM
yfw Ice is killed by Interpol
Ocypode 10-Oct-18 01:48 PM
Doctor Bread 12-Oct-18 05:54 AM
Does anyone here hate Ice as a person / streamer, or did we all just have problems with his community?
6 am, haven't slept btw
ImNATT 12-Oct-18 08:50 AM
You're talking to him and want him unbanned right?
I'm against unbanning Ice.
ImNATT 12-Oct-18 12:37 PM
Does anyone know a site that has virtual credit cards with 3D Secure enabled?
I can only find them without 3D Secure.
RaptorJesus 12-Oct-18 12:44 PM
We aren't unbanning Ice
HalfOfAKebab 12-Oct-18 12:58 PM
yeah i don't want him unbanned
Ocypode 12-Oct-18 12:59 PM
Me neither
Punk 12-Oct-18 01:06 PM
Idc about ice as a person his community is just garbage lul
The less they post the better
Doctor Bread 12-Oct-18 02:23 PM
Nah I haven't talked to him or anything
I was just thinking what the sub reaction would be if we said Ice could be unbanned if the sub managed to get unquarantined, lol
Doctor Bread 12-Oct-18 03:03 PM
I just couldn't sleep last night
Ocypode 12-Oct-18 03:03 PM
so you thought about ice and his community
Doctor Bread 12-Oct-18 03:09 PM
You start thinking crazy stuff when you're tired, lol
Doctor Bread 13-Oct-18 08:00 AM
If OwningToaster, Kodie28, or Crisco_ message you just block them. Streamer and his youtube editor / channel artist trying to promote his channel.
👌🏿 2
ImNATT 13-Oct-18 08:53 AM
@Doctor Bread
Doctor Bread 13-Oct-18 09:25 AM
@ImNATT He told me they are on discord together and that they are his channel artist and youtube editor, which I would say is pretty fucking biased, considering they both tried to start posting on the sub at the same time, and do nothing but post his channel
( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮
Also banned someone 3 times for trying to post his channel on the sub, then he came on here and started posting in #promotion
ImNATT 13-Oct-18 09:26 AM
Totally not obvious at all
Doctor Bread 13-Oct-18 09:27 AM
B-b-but I don't wanna get a real job, I'll be a big streamer soon
Doctor Bread 13-Oct-18 10:59 PM
Got the admins to ban that execute bond babies guy but I think it was only for 3 days
HalfOfAKebab 14-Oct-18 04:08 AM
9 votes and 1 comment so far on Reddit
Doctor Bread 14-Oct-18 04:13 AM
I dunno, might have been a mistake
I don't see anything
HalfOfAKebab 14-Oct-18 04:13 AM
he says he messaged you
Doctor Bread 14-Oct-18 04:13 AM
Did they message you? They never responded to modmail
HalfOfAKebab 14-Oct-18 04:13 AM
yee pmed me
Doctor Bread 14-Oct-18 04:14 AM
I didn't get anything, he never messaged the modmail
HalfOfAKebab 14-Oct-18 04:14 AM
i'll just unban then?
Doctor Bread 14-Oct-18 04:15 AM
Yeah I did, I can't remember why I would have
Cause that dude has 1 million followers, lol
Maybe I meant to hit a post next to his on the list and never noticed
ImNATT 14-Oct-18 09:53 AM
Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. Get a constantly updating feed of breaking news, fun stories, pics, memes, and videos just for you. Passionate about something niche? Reddit has thousands of vibrant communities with people that share your interests. Alt...
Ocypode 14-Oct-18 09:58 AM
her dad? he seemed to have a lil chubby there
ImNATT 14-Oct-18 10:14 AM
Doctor Bread 15-Oct-18 07:24 PM
@ImNATT Thanks for unbanning that guy, saw it was some low karma old account and thought it was some /pol/ troll
I don't know if I'm going soft but I was thinking of a good system for unbanning people. Was thinking like 1-2 hours every week on Friday or the weekend people could come in discord voice and ask to be unbanned. Me and Raptor even managed to chill Fearmyburst out after she sent us those thousand modmails after getting banned
RaptorJesus 16-Oct-18 01:42 AM
Doctor Bread 16-Oct-18 01:42 AM
is that a record?
Punk 16-Oct-18 01:43 AM
we deleting that?
it's pretty much just a he said it
Doctor Bread 16-Oct-18 01:43 AM
A streamer said it
HalfOfAKebab 16-Oct-18 01:43 AM
yeah i mean the reports are accurate
Doctor Bread 16-Oct-18 01:43 AM
Not a song in the background or a donator
Punk 16-Oct-18 01:43 AM
destiny didn't even say it
it was a random guy in his discord
not mr
a literal discord random
Doctor Bread 16-Oct-18 01:43 AM
oh really?
That sure sounds like him
Punk 16-Oct-18 01:43 AM
according to the comments
Doctor Bread 16-Oct-18 01:44 AM
The post is brigaded lol
Those people are damage control
HalfOfAKebab 16-Oct-18 01:44 AM
yeah no that wasn't destiny
Doctor Bread 16-Oct-18 01:44 AM
Yeah I'm pretty sure that's Mr. Mouton, the damage control is real though
Oh, reddit silver is actually a thing now
HalfOfAKebab 16-Oct-18 01:46 AM
yeah they changed a bunch of shit about gold
check r/changelog
Doctor Bread 16-Oct-18 01:46 AM
That's cool, was wondering what those new symbols were
let me wander in to the destiny discord and see if I can find a non memer to tell me if it was mouton or not
HalfOfAKebab 16-Oct-18 01:48 AM
you could watch the vod and get the context
Doctor Bread 16-Oct-18 01:49 AM
I assume since it's on streamable the VOD isn't there, he's streaming right now
Think it just happened
I dunno, I say leave it, not really a he said it post, he is a known streamer
Would be a bit of favoritism to remove it?
I don't really know Mr. Mouton aside from being Destiny's sidekick though
HalfOfAKebab 16-Oct-18 01:57 AM
is it confirmed to actually be him?
Doctor Bread 16-Oct-18 01:57 AM
Fucking 10 minute cooldown on destiny's discord, almost done
HalfOfAKebab 16-Oct-18 01:59 AM
@Doctor Bread 06:58] WeebTrap: hi can i get my account WeebTrap#6124 ? was banned like a month ago by doctor bread for literally no reason TY
Doctor Bread 16-Oct-18 02:00 AM
I think they were spamming our discord with shit when it got advertised last, can unban if you want I guess (edited)
HalfOfAKebab 16-Oct-18 02:00 AM
alright done
Doctor Bread 16-Oct-18 02:02 AM
Alright, a few people said it was in fact Mr. Mouton, but Destiny didn't say to brigade the thread or anything
Someone in his chat told people to brigade though
The streamable got it's sound removed?
How would that happen?
HalfOfAKebab 16-Oct-18 02:07 AM
i found a workaround
right click the video, click download
then go back
oh now it doesn't work
Doctor Bread 16-Oct-18 02:07 AM
Wouldn't that have to be streamable intervention?
HalfOfAKebab 16-Oct-18 02:07 AM
Doctor Bread 16-Oct-18 02:08 AM
Uhh maybe not
new title
HalfOfAKebab 16-Oct-18 02:08 AM
Doctor Bread 16-Oct-18 02:09 AM
Was this a super elaborate gnome?
HalfOfAKebab 16-Oct-18 02:09 AM
doubt it
wtf is going on
can you edit streamables?
like could the uploader mute the audio?
Doctor Bread 16-Oct-18 02:10 AM
Oh yeah you can turn sound off
Let me message the OP, thought you could just cut down the video
HalfOfAKebab 16-Oct-18 02:10 AM
the uploader got his account hacked or something?
Doctor Bread 16-Oct-18 02:10 AM
Oh man could be, let me see if I can message them
I dunno, the OP of the thread isn't responding, should it just be taken down? Unless someone posts a mirror I guess
HalfOfAKebab 16-Oct-18 02:16 AM
hmm, hard call
on one hand the video is kinda useless
on the other hand if we take it down people will throw a fit
well, i suppose people are throwing a fit either way
so yeah imo remove it
Doctor Bread 16-Oct-18 02:16 AM
All this autism
The OP of the thread said it's not his streamable, he just shared it
@here Talked to Mouton, he was asleep
And there is a female in the background of that clip and he lives alone
Also the voices aren't really close when you listen, second opinion? Got a mirror of the clip
Not even YOUR FANS - Clipped by Tons0fPuns
I think it's an imposter
He sounds super clear in any clip of them playing together you listen to
And sounded a lot clearer over discord
HalfOfAKebab 16-Oct-18 02:39 AM
they sound the same to me
could it be destiny's wife/gf/whoever she is
Doctor Bread 16-Oct-18 02:40 AM
Oh, dunno if that's bleeding through Destiny's side
The way he says "No?" at the start of the clip doesn't sound like him at all
HalfOfAKebab 16-Oct-18 02:41 AM
idk dude, it's a tough call
i'd say leave it up and let people deal with it how they will
Doctor Bread 16-Oct-18 02:41 AM
He seemed genuine to me, at the voice and quality do seem off after I talked to him
He's got a super nice mic
HalfOfAKebab 16-Oct-18 02:42 AM
even if it's not him, it's still drama-y enough to justify it staying up imo
Doctor Bread 16-Oct-18 02:42 AM
Eh, don't want a witch hunt over something untrue
HalfOfAKebab 16-Oct-18 02:42 AM
nobody is witch hunting
Doctor Bread 16-Oct-18 02:42 AM
Well if it's not him saying faggot I'd say that's a witch hunt
HalfOfAKebab 16-Oct-18 02:42 AM
we should definitely keep a close eye on the thread though
nobody is calling for any action against him though
it's just an apparently untrue claim
Doctor Bread 16-Oct-18 02:43 AM
https://clips.twitch.tv/TentativeLaconicJaguarDeIlluminati another clip to compare to, warning loud t1
MrMouton haHAA - Clipped by ArosGeo
@RaptorJesus can you give Mouton VIP / streamer role?
HalfOfAKebab 16-Oct-18 02:44 AM
they still sound the same to me
Doctor Bread 16-Oct-18 02:44 AM
Invited him here in case stuff like this happens again, lol (edited)
Or kebab if you can
HalfOfAKebab 16-Oct-18 02:44 AM
but like i said, even if it isn't him, it's still obviously worthy of discussion
what's his name and tag?
Doctor Bread 16-Oct-18 02:44 AM
he just posted in general
HalfOfAKebab 16-Oct-18 02:44 AM
Doctor Bread 16-Oct-18 02:45 AM
Might want to clean up the channels, there's way too many, lol
HalfOfAKebab 16-Oct-18 02:46 AM
yeah having to scroll is pretty shit
Doctor Bread 16-Oct-18 02:47 AM
I dunno, could slash the streamers / shitposters subcategories
no one uses them
Could just have general VIP and mod honestly
HalfOfAKebab 16-Oct-18 02:48 AM
chill chat is dead too
Doctor Bread 16-Oct-18 02:48 AM
Burn it all
I dunno, should I do anything more with that thread or just let it sit?
Add a warning that it may or may not be him?
HalfOfAKebab 16-Oct-18 02:49 AM
people are gonna see that others are saying it's not him if they enter the comments
so a stickied comment there would be redundant
maybe a flair?
Doctor Bread 16-Oct-18 02:50 AM
What would the flair be?
HalfOfAKebab 16-Oct-18 02:50 AM
"May not be Mouton" or something
Doctor Bread 16-Oct-18 02:50 AM
Could be impersonator
HalfOfAKebab 16-Oct-18 02:51 AM
Doctor Bread 16-Oct-18 02:51 AM
"This may or may not be Mr. Mouton, it may be someone impersonating him on Discord. The mods are divided as to if it sounds like him or not compared to other clips. Please do not incite people to action or call for a witch-hunt. "
I dunno
HalfOfAKebab 16-Oct-18 02:52 AM
if you're gonna comment that, say something about that we're leaving it up just because we don't think it's our place to decide whether or not it's him
Doctor Bread 16-Oct-18 02:52 AM
I guess that's fair
Doctor Bread 17-Oct-18 04:02 AM
51 votes and 26 comments so far on Reddit
Whenever someone wakes up probably wanna look in on this thread, going to sleep soon
ImNATT 17-Oct-18 09:52 AM
Finally someone who puts these THOTS in their place!!!! (edited)
RaptorJesus 17-Oct-18 01:40 PM
CSGO players are something else lmao
Ocypode 17-Oct-18 04:25 PM
so every single "X is banned" thread just becomes "why didn't this guy get banned he did much worse than X"
And its getting really annoying imo atleast
RaptorJesus 17-Oct-18 06:56 PM
Its always been that way
Doctor Bread 18-Oct-18 02:50 AM
ImNATT 18-Oct-18 10:38 AM
Congratulations. Our verbal diarrhea has earned us 1000 followers.
RaptorJesus 18-Oct-18 12:20 PM
Doctor Bread 19-Oct-18 02:14 AM
How long till tourettes girl gets run in to the ground, or does she have some immunity because she's attractive?
RaptorJesus 19-Oct-18 02:27 AM
tips fedora yes, that roastie is getting away with saying naughty words on twitch, i cant believe male streamers cannot say bitch lasagna
Doctor Bread 19-Oct-18 02:28 AM
Someone wrote in saying that people clipping her tics were absolute scum and should only watch milady for her gaming content
Doctor Bread 19-Oct-18 06:19 AM
Man her threads are really drawing out the -100 karma troll accounts though. For gender and tourettes.
Doctor Bread 19-Oct-18 03:44 PM
Ocypode 19-Oct-18 04:34 PM
Actually a good appeal
Doctor Bread 19-Oct-18 07:58 PM
@Jisifus @Ocypode Happy 6 months anniversary
Ocypode 19-Oct-18 07:58 PM
That long already
RaptorJesus 19-Oct-18 08:00 PM
Feels like a longer time actually
Doctor Bread 19-Oct-18 09:28 PM
@RaptorJesus Can you give Anita VIP/Streamer role? That's the tourettes streamer
Jisifus 19-Oct-18 10:27 PM
Sorry for being so passive
Just failed like a third of my a-levels so I got a few months of free time until I can try again
Which means my conscription got pushed back 2 months
Doctor Bread 20-Oct-18 12:22 AM
Everyone calling for this to be deleted? I don't understand
Not like erobb did something wrong
Pretty scary, most people don't know what to do during a seizure, not much you can do other than stabilize though (edited)
I'm just gonna clean up the thread, can't see a reason to remove it
ImNATT 20-Oct-18 03:32 AM
There is no reason to remove it. We didn't even remove the shooting thread.
Sheltered idiots.
Doctor Bread 20-Oct-18 04:48 AM
Shame is got brigaded and died on new, it was pretty interesting
Time to repost it for karma
Told the OP he could repost it since it got brigaded to shit. Managed to climb from 15% upvoted to 47% though
ImNATT 20-Oct-18 05:55 AM
ImNATT 20-Oct-18 07:37 AM
Some retard keeps reporting the entire frontpage.
ImNATT 20-Oct-18 03:07 PM
Soda evacuated due to floods?
Ocypode 20-Oct-18 03:14 PM
Haven't been up to date with his stuff lately that much but all I know is that he actually wanted to move to a new place and I think he finally did, flood thing might be just a troll
Where did you even hear that?
ImNATT 20-Oct-18 03:39 PM
Someone who was watching Russell's stream said he let it slip.
Ocypode 20-Oct-18 03:42 PM
Doctor Bread 20-Oct-18 04:58 PM
There we go
The OP said Erobb's mods in his discord were telling everyone to downvote the first post
Ocypode 20-Oct-18 07:44 PM
Not again
Doctor Bread 20-Oct-18 07:45 PM
Doctor Bread 21-Oct-18 07:02 PM
@Punk Apparently your flair is causing a lot of CPU load for people who browse the sub https://mod.reddit.com/mail/all/5fgin
I tested it myself and it turned out to be true
I guess gif flairs are a bad idea (edited)
Find a Doki Doki discord emote and I'll put that as your flair, lol
RaptorJesus 21-Oct-18 07:13 PM
@Punk owned
Doctor Bread 21-Oct-18 07:16 PM
That's pretty weird though. Wonder if it's an issue with it being a gif or just the sub style coding.
Punk 21-Oct-18 08:13 PM
How bizarre
ImNATT 22-Oct-18 04:38 AM
Just get a better PC lol
Doctor Bread 23-Oct-18 03:07 PM
Kotaku wants an interview
Nathan Grayson's profile on Kinja
Looks like he writes good articles, I'll tell him he can come on here and talk with us if he wants, don't think any of you are going to twitchcon
ImNATT 23-Oct-18 03:15 PM
Doctor Bread 23-Oct-18 03:15 PM
@ImNATT Your adoring fans want to hear from you
RaptorJesus 23-Oct-18 03:29 PM
Let me handle this
I dont want any of you retards fucking this up no offense, Grayson is a piece of shit
One verbal slip
and the headline will be
also i'll be at TwitchCon @Doctor Bread
Doctor Bread 23-Oct-18 03:31 PM
You said you weren't going
Is he a piece of shit? His articles looked fine
Not like that one chick who was trying to write SJW articles
RaptorJesus 23-Oct-18 03:33 PM
Wait i think im mixing him up with another kotaku writer
that literally only writes about "harassment"
let me check
also yeah i live in the city where twitchcon is happening
so i'll be around
Doctor Bread 23-Oct-18 03:34 PM
well if you wanna talk to him in person let him know
Different writer
RaptorJesus 23-Oct-18 03:36 PM
Yeah just responded
Doctor Bread 23-Oct-18 03:37 PM
>implying you do anything mod-related
Just here to cash the twitch cheques (edited)
RaptorJesus 23-Oct-18 03:39 PM
One day i'll get my mod tick up again
I still gotta be like, 3rd or 4th place in terms of actions
I just cant watch clips at work so its hard to do queue stuff from here
ImNATT 23-Oct-18 03:49 PM
I can't fuck up with SJWs my identity protects me.
I'm literally the son of a Muslim refugee
RaptorJesus 23-Oct-18 03:56 PM
and Milo Yanopolis is a gay jew
I'll wear my new Lucky suit to look extra swag
I got this jacket last week
Find ace essential suit jacket and more at Lucky Brand. Shop now and receive free shipping on orders over $75.
and this one
Find ace rider suit jacket and more at Lucky Brand. Shop now and receive free shipping on orders over $75.
Ocypode 23-Oct-18 04:48 PM
Need a pic for proof
RaptorJesus 23-Oct-18 05:00 PM
Right needs to be tailored
its too big
but the left one fits fine
Ocypode 23-Oct-18 05:03 PM
Still no proof that it's yours, can't see it on you, you said extra swag I expect extra swag
Doctor Bread 23-Oct-18 05:04 PM
@RaptorJesus nathan responded, wanted to set up meeting spot
ImNATT 23-Oct-18 05:22 PM
@RaptorJesus They don't make furniture like that anymore
Doctor Bread 23-Oct-18 05:24 PM
cool, think that just got added
RaptorJesus 23-Oct-18 05:26 PM
I’ll take a pic with our buddy Saturday
Doctor Bread 23-Oct-18 05:26 PM
Didn't realize how close twitchcon was
ImNATT 23-Oct-18 05:28 PM
@Doctor Bread https://www.reddit.com/r/redesign/comments/9qryrq/102318_weekly_release_notes_modmail_search_is/
>Mod hub: We’re working to make mod tools easier to find and access all in one place! A new mod hub is coming, which will consolidate most mod tools to one spot. Stay tuned for more updates soon!

Sounds interesting.
Doctor Bread 23-Oct-18 05:29 PM
So like, everything mod toolbox does but supported by reddit?
ImNATT 23-Oct-18 05:29 PM
That's what I get out of that little sentence as well.
Doctor Bread 23-Oct-18 05:29 PM
Mod toolbox is good but I constantly get the "you have to wait" shit
ImNATT 23-Oct-18 05:30 PM
I have never encountered that.
Do you use the bulk actions?
Doctor Bread 23-Oct-18 05:30 PM
I tried reinstalling but it still happens
ImNATT 23-Oct-18 05:30 PM
Maybe that's why. I never do.
@RaptorJesus Maybe that interview will get the Twitter account verified.
RaptorJesus 23-Oct-18 05:40 PM
Ocypode 23-Oct-18 05:41 PM
LiveFails will be the best place theres no mod bias and twitch doesnt pay them, /r/LSF will be dead within a month
Doctor Bread 23-Oct-18 05:42 PM
It's always at 56, I think those are bots mostly
Ocypode 23-Oct-18 05:43 PM
well obviously if they had to have alt accounts spam posting clips
tbh the way it went was more like they were dead within a month
Ocypode 23-Oct-18 08:02 PM
Why isn't she banned? https://i.imgur.com/tgyn3R5.png
ImNATT 23-Oct-18 08:49 PM
Because you only temp banned her at the time.
Ocypode 23-Oct-18 08:58 PM
Ah right
I thought she was permad before that though
Doctor Bread 23-Oct-18 09:06 PM
on one of her 50 other accounts
ImNATT 24-Oct-18 03:09 PM
@jammy Can you add Josh to your Flair bot? He's new.
Doctor Bread 25-Oct-18 01:04 AM
@ImNATT I'll add it
Wait, I already did before you asked
Are you seeing ones not getting flaired?
ImNATT 25-Oct-18 09:23 AM
ImNATT 25-Oct-18 11:31 AM
ImNATT 25-Oct-18 12:09 PM
@pokimanelol people thought you looked bad without makeup and cared more about that than your personality, so you took pictures looking good without makeup?

and we’re all pretending this addresses the problem?

someone kill me already
Reckful going full throttle
Ocypode 25-Oct-18 12:30 PM
Hes in his manic phase again it seems
RaptorJesus 25-Oct-18 12:42 PM
Reckful is the key example of someone whos actually really stupid getting rich and then thinking they're the authority on everyone else
Ocypode 25-Oct-18 12:48 PM
Sometimes I agree with him but he lacks the situational awareness in social situations
ImNATT 25-Oct-18 04:31 PM
80 points and 28 comments so far on reddit
Is she serious?
Doctor Bread 25-Oct-18 05:44 PM
@ImNATT Gotta help these incels find love
"imagine sending a nude to someone and they reply with poggers"
Doctor Bread 25-Oct-18 08:15 PM
So for picture flairs, do you just add an image to the flair sheet as a png, find the top-left coordinate and resolution size, and then add it in here?
I guess that's pretty easy
ImNATT 26-Oct-18 11:34 PM
Since when do we approve paywalled copyrighted content?
Might as well upload the Avengers Movie...
Doctor Bread 26-Oct-18 11:39 PM
It already had like 2k upvotes when I got on my computer
ImNATT 26-Oct-18 11:39 PM
So if they upload something illegal, enough upvotes turn it legal?
Doctor Bread 26-Oct-18 11:40 PM
I dunno, was already approved so I didn't really look at it
ImNATT 26-Oct-18 11:41 PM
I know. Approved by Raptor which is kinda disappointing.
Doctor Bread 26-Oct-18 11:42 PM
I didn't think about copyright though tbh
Doctor Bread 27-Oct-18 03:30 AM
@RaptorJesus he wanted to meet at 11 AM
RaptorJesus 27-Oct-18 03:30 AM
Got anything you guys wanna add or want me to mention
Doctor Bread 27-Oct-18 03:33 AM
Tell him we're looking to officially partner with Twitch
Ocypode 27-Oct-18 08:20 AM
what copyright content was there?
ImNATT 27-Oct-18 08:44 AM
Amouranth's 100$ Patreon tier
With 3,2k upvotes
@Doctor Bread
Ocypode 27-Oct-18 08:48 AM
patreon tier wtf lol
Was it a squeezer tho
ImNATT 27-Oct-18 08:50 AM
You see more nudity if you turn off your adblock
3,292 votes and 676 comments so far on Reddit
Our mirror still works
Ocypode 27-Oct-18 09:05 AM
Not a thot btw
Doctor Bread 27-Oct-18 01:10 PM
@ImNATT he was an actual incel making dumb comments on any thread with a female in it (edited)
Also hogging the amouranth clip all to yourself
RaptorJesus 27-Oct-18 03:29 PM
Interview went well
Doctor Bread 27-Oct-18 03:31 PM
What did he ask about?
ImNATT 27-Oct-18 03:39 PM
I'd like to know too.
RaptorJesus 27-Oct-18 03:54 PM
He asked about how the subreddit started, when it started to get big, the challenges of moderating the subreddit regarding: ice and cx, political comments or posts and self promotion, asked about if we thought streamers grew because of the subreddit and asked about the difficulties of moderating with so much cross over from ice and the donald as well as other shitty subs, asked about clips that perpetuate drama and when streamers mention us
asked about what rules we tend to enforce more or less over the years
also asked about how we balance peoples comments on "twitch thots" and what crosses into harassment and the new rule of not being a detrement
@Doctor Bread i say the not being a determent rule has helped with that interview immensely lmao
I fell back on that multiple times
Doctor Bread 27-Oct-18 03:57 PM
Seems like he did his homework on the sub, so that's cool
RaptorJesus 27-Oct-18 03:57 PM
He is an avid viewer apparently
Doctor Bread 27-Oct-18 03:57 PM
Blanket rules that can be selectively enforced
RaptorJesus 27-Oct-18 03:58 PM
of our subreddit
Apparently almost everyone in games journalism checks us out every day (edited)
Seemed like a nice dude and very receptive to my answers
Doctor Bread 27-Oct-18 03:58 PM
Is he gonna write an article or was it videotaped?
RaptorJesus 27-Oct-18 03:59 PM
Doctor Bread 27-Oct-18 04:02 PM
Didn't know we got a bunch of journalist traffic
RaptorJesus 27-Oct-18 04:03 PM
Apparently they all use it as a place to see whats going on on twitch (edited)
which makes sense
Doctor Bread 27-Oct-18 04:03 PM
I hope they don't read the comments lol
RaptorJesus 27-Oct-18 04:03 PM
They do
Which is why I think i was asked those questions
about our moderation style
and what we deem as too far, how we handle people from other subs
Jisifus 27-Oct-18 04:03 PM
Doctor Bread 27-Oct-18 04:04 PM
I hope you told him ban all Cxfags and TDfags
RaptorJesus 27-Oct-18 04:13 PM
Good interview though i hope i did ya'll proud when it comes out
ImNATT 27-Oct-18 04:30 PM
Did he give an ETA for the article?
Ocypode 27-Oct-18 04:38 PM
Nice work raptor cant wait to read it
RaptorJesus 27-Oct-18 04:53 PM
Not too sure
I would say probably less than a week
Doctor Bread 27-Oct-18 05:13 PM
Those streamables are like 15 minutes each, I'm not watching all that shit to see where he says he groomed some kid
RaptorJesus 27-Oct-18 05:14 PM
>new account
>long vods
Doctor Bread 27-Oct-18 05:14 PM
Yeah, maybe if it was presented better
Also "Dont let this disgusting behavior go unpunished!" No agenda here, lol
@RaptorJesus the OP of that thread is in the discord now, lol
RaptorJesus 27-Oct-18 05:33 PM
Oh god
Doctor Bread 27-Oct-18 05:35 PM
I'm talking to him
Jesus, mentally ill andy
ImNATT 28-Oct-18 05:22 AM
Andy's mod linking LSF threads in live chat (edited)
TruthMessenger is the mod
Permabanned him and told him he's so close to getting his streamer banned.
Twitch.tv chat logs.
Just control+F LivestreamFail
Doctor Bread 28-Oct-18 05:56 AM
Jisifus 28-Oct-18 05:56 AM
Doctor Bread 28-Oct-18 05:57 AM
I'll message andy, he might handle him
Doctor Bread 28-Oct-18 06:00 AM
K, messaged Andy in case he wants to handle him, probably doesn't approve of his mods doing shit like that.
HalfOfAKebab 28-Oct-18 11:38 AM
whoever wrote these needs to consider learning regex lmao
ImNATT 28-Oct-18 11:48 AM
nah, I'm good
HalfOfAKebab 28-Oct-18 11:48 AM
it's really easy tbh
it looks super complicated
it's easy to write but hard to read
i wrote that huge fuck off nigger filter
i didn't copy that from anywhere
((s[a4]nd)?k?n[il1]gg?g?([e3][e3]?r|l[e3]t(te?)?)|sc?h[il1]t[- ]?sk[i1]n(n[e3]d)?|ch[il1y]nc?k|[dk]h?[yil1]k[e3]|g[o0](llyw[o0]g|[o0]k)) this cunt
ImNATT 28-Oct-18 11:49 AM
Is there documentation?
HalfOfAKebab 28-Oct-18 11:49 AM
you don't really need documentation
i use pythex.org
it has a cheatsheet and lets you test it in realtime
lets you know of any errors and whatnot
makes it even easier
ImNATT 28-Oct-18 11:50 AM
that seems indeed easier. I've just been doing trial and error in a test sub till it works.
HalfOfAKebab 28-Oct-18 11:51 AM
that sounds painful
ImNATT 28-Oct-18 11:51 AM
yeah, but once you figure it out you don't forget it
HalfOfAKebab 28-Oct-18 11:51 AM
Doctor Bread 29-Oct-18 04:26 AM
I noticed an uptick in CJayRide posts on the sub, and checked out their disc, one of the mods has been encouraging people to post his clips to LSF
He knows mods can't post but he talks about posting him on LSF a lot. Dunno if anything worthwhile or action-worthy but just wanted to share
RaptorJesus 29-Oct-18 12:28 PM
If you get a chance tell them to cut it out or we’ll ban their content
ImNATT 29-Oct-18 06:18 PM
>The guy is really fragile I don’t want him to kill him self or anything just want him to fuck off
That sounds healthy
Ocypode 29-Oct-18 06:55 PM
thats gonna be a yikes from me dawg
Doctor Bread 29-Oct-18 06:56 PM
I think that's fair of her, lol
RaptorJesus 29-Oct-18 06:58 PM
Looks like the first twitchcon article from nathan has gone up but its not about us
Doctor Bread 29-Oct-18 07:02 PM
I removed it just in case
Or I guess we did at the same time, lol
Could be the person harassing her and he saw the clip
ImNATT 29-Oct-18 07:02 PM
Yeah, same thought.
Doctor Bread 29-Oct-18 07:13 PM
Twitch is quick on the trigger to ban people for saying no-no words but they won't take action against stalkers, rapists, actual criminal behavior
ImNATT 29-Oct-18 07:13 PM
Those are legal matters
Doctor Bread 29-Oct-18 07:14 PM
They don't have to wait for the legal system to play out to remove someone from the platform though
ImNATT 29-Oct-18 07:14 PM
But it's in their best interest to do so. Too easy to be abused otherwise.
Doctor Bread 29-Oct-18 07:17 PM
It definitely looks bad letting Black come to Twitch-con though, for example. I don't know how that's not worse optics than banning him
And not even as an indictment of guilt, just a "we don't want you on our platform because your image is pretty bad right now," I think Netflix dropped Kevin Spacey immediately when his stuff started coming out, lol
Just like fuck that, peace homie
Yeah, assumed they had some "we can ban you at any time for any reason" clause in their ToS
ImNATT 29-Oct-18 09:24 PM
REAL (edited)
Doctor Bread 29-Oct-18 09:28 PM
443 votes and 135 comments so far on Reddit
Ended up having to find out his personal information and emailed his mother showing what her what her son does on the internet.
ImNATT 29-Oct-18 09:31 PM
Doctor Bread 29-Oct-18 09:31 PM
Reminds me of when Destiny doxxed that kid harassing him in Starcraft and told his parents (edited)
Sometimes I think that's the best way to get results in situations like these
Ocypode 30-Oct-18 03:17 PM
I'm cleaning it atm
Doctor Bread 30-Oct-18 03:29 PM
Im up now
wow, that's the girl that got harassed? why lol
cause she made a cup size joke
@Ocypode Ah nice, I was planning to ban that HawkSYN guy for awhile
Literally 60 IQ retard
Ocypode 30-Oct-18 03:41 PM
Ice poseidon btw
Doctor Bread 30-Oct-18 03:43 PM
@Ocypode was checking someone's history https://www.reddit.com/user/disposablecontact
Look at the pinned post 👀
Like - Beastiality
what the fuck man lol
Ocypode 30-Oct-18 03:52 PM
yikes wtf man
Jisifus 30-Oct-18 03:52 PM
what the fuck am i reading
Ocypode 30-Oct-18 03:53 PM
If LSF mods made one I think sadism would be at the top
Jisifus 30-Oct-18 03:53 PM
aggressor: yes
target: no
how the fuck is blackmail a kink
borderline felonylist
large cocks: not entered <a:pepearms:420729953412186112>
Ocypode 30-Oct-18 03:55 PM
Jisifus 30-Oct-18 03:55 PM
kidnapping, aggressor: maybe <a:monkasspin:448257056189841420> <a:monkasspin:448257056189841420>
furry: no, no
all good boys
Doctor Bread 30-Oct-18 11:22 PM
I checked out the site and it's not monetized (yet)
Think it kind of crosses the line from just being a fun thing like the image roullette
Also didn't message us first asking
RaptorJesus 30-Oct-18 11:26 PM
Yeah nah
Fuck that
Doctor Bread 30-Oct-18 11:27 PM
Site looks nice but looks like he's trying to start a business off it
Doctor Bread 01-Nov-18 05:09 AM
That report spammer sure is dedicated, reported like 150 posts
And then I approved them all with 1 button 🤷
Ocypode 01-Nov-18 08:26 AM
ImNATT 01-Nov-18 10:21 AM
Didn't you report him to the admins some time ago?
Seems like nothing much came of it
ImNATT 01-Nov-18 03:14 PM
Doctor Bread 01-Nov-18 03:56 PM
Ocypode 01-Nov-18 04:04 PM
fucking nazi mod kys m8
paid by twitch i assume
Doctor Bread 01-Nov-18 04:26 PM
@ImNATT @Ocypode top post on LSF is by one of KnightSinclair's mods
Again >.>
Ocypode 01-Nov-18 04:27 PM
Not again
I was kinda expecting when I saw her post
like yeah its funny and great production quality etc
but I thought "is this a mod again"
Doctor Bread 01-Nov-18 04:28 PM
Her posts are almost always by her mods, which is a shame
Ocypode 01-Nov-18 04:28 PM
didn't we give a warning already
Doctor Bread 01-Nov-18 04:28 PM
Yeah, I think someone went on her discord
ImNATT 01-Nov-18 04:28 PM
Go through her modlist and ban all of them
Doctor Bread 01-Nov-18 04:28 PM
Kind of depends if they have reddit accounts
Ocypode 01-Nov-18 04:28 PM
I mean yeah if its a mod they deserve a ban
But if we wanna ban her content we gotta give 1 more warning imo
Doctor Bread 01-Nov-18 04:29 PM
Ocypode 01-Nov-18 04:29 PM
and tell her that her mods keep doing it
ImNATT 01-Nov-18 04:29 PM
everyone except russell
Doctor Bread 01-Nov-18 04:29 PM
Remove the clip or just leave it up?
ImNATT 01-Nov-18 04:29 PM
leave it
Ocypode 01-Nov-18 04:29 PM
Nah ban russell too
Doctor Bread 01-Nov-18 04:30 PM
did anyone report it for self promo?
ImNATT 01-Nov-18 04:30 PM
Doctor Bread 01-Nov-18 04:30 PM
One smart person did, lol
Ocypode 01-Nov-18 04:33 PM
yeah I think one did
that also made me suspicious
Doctor Bread 01-Nov-18 04:34 PM
I only found 2 other accounts that had the same names as her mod list
Hmmm, should go to her Discord and tell her?
Ocypode 01-Nov-18 04:34 PM
was it confirmed it was posted by one of his mods
Doctor Bread 01-Nov-18 04:36 PM
I kind of want to remove the post, maybe I'm just in a drama mood
Just feels inconsistent
fug it dood
@ImNATT What should I say to her on Discord?
@Ocypode Imagine playing elemental shaman and having your guild carry you through raids
Ocypode 01-Nov-18 04:44 PM
I'm carrying this guild tho
4 total rank 1 parses and orange parses on mythic
Doctor Bread 01-Nov-18 04:46 PM
Ocypode 01-Nov-18 04:46 PM
is that normal
Doctor Bread 01-Nov-18 04:46 PM
no lol
Ocypode 01-Nov-18 04:49 PM
ImNATT 01-Nov-18 04:50 PM
@Doctor Bread That her mods should read our rules.
Ocypode 01-Nov-18 04:51 PM
Probably even that if it keeps happening we're gonna have to ban his content
Doctor Bread 01-Nov-18 04:51 PM
Remember which mod / mods it was the last times?
ImNATT 01-Nov-18 04:52 PM
Pinned a message.
I pinned something. Read from there.
Doctor Bread 01-Nov-18 04:58 PM
Demon, RufflesTheMyth, nubbin14 seem to be the ones who were involved
@ImNATT Nova should have known, ban her channel
ImNATT 01-Nov-18 05:01 PM
Ask her whats up first
Doctor Bread 01-Nov-18 05:01 PM
Yeah I am
ah fuck she got offline
Maybe I'll just message that mod directly
ImNATT 01-Nov-18 05:02 PM
He's getting banned regardless
What's her Discord? @Doctor Bread
Doctor Bread 01-Nov-18 05:06 PM
Oh she got back on, I had something written to the mod who posted it though
Maybe we can talk to her together though
Alright, I asked her
@ImNATT added you to DM
Alright, hopefully that's squashed
ImNATT 01-Nov-18 05:24 PM
Should be if the talks to them.
Both her top white knights are banned now so it should be squashed either way
Doctor Bread 01-Nov-18 05:27 PM
I must promote milady
RaptorJesus 02-Nov-18 12:36 AM
Is our hitpiece out yet
Doctor Bread 02-Nov-18 12:38 AM
dont think so
RaptorJesus 02-Nov-18 12:57 PM
ez <a:Clap:481573729118191656>
Doctor Bread 02-Nov-18 07:14 PM
Did she ever get banned? Didn't see her on the list
RaptorJesus 03-Nov-18 02:38 AM
is toolbox broken for anyone else?
my bottom bar disappeared
Doctor Bread 03-Nov-18 02:59 AM
It's like that on my chromebook but not my PC
ImNATT 03-Nov-18 09:18 AM
Did someone ban her after I asked? I went offline and couldn't do it myself. I can do it now though.
Ocypode 03-Nov-18 09:23 AM
Didn't do it because you said "can I ban her" so I thought you'd just do it instantly after
Doctor Bread 03-Nov-18 02:06 PM
I dunno, that was most of his comments, thought he was insane
Doctor Bread 03-Nov-18 08:21 PM
@here How harsh are you guys on antisemetic stuff? It seems people are a lot more brave to throw stuff around than like, pointing out black stereotypes for example
RaptorJesus 03-Nov-18 08:22 PM
I instaban people typically
Doctor Bread 03-Nov-18 08:22 PM
2,653 votes and 656 comments so far on Reddit
I try to equate it to if someone was like "Have you met black people before? They're thieves" which I would ban someone for
RaptorJesus 03-Nov-18 08:22 PM
I wouldnt perma for that personally
i ban all the
"oy vey goyim know" shit
Doctor Bread 03-Nov-18 08:23 PM
RaptorJesus 03-Nov-18 08:23 PM
yeah and that
Doctor Bread 03-Nov-18 08:24 PM
@RaptorJesus For that person in particularly they've been a shitty troll on the subreddit for awhile now, so probably a bad example
RaptorJesus 03-Nov-18 08:24 PM
Yeah i mean take it as it comes honestly
RaptorJesus 03-Nov-18 08:26 PM
ez ban
Doctor Bread 03-Nov-18 08:26 PM
I dunno, I just have a weird disconnect in my head I guess
My wife is jewish so you think I'd be super hardline about it, lol
RaptorJesus 03-Nov-18 08:26 PM
The thing is people have normalized antisemitism on the internet
shouldnt be though
Doctor Bread 03-Nov-18 08:26 PM
Yeah, we were just talking about that
RaptorJesus 03-Nov-18 08:26 PM
deal with it as any other types of racism
and nuke the shitheads out of the subreddit
Doctor Bread 03-Nov-18 08:27 PM
It's usually not people worth keeping on the subreddit saying stuff like that, which is nice
my wife was just pointing out the normalization though
Ocypode 03-Nov-18 08:27 PM
Oh maybe I'll finally get some bans under my name then
Doctor Bread 03-Nov-18 08:27 PM
Ocypode 03-Nov-18 08:27 PM
I thought we don't ban stuff like that
But now it seems like it's close to almost same rules as twitch chat
Doctor Bread 03-Nov-18 08:28 PM
What do you mean?
Ocypode 03-Nov-18 08:29 PM
I mean I was never really told how to do this stuff, and I only know banning in twitch chat, so I assumed reddit is not that harsh (which it really isn't, like if someone says a bad word in a good context)
dunno if I explained it well enough
Doctor Bread 03-Nov-18 08:30 PM
It seems weird that you would moderate twitch more heavily, considering how impermanent chat is there
This stuff all sits on the subreddit for people to see
RaptorJesus 03-Nov-18 08:30 PM
I think i get what you're saying, but yeah i think everyone has their own moderation style im more strict when it comes to racist shit personaly
Doctor Bread 03-Nov-18 08:30 PM
Also we are beholden to reddit's rules, don't wanna get quarantined for promoting antisemitism
RaptorJesus 03-Nov-18 08:30 PM
but there is no defined moderation action that should be taken on certain comments
unless its slurs
then ban/remove automatically
Ocypode 03-Nov-18 08:30 PM
Also even though I have the power to do it I sometimes feel like I have to explain my actions which makes me do those actions less
RaptorJesus 03-Nov-18 08:30 PM
that goes for everyone
I fixed my toolbox btw
Doctor Bread 03-Nov-18 08:31 PM
They're porting over toolbox to native reddit hopefully
Ocypode 03-Nov-18 08:31 PM
Do you usually just perma shit like that or give them a 30 day or something
Doctor Bread 03-Nov-18 08:32 PM
See here's the thing, people who say shithead things on the sub are generally shitheads all of the time
Ocypode 03-Nov-18 08:32 PM
Doctor Bread 03-Nov-18 08:32 PM
There's a pretty clear line between people worth having on the sub and not worth having
To me at least
Ocypode 03-Nov-18 08:32 PM
But having to deal with modmail and "please can I get unban" is annoying and normally I just ignore all that shit when I get PM's about that topic
Doctor Bread 03-Nov-18 08:32 PM
Just mute them
Ocypode 03-Nov-18 08:33 PM
well tbh I rarely read modmail
Doctor Bread 03-Nov-18 08:33 PM
Unless they raise a reasonable point or apologize, depending on what it was
Ocypode 03-Nov-18 08:33 PM
not used to it
Doctor Bread 03-Nov-18 08:33 PM
I hate seeing the little green shield on my screen, lol
But like people I ban are usually:

1. Constantly being shitty on the subreddit
2. Stopping in from /r/all on a popular thread just to say some dumb shit
3. A brand new account off to a really bad start, and are probably #4 anyways
4. Someone ban evading on a brand new account
5. Fucking self-promoters reeeee (edited)
RaptorJesus 03-Nov-18 09:44 PM
I almost wonder if theyre not gonna publish the interview
because how good it was for us
I bet they expected some greasy neckbeard to show up in sweatpants and not be able to articulate our procedures
Doctor Bread 03-Nov-18 09:46 PM
dunno why he's taking so long
or if it got denied
Ocypode 03-Nov-18 10:05 PM
Can always just ask him if we don't see it soon?
ImNATT 04-Nov-18 09:04 AM
@RaptorJesus maybe I was expecting it to be a trap tbh. Why else would Kotaku want an interview with the moderators of a subreddit.
ImNATT 04-Nov-18 03:36 PM
Where did the souljaboy thread go?
Doctor Bread 04-Nov-18 03:42 PM
The OP deleted it
Can put it up again, it did seem like a troll account
Next time a new account tries to make what will be a popular thread I'm just gonna yoink that shit (edited)
Specially if they have an Ice-related username
That's happened a few times now
Doctor Bread 05-Nov-18 03:20 PM
@here talking to a kotaku reporter in the mod channel if anyone wants to join
Ocypode 05-Nov-18 03:21 PM
raiding can't
Doctor Bread 05-Nov-18 03:34 PM
She wanted to ask about Sweet_Anita being posted here
Tried to make the sub seem like not women-hating incels
Ocypode 05-Nov-18 03:41 PM
lmao what
what does sweet anita have to do with women hating incels
people love her
Jisifus 05-Nov-18 03:41 PM
what mod channel
Ocypode 05-Nov-18 03:42 PM
Doctor Bread 05-Nov-18 03:42 PM
Ah she was having issues, I just called direct
It was pretty short
Jisifus 05-Nov-18 03:43 PM
Doctor Bread 05-Nov-18 03:43 PM
@RaptorJesus Apparently nathan just got back to the offices, so his article should be out somewhat soon
I think he was just putting out small stuff about the con while traveling
RaptorJesus 05-Nov-18 03:44 PM
Chances are the article drops when it overseas
Can’t wait for the blowback from the rabid children
Doctor Bread 05-Nov-18 03:46 PM
I just talked to her about how Anita first got posted, the trolls claiming she was faking / they knew her in high school / she's a voice actor, what her likely longevity on the sub is, how it's hard for new streamers to break through on to the subreddit and be accepted in to the "clique"
Think that was about it
@Jisifus She's doing a story about gamepedia boosting twitch views, wanna talk to her about it?
I said you knew some about it
Jisifus 05-Nov-18 03:53 PM
i mean its basically what i posted
Doctor Bread 05-Nov-18 03:54 PM
Eh, if you wanna re-cover it
Jisifus 05-Nov-18 03:54 PM
pretty sure they did it again afterwards
Doctor Bread 05-Nov-18 03:55 PM
She did that huge one about sexism at riot
ImNATT 05-Nov-18 04:53 PM
I don't like this increase in attention we're receiving. Bad things are gonna happen (edited)
RaptorJesus 05-Nov-18 05:26 PM
do not do this one
this is a 100% gotcha imo
Lets wait to see what the Nathan article shitstorm brings
ImNATT 05-Nov-18 05:36 PM
It's too late. He already talked to her.
RaptorJesus 05-Nov-18 05:38 PM
oh nooooooooooooo
well i wont have to deal with the shitstorm cause i'll be out of the country
good luck suckers
I'll be gone from the 8th-28th
ImNATT 05-Nov-18 05:40 PM
Shieet. Well, have fun. Hopefully the sub still exists when you come back
RaptorJesus 05-Nov-18 05:40 PM
If we can survive ice being banned
we can survive anything
Doctor Bread 05-Nov-18 05:41 PM
@RaptorJesus she's writing a nice piece about Anita, not a hit piece lol
she's a fan of the sub
ImNATT 05-Nov-18 05:43 PM
@Doctor Bread That's what they say to make you comfortable
Doctor Bread 05-Nov-18 05:43 PM
I think the only person who wanted to do a hit piece was that shadowbanned reporter who modmailed us like a few months ago
She never did get her shadowban lifted
ImNATT 05-Nov-18 05:43 PM
Oh I remember. Sucks for her
Doctor Bread 05-Nov-18 05:45 PM
I was thinking "it's nice to have a female streamer who is just entertaining and doesn't play up being a whore to get views" but decided not to even go down that path, lol
that would have to be a very prepared statement
ImNATT 06-Nov-18 08:20 AM
The master debater goes for the ad hominem when called out on breaking the law
280 points and 202 comments so far on reddit
Doctor Bread 06-Nov-18 04:14 PM
<https://www.twitch.tv/itssliker>; Added this dude's channel to automod, his Discord was full of people brigading for him / their own posts, mods doing it, and him posting clips of himself as well (edited)
Had a feeling since I kept seeing the same / new accounts posting his channel
RaptorJesus 06-Nov-18 04:17 PM
Im not sure
Doctor Bread 06-Nov-18 04:17 PM
Someone tried to post it the other day but think it didn't take off
They've been making fun of him on I_P though, lol
RaptorJesus 06-Nov-18 04:17 PM
As much as i dislike gengar i feel for him to have his shit aired but at the same time i dont think it violates any rules
I'll remain neutral here
and defer to the others
Doctor Bread 06-Nov-18 04:20 PM
It's definitely in poor taste
ImNATT 06-Nov-18 04:31 PM
It doesn't break any of our rules
If they keep posting about him we might have a case of harassment, but for now it's just one thread.
RaptorJesus 06-Nov-18 04:32 PM
ImNATT 06-Nov-18 04:34 PM
Good for Gengar though. Getting his dick wet <a:gachiBASS:424665470000431143>
RaptorJesus 06-Nov-18 04:34 PM
Doctor Bread 06-Nov-18 05:42 PM
Looks like votes are gonna take care of that thread anyways
Is this flair harassment?
I took it off but those replies to him killed me
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 10:23 AM
Dudes, please don't ban streamers and go offline. I had a pretty busy hour trying to figure out what's going on and doing damage control.
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 01:36 PM
@ImNATT who banned him? Just woke up
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 01:36 PM
Ocy did.
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 01:36 PM
Uhh accident? Lol
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 01:37 PM
He unbanned him right after. And the message he left seems like a meme.
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 01:43 PM
Oh I see
Ocypode 07-Nov-18 01:47 PM
Oh yeah sorry shouldve said here
Wanted to do a harmless troll
So I insta unbanned
Sorry guys
RaptorJesus 07-Nov-18 01:50 PM
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 01:55 PM
Ocypode 07-Nov-18 02:00 PM
Heres the quick story; I was awake for 20h+ and was really bored so I was watching his stream. Then he watched clips on LSF and I thought how can I quickly and harmlessly do something that's out of ordinary and just make "content homie" for a second. I thought of just changing a flair for his next clip to something stupid and then quickly back but that would'nt have worked because he needed to refresh. So then I just thought that I'll ban him and tell him to refresh page, he did and that happened. I think it was quite funny and he also said later that it was. Sorry I won't do such things again, especially if I don't mention about it here.
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 02:05 PM
It's fine if you queue us in. But we need to know otherwise it's just stressful for us when it could be funny instead
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 02:05 PM
It's fine, it baited people to be retarded so I could ban them
Also that Johnny Sins video, what the fuck lol
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 02:06 PM
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 02:07 PM
gachiBASS YES SIR - Clipped by KasterrHS
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 02:08 PM
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 02:08 PM
He probably could fuck my mom if he wanted
Ocypode 07-Nov-18 02:23 PM
wheres my money bro
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 04:24 PM
999 votes and 272 comments so far on Reddit
That's fucked up man
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 04:25 PM
He might have said something else at the same time
Or gotten flagged on accident
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 04:26 PM
They don't go through the post history and remove old comments do they?
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 04:26 PM
no it just shadowbans everything you've ever said I think
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 04:30 PM
It would still be a misfire since they claim not to shadowban humans.
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 04:31 PM
I dunno, I tripped their automated system and got banned, it's not perfect
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 04:38 PM
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 04:43 PM
We're not the arbiters of truth. As long as no one's insulting/breaking the rules they are free to comment. He is free to leave a comment proving the guy wrong.
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 04:44 PM
If that dude is slandering him saying he told someone to kill themselves it should be removed, we've remove slanderous comments in the past
I guess this is related
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 04:46 PM
What's the evidence he's talking about in the video?
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 04:46 PM
Well that was the post
He mocked a user posting something in /r/offmychest and the user took it as encouraging him to commit suicide looks like
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 04:47 PM
I mean those that he claims are Personal Information even though they're not
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 04:47 PM
I'd say that's a stretch he "encouraged them to kill themselves" 🤷
Yeah I'm not sure what he's talking about there
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 04:48 PM
He can send it to you if it exists. That's not a risk for him.
Not with MrMouton in the same room you genius
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 04:49 PM
remove him for a bit lol
or hold on
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 04:56 PM
Well, he either sends us the evidence that it's a targeted campaign against him from the moderators of the LoL subreddit - as he claims he can via those chatlogs that he supposedly can't show because of PI - or it's just two different perspectives playing out against each other. We don't remove that.
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 04:56 PM
The guy who did make the claim does try and post about Richard a lot
The Deluxe999 dude
And it does seem like libel, he didn't tell that throwaway account to kill themselves
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 04:57 PM
He can go to court if he thinks laws are being broken.
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 04:58 PM
We've removed claims against streamers and such that didn't have sufficient proof though
And this just seems like a lie
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 04:58 PM
I only remember one guy who was claimed to be a pedophile without evidence. There are posts here.
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 04:59 PM
Stuff with soda and train gambling is what I remember
During all of that
Cause users were just putting up abject lies about those situations
I dunno, I'd be upset if people were falsely claiming I drove someone to suicide
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 05:00 PM
Oh yes, the countless threads they made. That doesn't compare to a comment chain buried in a destiny thread though. That's not a harassment campaign.
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 05:00 PM
Well it's not about it being a harassment campaign, it's just claims about a public figure that seem to be untrue
Thought that particular user does seem to have it out for him
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 05:01 PM
As I said, if he has the evidence he himself said he has, send it over.
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 05:02 PM
Ask him then, or tell him he's free to defend himself in the comments
I don't know what proof he would have
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 05:02 PM
The chatlogs between him and the moderators. You sent me the video where he says it lol
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 05:08 PM
So yeah, seems like even the league mods had to admit he didn't tell anyone to kill themselves
Seems like they just kind of let those posts through when all of that was going down
I don't want us to be like /r/leagueoflegends mods, they are the worst
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 05:10 PM
#Regarding RL vs the depressed person There's a lot of misconception about what Richard did and did not say to the person who had contemplated...
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 05:10 PM
Yeah. It seems like a "this is a false but we hate this guy so we're just gonna let this spread for awhile"
Don't want someone still carrying that torch trying to keep it alive on LSF
@ImNATT You done reading?
Man I had to cancel two league games
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 05:23 PM
Yes. But I'm not sure of that justifies removing any comments. Sure, the suicide thing is exaggerated but the rest of the comment is just the guy disliking RL.
And he's not really on a crusade against him either since the last comments the deluxe guy made about RL besides today is one comment 2 years ago and the a year earlier. So not really and obsession as much as a dislike and giving his opinion on him on reddit when relevant which is what the comments are for.

So yeah, not sure if an exaggeration is worth a delete. (edited)
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 05:23 PM
Probably wanna tell him that then, I say removing is the better option, since it did lead to him getting doxxed and harassed for a long time like he mentioned
I do remember that
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 05:26 PM
If anyone else has an opinion, feel free to share @here.
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 05:27 PM
tldr of the situation?
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 05:27 PM
Someone lying about Richard Lewis pushing a throwaway reddit account to suicide
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 05:31 PM
what are we actually talking about? banning talk of it or something?
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 05:31 PM
just removing it
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 05:31 PM
He wants to nuke the chain
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 05:32 PM
On an already dying thread 🤷
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 05:32 PM
It's the principle
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 05:32 PM
we talking about the destiny clip thread?
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 05:32 PM
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 05:32 PM
i think it's fine
there's nobody attacking each other from what i can see
which is surprising
they're arguing yeah but it's little more than just a disagreement
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 05:34 PM
It's not that, it's just that one dude saying he told a user to kill themselves when he didnt
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 05:34 PM
well, the facts are all out there for everyone to see
it's not a lie, just a misinterpretation
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 05:34 PM
I dunno, tell him what you want then Natt, that he can defend himself or whatever
But like I said, the thread is already dying so not like people will see it much anyways. Maybe if that same user posts something regarding it again on the sub
Not like RL is popular or talked about a lot here though
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 05:41 PM
Ryan on censorship - Clipped by imnatt
Can I just send him the clip?
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 05:43 PM
Lol I wouldn't, just resolve it cause I think it's been like an hour now
I know his alt accounts so if he wants to post on there he can
He actually responded to Destiny, thought it was some troll
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 06:05 PM
@ImNATT Did you talk to him? Was eating
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 06:07 PM
Now I did.
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 06:13 PM
@ImNATT He unfriended me
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 06:14 PM
He wasn't your friend then
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 06:14 PM
Can you kick him out of VIP then, I guess we're not cool with RL anymore
RIP lol
Here comes the hitpiece
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 06:15 PM
If he wants to put a spotlight on it let him
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 06:15 PM
I even said sorry and that the mods just couldn't collectively agree (edited)
Ocypode 07-Nov-18 06:15 PM
Just read this all, heres my small input, I think it's better to just remove 1 comment that isn't even that big of a deal than to deal with such a huge thing
actually nvm I cba debating about it, but I think deleting is just better than thinking "but it doesnt break rules"
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 06:17 PM
Removing comments out of fear of a streamer is rarted
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 06:17 PM
Ocypode 07-Nov-18 06:18 PM
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 06:18 PM
I was just trying to calm him down
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 06:18 PM
Suddenly it seems plausible
Ocypode 07-Nov-18 06:18 PM
well at this point I would just leave the comment there lol
He can't just threaten us for not doing what he wants
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 06:19 PM
Make a nice collage to sticky under the hitpiece thread @Doctor Bread
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 06:19 PM
Ocypode 07-Nov-18 06:20 PM
we did?
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 06:20 PM
Tell him he's a nice person
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 06:20 PM
Did we ask him for the phantomlord stuff?
I thought he approached us
I can't remember though
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 06:21 PM
I think you approached him
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 06:23 PM
Boot him from the disc? I think the bridge has been burned
Definitely take away the VIP imo
Don't want him to see the stuff with Mr Mouton or anyone else in the future
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 06:24 PM
Let him stay. He can leave if he wants to or approach us for something else idk. Not like we have something against him now. Let's stay profes.
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 06:25 PM
Leaving VIP though?
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 06:25 PM
What's in there that could hurt?
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 06:25 PM
Eh I dunno, just the mouton stuff right now, but stuff in the future
Not that we should really use that channel for discussions I guess
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 06:26 PM
I switched him to Streamers
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 06:26 PM
You know I could just ask that user to take out of the part about the suicide thing in his comment
And leave the other stuff
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 06:26 PM
Or is he just a YouTuber?
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 06:26 PM
just a youtuber
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 06:27 PM
You could do that. Or he could. Or whatever, not that I really care as long as it's not a modaction.
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 06:27 PM
Well it would have to be "remove this part in the comment or we would remove the comment entirely"
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 06:30 PM
Or you send him the League of Legends Meta thread and tell him that he's spreading fake news and not lead with the hammer
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 06:32 PM
Alright, I told him that was the compromise
Hopefully he doesn't pitch a fit
Prob should have just messaged that user in the first place, oh well
At least the Kotaku journalists have been cool so far, lol
Ocypode 07-Nov-18 06:52 PM
surprisingily enough
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 06:54 PM
Don't praise the day before sunset
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 06:57 PM
That's an unfortunate design
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 07:04 PM
@ImNATT Got a response from that user
He seems like a massive tool
"I'll consider"
Seems like he's got an agenda and is purposefully misinterpreting all of that nonsense. I sent that mod post to him in my message asking to remove the suicide part
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 07:08 PM
Give it one more try. Send him this and tell him that at no point is he calling on the user to take any action:

Tell him to circle the part where he thinks he does.
Then we'll see.
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 07:09 PM
Alright, if he comes back with something smarmy again
ImNATT 07-Nov-18 07:15 PM
I'm gonna go to sleep now. Don't have too much fun.
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 07:16 PM
Perhaps we spent an hour or so defending some troll account, rip
RaptorJesus 07-Nov-18 08:09 PM
Lmao good luck
Sharing someone’s information with another person isn’t against the law
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 08:12 PM
@Doctor Bread
anything you want me to know about this so i have both sides?
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 08:43 PM
@HalfOfAKebab that's the person I was talking to natt about that sparked the whole RL drama
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 08:43 PM
oh, guess i didn't get the full story then
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 08:44 PM
I asked him twice to remove the part that was untrue, they rudely declined
Even when presented with proof of it being untrue
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 08:44 PM
what was the reason for his ban, ultimately?
pushing an agenda?
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 08:45 PM
Yeah, maybe harassment considering they're willfully misinterpreting a situation just since they personally don't like RL
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 08:46 PM
i don't think that's what's going on
there's not really a way to prove RL's intentions when he made that comment
the only thing we can do is listen to what he has to say about it now
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 08:46 PM
He said he didn't intend it that way, and the league mods seemed to agree he didn't mean it in a "pushing someone to suicide" way
Which I also showed that person
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 08:47 PM
key word: said
it's not proof
anyone can say anything
while i do believe that it was an accident, i don't think it's fair of us to force our opinions on people
people have just as much of a right to believe it was malicious as we do of believing it was accidental
i don't think it's fair at all to ban someone for that
call them a retard or something sure
but not ban them
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 08:48 PM
Well, believeing it was accidental has no reprucussion anywhere. Believing it was malicious and spreading that malicious rumor could impact someone's career and people's opinion of them.
It's not an even thing.
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 08:49 PM
agreed, however, is it our place to draw the line there?
i don't think it's against the reddit rules for deluxe999 to do this (edited)
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 08:49 PM
I mean, we removed negative stuff about Train and Soda that was proven to be untrue, and some of the stuff people were sharing could have been considered two-sided rumors or suppositions
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 08:50 PM
i just think we should be very hands-off with things like this
it leads to situations like this often
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 08:50 PM
I'm not sure you're giving LSF the credit it deserves as a platform that people listen to and pickup information from. Despite how immature and silly it is most of the time
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 08:51 PM
you're right, it is very influential
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 08:51 PM
True, it was an already buried comment on a dying thread, but still. I guess it's the principle of the thing like Natt said
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 08:51 PM
and for that reason i think we should let people voice their opinions regardless of what it is
so long as it isn't harassment or the likes, obviously
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 08:52 PM
Well, we agreed earlier that offering that person to remove just the statement that could be construed as true or untrue (the pushing to suicide thing) was about as fair as it could be, while leaving the other stuff
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 08:52 PM
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 08:53 PM
That's all RL was upset about by the way, he admitted to the other stuff
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 08:53 PM
i didn't have a word in that
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 08:53 PM
Natt pinged everyone
You should see it above
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 08:53 PM
ehh well regardless, i don't agree with that
imo he shouldn't have been made to remove the statement
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 08:54 PM
That's why I asked politely to remove the one part
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 08:54 PM
unless obviously he's inciting a witchhunt
that's what i mean
he shouldn't have been asked to do that imo
he's entitled to his own opinion
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 08:54 PM
He's not entitled to start a witch hunt over his opinions
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 08:55 PM
can you link me to the actual comment?
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 08:55 PM
which one
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 08:55 PM
just for full context
the one which he was asked to edit
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 08:56 PM
just that comment?
because i don't see anything witchhunty in that comment (edited)
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 08:59 PM
All of those comments are about contentious situations regarding RL that could go either way depending on how you view them, but I'd be upset if someone was spreading a rumor that incited someone to comment suicide
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 09:00 PM
well, i know it sounds harsh, but people get upset
that's just how the world works
there's nothing we can do about that without starting some "safe space" bs
all i see people doing in that comment tree is disagreeing with each other
there are no calls to action or anything
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 09:02 PM
It's not about the users disagreeing with each other
That whole thread is pretty cancer, I had a feeling it would be, lol
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 09:03 PM
cancer in terms of what?
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 09:03 PM
Just old drama
Surprised Destiny commented on it
Thought they had their falling out years ago
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 09:03 PM
well that's not the point
the point is there's nothing that breaks any rules there
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 09:05 PM
Having a negative opinion of someone is fine, I don't like some streamers for example. You should be able to say how much they suck and how much you hate them. You shouldn't be able to maliciously misinterpret something they've done and share that with others in an attempt to damage their reputation
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 09:06 PM
i don't think he is maliciously misinterpreting the comment though
i can absolutely see how someone would take his comment the wrong way
i took it the wrong way until i saw RL's justification for it
the difference is, we believe RL's justification, and this user doesn't
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 09:07 PM
I can see why you would think that, and I did as well, before he responded to me
Then I was definitely more thinking he doesn't give a shit and just wants to spread garbage even he doesn't believe
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 09:07 PM
what made you think that?
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 09:09 PM
I dunno, seemed like a poor justification to me after linking that and the leagueoflegends thread
Just kind of sticking his fingers in his ears and saying no
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 09:10 PM
how about we unban him and keep an eye on him?
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 09:11 PM
If you want to, I'm tired of this whole situation lol
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 09:11 PM
if he plays devil's advocate repeatedly then i think that's good reason to believe it's malicious rather than mere differing opinions
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 09:11 PM
Maybe I was just annoyed at his earlier response too
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 09:11 PM
but just from this one situation it's hard to tell
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 09:11 PM
I'll just put a mod note on him* (edited)
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 09:11 PM
sounds good
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 09:11 PM
I just feel like he had bad intentions
Seems like kind of a wanker
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 09:12 PM
i'll unban him after i reply to him, unless you beat me to it
yeah i can see how you'd think that, but i can also see his opinion
while i don't agree with him i can see how he came to feel the way he does
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 09:12 PM
Some people just hate other people no matter what
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 09:13 PM
that's what we can look out for
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 09:13 PM
I responded
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 09:13 PM
to what?
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 09:13 PM
to the guy
through modmail
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 09:13 PM
oh didn't know he sent a modmail
lemme read
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 09:13 PM
nah, just the ban message
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 09:13 PM
oh, what did you say?
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 09:14 PM
No posts pushing a personal agenda.
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 09:14 PM
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 09:14 PM
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 09:14 PM
i don't understand, what do you mean by "i responded to the guy through modmail"?
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 09:15 PM
You can just respond to that message and it still goes to them
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 09:15 PM
are you saying you responded to the "ban receipt" telling him he's unbanned?
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 09:16 PM
Yeah, doing that now
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 09:16 PM
"responded" is past tense
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 09:16 PM
was getting to it lol
lol on the soulja boy thread
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 09:22 PM
that's the type of comment reddit silver was added for
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 09:22 PM
Do you have to pay for reddit silver?
HalfOfAKebab 07-Nov-18 09:22 PM
Doctor Bread 07-Nov-18 09:23 PM
Platinum award
18 bucks, goddamn
or however much 1800 "reddit coins" is
Doctor Bread 08-Nov-18 01:18 AM
@RaptorJesus molestor lost his red name if you wanna give it back, his other account got banned by discord
RaptorJesus 08-Nov-18 01:18 AM
lol alright
Doctor Bread 08-Nov-18 01:19 AM
Or he has to verify it with a phone number but he's paranoid about getting doxxed or something
HalfOfAKebab 08-Nov-18 08:20 AM
@Doctor Bread
Ocypode 08-Nov-18 11:22 AM
how I see this is if we keep it on there and it all seems to be an agenda then it's shitty that we kept it there
I don't claim to know everything that Fuslie has ever said about this whole process, but the above is just based on my reaction from watching her latest stream.
hes just assuming
OP's history seems to be only about her too
ImNATT 08-Nov-18 11:29 AM
Soda and his brother becoming real estate moguls
Ocypode 08-Nov-18 11:30 AM
yeah I read that
ImNATT 08-Nov-18 11:31 AM
Idk, I think it's bad if we remove it but their subreddit keeps it up.
Ocypode 08-Nov-18 11:31 AM
I remember soda once put about 10k from his own pocket from a charity stream because some dude charged back 10k
ImNATT 08-Nov-18 11:32 AM
Soda tries really hard to be a good guy. He's a fine dude in my book.
Ocypode 08-Nov-18 11:33 AM
He has a toxic past and trolls a lot but he does a lot of good and is a genuine guy really
ImNATT 08-Nov-18 11:34 AM
I don't mind that. I've been watching him since forever.
Ocypode 08-Nov-18 12:04 PM
Not that I mind it either I just prefer the current soda rather than the old one
Doctor Bread 08-Nov-18 06:37 PM
I've banned this one dude 37 times now
and he still hasn't realized I only notice because he always puts 2 numbers after his name
Also he's an extremely toxic child, but mostly the numbers I cross-reference with the behavior, lol
Ocypode 08-Nov-18 10:49 PM
531 votes and 19 comments so far on Reddit
dealt with this shit
saw that spyro did has been posting his clips before too
Gave him a ban, removed the post and talked to Dkane what his mod is doing and he shouldn't be
They understood it and all good
Doctor Bread 08-Nov-18 10:52 PM
Ah, didn't realize it was self promo
or biased promo rather
Ocypode 08-Nov-18 10:58 PM
Yeah I've known that Spyro dude since the day dkane started streaming
Doctor Bread 09-Nov-18 03:29 AM
I dunno, seems like a cry for attention knowing Tip
Also a bunch of brand new / no karma accounts coming in to white knight for him
ImNATT 09-Nov-18 05:09 AM
Leave it up. It's hurting him more than it helps his stream.
Doctor Bread 09-Nov-18 05:10 AM
Tip you mean? Yeah it seems so
You know, you could just not answer every question your viewers ask
ImNATT 09-Nov-18 06:11 AM
In regards to DKane, just permaban Spyro
And watch for any new accounts posting DKane. If that's the case ban him too.
Ocypode 09-Nov-18 06:55 AM
Well I gave him 30 days now and he reached out to me apologizing and saying it won't happen again
So we'll see, I can keep my eyes on it
Punk 10-Nov-18 10:34 AM
That's rather uncomfortable
Also raptor's over in Korea/Japan for like 3 weeks now
So heads up no raptor
Ocypode 10-Nov-18 01:40 PM
Doctor Bread 10-Nov-18 02:32 PM
No rules
52 votes and 17 comments so far on Reddit
The clip of Reckful is from him watching Interstellar I think
ImNATT 10-Nov-18 02:58 PM
We did in the past with Ice Poseidon but it get's out of hand quick and the sub get's spammed with memes.
Doctor Bread 10-Nov-18 02:59 PM
ah okay
It is a good one though, lol
dunno where he could post it
ImNATT 10-Nov-18 03:03 PM
Reckfuls subreddit or Trainwreckz
Doctor Bread 10-Nov-18 03:05 PM
yeah that was all I could think of
ImNATT 10-Nov-18 03:06 PM
@Doctor Bread Here's another good one.
3,933 votes and 147 comments so far on Reddit
Doctor Bread 10-Nov-18 03:07 PM
quality overlay lol
ImNATT 10-Nov-18 03:07 PM
it's perfect
RaptorJesus 10-Nov-18 06:56 PM
Flying sucks
The waiting is so annoying when are we getting hyperloop
Ocypode 11-Nov-18 02:55 PM
oh no
Punk 11-Nov-18 03:54 PM
Powerful post
Doctor Bread 11-Nov-18 05:37 PM
LSF right now
HalfOfAKebab 11-Nov-18 11:43 PM
@here ?
Doctor Bread 11-Nov-18 11:43 PM
I'm just getting rid of that sub, it was just for the style that's already on LSF now
HalfOfAKebab 11-Nov-18 11:44 PM
Doctor Bread 11-Nov-18 11:44 PM
Tired of seeing it in my toolbox list and accidently clicking it, lol (edited)
Jisifus 11-Nov-18 11:57 PM
HalfOfAKebab 12-Nov-18 12:01 AM
ruh roh
Doctor Bread 12-Nov-18 12:01 AM
Train don't do it
HalfOfAKebab 12-Nov-18 12:01 AM
don't think many people will see it
thread is already 10 hours old
Doctor Bread 12-Nov-18 12:02 AM
andy m commented there too (edited)
Doctor Bread 12-Nov-18 02:36 PM
Leave up or remove?
Second post on the sub right now
HalfOfAKebab 12-Nov-18 02:41 PM
it looks like op is using old drama to stir up the current drama
unless i'm wrong?
Doctor Bread 12-Nov-18 02:41 PM
Yeah, OP seems like a tool
HalfOfAKebab 12-Nov-18 02:41 PM
i'd say it should be removed then
it's not relevant to the current drama at all
it's literally there just to stir shit
Doctor Bread 12-Nov-18 02:42 PM
There are enough relevant, current side videos I guess
Ocypode 12-Nov-18 02:56 PM
I mean fuck alinity but thats just milking karma
ImNATT 12-Nov-18 06:20 PM
she's going ham
Doctor Bread 12-Nov-18 06:21 PM
ImNATT 12-Nov-18 06:21 PM
running low on views or what got in her? (edited)
Doctor Bread 12-Nov-18 06:22 PM
I think she's just an idiot
ImNATT 12-Nov-18 06:22 PM
now it's snapchat or whatever is NOT being logged
Doctor Bread 12-Nov-18 06:22 PM
He thought about raping me, take him away boys
Thought-crimes are real crimes
ImNATT 12-Nov-18 06:24 PM
shit's fucked over there
Doctor Bread 12-Nov-18 06:25 PM
@ImNATT Sticky Post Title: Alinity claimed she would rape the LSF mods

Body: Alinity claimed she would rape each and every one of us if given the chance, and that being hotpocket janitors would not keep us protected. We can't remember which site or chat medium this happened on, but it did happen. We hope justice is brought against this streamer for such horrific threats against us.
ImNATT 12-Nov-18 06:27 PM
That's spicy
Doctor Bread 12-Nov-18 06:54 PM
1 vote and 1 comment so far on Reddit
May have spoke too soon
ImNATT 12-Nov-18 06:55 PM
do you have a screenshot or something?
it's deleted
no the thread you linked is
Doctor Bread 12-Nov-18 06:58 PM
2 votes and 2 comments so far on Reddit
ImNATT 12-Nov-18 07:01 PM
That's not a rape threat though. And the date is cropped out.
Since when does Trainwreckz have his girlfriend? (edited)
Doctor Bread 12-Nov-18 07:02 PM
@AlinityTwitch #metoo
ImNATT 12-Nov-18 07:03 PM
he should sue him
Doctor Bread 12-Nov-18 07:04 PM
If Alinity just said he sexually harassed her she would have definitely been in the right
I could see how she could take something like that as a rape threat though to be fair. "I'm going to be seeing you in person and sexual things will happen, you better prepared." (edited)
ImNATT 12-Nov-18 07:05 PM
That's how arab men flirt
Doctor Bread 12-Nov-18 07:11 PM
These morons really just say shit with no thought for the consequences though
You don't announce you're suing somebody like that
ImNATT 12-Nov-18 07:14 PM
I hope he does. Would make for some great destiny clips (edited)
Imagine Trainwreck and Destiny preparing an argument for court on stream
Doctor Bread 12-Nov-18 07:18 PM
That would be some great content
I just added all of his names since people kept posting him
"I'm posting Burger Planet, not Burger Andy"
Ocypode 13-Nov-18 04:24 AM
holy fuck this alinity trainwrecks has gone far
Doctor Bread 13-Nov-18 12:27 PM
Yikes, was going to thestockguy's channel to find his discord and he's just scrolling LSF to see if he's been posted today
https://www.reddit.com/user/JasonOnTheBeach Pretty sure this dude is one of his mods and has been posting him for a long time
Ocypode 13-Nov-18 12:49 PM
wouldnt be surprised
its really hard for ppl to understand that self promo also means mods in our rules
ImNATT 13-Nov-18 02:10 PM
Same thread was posted yesterday
Might even have been from Diamond Dick.
Doctor Bread 13-Nov-18 02:11 PM
ah, he said he got screwed cause of the train drama
yeah it was
ImNATT 13-Nov-18 02:12 PM
That's not how it works. He doesn't get to resubmit until he reaches a Karma level that he's content t with.
Doctor Bread 13-Nov-18 02:13 PM
ImNATT 13-Nov-18 04:18 PM
@Doctor Bread I think JasonOnTheBeach is a StockGuy mod.
At least he's modding his subreddit.
Doctor Bread 13-Nov-18 04:19 PM
Oh I didn't see that
Well, it's not really his subreddit, lol
I think this dude is just creepy obsessed
ImNATT 13-Nov-18 04:20 PM
It's one or the other
Is there someone with a similar name in his chat?
Doctor Bread 13-Nov-18 04:20 PM
His twitch is FallenVet
Only follows his channel
ImNATT 13-Nov-18 04:21 PM
But not a mod?
Doctor Bread 13-Nov-18 04:22 PM
Probably wants to be lol
ImNATT 13-Nov-18 04:22 PM
If he keeps posting StockGuy exclusively ban him.
Doctor Bread 13-Nov-18 04:23 PM
I just added him to automod
but unbanned
ImNATT 13-Nov-18 04:23 PM
You mean the Jason guy?
That's fine.
Doctor Bread 13-Nov-18 04:23 PM
Doctor Bread 13-Nov-18 04:40 PM
Fuck that channel
Should automod it too
ImNATT 13-Nov-18 05:19 PM
It's one guy going through logs of streamers. I removed a thread about Greeks logs in LegendaryLeas chat from a few years ago.
Doctor Bread 13-Nov-18 05:33 PM
@Ocypode Wouldn't let me hang up lol
Got a physics final I gotta go take
Ocypode 13-Nov-18 05:34 PM
Haha yeah I noticed
Doctor Bread 13-Nov-18 05:34 PM
@ImNATT Which dude? https://mod.reddit.com/mail/all/5ojtk This one?
Ocypode 13-Nov-18 05:34 PM
Was hard for me too
ImNATT 13-Nov-18 05:36 PM
I don't remember his name. I did it on mobile while at work so I just glanced at it.
Don't ban him just yet.
Wait until he spergs out.
Doctor Bread 13-Nov-18 05:39 PM
Can respond to the modmail if you want, make him sperg lol
ImNATT 13-Nov-18 05:40 PM
Don't provoke him
Just ignore it.
I found the guy. Not the same: https://www.reddit.com/user/atulloch7
Doctor Bread 13-Nov-18 05:41 PM
Doctor Bread 14-Nov-18 02:25 PM
this Knut thread is so dumb
But so is he so I guess it fits
Doctor Bread 14-Nov-18 03:41 PM
It was temp but then he ban evaded and started spamming modmail
And my PM's
HalfOfAKebab 14-Nov-18 03:41 PM
how do you know he was ban evading?
Doctor Bread 14-Nov-18 03:42 PM
Said he was gonna evade and then some new account started spamming mod hate comments
It was awhile ago though
HalfOfAKebab 14-Nov-18 03:42 PM
lol nice, alright
Doctor Bread 14-Nov-18 03:47 PM
@HalfOfAKebab Did he message you? He said he didn't need us to get unbanned
HalfOfAKebab 14-Nov-18 03:47 PM
yeah he pmed me asking why he was banned
Doctor Bread 14-Nov-18 03:47 PM
He's just gonna get the reddit admins to unban him
HalfOfAKebab 14-Nov-18 03:48 PM
Doctor Bread 14-Nov-18 04:43 PM
Doctor Bread 14-Nov-18 06:02 PM
@ImNATT RL Deleted that clip
Twitch.tv chat logs.
ImNATT 14-Nov-18 06:07 PM
He's still mad lol
Doctor Bread 14-Nov-18 08:01 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII Are you still alive? It's been like 45 days since you last commented
Jisifus 15-Nov-18 04:47 AM
well good to know i'm not the only one MIA
Doctor Bread 15-Nov-18 04:35 PM
Shit eating retard guy is back
Doctor Bread 15-Nov-18 10:21 PM
added a filter for the just chatting posts, pretty annoying. Hur dur look at this person re-streaming porn, twitch do something please
Doctor Bread 16-Nov-18 01:39 PM
@HalfOfAKebab I do think that guy got his account hacked, lol
HalfOfAKebab 16-Nov-18 01:42 PM
fair enough
Doctor Bread 16-Nov-18 01:42 PM
Doesn't have a history of anything like that, pretty weird
Doctor Bread 16-Nov-18 02:03 PM
Look at this dude's cat lol
Ocypode 16-Nov-18 02:04 PM
atleast he delivered
Doctor Bread 16-Nov-18 02:04 PM
Tineye had no hits
HalfOfAKebab 16-Nov-18 02:05 PM
Ocypode 16-Nov-18 02:44 PM
holy fuck
why is he so angry
Doctor Bread 16-Nov-18 02:44 PM
cause he's autistic
jammy 16-Nov-18 05:12 PM
lmao he pm'd me too
i was tempted to reply "weird flex but ok" but i didnt coz he would be a little bitch i bet
Jisifus 17-Nov-18 01:30 PM
@Doctor Bread missen an opportunity for a hassan paypal joke there, weak
Doctor Bread 17-Nov-18 01:31 PM
Oh, lol
Jisifus 17-Nov-18 01:31 PM
ImNATT 17-Nov-18 05:58 PM
I was cheated on this week.

Read: https://t.co/iimcAsdQn3
ChanmanVXXIII 17-Nov-18 06:32 PM
I'm unemployed right now, so I'm actually trying to get some things done so I can go back to having money and not suck cocks for rent
Inb4 JUST get a job
Punk 17-Nov-18 07:10 PM
>being unemployed
just buy cryptocurrency it's free money
Doctor Bread 17-Nov-18 07:22 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII I thought you died or something
Doctor Bread 17-Nov-18 09:49 PM
Damn, uncle passed away
only 53
RaptorJesus 17-Nov-18 11:28 PM
Sorry for your loss man that sucks, were you close?
Doctor Bread 17-Nov-18 11:34 PM
No, no one but my mom had really spoken to him for a long time, he moved far away and kind of isolated himself
Pretty sad
RaptorJesus 17-Nov-18 11:37 PM
That’s rough, still, hope you and your family are ok
Doctor Bread 18-Nov-18 05:07 AM
It's pretty dysfunctional on my mom's side so no one actually gets too upset about stuff like this, pretty strange
Luckily my wife's family is normal, lol
🇯 2
🇪 2
🇼 2
Ocypode 18-Nov-18 05:09 AM
Sad to hear that buddy, wish you all good
👍 1
Doctor Bread 19-Nov-18 02:00 PM
@Jisifus @Ocypode https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/9yg8i9/prison_guard_greek_making_the_inmates_have_a/ Should just remove this? Became a squatting ground for Ice kids demanding he be unbanned
Jisifus 19-Nov-18 02:08 PM
banning someone just because they post on another subreddit is textbook mod abuse so thanks but no thanks
not sure why you tagged me specifically but its a good clip so keep it up and remove the comments is what i'd do
i nuked it
Doctor Bread 19-Nov-18 02:12 PM
Well it would be like a commentless thread then, lol
Also I was being sarcastic
Jisifus 19-Nov-18 02:14 PM
i mean
you ban so many people i wouldn't be surprised tbh
Doctor Bread 19-Nov-18 02:14 PM
What's a few more on the pile
The ones in that thread are mostly people who don't post on the sub other than if there's some Ice-related thread they can cry in, so it's not much of an issue
Jisifus 19-Nov-18 02:15 PM
Doctor Bread 19-Nov-18 02:16 PM
@Jisifus 68/110 remove comments but whatever 🤷
I like the clips from Ice's stream (without him) but that's usually what they turn in to
Jisifus 19-Nov-18 02:22 PM
Doctor Bread 19-Nov-18 02:22 PM
Is that overall? lol
Jisifus 19-Nov-18 02:22 PM
since october first
Doctor Bread 19-Nov-18 02:23 PM
What? no way lol
Jisifus 19-Nov-18 02:23 PM
yes way
ImNATT 19-Nov-18 02:23 PM
Doctor Bread 19-Nov-18 02:24 PM
I dunno, I think I get most of the self promoters and do a lot of the ban-evasion / troll chasing (edited)
That's weird, I got something different two times when I did it for the same date
I tried to go all the way back to april or whenever we started and it said like 300 total bans
Not sure how the matrix works
Ocypode 19-Nov-18 02:34 PM
No point removing when it doesn't break rules
Let them whine
Doctor Bread 19-Nov-18 03:44 PM
Ocypode 19-Nov-18 03:51 PM
Cx btw
Ice btw
yikes right back at him lol
Doctor Bread 19-Nov-18 03:54 PM
Oh man here he goes again
He deleted that thread when I called him out on it, lol
I think I've banned him before in the past, spams racism on all of the ask questions subs
Ocypode 19-Nov-18 03:59 PM
What kind of people do that really
Doctor Bread 19-Nov-18 03:59 PM
Ocypode 19-Nov-18 04:00 PM
Is that the normiesreee?
Mental illness
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 01:40 AM
@Ocypode You want to see some mental illness? I found this dude who's been stalking Mitch for years https://www.reddit.com/user/VampireKraig
Oh my god, someone on Molestor's discord had a solo masturbation video that dude made for Mitch. Wiener warning after 30 seconds. What the fuck man

<https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph578a19b72ccca>; Absolutely NSFW porn warning

<https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5786d7887dab7>; There's a SFW one too (edited)
Ocypode 20-Nov-18 05:39 AM
yeah that's mental illness
imagine watching that video
and thinking people like that only watch your streams
jesus chrust
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 08:38 AM
What is this shit
Ocypode 20-Nov-18 08:51 AM
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 08:53 AM
Enjoy EU free reddit for today
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 12:39 PM
Nice, finally cleaning up the site
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 04:00 PM
@Doctor Bread https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/9yt31m/twitch_white_knight_mod_of_the_year/
This was the post the guy in modmail was talking about.
83 votes and 26 comments so far on Reddit
0 votes and 15 comments so far on Reddit
Punk 20-Nov-18 04:20 PM
just remove it I guess?
clip is shit anyway
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 04:20 PM
Only thing I could do is tell him to stop linking our threads in his toxic community.
That's how our beef with Ice started. I think Destiny/Mouton will go the same way
HalfOfAKebab 20-Nov-18 04:24 PM
yeah i basically said the same thing to him
i removed it and told him to just post the clip in chat next time, instead of the post
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 04:26 PM
I warned him. Next time I'll take the Ice blueprint and ban the community until they censor the discord (edited)
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 04:32 PM
Ah, I guess Mouton didn't mean to link the sub, probably wasn't thinking
It'd be nice if every streamer's chat would just add lsf links to their censor
HalfOfAKebab 20-Nov-18 04:33 PM
i think a warning was a bit excessive
he was compliant
[21:21] HalfOfAKebab: alright i'll remove it
[21:22] HalfOfAKebab: probably would be best if you avoid posting lsf links in public
[21:22] MrMouton: I just wanted to cover my ass and basically say I wasn't trying to brigade
[21:22] MrMouton: and ye I'll just link directly to video
[21:22] HalfOfAKebab: yeah i got you
[21:22] MrMouton: next time
[21:25] MrMouton: Thank's for not being a cock about it!
[21:25] HalfOfAKebab: lol no problem
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 04:34 PM
The warning is for next time when I ban him so he can't say he wasn't warned
HalfOfAKebab 20-Nov-18 04:34 PM
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 04:34 PM
This isn't the first time the Destiny sphere is brigading (edited)
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 04:35 PM
It happens in Destiny's chat and discord a lot
HalfOfAKebab 20-Nov-18 04:35 PM
it's whatever i guess, doesn't really matter
he probably won't do it again
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 04:35 PM
Oh yes he will
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 04:43 PM
I reckon every Destiny thread on the sub gets linked to his discord or chat though
I see it pretty often
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 04:45 PM
Take a few screenshots the next time you see it
Ocypode 20-Nov-18 04:45 PM
all livestreamfail urls should be banned in twitch chat, it just gets people to fuel drama and brigade (edited)
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 04:46 PM
Raptor should talk to the CEO of Twitch and see if the can move something
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 04:50 PM
@ChanmanVXXIII I forgot, you know if you really need money you could probably sell the subreddit to Twitch
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 04:51 PM
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 04:55 PM
@ImNATT You should have left that White Knight post up
That mazo guy is a tremendous f-word
Also I think I banned his reddit account cause he kept brigading on Cjay's discord (edited)
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 04:57 PM
It's not a livestream though and personal agenda
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 04:57 PM
If there's anyone who deserves it I guess
I forget when I posted that stuff
Pinned a message.
ah at the part I just pinned
Since I noticed his clips were getting spammed a lot more at one point
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 05:02 PM
You think CJ needs to go into the filter?
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 05:02 PM
I dunno, can check their discord
I don't think I ever talked to cjay or that dude about it
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 05:04 PM
Try that. See if it works. And ban suspicious/new accounts posting his clips.
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 05:04 PM
@ImNATT Well well well
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 05:05 PM
Try to get a hold of CJ and tell him to cut it out.
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 05:05 PM
what should I say
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 05:06 PM
Vote Manipulation is against the rules.
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 05:06 PM
Wonder if I should link him that white knight thread
wonder if cjay knows he's doing that shit
I told Andy M about his mod brigading and he never responded btw, that was a month ago or so
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 05:07 PM
Any attempt to game the system will be met with extreme prejudice
That mod got banned though if I remember correctly.
You can link it. It will be empty for them though.
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 05:10 PM
I took a screenshot
Alright, luckily his DM's were open
I was pretty diplomatic about it
I just don't get these streamers who keep these autism mods around who fuck with their reputation
Plenty of other people who would be willing
I gave him the benefit of the doubt he didn't know what that mazo guy was doing in his off-time. I wonder if some streamers just aren't aware
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 05:23 PM
Tbh I personally think they do it with the streamers blessing.
Good luck proving it though
@Doctor Bread lmk when/if he answers pls.
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 05:29 PM
He said he was unaware of a lot of mazo's stuff
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 05:31 PM
So he's aware now. That's good. What's his discord so I can keep an eye on it?
Ocypode 20-Nov-18 05:36 PM
of course depends a lot on the streamer but mostly I'd say if a streamer hangs out in their discord a lot and talks to their community then they're aware
if not then they have no idea
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 05:36 PM
@ImNATT it's on his stream
Alright, I talked to Cjay, about the LSF-related stuff he'll talk to the mod. He seemed to justify everything else since apparently those streamers have attacked him or encourage their viewers to attack him
I lightly suggested that maybe having your rogue mod report channels and do that kind of shit publicly isn't the best way to go about solving those issues, but that's his business I suppose.
Streamers and handling conflicts badly, name a more iconic duo
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 05:39 PM
Seems like there is a lot of drama in the Asian IRL Livestream community
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 05:40 PM
Yeah, he said he's still been getting harassed, physically as well
Which sucks, but your mod white knighting around like that is still a bad look for your channel
said he might demod everyone
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 05:40 PM
Going nuclear
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 05:41 PM
Like I said, dunno why streamers don't watch their mods behavior more, it reflects on their channels and themselves as well (edited)
Doubt Andy M demodded that guy
I mean if they want to be banned on LSF that's their business
But the non-LSF bad behavior some of them engage in
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 05:42 PM
I haven't seen any clips from him since then though so that's gotten better.
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 05:42 PM
Probably cause he's permabanned
I forget that mod's name
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 05:43 PM
Yeah, but I mean from Andy in general. So the mod isn't making alts.
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 05:43 PM
Oh yeah
@Ocypode I dunno, you can't track your mods twitch logs in every channel for instance
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 05:44 PM
Ah yeah
Pretty sure you don't have to white knight for Andy M, he's a pretty big name (edited)
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 05:45 PM
That guy is a mod in several channels. He's a clout chaser.
Ocypode 20-Nov-18 05:45 PM
tbh thats probably the only reason people would white knight andy
because he is a big name
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 05:46 PM
Like Vulpes
Do you know that guy at all Ocy?
Ocypode 20-Nov-18 05:46 PM
Just a bit
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 05:46 PM
Ocypode 20-Nov-18 05:46 PM
Hes quite new to being a sodas mod
but he takes it super seriously
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 05:46 PM
Get him demodded
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 05:46 PM
whoops, no caps
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 05:46 PM
or her
Ocypode 20-Nov-18 05:46 PM
but ye
hes a bit special
I remember telling him to chill long ago
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 05:46 PM
are you one of the senior soda mods?
Ocypode 20-Nov-18 05:47 PM
pretty much yeah
For about 4 years now
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 05:47 PM
Dang yo
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 05:47 PM
He doesn't even do it for free
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 05:48 PM
Ocypode 20-Nov-18 05:48 PM
Well kinda
only get paid on special occasions
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 05:48 PM
Paid mods
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 05:48 PM
Nonetheless, you're getting paid <a:Clap:481573729118191656>
Ocypode 20-Nov-18 05:49 PM
but I haven't had to do anything in a long time because of those tryhard mods who watch him 24/7 and offer help in every little thing
Also he stopped his sellout sunday stuff so waiting for him to bring that back
but ye, paid
My schedule is very EU right now, so I go to sleep when NA streamers start
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 05:49 PM
His SS were the best
Ocypode 20-Nov-18 05:50 PM
Ye they were fun but he said memes were stale and people donate same videos, I can imagine it getting a bit boring and have to give it more time
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 05:51 PM
True, I think it's been long enough though.
And the money would be worth it to me
Ocypode 20-Nov-18 05:52 PM
He made about 10k per stream on average
imagine that
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 05:52 PM
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 05:52 PM
Ocypode 20-Nov-18 05:53 PM
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 05:54 PM
He must be really burnt out then if he takes this long of a break from it.
Ocypode 20-Nov-18 05:58 PM
He actually didn't wanna do them in the first place, not sure why, he has always said how he doesn't need the money which I believe, chat wanted him to do them once a week but he said fuck no and made it once a month and people rioted
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 05:59 PM
He just wants to play video games
Ocypode 20-Nov-18 06:03 PM
Pretty much yeah
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 06:08 PM
Cjay found it was Taiwan Jesus who posted that thread, whoops lol
That dude sure has an axe to grind
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 06:14 PM
He already told us earlier lol
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 06:15 PM
I assumed that was some rando
maybe spookySP is one of his mods
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 06:16 PM
I assume so. I can't to bothered to catch up on all that drama though (edited)
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 06:25 PM
@ImNATT The plot thickens https://imgur.com/a/K22r8mg (edited)
It's a full album
It's in reverse order though, start from the bottom
Pretty much Jesus encouraging brigading on that white knight post
Andrew Haimerl#9004 He's in our discord too
All these autistic japan streamers
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 06:36 PM
Is tkyosam = JesusInTaiwan = Eric?
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 06:39 PM
No, Tkyosam is some other streamer
I don't know who eric is
Was gonna ban Jesus from here and that reddit account for brigading though
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 06:40 PM
Then idk wtf is going on lol
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 06:40 PM
Like damn maybe CJ did wrong you but it's been like over a year
Short story is Jesus was brigading that post he made
And I don't think he's gonna stop anytime soon
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 06:45 PM
How did they figure out that Andrew Heimerl is Jesus's sockpuppet though?
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 06:47 PM
Not sure. I had Jesus on friends and now I've got this andrew guy, so I can confirm it
dunno why I had him on friends, lol
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 06:48 PM
We were in a group convo with him some time ago if I remember correctly.
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 06:48 PM
Yeah, dont remember adding him though, maybe he added me
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 06:49 PM
He's retarded then. Should've made a new discord account instead of changing nick
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 06:50 PM
So banarino?
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 06:51 PM
I want to hear some other opinions. All that drama seems iffy to me.
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 06:51 PM
Well Cjay's mod is an idiot but Jesus still blatantly brigaded that post. He's always tried to use LSF to push his hate agenda
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 06:52 PM
What's Jesus's twitch?
He's banned or something
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 06:53 PM
Twitch is the world's leading video platform and community for gamers.
242 votes and 98 comments so far on Reddit
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 06:55 PM
Does he stream on YouTube?
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 06:56 PM
Shooting and exploring.
If you want more proof andrew is him
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 06:57 PM
It's not a sockpuppet
Idk, tell him to keep his inflammatory drama posts to himself and stick to streaming and we won't ban him. (edited)
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 07:00 PM
I mean this is what, the third time?
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 07:00 PM
I have no idea
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 07:00 PM
Think so, he likes to make alts and post stuff
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 07:01 PM
That's not an alt though
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 07:01 PM
I dunno, there was that time he asked to post that hate video and one time before that
Really should just let it go
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 07:01 PM
Oh yes, that's what the group convo was about. We told him no and he didn't post it as far as I remember.
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 07:02 PM
No he did, he got one of his "friends" to post it
But it got zero upvotes
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 07:02 PM
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 07:02 PM
I dunno, should still ban him for brigading either way
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 07:03 PM
Yeah true. Do it if you want.
Send him the screenshot where he tells people to vote.
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 07:04 PM
Sounds good. Like sure, Cjay probably wronged him but move on with your life, lol
ImNATT 20-Nov-18 08:11 PM
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 08:41 PM
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 09:06 PM
I feel weird giving life advice to someone who I think is like 30
Doctor Bread 20-Nov-18 11:37 PM
Made racist dog eating jokes, off with his fucking head 😂 👌
ImNATT 21-Nov-18 08:59 AM
That's a yikes from me dawg
Doctor Bread 21-Nov-18 01:05 PM
Ugh, finally got back to sleep then the cat started screaming at the top of his lungs
@here I locked the stoner dad threads, people are starting to post his info / get out of hand with the dox requests
Gonna clean them up, not sure if it's a smart idea to unlock them
Ocypode 21-Nov-18 01:38 PM
Yeah I dunno, it has kinda become a witchhunt even though the guy deserves it
Not sure what to do though
Doctor Bread 21-Nov-18 01:38 PM
He got banned off twitch
Ocypode 21-Nov-18 01:38 PM
Did he?
Doctor Bread 21-Nov-18 01:38 PM
yep, finally lol
Ocypode 21-Nov-18 01:38 PM
didn't someone make a post that clips arent removed
but streamable is
Doctor Bread 21-Nov-18 01:39 PM
I think he just got banned like 5 mins ago
Ocypode 21-Nov-18 01:39 PM
Doctor Bread 21-Nov-18 01:41 PM
But yeah, people got his full info
Alrihgt I unlocked it. Pretty cancer, just took care of all the doxxing / doxx requests
ImNATT 21-Nov-18 02:11 PM
Did you put his info in the AutoMod?
Doctor Bread 21-Nov-18 02:11 PM
The doxx stopper catches it
ImNATT 21-Nov-18 02:11 PM
Names too?
Doctor Bread 21-Nov-18 02:11 PM
uhh could add his name
I think it was scotty hicks or something
ImNATT 21-Nov-18 02:12 PM
Would be good if you could add it.
This guy has to be ban evading
Doctor Bread 21-Nov-18 02:15 PM
Yep, lol
Surrpised he went that long without me seeing that name
Ocypode 21-Nov-18 02:17 PM
Bet hes Ice viewer
ImNATT 21-Nov-18 02:31 PM
Doctor Bread 21-Nov-18 02:31 PM
Yeah I saw that
ImNATT 21-Nov-18 02:32 PM
Thankfully no actions
Punk 21-Nov-18 03:01 PM
Oh that's my alt
Ocypode 21-Nov-18 06:18 PM
Oh no guys
that alinity thread
what do
She leaked a lot of personal info of people
Like names and a fucking ad for a company she did Ad for but hasn't released yet
all of that is yikes
Doctor Bread 21-Nov-18 06:20 PM
I wasn't considering just a name personal info, and definitely not the name of a company
Was gonna remove any direct facebook / twitter links or anything though
Ocypode 21-Nov-18 06:24 PM
how ironic to see a livestreamfail copyright strike email there
Doctor Bread 21-Nov-18 06:27 PM
It's some youtube channel that steals all of our posts
Ocypode 21-Nov-18 08:12 PM
Doctor Bread 21-Nov-18 08:27 PM
Based and redpilled
Doctor Bread 21-Nov-18 11:49 PM
Someone made a fake message of Train announcing that in his Discord. OP was already tagged as a drama whore. I'm asking who sent him the message to be posted, if he doesn't come back with a satisfactory answer I'm going to assume he made it and probably ban him.
ImNATT 22-Nov-18 07:19 AM
It was Kevin i bet (edited)
ImNATT 22-Nov-18 09:34 AM
I wonder who she’s hooking up with from @Twitch staff ? She has broken so many rules on twitch if it was a guy they would have been banned years ago!
Ocypode 22-Nov-18 09:40 AM
Yikes shes bringing bad PR again
Doctor Bread 22-Nov-18 05:56 PM
Doctor Bread 23-Nov-18 05:07 AM
That dude that was helping Jesus harass CJ got indef banned
Ocypode 23-Nov-18 05:12 AM
good riddance
ImNATT 23-Nov-18 09:29 AM
120 votes and 59 comments so far on Reddit
Ban OP for deleting it?
HalfOfAKebab 23-Nov-18 09:30 AM
ban someone for deleting a post? absolutely not lol
ImNATT 23-Nov-18 09:30 AM
Deleting a frontpage post. We did before
HalfOfAKebab 23-Nov-18 09:31 AM
why would that warrant a ban?
RaptorJesus 23-Nov-18 09:31 AM
The only reason honestly why someone would delete it is because the streamer asked for it to be deleted
ImNATT 23-Nov-18 09:31 AM
RaptorJesus 23-Nov-18 09:31 AM
Shouldn't be allowed to get away with that
HalfOfAKebab 23-Nov-18 09:31 AM
you could ask him why he deleted it
ImNATT 23-Nov-18 09:33 AM
I asked him. Let's see if he answers.
Doctor Bread 23-Nov-18 12:43 PM
I've asked and some people say they didn't think they'd get to the front page and it gives them anxiety, or they see people hating on the streamer and didn't want that
Ocypode 23-Nov-18 12:48 PM
"This sub is a joke. Ban ice because the mods have a personal vendetta. So much good clips are missed because the mods want to tell you what you can and cant see"
Doctor Bread 23-Nov-18 03:26 PM
Ocypode 23-Nov-18 04:05 PM
jammy 23-Nov-18 06:07 PM
any retards?
Punk 23-Nov-18 06:11 PM
ImNATT 24-Nov-18 07:26 AM
Ocypode 24-Nov-18 07:36 AM
wtf is that creature
I could not stop looking at his crotch does he not have a penis
ImNATT 24-Nov-18 07:43 AM
I think that's actually the Chad meme but I'm not sure if that's what he was going for
Ocypode 24-Nov-18 07:49 AM
You're right
Ocypode 24-Nov-18 05:33 PM
jesus christ man the amount of xqc clips
that man is so retarded he gets clipped about everything every 5min
RaptorJesus 25-Nov-18 02:55 AM
Jake is right next to where I’m at right now lmao
Stream sniping is dumb as hell but would be cool to say what’s up
Doctor Bread 25-Nov-18 02:56 AM
Do it
RaptorJesus 25-Nov-18 03:55 AM
Nah stream sniping is cringe
Ocypode 25-Nov-18 06:29 AM
That would get clipped so hard
"look at this lsf mod lul
ImNATT 25-Nov-18 08:26 AM
Good call Raptor
Doctor Bread 25-Nov-18 02:20 PM
345 votes and 65 comments so far on Reddit
Or was that you stream sniping him
Ocypode 25-Nov-18 02:34 PM
Doctor Bread 25-Nov-18 11:16 PM
Swapped Kitboga flair with OfflineTV. I'd give them all their own flairs but that would be 4-5 new ones.
Took off Anita, Josh & Rajj, they're posted pretty infrequently now and the Automod should take care of it. I probably should just make automod more comprehensive and automatically do it for all of them, will get to that eventually. (edited)
HalfOfAKebab 26-Nov-18 04:56 AM
seems good
Ocypode 26-Nov-18 07:42 AM
ImNATT 26-Nov-18 07:55 AM
any porn girls interested in having intercourse with my viewer controlled robot?
Ocypode 26-Nov-18 11:30 AM
They posted it again @ImNATT
but cropped ice out
ImNATT 26-Nov-18 01:03 PM
Yes. That's not against rules.
Doctor Bread 26-Nov-18 01:36 PM
Dunno why you're letting that guy post anyways 👀
But it's top of the sub now
God she just looks dirty though
Doctor Bread 26-Nov-18 04:30 PM
@ImNATT Mirror bot broke for the robot one
The only working mirror is on pornhub
Is it okay to sticky a comment to pornhub
Ocypode 26-Nov-18 04:31 PM
ImNATT 26-Nov-18 04:31 PM
Probably not the best idea
Doctor Bread 26-Nov-18 04:31 PM
fuck I gotta sign up for pornhub if I want to download and put on streamable, lol
Ocypode 26-Nov-18 04:32 PM
fuck it dood
Doctor Bread 26-Nov-18 04:32 PM
Maybe it's best there's no mirror
ImNATT 26-Nov-18 04:33 PM
Streamable will take it down again
Doctor Bread 26-Nov-18 04:33 PM
Yeah probably. The livestreamfails bot fucked up the site mirror
ImNATT 26-Nov-18 04:33 PM
Cause of the markdown
Doctor Bread 26-Nov-18 04:34 PM
Or just take the post down, idc. It got like 20 reports
How do I avoid my daughter turning in to this
ImNATT 26-Nov-18 04:35 PM
Give me a minute. I'll get you a mirror.
Doctor Bread 26-Nov-18 04:35 PM
Already did that once <a:Clap:481573729118191656>
ImNATT 26-Nov-18 04:36 PM
90s of 5 minutes
Doctor Bread 26-Nov-18 04:36 PM
Use the livestreamfails account to sticky it, I don't want to
"I'm too tight"
ImNATT 26-Nov-18 04:38 PM
Someone changed the PW. I can't get in
Doctor Bread 26-Nov-18 04:38 PM
Who's account is it technically?
ImNATT 26-Nov-18 04:39 PM
Raptor I assume
Oh no it's jammy
nvm, I'm in
Doctor Bread 27-Nov-18 04:20 AM
https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/a0sn99/girl_goes_upside_down_in_chair_and/ All of the removed comments in this thread are her Discord beta orbiters
3 votes and 16 comments so far on Reddit
OP deleted the post and one deleted their account, lol. Thirsty dudes really go too far for their fair maidens
Went in the Discord to tell them to fuck off and stop brigading, banned me pretty fast though (edited)
I will go back in on my alt account and see the fallout. Whenever a new invite link goes up I guess. (edited)
Ocypode 27-Nov-18 06:03 AM
You're doing gods work man
ImNATT 27-Nov-18 07:33 AM
Send me the invite when you have it
Ocypode 27-Nov-18 04:09 PM
Did a streamer really ask for upvotes on general
Or was it some other discord @Doctor Bread
Doctor Bread 27-Nov-18 04:55 PM
@Ocypode which person?
Ocypode 27-Nov-18 04:55 PM
ah cba finding it
but you linked a screenshot on general here
where someone did @ here and asked to upvote some post or something
Doctor Bread 27-Nov-18 04:56 PM
oh that was a different discord
Ocypode 27-Nov-18 04:56 PM
Oh lol
Who was that guy even, how were you there at a perfect timing
Doctor Bread 27-Nov-18 04:57 PM
cause someone was spamming his clips and I had a feeling
And yeah, last night it was that chick and her beta orbiters sitting in Discord together spamming her clips and then all leaving responses on each post
Ocypode 27-Nov-18 04:58 PM
I can't remember which thread it was but it was well said there that LSF is more of a twitch community reddit than r/twitch is
ImNATT 27-Nov-18 05:18 PM
2,722 votes and 244 comments so far on Reddit
Ocypode 27-Nov-18 05:18 PM
Yeah that one, same comment lol
"/r/Twitch is a sub for people who want to be Twitch streamers themselves, I think. It's never been a Twitch clip place... I think some of the mods there are even Twitch employees."
Little do they know
ImNATT 27-Nov-18 05:19 PM
You're a soda employee not Twitch
Doctor Bread 27-Nov-18 05:19 PM
They are twitch employees
on /r/Twitch
Ocypode 27-Nov-18 05:19 PM
Accordingt to Ice's viewers I'm a twitch employee
That counts doesn't it
ImNATT 27-Nov-18 05:20 PM
If r/Ice_poseidon says so, it must be true (edited)
Ocypode 27-Nov-18 05:21 PM
but ye, they have a point
Doctor Bread 27-Nov-18 05:47 PM
Ocypode 27-Nov-18 05:50 PM
we banned yes but we upload it too? lmao
@Doctor Bread
This man needs serious help
Doctor Bread 27-Nov-18 05:51 PM
They got denied for release from quarantine for the second month now
Ban incoming
Ocypode 27-Nov-18 05:52 PM
Bunch of retards
@Doctor Bread Nsfw 28 male https://i.imgur.com/YPmAhft.png
Doctor Bread 27-Nov-18 05:54 PM
gonna send it to him (edited)
Ocypode 27-Nov-18 05:55 PM
found his face
hes so sumb
Doctor Bread 27-Nov-18 05:55 PM
wait I'm not seeing that twitter page
Ocypode 27-Nov-18 05:56 PM
naes playing Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - Clipped by nobodycaring
hes live
Doctor Bread 27-Nov-18 05:56 PM
that's not it is it?
Ocypode 27-Nov-18 05:56 PM
doubt it dunno
@Doctor Bread I'm not sure but this might be him https://www.twitch.tv/naes
Giveaways !giveaway !slivertv [RE-RUN]
Doctor Bread 27-Nov-18 05:57 PM
yeah that's the same dude
Ocypode 27-Nov-18 05:57 PM
Wanna say hi?
Doctor Bread 27-Nov-18 05:57 PM
it's a rerun
4,310 Followers, 134 Following, 6 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Sean Lynch (@seantomaslynch)
Ocypode 27-Nov-18 05:58 PM
oh ye seems so
Doctor Bread 27-Nov-18 05:58 PM
Average Ice viewer
Ocypode 27-Nov-18 06:00 PM
tbh I haven't confirmed 100% that it's him
Doctor Bread 27-Nov-18 06:02 PM
@Ocypode He says it's not him
Ocypode 27-Nov-18 06:04 PM
ImNATT 27-Nov-18 07:08 PM
207 points and 50 comments so far on reddit
Is this even a livestream?
Ocypode 27-Nov-18 07:16 PM
No idea
My guess is on a video
Doctor Bread 27-Nov-18 07:20 PM
It might be but it's a year old
HalfOfAKebab 27-Nov-18 07:38 PM
yeah that happened in 2016 i think
should probably be removed
i think op just wanted some quick karma
Doctor Bread 27-Nov-18 09:29 PM
RaptorJesus 27-Nov-18 09:29 PM
Doctor Bread 27-Nov-18 09:59 PM
Removed the Mexican Andy clip at the border, too political I think / Cx kids being cancer. Also removed the car chase one since OP started sperging out about us
Doctor Bread 27-Nov-18 10:00 PM
I think they're being brigaded in Ice's discord probably
Doctor Bread 28-Nov-18 12:11 AM
@RaptorJesus One of molestor's friends has a spam network that can put like 250 bots on a Discord and melt the fuck out of it
Said he's looking to make it 10k strong
Ice's sub has automatically started banning users for posting on The_Donald
Doctor Bread 28-Nov-18 02:22 AM
Last thing I'll post, but I'm banning the Ice users who come here and have no history on LSF just to post on Cx tagged submissions and be racist / say they're taking over the subreddit / badmouth us, or any of the other usual autism. I consider it in-line with brigading, and I don't think they're looking to join the LSF community in a meaningful manner. Also any Cx posts are getting linked in their main and various other Discords just for people to pile in on.

I'm wonder if we should take another step to extricate ourselves from the Cx community. I'm not sure what that step would be. Now seems to possibly be a good time, strategically, with overall opinion of Cx low and this new round of hard censorship from his mods. (Especially hilarious for it being posting on another cancerous community)

What do you guys think? I'm just kind of fed up with these children trying to actively make things worse.
ImNATT 28-Nov-18 03:56 AM
I can get behind a complete CX ban.
Doctor Bread 28-Nov-18 04:16 AM
I've just been kind of feeling an increase in activity. It may be from Ice's mods continuing to push on the community in their desperate attempts to escape quarantine. As you push down on a full, shit filled toilet, it starts to leak out.

Just the impression I'm getting from the subs and various discords. I feel a bit of an implosion coming and a lot of discontentment. His mods are really censoring things hard though, particularly about the T_D ban, and a good number of the negative posts (which they've always seemed to let through in the past.)

I was going to say I'd feel bad for the streamers who I thought had tried to get out of the Cx network, but all of the ones I was thinking of are still listed on their site, so never mind I guess, lol.
HalfOfAKebab 28-Nov-18 05:21 AM
i'd agree tbh
since ice is banned, it would make sense for that ban to extend to the community he runs
especially since the reason he was banned was for fake drama, which is extremely likely to also be going on (or will happen in the future) with other cx streamers
ImNATT 28-Nov-18 07:39 AM
Is there a way to restrict certain Link flairs?
I have never seen a Meta flair applied correctly. (edited)
HalfOfAKebab 28-Nov-18 10:23 AM
what do you mean by restrict?
RaptorJesus 28-Nov-18 10:54 AM
I feel like there should be solid proof that they're faking drama or brigading often in order for us to take that sort of action to ban his entire network
at this point it looks like a personal vendetta against his community (his community sucks but honestly the optics are bad)
Up to you guys though you guys do the most moderation actions
If it makes your lives easier thats fine
ImNATT 28-Nov-18 11:10 AM
@HalfOfAKebab I mean that certain flairs should have to be applied by us. Meta shouldn't be selectable by the users.
HalfOfAKebab 28-Nov-18 11:11 AM
the way a sub i used to mod did that is remove the flair, and then make it so putting "[Meta]" in the title would make automod apply it (after checking you're a mod)
i can do that now if you want
or if we want to be able to apply it to a user's post that already exists, we could just add it as a selectable flair, apply it, then remove it from the flairs list again
ImNATT 28-Nov-18 11:12 AM
That seems like a lot of work.
HalfOfAKebab 28-Nov-18 11:12 AM
eh, depends how often it would need to be done
ImNATT 28-Nov-18 11:13 AM
I'm on the road right now. Let's talk in a few hours, when I have more time :)
HalfOfAKebab 28-Nov-18 11:13 AM
ImNATT 28-Nov-18 01:02 PM
What clip is he talking about?
ImNATT 28-Nov-18 01:13 PM
Do GGDs websites ask you for a reCAPTCHA too?
Is this what I'm looking for?
HalfOfAKebab 28-Nov-18 01:21 PM
you wanna delete that flair
"user can edit" on means the user can delete the text in it and type whatever they want (edited)
ImNATT 28-Nov-18 01:22 PM
HalfOfAKebab 28-Nov-18 01:22 PM
you would wanna delete the flair, and then just add it again whenever you want to assign it to a post
and then delete it again after you assign it
deleting the flair won't touch any existing posts, all it'll do is remove it from the list of flairs people can select
ImNATT 28-Nov-18 01:23 PM
But it would break the filters wouldn't it?
HalfOfAKebab 28-Nov-18 01:23 PM
though if you're doing that loads of times everyday that's gonna be annoying
what filters? automod's?
ImNATT 28-Nov-18 01:23 PM
No, the sidebar
HalfOfAKebab 28-Nov-18 01:23 PM
oh, no
it won't have any side effects at all
ImNATT 28-Nov-18 01:23 PM
nvm, we took the meta filter out
We don't get many Meta posts do we?
HalfOfAKebab 28-Nov-18 01:24 PM
actual ones? no not really
ImNATT 28-Nov-18 01:25 PM
Only real ones are banned streamers and News articles imo, so removing it and adding it each time wouldn't occur too often I imagine
HalfOfAKebab 28-Nov-18 01:25 PM
yeah it shouldn't be a big deal
if it is a big deal then we could just add it back and not delete it
no harm done
ImNATT 28-Nov-18 01:26 PM
Ok, I removed it. To add it back, just put Meta in both textfields.
To add a Meta flair, click this link and put Meta in both textfields, then select the flair on the post.
Pinned a message.
Pinned it so everyone knows in the future.
👍 2
Doctor Bread 28-Nov-18 01:36 PM
You can just hand-type Meta
ImNATT 28-Nov-18 01:36 PM
But it wont have fancy CSS
Purple and shit
Ocypode 28-Nov-18 07:28 PM
wtf bro
This is what I get for trying to ban someone
Doctor Bread 28-Nov-18 07:34 PM
yeah i get that all the time
Doctor Bread 28-Nov-18 10:27 PM
@RaptorJesus I mean you can check his Discord, any Cx posts on LSF get linked there usually. And the no-LSF history users that flood the posts are a pretty clear indicator. The Cx posts come in so infrequently these days I don't think we'd have to make an announcement for it, just remove them.
ImNATT 30-Nov-18 01:41 PM
As more and more eyeballs are drawn to Livestreamfail, hopefully it can evolve into something that acts as a louder megaphone for the good.
Article dropped (edited)
Ocypode 30-Nov-18 01:41 PM
ill read it right away
title already triggers me
controversial that fuels twitch drama? What about all the cool stuff
Jisifus 30-Nov-18 01:43 PM
Ocypode 30-Nov-18 01:45 PM
yeah just read that
Jisifus 30-Nov-18 01:45 PM
oh the 2nd post too
perfect posts lmao
well its been fun kotaku, now fuck off
RaptorJesus 30-Nov-18 01:49 PM
"For Livestreamfail’s moderators, it’s a delicate dance atop a tightrope suspended over a pit of slavering crocodiles to figure out what’s allowed and what’s crossing the line. "
2 comments in 9 hours and hasnt been posted on the subreddit eh?
ImNATT 30-Nov-18 01:56 PM
no post on the sub yet
Ocypode 30-Nov-18 01:57 PM
Should we pin that on lsf or nah?
RaptorJesus 30-Nov-18 01:57 PM
Hell no
let the article live as is and if people post it then they post it
but i think it blowing over would be our best case scenario
because now we have cover for anything we do since I played good cop with Nathan
Howd you guys think i did really <a:thinkfall:396830493745610752>
Doctor Bread 30-Nov-18 01:59 PM
Reading it. The other journalists article just had like one sentence that I told her, it was focused on Anita (edited)
not an LSF hitpiece
Ocypode 30-Nov-18 01:59 PM
I think you did well
ImNATT 30-Nov-18 01:59 PM
It's not really a hit piece. Raptor did a good job avoiding that
Doctor Bread 30-Nov-18 02:01 PM
He must have just wrote it yesterday, guess he's been busy
ImNATT 30-Nov-18 02:02 PM
>Then there’s a question more specific to this particular incident: Why did the moderators go outside Livestreamfail and tell a streamer to chill instead of cracking down on offending threads on the subreddit they, theoretically, have complete power over? TTVRaptor pointed to an ethos he would return to throughout the rest of our conversation.

He messaged us god damn it
Doctor Bread 30-Nov-18 02:10 PM
Also I think stickying it would be cool, and a nice thing to do for Nathan, he didn't have to do this after all. I'm sure his superiors are watching the article click metrics and ad revenue.
ImNATT 30-Nov-18 02:11 PM
I agree with Raptor, let it take it's natural course. We don't owe him favors. He asked us for an interview after all, not the other way around.
Doctor Bread 30-Nov-18 02:13 PM
Molestor might post it anyways I showed him the Ice Poseidon part, lol
I think it's a good article
RaptorJesus 30-Nov-18 02:14 PM
It was Train
Doctor Bread 30-Nov-18 02:14 PM
I told you
RaptorJesus 30-Nov-18 02:15 PM
also i agree with Natt
we dont owe him anything considering im sure he came into it thinking it would be a "gotcha"
Doctor Bread 30-Nov-18 02:15 PM
I thought he didn't seem like that during the interview
RaptorJesus 30-Nov-18 02:15 PM
Because I was a sane person
If we had like
talking to him
ImNATT 30-Nov-18 02:15 PM
Read the last paragraph
Doctor Bread 30-Nov-18 02:15 PM
uh oh
RaptorJesus 30-Nov-18 02:15 PM
the article would have been "fat nazi mods on lsf"
Doctor Bread 30-Nov-18 02:17 PM
One of the single biggest crossovers in Reddit traffic, he said, happens between /r/Ice_Poseidon and /r/TheDonald. Ice Poseidon’s subreddit, in turn, has a lot of crossover with Livestreamfail, even though Ice Poseidon himself is banned.
Not anymore
ImNATT 30-Nov-18 02:17 PM
@RaptorJesus I swear that part is about Mitch, not Train. That doesn't even make sense
Doctor Bread 30-Nov-18 02:19 PM
Eh I don't think the last paragraph is that bad, lol
It's just true
I think the part above the last picture could upset some people but eh
Just incels and T_D kids
1 vote and 0 comments so far on Reddit
I dunno, I think it'd be okay to have on
I told Molestor I'd ask you guys if he can post it
But it won't be able to be put up because of the domain filter
ImNATT 30-Nov-18 02:29 PM
Doctor Bread 30-Nov-18 02:34 PM
Well, if someone wants to remove it now is the time
I think it's cool
@RaptorJesus your call, it was your interview after all, lol
Punk 30-Nov-18 02:44 PM
That was a pretty well written article
I liked it
Bit weird they called Raptor a blithering idiot, and rather unattractive in person, but I guess they have some creative license
RaptorJesus 30-Nov-18 02:57 PM
Idk man do i really wanna deal with kids calling me a faggot all weekend\
Doctor Bread 30-Nov-18 02:57 PM
I don't think you came off as a faggot
Ocypode 30-Nov-18 04:38 PM
Yikes the obese moderators in this sub calling other people incels
Doctor Bread 30-Nov-18 04:38 PM
Ocypode 30-Nov-18 04:38 PM
TIL I'm obese incel
Doctor Bread 30-Nov-18 04:44 PM
Married and skinny
Shame the OP of it is kind of retarded / uninformed but w/e
RaptorJesus 30-Nov-18 05:39 PM
Going to have a long weekend
Doctor Bread 30-Nov-18 05:40 PM
It's not getting much traction tbh
RaptorJesus 30-Nov-18 05:42 PM
Im already getting spammed
Doctor Bread 30-Nov-18 05:43 PM
Just ban them
I've had people be like kill yourself faggot in a PM to me, then I ban them, then they're like "Wtf I didn't do anything on the subreddit to be banned"
It's probably cause OP can't read and made his own assumptions about what you were trying to say
RaptorJesus 30-Nov-18 05:48 PM
Spammed on Instagram/comments on other subs
its gucci though
thread is 60% and most people think OP is retarded
Doctor Bread 30-Nov-18 05:50 PM
On instagram?
RaptorJesus 30-Nov-18 06:00 PM
Yeah i post my instagram on other subreddits
Doctor Bread 30-Nov-18 06:02 PM
ah photo stuff
RaptorJesus 30-Nov-18 06:04 PM
Doctor Bread 30-Nov-18 10:45 PM
Alright now I'm sure that westerner guy is doing some funky self-promoting / brigading shit
12 upvotes and the post isn't even approved
Ocypode 01-Dec-18 06:19 AM
Yeah wow
HalfOfAKebab 01-Dec-18 09:31 AM
@here [01:04] MrMouton: can I get
[01:04] MrMouton: streamer + mrmouton flair?
[01:04] MrMouton: on lsf?
[01:05] MrMouton: https://www.reddit.com/user/Remixxing
i'd say sure?
ImNATT 01-Dec-18 09:32 AM
Ocypode 01-Dec-18 09:32 AM
he can have streamer verified
Atleast I've seen streamers have that
Which we should probably give out more to
Like Poke and andymilonakis for example
ImNATT 01-Dec-18 09:33 AM
Are you doing it? @HalfOfAKebab
HalfOfAKebab 01-Dec-18 09:33 AM
seems like the flair doesn't really support having text on it
ImNATT 01-Dec-18 09:33 AM
It doesn't. The streamer is part of the image (edited)
HalfOfAKebab 01-Dec-18 09:34 AM
ImNATT 01-Dec-18 09:34 AM
Idk who did the flair
HalfOfAKebab 01-Dec-18 09:34 AM
not me, it was already there when i went to assign it
thought it was you
ImNATT 01-Dec-18 09:34 AM
HalfOfAKebab 01-Dec-18 09:34 AM
he must have messaged another mod last night
oh well
ImNATT 01-Dec-18 09:41 AM
@Doctor Bread Did you do the streamer flair?
Ocypode 01-Dec-18 10:46 AM
when people put TTV in their Twitch name
RaptorJesus 01-Dec-18 10:46 AM
My Twitch name is RaptorJesuss
Ocypode 01-Dec-18 10:46 AM
Ok you got me
Doctor Bread 01-Dec-18 01:55 PM
>Watching streams
>Donating to streamers
ImNATT 01-Dec-18 02:38 PM
He's throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. Just perman him for trying to get a streamer to commit suicide and see him explode.
Doctor Bread 01-Dec-18 02:40 PM
yeah I did to a few people who admitted to being a part of bitch jones lol
big brains
Ocypode 01-Dec-18 03:02 PM
hahahhha content homie
ImNATT 01-Dec-18 03:04 PM
@Doctor Bread What did you replace the Kitboga flair with? Just noticed that it's still in the sidebar.
Doctor Bread 01-Dec-18 03:04 PM
I think offline
I think I said it awhile ago but just delete it and force people to not be retarded and use RES
Or not get triggered at one post of a streamer they don't like, that'd probably be the better option (edited)
ImNATT 01-Dec-18 03:07 PM
I just replaced Kitboga with OfflineTV. Suprised nobody sent in a modmail.
Doctor Bread 01-Dec-18 03:07 PM
It just seems like a pain since flairs rotate sometimes, people stop getting posted
ImNATT 01-Dec-18 03:10 PM
It is. But I think it's stupid to take a feature away that's already implemented.
Doctor Bread 01-Dec-18 03:17 PM
I kind of want that chicken legs one, lol
ImNATT 01-Dec-18 03:25 PM
then buy it
$2 off
Doctor Bread 01-Dec-18 03:27 PM
Yeah I saw that lol
newest one
I banned the creator
the other 2 mods were already banned
ImNATT 01-Dec-18 03:28 PM
Send reddit admins an update (edited)
Doctor Bread 01-Dec-18 03:29 PM
The goal of this subreddit is to provide discussion openly - the good and the bad - without censorship of opinions or facts. However, the goal is NOT to solely provide hate or harm, just to allow free discussion.
The point of this subreddit is to provide uncensored discussions while avoiding subreddit banning or privatization (RIP dramajones/bitchjones).
ImNATT 01-Dec-18 03:30 PM
Should be ban
Ocypode 01-Dec-18 03:32 PM
why do they need to have their reddit so hard
Doctor Bread 01-Dec-18 06:06 PM
I'm thinking we should have a flair letting people know that moderation in it will likely be low (considering it would pretty much be deleting all of the comments)
I vote for Cancer Thread
But I'm open to suggestions
Have some designated shitting streets for people to discuss SJW / political stuff
RaptorJesus 01-Dec-18 06:58 PM
Doctor Bread 01-Dec-18 08:50 PM
@RaptorJesus damn liberal, stop suppressing my conservative views
10,613 votes and 490 comments so far on Reddit
I think someone edited their comment and then deleted the account, lol.
ImNATT 01-Dec-18 08:57 PM
Yeah he did
I definitely didn't upvote that
Doctor Bread 01-Dec-18 08:58 PM
ImNATT 01-Dec-18 08:58 PM
good riddance
Doctor Bread 01-Dec-18 10:14 PM
Doctor Bread 02-Dec-18 01:18 PM
https://www.reddit.com/user/DEECKSTAR_GAMING6969 Lol that was a short lived delete
Doctor Bread 03-Dec-18 01:43 PM
@ImNATT Can you automod people linking directly to a streamer's clip page? <https://www.twitch.tv/penguingm1/clip/HelpfulInterestingAsparagusLeeroyJenkins>; for example
I don't know what the syntax would be
ImNATT 03-Dec-18 03:49 PM
Idk Kev
Doctor Bread 03-Dec-18 05:22 PM
@RaptorJesus What made you decide to ban that dude who runs CxTV? He's been doing that for awhile
RaptorJesus 03-Dec-18 05:22 PM
Because fuck em
Doctor Bread 03-Dec-18 05:22 PM
Ocypode 04-Dec-18 05:31 AM
Some dude is really trying to get his clip through
First account didn't work, tried with another
RaptorJesus 04-Dec-18 12:49 PM
HalfOfAKebab 04-Dec-18 01:31 PM
OMG!! 😱 😱
Ocypode 04-Dec-18 02:30 PM
@Doctor Bread Ah you beat me to it
Too fast with the bans
"I'd love to slit a nigger's throat and play around in his blood. I'm a racist! A sexist too! I fuck nigger cunts by the dozens, mmm yummy I love to fuck them. Now send me the ban message you fucking nigger FUCKS! FUCK FUCK FUCK!"
Doctor Bread 04-Dec-18 02:44 PM
Yeah he's a ban evader, lol
Ocypode 04-Dec-18 07:17 PM
why do I get random whispers like thsi on twitch https://i.imgur.com/h8bd7yV.png
Doctor Bread 04-Dec-18 07:19 PM
@Ocypode I'm pretty sure that guy posted it on like 8 trainwrecks threads at once
Ocypode 04-Dec-18 07:19 PM
hes fucking retarded
Doctor Bread 04-Dec-18 07:19 PM
Either that or his entire history was hating on train in any thread of his, I remember two accounts like that
Ocypode 04-Dec-18 07:19 PM
@Doctor Bread
Doctor Bread 04-Dec-18 07:20 PM
Tell him you didn't handle it
I don't see that username on the ban list
Ocypode 04-Dec-18 07:23 PM
holy shit hes trying hard
To get me say something that will make him stir up more drama
Doctor Bread 04-Dec-18 07:23 PM
what's his reddit username? tell him you'll unban
Ocypode 04-Dec-18 07:24 PM
@Doctor Bread Sevensevenseven7777
Doctor Bread 04-Dec-18 07:24 PM
Not on the list 🤷
Just some weird ass account that posts on porn subs
and also posts his own weiner
Ocypode 04-Dec-18 07:25 PM
Doctor Bread 04-Dec-18 07:26 PM
oh, lol
Yeah, his entire history was just flaming train on any post related to him https://www.reddit.com/user/Sevensevenseven77776
Ocypode 04-Dec-18 07:27 PM
I asked what his agenda is
he just said
"I just hate scammers, really really hate them"
Doctor Bread 04-Dec-18 07:27 PM
No personal agenda
I don't care if people hate streamers but that's literally all he did on the sub. OBSESSED
Ocypode 04-Dec-18 07:29 PM
Fuck him
Doctor Bread 04-Dec-18 07:29 PM
There are way more egregious "scammers" he could be out fighting on the battlefield against
Don't even tell him about athene
Imagine holding someone to their word when they say they would donate 20% of their income to charity. Fucking retarded
Ocypode 04-Dec-18 07:31 PM
Doctor Bread 04-Dec-18 07:31 PM
Tell him to just stop being autistic
Ocypode 04-Dec-18 07:31 PM
he did kinda get me with the pinned comment on train's charity stuff where I pinned the messages of greek andy and poke
Doctor Bread 04-Dec-18 07:35 PM
w/e, it was a fake drama post
Ocypode 04-Dec-18 07:37 PM
like yeah not many streamers ask me for stuff and if its within reason I might do it without being biased or anything
Like funny thing about soda when his mods went on a banning spree banning everyone clipping stuff on LSF that might get him in trouble
i found that retarded and they even asked me to delete them all from LSF
Like no lol I can't do that
Ocypode 05-Dec-18 05:42 AM
I've noticed an occuring theme where if Train is in trouble or anything the subreddit gets bombarded by him and his community https://i.imgur.com/a1bmiYe.png (edited)
Ocypode 05-Dec-18 08:26 AM
Do you think it's brigading? Because I think so very strongly
Doctor Bread 05-Dec-18 10:56 AM
Probably not, he's just popular / unpopular
Ocypode 05-Dec-18 10:58 AM
Because when shit happens he goes to LSF and sees people spam post his fail and he gets mad and talks about it on stream
ImNATT 05-Dec-18 11:13 AM
As long as he doesn't tell people what they should do and shouldn't do on our subreddit it's not really brigading. He can get upset that's not against our rules.
Doctor Bread 05-Dec-18 11:22 AM
Just ban people like that
ImNATT 05-Dec-18 04:03 PM
Doctor Bread 07-Dec-18 12:01 AM
Some edgy threads today 👀
ImNATT 07-Dec-18 05:58 AM
Posted in r/LivestreamFail by u/tiltedlens • 1,753 points and 678 comments
Ocypode 07-Dec-18 12:18 PM
That thread is so cancerous
ImNATT 07-Dec-18 12:35 PM
Yeah. As soon as chapotraphouse found it it was bound to be a shitshow
Ocypode 07-Dec-18 12:45 PM
whos chapotraphouse
Doctor Bread 07-Dec-18 12:52 PM
The extreme left version of The Donald
HalfOfAKebab 07-Dec-18 01:41 PM
@Doctor Bread
Doctor Bread 07-Dec-18 01:44 PM
removeddit is having issues
HalfOfAKebab 07-Dec-18 01:45 PM
i'll check back later
Doctor Bread 07-Dec-18 01:45 PM
HalfOfAKebab 07-Dec-18 01:46 PM
Doctor Bread 07-Dec-18 01:46 PM
Can't run from removeddit
HalfOfAKebab 07-Dec-18 01:46 PM
did you just keep refreshing it till it worked?
Doctor Bread 07-Dec-18 01:46 PM
No, I just had to approve it through google chrome, said the site was dangerous
HalfOfAKebab 07-Dec-18 01:46 PM
oh yeah it works in chrome
HalfOfAKebab 07-Dec-18 05:37 PM
@here soz for ping but i have 6 freeleech tokens for a private music tracker i'm in that expire in an hour and a half
does anyone want me to look to see if it has any obscure music you want
ImNATT 07-Dec-18 05:38 PM
I don't, but thanks for thinking of us 👍
Ocypode 07-Dec-18 05:38 PM
I'm good too buddy no need
HalfOfAKebab 07-Dec-18 05:38 PM
man i don't wanna let them expire
Doctor Bread 07-Dec-18 05:40 PM
Think spotify is enough for me
RaptorJesus 08-Dec-18 02:46 AM
Nooo saint whyyy
Doctor Bread 08-Dec-18 02:46 AM
RaptorJesus 08-Dec-18 02:47 AM
He's allowed to be retarded as long as he isnt being maliciously retarded to people in comments
Doctor Bread 08-Dec-18 02:47 AM
This isn't the first time he's said some stupid shit
Literal brainlet outside of league
RaptorJesus 08-Dec-18 02:48 AM
he's a meathead who played league
he probably has brain damage
Doctor Bread 08-Dec-18 02:52 AM
"I was clinically diagnosed with depression earlier in my life and every piece of literature I read on it or reports from others seemed to convey the same thoughts that you cant will yourself out of it." (edited)
Oh god he's responding to people. I wrote something but it was hard since it's so fucking stupid to begin with
Doctor Bread 08-Dec-18 04:32 AM
325 votes and 266 comments so far on Reddit
Damn, this guy used to comment on /r/MMA a lot, I've talked with him before
Ocypode 08-Dec-18 06:46 AM
Lol that guy
If you're not missing a limb you're healthy
RaptorJesus 09-Dec-18 12:05 AM
Jisifus 09-Dec-18 09:18 AM
we need karma filters for automod
Doctor Bread 09-Dec-18 11:24 AM
It's set to -30
Jisifus 09-Dec-18 12:58 PM
Doctor Bread 09-Dec-18 12:58 PM
It flags people as troll accounts at -30 or more
Jisifus 09-Dec-18 12:59 PM
i'd set it to less than 0 tbh
Doctor Bread 09-Dec-18 12:59 PM
It's only an issue if they're an old account, which they're usually not
Cause then they get flagged as new
Jisifus 09-Dec-18 12:59 PM
oh right
Jisifus 09-Dec-18 01:00 PM
yeah that one slipped through
Doctor Bread 09-Dec-18 01:00 PM
@Ocypode I see why you locked that first spousal abuse thread lol
Ocypode 09-Dec-18 01:00 PM
Yeah lol
Doctor Bread 09-Dec-18 01:00 PM
OP deleted it unfortunately
Then this new one is just him hitting her and makes him look bad
I mean he is bad, but leaves out the context of her throwing shit / slapping him first
Ocypode 09-Dec-18 01:01 PM
Yeah they both have some serious issues
Doctor Bread 09-Dec-18 01:02 PM
I'd say that's a streaming fail @Jisifus
Jisifus 09-Dec-18 01:02 PM
Doctor Bread 09-Dec-18 01:02 PM
He's a marketer though so I'm not sure how much he actually matters
If it was a community manager like Hassan or something, maybe
ImNATT 09-Dec-18 01:30 PM
He says he'll report people. You can report people for everything. Doesn't mean it has any consequences. Just a virtuous man signaling to his peers. (edited)
Doctor Bread 09-Dec-18 04:51 PM
Jeeze lol
ImNATT 09-Dec-18 05:09 PM
That's dedication
Doctor Bread 09-Dec-18 05:58 PM
That's pretty funny lol
Doctor Bread 09-Dec-18 06:13 PM
@ImNATT can you see how many views a thread has had on LSF? I can't anymore
ImNATT 09-Dec-18 06:14 PM
me neither. reddit did something to their site
Doctor Bread 09-Dec-18 06:14 PM
Wanted to see how many the spousal abuse one had (edited)
that youtube video up to 80k views since I stickied it, lol
It's up on like every internet newsite now, what a moron
Ocypode 09-Dec-18 07:03 PM
holy shit @Doctor Bread thats a good comeback
Doctor Bread 09-Dec-18 07:18 PM
@Jisifus See it works
Oh baby a triple
also mentally ill andy
@Ocypode updated the sticky
RaptorJesus 09-Dec-18 07:45 PM
Can we kill incels?
Doctor Bread 10-Dec-18 12:06 AM
damn 90 report queue
Ocypode 10-Dec-18 06:48 AM
Yup lol
ImNATT 10-Dec-18 04:41 PM
@Doctor Bread https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/a4zyua/the_original_infant_thrower/

Is OP on the User List of the Bitch Jones Discord? (edited)
4 votes and 2 comments so far on Reddit
Doctor Bread 10-Dec-18 04:43 PM
It's pinned but I don't see anyone with that name
I wouldn't be surprised though, look at his history, he deletes all of his comments
ImNATT 10-Dec-18 04:46 PM
I figured he has to be. Why else would he have the clip ready to be posted. (edited)
Doctor Bread 10-Dec-18 04:55 PM
Or he just remembered 🤷 I wouldn't have had that ready and loaded though
ImNATT 10-Dec-18 05:36 PM
wow. such retards
Doctor Bread 10-Dec-18 05:36 PM
banned all
ImNATT 10-Dec-18 05:37 PM
Doctor Bread 10-Dec-18 05:37 PM
I like the ones just saying "something really nice"
ImNATT 10-Dec-18 05:38 PM
They keep posting
Doctor Bread 10-Dec-18 05:38 PM
wtf lol
this is autism
ImNATT 10-Dec-18 05:38 PM
Don't lock the thread. It's a honeypot (edited)
Doctor Bread 10-Dec-18 05:38 PM
yeah, gonna let him keep burning accounts
ImNATT 10-Dec-18 05:39 PM
Send link
Doctor Bread 10-Dec-18 05:39 PM
Mryagut, RANK 1 LEGEND TODAY! | Follow https://twitter.com/Mryagut
ImNATT 10-Dec-18 05:40 PM
I wanna witness it (edited)
Doctor Bread 10-Dec-18 05:40 PM
I wanted to say somethign in twitch chat
He was crying that it got deleted
ImNATT 10-Dec-18 05:41 PM
Reddit is cancer, Reddit is scam site
Doctor Bread 10-Dec-18 05:41 PM
Hearthstone players
ImNATT 10-Dec-18 05:43 PM
Are you Cereal ?
nvm, you're not
He seems nice tbh. (edited)
Doctor Bread 10-Dec-18 05:46 PM
ImNATT 10-Dec-18 05:46 PM
Too bad he can't read
Doctor Bread 10-Dec-18 05:48 PM
CaptainPurrr: @mryagut i asked the mods why we are banned and they said "contributing to a brigade attempt"
This retard can't even say brigade
ImNATT 10-Dec-18 05:49 PM
Bridge (edited)
Doctor Bread 10-Dec-18 05:50 PM
1,600 viewers, how do people like these get viewers
ImNATT 10-Dec-18 05:50 PM
He must've been good at something in the past.
Doctor Bread 10-Dec-18 05:52 PM
He's high rated in hearthstone
But it's hearthstone
ImNATT 10-Dec-18 05:52 PM
He plays for compLexity
Hearthstone was huge when it came out.
Ocypode 10-Dec-18 06:29 PM
Oh my god how stupid can they be
Doctor Bread 11-Dec-18 05:39 PM
All these words
ImNATT 11-Dec-18 05:40 PM
Imagine trying this hard to get unbanned.
Just make a new account like everyone else
Wait, you changed his temp ban to a perma ban?
Doctor Bread 11-Dec-18 05:42 PM
He ban evaded and kept posting his clips
It was just 30
ImNATT 11-Dec-18 05:42 PM
What a retard
Doctor Bread 11-Dec-18 05:42 PM
Big misunderstanding btw
It was either him or one of his mods, but as soon as I hit his first account a brand new one started posting
I'll put at the end "If you really want to join the community just ban evade like everyone else and don't post your stream."
ImNATT 11-Dec-18 05:44 PM
>Until then, i will continue intermittently updating you on the situation, from my side.
Is he threatening to bore us to death? (edited)
Doctor Bread 11-Dec-18 05:45 PM
I stream EVERY GOSH-DANG DAY here, and i make Roblox parody videos on YouTube which you best check out by clicking right here.
ImNATT 11-Dec-18 05:46 PM
He needs some milk
Doctor Bread 11-Dec-18 05:46 PM
Age: 19
Country of origin: Sweden
Fucking swedes
ImNATT 11-Dec-18 05:46 PM
Country of origin: Sweden
Of course it is
LOL same thought
Doctor Bread 11-Dec-18 05:47 PM
@Jisifus You're not Swedish right
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2CN6SnYO-w>; Hiding thumbnail since it disturbs me (edited)
This hurts my soul
ImNATT 11-Dec-18 05:49 PM
Ocypode 11-Dec-18 05:55 PM
hes just trying to make it guys
Doctor Bread 11-Dec-18 06:01 PM
@Ocypode yeah don't approve those, lol
pretty sure that's not him
This is him
Ocypode 11-Dec-18 06:02 PM
I'll just ban
Doctor Bread 11-Dec-18 06:02 PM
Gross actually doesn't type like he talks
Ocypode 11-Dec-18 06:02 PM
well yeah obviously
I just didn't know his main acc
Doctor Bread 11-Dec-18 06:03 PM
Hot take - Clipped by BeatsRPZ
Based Destiny
"However Destiny's relationship was far more toxic. If he ignored Rachel throwing things at him, she would begin to break his things (2 laptops were given as examples) or begin to get physically abuse with Steven."
Ocypode 11-Dec-18 06:05 PM
apparently he has experience with an abusive ex gf
Doctor Bread 11-Dec-18 06:05 PM
Yeah, that's crazy
Ocypode 11-Dec-18 06:05 PM
yeah that
Just read that too
Tried to google what she looks like
didn't find
nvm found
@Roachel_Ray on twitter but she deleted it
Cupcake engineer. Mother. And kid show extraordinaire
Doctor Bread 11-Dec-18 06:07 PM
Is she Nathan's mother?
Also what do you mean she deleted it
Ocypode 11-Dec-18 06:11 PM
nvm I was wrong
it was a tweet she deleted that I found first
Doctor Bread 11-Dec-18 06:11 PM
Ah I thought you meant her whole page and I was like
Ocypode 11-Dec-18 06:12 PM
Doctor Bread 11-Dec-18 06:12 PM
Account private, probably because of Destiny fans
Ocypode 11-Dec-18 06:12 PM
guess thats where nathan learned his "abusive" ways
Doctor Bread 11-Dec-18 06:12 PM
Her Twitter comes across as very normal
Ocypode 11-Dec-18 06:13 PM
YEah full of weird shit
Doctor Bread 11-Dec-18 06:13 PM
111 votes and 221 comments so far on Reddit
Ocypode 11-Dec-18 06:14 PM
the screaming?
Doctor Bread 11-Dec-18 06:14 PM
How many times have you been raped by Steven.
Do you sort by best or something
Ocypode 11-Dec-18 06:14 PM
apparently yes
what should I use then
Doctor Bread 11-Dec-18 06:15 PM
His personality was the most attractive thing. We met at the casino, he was my boss 😒 When I found out I was pregnant, I was scared, and Steven made me take like 4 tests lol.
Ocypode 11-Dec-18 06:15 PM
oh top
Doctor Bread 11-Dec-18 06:15 PM
Ocypode 11-Dec-18 06:15 PM
Lmao these questions
"no way, do another test"
Doctor Bread 11-Dec-18 06:34 PM
She's calling him out directly, I would assume she's under him for partnership management
ImNATT 11-Dec-18 06:35 PM
Maybe the memes are just too strong.
Doctor Bread 11-Dec-18 06:37 PM
He just blamed the moderation team for it last night
ImNATT 11-Dec-18 06:43 PM
Someone at Twitch needs to sit down and make a list for each specific infraction and how long you get banned for it. Something like a ban book where their moderation team can look up what the fuck they're supposed to do.
Even we have more communication among us than them.
Doctor Bread 11-Dec-18 06:44 PM
Maybe there's just too many moderators
ImNATT 11-Dec-18 06:46 PM
That's what the book would be for. Something like "Saying faggot directed at an individual: 7 days". Would solve most of their problems.
Ocypode 11-Dec-18 06:46 PM
But if you got nudes from a streamer it's minus 20 days to ban
ImNATT 11-Dec-18 06:46 PM
Doctor Bread 11-Dec-18 06:52 PM
It's just very contextual, same as LSF
They should just have a mature section with super relaxed rules
Beat your wife all you want
RaptorJesus 11-Dec-18 07:01 PM
My buddy who was a partnership manager at twitch basically said they never want solid rules because then they’d have to enforce it on big partners
No joke
They literally want to make sure their cash cows can’t get perma’d
Only in rare instances does it happen
Doctor Bread 11-Dec-18 07:59 PM
Wew that name is E D G Y
Doctor Bread 11-Dec-18 08:04 PM
@here Anyone else get this?
ImNATT 11-Dec-18 08:04 PM
Doctor Bread 12-Dec-18 12:11 AM
Someone complaining about the knut racist video being posted
RaptorJesus 12-Dec-18 12:12 AM
"It’s not fair or legal for them to be spreading this private information"
i wish i had a brainlet emote
What private info is in the screenshots
Doctor Bread 12-Dec-18 12:14 AM
Feel free to respond, I don't think that's Knut's account
Pretty sure his has his name in it
I think that's the chick in the video
RaptorJesus 12-Dec-18 12:22 AM
i'll look in a min
Doctor Bread 12-Dec-18 12:24 AM
I actuallly removed it when it was first leaked since that Wesbtw guy is a brigader, but there's two accounts that have kept posting it
Doctor Bread 12-Dec-18 03:08 AM
I gave her a serious response
Was bored
https://www.reddit.com/user/Balding_Wookie Could maybe ban this guy / remove his comments for personal agenda, but it would be too late at this point. Maybe if he keeps posting it in the future. Only posts that / deletes all of his comments.
HalfOfAKebab 12-Dec-18 11:28 AM
Doctor Bread 12-Dec-18 01:41 PM
I dunno, seems like he was only here just to be retarded
I stickied it for awhile late last night and it got up to 40. Then reddit just banned the account since it's some bot, lol (edited)
Ocypode 12-Dec-18 01:47 PM
why not remove it
Doctor Bread 12-Dec-18 01:48 PM
Don't bully MrDestructoid
He has it hard enough
@Ocypode Someone gave it reddit silver (edited)
Ocypode 12-Dec-18 01:54 PM
Doctor Bread 12-Dec-18 01:55 PM
I dunno, I just stickied it for like 30 minute last night then went to sleep and just left it up, I didn't expect it to get all the way up to 700. Real content
Doctor Bread 12-Dec-18 01:57 PM
What's the 717 words 5,671 characters mean?
ImNATT 12-Dec-18 01:57 PM
That's the length of the email he sent (edited)
Doctor Bread 12-Dec-18 01:57 PM
Is that what he wrote?
Fucking Gengar
ImNATT 12-Dec-18 01:57 PM
Doctor Bread 12-Dec-18 02:00 PM
Did you mean to approve this guy, lol
ImNATT 12-Dec-18 02:00 PM
Why shouldn't I?
🤷 1
Doctor Bread 12-Dec-18 02:02 PM
Ice rolled out a new platform
ImNATT 12-Dec-18 02:02 PM
I mean you approved a literal spam post and it's on the frontpage
Let him have his novelty account.
Doctor Bread 12-Dec-18 02:03 PM
"its literally still on youtube, but with embedded site that is mirror of twitch, with twitchs copyrighted emotes"
Ice gonna get sued
Or banned off youtube
ImNATT 12-Dec-18 02:04 PM
Destiny does the same, no?
Doctor Bread 12-Dec-18 02:04 PM
I dunno he's got https://www.destiny.gg/
ImNATT 12-Dec-18 02:04 PM
They just mean sticks and cigarettes guis
Doctor Bread 12-Dec-18 02:05 PM
All donations and views still show up on Twitch so I guess it's not an issue
ImNATT 12-Dec-18 02:07 PM
YouTube allows embeds so it shouldn't matter.
Doctor Bread 12-Dec-18 02:08 PM
I think he could get hit for advertising Twitch's copywrited emotes though
Doctor Bread 12-Dec-18 03:07 PM
Shit mb
Fucking formatting on Discord
HalfOfAKebab 12-Dec-18 03:07 PM
Doctor Bread 12-Dec-18 03:07 PM
I'll type it in word lol
HalfOfAKebab 12-Dec-18 03:07 PM
deleting pings does nothing btw
it just leaves a ghost ping
Doctor Bread 12-Dec-18 03:07 PM
HalfOfAKebab 12-Dec-18 03:07 PM
which is worse
Doctor Bread 12-Dec-18 03:08 PM
Don't worry it will actually be important
Punk 12-Dec-18 03:13 PM
What was that ping anyway
I caught the preview
Some guy had control of a sub or something
Doctor Bread 12-Dec-18 03:15 PM
@here To summarize what that guy in general was asking about posting on the sub:
- Destiny wanted control of the /r/Destiny subreddit from him. He asked in Twitch chat / on stream, and the guy responded to Destiny with this, asking just to remain a mod on the sub / his chat https://imgur.com/CLf1WUE

- Destiny responded about a month later, offering $1000 for it. Lumi (the guy in general) counter offered for 2k. Lumi said he didn’t ask for money from Destiny at any time, but claims Destiny was trying to lowball him an offer, since that’s how he obtained control of his Instagram account. Apparently, he talked about it on stream at some point. https://i.imgur.com/EeeZqMV.png

- Shortly after, Lumi was banned by reddit for trying to sell a subreddit he owned. Destiny then recovered the subreddit on his reddit account. https://i.imgur.com/KaEW4vj.png

So, the only sketchy thing about the story was Destiny saying “So you said 1k for the sub” but as Lumi claimed, that could have been Destiny trying to lowball him an offer, if that is in fact how he got his Instagram account.

I also highly doubt reddit is individually monitoring everyone’s PMs, which makes me suspect that perhaps Destiny got annoyed at the 2k offer and reported him to the mods in an effort to entrap him / get him banned. He may have had the intention of entrapping him just with the 1k offer if Lumi accepted.

Lumi also says he was never paid. (edited)
Punk 12-Dec-18 03:16 PM
Destiny's such a weiner lol
Doctor Bread 12-Dec-18 03:17 PM
Edited, but forgot to mention Destiny never paid him.
He also says he just got banned today, and Destiny immediately got control of the subreddit.
This is the story of how Destiny got his instagram account by paying for it / using that lowball offer <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZtpyzAHl8k>; (edited)
You still need to go through the approval process to obtain a subreddit from a permabanned owner, and like I said, Destiny got immediate control. Very sketchy
"to be transparent, I'm trying to contact destiny about this, so maybe I'll wait on posting anything for a bit to see if he has some sort of explanation"
Doctor Bread 12-Dec-18 04:06 PM
Yeah I'm thinking he should be allowed to post about it. Seems pretty fucked.
RaptorJesus 12-Dec-18 07:40 PM
his shit post lost us 3 followers
Punk 12-Dec-18 07:52 PM
They weren't strong enough
Jisifus 12-Dec-18 08:36 PM
holy shit that picture
im fucking dead lmao
HalfOfAKebab 13-Dec-18 01:03 PM
^ i think that answers the question
Ocypode 13-Dec-18 01:14 PM
Looks like that asian tinder dude is banned
Doctor Bread 13-Dec-18 01:39 PM
Modding finally pays off boys
Ocypode 13-Dec-18 01:46 PM
Shame I didn't get to fill the survey
Doctor Bread 13-Dec-18 01:48 PM
I think only Natt and I got the initial one, and I assume it was probably based on mod actions / mod activity whether you got one or not
Ocypode 13-Dec-18 01:49 PM
so slacking doesn't pay off
show me that again
Doctor Bread 13-Dec-18 01:52 PM
Yeah I fucked it up lol
Ocypode 13-Dec-18 01:52 PM
I have no idea if my amount of mod actions is ok or I should stop slacking
I dont check those
Doctor Bread 13-Dec-18 01:57 PM
This is start of November to now, not scuffed
So they prob just asked people above a certain threshold
Also who is blueboxy1
Apparently he unbanned 1 person from our subreddit
<https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/7dnlul/i_dont_love_you/dpz3dph/>; Guess he used to be a mod. Think it was someone's alt here
@Ocypode 0%
Ocypode 13-Dec-18 02:00 PM
wtf is that 0% lol
Doctor Bread 13-Dec-18 02:00 PM
Percentage of actions
Ocypode 13-Dec-18 02:00 PM
Doctor Bread 13-Dec-18 02:02 PM
Should make a list of what I should ask the admins about
ImNATT 13-Dec-18 04:28 PM
I'll ask them why they are so gay.
Doctor Bread 13-Dec-18 04:28 PM
Did you get invited too?
HalfOfAKebab 13-Dec-18 04:29 PM
i don't remember blueboxy leaving
ImNATT 13-Dec-18 04:29 PM
No, not yet.
He was let go
HalfOfAKebab 13-Dec-18 04:29 PM
Doctor Bread 13-Dec-18 04:29 PM
@ImNATT I thought Punk said it was his alt or something
ImNATT 13-Dec-18 04:29 PM
Extended periods of inactivity.
blueboxy was a mod long before me or Punk lol
Doctor Bread 13-Dec-18 04:31 PM
10 votes and 9 comments so far on Reddit
This dude has maybe the worst modteam ever, ruining his stream, really should tell him to stop being retarded (edited)
ImNATT 13-Dec-18 04:34 PM
First Pepe and now LUL. Won't be long until they come for TriHard.
We have to defend our emotes at all cost.
Doctor Bread 13-Dec-18 04:35 PM
What's he known for other than the feathers / steel bit?
ImNATT 13-Dec-18 04:35 PM
I have no idea who that dude even is
Literally W H
Doctor Bread 13-Dec-18 04:36 PM
I guess it's just for the sketch show
ImNATT 13-Dec-18 05:13 PM
2,729 votes and 255 comments so far on Reddit
Doctor Bread 13-Dec-18 05:14 PM
Imagine being that retarded
Jisifus 13-Dec-18 10:39 PM
the fuck are you guys doing to get 15k mod actions a month (edited)
are you telling me you use unmod instead of modqueue?
Doctor Bread 13-Dec-18 10:48 PM
@Jisifus what do you mean?
Doctor Bread 13-Dec-18 10:49 PM
I use modqueue
Jisifus 13-Dec-18 10:49 PM
Doctor Bread 13-Dec-18 10:50 PM
oh you said 15 a month
you mean 15k lol
Jisifus 13-Dec-18 10:50 PM
i meant 15k
not sure if i mentioned it but i'll leave in about two weeks and only come back in june
HalfOfAKebab 13-Dec-18 11:28 PM
how the fuck do you get 11k actions with modqueue alone
whenever i open reddit it's always empty
max amount of items i see is like 4
i guess you could just leave reddit open and get the modqueue notifications no matter what window you have open (edited)
that's prob what you do tbh
Jisifus 14-Dec-18 12:25 AM
I mean natt goes through unmoderated
Just check the front page, every thread is approved even if it didn't make it to modqueue
(meaning no reports or no automod filters)
Doctor Bread 14-Dec-18 12:26 AM
Yeah he cheats
Jisifus 14-Dec-18 12:27 AM
I mean if you have the time to do that I'm not gonna talk shit
Especially considering my action count
But it's not really the point tbh
At least you get to check each post but it's a lot easier to use good filters and remind people to report shit
ImNATT 14-Dec-18 11:18 AM
Cheating? lol
I'm moderating
Took me 6 minutes to clear 100+ items from the unmoderated queue. It's not hard.
ImNATT 14-Dec-18 12:10 PM
@Doctor Bread Which thread were you talking about?
The one that got brigaded
Doctor Bread 14-Dec-18 12:16 PM
Ice was streaming on twitch and got banned
Doctor Bread 14-Dec-18 03:48 PM
It'd be cool if a bot could put a cooldown on a streamer if a clip is submitted from their channel. Like if xQc is posted, no one can post clips from his channel for 3 minutes or something.
Stop all the 🐒
ImNATT 14-Dec-18 04:46 PM
Actually a good idea. (edited)
Ocypode 14-Dec-18 04:55 PM
I see a big flaw in that idea which would sound good but it's actually better for the clip 🐒 . They just post the funny moment by just clipping it fast and posting, while a clip like 1min after would be better with more context or cut better.
Doctor Bread 14-Dec-18 04:57 PM
Yeah that's true
Or people trolling if they knew about it and just locking out streamers
ImNATT 14-Dec-18 04:59 PM
Ocypode 14-Dec-18 05:01 PM
Yeah other than that it would be a good idea
Or something to make our lives easier when theres a super funny moment and we see 20 clips of the same moment
if its even possible
but to modque streamer clips if hes getting clipped more than like 3 times a 5minute
Or even once a minute is already sketchy full of chimps
Jisifus 14-Dec-18 05:03 PM
@ImNATT doesn't it get tedious after a while? Approving posts that had nothing wrong with them to begin with
After like 50 posts I'd be like "damn this is a huge waste of time"
ImNATT 14-Dec-18 05:06 PM
Not really. As I said, it doesn't take long and I catch an lot of duplicates and other rule breaking posts that don't get reported. Someone has to do it.
Jisifus 14-Dec-18 05:08 PM
Do you keep track of the stuff you remove that didn't get caught/reported? Could make some new automod rules
Doctor Bread 14-Dec-18 05:10 PM
I don't understand
Jisifus 14-Dec-18 05:11 PM
That escalated quickly
ImNATT 14-Dec-18 05:21 PM
You can't write bots for duplicate submissions, politics, clickbait and the like. Maybe for "He said it" posts and swatting based on the title but that also brings false positives with it.
Doctor Bread 14-Dec-18 08:09 PM
ImNATT 15-Dec-18 03:31 PM
Normiesreeee was trying to start shit with Trainwrecks again this morning.
She clipped mizkif changing Trains female merch prices via inspect element and titled it "Train charges more for female merch" or something like that. I caught it before it blew up.
Doctor Bread 15-Dec-18 03:35 PM
Someone posted that yesterday
I thought she just posted train raging at mizkif
ImNATT 15-Dec-18 03:36 PM
That too. Anything to get the ball rolling.
No, you're right. It was someone else:

It was early in the morning and I was drowsy. (edited)
99 votes and 30 comments so far on Reddit
Doctor Bread 15-Dec-18 04:03 PM
Srs bsns
ImNATT 15-Dec-18 04:05 PM
I gave him an appropriate answer.
Doctor Bread 15-Dec-18 04:10 PM
Doctor Bread 15-Dec-18 11:45 PM
What the fuck is this account lol
This is just insanity for a straight month
All the mental illness tonight
RaptorJesus 16-Dec-18 03:25 AM
lmao christ
Jisifus 16-Dec-18 08:10 AM
What the fuck hahahahahaha
Ocypode 16-Dec-18 08:15 AM
Ok that's mental illness ok
ImNATT 16-Dec-18 10:01 AM
@Doctor Bread https://mod.reddit.com/mail/all/5sg0s
They keep getting longer (edited)
Ocypode 16-Dec-18 10:23 AM
ImNATT 16-Dec-18 10:39 AM
He didn't know self-promotion was against the rules. He's trying to get unbanned. Justifiying why he posted his own clips, then had his mods post his clips after he got banned and is telling us what WE need to do to prevent this in the future.
Ocypode 16-Dec-18 10:41 AM
Lol what
Why is the acting entitled and not reading the rules
ImNATT 16-Dec-18 11:14 AM
small brain capacity
Doctor Bread 16-Dec-18 01:25 PM
@ImNATT what the fuck
that's so long lol
Why'd you unban him
his channel is already in automod
Molestor linked me some of Ice's mods
ImNATT 16-Dec-18 01:35 PM
Idk. I feel someone who puts that much effort into a message would also try to dox me and get me killed
Doctor Bread 16-Dec-18 03:31 PM
3,217 votes and 98 comments so far on Reddit
Look at the account, seems to be promoting himself / one of his mods?
One of the mods is named ninja and all of the submitted clips he's ever posted are from the streamer / mods, fuck it dood
Damn, wish I caught that earlier
Ocypode 16-Dec-18 03:35 PM
yeah i mean should've been obvious
only clips hes posted is from that same dude
@Doctor Bread
Doctor Bread 16-Dec-18 03:35 PM
I didn't check last night
Ocypode 16-Dec-18 03:35 PM
I always check new streamers
Doctor Bread 16-Dec-18 03:35 PM
I could be wrong but I don't think I am
and from what that one random dude commented
some other people called out his past crazy behavior too / brigading reddit
Ocypode 16-Dec-18 03:36 PM
Hmm I actually didn't read the comment
only checked that user
"Tried to get popular leeching off of his name"
I don't get it
Doctor Bread 16-Dec-18 03:38 PM
Ocypode 16-Dec-18 03:38 PM
He said that in that comment
also the reply to him
"exactly! this guy is crazy and ruthless"
No other post history
maybe its the streamer trying to make it look like hes not selfpromoting
and acting as all these
Doctor Bread 16-Dec-18 03:39 PM
Looks like someone who deletes all of their comments
they have a lot of karma though
Ocypode 16-Dec-18 03:39 PM
Yeah dunno
Doctor Bread 16-Dec-18 03:39 PM
but still, the OP account only posts him / every clip is made by the dude or his mods
and there's a mod called ninja
Ocypode 16-Dec-18 03:46 PM
Yeah I'd say its pretty clear case
Self promotion
I wouldn't believe those comments
Doctor Bread 17-Dec-18 03:39 AM
I assume you put the note for a reason
HalfOfAKebab 17-Dec-18 06:42 AM
i mean to be fair he doesn't seem like he's gonna cause trouble
ImNATT 17-Dec-18 06:58 AM
What's unclear?
Doctor Bread 17-Dec-18 01:31 PM
@ImNATT I dunno <a:aPeepoDetective:421054275561586698>
Man that new Young Yurks streamer is causing some pretty shit threads
Punk 17-Dec-18 02:09 PM
Young turks are cancer
They streaming now?
Doctor Bread 17-Dec-18 02:11 PM
@Punk That Hasan Abi guy just joined and he has been
Every thread is a political shitshow
Ocypode 17-Dec-18 02:14 PM
I also felt that it might be some sort of brigading
So many of his threads become big even though first time I've seen his clips
Punk 17-Dec-18 02:14 PM
Just remove all that shit for politics I guess
Nothing good will come of it
Doctor Bread 17-Dec-18 02:15 PM
@Ocypode I think it's just cause of the political affiliation
Since young turks are so well known
Ocypode 17-Dec-18 02:19 PM
Doctor Bread 17-Dec-18 02:20 PM
Prob brigaded by like ChapoTrapHouse though
Or something
I don't know what groups all of these retards are part of or what they believe
ImNATT 17-Dec-18 03:26 PM
Ive already banned chapotraphouse people in those threads
Doctor Bread 17-Dec-18 03:27 PM
chapo is radical left, right? (edited)
what are young turks
radical right?
Genocide deniers? I dunno
ImNATT 17-Dec-18 03:32 PM
They're all left
Doctor Bread 17-Dec-18 03:32 PM
left eating its own
ImNATT 17-Dec-18 04:58 PM
I would say leave it. It's relevant and Athene isn't the focus. Anyone against it?
Doctor Bread 17-Dec-18 04:59 PM
@ImNATT mb, I meant the overall thread
Doctor Bread 17-Dec-18 05:00 PM
not that comment
ImNATT 17-Dec-18 05:00 PM
Take it down
There's literally nothing in that thread that comes close to being evidence.
The reddit admins are such assholes. Their entire business model is founded on stolen content, yet they do everything they can to prevent you from simply downloading a video hosted on their site. (edited)
Doctor Bread 17-Dec-18 06:17 PM
the extended thing looks cool, wonder if mods will be able to see it
talking to the reddit admins on wednesday btw
Ocypode 18-Dec-18 07:14 AM
I just deleted it
Doctor Bread 18-Dec-18 01:29 PM
I didn't watch it, I just saw it had upvotes, lol
Should we just ban that channel
Ocypode 18-Dec-18 01:33 PM
Yeah dunno if this keeps happening yeah
No need his political shit in LSF
Doctor Bread 18-Dec-18 01:35 PM
Chapo people were def brigading it
And why I think like Destiny is fine and he's not is because Destiny is a streamer who talks about political stuff sometimes, Hasan is a member of a radical political group who sometimes streams.
ImNATT 18-Dec-18 04:39 PM
I'm inclined to agree. But I'd rather wait a little longer and see if permabans for anyone posting political content of his would be a solution. (edited)
Doctor Bread 18-Dec-18 04:41 PM
yeah maybe
Doctor Bread 18-Dec-18 05:06 PM
1 vote and 0 comments so far on Reddit
Wanna host anything like this?
ImNATT 18-Dec-18 05:07 PM
I don't
200 IQ
Doctor Bread 18-Dec-18 05:16 PM
what's this
trainwreck's blog?
Ocypode 18-Dec-18 05:24 PM
Ice poseidon best stream 2018
ImNATT 18-Dec-18 05:34 PM
@Doctor Bread yea
Ocypode 18-Dec-18 05:35 PM
how did you find it and why
RaptorJesus 18-Dec-18 05:39 PM
We should do an end of the year awards for shits and giggles
Just throw up a google doc and have people vote for dumb shit
"Worst debater on Twitch"
"Best fail of the year"
Doctor Bread 18-Dec-18 05:40 PM
It could be fun, that's a good idea
RaptorJesus 18-Dec-18 05:40 PM
"Biggest hogsqueeze moment"
Ocypode 18-Dec-18 05:41 PM
yeah that would be funny I think
Doctor Bread 18-Dec-18 05:41 PM
So a nomination thread then a voting thread?
RaptorJesus 18-Dec-18 05:41 PM
We can put it in contest mode
What categories should we do?
Worst Debater On Twitch should 100% be one
since all of those stupid streaming podcasts end up in debates
Ocypode 18-Dec-18 05:43 PM
Bet people will just meme that Destiny is worst
But yeah I think we gotta think of all the categories
Doctor Bread 18-Dec-18 05:44 PM
It's not a meme though
Ocypode 18-Dec-18 05:44 PM
not able to type
Ocypode 18-Dec-18 05:45 PM
Ok now
RaptorJesus 18-Dec-18 05:45 PM
Doctor Bread 18-Dec-18 05:46 PM
Cross-typing is weird lol
Might be too many best streamer categories
Just put one and it will be xQc obviously
Ocypode 18-Dec-18 05:48 PM
Biggest copystriker
Doctor Bread 18-Dec-18 05:48 PM
Best E-Thot
Ocypode 18-Dec-18 05:48 PM
more like Squeeziest hog
Doctor Bread 18-Dec-18 05:50 PM
Streaming group?
Ocypode 18-Dec-18 05:50 PM
Should we also have some kind of recap of 2018 orsomething
Doctor Bread 18-Dec-18 05:50 PM
Like offlinetv?
Cx is obviously best
Ocypode 18-Dec-18 05:51 PM
And maybe like ask about if people want changes for 2019
Doctor Bread 18-Dec-18 05:51 PM
Someone could make a compilation video of all the winning stuff but that would prob take awhile
Ocypode 18-Dec-18 05:51 PM
dunno just thinking
Doctor Bread 18-Dec-18 05:51 PM
Nah they would just say unban Ice
Ocypode 18-Dec-18 05:52 PM
Or other ideas for subreddit improvement
Let them ask for Ice we just say no
Doctor Bread 18-Dec-18 05:52 PM
Pinned a message.
ImNATT 18-Dec-18 06:43 PM
200 votes and 210 comments so far on Reddit
As an incentive for the users to be serious.
Ocypode 18-Dec-18 06:44 PM
by sodypop
ImNATT 18-Dec-18 06:44 PM
He's a Reddit admin
Ocypode 18-Dec-18 06:44 PM
ImNATT 18-Dec-18 06:45 PM
Red name is always admin
Doctor Bread 18-Dec-18 06:48 PM
ah that's cool
ImNATT 18-Dec-18 06:48 PM
>Designate one moderator per subreddit to request Reddit Coins in this thread by December 31st. (edited)
Doctor Bread 18-Dec-18 06:48 PM
@ImNATT Your subreddit must be running a legitimate Best of 2018 contest
Unless you wanna actually try
I'll check out those other voting threads and see if they can apply to us
ImNATT 18-Dec-18 06:51 PM
As I said from the beginning, I don't
I know what kinda work it is to do something serious
Doctor Bread 18-Dec-18 06:51 PM
Unless making some questions and throwing up strawpolls isn't serious enough
"Can worst redesign of Reddit be awarded?" (edited)
ImNATT 18-Dec-18 06:59 PM
Doctor Bread 18-Dec-18 06:59 PM
Yeah, and some new account was commenting on both of them, def got linked on a stream / discord
Doctor Bread 19-Dec-18 03:26 AM
Hasan isn't that bad a guy, I think it'll be fine to handle the people posting rather than him. He was chill on train's podcast
Doctor Bread 19-Dec-18 04:36 PM
Talked with the reddit admin, was pretty good
Permanent modmail mute is coming (most likely)
ImNATT 19-Dec-18 04:54 PM
Anyone want a free month of Discord Nitro?
Doctor Bread 19-Dec-18 04:55 PM
@ImNATT gimme gimme
Why don't you use it on your own account?
ImNATT 19-Dec-18 04:55 PM
Isn't that the same shit I already have?
Doctor Bread 19-Dec-18 04:56 PM
Do you pay for it already?
ImNATT 19-Dec-18 04:56 PM
I payed $50
Doctor Bread 19-Dec-18 04:57 PM
This I guess
ImNATT 19-Dec-18 04:57 PM
There's another one for 100 but that's not it, is it?
Doctor Bread 19-Dec-18 04:57 PM
The 100 is normal nitro for a year
but i didnt know there's two nitros now
Or what the difference is
ImNATT 19-Dec-18 04:58 PM
With the $100 one you get free games from the store
Doctor Bread 19-Dec-18 04:58 PM
ah gotcha
ImNATT 19-Dec-18 04:58 PM
Doctor Bread 19-Dec-18 04:58 PM
Those games are all shit
So I guess not really worth it if you don't use new nitro stuff
Maybe I should just pay the 50
ImNATT 19-Dec-18 04:59 PM
That's what I do. Couldn't pass up on that Elon gif and cross-server emotes
Doctor Bread 19-Dec-18 05:00 PM
so is the 50 for forever?
ImNATT 19-Dec-18 05:00 PM
No. It's yearly
Ocypode 19-Dec-18 05:10 PM
Punk 19-Dec-18 05:10 PM
I get the games for free for being a longtime supporter
Doctor Bread 19-Dec-18 05:12 PM
RaptorJesus 19-Dec-18 09:20 PM
Oh yeah
nomination categories
Lets narrow it down to 7
I put my ranking in the bottom
Doctor Bread 19-Dec-18 09:21 PM
Streaming group is kind of dumb
It's offlinetv and Cx
Cx kids will brigade for that
RaptorJesus 19-Dec-18 09:23 PM
I set mine
lets have this thread up by tonight
so @here
Doctor Bread 19-Dec-18 09:24 PM
I will after raid
RaptorJesus 19-Dec-18 09:24 PM
HalfOfAKebab 19-Dec-18 09:24 PM
Doctor Bread 19-Dec-18 09:24 PM
But I can't fucking get in anyways
RaptorJesus 19-Dec-18 09:24 PM
Best / Worst Debater Best Hog Squeezing Moment Best Fail of the Year Best Win of the Year Best Wholesome moment Best / Worst Channels (Various Categories) (Creative) (Variety) (Esports) (IRL) Best Newcomer Biggest Pepega Best Emote Best memer Best / Worst Fanbase ...
Doctor Bread 19-Dec-18 09:24 PM
RaptorJesus 19-Dec-18 09:24 PM
Select your top categories lads
Ocypode 19-Dec-18 09:24 PM
7 top categories?
RaptorJesus 19-Dec-18 09:24 PM
Yeah what you think we should include in the nominations
Ocypode 19-Dec-18 09:24 PM
How would we mark them
RaptorJesus 19-Dec-18 09:24 PM
scroll down
on the sheet
and just do what i did
Ocypode 19-Dec-18 09:25 PM
Doctor Bread 19-Dec-18 09:26 PM
Ocypode 19-Dec-18 09:27 PM
aight done
"Best ban"
Btw asking what you guys think
but I was thinking of getting some more "views/votes" to this thing
What you think if I tell soda to check the thread on this stream?
Or like make him aware we will have this going on and he lowkey tells viewers that it's going on
Doctor Bread 19-Dec-18 09:39 PM
Meh I don't think you need to
HalfOfAKebab 19-Dec-18 09:41 PM
no preference
lots of people are gonna see it anyway
lsf is pretty big
also might skew the results in his favour slightly
yeah i'm against it actually
Ocypode 19-Dec-18 09:42 PM
ye true
not gonna do it
HalfOfAKebab 19-Dec-18 09:43 PM
hmm, what about a category that the lesser known streamers have a chance at?
specifically by something that only applies to them
like, best clip from an underdog, or something
gives it more variety rather than it being a popularity contest
like a lot of these are pretty predictable
calling it now, biggest pepega is gonna be xqc
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 02:44 AM
Current category votes

5 Best Fail of the Year
5 Best Win of the Year
3 Best Streamer (Any Category)
3 Best Production Value
3 Best Wholesome moment
2 Biggest Pepega
2 Best Streaming Drama
2 Best Clip
2 Funniest Streamer
1 Best IRL Streamer
1 Best Variety Streamer
1 Best Esports Streamer
1 Best Creative Streamer
1 Best Newcomer
1 Best Emote
1 Worst Fanbase
1 Best You've Been Gnomed (edited)
Punk 20-Dec-18 02:45 AM
>1 Best You've Been Gnomed
what the fuck faggots
Ocypode 20-Dec-18 06:54 AM
ImNATT 20-Dec-18 12:19 PM
I kinda want to reply that men can't be victims of domestic violence to tick him off real good
RaptorJesus 20-Dec-18 12:21 PM
2 Biggest Pepega
2 Best Streaming Drama
2 Funniest Streamer (edited)
So out of these
we need to narrow it down to 2
I think best clip & funniest streamer but what do you guys think
id like to have this up sometime this afternoon
ImNATT 20-Dec-18 12:27 PM
Where's the difference between best clip and best fail/win?
Ocypode 20-Dec-18 12:35 PM
@ImNATT replied to him as I felt I had to because I deleted his shitty post
ImNATT 20-Dec-18 12:37 PM
RaptorJesus 20-Dec-18 12:42 PM
Oh yeah you right
I think biggest pepega and drama are just kinda retarded
but thats just me
ImNATT 20-Dec-18 12:43 PM
Drama is an essential part of the subreddit though.
RaptorJesus 20-Dec-18 12:43 PM
Yeah true
I vote drama & funniest streamer then
ImNATT 20-Dec-18 12:43 PM
Me too
Ocypode 20-Dec-18 12:51 PM
I agree, pepega would just be obvious xqc
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 03:05 PM
Thanks reddit
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 04:55 PM
@ImNATT can you make your voting category choices
ImNATT 20-Dec-18 04:55 PM
Scroll up
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 04:56 PM
Did you make your 7 choice list?
I don't see it
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 05:00 PM
6 Best Fail of the Year
6 Best Win of the Year
4 Best Wholesome moment
3 Best Streamer (Any Category)
3 Best Production Value
2 Biggest Pepega
2 Best Streaming Drama
2 Best Clip
2 Funniest Streamer
2 Best IRL Streamer
2 Best Variety Streamer
2 Best Esports Streamer
2 Best Creative Streamer
1 Best Newcomer
1 Best Emote
1 Worst Fanbase
1 Best You've Been Gnomed
Well gj, you made the decision even harder
I think we should just do best streamer, there's too many categories

Best Fail of the Year
Best Win of the Year
Best Wholesome Moment
Best IRL Streamer
Best Gaming Streamer
Best Production Value
Best Streaming Drama

Think that would probably be the best
Maybe change IRL/gaming to something else but it seems like a good way to give it to two people
Ocypode 20-Dec-18 05:03 PM
I think that looks good
ImNATT 20-Dec-18 05:03 PM
No drama
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 05:03 PM
I put drama since that's what our sub is
Punk 20-Dec-18 05:03 PM
drama's lame imo
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 05:03 PM
You can't have LSF without drama
Punk 20-Dec-18 05:03 PM
I'd rather see a funniest clip
we have win and fail
but no funny overall
ImNATT 20-Dec-18 05:03 PM
Oh it's there. I thought you left it out
Ocypode 20-Dec-18 05:03 PM
Theres been a lot of drama stuff tho and it would just be fun to vote on it
I'd like to see it in
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 05:04 PM
It seems like a fun vote
Not like this is super serious
Ocypode 20-Dec-18 05:04 PM
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 05:04 PM
And then we got the special vote of who's worse, robinson or fearmyburst
Ocypode 20-Dec-18 05:04 PM
Win/Fail/Funny is hard to differentiate
So having like all 3 is like what is what really, that's how I feel
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 05:05 PM
Well it would be Win/Fail/Funny/Wholesome
Ocypode 20-Dec-18 05:05 PM
Especially with Win and Funny
Which imo are almost similar
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 05:05 PM
I mean we can do both, it really doesn't matter if we have 8
Ocypode 20-Dec-18 05:05 PM
Sure they're not but as I said, it will be hard to see which ones belong in what category
ImNATT 20-Dec-18 05:06 PM
Win and Fail are enough
Ocypode 20-Dec-18 05:06 PM
Like hey this is fucking hilarious but it's also pretty PogChamp
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 05:06 PM
So no wholesome then?
ImNATT 20-Dec-18 05:06 PM
Ocypode 20-Dec-18 05:06 PM
I like wholesome
ImNATT 20-Dec-18 05:06 PM
thats win
Ocypode 20-Dec-18 05:06 PM
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 05:06 PM
I guess, what should go in its place
Worst fanbase
Ocypode 20-Dec-18 05:06 PM
Maybe funny goes in its place then?
fuck the fanbase lol
that would be stupid
Cx wins 100%
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 05:07 PM
Best Fortnite Streamer
Ocypode 20-Dec-18 05:07 PM
ImNATT 20-Dec-18 05:07 PM
dont start wars with this vote
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 05:07 PM
Last vote is unban Ice
Ocypode 20-Dec-18 05:07 PM
oh the comment section will be fun
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 05:07 PM
Ocypode 20-Dec-18 05:08 PM
ban train and say HEY ASSHOLE
oh wait already done that
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 05:08 PM
Best Fail of the Year
Best Win of the Year
Best IRL Streamer
Best Gaming Streamer
Best Production Value
Best Streaming Drama

Ok so what's the definitive last one
What makes LSF LSF
Besides drama
Best Hog-Squeezer
ImNATT 20-Dec-18 05:09 PM
cant vote on meta or news
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 05:09 PM
Meta would actually work, wouldn't it?
I guess it crosses over with drama a bit
ImNATT 20-Dec-18 05:10 PM
what's meta?
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 05:10 PM
ImNATT 20-Dec-18 05:10 PM
people have a lot of different understandings of that word
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 05:10 PM
Meta would be like a post about LSF
But it's usually just drama
ImNATT 20-Dec-18 05:11 PM
banned streamers
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 05:11 PM
Best streamer ban of the year
ImNATT 20-Dec-18 05:11 PM
most surprising ban
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 05:11 PM
That might be good
Or worst Twitch decision
ImNATT 20-Dec-18 05:12 PM
yeah that too
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 05:12 PM
Best Fail of the Year
Best Win of the Year
Best IRL Streamer
Best Gaming Streamer
Best Production Value
Best Streaming Drama
Worst Twitch Decision
ImNATT 20-Dec-18 05:13 PM
6 best 1 worst very positive subreddit
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 05:14 PM
I think shitting on twitch is a big part of the sub
ImNATT 20-Dec-18 05:15 PM
That list is pretty much the sub in a nutshell
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 05:25 PM
@ImNATT would production value be for like the whole channel or one clip
ImNATT 20-Dec-18 05:26 PM
Doesn't matter
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 05:26 PM
I guess clip makes more sense, something else to link directly to the sub
ImNATT 20-Dec-18 05:27 PM
Could be RajjPatell podcast as a whole or just a skit from knightsinclair
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 05:27 PM
Yeah I think a particular skit will be easier to vote on
ImNATT 20-Dec-18 05:28 PM
One, the other or both I don't care either way.
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 05:33 PM
@here K got this so far
Ocypode 20-Dec-18 05:33 PM
I would remove the incel from the first sentence
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 05:34 PM
Incels are part of LSF
Ocypode 20-Dec-18 05:34 PM
makes us like literally advertise how incels are here
inb4 quarantined
RaptorJesus 20-Dec-18 05:37 PM
just call them virgins
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 05:37 PM
alright lol
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 06:08 PM
Well I've got the post ready to submit whenever, or can use the lsfmod account
RaptorJesus 20-Dec-18 06:20 PM
i'll get the coins or whatever the fuck they're called for distribution
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 06:21 PM
Aight I'll put it up, you try and do that
It might be legitimate enough
RaptorJesus 20-Dec-18 06:22 PM
i like they way they laid out their rules
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 06:22 PM
I can change it, I copied from some other random subreddit
Eh I dunno, their voting stuff is a bit different
RaptorJesus 20-Dec-18 06:24 PM
Oh right
Let me make the google doc now
Yeah we should have people upvote the nominees and then we'll pick the top 4 nominees and put them in the final vote
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 06:24 PM
@RaptorJesus Coins wouldn't work for some of the categories too, unless you're giving to the person who nominated it
I won't mention the coins for now since it's not a done deal
RaptorJesus 20-Dec-18 06:25 PM
Nominations should from from today -> the 25th, then from the 25th-31st should be main voting
good idea
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 06:34 PM
Alright, let me know if you see anything wrong, think I set it up properly
RaptorJesus 20-Dec-18 06:39 PM
Looks good
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 06:41 PM
@RaptorJesus Ice might win best IRL streamer
Or should any ice nominations just be removed
RaptorJesus 20-Dec-18 06:46 PM
Remove ice nominations
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 07:12 PM
@RaptorJesus All of the duplicate nominations
I'll try and remove as they come
Or if anyone wants to check every so often
Ocypode 20-Dec-18 07:14 PM
STPeach - She has to have an excuse to get up at least 20 times a stream to keep her following alive. The effort that's taken is unbelievable
Best production value
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 07:47 PM
Dunno if there's anything we can do
Ocypode 20-Dec-18 07:48 PM
Oh shit
Doctor Bread 20-Dec-18 07:49 PM
New drama contender coming in last minute
ImNATT 21-Dec-18 12:22 PM
Is RES/Modqueue "Broken" for anyone else?
Every time I approve, remove or spam a post that's not on page 1 I get kicked back to the beginning of the queue and have to scroll back down again.
Doctor Bread 21-Dec-18 01:03 PM
Don't think so
Cleaned up most of the incels on the yellowspoon thread
Comments should be slow for the rest of the time it's up
RaptorJesus 21-Dec-18 04:58 PM
Hyubsama vs Jake
the battle of Japan streamers
Doctor Bread 21-Dec-18 05:26 PM
alright added brigading removal reason
Doctor Bread 22-Dec-18 02:39 PM
Those 33% off video game bots are really going out of control
ImNATT 22-Dec-18 02:45 PM
I know. But they're all Twitter so the bot catches them
ImNATT 22-Dec-18 04:12 PM
2018 going out with a bang with all this drama right now.
ImNATT 23-Dec-18 12:51 PM
@Doctor Bread Why unsticky?
Doctor Bread 23-Dec-18 12:51 PM
Votes pretty much died off
Can probably count them up now
ImNATT 23-Dec-18 12:51 PM
But it's still open till the 25th
Doctor Bread 23-Dec-18 12:51 PM
Probably too long, most people don't give a shit, lol
ImNATT 23-Dec-18 12:52 PM
I do
Doctor Bread 23-Dec-18 12:52 PM
That's gay brah
Imagine caring about anything
ImNATT 23-Dec-18 12:52 PM
No, gay is telling people they can nominate till the 25th and then unsticking the thread on the 22nd.
Doctor Bread 23-Dec-18 12:52 PM
I mean I left it up, but I restickied
I'm trying to be a Republican
voter suppression
ImNATT 23-Dec-18 12:53 PM
Ocypode 23-Dec-18 01:55 PM
I must be the only one who skips all those forsen streamsniper clips, they're always the same and not even that funny
Punk 23-Dec-18 02:31 PM
I don't watch forsen clips really
I hardly watch any clips anymore though
Content is generally lame
Ocypode 23-Dec-18 02:43 PM
Theres some good stuff here and there
except the usual "Lol look ugandan army sniping Forsen" And "Haha xqc hit the table 385th time" (edited)
RaptorJesus 24-Dec-18 01:01 AM
Probably a friend tweeting on his phone or something
i used to do that with friends all the time in high school lmao (edited)
Ocypode 24-Dec-18 08:37 AM
merry christmas boys
ImNATT 24-Dec-18 10:37 AM
Merry Christmas to all kafir celebrating
Doctor Bread 24-Dec-18 12:16 PM
Finally getting some new headphones but I'm not sure what to get
RaptorJesus 24-Dec-18 01:42 PM
Merry Christmas indeed
Doctor Bread 24-Dec-18 05:08 PM
Doctor Bread 25-Dec-18 01:05 AM
You wanna make the google docs for the voting and put some fun demographic information on them too Raptor?
I'll go through and find LSF links for the votes tomorrow
RaptorJesus 25-Dec-18 01:09 AM
Sure thing, will do that 2nite
Doctor Bread 25-Dec-18 01:10 AM
I'll look for links now then, just kind of finding decent examples or whatever was highly rated in the past year, can look for other ones if you want. I don't know how to find a better Sushi dragon one for example but I know there were more highly upvoted ones (edited)
@RaptorJesus Alright done
RaptorJesus 25-Dec-18 01:59 AM
ty ty
Doctor Bread 25-Dec-18 01:59 AM
Unless you wanna put Ice in best irl for shits and giggles
RaptorJesus 25-Dec-18 01:59 AM
for the non clip categories im not going to link the threads
Doctor Bread 25-Dec-18 01:59 AM
I think you could, it's remembering the subreddit for the past year after all (edited)
RaptorJesus 25-Dec-18 01:59 AM
i mean
RaptorJesus 25-Dec-18 02:00 AM
why link a thread if people are just nominating the streamer themselves
makes sense for clips
Doctor Bread 25-Dec-18 02:00 AM
I dunno, I just took their most upvoted one or one of them, people might not know who the fuck cardboard cowboy is for example
If they're pretty new
Or who EBZ is
Gives people at least a little context, and maybe they might go watch other clips of that streamer
But if anyone wants to pick different stuff go for it
RaptorJesus 25-Dec-18 02:19 AM
Thanks for voting for the end of the year LiveStreamFail Awards. The winners get fucking nothing. Please continue to vote.
Ocypode 25-Dec-18 04:26 AM
I can already imagine how whole Cx network gets together just to see EBZ win
RaptorJesus 25-Dec-18 04:30 AM
fine by me
Jisifus 25-Dec-18 09:00 AM
the winners get fucking nothing (edited)
Now that's what I call awards
Ocypode 25-Dec-18 09:11 AM
didnt see that first
Ocypode 25-Dec-18 10:27 AM
No one used their subreddit because of moderation so they made it lower now? @Doctor Bread
Doctor Bread 25-Dec-18 10:28 AM
https://mod.reddit.com/mail/all/675n4 Watch out for people posting porn streams in the future
Ocypode 25-Dec-18 10:31 AM
good to know
more mentally handicapped people doing stupid shit
Doctor Bread 25-Dec-18 10:31 AM
Some dude trying to restream porn for karma
Ocypode 25-Dec-18 10:31 AM
look at me being surprised
Ocypode 25-Dec-18 10:32 AM
nice sticky lol
Give that man a Sherlock flair
Doctor Bread 25-Dec-18 10:33 AM
Ocypode 25-Dec-18 10:33 AM
Doctor Bread 25-Dec-18 10:34 AM
I tagged some of the other people who may be the dude's alts
Ocypode 25-Dec-18 10:34 AM
Can't see on the sticky
Doctor Bread 25-Dec-18 10:35 AM
I dunno, two of the threads that were linked
That person doesn't even post on LSF, lol
The guy who found all taht
Ocypode 25-Dec-18 10:35 AM
What a guy
also that skelytal dude
Doctor Bread 25-Dec-18 10:37 AM
I might message the IP mods so he can be banned there too
Ocypode 25-Dec-18 10:37 AM
Doctor Bread 25-Dec-18 10:44 AM
I don't understand why those game-sale bots only post to LSF though
Why us
Ocypode 25-Dec-18 10:45 AM
streaming sells in gaming world or something
Doctor Bread 25-Dec-18 10:45 AM
Nah there would be better subs to post on
Ocypode 25-Dec-18 10:51 AM
yeah I know just trying to think of any reason (edited)
Doctor Bread 25-Dec-18 10:53 AM
Maybe we banned someone and this is their retaliation
Doctor Bread 25-Dec-18 11:01 AM
@ImNATT I see you in that discord
ImNATT 25-Dec-18 11:01 AM
I wanna see what's going on
Doctor Bread 25-Dec-18 11:01 AM
Yeah I was looking for people to ban
ImNATT 25-Dec-18 11:02 AM
Molester is in there, can ban him
Doctor Bread 25-Dec-18 11:03 AM
Should get raptor to report this discord to the admins
ImNATT 25-Dec-18 11:04 AM
Doctor Bread 25-Dec-18 11:04 AM
That's not him
Lots of people pretend to be molestor
ImNATT 25-Dec-18 11:05 AM
I think it's all him and he uses it as plausible deniability
Doctor Bread 25-Dec-18 11:06 AM
Also he hates anime and wouldn't have a profile picture of it
ImNATT 25-Dec-18 11:06 AM
I don't trust him
Doctor Bread 25-Dec-18 11:06 AM
I'll ask him
@ImNATT I messaged Ice's mods and it looks like they banned the OP / removed his comments
I just wanted to screw him over
ImNATT 25-Dec-18 11:09 AM
Ocypode 25-Dec-18 11:09 AM
haha rekt
ImNATT 25-Dec-18 11:10 AM
It's a viewbot discord. Should be easy to get it taken care of
The discord even gives you updates on whose channel is currently getting botted.
Should just take a screenshot of the discord and report the channels to twitch
Ocypode 25-Dec-18 11:16 AM
but what if they just randomly choose channels?
or is it not like that
ImNATT 25-Dec-18 11:16 AM
I have no idea. Just report and let Twitch figure out the rest
516 votes and 88 comments so far on Reddit
Doctor Bread 25-Dec-18 11:23 AM
@ImNATT @Ocypode For some additional info on this user: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ice_Poseidon/comments/a61v6b/twitch_rebroadcast_bot/

If Paul's serious about the rebroadcasting his content on Twitch, I own a large Discord with a bot that automatically rebroadcasts NSFW content on Twitch and would be happy to give Phineas or any of his other devs the source. ​ Features:

reCaptcha Solver (Anti-Captcha)

Utilizes Discord API to post the channel link

Mass account creator


He's a shady guy trying to game Twitch and your subreddit to get some attention. We won't be banning him from our sub because he hasn't really done anything, but we are aware of what he's all about. Thanks for the heads up, I'll add an RES note to his account and keep an eye on him. Happy holidays! (edited)
From one of Ice's mods
Ocypode 25-Dec-18 11:23 AM
Is that what he deleted himself?
Doctor Bread 25-Dec-18 11:24 AM
Yeah, he posted that
Ocypode 25-Dec-18 11:24 AM
Ok that's huge
what is this idiot
Doctor Bread 25-Dec-18 11:24 AM
Some dedicated incel with nothing better to do than make bots I guess
Ocypode 25-Dec-18 11:25 AM
Imagine using your freetime to this
Ocypode 25-Dec-18 11:41 AM
ImNATT 25-Dec-18 11:41 AM
I hope so.
51yo spanish teachers should know better than to ask on reddit if pedophilia is ok
Ocypode 25-Dec-18 11:42 AM
It's deleted already
ImNATT 25-Dec-18 11:42 AM
I deleted it
Ocypode 25-Dec-18 11:42 AM
oh lol
Doctor Bread 25-Dec-18 11:43 AM
When did you start modding that sub?
ImNATT 25-Dec-18 11:43 AM
Full text
Before LSF even
Doctor Bread 25-Dec-18 11:43 AM
Unbearably attracted
ImNATT 25-Dec-18 11:44 AM
I'm not US
Doctor Bread 25-Dec-18 11:44 AM
I think it's a troll though lol
male models
Ocypode 25-Dec-18 11:45 AM
yeah that must be a troll
ImNATT 25-Dec-18 11:45 AM
I banned the account and told him to get help either way.
Ocypode 25-Dec-18 11:45 AM
51 year old asking the coach if she could go do planks and pushups too?
Also who comes to class shirtless with a 60 pack LOL
also 51 year old saying legit
ImNATT 25-Dec-18 11:46 AM
Male Hollister models apparently
Ocypode 25-Dec-18 11:46 AM
yeah sure lol
Doctor Bread 25-Dec-18 12:30 PM
personal agenda?
Also black is back
ImNATT 25-Dec-18 12:30 PM
Doctor Bread 25-Dec-18 12:30 PM
Black only sexually assaulted someone an unknown number of times
ImNATT 25-Dec-18 12:30 PM
There are no broken rules or anything. Only "Content" in this clip is the opinionated title
Doctor Bread 25-Dec-18 12:31 PM
Wait so leave up or take down?
ImNATT 25-Dec-18 12:31 PM
Take down
Doctor Bread 25-Dec-18 12:31 PM
I mean if people wanna clip black's stream I'm sure they will
ImNATT 25-Dec-18 12:32 PM
And if twitch wanted to ban him he would be
No need for that post besides OPs personal agenda
Doctor Bread 25-Dec-18 01:14 PM
These accounts that post thestockguy are always so sketchy
ImNATT 25-Dec-18 01:15 PM
When does the voting thread go up? (edited)
Doctor Bread 25-Dec-18 04:00 PM
Raptor pretending like he has Christmas plans
Jisifus 25-Dec-18 05:25 PM
livefails is below 12k btw, first time i actually saw ppl unsubscribing on reddit
Doctor Bread 25-Dec-18 05:25 PM
12k bots left
Ocypode 25-Dec-18 05:41 PM
I actually forgot it exists
ImNATT 25-Dec-18 06:19 PM
Doctor Bread 25-Dec-18 06:20 PM
Yeah saw that
damage control andy
ImNATT 25-Dec-18 06:21 PM
There's not even any nudes
Doctor Bread 25-Dec-18 06:24 PM
There's some joke posts but not actually nudes
ImNATT 25-Dec-18 06:24 PM
Doctor Bread 25-Dec-18 06:27 PM
RaptorJesus 25-Dec-18 09:03 PM
Whos posting the google doc?
also wtf i missed drama
let me scroll up
ImNATT 26-Dec-18 09:05 AM
@RaptorJesus Doc said you'd do it yesterday
Ocypode 26-Dec-18 09:57 AM
229 votes and 49 comments so far on Reddit
This dudes clips are never good
Comments just turn into political stuff
Ocypode 26-Dec-18 10:01 AM
5 votes and 14 comments so far on Reddit
Someone commented vote brigaders
ImNATT 26-Dec-18 11:40 AM
He has said on livestream that he wants to infiltrate us and turn everyone left wing
no joke
That's the whole reason he's even streaming
His whole channel is one big rulebreaking politics clip
Ocypode 26-Dec-18 11:44 AM
Why would we still allow his stuff tho
ImNATT 26-Dec-18 11:48 AM
Good question
Watch out for communist refugees.
r/FULLCOMMUNISM just got quarantined.
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 12:12 PM
Let's ban him, we might make the news
ImNATT 26-Dec-18 12:14 PM
@Doctor Bread Can you post the voting thread?
I don't think Raptor knows he was supposed to do it.
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 12:22 PM
I just wanted some demographic stuff like the Ice ban had for fun
ImNATT 26-Dec-18 12:23 PM
Nah, they'll just meme and then there's no way to tell which answers were truthful and which weren't.
I don't even know what the purpose would be llol
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 12:23 PM
I think the Ice one was accurate, I forget what the questions were
ImNATT 26-Dec-18 12:24 PM
I mean if you really want to.
Worst that could happen is getting meme'd on
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 12:24 PM
I think it was just age
ImNATT 26-Dec-18 12:25 PM
Oh you want to see which demographics voted for who.
I thought you meant in general
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 12:25 PM
See what the 13 year olds vote for
ImNATT 26-Dec-18 12:26 PM
If you want to set that up go for it.
Google Form would be quicker though.
The poll was supposed to be out yesterday so we are kind of in a hurry. (edited)
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 12:36 PM
Am I putting Ice Poseidon as a best IRL streamer choice
ImNATT 26-Dec-18 12:36 PM
hell no
Streaming Drama is enough for him
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 12:40 PM
I need a good link for Ape/Mitch drama
Otherwise I'm gonna do alinity panty selling
I couldn't find a good example
ImNATT 26-Dec-18 12:42 PM
Alinity panties should be in regardless. They were the most upvoted answer in the thread
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 12:42 PM
Nah mitch/ape was higher
ImNATT 26-Dec-18 12:42 PM
I'll go look for a clip
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 12:42 PM
I could link toooooo
ImNATT 26-Dec-18 12:43 PM
to what?
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 12:43 PM
Finding it
Damn, old lsf mirrors don't work
ImNATT 26-Dec-18 12:44 PM
442 votes and 172 comments so far on Reddit
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 12:44 PM
this one was 8 months ago
I used to have the full 45 minute video of this discord convo, gotta find it again
Should probably just do alinity, I don't wanna bring this up for people to harass mitch again, lol
Go harass some thot instead
ImNATT 26-Dec-18 12:47 PM
Ape and Mitch was last year regardless. Pepegas forgot and voted anyways
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 12:47 PM
Them trying to reconcile was this year, which is where some huge meltdowns came from
Does it work
ImNATT 26-Dec-18 12:47 PM
That was only Mitch though. Nothing coming from Train
Do you want me to vote?
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 12:48 PM
Are the linsk hyperlinked
apparently you can't make short links in google docs
ImNATT 26-Dec-18 12:48 PM
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 12:49 PM
Ah aight, that's fine
This for voting spam protection?
Links to voting criteria may be there just to give new users a quick look at who they're voting for, such as the questions for the best gaming / IRL streamer.
Don't want to give people editing permission
ImNATT 26-Dec-18 12:53 PM
Is there no other way to limit it to 1 response?
I bet they'll get paranoid having to "link" their google email
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 12:54 PM
Nah that's the main way to stop people spamming votes
It's pretty normal
I have email address collection turned off, lol
ImNATT 26-Dec-18 12:54 PM
Ok, tell them that in the post.
Did you change something or why link it again?
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 12:55 PM
I'll put it at the top
I just took off the /edit
ImNATT 26-Dec-18 12:55 PM
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 12:55 PM
I don't think it matters
ImNATT 26-Dec-18 12:55 PM
Looks good
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 12:55 PM
Email address collection is disabled, sign-in is to help combat vote brigading.
ImNATT 26-Dec-18 12:55 PM
Links to voting criteria may be there just to give new users a quick look at who they're voting for, such as the questions for the best gaming / IRL streamer.

Email address collection is disabled, sign-in is to help combat vote brigading.
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 12:56 PM
ah yeah
ImNATT 26-Dec-18 12:56 PM
Doesn't have the request edit button in it
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 12:57 PM
Alright, now we wait
Didn't notice that self promo, lol
ImNATT 26-Dec-18 12:59 PM
All him? yikes
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 12:59 PM
I dunno, those are all in the past 5 days
ImNATT 26-Dec-18 12:59 PM
Can I get results perms?
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 12:59 PM
what's your email?
RaptorJesus 26-Dec-18 02:04 PM
@Doctor Bread why did you create a new one
I literally posted it already
those age ranges are fucking retarded
im so annoyed actually
Just delete that question its actually fucking useless now
Ocypode 26-Dec-18 02:09 PM
yeah those age ranges were retarded lol
ImNATT 26-Dec-18 02:10 PM
@RaptorJesus I tried to tell you yesterday to post it
RaptorJesus 26-Dec-18 02:10 PM
I posted the link here thinking someone would post the thread, theres no reason why a new form should have been created
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 02:11 PM
@RaptorJesus Those were the age ranges you put on the ice ban voting thread
RaptorJesus 26-Dec-18 02:11 PM
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 02:11 PM
RaptorJesus 26-Dec-18 02:11 PM
Yeah they were retarded
its why i added actual age ranges
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 02:11 PM
RaptorJesus 26-Dec-18 02:11 PM
i also had
2 more questions
delete the age question dont waste peoples times
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 02:11 PM
I dunno, make some excuse and post yours then
RaptorJesus 26-Dec-18 02:11 PM
no point
just delete the age question
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 02:13 PM
I didnt' see you post anything
tried to ping you
Oh I see, missed it
RaptorJesus 26-Dec-18 02:16 PM
its all good im just grumpy cause i didnt sleep well
we really dont need A D V A N C E D A N A L Y T I CSS
on shit like this
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 02:17 PM
yeah i would have used yours
just thought you were busy
RaptorJesus 26-Dec-18 02:17 PM
I slept like 4 hours
kept waking up
probably all the sugar i ate yesterday at dinner lmao
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 02:26 PM
if you want to be able to see graphs need your email raptor
RaptorJesus 26-Dec-18 02:38 PM
I'll wait till the final votes are counted
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 07:57 PM
More brigaders
@ImNATT I love when I catch brigaders live and can listen to them cry on stream / in Discord
ImNATT 26-Dec-18 08:01 PM
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 08:01 PM
Yeah, I told them good try on stream / discord and left
Fucking L9 kids
There's been a few who have tried recently
Ocypode 26-Dec-18 08:21 PM
Did you clip it
biggest fail of 2018 was simply greekgodx's streaming career.
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 08:43 PM
@Ocypode Could make a quick joke best of voting thing
Ocypode 26-Dec-18 08:43 PM
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 08:43 PM
and I can put it in the top sticky comment
Ocypode 26-Dec-18 08:44 PM
Yeah I mean we could just meme some stuff in sticky comment but making an actual vote would be too much
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 08:44 PM
Be like "some users were dissatisfied with the voting categories and nominations this year, so here's an alternative one"
Nah, just in a comment
Ocypode 26-Dec-18 08:44 PM
Yeah lol that would be funny imo
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 08:44 PM
I'd need help with categories / stuff
Ocypode 26-Dec-18 08:45 PM
Best fail - All the times sodas maids have to deal with his shit
xqc = Another smash on the table
destiny losing a debate
Lirik calling another person acting black
T1 can't be gnomed, he is the gnome
Dunno, just some things that came to my mind
Basic idea being the usual stupid memes about streamers
Ocypode 26-Dec-18 08:47 PM
And of course 2018 biggest fail greeks streaming career
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 08:48 PM
Could make a question making fun of each streamer
Ocypode 26-Dec-18 08:49 PM
Could yeah
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 08:50 PM
Ocypode 26-Dec-18 08:50 PM
Too soon rofl
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 08:50 PM
It's never too soon
Ocypode 26-Dec-18 08:50 PM
Best Death - Totalbiscuit
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 08:50 PM
Ocypode 26-Dec-18 08:51 PM
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 08:51 PM
Ocypode 26-Dec-18 08:51 PM
greeks career
I'm out of ideas
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 08:57 PM
Same, need some more creative juices
Ocypode 26-Dec-18 08:58 PM
best scamming website / sponsored streamer
Ocypode 26-Dec-18 09:04 PM
Best cheater?
Doctor Bread 26-Dec-18 09:04 PM
was lsat december
Ocypode 26-Dec-18 09:04 PM
well most of the stuff we wrote are out of date
totalbiscuit was last year
pewdiepie bridge was too
but ye, that's just me adding them there
How the fuck was amouranth hiding marriage drama not nominated btw
going through top of all time
that shit was juicy
That was back when admins removed it or something
and then brought it back
Ocypode 27-Dec-18 06:40 AM
Can anyone change Erobb flair to a Shroud for example?
Haven't seen Erobb in a long time
Ocypode 27-Dec-18 12:40 PM
holy fucking autism https://i.imgur.com/VWfskeH.png
Doctor Bread 27-Dec-18 12:47 PM
Yeah he sent me that too
I just said I think EBZ is a good IRL streamer and I hope he wins
15k responses
RaptorJesus 27-Dec-18 12:52 PM
Doctor Bread 27-Dec-18 01:04 PM
Ocypode 27-Dec-18 01:05 PM
wtf was the clip
Is he trying to monetize it lol
Doctor Bread 27-Dec-18 01:05 PM
Some tranny
Ocypode 27-Dec-18 01:05 PM
Doctor Bread 27-Dec-18 01:05 PM
Some furry tranny*
Ocypode 27-Dec-18 01:05 PM
Oh that person
Oh no no no
Didn't he do some fucked up shit
Like had a mental breakdown and streamed porn or something
Doctor Bread 27-Dec-18 01:06 PM
No that was cosmo
Ocypode 27-Dec-18 01:06 PM
Looks same to me
Doctor Bread 27-Dec-18 01:06 PM
Ocypode 27-Dec-18 01:06 PM
I think that's mental illness
I would get so much hate for saying that
Ocypode 27-Dec-18 02:12 PM
@Doctor Bread why would you already show the current results of the voting?
Doctor Bread 27-Dec-18 02:12 PM
I've been sharing them
It doesn't matter
No one browses this Discord
Ocypode 27-Dec-18 02:12 PM
Doesn't really fit the point of voting something to show the results beforehand
Doctor Bread 27-Dec-18 02:12 PM
Still got 4 more days left of voting
Ocypode 27-Dec-18 02:12 PM
Giving priviledges to others
Doctor Bread 27-Dec-18 02:12 PM
Ocypode 27-Dec-18 02:12 PM
I don't approve of it but you do you
Doctor Bread 27-Dec-18 02:13 PM
Even official elections show the numbers in real time
Ocypode 27-Dec-18 02:13 PM
yeah probably do, just feels and looks weird to me
Doctor Bread 27-Dec-18 02:14 PM
It's not that serious
RaptorJesus 27-Dec-18 02:16 PM
Europeans arent used to live election results
fucking commies
Doctor Bread 27-Dec-18 02:17 PM
@RaptorJesus If I enable it for users to see the poll results will it only show after they've voted?
RaptorJesus 27-Dec-18 02:17 PM
Doctor Bread 27-Dec-18 02:17 PM
Alright, I wanted to do that anyways, I think it's fun for people to watch the numbers
RaptorJesus 27-Dec-18 02:17 PM
Yeah go for it
Doctor Bread 27-Dec-18 02:18 PM
Next time you can do your demographic stuff, I did want it in, I just didn't see your post
Doctor Bread 28-Dec-18 01:23 AM
Some people were bitching, put back up or nah?
I just didn't feel like moderating a dicussion on the Nazi party's ideology
RaptorJesus 28-Dec-18 01:23 AM
Doctor Bread 28-Dec-18 01:24 AM
5 votes and 0 comments so far on Reddit
Knut posted that about badbunny trying to defend himself
@RaptorJesus Ban Knut for posting his own stream?
I guess it's BadBunny's actually
@RaptorJesus I think Knut is making alt accounts and brigading the post about BadBunny calling the dude a racist since I removed the one he posted
RaptorJesus 28-Dec-18 01:44 AM
Check the discord
maybe he's stupid enough to say it
Doctor Bread 28-Dec-18 01:44 AM
check out the two removed comments (edited)
And then Knut's main account https://www.reddit.com/user/Knutspild
Doesn't end sentences with periods, only question marks or emojis
Also who else would take the time to make two accounts to post that
Don't see anything in the Discord but I think that's pretty obvious
@RaptorJesus I made an alt account and asked if they were his in his stream, he said no, might have just been one of his fanboys. The no period typing made me suspicious though
It probably was him
Jisifus 28-Dec-18 08:15 AM
Gallowboob out here casually mentioning the death of Reddit
ImNATT 28-Dec-18 11:14 AM
Why all the removed comments?
And all the removed threads?
You want into her pants or what ?
Doctor Bread 28-Dec-18 11:16 AM
@ImNATT It was one dude making tons of accounts
ImNATT 28-Dec-18 11:17 AM
How do you know? And don't tell me you analyzed the writing style cause then I want to see your credentials (edited)
Doctor Bread 28-Dec-18 11:23 AM
cause the op already deleted the thread and he kept posting on it
I thought it was Knut doing it
ImNATT 28-Dec-18 11:26 AM
Ok, fair enough. All accounts were created in the same hour.
Doctor Bread 28-Dec-18 11:27 AM
yeah he just kept making them and messaging modmail after I banned them
ImNATT 30-Dec-18 09:49 AM
@jammy Can you update the Flair bot?
Flairs got updated a bunch since the last time.
jammy 30-Dec-18 01:12 PM
Jisifus 31-Dec-18 09:45 PM
ill be in bed once its midnight for you guys so happy new year and all the best for 2019... it's been an awesome experience working with you and i hope i'll get to help out again once i'm back in july. thanks and see you then
RaptorJesus 31-Dec-18 10:36 PM
HalfOfAKebab 31-Dec-18 10:43 PM
Ocypode 01-Jan-19 04:17 PM
That's hilarious
RaptorJesus 01-Jan-19 07:27 PM
ImNATT 02-Jan-19 11:43 AM
Whats with the winners of the Best of voting?
Doctor Bread 02-Jan-19 12:16 PM
Links to voting criteria may be there just to give new users a quick look at who they're voting for, such as the questions for the best gaming / IRL streamer.

Email address collection is disabled, sign-in is to help combat vote brigading.
Someone can make a post, dunno how to write it
RaptorJesus 02-Jan-19 01:02 PM
I'll write it
Doctor Bread 02-Jan-19 01:03 PM
Maybe next year we could partner with one of the streamer's like Nymn 🤷
His seemed pretty fun
Also he seems like a nice dude
RaptorJesus 02-Jan-19 01:05 PM
im getting
This file might be unavailable right now due to heavy traffic. Try again.
Doctor Bread 02-Jan-19 01:05 PM
Try again worked
RaptorJesus 02-Jan-19 01:06 PM
got it
Doctor Bread 02-Jan-19 01:07 PM
Surprised trihex lost and pokimane kid beat out nathan
RaptorJesus 02-Jan-19 01:10 PM
Can you give me thread links to the winners
icant copy pasta them
from the analytics page (edited)
RaptorJesus 02-Jan-19 01:48 PM
I wish this could be my flair
ImNATT 02-Jan-19 03:11 PM
Doctor Bread 02-Jan-19 03:12 PM
Yeah I didn't understand what they were asking for
ImNATT 02-Jan-19 03:13 PM
All good
ImNATT 02-Jan-19 05:46 PM
An actual normie. wow
Ocypode 02-Jan-19 05:46 PM
He made a clip with his phone dood
Doctor Bread 02-Jan-19 05:46 PM
What a god
Ocypode 02-Jan-19 05:46 PM
Next level plays
Doctor Bread 02-Jan-19 05:47 PM
damn there's already a sticky post
Ocypode 02-Jan-19 05:47 PM
was gonna say sticky it (edited)
ImNATT 02-Jan-19 05:47 PM
You can have two
Doctor Bread 02-Jan-19 05:47 PM
ImNATT 02-Jan-19 05:47 PM
Sticky it for 2 or 3 minutes
Ocypode 02-Jan-19 05:47 PM
Doctor Bread 02-Jan-19 05:48 PM
I'll take it down in a little, shitpost thread
Ocypode 02-Jan-19 05:48 PM
yeah thats funny
Doctor Bread 02-Jan-19 05:50 PM
Clip Ape
my head hurts from laughing
Ocypode 02-Jan-19 05:51 PM
New meta
comment karma farm thread
More like Clip Primate @Doctor Bread
Doctor Bread 02-Jan-19 05:56 PM
Doctor Bread 02-Jan-19 06:10 PM
Passed the best of thread
Ocypode 02-Jan-19 06:20 PM
I actually didn't even think of that
people will make insane theories
Doctor Bread 02-Jan-19 06:20 PM
It's my alt account
Ocypode 02-Jan-19 06:21 PM
yeah obviously
130 votes and 53 comments so far on Reddit
Oh you gave him the primate flair
Doctor Bread 02-Jan-19 06:22 PM
132 votes and 53 comments so far on Reddit
@Ocypode what's the best looking shield for ele shaman
Ocypode 02-Jan-19 06:25 PM
Depends on the rest of the mog tbh
But I really like the one from Ulduar
Bulwark of Algalon
Doctor Bread 02-Jan-19 06:26 PM
prob gonna just use mythic antorus set
Doctor Bread 02-Jan-19 06:26 PM
hmm algalon doesn't match much
maybe the malygos one
Ocypode 02-Jan-19 06:27 PM
Lemme log in quick
Doctor Bread 02-Jan-19 06:27 PM
nah it's fine lol
just finished leveling this guy a few days ago
Ocypode 02-Jan-19 06:28 PM
shaman boiii
I know a thing or two about shaman mogs
Doctor Bread 02-Jan-19 06:29 PM
easier to build since you can just use a set
had to build around fel satyr spaulders for my monk
Ocypode 02-Jan-19 06:30 PM
Doctor Bread 02-Jan-19 06:31 PM
That looks good, I kind of want one of the huge tower shields
like the malygos one
Ocypode 02-Jan-19 06:31 PM
The uldir one is quite big https://i.imgur.com/yijYzs1.png
fits the colors
Doctor Bread 02-Jan-19 06:31 PM
Ew it goes sideways, shame it doesn't just go up and down
This epic shield of item level 138 goes in the "Shield" slot. It is looted from Direfang Alpha. In the Shields category. Added in World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor.
Ocypode 02-Jan-19 06:32 PM
yeah it is
Doctor Bread 02-Jan-19 06:32 PM
more warrior though
Ocypode 02-Jan-19 06:32 PM
but anyway I think we should go to DM's
Doctor Bread 02-Jan-19 09:19 PM
I think that post did better than the diabetes one I stickied
oh no, that got 1200 upvotes
Still has awhile to catch up
Doctor Bread 03-Jan-19 03:31 AM
@Ocypode Told people to just stop making excuses for orb running Ghuun and quit being shitters , wonder if my time is short, lol
Ocypode 03-Jan-19 06:12 AM
if its LFR then that's the best you're gonna ever get
HalfOfAKebab 03-Jan-19 07:10 AM
@ImNATT https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/abxdnt/destinys_standup_career/ guessing that guy messaged you about the brigading too?
183 votes and 35 comments so far on Reddit
HalfOfAKebab 03-Jan-19 07:12 AM
yeah that's the same thing i was messaged
ImNATT 03-Jan-19 07:12 AM
Curiously, DoctorBread removed the comment instead of the thread
HalfOfAKebab 03-Jan-19 07:12 AM
ImNATT 03-Jan-19 07:12 AM
He removed the whole chain
HalfOfAKebab 03-Jan-19 07:12 AM
@Doctor Bread
Doctor Bread 03-Jan-19 10:34 AM
Cause one person linking it on twitch chat doesn't really count as brigading
And apparently people told him to fuck off after he did it
Should only remove if it's the OP of the thread linking it like that, and I don't think that person in twitch chat was the OP
RaptorJesus 03-Jan-19 07:03 PM
@Doctor Bread d-did you unironically just post a pro white nationalist meme in general
Doctor Bread 03-Jan-19 07:30 PM
@RaptorJesus Ironically
22,929 votes and 2,199 comments so far on Reddit
I don't get what this dude is pointing out
But why is this guy claiming this dude is on two accounts
one 8 years old and one 6 years old
22,934 votes and 2,201 comments so far on Reddit
Involuntary pornography?
That tweet was deleted but I think she was trying to get it taken down. I guess she hasn't messaged us yet though
RaptorJesus 03-Jan-19 07:43 PM
When she messages us we can nuke it
I think that’s the rule we’ve set in place
Doctor Bread 03-Jan-19 07:44 PM
And just him advertising his website, I dunno
Been seeing thothub around more
ImNATT 04-Jan-19 10:15 AM
What is this shit
Doctor Bread 04-Jan-19 12:13 PM
Apparently the podcast was actually good
ImNATT 04-Jan-19 12:16 PM
I'm listening to it right now. It's hilarious.
Ocypode 04-Jan-19 01:02 PM
All those clips were pure gold
ImNATT 04-Jan-19 01:06 PM
They were so good, you approved multiple of the same one
wtf, where did Jisifus go?
Doctor Bread 04-Jan-19 01:08 PM
He left mod team too
Rip our fallen comrade
ImNATT 04-Jan-19 01:09 PM
HalfOfAKebab 04-Jan-19 01:09 PM
Doctor Bread 04-Jan-19 01:09 PM
Pinned a message.
I think he was planning to quit and maybe come back in the future
ImNATT 04-Jan-19 01:10 PM
Oh that's right, he got conscripted.
RaptorJesus 04-Jan-19 01:14 PM
Doctor Bread 04-Jan-19 02:38 PM
@ImNATT People are asking why a bunch of the non-repeat Destiny clips were removed
Or podcast clips rather
ImNATT 04-Jan-19 02:40 PM
There were two whole screens full of clips. I removed all consecutive clips except for the first one. Then can watch the whole podcast instead of 60 second increments of it.
Doctor Bread 04-Jan-19 02:40 PM
362 votes and 91 comments so far on Reddit
Mostly people asking in this thread
And normies was asking about these pretty highly upvoted ones
2,522 votes and 187 comments so far on Reddit
The OP commented who recorded his screen
Ocypode 04-Jan-19 02:43 PM
what a fucking primate!!!!
I like him
Doctor Bread 04-Jan-19 02:44 PM
I think he doesn't realize it got big since it was stickied, lol
Ocypode 04-Jan-19 02:44 PM
Haha yeah
Pin his message
wtf I have 2k+ upvotes
Doctor Bread 05-Jan-19 12:37 AM
@Ocypode Got train and normiesree talking in voice
RaptorJesus 05-Jan-19 01:03 AM
aw i missed it
Doctor Bread 05-Jan-19 01:21 AM
@RaptorJesus Was just getting them to mend fences, train thinks she's trying to ruin his career and stuff or bait drama
Which may true
RaptorJesus 05-Jan-19 01:21 AM
shes a weirdo
weirdly enough she sounds 100% like my friend elise
its spooky
Doctor Bread 05-Jan-19 01:23 AM
I just think she clips everything and posts all day but apparently all of his circle of friend streamers see it as negative
Was a pretty long convo, thought it would be short but was like 45 minutes, lol
Ocypode 05-Jan-19 02:54 AM
Lol how did it go
Doctor Bread 05-Jan-19 02:58 AM
Was interesting
Ocypode 05-Jan-19 03:15 AM
Hopefully they got some real shit talked through
Doctor Bread 05-Jan-19 03:15 AM
Yeah a bit
ImNATT 05-Jan-19 10:11 AM
@RaptorJesus Heard anything from the admins regarding prizes yet? (edited)
RaptorJesus 05-Jan-19 01:04 PM
I’ll submit a message in a bit
I wonder why they didn’t give us the coins
Doctor Bread 05-Jan-19 01:05 PM
Not official enough, I dunno
Doctor Bread 05-Jan-19 04:25 PM
ImNATT 05-Jan-19 04:25 PM
Doctor Bread 05-Jan-19 04:26 PM
2 votes and 0 comments so far on Reddit
So many brand new accounts lol
And it was getting spammed hard in his twitch channel and he was telling people to vote on it (from what I could understand of his language)
If you go in now you can probably listen to people crying about it
ImNATT 05-Jan-19 04:27 PM
Doctor Bread 05-Jan-19 04:27 PM
damn they're still posting, someone has a bunch of 2 year old no karma accounts I think
ImNATT 05-Jan-19 04:29 PM
Yeah, they're talking about it in his chat
Doctor Bread 05-Jan-19 04:29 PM
ImNATT 05-Jan-19 04:32 PM
Doctor Bread 05-Jan-19 04:33 PM
@ImNATT <https://youtu.be/6VYRAiXB-h0?t=310>; Makes me think of this (edited)
Maybe just cause they're foreign, lol
ImNATT 05-Jan-19 04:34 PM
He's polish though, not russian
Doctor Bread 05-Jan-19 04:34 PM
I wonder what that minecraft kid is doing these days
ImNATT 05-Jan-19 04:35 PM
probably squatting in some park, listening to hardbass
Doctor Bread 05-Jan-19 04:36 PM
ImNATT 06-Jan-19 09:28 AM
@Doctor Bread https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/ad2ya6/drunkstiny_on_pokimane/edd3wjm/
What's this? Why treat Destiny completely differently than Ice_Poseidon??? (edited)
2,019 votes and 334 comments so far on Reddit
We gave Ice an ultimatum to filter his chat and discord and anything where our subreddit could be linked and banned him when he didn't.
Now you're making excuses for Destiny why it's ok to link to us in his chat.
Leave your personal preferences out of moderation dude.
If someone links a thread in chat delete the thread.
Doctor Bread 06-Jan-19 11:44 AM
That's not a personal preference. If we removed every thread that got linked somewhere else then the subreddit would be empty
In ices case, it was tons of users linking threads and intentionally brigading
If you did it your way, that would be easily abused. Oh, I don't like xQc, I'll just go link his threads in someone's chat and post a picture of it being "brigaded"
ImNATT 06-Jan-19 11:52 AM
Easy, if they don't want their posts removed, have them filter the subreddit out of the chat/discord as was standard practice up until yesterday when you decided to change the rules for destiny.
Vote Manipulation is against the rules. No matter who does it and with what idea in mind.
Always has been.
And it will continue to be this way.
Doctor Bread 06-Jan-19 11:56 AM
Then go tell their moderation teams to put in the same filter that Ice's did
ImNATT 06-Jan-19 11:56 AM
We did. Multiple times. Next step is the ban
Doctor Bread 06-Jan-19 11:57 AM
And if people still scream to come to LSF to upvote stuff without links, then it can be brigading
Cause just saying any pleb linking a thread means the post is removed is giving trolls too much power
ImNATT 06-Jan-19 11:58 AM
>Cause just saying any pleb linking a thread means the post is removed is giving trolls too much power

I'll repeat myself:
>Easy, if they don't want their posts removed, have them filter the subreddit out of the chat/discord as was standard practice up until yesterday when you decided to change the rules for destiny.
Doctor Bread 06-Jan-19 12:00 PM
I'm not changing the rules for destiny, it happens in every big streamers chat if you check like forsen or xQc discord or overrustle
ImNATT 06-Jan-19 12:00 PM
Then remove the threads and tell them to filter it. Like Raptor did with Ice, or Kebab and me did with Destiny/MrMouton...
Doctor Bread 06-Jan-19 12:02 PM
In mr moutons case it was him linking it, which is part of the criteria I put in my comment
ImNATT 06-Jan-19 12:02 PM
As I said: Vote Manipulation is against the rules. No matter who does it and with what idea in mind.
Doctor Bread 06-Jan-19 12:03 PM
So that doesn't mean an entire thread that is being upvoted for being good or interesting should be removed because of one no-name troll, you're giving them exactly what they want. You should ban destiny for not moderating his chat enough, not remove the threads
ImNATT 06-Jan-19 12:04 PM
>We did. Multiple times. Next step is the ban
Doctor Bread 06-Jan-19 12:04 PM
Well I've never talked to his mod team or anything, or seen that talked about
Cause there's clearly no filter
ImNATT 06-Jan-19 12:06 PM
If you need to talk to him too, go tell him to moderate his chat via the plenty of bots available or risk the ban.
As is standard procedure.
Don't change the rules for him.
HalfOfAKebab 06-Jan-19 12:07 PM
it's not his fault someone posted in chat once
but it becomes a problem if it becomes constant
he should be told to remove all lsf links in his chat
or make them np.reddit.com
ImNATT 06-Jan-19 12:08 PM
Doctor Bread 06-Jan-19 12:09 PM
2,040 votes and 351 comments so far on Reddit
But you really think this got 2k upvotes
because of one troll linking in his chat
HalfOfAKebab 06-Jan-19 12:09 PM
a few upvotes early on helps signifcantly (edited)
ImNATT 06-Jan-19 12:09 PM
He had 13k viewers
HalfOfAKebab 06-Jan-19 12:10 PM
getting 20 upvotes within a minute or two of posting is a huge help in getting something a ton of upvotes
because reddit will put it on the rising tab and on the front page (of the subreddit and people's personal front pages)
ImNATT 06-Jan-19 12:10 PM
@Doctor Bread Just look at the polish guy from yesterday. 100 upvotes on his thread. Well on his way to frontpage.
Doctor Bread 06-Jan-19 12:11 PM
Well yeah, he had an actual brigading effort going on
And was encouraging people to do it
HalfOfAKebab 06-Jan-19 12:11 PM
it's the same thing though
ImNATT 06-Jan-19 12:11 PM
It doesn't matter WHO
Doctor Bread 06-Jan-19 12:11 PM
>I usually only remove for brigading if it's a huge amount of people / a planned effort, the OP of the thread, a mod, or the streamer themselves.
HalfOfAKebab 06-Jan-19 12:11 PM
the intent isn't there obviously, but the effect is identical
Doctor Bread 06-Jan-19 12:11 PM
That really covers everything that's actually brigading
HalfOfAKebab 06-Jan-19 12:11 PM
even this is actually brigading
17:10] HalfOfAKebab: getting 20 upvotes within a minute or two of posting is a huge help in getting something a ton of upvotes
[17:10] HalfOfAKebab: because reddit will put it on the rising tab and on the front page (of the subreddit and people's personal front pages)
this is key
ImNATT 06-Jan-19 12:12 PM
What matters is only that it happens not who encourages it.
HalfOfAKebab 06-Jan-19 12:12 PM
ImNATT 06-Jan-19 12:13 PM
Otherwise, why ban the BitchJones discord brigarders? It's not Mitch doing it
Doctor Bread 06-Jan-19 12:13 PM
HalfOfAKebab 06-Jan-19 12:14 PM
he's not saying that the same thing is happening
Doctor Bread 06-Jan-19 12:14 PM
Need to remove all forsen's posts
HalfOfAKebab 06-Jan-19 12:14 PM
but it's the same principle
Doctor Bread 06-Jan-19 12:14 PM
@ImNATT >a huge amount of people / a planned effort
Also harassment
That's not a good parallel
HalfOfAKebab 06-Jan-19 12:14 PM
for people mentioning lsf?
Doctor Bread 06-Jan-19 12:14 PM
No, there are links
to forsen's posts
HalfOfAKebab 06-Jan-19 12:14 PM
then that is an issue and we should be talking about it
ImNATT 06-Jan-19 12:14 PM
Compile them and send it to his mods.
You know, like we are supposed to
Doctor Bread 06-Jan-19 12:15 PM
So what's easier, asking every single streamer on twitch and forcing them to add filters or be banned from LSF, or targeting actual, clear brigading and not letting a single troll in a twitch chat or discord get threads removed
ImNATT 06-Jan-19 12:16 PM
I say we do our jobs, not what's convenient (edited)
HalfOfAKebab 06-Jan-19 12:16 PM
telling every single streamer is obviously not realistic
but what is definitely possible is raising the issue to them whenever the problem becomes apparent
ImNATT 06-Jan-19 12:16 PM
If there is a problem, address it (edited)
HalfOfAKebab 06-Jan-19 12:16 PM
e.g. now
Doctor Bread 06-Jan-19 12:16 PM
Cause I've banned probably 100 people this month for actually brigading after researching the situation, I haven't seen anyone else doing it
So I don't know how you can say "do your job, not what's convenient"
Cause I do stop the actual brigaders
Sorry, not this month, it just turned january
december too
ImNATT 06-Jan-19 12:17 PM
It's convenient to do it to the little guy. Not so to the big streamers 😉
Doctor Bread 06-Jan-19 12:17 PM
Are you ing me right now?
Cause if you want to lock the subreddit down that much we need a lot more mods
ImNATT 06-Jan-19 12:17 PM
I'm explaining my quote you just threw at me
Just follow the established rules. Don't do your own thing.
Doctor Bread 06-Jan-19 12:19 PM
One troll linking a thread who doesn't follow the criteria I listed somewhere isn't an established rule
ImNATT 06-Jan-19 12:20 PM
Kebab and me just told you it is.
ImNATT 06-Jan-19 12:20 PM
Don't do your own thing
Doctor Bread 06-Jan-19 12:20 PM
I'm the one removing the most brigaders, what are you talking about "doing my own thing"
And I do remove stuff from the big streamers if it's clearly being brigaded
This is not the case
ImNATT 06-Jan-19 12:21 PM
You are doing your own thing when we have a mutual understanding of the rules and you are the one deviating from it.
Doctor Bread 06-Jan-19 12:21 PM
I'm the only one making any attempt to follow the rules and stop brigading
You can't say you're following the rules because you don't make an attempt to go in to Discords and streams and stop brigaders
HalfOfAKebab 06-Jan-19 12:22 PM
i'm thankful that you are putting in so much effort to stop the brigading you do stop, but it's not acceptable to think that gives you a free pass to turn a blind eye to other instances of brigading
ImNATT 06-Jan-19 12:23 PM
I'm thankful too.